Redondo Beach, California, United States First United Methodist Church eNews: Jesus Loves the Earth, Baja trip recap, Arts Camp show! "Jesus Loves the Earth" series begins; Arts Camp show; Baja stockholders lunch
From Pastor Molly:Wonder Bread
Jesus spoke a lot about bread. He taught us to pray for daily bread, he multiplied loaves (and fishes) by the sea, he told stories about wheat, he shared bread at the last supper, pronouncing that it was his own body. After resurrection, in Emmaus, his followers were finally able to recognize him when he broke the bread at their table.
God's presence with the food that sustains us has been there from the beginning. We are commanded to share our harvest of grain, giving some to God and leaving some to share with those who are hungry. God even provided manna as "bread" for the people of Israel during their 40 years in the wilderness.
enriched bread, 1965, Corita Kent
In the 1960's, American artist and Roman Catholic nun Corita Kent connected Christ's presence in bread to the mass-produced (but beautifully named) loaves in the supermarket: Jesus is the true "wonder bread."I love that she connects Jesus presence not to some elegant and romanticized loaves, but to the plastic-wrapped bread available in every corner store. I confess that I sometimes find it easier to notice God's presence in the places that are pristine and elegant; a greater challenge is to look for Christ's presence in the everyday, the mass-produced, and in what's for sale.
Starting this Sunday, we'll spend a month considering what it means that "Jesus loves the earth." I believe that Jesus loves all of this earth, not only the sunsets and national parks, but the grocery store aisles and the alleys and more. Certainly, his presence is to be found in bread.
with gratitude,
Pastor Molly
Our Week in the Arts kids day camp has been going on all this week--with young people doing visual art, and singing and dancing. You can see what they've been up to by coming to their end-of-camp Art Show and Revue, on Friday at noon in the Fellowship Hall. There's a lunch reception, too. Anyone's welcome! The art show and a video of the performance will be up on Sunday morning, so stop in the Hall between services to check it out. Also on Sunday, be sure to join us after 10:30 worship for the Baja Trip recap in the Fellowship Hall!
Sunday, July 29:
"Jesus Loves the Earth: Bread"
Rev. Molly Vetter, preaching
John 6:22-35
John 6:22 The next day, the crowd which had stayed on the other side of the lake noticed that there had been only one boat there, and that Yeshua had not entered the boat with his talmidim, but that the talmidim had been alone when they sailed off. 23 Then other boats, from Tiberias, came ashore near the place where they had eaten the bread after the Lord had made the b’rakhah. 24 Accordingly, when the crowd saw that neither Yeshua nor his talmidim were there, they themselves boarded the boats and made for K’far-Nachum in search of Yeshua.
25 When they found him on the other side of the lake, they asked him, “Rabbi, when did you get here?” 26 Yeshua answered, “Yes, indeed! I tell you, you’re not looking for me because you saw miraculous signs, but because you ate the bread and had all you wanted! 27 Don’t work for the food which passes away but for the food that stays on into eternal life, which the Son of Man will give you. For this is the one on whom God the Father has put his seal.”
28 So they said to him, “What should we do in order to perform the works of God?” 29 Yeshua answered, “Here’s what the work of God is: to trust in the one he sent!”
30 They said to him, “Nu, what miracle will you do for us, so that we may see it and trust you? What work can you perform? 31 Our fathers ate man in the desert — as it says in the Tanakh, ‘He gave them bread from heaven to eat.’[John 6:31 Psalm 78:24; Nehemiah 9:15] 32 Yeshua said to them, “Yes, indeed! I tell you it wasn’t Moshe who gave you the bread from heaven. But my Father is giving you the genuine bread from heaven; 33 for God’s bread is the one who comes down out of heaven and gives life to the world.”
34 They said to him, “Sir, give us this bread from now on.” 35 Yeshua answered, “I am the bread which is life! Whoever comes to me will never go hungry, and whoever trusts in me will never be thirsty. (Complete Jewish Bible).
John 6:22-35
Verse 22
[22] The day following, when the people which stood on the other side of the sea saw that there was none other boat there, save that one whereinto his disciples were entered, and that Jesus went not with his disciples into the boat, but that his disciples were gone away alone;
Who had stood on the other side — They were forced to stay a while, because there were then no other vessels; and they stayed the less unwillingly, because they saw that Jesus was not embarked.
Verse 26
[26] Jesus answered them and said, Verily, verily, I say unto you, Ye seek me, not because ye saw the miracles, but because ye did eat of the loaves, and were filled.
Our Lord does not satisfy their curiosity, but corrects the wrong motive they had in seeking him: because ye did eat - Merely for temporal advantage. Hitherto Christ had been gathering hearers: he now begins to try their sincerity, by a figurative discourse concerning his passion, and the fruit of it, to be received by faith.
Verse 27
[27] Labour not for the meat which perisheth, but for that meat which endureth unto everlasting life, which the Son of man shall give unto you: for him hath God the Father sealed.
Labour not for the meat which perisheth — For bodily food: not for that only not chiefly: not at all, but in subordination to grace, faith, love, the meat which endureth to everlasting life. Labour, work for this; for everlasting life. So our Lord expressly commands, work for life, as well as from life: from a principle of faith and love.
Him hath the Father sealed — By this very miracle, as well as by his whole testimony concerning him. See John 3:33. Sealing is a mark of the authenticity of a writing.
Verse 28
[28] Then said they unto him, What shall we do, that we might work the works of God?
The works of God — Works pleasing to God.
Verse 29
[29] Jesus answered and said unto them, This is the work of God, that ye believe on him whom he hath sent.
This is the work of God — The work most pleasing to God, and the foundation of all others: that ye believe - He expresses it first properly, afterward figuratively.
Verse 30
[30] They said therefore unto him, What sign shewest thou then, that we may see, and believe thee? what dost thou work?
What sign dost thou? — Amazing, after what they had just seen!
Verse 31
[31] Our fathers did eat manna in the desert; as it is written, He gave them bread from heaven to eat.
Our fathers ate manna — This sign Moses gave them.
He gave them bread from heaven — From the lower sublunary heaven; to which Jesus opposes the highest heaven: in which sense he says seven times, John 6:32,33,38,50,58,62, that he himself came down from heaven.
Verse 32
[32] Then Jesus said unto them, Verily, verily, I say unto you, Moses gave you not that bread from heaven; but my Father giveth you the true bread from heaven.
Moses gave you not bread from heaven — It was not Moses who gave the manna to your fathers; but my Father who now giveth the true bread from heaven. Psalms 78:24.
Verse 33
[33] For the bread of God is he which cometh down from heaven, and giveth life unto the world.
He that — giveth life to the world - Not (like the manna) to one people only: and that from generation to generation. Our Lord does not yet say, I am that bread; else the Jews would not have given him so respectful an answer, John 6:34.
Verse 34
[34] Then said they unto him, Lord, evermore give us this bread.
Give us this bread — Meaning it still, in a literal sense: yet they seem now to be not far from believing.
Verse 35
[35] And Jesus said unto them, I am the bread of life: he that cometh to me shall never hunger; and he that believeth on me shall never thirst.
I am the bread of life — Having and giving life: he that cometh - he that believeth - Equivalent expressions: shall never hunger, thirst - Shall be satisfied, happy, for ever. (John Wesley’s Explanatory Notes)
8:30am in Epworth Lounge
10:30am in the Sanctuary
Special Music: "Thy Will" by Hillary Scott, sung by Lauren Everson; and “Show Me the Way" by Dennis DeYoung, sung by Stuart Everson
"Thy Will" by Hillary Scott
Thy will be done
Thy will be done
Thy will be done
I know you're good
But this don't feel good right now
And I know you think
Of things I could never think about
It's hard to count it all joy
Distracted by the noise
Just trying to make sense of all your promises
Sometimes I gotta stop
Remember that you're God
And I am not
So thy will be done
Thy will be done
Thy will be done
Like a child on my knees all that comes to me
“Show Me the Way" by Dennis DeYoung
[Verse 1]
Every night I say a prayer
In the hopes that there's a Heaven
And everyday I'm more confused
As the saints turn into sinners
All the heroes and legends
I knew as a child have fallen to idols of clay
And I feel this empty place inside
So afraid that I've lost my faith
Show me the way, show me the way
Take me tonight to the river
And wash my illusions away
Please show me the way
[Verse 2]
And as I slowly drift to sleep
For a moment dreams are sacred
I close my eyes and know there's peace
In a world so filled with hatred
That I wake up each morning and turn on the news
To find we've so far to go
And I keep on hoping for a sign
So afraid I just won't know
Show me the way, show me the way
Bring me tonight to the mountain
And take my confusion away
And show me the way
And if I see a light, should I believe
Tell me how will I know
Show me the way, show me the way
Take me tonight to the river
And wash my illusions away
Show me the way, show me the way
Give me the strength and the courage
To believe that I'll get there someday
And please show me the way
Every night I say a prayer
In the hopes that there's a Heaven
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News From Our Members
Over the last few years I have assisted Joy Slothower as she walked from the second row/left pew to communion. Previously I had been helping Mary Emerson do that same walk from the same area. Mary died a couple of years ago and now we hear that Joy has passed on. These two senior women needed no help from me, but they just felt better having a steady arm to hold on to and we became fast friends over the years. Joy lived across Catalina Avenue and rode her electric cart to church. Often her son or other family member came and she would proudly introduce them to us sitting nearby, but usually she attended worship alone. She was formerly with the South Bay Christian Church, which she'd been a part of since moving to Redondo full time after her husband's passing. She will be missed by the many who knew her. ...
Thursday, August 2, 2018
Bob Peterson
Bob Peterson's popular column for the Mainsail has found new life, online! Read his view from the pews about church life and community news. You'll enjoy keeping up with the many good things happening in our congregation. by Bob Peterson
Over the last few years I have assisted Joy Slothower as she walked from the second row/left pew to communion. Previously I had been helping Mary Emerson do that same walk from the same area. Mary died a couple of years ago and now we hear that Joy has passed on. These two senior women needed no help from me, but they just felt better having a steady arm to hold on to and we became fast friends over the years. Joy lived across Catalina Avenue and rode her electric cart to church. Often her son or other family member came and she would proudly introduce them to us sitting nearby, but usually she attended worship alone. She was formerly with the South Bay Christian Church, which she'd been a part of since moving to Redondo fulltime after her husband's passing. She will be missed by the many who knew her.Our full Sanctuary all prayed and celebrated the 60th wedding anniversary of Norman and Helen Stockwell last week as our adult Bible Class teacher Helen and her family remembered their vows. Helen has taught Sunday School children's classes and our adult Sunday morning Bible class for many years and those of us in her class always learn much from her studies and teachings of the written word. The class still meets Sundays in the May Day Parlor from 9:30 Am to 10:15 AM. Any adult is welcome to attend and join the group of usually ten or twelve.
We also had a surprise visit from Tim and Susan Ottinger, for the last ten years living in his home town in Indiana They were here visiting their son in Manhattan Beach and dropped by church to say hello to a few of us who remember them. I imagine they were surprised to learn about how Aspen trees grow as Pastor Molly educated us about their spreading, clumping root systems.
Other guests last Sunday were three people from Christ Episcopal Church located on Broadway South of us a block and a half. They said they just wanted to see the differences between our two congregations and to hear Pastor Molly Vetter preach. They were seen talking to several of our own people, so hopefully they'll come again.
Also, it is great to see Norma Day back in the pews following successful foot surgery. She has been through a lot recently what with losing Ron and all, but she continues to visit her church. I do believe she may now be the longest tenured member of our church all by herself. She usually sits in the second row, right, front, with another long time regular, Barbara McCandless. Speaking of McCandless, the five family members who sang for us last week and sounded as good as ever. Thanks to Rick, Kathy and their family for keeping up a long tradition of bringing music to our church and doing it so well.Click here for more of the Lay Looker
Coming at Church
Jesus Loves the Earth
His teaching is full of stories and metaphors that draw lessons from the natural world. He spoke of farmers and fishermen, of mother hens and fig trees, inviting us to think deeply about the world around us.
We believe that Jesus' teachings have a lot to say to us as we try to navigate our ecological responsibilities today.
Join Pastor Molly for this five week sermon series, starting August 5.
Join us for the Baja Recap!
We went. We served. We made it back safely.
Come to the Baja Stockholder's Recap Sunday, August 5th after 10:30 worship. We'll have lunch and stories! (Everyone's welcome.)
We're going to Raging Waters Tuesday! 6th-12th grade are going for our annual tradition! And maybe some Krispy Kreme donuts.
RSVP by emailing Stephen!
Youth (Service) Lock-In
We usually do a back to school lock-in. This year, we're doing that as a service project at Golden Heart Ranch! It's (Fri-Sat) August 24-25.
Want to learn more about Golden Heart Ranch? Here's their website!
Options for Children at Church in Summer!
We love having children in worship, and through the summer, we encourage families to attend together!
For much of the summer, our children's Sunday School is on break. We have special children's activity books available to pick up as kids enter the sanctuary, with things they can work on during worship.
We encourage you to help your kids participate in worship as much as they are able! Help them follow along in the bulletin if they can read, and talk about what the experienced and remembered afterwards!
Wanted: Sound Board Operators
We are looking for 8-10+ people to volunteer to be part of a rotation of sound board operators. There are no requirements other than a desire to help out. Volunteers should either meet me after church or send me (Matt Parker) an email at
Online Video Bible Study - Join from your Home!
Join us for an online, interactive video Bible study this summer! We will read through "Consider the Birds: A Provocative Guide to Birds of the Bible," by Debbie Blue. Our small group meets via online video chat, so you can join in from wherever you are this summer, on your laptop, smart phone or tablet!
We meet up online on Tuesday evenings, from 8:30-9:30pm, through Google Hangouts. The group is led by Lillian Naveira, Eileen Raycroft and Pastor Molly Vetter, and will continue for 10 weeks over the summer. Next up is Chapter 8 (The Cock--Cockiness and Betrayal) on Tuesday, August 6.
Click through for more information, including the link to log on!
Mark your calendars and get out your favorite games: We're going to have a church game night in August! Come have some fun, playing games you love (or are up to try out) with friends of all ages from church.
VBS Supplies Still Needed
HUGE thanks to our many VBS supporters! This is the Sunday to return any items from the VBS board!
We still need a few items. Can you help with any of the following?
- Empty (clean) water bottles(labels removed is easiest for us.)
- Amazon Gift Cards
- Smart & Final Gift Cards
- Gently used art supplies
- Bags of soil
- Seeds/Dry Beans
- Gardening Supplies
- Gloves
- Mason Jars & Clean Sauce Jars w/ lids
- Garden Decorations
- Monetary Gifts for last minute supplies
Join us, Friday, August 3rd at 12:00pm for a celebration of our week in the arts. We will have a light lunch, a camper art gallery, and song and dance revue. Help us celebrate a week of learning and growing in creativity! All are welcome!
Email us to RSVP
October 20: Church Golf Tournament
Mark your calendars now, and make plans to join us for our 2018 church golf tournament. We will return to the beautiful Los Verdes Golf Course for the tournament, which benefits the ministries of our church.
Questions? Contact Gary Baughman at church
Grow in faith. Have Fun. Change the world!
VBS 2018 is coming: August 13-17 Click here for more info and registration!
We will be inspired each day by the vastness of God's amazing creation and love! There will be games, crafts, and more each day, while we learn about the Parable of the Sower.
VBS...For Middle School!
This year, Middle School has a special part to play in VBS! In addition to all the great VBS stuff we know and love, we will be doing a super fun service project. Get on your gardening gloves, we have work to do- and it's going to be awesome!
This coming year, we invite you to be a part of a 24-week Disciple Bible Study Fast Track class. With 12 weeks in the Old Testament and 12 weeks in the New Testament, the class with go deeper in understanding the whole of the Bible story. In the midst of our busy lives, this study is designed to help us understand with the Bible has to say to us as disciples of Jesus Christ, today.
All women in the church are invited to our annual summertime All-Circle Potluck on Thursday, August 23 at 6pm. Besides usual good food and fellowship, we will hear about the work of CCI, the Canine Companions for Independence. Everyone is encouraged to bring a favorite dish to share, as well as reusable dinnerware that you can use and take home!
Men's Breakfast: Our next breakfast is Monday, August 6, at 7AM. Coco's Restaurant, 18120 Hawthorne Blvd. (Hawthorne and 182nd). All men of the church and their friends are welcome to join us for fellowship.
Prayer Quilt Ministry:Join us for our monthly quilting workshop Friday, August 10, starting at 10am. There's something for everyone to do to help. Even if you haven't tried quilt-making before, this is a great way to begin.Know someone in need of prayer? Anyone can sponsor a free prayer quilt. The Quilt Request Form is online or in the church office.
Meals and More: Did you know that we have a ministry that organizes meals and other assistance for church folks in times of need? In the past, we've helped arrange rides to medical appointments, meals for people recovering from surgery, and more. Leila Grantz coordinates this ministry, using online sign-up tools. If you want to be a part of the group that she emails when there is an opportunity to help, or if you know someone who's in need of a little help, please contact the church office or Leila.
"The Lion, the Witch and the Wardrobe"will come in the Spring! We have decided to shift our production of a play version of this CS Lewis classic to 2019. But, it's still not too early to contact Kristen Harper if you're interested in being a part of it then!
Book Club: Next meeting, Tuesday, September 18. We are on summer hiatus and have chosen a few books for you to enjoy. The books we selected are: The Chilbury Ladies’ Choir, by Jennifer Ryan; Hillbilly Elegy, by J. D. Vance; Uncommon Type, by Tom Hanks; Dancing in a Distant Place, by Isla Dewar; and The Guernsey Literary and Potato Peel Society, by Mary Ann Shaffer and Annie Barrow. Read as many as you wish; we will briefly discuss all of them when next we meet. Happy reading until September!For more information, contact Ann Gallagher.
This Week: Children, Youth & Adults
Nursery (6 weeks+): The Nursery is open during both services, for ages 6 weeks to 5 yrs old. Located right off of the parking lot across from Epworth Lounge. Please know that children of any age are always welcome in worship. Any questions email the Nursery Coordinator: Adriana Hwang
Children's Ministry(age 3 - 3rd Grade): It's summer, so we'll be in church with our families! As always, There will be fun activity pages and books to read at our children's station.
Church R Us (Grades 4 & 5): Sunday School is officially in summer mode, which means that we are excited to have you join your family in worship!
Youth Ministry (6th-12th grade):
-Middle School Sunday School (10:30am)? No, we're on a break. Raging Waters trip on Tuesday!
-Youth Group(2-4pm on Sunday)? We're on a break! Raging Waters trip on Tuesday!
Young Adults (19-not very specific):
Stay tuned for more Young Adult events!
Monday Night Dinner Study (Young-ish Adults and Young-ish Families):
Email Dawn Kirkemofor information.
Adult Sunday School: Bible Study and Discussion in May Day Parlor. Sunday mornings from 9:30-10:15am. Led by Helen Stockwell. All are welcome.
Thursday Pastor's Bible Study:
We usually meet Thursday mornings from 11:00-noon, in May Day Parlor. All are welcome.
United Methodist News & Events
Our congregation is a part of the El Tordondo Mission Area, in the West District of the California-PacificAnnual Conference of the United Methodist Church.
First United Methodist Church of Redondo Beach
(310)372-8445 main
(310)372-5696 fax
Ongoing MinistriesOffering food and friendship to those in need, every Wednesday night since 1992. More info here.
Shared Bread always accepts donations of the following:new underwear- men's and women's, all sizes; Sweatpants/sweatshirts-L/XL (hooded, zip up, dark colors); Men’s jeans waist sizes 32- 34; Men’s new socks, white or grey only- all sizes; Men’s tennis shoes - especially sizes 9.5 to 11.5; new or used brown paper bags with handles.
Please bring them to church on Sunday, or to the office during the week.
Homemade treats are treasured by our guests – but purchased treats would be wonderful, as well.
Please wrap desserts tightly and mark for Shared Bread. Deliver Sunday (when you come for church) through Wednesday to the church kitchen (or the office if kitchen is closed.) Wednesday deliveries should be here by 4:00pm to help us plan our meal better. THANK YOU!
Thursday, August 2, 2018 - Music Notes

Music Director, Jim Raycroft, will
share upcoming worship music
selections and a little bit of history, too.
Jim Raycroft
Thursday, 2 August 2018 by Jim Raycroft
Our musical guests this week are Lauren and Stuart Everson, who have been with our congregation for several years now. Lauren, who sings in the alto section of our choir, sang in the Naples Philharmonic Children's choir beginning in middle school and their Women's Ensemble upon entering high school. She also performed in Pajama Game and Annie Get Your Gun at the Sugden Community Theater in Naples, Florida in high school (as well as various school productions). Her last public performance was in Godspell at Auburn University her freshman year. Her current singing stage, other than on Sunday mornings in the alto section, is a regular appearance for the past four years at her sons' bedside singing Amazing Grace and Once Upon A Dream. Stuart, who made his singing debut at FUMCRB a few months ago, sang in his High School Concert Choir and Show Choir at Bob Jones High School in Madison, Alabama. He was also an Alabama All State choir member his senior year. During his high school career he performed in the high school musicals The Fiddler on the Roof and Eden. Since then he's been touring all over the U.S. as a military member giving exclusive concerts to anyone brave enough to ride in his car with him.Show Me The Way is a song written by Dennis DeYoung, lead singer and keyboardist for the band Styx. A devout Catholic, DeYoung wrote the song for his son Matthew as a pseudo-hymn about keeping the faith “in a world so filled with hatred”. It was released on the album Edge of the Century as the 2ndsingle in December of 1990 and slowly climbed the charts until it reached #3 on the Billboard Hot 100 chart, where it remained in the top 40 for 23 weeks, and #3 on the Adult Contemporary chart, where it remained in the top 40 for 31 weeks. It was the band’s 4th and final top 5 single, and made Styx one of a handful of artists to have top 10 singles in 3 different decades (1970’s, 1980’s and 1990’s).
Hillary Scott is the co-founder and co-lead singer with the country group Lady Antebellum. Born in Nashville in 1986, she is the daughter of country artists Linda Davis and Lang Scott and was homeschooled on the road with her parents through kindergarten. After appearing onstage with her Mom, she decided to pursue a career in music and chose country at the age of 14. She formed Lady Antebellum in 2006 and, as of last year, has released 7 albums. She began working on a gospel album with her parents and her little sister Rylee in 2015 called Love Remains. The hit single from that album was titled Thy Will, which was released in 2016. It reached #1 on Billboard’s Christian Airplay and Christian Songs charts, and had moderate success as a crossover hit, hitting #27 on Billboard’s Hot Country Songs chart. "It's the arrangement that truly sets this song apart from anything on the radio or in country music right now," was the commentary that was written in the country music blog Taste of Country. She wrote the song in 2015 after suffering a miscarriage, and the lyrics are a plea for an explanation from God for the difficulties she was facing.
John Foley is a composer of Catholic liturgical music and a professor of liturgy at St. Louis University, in St. Louis, Missouri, where he founded the Stroble Center for Liturgy, and where he still serves as director. Much of his early music was as a member of a group called the St. Louis Jesuits, which produced several tunes which became classics in the Catholic music world – such as Here I Am, Lord by member Dan Schutte – and Foley’s most well-known composition, One Bread, One Body.Click here to read more Music Notes!
Looking for a Way to Volunteer?
The Welcome Team is looking for volunteers who can help about once a month between the two services and/or immediately after the 10:30 service. Go to our "Want to Help" page to learn more about this awesome ministry, as well as several other current ways you can lend a hand in ministry.
Do you have a couple hours once or twice a month to help maintain our beautiful church gardens? Tasks would include pruning, planting, weeding and watering. Whatever you can help with, we'd love to have you join our team! Duties could change seasonally. Sign up through the church office, or by talking with Jody Wilkinson.
4th-8th Graders needed to Acolyte!
Acolytes are needed for 10:30 worship each week. If you've been trained, you can sign up via our "sign up genius" (click here!)
If you are interested in being trained, email children's ministries!
Circle Meeting Time
- Naomi Circle 2nd Tuesday @ 10:00am
- Hannah Circle 2nd Tuesday @ 7:00pm
- Mary Circle 4th Monday @ 7:00pm
United Methodist Women’s Reading Program: There are many titles to choose from with new ones added every year! Books are available in the UMW library located in May Day Parlor. Any one can read the books and our own local UMW unit will get credit! click here for information about the program.
Support missions through recycling!
Bring your plastic bottles, aluminum cans AND CRV glass bottles to church every Sunday. By recycling we can support Corazon, Crop Walk, Habitat for Humanity and some of the United Methodist Committee on Relief (UMCOR) programs: Syrian refugee relief, eradicating hunger, clean water, ending malaria and fighting HIV/AIDS. Please bring your cans and bottles.
We have many spots to fill for liturgists on Sunday mornings. The following link will take you the sign up. Please check it out.
Sunday Worship Liturgist Sign Up Campus WiFi network is: First UMC Guests; Password is: openhearts
Parking Reminder: If you are able, we encourage you to park at the Wells Fargo bank on Sunday mornings, and walk across the street, reserving the parking lot for those with mobility challenges or for new visitors. We also have a bike rack on the patio. Thanks for your consideration.
Hearing Assistance Devices are available on Sunday mornings. Just ask for one at the audio/video booth in the sanctuary.
Connect with us
First United Methodist Church
243 South Broadway
Redondo Beach, California 90277, United States
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