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I'm increasingly excited about the "If We Build It..." event we're planning for this Saturday. There is an amazing group of people helping plan and lead the event, and we have some surprises that I look forward to watching unfold.
Most of all, I'm looking forward to the opportunity to get together as a church community, to remember what we're about, to celebrate what is going well, and to work together toward discerning what we're calling to in the coming months and years.
There's a children's song that I remember learning in Sunday School--perhaps you learned it too: the chorus sings, "I am the church. You are the church. We are the church together!" It's a simple tune, reminding us of a really important idea--that the church is more than a building or set of programs, that it's more than its staff or website: the church is a community of people. Together, we are the body of Christ. We care for one another as community, we learn to grow in love of God and one another, and we respond to the needs of the community and world.
I hope you'll join us Saturday. If you can't be there in person, I hope you'll hold the church in your prayers. And come Sunday, ready to check out what happened and be a part of what will come next!
Grace and peace,
Pastor Molly
This Sunday we celebrate Soup-er Bowl Sunday. Before watching the Super Bowl, we give you a chance to support Shared Bread in its ministry of feeding the hungry of our community. With food donations and cash gifts, you can help be a part of this important weekly ministry. (Plus, you can make your donations in honor of your favorite team in the football game...to see who wins the more importantcontest of the day.)
Contact Info
Pastor Molly Vetter
Church Council invites everyone to join us for a Saturday morning of planning and conversation, as we set priorities, move forward with our vision, and build our ministries together. (Plus, besides all that serious stuff, there will be toys to play with, and some special surprises...):
When you drop off your donations you will be able to show your support for your favorite Super Bowl team.
Will it be the Patriots or the Seahawks???
Baja Mission 2015
The youth group is going to Baja, Mexico this summer for our mission trip!
Pray with us as we prepare to learn from the people of the San Quintín Valley!
For more info on the migrant farmers we will serve, click here to see recent stories from the LA Times.
For more info on the organization we will go with, click here.
Parking Reminder: If you are able, we encourage you to park at the Wells Fargo bank on Sunday mornings, and walk across the street, reserving the parking lot for those with mobility challenges or for new visitors. We also have a bike rack on the patio, for those who choose to bike to church! Thanks for your consideration.
Mark Your Calendar:
Mardi Gras Pancake Dinner
Tuesday, February 17
Our Children and Family Ministries are organizing an all-church pancake dinner on Mardi Gras (Shrove Tuesday). Join us for this traditional feast of pancakes, including pancake games and a storytime as we prepare to begin the season of Lent.
The event will also benefit the work of Imagine No Malaria.
Sunday Morning Adult Bible Study:
Beginning February 1
Our Sunday morning Adult Bible study will resume weekly meetings on February 1, now in Health Chapel. Led and coordinated by Helen Stockwell, this group will use an adult study curriculum from Cokesbury. The study presents stimulating lessons that explore the biblical message and how to apply it to daily life. The curriculum helps adults move from a focus on the Word to reflection on personal, family, church, and community concerns.
A class for families (and anyone else):
Understanding Baptism (February 8) &
Understanding Communion (February 15) - 9:30-10:15amin Epworth Lounge
Pastor Molly will lead two interactive classes, designed to help families understand the sacraments: baptism and communion. The classes are designed to help kids and adults learn together about these important parts of our church worship and tradition--people of any age are welcome.
You may attend either or both--these are opportunities to learn about our United Methodist tradition. Come to learn what we believe--and how it's different from other traditions. Deepen your understanding, and help your kids get more out of the worship. This class is also great for grandparents, godparents or friends who want to be able to help young people know more about the sacraments!
We are grateful for the generous contributions of so many of you, supporting in our ministries in 2014.
As we move into 2015, we have adopted a budget with only a modest total increase; to fulfill our budget and commitment, we will seek even deeper and broader support. It is not too late to make a pledge of financial giving, either with the card that is in our pew pockets or via our website. Most importantly, it is now a great time to make a priority of giving to the church in our own personal and family budgets--to choose regular giving as a part of our monthly finances.
Thanks for your generosity and support, for your involvement and prayers.
bi-weekly thoughts and reflections from our church Lay
"Our church was very busy last summer educating others about Imagine No Malaria* while fundraising during VBS and hosting lemon-aid stands all over town. Many of you assisted in these opportunities, donated through our 2013 Advent "Imagine" Campaign or donated through www.buzzkills.net. We are waiting for the official number from the UMC but it looks like our church has raised about $8,500 of our $20,000 goal over the past two years. You may recall that a donation of just $10 is enough to provide necessary items (a bed net, medicine and education) to save one life. We are well on our way to meeting our goal of helping save 2,000 lives..."
"Just like John Lennon, We Get to "Imagine" (...No Malaria)" by Johnna Kosnoff
Our church was very busy last summer educating others about Imagine No Malaria* while fundraising during VBS and hosting lemon-aid stands all over town. Many of you assisted in these opportunities, donated through our 2013 Advent “Imagine” Campaign or donated through www.buzzkills.net. We are waiting for the official number from the UMC but it looks like our church has raised about $8,500 of our $20,000 goal over the past two years. You may recall that a donation of just $10 is enough to provide necessary items (a bed net, medicine and education) to save one life. We are well on our way to meeting our goal of helping save 2,000 lives.
On Shrove Tuesday (the day before Ash Wednesday), our Youth, along with Children’s and Family Ministry will host a pancake dinner at 6pm to recognize the beginning of the Lenten season AND to raise more money toward our goal. I hope you will reserve the date to attend for some food, fellowship and fun and also be encouraged that all profits will be applied to INM. Even if you can’t attend, you are welcome to donate toward this worthwhile goal.
In case you aren’t familiar with the UMC Imagine No Malaria campaign, here’s a little more information. Our conference pledged to raise $3 million as part of a UMC goal of 75 million. Our Bishop suggested that each church raise $100 per member to assist our conference and our church council set a goal of $20,000. Currently, the UMC has raised just over $64 million of the $75 million goal. (Look for exact numbers from our church on our webpage.)
Nearly 90 percent of malaria's victims are children under the age of 5 and pregnant women. Although malaria was eliminated in the U.S. in the 1950's, it continues to kill a person every 60 seconds in Sub-Saharan Africa. Please log on to www.imaginenomalaria.org to learn more about the UMC work in Sub-Saharan Africa and how you can help.
If you choose to donate online, be sure to include our church name so it gets applied toward our goal! And, please reserve February 17 to come eat (and play with) pancakes!
*Malaria, it is caused by a parasite, which is transmitted to humans through the bite of the female anopheles mosquito. This mosquito flies and feeds at night (which is why bed nets are an effective prevention tool). When an infected mosquito bites a person, the parasite enters the bloodstream and heads for the liver, where it multiplies. It then re-enters the bloodstream, attacking red blood cells. Typically, someone with malaria experiences a high fever, chills, joint pain and headaches. Left untreated, symptoms eventually advance to organ failure.
a view from the pew from a longtime member of our church
with Pastor Molly
Pastor Molly invites you to join her during her open Coffee House Office Hours on Tuesday, February 10, between noon and 2pm. Come by any time--share lunch, coffee, or another treat, and join in informal conversation. The topics are open--there's no agenda, just an opportunity to connect with one another.
At Catalina Coffee - 126 N Catalina, Redondo Beach, CA 90277
Our two new Spanish Language classes for children start this upcoming week- February 3rd!
Tuesdays (3 &4 year olds): 3:45-4:45pm
Tuesdays (5,6 & 7 year olds): 5:00-6:00pm
For more information including tuition cost and teacher bio visit our Children's Page on the Church Website.
Join the Choir!
There's still room for more voices to join in the singing! We're adding handbells into some of the music, too--so ringers are welcome.
Rehearsals are on Wednesday evenings, from 7:30-9pm in the Choir Room. Everyone's welcome. Come share your gifts and be a part of some amazing music-making to glorify God.
Altar Flowers 2015
Would you like to purchase altar flowers for the sanctuary for Sundayworship? It's easy! Just click this link and fill out the order form.
Cost: $45
Community Events and Other Opportunities:
click these links for more information
Wanting more training to be a leader in the church?
On Saturday, February 7, our West District is hosting a one-day training event for church leaders, with workshops on a wide range of topics. The event is from 8am-2pm, at Holman UMC in Los Angeles (3320 W Adams Blvd).
After January 20, registration is $20 (including lunch).
See a list of workshop, and register online here.
Our United Methodist Women are currently working hard sorting your rummage donations for the next rummage sale. It's time to clean out your closets, garages and storage units and bring those treasures to church. Donations are accepted Mon-Fri, 10am-4pm. Items we cannot accept: box televisions, old CRT computer monitors, strollers, car seats, certain cribs, used mattresses and bed pillows and stuffed animals. If you are uncertain about an item, please contact the office for advice. Mark your calendars...the next sale isFriday and Saturday, March 6 and 7.
Visit the page and "like" us so you can see and share the latest photos, news and links from the church.
This Week at Church...
"If We Build It"---Saturday, Jan 31, 8am-noon, Fellowship Hall
UMW Board meeting---Monday, Feb 2, 7pm, May Day Parlor
Boy Scouts Court of Honor---Tuesday, Feb 3, 7pm, Sanctuary/Hall Spanish Classes begin, Tuesday, Feb 3 Music & Worship meeting, Wednesday, Feb 4, 6pm, May Day Parlor
Nursery (6 weeks-2 years):
The Nursery is open during both services: 8:30am for ages 6 weeks to 6 yrs old and 10:30am for children 6 weeks to 4 yrs old. Located right off of the parking lot across Epworth Lounge. Any questions email the Nursery Coordinator: Adriana Hwang
Children's Ministry (Preschool- 3rd Grade):
8:30am: Join us in service! Look for special activities on the children's cart that invite children to engage with the message.
10:30am: You did it! By bringing in your Bible Bags and attending class you've earned enough scoops of popcorn kernels to have your own popcorn party! For a portion of the class time we will enjoy a Veggietales video (and popcorn treat) that complements our weekly lesson.
Church R Us (4th and 5th grade):
8:30am: Join us in service! Look for special activities on the children's cart that invite children to engage with the message.
10:30am: CRU class meets in its newly refurbished room (work in progress!) above the nursery. This week's Bible story is "Teaching and Healing" fromMark 1:21-28. Lesson Focus: "Jesus' strong beats evil's wrong"
Youth Group (6th-12th grade):
-Youth Group Cancelled Sunday (Feb 1)! See you next week at 3-5pm!
-Conference Winter Retreat: What Does the Lord Require of You (Feb 15-17)!
-SSP Weekend of Service in South LA (April 10-12): Registration DueFebruary 23rd.
-Middle School Sunday School? Nope! Remember, we meet every other week.
Men's Breakfast:
Our next breakfast is Monday, February 2 at 7AM. Coco's Restaurant, 18120 Hawthorne Blvd. (Hawthorne and 182nd) All men of the church and their friends are welcome to join us for fellowship.
20/30 group: This young adult group is a casual gathering of people in their 20's and 30's looking to connect with other young adults who attend the same church. Contact Amanda Kuczun for info on upcoming events!
First United Methodist Church of Redondo Beach
310-372-8445 main 310-372-5696 fax
Reverend Molly Vetter, Lead & Teaching Pastor PastorMolly@beachfaith.com
Ernie Valenzuela, Administrative Assistant x101 Ernie@beachfaith.com
First United Methodist Church
243 S. Broadway Street
Redondo Beach, California 90277United States
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