Greetings RezDowntowners,
As I write you this morning I am continuing to watch the pathway of Hurricane Matthew and am praying for all of the families that have already been impacted by its devastation or who are fearfully preparing for its arrival. After seeing some of the damage caused in Haiti including in some instances death, I have been looking for ways to respond and one of the things I want to invite you to consider is an immediate response this Saturday (tomorrow). Together with Heart to Heart we'll be hosting two shifts of service where people can come together to pack "hygiene kits.” If you're interested you can choose a 9:00am shift or 10:30am shift. Please register here if you're interested. Additionally, we have already scheduled trips to Haiti in 2017, for more information on those trips you can visit Registration for our February trip closes in 1 week. Lastly, I want to invite you to be in prayer for everyone affected in Haiti, Florida and along the East Coast.
This weekend is going to be big locally here in KC as well. All day Saturday, we'll have hundreds of people working together on rebuilding homes throughout Kansas City, as a part of our Christmas in October efforts. Resurrection Downtown alongside the great people from Centennial UMC will be working together on four homes in the Wendell Phillips neighborhood, and I can't wait to see how fruitful their efforts are not only in rebuilding these houses but in forging new relationships along the way. This is a part of what it means to be one with God, one with each other and one in ministry to the whole world. What a great day it is going to be in KC! And just as all of that is happening, on Saturday morning our Women's Breakfast Series will be meeting at 1522 McGee at 9am with some dynamic speakers from the community as well. Please invite a friend and join us there if you're looking for connection. I am so thankful to be a part of this active and missional community engaging ministry from all sides both locally and abroad.
Lastly, this weekend in worship is going to be great. I am kicking off a new sermon series on The Good Life. I have found that so many people are seeking to live into this indescribable yet ideal portrait of what life should be like. We read books about it. Songs are written about it. We listen to psychologists and self-help gurus in the hopes of finding it. And yet, long before our modern focus and pursuit of the life that really is life, Jesus told his disciples that he came to show them and us the way to it. But what is it? This weekend I'll begin our focus on it as together we'll look at how we ought to experience the good life and how it has a lot to do simply with hitting 'reset.' Please invite friends and join me this weekend in worship as together we pursue The Good Life.
In the meantime, here are a variety of ways to get connected to our community over the upcoming weeks.This Saturday, join us for our Women’s Breakfast Series – On October 8 at 9 am at 1522 McGeewomen from our community will be gathering for a time of fun, food and fellowship and to hear from Consuelo Ross, Founder and CEO of Surviving the Odds, Inc. as she speaks about “Faith and Cancer: The Legacy of Darrell Sublett.” Bring a breakfast dish to share, or just come and join us – we always have plenty to eat! For more information, visit or contact Pam at or Bobbie at
Volunteer Celebration Night - Are you a current volunteer at Rez Downtown or are you willing to be? Then we want to celebrate YOU! Please join us on Thursday, October 13 at 6:30pm at 1522 McGee for an evening of celebrating all our volunteers who serve within the walls of RezDT. Come hear a short message from Pastor Scott, enjoy some treats, build community and have some fun! Everyone will receive a FREE t-shirt at the event if you register at For questions,
FaithWork Saturday is Coming! Join us on Saturday, October 15, at 9am at 1522 McGee as we invite everyone to spend a Saturday morning in service to our city. FaithWork provides a meaningful way to participate in the mission of God by serving and working alongside others. All you need are some work clothes and a willing heart! The Knitting Group will have a special project beginning this month upstairs in KiDSCOR. For more information, visit
RezMoms is starting up again! Join other moms on Saturday, October 15, 9am – 10:30am at 1522 McGee. RezMoms is a monthly meeting of RezDT mothers of early childhood and elementary school aged children. Monthly activities include speakers, book studies, mom-only activities, as well as events with our children too. RezMoms’ goal is to create a supportive, Christian community of mothers, who can learn and grow together, while supporting one another on this journey of motherhood! We are so excited to have you join us this year! We will have a light breakfast and childcare will be available. Friends are always welcome! Please register for childcare by October 12 at as childcare is available by reservation only. Questions? Please contact Kristen Sayers
Sunday, October 16 | 9:00 am
Come support the Methodist tradition of presenting all 3rd grade students with a Bible of their very own. As members of their faith family, Resurrection will provide this age-appropriate Bible and a prayer that this gift will help them take the next steps in their relationship with God. This is a faith milestone and a great opportunity to communicate to our children the importance of God’s Word in their lives. If you have a 3rd grader and would like them to receive a signed, personal Bible from Pastor Scott, you must register your child by emailing – even if you are unable to attend on October 16.
20/30 Community Brunch- Sunday, October 16th @ 12:30pm. Let's do Sunday Brunch! Join RezDT 20/30 for brunch immediately following the 10:45am service at Affare, a modern German restaurant with a passion for fresh and local ingredients. Email Jordan Elliott at with any questions.
Nominations for Resurrection Committees – Resurrection is seeking candidates to serve beginning in 2017 for these committees: Finance, Trustees, Staff Parish Relations, Foundation, Nominations and Lay Delegates to Annual Conference. You can refer someone you know, or indicate your interest in serving by completing the online application at at by Sunday, October 16, 2016. There is a requirement to have been a member of Resurrection for at least two years prior to serving in a preparatory role, or three years before serving as a voting committee member. Questions may be directed to Jim Oliver, Lay Leader, at or 913-397-6771.
RezRidersDT - RezDT’s Bicycle Club meets every Saturday at 7:30 am in the 1522 McGee parking lot to leave at 7:45 am. It will be a 90-minute, no-drop ride in the city. All levels of experience are welcome. For more information, visit
Meals Ministry - If you have a heart for serving friends who are grieving, adjusting to life with a new baby, or recovering from surgery, consider joining the meals ministry. We cook meals and deliver them to homes for short-term needs as a way of sharing the light of Christ when life is hard. Please contact Lindsay (McCoy) Lentz for more information.
It is such a privilege to be a part of this community...Have a great Friday in KC and I'll look forward to another amazing weekend of ministry with so much going on beginning with Christmas in October tomorrow! See you this weekend and I can't wait to talk about the Good Life!!!
Congregational Care and Support
If you need pastoral care, call 816-979-1330. (After hours emergencies: 816-875-0267.)
To submit a prayer request, contact
For more information, visit our website:
The United Methodist Church of the Resurrection Downtown
1508 Grand Boulevard
Kansas City, Missouri 64108, United States
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