Saturday, August 11, 2018

August 2018 Times of HOPE from Hope United Methodist Church in San Diego, California, United States - A publication of Hope United Methodist Church

August 2018 Times of HOPE from Hope United Methodist Church in San Diego, California, United States - A publication of Hope United Methodist Church

In this Issue:
Pastor Brian’s Faith Works
Hope for Injured Warriors
Scouts Need You
Stewardship News
Note About the Choir
Missions Corner
Music Notes
Info about H.A.R.P.
Kids’ Stuff
Youth News
Newsletter Deadline
Saturday, Aug. 18 • 6pm
Back by popular demand, the Drought Tolerant Bluegrass Band is coming to Hope UMC once again on Saturday, Aug. 18, at 6:00pm. It's made up of 4 professional bluegrass players, who have been playing for up to 40 years! All of them play in multiple bluegrass bands, and have played all over Southern California. We are very excited to have them back! There’s all the brisket, barbecue, & beans you can imagine, a potluck extravaganza, desserts, and amazing pies to raffle off throughout the evening. A free-will offering is highly encouraged so that we can continue this annual church-wide event. Bring your family, friends, loved ones, and appetite. We will be toe-tapping together with style! Bring a covered dish to share. Looking forward to a great evening!
Pastor Brian’s Faith Works
On Saturday and Sunday, September 1 & 2, Sylina Kidd will be introduced to the congregation. Sylina is currently finishing her work at La Mesa 1st United Methodist Church.
She has begun her work on weekdays since Monday, August 6. We welcome and celebrate her service alongside all of the staff and members of Hope United Methodist Church.
I am looking forward to working with Sylina as she brings her gifts and experience to Hope and as she continues on pursuing her calling in ordained ministry. Her previous career path has included 4 years in the Navy, 10 years in the San Diego Police Department, and studied marriage and family therapy.
She is in her 3rd of 3 years of Seminary through Claremont School of Theology, and is a candidate for ordained ministry.
We are also delighted to welcome Patricia Giovanniello as Director of Hope Christian Preschool. Patricia brings many years of experience both teaching and directing preschool programs, an enthusiasm to work with children and families, and a warm, inviting personality. Please feel free to stop by and introduce yourself.
Thanks be to God for the staff members, ready and able to serve.
Pastor Brian Kent
With your generosity for the July Special
Offering, designated for the Injured Warriors in our area, help in transitioning out of the service for these wounded will lighten their concerns. Knowing that the people in the community appreciate their sacrifice, gives them hope and confidence to be wonderful citizens of the San Diego area.
Thank you all. There is heart and caring at Hope UMC. (Norma Dahlvig, Member, Outreach/Mission Committee)

Like mentoring youth and helping them learn
Like camping and the outdoors?
Looking to get involved with a mission of Hope UMC?
Help for as little as one night a month will be beneficial to maintain consistent support for Boy Scout Troop 686.
To discuss the different ways you can help,
contact Cindy Hager (858)485-0469
Your experience can help build tomorrow’s leaders!
Back to school, football games, cooler evenings and Hope’s Stewardship Campaign ... All things that happen in the fall. Yes, that time is upon us soon, as we’ll be kicking off our new campaign for 2019. This year the theme is “Everybody Worshipping, Connecting and Serving.” We’ll look forward to introducing you to our new look at the
Ministry Fair in September.
As we head toward the campaign, here’s a few notes for helpful context based on questions the Stewardship Committee members are sometimes asked.
Q: What is a stewardship pledge vs giving money, and why is the pledge needed?
A: Budgets are plans for allocating funds the church projects to receive. A pledge tells the church Finance Committee what you plan to donate. The church can plan activities, staff, facilities and other investment spending better when it has an idea the amount that will come in throughout the year from your pledges. So yes – by all means, keep up your church giving – but if you can also please let the church know what you’ll be giving during the year through your pledge, the Finance Committee can better inform church leadership and be wiser stewards of your gifts. Pledge cards will be mailed to you soon, and also will be available starting in September in the church pews and office.
Q: Why the theme?
A: Last year we also had an “everybody” theme – and we got nice feedback about its inclusiveness and the community of Hope. This year we’ve added the 3 themes of where the funding from the pledges will be directed – to how we worship together, connect in fellowship with one another, and the way we serve those at Hope and in our
communities and the world.
Q: What should I know about e-giving?
A: Electronic giving is a way to provide your donations to Hope in a more consistent way, and it’s easier for you and for the church. You can make your pledge online on our website, and also sign up for e-giving. With e-giving your donations are automatically paid out of your bank account without writing a check or using envelopes. This can be securely set up on our website in a few easy steps. Those members who use it love it, so please know this feature is there for your use! And a big thanks to Carrie for refreshing the website look/feel to make it easier than ever. But if you do need help, just ask Claire Jones — our committee’s e-giving guru.
We look forward to another big year together at Hope. It’s such a wonderful place with so many opportunities for everybody to worship, connect and serve together. We will see you at the stew￾ardship kickoff in September!
I did it! I just finished my debut season as part of the Voices of Hope Sunday morning choir. I had previously stuck my toe in the water, if you will, by participating in some of the specialty choirs like Yuletide and CCS ... but this year felt the nudge (aka shove from Wendy) to become a regular. As my first little chick left the nest and headed to college, I’d been looking for a way to grow, serve, and build more relationships in our community ... and joining Voices of Hope hit all of these dimensions. And it’s non-fattening!
(Mostly ... if you don’t count the goodies at the various special performances and get togethers.)
Even as a newbie, and a somewhat rusty soprano,
I’ve been welcomed warmly and really have been blessed by this ministry ... as a musical way of sharing God’s messages and singing His praises with the Hope congregation and community, and as a way to be in fellowship with such a fun and talented group of new friends. (Yes, even the Basses.) If I can do it — so can you. Consider this your nudge. Yes, you! Please see Wendy, or any of us for information. We’d love to have you join us! (Stacie Herring)
This month in the music ...
August is heating up, gearing up, cleaning up and praying up for another fall season! The fall choir anthems and Yuletide theme are being picked, the music office is being prepped, the choirs are getting rest, and the music ministry has more in store this month in worship! Come to SNA this month for praise songs and a splash of bluegrass music!
August 18 is our bluegrass & barbecue event, and the SNA band will debut “Life’s Railway to Heaven.” We have a new songbird as part of the band, Chellee Sanders, who will be joining us on the 25th. Welcome Chellee! In Sunday worship we have a vocal trio on Aug. 11 leading us in worship and singing a beautiful arrangement of “Speak O Lord.” Then on Aug 18 & 19 we will get to see the Musical Arts Camp participants do a mini-musical during the sermon time! Kathy Askins is our camp’s fearless leader, and Lea Schoenwetter - with the help of all participants - is our script writer! Thank you to everyone involved! On August 19, violist & violinist,
Annabelle Terbetski, will play 2 beautiful hymn arrangements. We end the month with Bill Mingst & Wendy Kallen singing 2 duets on the 26th. Labor Day Sunday will include Beth Jones & Wendy Kallen doing a 4-hand piano duet that you may even want to snap your fingers to!
Come and worship with us this month! The air
conditioning will be an additional treat!
Bluegrass & BBQ • Saturday, Aug. 18 • 6pm
It’s here! It’s finally time! Bluegrass & BBQ is happening this month! Back by popular demand, the Drought Tolerant Bluegrass Band will be here on Saturday, Aug. 18, at 6:00pm. And yes - there’s all the brisket, barbecue, & beans you can imagine, a potluck extravaganza, desserts, and amazing pies to donate to some lucky people throughout the evening. A free-will offering is highly encouraged so that we can continue this annual church-wide event. Bring your family,
This August, you and I have the opportunity to travel several places without ever leaving home!
When you support our church’s various mission projects, you are in fact sending part of yourself, in terms of your donations, to another part of the city, nation, and/or world. Your gifts represent and embody yourself: your work, your energy, and your care, sent to those in need, people you will probably never see in person, yet people whose lives will be affected, even blessed, because of your generosity and concern.
This month our special offering will go to Russia ministries. There are five Russian United Methodist Churches in the Far East
District, and two more just being started.
Current churches have an important ministry to street children and pensioners in need, and your donations will make a definite difference in their outreach work.
Several years ago a Russian pastor visited us at Hope and spoke at Annual Conference; Pastor Elena Sokolova’s husband died recently, and our church’s Prayers and Squares group made her a prayer quilt, which has been much appreciated.
In addition to traveling to Russia this month through your missions giving, you are invited to travel closer to home, to the children at the Perkins School in Barrio Logan. About 30% of those children are homeless, and their school principal, speaking on their behalf, is lifting up the children’s need for new underwear and socks. Knowing our congregation would want to help, our committee is sponsoring “Undies Sundays” throughout August. (Vacation Bible School also brought donations for this effort.)
Please see the clothesline and baskets outside the sanctuary to make donations. Your contributions will travel, in your name, and make an (Carol Millspaugh, Chair, and Terry Sieck, assistant chair) friends, loved ones, and appetite. We will be toetapping together with style! Bring a covered dish or dessert to share. Those last names ending in A-O, please bring a side dish. Those ending in P-Z bring those awesome desserts please... and thank you!! Looking forward to a great evening!
Music Ministry Choir Retreats • DATE CHANGE!
10:45 Voices of Hope choir
The music ministry invites you to come to our Voices of Hope Choir on Thursday night, August 30, at 7:00 pm! There will be refreshments and visiting time where you can ask questions, eat a little, and meet choir members. We’ll sing through some of the anthems (songs) that we will be doing in church at the 10:45 service for the fall, then finish at 8:30. (Please note that the original date, Saturday, Aug 25, has been cancelled.)
Yuletide Christmas Choir
On Saturday, September 15, at 10-11am, we will have a Yuletide preview which simply means we will sing through our Christmas music for our Yuletide program. This year we are doing “The 12 Songs of Christmas.” We hope you can come and spend a musical morning with us! Contact Wendy Kallen, our music director, at (858)722-8572 or Ginny Lorenz, our choir manager, at (858)354-.3939 for further information, or to let us know you’ll be there so we can have music ready for you. Rehearsals will be on Thursdays, starting Sept. 27 at 7:30pm through Dec. 6. There will be 3 performances: Friday, Dec. 7th @ 7:30pm, Saturday, Dec. 8th at 5pm, and Sunday Dec. 9th at 3pm. Hope you can join us!
Looking for Some Holes to Fill ...
1. Hope’s Bell Choir is Looking for More
We have been so blessed with our amazing bell choir, the Hope Ringers! This summer we are sad to say that 4 people have moved away... so we are searching for more ringers. Please call Wendy Kallen, our music director if you are interested in joining. It’s fun, it’s a great outlet for those who
have long work days, and we rehearse Tuesday
nights at 7:00pm for one hour. Child care is also available.
2. A/V Team is looking for more coverage
We have an amazing A/V Team here at Hope as
well. We are down 2 operators who are starting college this fall. We especially need help running audio for the 10:45 service. Right now Mea Daum is our only operator. We could use 1 more audio person at the 9am service as well. For video, we could use the help especially at SNA, our Saturday Night Alive service. Please let
Wendy Kallen know if you’re interested. And
also know you don’t need a tech degree to do
these things... we have passionate people who would love to train you. You can even shadow any of our team members at any service for as long as you need. Just come hang out in the booth, watch and learn... so fun!
Save the Date!
Adult Choirs • Thursdays • starts Aug. 30
Youth Choir • Thursdays, 5:15-5:45 • starts Sept. 6
Ministry Fair • Sept 16 • Flyers due on Sept 4
Hope Ringers • Tuesdays, 7-8pm • starts Sept. 18
Final Harvest Gospel Trio • Sun. Oct. 21 • 2pm
Yuletide • Dec. 7, 8, 9
We meet the last Tuesday of the month for breakfast at the Borken Yolk at 11630 Carmel Mountain Rd., the time is at 8:45. Many people like to come early to talk. Many people like to stay late to talk.
We do a lot of talking. H.A.R.P. is a great way to meet new people and to meet with old friends to fing out what they have been doing. Singles, cou￾ples, working, retired and working part-time.
Even if you just wish you were retired, come join us. We always have at least one outing during the month. We have done a private auto collection, the Marston House, Bankers Hill houses, Spruce St. Suspension Bridge, a teddy bear picnic, dinner and a showing of private yachts. Oh, and don’t forget the beer can rases on San Diego Bay! We keep finding new places to go. Some things we will be doing this year are Octoberfest, the Mu￾seum of Making Music, and the Miniature Engineering Craftsmanship Museum. Yes, we always have food as part of our day or evening hour. We like to eat at places you may not have heard of of been to. Sometimes, we just meet for lunch or dinner. Questions? Contact Richard Lawler at, or phone at (858) 485-5547.
H.A.R.P., HOPE Association of Retired People, is an “organization” that developed from the desire of seniors at HOPE to have more social interaction with the opportunity to develop friendships.
Anyone is welcome so participants range from
long-time HOPE members to new arrivals. Thus, some of us left long-term residencies in distant States to be near family and grandchildren that moved here for career choices. Consequently, the need for opportunity for social interaction arose,
which is so important for elder adults. HARP has no organizational structure hence no officers or committees. However, I keep an email list and send reminders of each activity to all on the list.
The established tradition is a monthly breakfast at 8:45 on the last Tuesday of every month. There is no membership so the attendance varies from month to month but usually 25-30 people come (not everyone is retired). Recently, we arranged to have it at “The Broken Yolk” in Carmel Mountain
shopping center, where we will have a separate room of our own.
More recently the desire for a second activity during each month was expressed. Richard Lawler volunteered to arrange a monthly excursion. The subject, dates, and times of these activities varies each month. We have had lunches in interesting restaurants, gone to plays, or visited unique places in San Diego or north county. For example, in July we had dinner at Tom Ham’s and viewed the “Beer Can” Sailboat races on the bay. We always meet at the church at a specified time to carpool,
which is especially important for those of us that don’t want to drive on the Interstate. (Harold Swaisgood, Ph.D., William Neal Reynolds Distinguished Professor Emeritus North Carolina State University)

Kid’s Stuff

The Kids of Hope have been learning how to be the hands and feet of Jesus during their Kids Alive and Sunday School classes. During the month of August, we will be collecting the following supplies to share with children in need throughout San Diego County. Bins for collecting these supplies will be on the patio during worship times.
Please participate as your heart leads you and as your budget allows!
• Packages of new children’s underwear in all sizes;
• Markers, crayons, colored pencils, scissors;
• Non-perishable individually-packaged lunch
snacks (drink boxes, granola bars, chips,
cookies, crackers).
Help us keep our records current! Please check the Kids Alive/S.S Registration Notebook on the counter in the Children’s S.S. room (J-1) to ensure the information we have on file for your child is correct. If you are new to Hope and your child is not listed in this notebook, please add the information or fill out a blue Registration Card found inside the notebook.
The 2018-19 Christian Education year begins the weekend of Sept. 8-9 and we are currently recruiting Assistants to help in the Saturday night or Sunday morning classrooms approximately once a month.
If you would like to serve in this way, please contact Kathy Askins ( for Saturday night Kids Alive classes or Carrie Jaquess (, (858)485-5840X103) for 9:00 or 10:45 Sunday morning classes.
This is a fun way to serve God while connecting with the younger generation!
Sunday, Sept. 9 • Noon
Children entering 2nd grade and older are invited to be part of Hope’s Acolyte Program. The primary job of the Acolyte is to light the taper candles on the altar as the service begins, extinguish the candles as the service ends, and most importantly to symbolically carry God’s light out into the
world. The Worship Coordinator for each service is there to support the Acolyte in knowing what to do. Acolytes serve in one of the worship services approximately once a month. Contact Marilyn Fink (858)485-5312 or or Carrie Jaquess
(858)485-5840 x103 or if you have questions or to let us know your child is interested in becoming an Acolyte. We will meet in the Sanctuary at Noon and be done by 1:00pm.
Want to see a short video about what an Acolyte does? Check out Episode #35 of Chuck Knows Church at

  • Grant Hagiya, Bishop
  • John Farley, District Superintendent
  • Rev. Brian Kent, Senior Minister
  • J. Min Kim, Associate Pastor
  • Hannah Ka, Associate Pastor
  • Carrie Jacquess, Director of Children’s Ministries
  • Lorrie Frost, Youth Director
  • Melissa Basch, Office Administrator
  • Nancy Turk, Business Manager
  • Wendy Kallen, Music Director
  • Beth Jones, Organist/Accompanist
Hope United Methodist Church
16550 Bernardo Heights Parkway

San Diego, California 92128, United States
Phone: (858) 485-5840 Fax: (858) 485-1051
Office Hours: Mon.-Fri. 9:00AM-3:00PM
Volume 32 • Number 8
The Times of Hope is published monthly by Hope United Methodist Church, serving Rancho Bernardo, Rancho Penasquitos, Poway and surrounding communities.
The deadline for submissions for the next Times of Hope is 9:00AM, TUESDAY, SEPTEMBER 4
FOR SEPTEMBER 10-OCTOBER 8, 2018 and beyond.
Submit articles to the church office or e-mail to
We had 27 youth and adults participate in the Sierra Service Project this summer. The theme this year was, “Love Courageously,” and the youth learned about how to love others in our own backyard as well as the world around us.
The week included meeting new friends, singing lots of songs, building projects, and a visit to Tijuana for part of the group. While there, they helped prepare land for a future composting site that will be part of the bi-national Friendship Garden. You can check out Hope UMC’s Face￾book page for more pictures of our adventures.
Discover Youth
All incoming 6th graders and any 7th-12th graders new to our youth program are invited with their families to have lunch and learn about upcoming youth activities. We will meet on August 19 at 12:00.
RSVP to youth director Lorrie Frost at so we have plenty of food for everyone.
Are You Being Called to Serve with Youth People?
We have openings for Sunday School assistants. Once a month (or more!) you can come share in the lives of our youth.
The youth also share dinner together on Thursday evenings. Sign up to bring dinner and join us. Come see what they’re engaged in and learn about this amazing next generation. It’s easy to sign up for dinner,
and you can make a difference through food!
For more information about our youth program, or to get involved in one of these ways, contact youth director, Lorrie Frost,
Greetings Hope UMC,

My name is Sylina Kidd and I am so excited to meet all of you. Currently I am a seminary student at Claremont School of Theology and will begin my third year of classes in the fall. I am on the hybrid track, which means most of my classes are online. I am also a certified candidate for ministry and will be working towards ordination this year.
My husband and I are both veterans with the U.S. Navy and he retired about five years ago. He likes to joke that he jumped out of perfectly good helicopters while I was the one that repaired them. We have two beautiful boys, Ean, age eight who likes to pretend he is a ninja and Konner age 12, who is shy but loves Legos and going to the beach.
I served four years in the Navy and after my tour of duty, I joined the San Diego Police dept. where I served as a police officer approximately ten years. While on the dept., I work in many capacities, one being as a Psychiatric Emergency Response Officer (P.E.R.T) where I realized my desire to help those with mental health issues and various other disabilities.
I left law enforcement and pursued an MA in psychology with an emphasis in Marriage and Family Therapy. As an intern I worked in a psychiatric hospital in San Diego and in private practice. While working in private practice, I realized all I wanted to do was pray with my clients and lead them to God. I received a call to ministry a year before this and decided I could no longer put off seminary.
I dived head first into seminary and haven’t looked back since. I have found great joy in serving United Methodist Churches and working with the surrounding communities. My husband and I look forward to raising our two boys at Hope UMC.
Sylina Kidd

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