Pastor Jeremy
My Salvation is About Him by Max Lucado
Who would look at the cross of Christ and say, “Great work, Jesus. Sorry you couldn’t finish it, but I’ll take up the slack.”?Dare we question the crowning work of God? Dare we think heaven needs our help in saving us? Legalism discounts God and in the process makes a mess out of us.
To anyone attempting to earn heaven, Paul asks, “How is it that you are turning back to those weak and miserable principles? Do you wish to be enslaved by them all over again? ….What has happened to all your joy?” (Galatians 4:19, 15 NIV).
Legalism is joyless because legalism is endless. There is always another class to attend, person to teach, mouth to feed. Inmates incarcerated in self-salvation find work but never joy. How could they? They never know when they are finished. Legalism leaches joy.
Grace, however, dispenses peace. The Christian trusts a finished work.
Grace offers rest. Legalism never does. Then why do we embrace it? “Those who trust in themselves are foolish” (Proverbs 28:26 NCV). Why do we trust in ourselves? Why do we add to God’s finished work?
But the truth is, we don’t. If we think we do, we have missed the message. “What is left for us to brag about?” Paul wonders (Romans 3:27 CEV). What is there indeed? What have you contributed? Aside from your admission of utter decadence, I can’t think of a thing. “By his doing you are in Christ Jesus” (1 Corinthians 1:30). Salvation glorifies the Savior, not the saved.
Your salvation showcases God’s mercy. It makes nothing of your effort but everything of his. “I—yes, I alone—am the one who blots out your sins for my own sake and will never think of them again” (Isaiah, 43:25, emphasis mine).
Can you add anything to this salvation? No. The work is finished.
Can you earn this salvation? No. Don’t dishonor God by trying.
Dare we boast about this salvation? By no means. The giver of bread, not the beggar, deserves praise. “Let him who boasts, boast in the Lord” (1 Corinthians 1:31).
It’s not about what we do; it’s all about what he does.
From It's Not About Me
© (Thomas Nelson, 2007), Max Lucado
Women’s Bunco Night:
Friday, August 10 at 7 pm, $5. Ladies of all ages are invited to come to the church to enjoy time together, have some fun winning prizes and getting to know one another! Yummy treats and refreshments provided.
Wednesday Night Fellowship + Kids Program:
August 15, 6-7:30 pm. We’re going to kick off our Wednesday Night Fellowship with a bang! Come join us for an evening for every age! The children will be experiencing pirate themed lessons on treasures in heaven. Chelsea will be doing a study on, “What is a church member?” Please utilize our invitations to invite people you think would benefit from attending!
Summer Nights Outreach:
Thanks for all that came to the Summer Nights event. Our next event is August 12 from 5-7 pm. This is a great time to invite your friends who you have been talking to about Jesus. We’ll be gathering together at Hilltop Park for an all church BBQ. There are only two this summer, so make sure you set this time aside in your calendar. This is a great time to invite friends, co-workers and other people you have been witnessing to. Click here to let us know you're coming and to sign up for food!
Women's Ministry Bunco Night:
Friday, August 10 at 7 pm, $5. Ladies, are you looking for a way to casually invite your friends to church? This event is a great one to do that with. We'll be playing bunco, eating snacks and winning prizes! Join us!
To all those who give during out service or online, THANK YOU!!! The money you give goes to helping our community and the global church. If you missed giving this week, just visit our giving page here and give online.
We also are set up to receive Faith Promise through our online giving here just make sure that you select Faith Promise instead of general offering.
Tithing is a discipline that will strengthen your faith and the church cannot function properly without your support. If you consider Mount Carmel your church home, please pray about being obedient to the Lord in this way.
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Mount Carmel Church of the Nazarene
10060 Carmel Mountain RoadSan Diego, California 92129, United States
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