Resurrection West,
I’ve got exciting news! This Sunday we will have an opportunity to walk in the new space. Get there early to have time to enter the new space and make your mark on the sheet rock! The east side door next to the bookstore kiosks will be unbolted and open this Sunday to allow entrance into the new narthex. The contractor will have an area chained off inside that space with sheets of drywall to write prayers, hopes, scriptures upon. You will also notice the reception desk has been temporarily relocated as they are about to punch through into the existing Sanctuary. Please forgive the mess as we get closer and closer to the opening! This will be very cool, so get their early to sign the walls and be the first to walk in through the new narthex area!
Pastor Adam continues this story of Moses and the Exodus this Sunday. We will hear of God’s power and presence in interesting ways through the plagues, the passover, and the parting of the red sea. Invite a friend to worship and visit the new space being constructed!
I mentioned last week we have a new Nursery Coordinator. Please welcome Malerie Luttrell. She has worked in the nursery for the last year. She started worshiping at COR in 2003 along with her parents, Rick and Julie Pickerill. Malerie and her husband, Adam, have three children. Lucy is 7, June is 2, and Banks is getting ready to celebrate his first birthday. She enjoys spending time with her family, music, cooking, & running. I’ve attached a pic at the conclusion of this eNote. Please take time to introduce yourself and consider volunteering in the nurseries!
We are less than three months away from our pilgrimage to the Holy land and have about 40 participating from RezWest and RezBlue Springs. An email will be going out soon about our orientation gathering. Hold the date of October 11th for the gathering that evening and look for an email from me soon with more details.
Our fall children and student ministry programs are now in full swing! We have nursery and Sunday school up through 5th grade at all three services and Sunday School for 6th-8th graders at 9am and 10:45am. We encourage our high school students to worship with their families at 9am, 10:45am, or 5pm. Here are the specific age and grade-level breakdowns for KiDSCOR Children’s Ministry and rezlife student ministries:
KiDSCOR Children’s Ministry | | 9 am, 10:45 am, 5 pm
•Nursery – birth up to approx. 24 months
•Early Childhood – approx. 24 months - Pre-K
•Elementary – promoted to new grade levels, Kindergarten – 5th grade
Rezlife Student Ministry |
•Sunday School for Middle School Students – 6th-8th graders meet weekly on Sundays at 9 am and 10:45 am in the lower level corner classroom (room 001)
•rezlife youth group – This week we begin new times for the Middle School and High School youth groups on Aug. 31: Middle School – 6-7:30 pm, High School – 7-8:30 pm.Meal available, (donation requested).
We have many more opportunities to grow together, serve together, and care for one another. Take a look at the options below and get connected in knowing, loving, and serving God here at RezWest.
- Care Night - Begins September 6
- Thursday Live for Women - Begins September 8
- Saturday Morning Women - Begins September 10
- Saturday Morning Men - Begins September 10
- Confirmation - Begins September 11
- Monday Morning Women - New Study September 12
- Building Better Mom's - Sessions start September 13 and 14
- Fall Upward Sports Start This Week!
- Financial Peace University - Begins Thursday September 15
- Sacred Steps 5k Walk/Run & Kids Fun Run – September 24, 8 am, Resurrection Leawood
- Christmas In October - Help rehab 2 houses with us!
Resurrection West has Care Night on Tuesdays, but we have other opportunities at our Leawood Campus on Thursdays. It is another place for connection and healing. Begin with a community dinner in the Student Center at 5:30 pm, classes/worship follow at 6:30. Several classes and support groups are offered, some are year-round. In addition, the opportunities below are also available this fall. Visit for more information.
•TAKE THAT cANCER – Thursdays, Sept. 8 and 15, 6:30 pm, Leawood B203. Join this 2-week book study for families of critically ill children. Deliece Hofen, author of the book, TAKE THAT cANCER, will lead the study.
•Live Well – Thursdays Sept. 8 - Oct. 27, 6:30 pm. Eight-week session designed for individuals struggling with chronic depression or anxiety. Registration required and class size limited. Classes include: Anxiety Support, TLC Depression Help and TLC Family Support. Register at
Thursday Live Women’s Study – Ready to go deeper in your faith alongside women like you? Join us Thursday mornings from 9:30-11:30 beginning September 8 in the lower level classroom at the end of the hall! You can choose one of our three exciting studies: The Gospel of Mark: The Jesus We Are Aching For by Lisa Harper, The Purpose Drive Life by Rick Warren, or House or Home: God's Blueprint for Biblical Parenting by Chip Ingram. Childcare is available. For more information or to register, go
Saturday Morning Women - Are you a burn-the-candle-at-both-ends kind of gal with lots of room for improvement when it comes to creating margins for rest? But you actually love it and wouldn't want it any other way? Well, so does Lisa Harper. In her humorous and packed-with-biblical-wisdom way, Lisa shows us that it is possible for a frazzled nature to be glorifying to the Lord. Join us on Saturdays beginningSeptember 10th as we study Overextended….and loving most of it! The Unexpected Joy of Being Harried, Heartbroken, and Hurling Oneself Off Cliffs. Costs including book is $18.00; without book $5.00. Sessions begin with breakfast followed by teaching and small group discussion. Sign-ups after the services this weekend.
Saturday Morning Men – join us beginning Saturday, Sept. 10, from 8-9:30 am, as we start a 10-week study of More Than a Fisherman by Dr. Jim Grassi. This book provides guidance for men who desire to mentor others or to be mentored, using Jesus and the twelve disciples as a model. We meet downstairs from 8-9:30 am, and will be serving breakfast catered by HyVee ($5 donation requested). Cost of the book is $11. Contact Allan Henning at for questions. No registration necessary.
Confirmation – is the time when we make a personal decision to confirm the vows of our baptism. Students in 8th-12th grades will join together for a semester of exploring the Christian Faith, our history and heritage, Scripture, beliefs and commitments as United Methodist Christians. The student is taking responsibility for living as a member of the body of Christ and fulfilling God’s purposes. Go and click on the Confirmation tab for details and to register. Fall Confirmation beginsSunday, September 11.
Monday Morning Women’s Group – new study begins September 12th at 9:30 downstairs in room 004 (Theater). Jim Pressler will lead a study of James Dobson book, Your Legacy, the Greatest Gift. Contact Margee Castle for more information at No registration necessary.
Building Better Moms - New school year session begins on Tuesday night Sept. 13th (6:30-8:30 pm) andWednesday morning Sept. 14th (9:30-11:30 am). Group typically meets twice a month with a variety of topics to help mom’s on the Christian journey. Register at
Fall Upward Sports Ministry Registration Open for Fall Soccer, Flag Football and Cheerleading!Upward Sports brings children and adults to know, love and follow Jesus through sports and recreation. We use Upward Sports 360 Progression to help children develop mentally, athletically, spiritually and socially. Cost for each sport is $85 per child, $10 discount for each additional child registered. All practices begin the week of August 29. First Soccer season opens September 10, with Flag Football and Cheer beginning September 17. Learn more and register
Financial Peace University - This 9-week life-changing course begins Thursday night September 15th(6:30-8:15 pm) and childcare is available. The course is $100 and is designed to empower people to manage their money, eliminate debt and and build wealth. Register at
Sacred Steps 5k Walk/Run & Kids Fun Run – September 24, 8 am, Resurrection Leawood. Participate in this meaningful and fun annual event and help transform lives in Malawi by providing clean water. For more information and/or to register, visit
Christmas in October – Saturday, October 8, 8 am – 4 pm. Resurrection partners with Christmas In October, a local non-profit, that for the past 33 years has been focused on rehabilitating the houses of lower-income homeowners in the Kansas City area at no cost to the homeowners. Through our relationship with Christmas in October and your help, Resurrection has become a major force in helping elderly, disabled and veteran homeowners remain in their homes. Some of what will happen on October 8, is winterization, painting, yard cleaned up and minor repairs. This year RezWest is sponsoring two houses. We have 27 spots available to fill up with RezWest people. For more information and/or to register to help with a RezWest house, visit
Coming up on Sunday Sept. 4th we will have a “worship together” Sunday where we invite parents to bring their kids to worship with them. Childcare will still be available for infants - preK. Note that the church buildings will be closed Monday, Sept. 5th for Labor Day. I’ll be preaching a live message that Sundayabout what it is to be the church.
Finally, it will be my privilege to offer the prayer at the start of the Cedar Creek Triathlon early tomorrow morning. I know many of you are participating in the race. I had hoped to race, but I will be cheering you on from the sidelines. Some weeks ago I discovered I have a slipped disc in my back. I am healing well and feel much better now. I have even been biking and swimming, but the doctor said to take a break from running. The bike portion will ride right by our church building and there is still time to volunteer. Go to for more info
Looking forward to worshiping and signing the walls with you on Sunday,
Pastor Jason
Resurrection West
24000 West Valley Parkway
Olathe, Kansas 66061, United States
Looking forward to worshiping and signing the walls with you on Sunday,
Pastor Jason
Resurrection West
24000 West Valley Parkway
Olathe, Kansas 66061, United States
For an after hours urgent pastoal care need call 913-338-9477
Resurrection West Staff
Travis Morgan - Director of Staffing and Operations
Chris Holliday - Associate Pastor, Care and Missions
David Robertson - Director of Community Life
Lindsay Hefner - Director of Worship Arts
Ryan Rancudo - Assistant Director of Worship Arts
Rick Webb - Director of rezlife Student Ministries
Christie Walker - Director of KiDS COR Children's Ministries
Lynnlea Nelson - Early Childhood Program Director
Sommer Kelling - Nursery Coordinator till September 1
Malerie Luttrell - Nursery Coordinator
Debbie Dietz - Coordinating Assistant to Pastor Jason
Kevin Euston - Technical Producer Team Lead
James Wear - Technical Producer Media and Graphics
The United Methodist Church of the
Resurrection West
24000 West Valley Parkway
Resurrection West
24000 West Valley Parkway
Olathe, Kansas 66061, United States
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