Friday, September 26, 2014

Blue Springs, Missouri, United States The United Methodist Church of the Resurrection Blue Springs Enote from Pastor Penny Ellwood for Friday, September 2014

Blue Springs, Missouri, United States The United Methodist Church of the Resurrection Blue Springs Enote from Pastor Penny Ellwood for Friday, September 2014
Friday, 26 September 2014
Take a quick look at our upcoming events/activites below:
Greetings Resurrection Blue Springs, 
This has been an exciting week for our church.  Since Wednesday, we have had over 2,000 pastors and church leaders from 740 different churches, across 48 different states and several foreign countries come to take part in our 16th annual Leadership Institute.  This conference is a part of our church's vision to renew the Church.  There were over 80 workshops offered from both Resurrection staff and outside guest speakers to share best practices and new ideas for bringing revival and renewal to our churches and it's leaders.  It was exciting to be a part of the worship last night and to have a chance to talk with church leaders from all across our nation.  
It has been an exciting week for our campus as well.  This week we kicked off a new fall class schedule.  Wednesday night alone there were over 80 adults here, either participating in Alpha, or working with the children involved in our new Zone and MiniMUSIC classes. We have 28 children signed up for these classes and that doesn't count the nursery.  It was a hopping place!  I had an amazing class start with a group of women on Wednesday for Listen to My Life and look forward to beginning the You'll Get Through this classnext Thursday.  If you're interested in Alpha, it's not too late to join.   Our men's group will be starting a new book study on October 7th as well (details below).  This group is open to any men of the church. 
Sunday we have a special opportunity to hear one of Leadership Institute's guest speakers, Rev. Leonard Sweet, preach. Rev. Sweet is a preacher and best-selling author who communicates the gospel with a signature bridging of the worlds of faith, academe, and popular culture. In 2006 and 2007, Sweet was voted by his peers “One of the 50 Most Influential Christians in America” by ChurchReport Magazine, and in 2010, he was selected by the top non-English Christian website as one of the “Top 10 Influential Christians of 2010.”  Len is a popular and highly sought-after speaker throughout North America and around the world. I relish any opportunity I have to hear him speak or preach.  This is a Sunday you won't want to miss!    
Here is what's coming up: 
You’ll Get Through This This is a six-week small group format with discussions centered around the book You’ll Get Through This by Max Lucado. Topics covered include dealing with anger, revenge, forgiveness and how to grow through hardship while going through it. Learn tools to help you move through a difficult time in your life and return to a healthy balanced life. Led by Pastor Penny, the group meets Oct. 2 – Nov. 6,6:30-8 pm.  Register at Guest Services or online here
Women's Vehicle Awareness and Self Protection Class.  Saturday, October 4th, 9am-Noon.  Resurrection Downtown 1522 McGee St., KCMO 64108.  We will have light breakfast items and giveaways!!
Join other women to:
•    Learn tips and techniques to feel safe in your vehicle
•    Learn about preventative maintenance and winterizing your vehicle
•    Get hands-on training
•    Technicians will do individual inspections of your car
Register at For more information contact Kelly Sisney
New Men's Study Starting October 7 at 6:30 pm the Band of Brothers group will start a six-week study ofTransforming Evangelism by Hal Knight and F Douglas Powe. This study explores how by re-connecting to our Wesleyan tradition, congregations can gain a new vision for evangelism, enabling them to be more faithful and effective in their ministry of sharing the good news.  Register at Guest Services or online here.
Volunteers needed for Christmas in October.  Be a part of community transformation Saturday, October 11. No construction skills necessary. The Resurrection Blue Springs team will be led by Jim Barber. Lunch provided. Sign up at Guest Services.  
Eating Disorders Caregivers Support Group 3rd Thursday of Each Month 7:00-8:30 pm. Caring for a loved one struggling with an Eating Disorder is often times a thankless and difficult task. Being part of a community of parents and caregivers who both understand and are going through similar experiences can be extremely helpful. If you are caring for a family member with an Eating Disorder, please join us in supporting and learning from one another on the third Thursday of each month.For more information, please contact Suzy Ayres at
Sign Up Your 3rd Grader for Bible Presentation During worship services Sunday, Oct. 19, we will present the gift of a new Bible to our 3rd graders. To register your 3rd grader,
Committee Nominations Underway.  The following committees are seeking candidates to serve beginning in 2015:  Finance, Trustees, Staff Parish Relations, Foundation, Nominations, and Lay Delegates to Annual Conference.  You can refer someone you know, or indicate your own interest in serving by completing an Online Interest Form by Sunday, October 19, at  Most committee members will fill a three-year term, often after serving an additional preparatory year.  Please note that you must be a member for at least two years prior to serving in a preparatory role, or three years before serving as a full voting member on a committee.  If you have questions about this process, please contact Laura Gregory, our church’s Lay Leader, at or 913-345-8331.  
Campus Advisory Team. We are seeking persons to serve a three-year term on our Resurrection Blue Springs Campus Advisory Team (CAT).  The CAT helps develop the long-range vision of the Resurrection Blue Springs campus. In addition to strategic thinking and planning, members must be willing to raise and take on the questions and concerns for God’s work in our particular community, and be a conduit for communicating the vision and concerns within our community.  If you have questions, recommendations, or would like to fill out an interest form, please contact Pastor Penny.   
rezlife’s METAMORPHOSIS Fall Retreat Metamorphosis is a weekend spiritual retreat for students in 6th-12th grades. Come for worship, hayride, Night Strike, games, Snack Shack and cabin time with friends! Don’t miss out on an amazing time to connect and grow in your faith! Registration required Retreat is at Youthfront Camp: 6th-8th grades – Nov. 7-9; 9th-12th grades – Nov. 14-16
I hope you'll invite friends and join us as we continue building Christian community in Blue Springs.  Have a great Friday and I'll look forward to seeing you this weekend in worship! 
Abundant Blessings, 
For our Resurrection Blue Springs Campus Calendar: click here
Contact Our Staff:
Church Office Phone: (816)389-8900
Rev. Penny Ellwood, Campus Pastor
Mike Ash, Worship Leader/Director of Community
Diane Enlow, Director of Children's Ministry
Clark Johnson, Technical Producer
Heather Sooley, Operations Coordinating Assistant
Stephanie Weigel, Guest Services Coordinating Assistant
Lori Wolverton, Nursery Staff
Visit us on the web:
For upcoming and ongoing programs and events at our Leawood Campus, visit
Campus enotes: LeawoodDowntownWest
Resurrection Blue Springs
Resurrecton Blue Springs
13720 Roe Avenue
Leawood, Kansas 66224 United States

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