Sunday, March 30, 2014

Leawood, Kansas, United States - The United Methodist Church of the Resurrection Daily Guide grow. pray. study. for Sunday, 30 March 2014 "Prayer Tip"

Leawood, Kansas, United States - The United Methodist Church of the Resurrection Daily Guide grow. pray. study. for Sunday, 30 March 2014 "Prayer Tip"
Prayer Tip:
Throughout the gospel of Luke we see the disciples keeping company with Jesus as they walk from town to town. Jesus pauses frequently in the course of their journey to teach the disciples lessons about what God's kingdom is like; a place where healing, wholeness, unity and the welfare of all prevail. In the same way, we can add feet to our prayers by prayer walking.
Adele Calhoun in Spiritual Disciplines Handbook, says, "Prayer walking is a way of saturating a particular place and people with prayer, such as the office, the conference room, your home, the school the hospital and government buildings. The immediacy of context can fuel prayer and offer a way for listening more deeply to God, and to what God's concerns for this place might be. This discipline draws us out of prayers that are limited to our immediate concerns and into a larger circle of God's loving attention."
Calhoun suggests that like the disciples, you might walk through your home in the company of Jesus. Pray for each room and what happens there. Notice if recognizing Jesus' presence there changes your interaction. Spend some time walking with others through your workplace. Pray for your colleagues, the custodial staff, the delivery people and the kitchen staff. Offer yourself to be Jesus' hands and heart in this place. Visit the playground and school near you. Walk through it in the company of Jesus. Pray for those who work, play and study there. Think about what is in the heart of God for this place.
By God's grace, the qualities of the Kingdom of God are available to all of us today. This week, as a Lenten practice, I invite you to take a walk in the company of Jesus, and with him pray that healing, wholeness, unity and the welfare of all prevail.--Nancy Pauls, Pastor of Prayer

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