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From David Brickner
➤ Read David’s thoughts on what it means to love the gospel
Life from the DeadCategory: March 2016 Newsletter (5776:07)
Once a theologian was waxing eloquent about Christ’s passion. He spoke of it as a mere story, a symbol of hope for renewal and rebirth. A young reporter from Christianity Today magazine challenged him with a simple question, “Sir, if you were a newspaper reporter standing outside of the tomb on the third day after Christ’s crucifixion, what would you report to your newspaper?” The theologian cleared his throat and answered, “Young man, did you say you were a reporter from Christianity Today or Christianity yesterday?”
Thank God, the cross and empty tomb are not merely symbols! They are historical realities. When we talk about the cross and the tomb we are not reminiscing about yesterday’s Christianity; we are talking about today’s Christianity.
Yes, the world is changing. Cultures shift and change, and we must find new ways to engage people with the gospel. In fact, Jews for Jesus is intentionally learning about our changing culture even as you read this—we want to get a handle on the questions that younger people are asking. The next step will be finding the intersection between those questions and the answers God has provided. Questions may change, and the dynamics of how we interact with people of different generations and varying circumstances may change, but one thing does not change—and that is the gospel.
The Person, power and purpose that raised the Lord Jesus from the dead is alive and vibrant and at work in the church right now. Yes, worldliness and weaknesses afflict us, and dogma and disagreements sometimes conflict us. Yet, as the bride of our crucified and risen Messiah, we beam a message to a desperate world. There is hope. There are answers. God provided a way for us to have a relationship with Him.
That power, that purpose, that message of hope is absent from the synagogues, even though the hope of resurrection is rooted in the Old Testament. (Download the Resurrection Chart here.) In fact, any hope for a literal afterlife is considered irrelevant by the majority of Jewish people today. During my studies at Moody Bible Institute, I took part in door-to-door evangelism in an Orthodox Jewish neighborhood on the north side of Chicago. One day I called upon an older woman who happened to be married to a local rabbi. I asked, “Where do you suppose you will go when you die?” Without blinking an eye she replied, “Down the street to the cemetery.”
My people, the Jewish people, are without God and without hope in this world. Yet the church, believers in Jesus who gather together around the cross and the empty tomb, has a message of hope and life. Through proclaiming our hope, we can be agents of God’s transforming power when it comes to the destiny of thousands of Jewish people who don’t yet know Him.
I’m so thankful to God for this transformation in my life and that of my family. My father’s family were traditional Jews, strongly affiliated with the Jewish community. One day a Christian couple told them about Jesus. When no one in the family responded, this couple prayed every day for my father and his family—for seven years!
Despite an apparent lack of results, after those seven years my father, his brother and my grandparents became believers—all within a period of weeks. My grandfather’s body was ravaged with cancer when he came to faith, and he died soon after. At the funeral my great-grandmother mourned the loss of her son as she cried out in Yiddish, “O my Nathan, he’s in the ground, he’s in the ground. O my Nathan, he’s in the ground.” My grief-stricken grandmother, who was only weeks old in her new faith, was able to put her arm around her mother-in-law and whisper, “No mamma, Nathan is not in the ground. He’s in heaven with the Lord.” That, my dear friends, is the difference Christ makes—all the difference in the world.
It’s true that you need to be culturally sensitive when witnessing to Jewish people, but truth has a way of cutting through cultural barriers.
We hear testimonies of many Jewish believers in Jesus and, time after time, one of the steps in their path to faith is the bright light of a testimony from a friend or coworker who is not Jewish. It’s true that you need to be culturally sensitive when witnessing to Jewish people, but truth has a way of cutting through cultural barriers.
For example, the cross has been a symbol of persecution to the Jewish people for centuries because of the atrocities committed in the name of the Crucified One. Some Jewish people have gone so far as to say, “I could never bring myself to walk into a building with a cross in front of it. That would be like spitting on the grave of my ancestors.” And yet, God has moved in the hearts of many Jewish people to the point where they have accepted a friend’s invitation to church, and it’s been a step along the way to salvation. What people say may differ from what they do, once the power of prayer is at work in their lives.
Please, never be afraid or ashamed to invite Jewish friends to your church. They may decline, and you should not feel hurt if they do. Just remember, your pastor and your friends at church have much to offer your unbelieving friends—give them the chance to do so.
Perhaps one of our Jews for Jesus missionaries is going to be at your church or a church in your area presenting “Christ in the Passover.” Was there a “Christ in the Passover” itinerary that came with this newsletter? If so, that means we will be in a church near you. Don’t miss the opportunity to invite a Jewish friend! One of the most common things we hear from Christians who have attended our presentations is, “You know, I just wasn’t sure if I should invite my Jewish friend. Now I really wish I had!” Please don’t be among those to regret a missed opportunity. The worst that can happen (your friend refuses) is far outweighed by the best that can happen. And the best that can happen is summed up by that empty tomb.
There is an empty tomb in Israel’s future. The Lord asked of the prophet Ezekiel, “Can these bones live?”* I have abiding confidence that they will. The future of the Jewish people is bright with promise because God has declared the end from the beginning.
God promised a revival, no, a resurrection that will once again shake the world. “For if their being cast away is the reconciling of the world, what will their acceptance be but life from the dead?” (Romans 11:15). Life from the dead! That is our hope. That is what God has declared for the future.
*For an interesting perspective on this chapter of Ezekiel, see our extensive chart on resurrection by Rich Robinson.
David Brickner is also an author, public speaker and avid hiker. Find out more about David, his writings, speaking schedule and possible availability to speak at your church.
➤ Watch David’s video update fresh from his recent trip to Israel

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Answered prayer at art fairs
Answered prayer at art fairsCategory: RealTime February 2016

God can use art to open, first eyes, then hearts of people who might not otherwise stop to talk. Our Multitudes project is a series of original paintings by Steffi Geiser Rubin, illustrating passages from Matthew that refer to the Hebrew Scriptures. The project includes a beautiful “coffee table” edition of the Gospel of Matthew with the illustrations throughout. Most of the art includes Hebrew text.
We launched our gallery circuit in San Francisco, and the show has also been to New York and Washington DC. We look forward to having it in Israel this spring. It was exciting to have an opportunity to show at an art festival in South Florida recently, and that’s where these stories were reported.
South Florida branch leader Robyn Wilk reports: “Sue, a Hebrew school teacher, was especially drawn to the Multitudes painting. Sue explained that one of her daughters feels drawn to Jesus and that she also is willing to look at ‘other religions.’ As she was buying our assorted Multitudes cards, I shared a brief story of how I came to faith. Sue listened intently and although I didn’t get her info, she was willing to take mine. Please pray she calls me.
“I also met Nancy who went through an official conversion to marry an Orthodox man. Still, she has doubts and questions. She gave me her phone number and asked if we could to get together. Please pray for her salvation.”
Lisa Smolowitz, one of our South Florida missionaries, reports, “I was getting ready for our next sortie (literature-passing expedition) when a guy burst into the tent, began reading the Hebrew on one of the paintings and said, ‘This is fantastic, this art is beautiful!’ David loved the art so much he bought a pack of our cards. We had a great conversation discussing our Jewish journeys through Conservative, Orthodox, Reconstructionist and (for me), Messianic Judaism. David’s current interest is the Jewish Renewal movement. He did not want to give his contact information, but asked for my business card. I also gave him a piece of our gospel literature, the link to my testimony on YouTube, and a Multitudes pen just in case he loses his, he should have another one. When he left, it was like saying goodbye to an old friend. Please pray that David will find true renewal through the Messiah.
“An elderly man walked past our booth, got to the end of the aisle, and returned to stand in front of our booth again, looking intently at the art. I sensed he was able to read the Hebrew. Sure enough, a few minutes later his son came looking for him. The family lived in Israel for six years and understood exactly what the art represented. Marc and I explained in further detail how it reflected the Messiah (Jesus) from the Hebrew Scriptures to the New Testament. They took the promo flyer, and a pen.”
Marc Sternberg, who was the original “visionary” behind the Multitudes project, is part of our San Francisco headquarters team. He flew down to participate in this our first showing at an outdoor art fair. He reports, “A couple stood outside the tent, squinting to read the Hebrew on several of the paintings, so we invited them in to get a closer look. Turns out they teach Hebrew at their local temple. We explained the art and why we were there. They were fascinated, and stayed to talk at length. The husband and I share a hobby, cycling, and he invited me to come cycling with him and some friends, which I gladly accepted. I was amazed that having just met, and knowing where I work and what I believe, he wanted to spend time and maybe talk further!
“A mother and daughter entered the tent and were trying to read the Hebrew in the paintings. Seeing that they were having difficulty I pointed them to the Matthew 26 painting, knowing they would easily recognize the traditional Hebrew prayer over the wine. They told me they were not religious but when I asked if they would be interested in joining us for Shabbat in Fort Lauderdale, they said they would definitely like to come! Please pray our branch will be able to connect with this mother and daughter.”
These and other conversations were so encouraging, as were the nearly 6,000 people who received the gospel postcards the team was handing out, as well as 400 cards at the art booth. Please pray for all the gospel seed that was sown, and for further ministry to many of the people the team met.




Top Stories:
Answered prayer at art fairs
Answered prayer at art fairsCategory: RealTime February 2016
God can use art to open, first eyes, then hearts of people who might not otherwise stop to talk. Our Multitudes project is a series of original paintings by Steffi Geiser Rubin, illustrating passages from Matthew that refer to the Hebrew Scriptures. The project includes a beautiful “coffee table” edition of the Gospel of Matthew with the illustrations throughout. Most of the art includes Hebrew text.
We launched our gallery circuit in San Francisco, and the show has also been to New York and Washington DC. We look forward to having it in Israel this spring. It was exciting to have an opportunity to show at an art festival in South Florida recently, and that’s where these stories were reported.
South Florida branch leader Robyn Wilk reports: “Sue, a Hebrew school teacher, was especially drawn to the Multitudes painting. Sue explained that one of her daughters feels drawn to Jesus and that she also is willing to look at ‘other religions.’ As she was buying our assorted Multitudes cards, I shared a brief story of how I came to faith. Sue listened intently and although I didn’t get her info, she was willing to take mine. Please pray she calls me.
“I also met Nancy who went through an official conversion to marry an Orthodox man. Still, she has doubts and questions. She gave me her phone number and asked if we could to get together. Please pray for her salvation.”
Lisa Smolowitz, one of our South Florida missionaries, reports, “I was getting ready for our next sortie (literature-passing expedition) when a guy burst into the tent, began reading the Hebrew on one of the paintings and said, ‘This is fantastic, this art is beautiful!’ David loved the art so much he bought a pack of our cards. We had a great conversation discussing our Jewish journeys through Conservative, Orthodox, Reconstructionist and (for me), Messianic Judaism. David’s current interest is the Jewish Renewal movement. He did not want to give his contact information, but asked for my business card. I also gave him a piece of our gospel literature, the link to my testimony on YouTube, and a Multitudes pen just in case he loses his, he should have another one. When he left, it was like saying goodbye to an old friend. Please pray that David will find true renewal through the Messiah.
“An elderly man walked past our booth, got to the end of the aisle, and returned to stand in front of our booth again, looking intently at the art. I sensed he was able to read the Hebrew. Sure enough, a few minutes later his son came looking for him. The family lived in Israel for six years and understood exactly what the art represented. Marc and I explained in further detail how it reflected the Messiah (Jesus) from the Hebrew Scriptures to the New Testament. They took the promo flyer, and a pen.”
Marc Sternberg, who was the original “visionary” behind the Multitudes project, is part of our San Francisco headquarters team. He flew down to participate in this our first showing at an outdoor art fair. He reports, “A couple stood outside the tent, squinting to read the Hebrew on several of the paintings, so we invited them in to get a closer look. Turns out they teach Hebrew at their local temple. We explained the art and why we were there. They were fascinated, and stayed to talk at length. The husband and I share a hobby, cycling, and he invited me to come cycling with him and some friends, which I gladly accepted. I was amazed that having just met, and knowing where I work and what I believe, he wanted to spend time and maybe talk further!
“A mother and daughter entered the tent and were trying to read the Hebrew in the paintings. Seeing that they were having difficulty I pointed them to the Matthew 26 painting, knowing they would easily recognize the traditional Hebrew prayer over the wine. They told me they were not religious but when I asked if they would be interested in joining us for Shabbat in Fort Lauderdale, they said they would definitely like to come! Please pray our branch will be able to connect with this mother and daughter.”
These and other conversations were so encouraging, as were the nearly 6,000 people who received the gospel postcards the team was handing out, as well as 400 cards at the art booth. Please pray for all the gospel seed that was sown, and for further ministry to many of the people the team met.
Hello Israel: have Israeli scientists found a way to give relief from fibromyalgia?
Hello IsraelCategory: RealTime February 2016
Israel has pioneered many medical breakthroughs, and a new treatment for fibromyalgia may well be one of them. Fibromyalgia is a chronic pain syndrome; because its origins are not understood, it’s never been treated at its root cause. Treating symptoms through heavy pain medications brings its own set of problems.
While it is too soon to make pronouncements, a small, double blind study showed improvement in 100% of the 48 people who receive the new treatment at the Sagol Center for Hyperbaric Medicine and Research in Israel. (It was actually a series of treatments in which patients received oxygen therapy in a sealed chamber.)
Israeli researchers believe that abnormal conditions in the pain-related areas of the brain are the source of this syndrome, and that these abnormal conditions can be corrected. Brain scans taken before and after the new treatment seem to corroborate this theory.
God promised Abraham that his descendants would be a blessing to the whole world—and we know that promise is completely and ultimately fulfilled through Jesus. But it’s worth noting that God continues to bring other blessings, smaller blessings through the people of Israel, and some of those “small” blessings can make quite a big difference.
Hello IsraelCategory: RealTime February 2016
Israel has pioneered many medical breakthroughs, and a new treatment for fibromyalgia may well be one of them. Fibromyalgia is a chronic pain syndrome; because its origins are not understood, it’s never been treated at its root cause. Treating symptoms through heavy pain medications brings its own set of problems.
While it is too soon to make pronouncements, a small, double blind study showed improvement in 100% of the 48 people who receive the new treatment at the Sagol Center for Hyperbaric Medicine and Research in Israel. (It was actually a series of treatments in which patients received oxygen therapy in a sealed chamber.)
Israeli researchers believe that abnormal conditions in the pain-related areas of the brain are the source of this syndrome, and that these abnormal conditions can be corrected. Brain scans taken before and after the new treatment seem to corroborate this theory.
God promised Abraham that his descendants would be a blessing to the whole world—and we know that promise is completely and ultimately fulfilled through Jesus. But it’s worth noting that God continues to bring other blessings, smaller blessings through the people of Israel, and some of those “small” blessings can make quite a big difference.
Pressing prayer request:
Jews for Jesus libeled in the Jerusalem Online; please share and ask others to pray!
Press Release: Jews for Jesus Libeled in the Jerusalem Onlineby Jews for Jesus Category: Articles Published: February 21, 2016 Hits: 2660
Jews for Jesus Libeled in the Jerusalem Online
Contact: Susan Perlman, Jews for Jesus
(415) 864-2600
San Francisco, CA - February 21, 2016
Jews for Jesus missionaries are wrongly being charged with links to Arab terrorists according to a Jerusalem Online report. Father Gabriel Naddaf of Nazareth alleges that, by association, Jews for Jesus is in collusion with those who are anti-Zionist. He cites conversations with two Jews for Jesus staff members, both of whom have served as soldiers in the IDF and currently serve in the Israeli reserves.
Dan Sered, Israel director, was on an international platform with a staff member of one of these so-called terrorist sympathizers several years ago (in which they both spoke about reconciliation between Israelis and Palestinians).
Says Sered,
“Does that make me suspect? This kind of inference is very dangerous and can lead to terrible misunderstandings. I wish the Jerusalem Online had called me before printing this.”
David Brickner, executive director of Jews for Jesus, responded by saying:
“These are flat out lies. No representatives of Jews for Jesus were ever interviewed for this so called news story. It is simply not true and I ought to know.”
The Jerusalem Online received complaints against its reporter, Rachel Avraham in the past when she ran a piece associating Women of the Wall with anti-Israel groups back in 2013. At that time, those whom she attacked called her tactics, “a McCarthy-esque crusade.”
The Jerusalem Online did not seek any comments from Jews for Jesus before publishing this article.
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Jews for Jesus
Press Release: Jews for Jesus Libeled in the Jerusalem Onlineby Jews for Jesus Category: Articles Published: February 21, 2016 Hits: 2660
Jews for Jesus Libeled in the Jerusalem Online
Contact: Susan Perlman, Jews for Jesus
(415) 864-2600
San Francisco, CA - February 21, 2016
Jews for Jesus missionaries are wrongly being charged with links to Arab terrorists according to a Jerusalem Online report. Father Gabriel Naddaf of Nazareth alleges that, by association, Jews for Jesus is in collusion with those who are anti-Zionist. He cites conversations with two Jews for Jesus staff members, both of whom have served as soldiers in the IDF and currently serve in the Israeli reserves.
Dan Sered, Israel director, was on an international platform with a staff member of one of these so-called terrorist sympathizers several years ago (in which they both spoke about reconciliation between Israelis and Palestinians).
Says Sered,
“Does that make me suspect? This kind of inference is very dangerous and can lead to terrible misunderstandings. I wish the Jerusalem Online had called me before printing this.”
David Brickner, executive director of Jews for Jesus, responded by saying:
“These are flat out lies. No representatives of Jews for Jesus were ever interviewed for this so called news story. It is simply not true and I ought to know.”
The Jerusalem Online received complaints against its reporter, Rachel Avraham in the past when she ran a piece associating Women of the Wall with anti-Israel groups back in 2013. At that time, those whom she attacked called her tactics, “a McCarthy-esque crusade.”
The Jerusalem Online did not seek any comments from Jews for Jesus before publishing this article.
Support Jewish Evangelism
Your financial support, prayers and willingness to spread the Word make the work of Jews for Jesus possible. Please consider giving now to help share the gospel and introduce Jewish people to their Messiah. Thank you!
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Jews for Jesus
60 Haight Street
San Francisco, California 94102, United States
Phone 415-864-2600
"Jews for Jesus Development Department Monthly Newsletter" David Stone, Jews for Jesus of San Francisco, California, United States for 15 February 2016
Monday, February 15, 2016

Shalom to you, our partners in ministry. It is an honor to share with you the latest news from Washington, Savvy Living, Personal Planning, gift stories, finance news, and timely articles.
There are no "asks" in this eNewsletter as it is designed totally to be a helpful service to you. Feel free to share it with others in your family or your friends. If you would like me to send it directly to them please send me their email address.
This information is put together in a way to be a help in understanding what is happening in our economy so you can use it to your best advantage. I hope this information is useful to you.
If you have any questions or I can be of assistance to you please contact me.

David Stone
Director of Donor Relations
Irrevocable Life Insurance Trust (ILIT)
Susan and Steve had been talking to their tax attorney, Elizabeth, about plans for their family.
"Jews for Jesus Development Department Monthly Newsletter" David Stone, Jews for Jesus of San Francisco, California, United States for 15 February 2016
Monday, February 15, 2016
Shalom to you, our partners in ministry. It is an honor to share with you the latest news from Washington, Savvy Living, Personal Planning, gift stories, finance news, and timely articles.
There are no "asks" in this eNewsletter as it is designed totally to be a helpful service to you. Feel free to share it with others in your family or your friends. If you would like me to send it directly to them please send me their email address.
This information is put together in a way to be a help in understanding what is happening in our economy so you can use it to your best advantage. I hope this information is useful to you.
If you have any questions or I can be of assistance to you please contact me.
David Stone
Director of Donor Relations
Irrevocable Life Insurance Trust (ILIT)
Susan and Steve had been talking to their tax attorney, Elizabeth, about plans for their family.
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Irrevocable Life Insurance Trust (ILIT)
Susan and Steve had been talking to their tax attorney, Elizabeth, about plans for their family. Susan is very concerned about their family.
Susan: "I wish that we had a perfect family, but we must admit we don't. We have three children. Our first child is out on his own, has a good job and is doing fine. But our second child has had substance abuse problems and recently was released from rehabilitation. He now seems fine but he has had relapses before. Our third child is a very sweet young woman who unfortunately has been married, divorced and is now remarried. But she is now going through some real rough spots in her new marriage. How can we protect our three children with so many risks?"
Steve: "We've been very fortunate and our business has grown quite large. We have an offer for the business and have been told that we could sell it tax free through a special charitable trust. That sounds like a great idea, but we need to set up an inheritance for the children and it must be done in a way that protects them. How can we do this? What's the best way to sell our business tax free and replace the inheritance for the children?"
Elizabeth: "We have a great plan that achieves all of those goals. You will be able to sell your business tax free and set up a special trust that holds an insurance policy for the benefit of your children. After both of you pass away, the trust will receive the insurance proceeds income and estate tax free. The full amount can be invested to provide new taxable income for the lives of your children."
When to Use a Life Insurance Trust
A very beneficial estate planning strategy to protect your "less-than-perfect" family is to create a trust that owns life insurance. To gain the maximum benefit from this trust, it is irrevocable after it is created. Your advisor will usually call this an irrevocable life insurance trust (ILIT).
Benefits of an ILIT
Management. If you have a substantial estate and plan to pass a significant inheritance to children, a trust enables you to select the child or the financial institution that will be best qualified to manage significant assets.
Income Rather Than Principal. Many parents are faced with Steve and Susan's problem. They have one or more children who will act in harmful ways with a substantial amount of principal. So the best solution is to provide income to everyone for a term of years or for life. A trust is an excellent method for this purpose. The trustee can also have discretion to distribute principal, or at an age you select the trust property can be given to your children.
Tax Savings. If your estate is more than the federal exemption, it may in future years be subject to taxes at a very high rate. For individuals who support charity, a great plan is to create a trust or make charitable gifts with the majority of the estate and replace the gifted property with an insurance trust. Steve and Susan can create a two-life charitable remainder trust and benefit from a tax-free sale and life income for themselves. After they pass away, their children will benefit from the insurance proceeds in the ILIT.
How Does the ILIT Work?
ILIT Goals. If you have a large estate, a very important goal is to make sure the ILIT is not subject to estate tax. In order to protect the ILIT from taxes, Steve and Susan cannot retain specific powers over the trust or the life insurance. Specifically, they cannot have the right to cash in the policy, to borrow against it, or even to designate the beneficiaries. The policy is purchased with the trust as the beneficiary and will not be changed after it is first acquired by the trust.
Gift of Premiums. Steve and Susan will need to make annual gifts to the ILIT to pay the insurance premiums. Because they can use their annual exclusion, they are able to fund a very substantial policy ($14,000 for each parent times three children equals as much as $84,000 per year in 2016—with indexing of the annual exclusion, it may be more in future years). When they transfer the premium amount to the trustee, their children each receive a special right known as a "Crummey" power, named after the first person to use this concept. Under their Crummey power, the children have 30 days to spend the money. With appropriate parental guidance, the children do not spend the money and it may then be used for payment of insurance premiums. Because the annual exclusion gift of $14,000 requires the child to be able to spend the money for a short period of time, the Crummey power is an essential part of the ILIT.
ILIT Insurance Policies. There are two ways for the insurance policy to be transferred to the ILIT. The first and preferred method is for the ILIT to actually purchase a new policy. However, if you or your spouse are not insurable, in some cases an existing policy is given to the ILIT. If you give an existing policy to the ILIT, in order for the ILIT to be estate tax free you must survive for at least three years.
Child as Trustee. Many parents will select one of the children as trustee, preferably one with good financial skills. The child frequently serves for a reduced fee or no fee. The disadvantage for the child serving as trustee is that he or she may have conflicts with other siblings.
Financial Institution as Trustee. The second option is for a bank or trust company to serve as trustee. If the insurance trust is quite large, the objective nature of the bank or trust institution may make this a good option. In considering a bank or financial institution as trustee, Steve and Susan should understand the costs for the investment and administration services of the bank after the insurance proceeds have been received and the trust is funded.
ILIT Options
Income. After the demise of Steve and Susan, the trustee will invest the insurance proceeds and pay income to the beneficiaries. Some trusts last until the beneficiary has reached a specific age, or the trust may last for their lifetimes. With the concern about protecting a child with a substance abuse problem and the marital relationship problems of their daughter, Steve and Susan decided to continue the income stream for the lives of their children. The primary goal of many parents is to provide an additional level of economic security for the children. This income stream will provide payouts for the rest of their lifetimes.
Ability to Distribute Principal. The trustee may be given permission to distribute principal. This could be based upon such standards as health, education, maintenance and support, or may be discretionary with the trustee. Steve and Susan permitted their trustee to make distributions for medical care but not for enhanced lifestyle. Steve asked, "What is likely to be the result if two of our children receive principal?" Based on the belief that principal distributions will be used for unneeded and perhaps unhealthy purposes, their trust will pay income and, if required, medical expenses.
Income Taxes on New Trust Income. While the insurance proceeds are tax free to the trust as long as there has been no violation of the insurance guidelines, the new income that is earned and distributed to the children will be taxable. If the income were retained in the trust, the trust would pay the tax. However, because most income would be distributed to the children, they will pay the ordinary income or capital gains tax on their trust distributions.
How to Calculate Your Retirement Number
Can you help me calculate about how much my wife and I need to save for retirement? We are both in our late-50s and want to see where we stand.
Personal Planner
Irrevocable Life Insurance Trust (ILIT)
Susan and Steve had been talking to their tax attorney, Elizabeth, about plans for their family. Susan is very concerned about their family.
Susan: "I wish that we had a perfect family, but we must admit we don't. We have three children. Our first child is out on his own, has a good job and is doing fine. But our second child has had substance abuse problems and recently was released from rehabilitation. He now seems fine but he has had relapses before. Our third child is a very sweet young woman who unfortunately has been married, divorced and is now remarried. But she is now going through some real rough spots in her new marriage. How can we protect our three children with so many risks?"
Steve: "We've been very fortunate and our business has grown quite large. We have an offer for the business and have been told that we could sell it tax free through a special charitable trust. That sounds like a great idea, but we need to set up an inheritance for the children and it must be done in a way that protects them. How can we do this? What's the best way to sell our business tax free and replace the inheritance for the children?"
Elizabeth: "We have a great plan that achieves all of those goals. You will be able to sell your business tax free and set up a special trust that holds an insurance policy for the benefit of your children. After both of you pass away, the trust will receive the insurance proceeds income and estate tax free. The full amount can be invested to provide new taxable income for the lives of your children."
When to Use a Life Insurance Trust
A very beneficial estate planning strategy to protect your "less-than-perfect" family is to create a trust that owns life insurance. To gain the maximum benefit from this trust, it is irrevocable after it is created. Your advisor will usually call this an irrevocable life insurance trust (ILIT).
Benefits of an ILIT
Management. If you have a substantial estate and plan to pass a significant inheritance to children, a trust enables you to select the child or the financial institution that will be best qualified to manage significant assets.
Income Rather Than Principal. Many parents are faced with Steve and Susan's problem. They have one or more children who will act in harmful ways with a substantial amount of principal. So the best solution is to provide income to everyone for a term of years or for life. A trust is an excellent method for this purpose. The trustee can also have discretion to distribute principal, or at an age you select the trust property can be given to your children.
Tax Savings. If your estate is more than the federal exemption, it may in future years be subject to taxes at a very high rate. For individuals who support charity, a great plan is to create a trust or make charitable gifts with the majority of the estate and replace the gifted property with an insurance trust. Steve and Susan can create a two-life charitable remainder trust and benefit from a tax-free sale and life income for themselves. After they pass away, their children will benefit from the insurance proceeds in the ILIT.
How Does the ILIT Work?
ILIT Goals. If you have a large estate, a very important goal is to make sure the ILIT is not subject to estate tax. In order to protect the ILIT from taxes, Steve and Susan cannot retain specific powers over the trust or the life insurance. Specifically, they cannot have the right to cash in the policy, to borrow against it, or even to designate the beneficiaries. The policy is purchased with the trust as the beneficiary and will not be changed after it is first acquired by the trust.
Gift of Premiums. Steve and Susan will need to make annual gifts to the ILIT to pay the insurance premiums. Because they can use their annual exclusion, they are able to fund a very substantial policy ($14,000 for each parent times three children equals as much as $84,000 per year in 2016—with indexing of the annual exclusion, it may be more in future years). When they transfer the premium amount to the trustee, their children each receive a special right known as a "Crummey" power, named after the first person to use this concept. Under their Crummey power, the children have 30 days to spend the money. With appropriate parental guidance, the children do not spend the money and it may then be used for payment of insurance premiums. Because the annual exclusion gift of $14,000 requires the child to be able to spend the money for a short period of time, the Crummey power is an essential part of the ILIT.
ILIT Insurance Policies. There are two ways for the insurance policy to be transferred to the ILIT. The first and preferred method is for the ILIT to actually purchase a new policy. However, if you or your spouse are not insurable, in some cases an existing policy is given to the ILIT. If you give an existing policy to the ILIT, in order for the ILIT to be estate tax free you must survive for at least three years.
Child as Trustee. Many parents will select one of the children as trustee, preferably one with good financial skills. The child frequently serves for a reduced fee or no fee. The disadvantage for the child serving as trustee is that he or she may have conflicts with other siblings.
Financial Institution as Trustee. The second option is for a bank or trust company to serve as trustee. If the insurance trust is quite large, the objective nature of the bank or trust institution may make this a good option. In considering a bank or financial institution as trustee, Steve and Susan should understand the costs for the investment and administration services of the bank after the insurance proceeds have been received and the trust is funded.
ILIT Options
Income. After the demise of Steve and Susan, the trustee will invest the insurance proceeds and pay income to the beneficiaries. Some trusts last until the beneficiary has reached a specific age, or the trust may last for their lifetimes. With the concern about protecting a child with a substance abuse problem and the marital relationship problems of their daughter, Steve and Susan decided to continue the income stream for the lives of their children. The primary goal of many parents is to provide an additional level of economic security for the children. This income stream will provide payouts for the rest of their lifetimes.
Ability to Distribute Principal. The trustee may be given permission to distribute principal. This could be based upon such standards as health, education, maintenance and support, or may be discretionary with the trustee. Steve and Susan permitted their trustee to make distributions for medical care but not for enhanced lifestyle. Steve asked, "What is likely to be the result if two of our children receive principal?" Based on the belief that principal distributions will be used for unneeded and perhaps unhealthy purposes, their trust will pay income and, if required, medical expenses.
Income Taxes on New Trust Income. While the insurance proceeds are tax free to the trust as long as there has been no violation of the insurance guidelines, the new income that is earned and distributed to the children will be taxable. If the income were retained in the trust, the trust would pay the tax. However, because most income would be distributed to the children, they will pay the ordinary income or capital gains tax on their trust distributions.
SAVVY LIVINGHow to Calculate Your Retirement Number
Can you help me calculate about how much my wife and I need to save for retirement? We are both in our late-50s and want to see where we stand.
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Savvy Living

How to Calculate Your Retirement Number
Can you help me calculate about how much my wife and I need to save for retirement? We are both in out late-50s and want to see where we stand.
Calculating the approximate amount of funds you'll need to save for a comfortable retirement is actually pretty easy and doesn't take long to do. It's a simple, three-step process that includes estimating your future living expenses, tallying up your retirement income and calculating the difference. There are even a host of online calculators that can help you with this.
Living Expenses
The first step is the most difficult—estimating your living expenses when you retire. If you want a quick ballpark estimate, figure around 75% - 85% of your current gross income. That's what most people find they need to maintain their current lifestyle in retirement.
If you want a more precise estimate, track your current living expenses on a worksheet and deduct any costs you expect to go away or decline when you retire. Then add whatever new costs you anticipate.
Costs that you can deduct from this worksheet include work-related expenses, like commuting or lunches out, as well as the amount you're putting away for retirement. You may also be able to deduct your kids' college payments and your mortgage if you expect to have those costs paid off by retirement. Your income taxes will likely decrease, so that might lead to a deduction as well.
On the other hand, some costs will probably go up when you retire, like healthcare. Additionally, depending on your interests, you may spend a lot more on travel, golf or other hobbies. If you're going to be retired for 20 or 30 years you also need to factor in the occasional big budget items, like a new roof, furnace or car.
Tally Income
Step two is to calculate your retirement income. If you or your wife contribute to Social Security, go to get your personalized statement. That statement estimates what your retirement benefits will be at age 62, full retirement age and age 70.
In addition to Social Security, if you or your wife has a traditional pension plan from an employer, find out from the plan administrator how much you are likely to receive when you retire. You should also add any other income from other sources that you expect to receive, such as rental properties, part-time work, etc.
Calculate the Difference
The final step is to do the calculations. Subtract your annual living expenses from your annual retirement income. If your income alone can cover your bills, then you're all set. If not, you'll need to tap your savings (including your 401(k) plans, IRAs or other investments) to make up the difference.
For example, let's say you need around $55,000 a year to meet your living expenses and pay taxes. Let's also assume that you and your wife expect to receive $30,000 a year from Social Security and other income. That leaves a $25,000 shortfall that you'll need to pull from your nest egg each year ($55,000 - $30,000 = $25,000).
Then, depending on what age you want to retire, you need to multiply your shortfall by at least 25 if you want to retire at age 60, 20 if you want to retire at age 65 or 17 if you want to retire at age 70. In this case, that would equate to $625,000, $500,000 and $425,000, respectively.
Why multiply the shortfall by 25, 20 or 17? You want to do so because that would allow you to pull 4% a year from your savings. That would be a safe withdrawal strategy that, in most cases, will let your money last as long as you do.
Savvy Living is written by Jim Miller, a regular contributor to the NBC Today Show and author of "The Savvy Living” book. Any links in this article are offered as a service and there is no endorsement of any product. These articles are offered as a helpful and informative service to our friends and may not always reflect this organization’s official position on some topics. Jim invites you to send your senior questions to: Savvy Living, P.O. Box 5443, Norman, OK 73070.
Savvy Living
How to Calculate Your Retirement Number
Can you help me calculate about how much my wife and I need to save for retirement? We are both in out late-50s and want to see where we stand.
Calculating the approximate amount of funds you'll need to save for a comfortable retirement is actually pretty easy and doesn't take long to do. It's a simple, three-step process that includes estimating your future living expenses, tallying up your retirement income and calculating the difference. There are even a host of online calculators that can help you with this.
Living Expenses
The first step is the most difficult—estimating your living expenses when you retire. If you want a quick ballpark estimate, figure around 75% - 85% of your current gross income. That's what most people find they need to maintain their current lifestyle in retirement.
If you want a more precise estimate, track your current living expenses on a worksheet and deduct any costs you expect to go away or decline when you retire. Then add whatever new costs you anticipate.
Costs that you can deduct from this worksheet include work-related expenses, like commuting or lunches out, as well as the amount you're putting away for retirement. You may also be able to deduct your kids' college payments and your mortgage if you expect to have those costs paid off by retirement. Your income taxes will likely decrease, so that might lead to a deduction as well.
On the other hand, some costs will probably go up when you retire, like healthcare. Additionally, depending on your interests, you may spend a lot more on travel, golf or other hobbies. If you're going to be retired for 20 or 30 years you also need to factor in the occasional big budget items, like a new roof, furnace or car.
Tally Income
Step two is to calculate your retirement income. If you or your wife contribute to Social Security, go to get your personalized statement. That statement estimates what your retirement benefits will be at age 62, full retirement age and age 70.
In addition to Social Security, if you or your wife has a traditional pension plan from an employer, find out from the plan administrator how much you are likely to receive when you retire. You should also add any other income from other sources that you expect to receive, such as rental properties, part-time work, etc.
Calculate the Difference
The final step is to do the calculations. Subtract your annual living expenses from your annual retirement income. If your income alone can cover your bills, then you're all set. If not, you'll need to tap your savings (including your 401(k) plans, IRAs or other investments) to make up the difference.
For example, let's say you need around $55,000 a year to meet your living expenses and pay taxes. Let's also assume that you and your wife expect to receive $30,000 a year from Social Security and other income. That leaves a $25,000 shortfall that you'll need to pull from your nest egg each year ($55,000 - $30,000 = $25,000).
Then, depending on what age you want to retire, you need to multiply your shortfall by at least 25 if you want to retire at age 60, 20 if you want to retire at age 65 or 17 if you want to retire at age 70. In this case, that would equate to $625,000, $500,000 and $425,000, respectively.
Why multiply the shortfall by 25, 20 or 17? You want to do so because that would allow you to pull 4% a year from your savings. That would be a safe withdrawal strategy that, in most cases, will let your money last as long as you do.
Savvy Living is written by Jim Miller, a regular contributor to the NBC Today Show and author of "The Savvy Living” book. Any links in this article are offered as a service and there is no endorsement of any product. These articles are offered as a helpful and informative service to our friends and may not always reflect this organization’s official position on some topics. Jim invites you to send your senior questions to: Savvy Living, P.O. Box 5443, Norman, OK 73070.
Flexible Deferred Gift Annuity
Lewis is a 54-year-old executive at a large healthcare company. He purchased company stock during years when the stock price was low, and now the stock has grown substantially.
Flexible Deferred Gift Annuity
Lewis is a 54-year-old executive at a large healthcare company. He purchased company stock during years when the stock price was low, and now the stock has grown substantially.
Read More Flexible Deferred Gift Annuity

Lewis is a 54-year-old executive at a large healthcare company. He purchased company stock during years when the stock price was low, and now the stock has grown substantially.
Lewis and his spouse, Ann, sold a vacation home earlier this year and are looking for a way to offset the capital gain tax owed on the sale. Lewis enjoys the challenge and responsibility of his job and is not quite ready to retire. But, he is looking at planning options that will provide income in the future with the flexibility to retire when he is ready.
Ann: We needed a charitable deduction to avoid paying the taxes we owed from the sale of our second home. While Lewis invested his energies at work, I spent years volunteering with our favorite charity and wanted to find a way to make a special gift to help further its work this year.
Lewis: Ann and I were both in good health and I still enjoyed working. We were living comfortably on my current salary, but were looking for ways to plan for retirement in the future. I wasn't quite certain when I would retire, so we wanted to find an income source that would permit me to be flexible with my retirement date.
Ann: A gift planner from our favorite charity told us that a flexible deferred gift annuity would help us meet our goals. Instead of selling our appreciated stock and paying high capital gain tax, we could give it to them and receive an immediate charitable tax deduction to offset our current tax bill. The flexible deferred gift annuity would permit us to elect to begin taking payments for life when Lewis was ready to retire.
Lewis: We decided to set up the flexible deferred gift annuity and were able to achieve all of our goals. We received a charitable tax deduction in the year that the gift was made and experienced immediate tax savings. When I am ready to retire, we will contact our favorite charity to begin payments, giving me the flexibility to continue working as long as I would like. In addition, the flexible deferred gift annuity makes it possible for us to receive a large portion of our income tax free, and this is an attractive benefit!
*Please note: The name and image above is representative of a typical donor and may or may not be an actual donor to our organization. Since your gift annuity benefits may be different, you may want to click here to view a color example of your benefits.
IRS Taxpayer Support in 2016
Each year the IRS alerts taxpayers about potential tax problems and scams. Four of the 2016 “Dirty Dozen” scams were described in IRS letters this week.
Lewis is a 54-year-old executive at a large healthcare company. He purchased company stock during years when the stock price was low, and now the stock has grown substantially.
Lewis and his spouse, Ann, sold a vacation home earlier this year and are looking for a way to offset the capital gain tax owed on the sale. Lewis enjoys the challenge and responsibility of his job and is not quite ready to retire. But, he is looking at planning options that will provide income in the future with the flexibility to retire when he is ready.
Ann: We needed a charitable deduction to avoid paying the taxes we owed from the sale of our second home. While Lewis invested his energies at work, I spent years volunteering with our favorite charity and wanted to find a way to make a special gift to help further its work this year.
Lewis: Ann and I were both in good health and I still enjoyed working. We were living comfortably on my current salary, but were looking for ways to plan for retirement in the future. I wasn't quite certain when I would retire, so we wanted to find an income source that would permit me to be flexible with my retirement date.
Ann: A gift planner from our favorite charity told us that a flexible deferred gift annuity would help us meet our goals. Instead of selling our appreciated stock and paying high capital gain tax, we could give it to them and receive an immediate charitable tax deduction to offset our current tax bill. The flexible deferred gift annuity would permit us to elect to begin taking payments for life when Lewis was ready to retire.
Lewis: We decided to set up the flexible deferred gift annuity and were able to achieve all of our goals. We received a charitable tax deduction in the year that the gift was made and experienced immediate tax savings. When I am ready to retire, we will contact our favorite charity to begin payments, giving me the flexibility to continue working as long as I would like. In addition, the flexible deferred gift annuity makes it possible for us to receive a large portion of our income tax free, and this is an attractive benefit!
*Please note: The name and image above is representative of a typical donor and may or may not be an actual donor to our organization. Since your gift annuity benefits may be different, you may want to click here to view a color example of your benefits.
IRS Taxpayer Support in 2016
Each year the IRS alerts taxpayers about potential tax problems and scams. Four of the 2016 “Dirty Dozen” scams were described in IRS letters this week.
Read More Washington News

IRS Taxpayer Support in 2016
Each year the IRS alerts taxpayers about potential tax problems and scams. Four of the 2016 “Dirty Dozen” scams were described in IRS letters this week. First, unscrupulous tax preparers may plan to file an inflated tax refund for you. IRS Commissioner John Koskinen stated, “Be wary of tax preparers that tout outlandish refunds based on federal benefits or tax credits you have never heard of or were not eligible to claim in the past.”
Some tax scammers promise large refunds from “fictitious rebates, benefits or tax credits.” You can seek qualified tax preparers in order to avoid any unusual or excessive tax refund claim.
Second, some tax preparers will “pad” or overstate your deductions. The IRS examines numerous returns each year with excessive and unsupported deductions. The most frequent excessive deductions are claimed for improper business expenses or unsupported charitable contributions. The Earned Income Tax Credit (EITC) and the Child Tax Credit (CTC) also are subject to frequent errors. If you file a “padded” deduction and underpay your taxes, you may be subject to additional payments of tax, interest and penalties. It is best to protect yourself by using programs such as IRS Free File or contact a volunteer tax assistance person in your local community.
Third, scammers may attempt to use excessive business credits. Koskinen reports, “The IRS is committed to stopping the improper use of business credits and catching the promoters of erroneous claims.” The most common business credit scam is use of the fuel tax credit. Individuals who are engaged in farming or off-road construction may obtain a fuel credit, but most Americans who use public roads do not qualify. Other tax scammers have improperly suggested that you could qualify for the business research credit. Most taxpayers do not qualify for either the business research credit or the off-road fuel credit.
Fourth, gifts to organizations with names similar to respected, legitimate charities may lead to problems. Koskinen reports, “Fake charities set up by scam artists to steal your money or personal information are a recurring problem. Taxpayers should take the time to research organizations before giving their hard-earned money.” You should take care to make gifts and receive receipts from recognized charities. All public charities are willing to provide you with their Federal Tax Identification Number.
The week after President’s Day is the busiest time of the year for calls to the IRS. Koskinen notes, “The entire week of the President’s Day holiday marks a peak time for the IRS. We are keeping our phones open over part of the holiday weekend to manage the increased demand.” He also urges taxpayers to go to first to obtain information. After you file, you may use “Where’s My Refund” on or the phone app “IRS2Go” to check on your refund status.
FINANCES
IRS Taxpayer Support in 2016
Each year the IRS alerts taxpayers about potential tax problems and scams. Four of the 2016 “Dirty Dozen” scams were described in IRS letters this week. First, unscrupulous tax preparers may plan to file an inflated tax refund for you. IRS Commissioner John Koskinen stated, “Be wary of tax preparers that tout outlandish refunds based on federal benefits or tax credits you have never heard of or were not eligible to claim in the past.”
Some tax scammers promise large refunds from “fictitious rebates, benefits or tax credits.” You can seek qualified tax preparers in order to avoid any unusual or excessive tax refund claim.
Second, some tax preparers will “pad” or overstate your deductions. The IRS examines numerous returns each year with excessive and unsupported deductions. The most frequent excessive deductions are claimed for improper business expenses or unsupported charitable contributions. The Earned Income Tax Credit (EITC) and the Child Tax Credit (CTC) also are subject to frequent errors. If you file a “padded” deduction and underpay your taxes, you may be subject to additional payments of tax, interest and penalties. It is best to protect yourself by using programs such as IRS Free File or contact a volunteer tax assistance person in your local community.
Third, scammers may attempt to use excessive business credits. Koskinen reports, “The IRS is committed to stopping the improper use of business credits and catching the promoters of erroneous claims.” The most common business credit scam is use of the fuel tax credit. Individuals who are engaged in farming or off-road construction may obtain a fuel credit, but most Americans who use public roads do not qualify. Other tax scammers have improperly suggested that you could qualify for the business research credit. Most taxpayers do not qualify for either the business research credit or the off-road fuel credit.
Fourth, gifts to organizations with names similar to respected, legitimate charities may lead to problems. Koskinen reports, “Fake charities set up by scam artists to steal your money or personal information are a recurring problem. Taxpayers should take the time to research organizations before giving their hard-earned money.” You should take care to make gifts and receive receipts from recognized charities. All public charities are willing to provide you with their Federal Tax Identification Number.
The week after President’s Day is the busiest time of the year for calls to the IRS. Koskinen notes, “The entire week of the President’s Day holiday marks a peak time for the IRS. We are keeping our phones open over part of the holiday weekend to manage the increased demand.” He also urges taxpayers to go to first to obtain information. After you file, you may use “Where’s My Refund” on or the phone app “IRS2Go” to check on your refund status.
Stocks - Coca-Cola Releases Quarterly Earnings
Read MoreCoca-Cola Releases Quarterly Earnings
The Coca-Cola Company (KO) released its quarterly earnings on Tuesday, February 9. The Atlanta-based soft drink giant beat earnings estimates but was unable to match last year's numbers.
Revenue for the quarter was $10 billion, beating analyst expectations. The company reported revenue of $10.8 billion for the same quarter last year.
"In late 2014, we laid out a clear five-point plan to reinvigorate growth and increase profitability. In 2015, a transition year, we delivered on this plan despite an increasingly challenging global macroeconomic environment," said Muhtar Kent, CEO of The Coca-Cola Company. "Our fourth quarter performance was a testament to the action we took as the Company continued to deliver solid pricing and unit case volume growth, culminating in 4% organic revenue growth for the full year."
The company reported net income of $1.24 billion or $0.28 per share. This is up from $770 million or $0.17 per share during the same quarter last year.
The Coca-Cola Company continues to maneuver through a rough environment for soda companies. Many consumers are shifting away from sugary snacks and drinks and looking for healthier alternatives. In response, Coke has looked for ways to increase revenue and cut costs. It has seen growth in its non-carbonated product lines including a line of ultra-filtered milk, known as Fairlife. The company's effort to refranchise its North American bottlers over a period of several years should serve to cut costs.
The Coca-Cola Company (KO) shares ended the week at $43.11, up 2% for the week.
Walt Disney Company Reports Earnings
The Walt Disney Company (DIS) reported quarterly earnings on Tuesday, February 9. The company posted a strong profit for the quarter.
The entertainment company reported revenue of $15.2 billion for the quarter. This was an increase of 14% from the same quarter last year.
"Driven by the phenomenal success of Star Wars, we delivered the highest quarterly earnings in the history of our company, marking our 10th consecutive quarter of double-digit EPS growth," said Disney Chairman and CEO Robert A. Iger. "We're very pleased with our results, which continue to validate our strategic focus and investments in brands and franchises to drive long-term growth across the entire company."
Disney reported net income of $2.9 billion for the fourth quarter, up 32% from a year ago. The company posted net income of $2.2 billion during the same quarter last year.
The Walt Disney Company owes much of its quarterly success to the December release of the latest installment in the "Star Wars" series. The film's box office success has helped offset the company's struggles with its television division. ESPN, a major part of Disney's television offering, has seen a steady decrease in subscriptions as many consumers are moving away from traditional cable packages to online streaming services.
The Walt Disney Company (DIS) shares ended the week at $91.15, down 2% for the week.
Yelp Posts Quarterly Net Loss
Yelp, Inc. (YELP) released its quarterly results on Monday, February 8. The company reported higher revenue than last year but a net loss for the quarter.
The company reported revenue of $153.7 million. This is up 40% from the same quarter last year when revenue was $109 million.
"We are pleased with the progress we made on the key initiatives we set at the beginning of 2015," said Yelp CEO Jeremy Stoppelman. "We have evolved to a mobile-centric company and have successfully completed our transition to a performance-based advertising business."
Yelp sustained a net loss of $22.2 million or $0.29 per share. During the same period last year the company reported net income of $32.7 million or $0.42 per share.
Yelp is known for its mobile app, which helps users search for and review local restaurants and other businesses. The company relies heavily on local advertisements for revenue. With the company posting mixed results for the quarter, Yelp CFO Rob Krolik has announced his resignation. Going forward, the company will be looking for someone to step in and bring the income numbers into the black.
Yelp, Inc. (YELP) shares ended the week at $15.56, down 11% for the week.
The Dow started the week of 2/8 at 16,148 and closed at 15,974 on 2/12. The S&P 500 started the week at 1,873 and closed at 1,865. The NASDAQ started the week at 4,288 and closed at 4,338.
The Coca-Cola Company (KO) released its quarterly earnings on Tuesday, February 9. The Atlanta-based soft drink giant beat earnings estimates but was unable to match last year's numbers.
Revenue for the quarter was $10 billion, beating analyst expectations. The company reported revenue of $10.8 billion for the same quarter last year.
"In late 2014, we laid out a clear five-point plan to reinvigorate growth and increase profitability. In 2015, a transition year, we delivered on this plan despite an increasingly challenging global macroeconomic environment," said Muhtar Kent, CEO of The Coca-Cola Company. "Our fourth quarter performance was a testament to the action we took as the Company continued to deliver solid pricing and unit case volume growth, culminating in 4% organic revenue growth for the full year."
The company reported net income of $1.24 billion or $0.28 per share. This is up from $770 million or $0.17 per share during the same quarter last year.
The Coca-Cola Company continues to maneuver through a rough environment for soda companies. Many consumers are shifting away from sugary snacks and drinks and looking for healthier alternatives. In response, Coke has looked for ways to increase revenue and cut costs. It has seen growth in its non-carbonated product lines including a line of ultra-filtered milk, known as Fairlife. The company's effort to refranchise its North American bottlers over a period of several years should serve to cut costs.
The Coca-Cola Company (KO) shares ended the week at $43.11, up 2% for the week.
Walt Disney Company Reports Earnings
The Walt Disney Company (DIS) reported quarterly earnings on Tuesday, February 9. The company posted a strong profit for the quarter.
The entertainment company reported revenue of $15.2 billion for the quarter. This was an increase of 14% from the same quarter last year.
"Driven by the phenomenal success of Star Wars, we delivered the highest quarterly earnings in the history of our company, marking our 10th consecutive quarter of double-digit EPS growth," said Disney Chairman and CEO Robert A. Iger. "We're very pleased with our results, which continue to validate our strategic focus and investments in brands and franchises to drive long-term growth across the entire company."
Disney reported net income of $2.9 billion for the fourth quarter, up 32% from a year ago. The company posted net income of $2.2 billion during the same quarter last year.
The Walt Disney Company owes much of its quarterly success to the December release of the latest installment in the "Star Wars" series. The film's box office success has helped offset the company's struggles with its television division. ESPN, a major part of Disney's television offering, has seen a steady decrease in subscriptions as many consumers are moving away from traditional cable packages to online streaming services.
The Walt Disney Company (DIS) shares ended the week at $91.15, down 2% for the week.
Yelp Posts Quarterly Net Loss
Yelp, Inc. (YELP) released its quarterly results on Monday, February 8. The company reported higher revenue than last year but a net loss for the quarter.
The company reported revenue of $153.7 million. This is up 40% from the same quarter last year when revenue was $109 million.
"We are pleased with the progress we made on the key initiatives we set at the beginning of 2015," said Yelp CEO Jeremy Stoppelman. "We have evolved to a mobile-centric company and have successfully completed our transition to a performance-based advertising business."
Yelp sustained a net loss of $22.2 million or $0.29 per share. During the same period last year the company reported net income of $32.7 million or $0.42 per share.
Yelp is known for its mobile app, which helps users search for and review local restaurants and other businesses. The company relies heavily on local advertisements for revenue. With the company posting mixed results for the quarter, Yelp CFO Rob Krolik has announced his resignation. Going forward, the company will be looking for someone to step in and bring the income numbers into the black.
Yelp, Inc. (YELP) shares ended the week at $15.56, down 11% for the week.
The Dow started the week of 2/8 at 16,148 and closed at 15,974 on 2/12. The S&P 500 started the week at 1,873 and closed at 1,865. The NASDAQ started the week at 4,288 and closed at 4,338.
Bonds - Treasury Yields Rise After Hitting 3-Year Low
Read MoreTreasury Yields Rise After Hitting 3-Year Low
After hitting their lowest return since September 2012 on Thursday, Treasury yields rose slightly on Friday, pushing prices lower. Despite the slight gain, the yields are still lingering around a one-year low.
The slight improvement came after a report indicated that January's retail sales rose slightly above analysts' expectations. The news caused some investors to shift gears—selling safer assets, like government bonds, in favor of riskier assets. As a result, the 10-year Treasury note gained 3.6 basis points following the news.
"I'm not at all surprised to see the Treasury market take a breather here after the torrid pace we've seen," said Christopher Keith, fixed income manager at Adviser Investments. Friday broke a six-day streak of declining yields.
The report indicated that U.S. retail sales rose by 0.2% in January, while December's sales were revised to show a 0.2% gain. Last month, reports incorrectly stated that December sale's experienced a 0.1% decline. The rise in sales is attributed to increased online shopping traffic, auto sales and grocery shopping.
"It relieves some of the unrelenting bad news versus expectations that has been the norm this year outside labor market indicators," said Jim Vogel, interest-rate strategist at FTN Financial.
However, despite the slight increase, analysts caution that investors should not expect yields to continue climbing higher. Due to negative interest rates in Europe and Japan, yields are expected to remain low as global investors seek out safe, secure returns.
In addition, Federal Reserve Chair Janet Yellen's comments have caused many investors to suppress their optimism. On Wednesday, Yellen testified to the House Financial Services Committee that she doesn't expect the central bank to cut interest rates any time soon. This course of action seems to be due in large part to the weakening overseas markets, as she noted that current financial conditions have become "less supportive of growth."
The 10-year Treasury note yield finished the week of 2/8 at 1.75% while the 30-year Treasury note yield was 2.60%.
After hitting their lowest return since September 2012 on Thursday, Treasury yields rose slightly on Friday, pushing prices lower. Despite the slight gain, the yields are still lingering around a one-year low.
The slight improvement came after a report indicated that January's retail sales rose slightly above analysts' expectations. The news caused some investors to shift gears—selling safer assets, like government bonds, in favor of riskier assets. As a result, the 10-year Treasury note gained 3.6 basis points following the news.
"I'm not at all surprised to see the Treasury market take a breather here after the torrid pace we've seen," said Christopher Keith, fixed income manager at Adviser Investments. Friday broke a six-day streak of declining yields.
The report indicated that U.S. retail sales rose by 0.2% in January, while December's sales were revised to show a 0.2% gain. Last month, reports incorrectly stated that December sale's experienced a 0.1% decline. The rise in sales is attributed to increased online shopping traffic, auto sales and grocery shopping.
"It relieves some of the unrelenting bad news versus expectations that has been the norm this year outside labor market indicators," said Jim Vogel, interest-rate strategist at FTN Financial.
However, despite the slight increase, analysts caution that investors should not expect yields to continue climbing higher. Due to negative interest rates in Europe and Japan, yields are expected to remain low as global investors seek out safe, secure returns.
In addition, Federal Reserve Chair Janet Yellen's comments have caused many investors to suppress their optimism. On Wednesday, Yellen testified to the House Financial Services Committee that she doesn't expect the central bank to cut interest rates any time soon. This course of action seems to be due in large part to the weakening overseas markets, as she noted that current financial conditions have become "less supportive of growth."
The 10-year Treasury note yield finished the week of 2/8 at 1.75% while the 30-year Treasury note yield was 2.60%.
CDs and Mortgages - Mortgage Rates Continue Slide
Read More Mortgage Rates Continue Slide
Freddie Mac released its latest Primary Mortgage Market Survey (PMMS) on Thursday, February 11. Interest rates have fallen for the sixth consecutive week.
The 30-year fixed rate mortgage averaged 3.65% for the week. This is a decrease from last week when it averaged 3.72%. Last year at this time, the 30-year fixed rate mortgage averaged 3.69%.
This week, the 15-year fixed rate mortgage averaged 2.95%. This is down from last week's average of 3.01%. The 15-year fixed rate mortgage averaged 2.99% during the same period last year.
"In a falling rate environment, mortgage rates often adjust more slowly than capital market rates, and the early-2016 flight-to-quality has run true to form," said Freddie Mac Chief Economist Sean Becketti. "The 30-year mortgage rate has dropped 36 basis points since the start of the year, while the yield on the 10-year Treasury has dropped 59 basis points over the same period. If Treasury yields were to hold at current levels, mortgage rates might well sink a little further before stabilizing."
The money market fund finished the week of 2/8 at 0.3%. The 1-year CD finished at 0.6%.
Thank you for your interest in planned giving. To access any of our resources, please go to our website.
Your Brother in Yeshua (Jesus),
David Stone
Jews for Jesus
Our mailing address is:
Jews for Jesus
60 Haight Street
Freddie Mac released its latest Primary Mortgage Market Survey (PMMS) on Thursday, February 11. Interest rates have fallen for the sixth consecutive week.
The 30-year fixed rate mortgage averaged 3.65% for the week. This is a decrease from last week when it averaged 3.72%. Last year at this time, the 30-year fixed rate mortgage averaged 3.69%.
This week, the 15-year fixed rate mortgage averaged 2.95%. This is down from last week's average of 3.01%. The 15-year fixed rate mortgage averaged 2.99% during the same period last year.
"In a falling rate environment, mortgage rates often adjust more slowly than capital market rates, and the early-2016 flight-to-quality has run true to form," said Freddie Mac Chief Economist Sean Becketti. "The 30-year mortgage rate has dropped 36 basis points since the start of the year, while the yield on the 10-year Treasury has dropped 59 basis points over the same period. If Treasury yields were to hold at current levels, mortgage rates might well sink a little further before stabilizing."
The money market fund finished the week of 2/8 at 0.3%. The 1-year CD finished at 0.6%.
Thank you for your interest in planned giving. To access any of our resources, please go to our website.
Your Brother in Yeshua (Jesus),
David Stone
Jews for Jesus
Our mailing address is:
Jews for Jesus
60 Haight Street
San Francisco, California 94102, United States
"Carry the gospel to Jewish college students" David Brickner, Jews for Jesus of San Francisco, California, United States Friday, 12 February 2016

Campuses around the country and overseas are once more becoming a hotbed of activism. And Jews for Jesus has renewed our presence on campuses to share the good news of Messiah Jesus.
This is so important right now because, clearly, an aggressive secularization is also underway on college campuses, both public and private. It’s shocking how hostile the culture of higher education has become to Christian faith and values. We feel called to bring the truth, values and worldview of God’s Word to universities as a counterpoint to this movement.
The good news is both salt and light. Our institutions of higher learning need the seasoning and illumination of gospel truth now more than ever. We feel called by God to put more focus on reaching college students, the future leaders of America, who will in coming years have increasing influence on our culture, businesses, government and education systems nationwide.
You can reach college students with the message of the Gospel.
Hear about the work Jews for Jesus is doing and how you can help be the salt and light on our college campuses today!Find out how you can help.
Your brother in Jesus the Messiah,

David Brickner
Executive Director
Jews for Jesus

Jews for Jesus
"Carry the gospel to Jewish college students" David Brickner, Jews for Jesus of San Francisco, California, United States Friday, 12 February 2016
Campuses around the country and overseas are once more becoming a hotbed of activism. And Jews for Jesus has renewed our presence on campuses to share the good news of Messiah Jesus.
This is so important right now because, clearly, an aggressive secularization is also underway on college campuses, both public and private. It’s shocking how hostile the culture of higher education has become to Christian faith and values. We feel called to bring the truth, values and worldview of God’s Word to universities as a counterpoint to this movement.
The good news is both salt and light. Our institutions of higher learning need the seasoning and illumination of gospel truth now more than ever. We feel called by God to put more focus on reaching college students, the future leaders of America, who will in coming years have increasing influence on our culture, businesses, government and education systems nationwide.
You can reach college students with the message of the Gospel.
Hear about the work Jews for Jesus is doing and how you can help be the salt and light on our college campuses today!Find out how you can help.
Your brother in Jesus the Messiah,
David Brickner
Executive Director
Jews for Jesus
Jews for Jesus
60 Haight Street
San Francisco, California 94102, United States
Phone: 415-864-2600---------------------
"Hotbed of Activism" David Brickner, Jews for Jesus of San Francisco, California, United States for Wednesday, 10 February 2016

Campuses around the country and overseas are once more becoming a hotbed of activism. And Jews for Jesus has renewed our presence on campuses to share the good news of Messiah Jesus.
This is so important right now because, clearly, an aggressive secularization is also underway on college campuses, both public and private. It’s shocking how hostile the culture of higher education has become to Christian faith and values. We feel called to bring the truth, values and worldview of God’s Word to universities as a counterpoint to this movement.
The good news is both salt and light. Our institutions of higher learning need the seasoning and illumination of gospel truth now more than ever. We feel called by God to put more focus on reaching college students, the future leaders of America, who will in coming years have increasing influence on our culture, businesses, government and education systems nationwide.
You can reach college students with the message of the Gospel.
Hear about the work Jews for Jesus is doing and how you can help be the salt and light on our college campuses today!Find out how you can help.
Your brother in Jesus the Messiah,

David Brickner
Executive Director
Jews for Jesus

Jews for Jesus
"Hotbed of Activism" David Brickner, Jews for Jesus of San Francisco, California, United States for Wednesday, 10 February 2016
Campuses around the country and overseas are once more becoming a hotbed of activism. And Jews for Jesus has renewed our presence on campuses to share the good news of Messiah Jesus.
This is so important right now because, clearly, an aggressive secularization is also underway on college campuses, both public and private. It’s shocking how hostile the culture of higher education has become to Christian faith and values. We feel called to bring the truth, values and worldview of God’s Word to universities as a counterpoint to this movement.
The good news is both salt and light. Our institutions of higher learning need the seasoning and illumination of gospel truth now more than ever. We feel called by God to put more focus on reaching college students, the future leaders of America, who will in coming years have increasing influence on our culture, businesses, government and education systems nationwide.
You can reach college students with the message of the Gospel.
Hear about the work Jews for Jesus is doing and how you can help be the salt and light on our college campuses today!Find out how you can help.
Your brother in Jesus the Messiah,
David Brickner
Executive Director
Jews for Jesus
Jews for Jesus
60 Haight Street
San Francisco, California 94102, United States
Phone: 415-864-2600---------------------
"Video announces surprising location for new branch" David Brickner, Jews for Jesus of San Francisco, California, United States for Monday, 1 February 2016

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"Video announces surprising location for new branch" David Brickner, Jews for Jesus of San Francisco, California, United States for Monday, 1 February 2016
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From David Brickner
➤ Read “College Search” for insight and encouragement re: David’s commitment to campus evangelism.
College Search
What does the term “college search” bring to mind? Do you recall angst-filled days searching through college catalogues, trying to decide where to apply? Or “searching” through your mailbox—for letters of acceptance from said colleges? Or maybe the term has a deeper meaning for you. I know it does for me.
College is the time and place for many people to search for life’s meaning and purpose—and to try to discover if, or how, God figures into it all. I remember the confusion I felt during those days; after a few years of ignoring God, the things I’d tried replacing Him with were leaving me empty and unsatisfied.
Last May, my newsletter article, “Prodigals Do Come Home,” described how God used Jews for Jesus missionaries to reach me when I was a student at Boston University. That’s one reason why I’m personally committed to making sure we’re continually renewing an authentic, creative and robust campus outreach. But aside from the part that Jews for Jesus campus outreach played in my own story, it truly is part of our ministry’s DNA.
Did you know that Jews for Jesus was, in a sense, launched from college campuses? Back in the early seventies, “Jews for Jesus” was one slogan among others, such as “Jesus Made Me Kosher.” Our founder, Moishe Rosen, asked a volunteer to silkscreen 100 “Jews for Jesus” posters to put up at San Francisco State University. He couldn’t find a 100-sheet pad of newsprint, so he bought a 500-sheet pad—figuring we’d use the rest of the paper another time. Instead, Lana (our wonderful volunteer) printed the whole pad! 500 posters! Moishe and his band of volunteers ran out of places to post them at San Francisco State University, so they went over to Berkeley and put up posters all along Telegraph Avenue, as well as on the University of California campus.
The response was amazing. Campus activists concluded that Jews for Jesus was a new “underground religious movement.” We were only a handful of people, but many assumed there were hundreds of us, “mistaking posters for people” as Moishe used to say. The media began looking for interviews with what they titled “the Jews for Jesus” and the name stuck!
Fast-forward to 2016. College campuses are once again hotbeds of activism. The search for “something better” is not dead, and provides a good context to connect people with the gospel. Aggressive secularization is also underway on these campuses, both public and private. That trend is hostile toward any faith in God, and uses stereotypes to blame much of today’s violence on believers. An equally aggressive wave of anti-Jewish rhetoric and activity is also darkening many of our colleges and universities.
These are all reasons why, more than ever, we feel called to bring the truth of God’s Word to university and college campuses. The good news is both salt and light, and our institutions of higher learning desperately need its seasoning and illumination. We’ve been renewing our presence on campuses, sharing the good news of Messiah Jesus with future leaders who will have increasing influence on our culture, businesses and governments.
Boldly proclaiming the gospel as Jews leads to meaningful interactions with all sorts of people who are searching, and also helps to push back against the evil tides of secularization and prejudice. And though the gospel we proclaim hasn’t changed, some of our methods have.
A few months ago I joined our younger Los Angeles branch missionaries on the campus of UCLA. Along with gospel literature, we handed out cups of cold-brewed coffee with “Brews For Jesus” printed on the side and as a Twitter hashtag.* (By this month, even down south I imagine we’ve switched to hot chocolate!) Normally our team comes to UCLA on Thursdays, but my schedule was tight and the team had waited till Friday so I could join them. I was so pleased to see how a Jews for Jesus presence has developed on that campus. Several people remarked that they had missed us the day before. Others expressed gratitude and genuine curiosity about our message.
At one point, four young women stopped to hear more. As I explained the good news one remarked, “That’s so cool! It makes so much sense. My dad is Jewish and my mom is Catholic.” Her friend exclaimed, “Really? Wow, my mom is Jewish and my dad is Christian!” They took our literature and walked away comparing notes about their lives and their spiritual searches.
People seem to enjoy the “Brews for Jesus” word play on our name; some post pictures of the cup on social media while others bring it to class or work to show their friends. Many contact us for further conversation.
For example, in New York City one Jewish NYU (New York University) student took our “Brews for Jesus” coffee cup to his marketing class. Others had shown it to the professor, and he proceeded to use it as a positive example in his lecture. Not only did the class hear about Jews for Jesus, but one Jewish student who brought in the cup later met with our missionary, Eryn Black.
Another “newish” aspect of our campus outreach are Shabbat dinners/Bible studies that many of our staff are holding in their homes. Many students we meet feel comfortable coming to these informal gatherings, and they often bring their friends.
I want to ask that you stand with us. First of all pray for us. We need courage in the face of opposition, be it anti-Jewish aggression or misunderstanding of our message and motives by our own Jewish people. Boldness in the face of opposition doesn’t come naturally, but by the supernatural power of the Holy Spirit. So along with the apostle Paul we ask that you pray for us, “that utterance may be given to me, that I may open my mouth boldly to make known the mystery of the gospel” (Ephesians 6:19).
You can also pray for meaningful connections with students at our Shabbat dinners. And whether or not you’re near one of our branches, if you haven’t already, take note of the local campuses in your area and add them to your prayer list. Maybe even partner with ministries on those campuses—partnerships are such a blessing! And if you know any college students, why not take a moment and write an encouraging note to them? They might welcome the encouragement to write or call you if they need your prayers or help. Who knows what wonderful things the Lord will do with His people’s renewed awareness and effort to minister to today’s college students!
David Brickner is also an author, public speaker and avid hiker. Find out more about David, his writings, speaking schedule and possible availability to speak at your church.
* The hashtag symbol (#) is used as an informal way of indexing topics on the Internet. For example, if you typed #brewsforjesus into a search engine or social media space, you would get a list of photos and comments made about our coffee outreach.
➤ Watch David’s video update re:changes at our Tel Aviv branch, a surprising location for our next new JFJ branch, and a response to what the Vatican is saying about Jewish evangelism
Top Stories:
Haifa outreach: side-by-side with our Jewish and Arab brothers and sisters
Haifa Outreach
Thanks to those who prayed for the outreach at Israel’s annual “Holiday of Holidays” festival last month.
Vlad Mitnitsky reports, “Once again, a team from our Tel Aviv branch partnered with other local Messianic believers, both Jews and Arabs, to proclaim the gospel in Haifa. The Lord answered our prayers for good weather and good conversations! We arrived in Wadi Nisnas (a predominantly Arab neighborhood, of whom 60% are Muslim) on a warm and sunny day. Multitudes of people flooded the streets.
“In light of the current security situation in Israel, we were concerned about safety issues, but after we had prayed and asked you to pray, we felt no fear. It was an amazing opportunity to have great conversations about Yeshua with dozens of Israelis who came to the literature table. In just half an hour, three people had given us their contact information and 500 had taken our gospel tracts. We spent most of our time planting the gospel seeds through evangelistic conversations and giving out free New Testaments and Yeshua books in Hebrew. By the end of the day we were very tired but happy, and praised the Lord for all He had done!”
Igal Vender reports, “My most memorable interaction was with an elderly couple, Yakov and his wife. According to their understanding, Yeshua was a very good person, a good Jew and a smart man. They listened as I explained what He has done in my life; how He has changed it and has given to me a new future and a family. The couple replied that Yeshua, was a prophet but not a Messiah. However, by the end of the conversation, Yakov took a New Testament to learn more about Yeshua. Please pray that God will show them the way, the truth, and the life.”
Click to enlarge photos from the festival; watch the video clip and, within seconds, you’ll feel like you’re in the middle of it all!
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Time is running out: pray for Harry!
Time is running out for Harry; please pray for his salvation! This timely request comes from Ron Neumann Mcdevitt, our Co-Laborer in Melbourne, Florida:
“I met Harry about three years ago; a Christian who attends our Bible study referred him to me.
“Harry lost his entire family in the Holocaust. Before being taken captive at nine years old, he was beaten up by other children in Poland simply because he was Jewish. He was moved around to several camps, including Auschwitz.
“Harry has been understandably hurt and bitter about the horrible things the Nazis did, often in the name of God. Yet he ended up marrying a Christian! They were very much in love, and his wife passed away about two years ago.
“I’ve been visiting Harry pretty regularly, and while he’s been cordial, until last week he did not seem particularly open to the gospel. Lately he has been hard to catch because of his declining health. He is now on dialysis four times a week and has a 24-hour caregiver. Harry’s doctors tell him he does not have much time to live. He told me last week that he is making his final arrangements.
“Last week I had planned to stop by and visit him at 10 a.m. on Wednesday, though we did not have a set appointment. I woke up feeling more tired than usual so I slept a little longer. I didn’t get to his house until ten minutes to eleven. He had just gotten home from a doctor’s appointment ten minutes before I arrived. Had I not slept in a bit, I would have missed him!
“Harry was drinking coffee out of a cup that says, ‘Jesus is Lord.’ His wife had many such cups. I’m not sure he even noticed the words when he poured his coffee, so I turned the cup around to make sure he saw the writing. We spent two hours together.
“I’d brought with me a couple of resources passed along by friends: a CD by Josh McDowell titled, ‘Evidence That Demands a Verdict,’ and also a one-page testimony from one of the soldiers that liberated Buchenwald. Harry said he would listen and read with an open mind.
“Please pray for the Holy Spirit to work on his heart, that Harry might finish this life with saving faith in Jesus. I believe he has less than six months to live, maybe much less.
“I will continue seeing Harry on a regular basis, so please also pray that God will give me direction and wisdom to reach Harry. I want so much for him to go to heaven when he dies.”
Share our “Welcome” page and video on social media or in an email to a seeking friend—it’s a way to invite people, Jewish or Gentile, to explore who Jesus is.
A Welcome from Jews for Jesus
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Briefly, here's what we believe:God created humanity and the world for good. God intended for peace between all people-including Jews and Gentiles, Israelis and Palestinians.
A Welcome from Jews for Jesus
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Briefly, here's what we believe:God created humanity and the world for good. God intended for peace between all people-including Jews and Gentiles, Israelis and Palestinians.
God cared about us enough to do something. He sent Jesus (in Hebrew-Yeshua) to be our messiah, atone for our sins and reconcile us to God and to one another. It's very Jewish to work toward the restoration of the world; efforts to do that are sometimes called tikkun olam. But peace and reconciliation can't be forced from the outside.* They need to begin in our hearts. And the starting point is Yeshua.
When we start to follow Yeshua, God expands our vision of tikkun olam. He asks us to do our part to help heal the world here and now. This includes everything from being better neighbors to caring for the environment. But God also asks us to help others find atonement, reconciliation, and a new life in Yeshua that will last forever.
You know, the Jewish Bible is full of radical ideas about the relationship God wants to have with us, and how that can happen. We hope you'll want to check out some of the links below, or else go to our main web site where you'll find lots more to think about.
Thanks for your time. If you want to discuss anything further we'd like to hear your comments and questions (simply reply to the email we sent you) or click on the contact us link here. Hope to hear from you. Shalom.
Your financial support, prayers and willingness to spread the Word make the work of Jews for Jesus possible. Please consider giving now to help share the gospel and introduce Jewish people to their Messiah. Thank you!
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Jews for Jesus
60 Haight Street
San Francisco, California 94102, United States
Phone 415-864-2600