17-21 Looking back over what has been accomplished and what I have observed, I must say I am most pleased—in the context of Jesus, I’d even say proud, but only in that context. I have no interest in giving you a chatty account of my adventures, only the wondrously powerful and transformingly present words and deeds of Christ in me that triggered a believing response among the outsiders. In such ways I have trailblazed a preaching of the Message of Jesus all the way from Jerusalem far into northwestern Greece. This has all been pioneer work, bringing the Message only into those places where Jesus was not yet known and worshiped. My text has been,
Those who were never told of him—
they’ll see him!
Those who’ve never heard of him—
they’ll get the message!
22-24 And that’s why it has taken me so long to finally get around to coming to you. But now that there is no more pioneering work to be done in these parts, and since I have looked forward to seeing you for many years, I’m planning my visit. I’m headed for Spain, and expect to stop off on the way to enjoy a good visit with you, and eventually have you send me off with God’s blessing.
"God’s Glory, The Servant’s Goal" by Doug Forsberg
One of the interesting aspects of being human is that we can easily hide our motivations. Sometimes, what appears to be a heroic act may have hidden self-serving motivations behind it.
From the time of the early Christians, the ministry of the Apostle Paul has been a true inspiration. As he traveled the Mediterranean world “from Jerusalem all the way around to Illyricum” signs, wonders, and miracles accompanied his teaching (Romans 15:19). God was truly with him! As people watched and read about Paul’s passion, his desire and great efforts to reach the Gentiles and spread the Gospel, his life has become a cherished example.
Upon close examination of Paul’s life and writings we discover the hidden fuel that flamed his zeal and directed his service. Inside him burned a wondrous single motivation; to glorify Christ!
Examine today what truly drives you in your service to God. Allow the Holy Spirit entrance into that inner place where motivations and ambitions reside.
WordAction Publishing Company
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