Friday, March 17, 2017
Hello Resurrection Blue Springs!
Happy St. Patrick's Day! I'm going to make this short today as my husband, Bill and I are headed to the hospital to pray with our daughter and son-in-law before her c-section today and then to sit and wait with the other set of grandparents to greet our new grandson. It's so strange that this little boy has captured our hearts already and we haven't even met him yet. We'd love to have your prayers for a safe delivery for the two and a healthy baby. We'll be anxious to show you his picture and share the name, which has yet to be revealed on Sunday.
I want to ask a favor this morning before I go. We'd love to have you join our social media team. It’s easy and a great way to invite people to know Jesus! If you’re on Facebook, go to our page and ‘like’ it (if you haven’t already). Then ‘like’ (or ‘love’) ‘comment’ and/or ‘share’ our posts when they show up in your newsfeed. Also consider ‘checking in’ when you’re at church. We know that at this time of year there are always people looking for a place to worship for Easter and possibly a community to connect with beyond the holiday. Let your Facebook friends know all about your church—you just might be helping them find their church home!
Make sure to take a look below at the needs for disaster recovery help with our Oak Grove neighbors and the upcoming ways to get connected in the life of our congregation.
Disaster Response-The need for help in Oak Grove, MO continues. Looking for volunteers Saturday 3/18 & Tuesday 3/21, 8am-5pm. This past week Resurreciton volunteers aided in the recovery effort in Oak Grove, there is still a lot of clean up to be done. We are in need of both volunteers who have recieved our Chain Saw training, and for people who are able to lift and haul debris. We need a total of 30 people for this Saturday, please click HERE to register your availablity and 8 people for Tuesday 3/21click HERE to register your availabilty.
Waypoint Men’s Group – “Gather” online each week to navigate your life’s journey using the GPS, Resurrection’s Grow. Pray. Study. Guide – all from the comfort of wherever you are! Wednesdays from 8:30-9:30 pm via ZOOM app. Contact Mike Ash for more information. Register online here.
July Serve Trip Opportunity – Join our Blue Springs team traveling to Omaha, NE. Adults and youth (ages 5-17, accompanied by a parent or legal guardian) are welcome. Focus of trip will be on urban gardening and food security. Register by March 30. Team Preparation/Commissioning is Tuesday, April 4, 6-9 pm at the Leawood Campus.
Pizza with Pastor Penny – Sunday, March 26, noon. Thinking about membership at Resurrection Blue Springs? Start out with Pizza with Pastor Penny and learn more about our church. A brief joining ceremony follows if you’re ready to be a member (no pressure – you may leave prior to the ceremony if you’re not ready to join). Sign up online here or at Guest Services on Sunday.
Take a Guided Tour of Resurrection Leawood’s new building so the tour guides can practice before the Grand Opening. Tours available March 27 – April 3. Sign up at
Mark Your Calendars for the Easter Party! Saturday, April 8 , 10-11:30 am. Rain or Shine activities include Egg Hunt, Easter Bunny, Petting Zoo, Games, Crafts and fun for the whole family! We’ll be collecting party favors and individually wrapped candy (small enough to fit in a plastic egg) for our Easter Party. Place in the collection barrel through April 2.
Sign up now to Serve Easter Sunday April 16 Services at 8, 9:30 and 11:15 am. We will welcome many firsttime visitors and need Usher/Greeters, Hospitality and Parking Lot Attendants. Sign up at Guest Services or contact to volunteer.
Mark your calendars with these dates and plan to join us for Holy Week at Resurrection.
• Saturday Easter Egg Hunt | April 8 | 10-11:30 am |
• Maundy Thursday | April 13 | 6:30 pm Baked Potato Bar, 7 pm Worship Service
• Sunday Easter Worship | April 16 | 8 am, 9:30 am, 11:15 am
This Sunday Pastor Adam will continue our In the Garden sermon series as we explore the events that took place in the very first garden of scripture. I look forward to seeing you in worship on Sunday!
For our Resurrection Blue Springs Campus Calendar: click here
Contact Our Staff
Church Office Phone: (816) 389-8900

The United Methodist Church of the Resurrection Blue Springs
601 NorthEast Jefferson Street
Contact Our Staff
Church Office Phone: (816) 389-8900
- Rev. Penny Ellwood, Campus Pastor
- Mike Ash, Worship Leader/Director of Community
- Mark Maschger, Ministry Associate
- Diane Enlow, Director of Children's Ministry
- Riley Ledford, Technical Producer
- Heather Sooley, Operations Coordinating Assistant
- Stephanie Weigel, Guest Services Coordinating Assistant
- Caitlin Willis, Nursery Coordinator
601 NorthEast Jefferson Street
Blue Springs, Missouri 64014, United States
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