Sunday, May 7, 2017

Weekly eNote from Pastor Scott Chrostek | Friday, May 5, 2017 at The United Methodist Church of the Resurrection Downtown in Kansas City, Missouri, United States

Weekly eNote from Pastor Scott Chrostek | Friday, May 5, 2017 at The United Methodist Church of the Resurrection Downtown in Kansas City, Missouri, United States
Hi RezDowntowners and Happy Cinco de Mayo!
I hope this message finds you doing well today! I'm looking forward to seeing you this weekend for's been such a great week, but I always look forward to the weekend! I'm going to make this week's eNote fairly brief given all the announcements and activities below. However, I do want to take a moment to share a quick building update with you. For the past two weeks we have had crews working to prepare our site for construction on the utilities side of things. As of today things are looking as though they are nearing completion, which means that our crews will pretty quickly begin to shift their focus to the work associated with the water detention system. Things are moving along and it is exciting! Please know that I will continue to share information as I have updates, but know that you can always visit for more information about the building project. Also, as a reminder, on April 1st we began our second of three years toward the fulfillment phase of our Transforming the Heart of the City Capital Campaign. We had a great first year of giving and generosity. My prayer going forward is that we continue this momentum in order to fulfill our promised commitments and live fully into this vision that God has for us! I am grateful to be a part of this community with all of you as together we endeavor to build the first new church in downtown Kansas City in over 80 years! I want to ask for your prayers as we continue this journey in the heart of our city.
This weekend in worship we'll continue our focus on The Birds and The Bees, we'll also celebrate baptisms, hand out cookies, and enjoy the ambiance of a weekend full of Garth Brooks fans descending throughout downtown Kansas City. It will be a great weekend to be in the city! In the meantime, here are several more ways to get connected to the life of our church…
  • Women’s Breakfast Series - Join our ladies group May 13 at 9 am at 1522 McGee as they gather for a time of fun, food and fellowship. They will hear from Shannon Endicott, Worship Logistics & Events Program Director at RezDT. Bring a friend, and bring a breakfast dish to share. Or just come – there is always plenty to eat! For more information, contact Pam at or Bobbie at
  • Special Ministry Project – Join us Saturday, May 13, to help Lazarus Ministries move from their Grand Avenue Temple location to their new location at Olive and Linwood Blvd. The move will offer Lazarus Ministries the opportunity to evolve their mission in community with new neighbors, while still using their gifts to help people live more satisfied lives. We’ll begin at 9 am at Grand Avenue Temple and continue until the work is done. Sign up for this volunteer opportunity at or RSVP via the RezDT missions Facebook event.
  • Dinners for 8 Spring Fellowship! If you're looking to meet others in our community, check your calendars for Thurs, May 18 or Fri, May 19. Ten couples are excited to host dinner either in their home or at a local restaurant. After worship services May 6 & 7, you will have an opportunity to sign up. Sign-up sheets will provide details about the hosts, dinner, individual costs or donations requested (if any), location, time & information regarding financial assistance, if needed. Questions? Please contact the Dinner for 8 organizer, Margaret Glasch, or (612) 501-6141.
  • Are You Ready to Play Ball?! Be a part of a RezDowntown Team! Registration begins soon for both our kickball and softball adult recreational leagues. Softball games are on Monday nights, while kickball games are on Thursday nights. Both sports are open to all skill levels. Have fun while getting some exercise, meeting other folks in your community and representing RezDT! Registration is $50/player and includes a t-shirt. (Partial scholarships available.) To register, contact Pastor Don’t miss out!
  • Travel to the Holy Land with Pastor Scott. On November 8 through the 17th I'll be leading a spiritual journey of a lifetime to the Holy Land. On this pilgrimage you’ll have a chance to retrace the life and walk in the footsteps of Jesus Christ. You’ll have a chance to visit the cities and sites we read about in the Bible. It is something we recommend everybody experiences if at all possible. For more information visit Connection Point this weekend to pick up an informational brochure before or after worship. To register or for more info, visit
Have a great Cinco de Mayo and I will look forward to seeing you this weekend in worship!
Many blessings and God's Peace,
Congregational Care and Support
If you need pastoral care, call 816-979-1330. (After hours emergencies: 913.338.9477)
To submit a prayer request, contact
For more information, visit our website:

The United Methodist Church of the Resurrection Downtown
1508 Grand Boulevard
Kansas City, Missouri 64108, United States

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