Tuesday, June 10, 2014

Trinity United Methodist Church Daily Scripture Email Devotion for Tuesday, 10 June 2014 "My Beloved"

Trinity United Methodist Church Daily Scripture Email Devotion for Tuesday, 10 June 2014 "My Beloved"
My Beloved is mine and I am my Beloved's.  (Song 2:16)
This verse says it all:  I am God's and God is mine; that relationship of infinite, unconditional love empowers me, sets me free to be, strengthens me, enlivens me - and you.  This embrace by a God of infinite love is what everyone in the world is looking for.  It's the message Jesus came to proclaim and live.  All the love songs ever sung (What the world needs now...) are but echoes of this truth, this truth of a love found in a relationship with God.  John said it so well: God is love.  This is the starting and ending point of the theology and message of John Wesley, and it's in the DNA of our United Methodist Church.
See God today as a God of unwavering love for you, and for everyone in the world.  It will change you, how you view yourself and how you view others.  
Love, Dan
Welcome to the new Trinity United Methodist Church's Daily Scripture Email system.

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