Sunday, January 4, 2015

The L'Arche Canada Foundation Daily Thought with Jean Vanier "The Seasons of Life" for Sunday, 4 January 2015

L'Arche Foundation Logo
Sunday, 4 January 2015
"The Seasons of Life"
Then there are the seasons of the body. Sooner or later, something will happen to me - an accident, sickness or disease will unfold, or I will just become weaker, slower and unable to read or write, unable to give talks.
To tell you the truth, I do not ponder too much ontomorrow. Live today well. Each season has its beauty. I have the strength for today and hopefuly too fortomorrow. Why waste time worrying or even questioning? Write me a letter when I am 86 - I'll tell you then what I feel![
Jean Vanier, "The Globe and Mail," March 7, 2009]

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