Greetings RezDowntowners,
I hope this message finds you doing well. It’s going to be another amazing weekend in Kansas City. I hope you’ll have a chance to get out and enjoy it! I also hope that you’ll make worship a big part of your weekend plans as this weekend will be our first opportunity to worship in our new location, outside in the Kansas City Start parking lot! This weekend (on Saturday and Sunday) at the conclusion of every worship service we’ll be moving outdoors to celebrate what God is doing, has done and continues to do in downtown Kansas City! You won’t want to miss it. In addition to venturing outdoors, I will be preaching my third message having to do with Transforming the Heart of the City. This weekend I’ll be asking the question, “What’s Your Story?” One of the things I’ve come to love about this church is that everyone brings with them their own unique story. This weekend, I’ll be sharing several of your stories as together we continue asking the question, “God, how are you calling us to transform the heart of the city?” I’m privileged and blessed to be able to lead us through this conversation as we consider all the things that God is doing in this city.
Finally, I wanted to remind you that Commitment Weekend – Saturday and Sunday, March 5-6 is coming. Please, save the date! As we continue discerning how God is calling us to Transform the Heart of the City, we are urging you to be in prayer concerning how God is calling you specifically to be a part of this extraordinary next step in the life of our church and city. We are about to do something that hasn’t been done in over 80 years — but Grand Vision will require a Grand Sacrifice. As we move forward with this building project, we have set a campaign goal of $6,000,000. This kind of goal requires each of us to prayerfully discern sacrificial gifts reflective of the same mind and heart that was in Chirst. Between now and March 6th, please prayerfully consider your financial commitment to this endeavor and then be ready to join us in worship on March 5 and 6 as we celebrate God’s grace by making our commitments to God. Together, we anticipate Greater Things are still to be done in this city! For more information or to learn more about this project, you’ll find a link to our video here. Please watch it and share with your friends on social media or visit our website here at hope is that 100% of you here at RezDowntown will be compelled to participate in this historic project that will surely transform the heart of the city physically, spiritually, missionally and culturally. I am excited to celebrate all the things that God will surely do as we seek to transform the heart of this city!
In the meantime, here are a variety of ways to get connected to the life of our church:
- Young Adults at RezDowntown! We know you are out there and would love to have a chance to get together and brainstorm about what those in our community between the ages of 20 – 30 might like to learn or do or both! Join us this Sunday, February 28 at 12:30 pm at 1508 Grand. There will be pizza and salad! Please RSVP at For questions, contact Audrey Thrasher
- What Does It Really Mean to Transform the Heart of the City? You won’t want to miss this final class on Monday, February 29, at 7 pm at 1508 Grand. If you have missed any of the other classes, still come and join us! Pastor Scott and Matt Bisel will be discussing not only the transformation of the heart of the city but addressing how we might be changing our own hearts too! No registration is required. For childcare, contact
- KiDS COR Volunteers Needed! If you have a passion for helping with children, or just playing; we could use your help with our kids during one or two services a month. Lessons are prepared and easy to follow; or you might just want to rock a baby. If this fits with your gifts, please contact
- SWAT Brunch Club – Rez Downtown’s SWAT (35-and-older Singles With A Twist) group will meet on Sunday, March 6, at 12:30 pm at Genessee Royale, 1531 Genessee St., KCMO. Join the group for great food and fellowship. Contact James Burcalow with questions at or
- Women’s Breakfast Series – Join us Saturday, March 12, as Jeanne Johnson talks about “Faith, Farm & Food.” The Johnson Farms Plants & Pumpkins is a two-generation farm located on 140 acres close to Belton. Jeanne has a story to tell about her faith, the family farm and a future filled with food for everyone! We will meet from 9-10:30 am at 1522 McGee. Please bring friends and a breakfast item to share. If you don’t have time to grab an item to share, come anyway, as we always have plenty. For more information, contact Michele Janson,
- Volunteer to help at March Matthew’s Ministry – Do you have a passion for serving with individuals with special needs? Then please help with this event on Sunday, March 13, from 1-4 pm at 1522 McGee, to give parents and caregivers an afternoon for themselves. Sign up to volunteer by March 9 by contacting Brooke Coverdell at For more information, visit
- March Matthew’s Ministry – Individuals with special needs and their siblings are invited to a fun-filled day of activities, fellowship and laughter while parents and caregivers take an afternoon for themselves, Sunday, March 13, at 1522 McGee from 1-4 pm. Parents/caregivers are welcome, but not required, to stay the first half hour or the full time to help loved ones get acclimated and comfortable with the environment. Register participants by Wednesday, March 9, so that we may plan for snacks and volunteers. to register participants. To volunteer for this event, see the “serve with us” section of this bulletin. More info at
- Help with Easter Egg Hunt – Easter is right around the corner and we are egg-cited to be planning our 3rd Annual Easter Egg Hunt at Liberty Memorial, Saturday, March 19, on the southeast side lawn from 1-3 pm. We’ll have baskets of fun with petting zoo animals, cookie decorating, bounce houses, crafts and many more fun family activities including a big egg hunt and special visit by the Easter Bunny! We are hunting for volunteers to help with the planning, contact We need to hop to it to get it all ready in time! For more information, visit
- Low-cost, on-site counseling is available at Rez Downtown with a counseling intern. Evening and Saturday hours will be available. We do not want finances to keep you from seeking counseling, so please speak with Pastor Anne if you’re concerned about affordability. We can also provide a referral to a counseling resource in the community. Complete the form at or contact Pastor Anne Williams at 816-979-1330 or for more information.
Grace and Peace,
Friday, 19 February 2016
Greetings RezDowntowners, It has been a great week in the life of our church filled with new classes, great weather and a lot of excitement surrounding our future master site and development plans. Last week we had a great kick-off to our series on Transforming the Heart of the City. I love dreaming about the future that God is calling us into as we contemplate our next steps. I believe that this is going to be one of the biggest things we’ve ever done as a downtown church. We have the opportunity to do something that hasn’t been done for 80 years in downtown Kansas City that will allow us to continue living into our purpose of building Christian community where non-religious and nominally religious people are becoming deeply committed Christians. I hope you’ll invite friend and join us this week as we continue in our series by taking a look at our vision for Grand! Last weekend I shared that we had created a new website describing our building plans, the church’s story, statistics pertaining to our city’s growth trends and a lot more information about this entire project. If you’re interested in learning more and diving deeper into the details please feel free to I also shared a video that tells our story and the bold step God is calling us to consider. You’ll find a link to that video here. Please watch it and share with your friends on social media. My hope is that 100% of you here at RezDowntown will participate in this sermon series and be compelled to be a part of this project that will surely transform the heart of the city physically, spiritually, missionally and culturally. On March 5th and 6th, the last weekend of this series, we are going to be challenged to commit to making possible a future filled with hope. As we continue discerning how God is calling us to Transform the Heart of the City, I am urging you to be in prayer concerning how God is calling you specifically to be a part of this extraordinary next step in the life of our church and city. Grand Vision requires a Grand Sacrifice. Over the next two weeks, join us in worship and prayerfully consider your commitment to this endeavor as we celebrate God’s grace by making our commitments to God on March 5th and 6th. Together, we anticipate that greater things are still to be done in this city! In the meantime, here are several ways to connect to the mission and ministry of RezDowntown:
Grace and Peace, Scott |
Friday, 12 February 2016
Greetings RezDowntowners,I hope this message finds you doing well. On Wednesday we kicked off the season of Lent (a forty day period leading up to Easter marking Jesus’ forty day period in the wilderness) by hosting an Ash Wednesday service where over 250 people joined together to worship and receive ashes as a way of marking God’s forgiveness and mercy as we start this journey together toward Easter. As I prepare for this, the first weekend in Lent, I’m getting really excited, as we will be starting a new sermon series to lead the way.
This week, we kick off a series entitled “Transforming the Heart of the City.” I will be preaching live for the next four weeks a series of messages that will focus on God’s call and mission to change the world. We’ll not only focus on God’s call but also our response to this call both individually and collectively. We’re focusing on these two things at the same time we consider our next steps as a community growing and building in the heart of the city. Beginning this Saturday and Sunday, we’ll be talking specifically about our upcoming building project, our master site development plan, and what our next steps are as we seek to make history and transform downtown Kansas City by building the first new church in downtown Kansas City in over 80 years. This is an exciting time for our church and I believe that God is calling us to participate in something extraordinary, something that has everything to do with our hearts. Transforming the heart of the city begins with us first. Join me this Valentine’s Day weekend as we seek to uncover the heart of God and how God desires us to transform our hearts in order that we might together change lives, transform communities and renew the church! This is the secret to transforming the heart of the city. I am looking forward to seeing you!
In the meantime, here are some really great ways to connect to the life of this church starting tomorrow morning with hearing from Bobbi Jo from the Healing House at our women's breakfast! Take a look...
- Women’s Breakfast Series – This Saturday, Bobbi Jo Reed from the Healing House. Please join us for fun, food and fellowship as we meet Saturday, February 13, from 9-10:30 am at 1522 McGee. You won’t want to miss hearing Bobbie Jo Reed, founder and Director of Healing House and recently named by the Kansas City Star as one of the five finalists for Citizen of 2015. She will guide us in the topic of “Love Yourself.” Bring a breakfast dish to share, or just come join us – we always have plenty to eat! For more information, visit
- This Sunday: Valentine’s Day Matthew’s Ministry – Individuals with special needs and their siblings are invited to a fun-filled day of activities, fellowship and laughter while parents and caregivers take an afternoon for themselves, Sunday, February 14, at 1522 McGee from 1-4 pm. Parents/caregivers are welcome, but not required, to stay the first half hour or the full time to help loved ones get acclimated and comfortable with the environment. Register participants by Wednesday, February 10, so that we may plan for snacks and volunteers. Email to register participants. For more information, visit
- Middle Schoolers Unite This Weekend! RezLifeDT! “Bring it Back!” Kick-off & Pizza Party Evening onFebruary 13 and 14 during the Saturday, 5:10 pm and Sunday, 5 pm worship services. RezLifeDT will be starting Middle School Worship during both of the evening services at 1522 McGee. Come learn, grow and be with other Middle Schoolers, 5th – 7th grades. It is a time to be loud, have your own space and learn a little too! Grab a friend for the kick-off of the “Bring it Back” pizza party night. If you have any questions, email
- Pastor Scott’s Study, What Does It Really Mean to Transform the Heart of the City? Continues this Monday. Join us on February 15, at 7 pm at 1508 Grand for this 4-week study led by Pastor Scott and Matt Bisel. They will be discussing not only the transformation of the heart of the city but addressing how we might be changing our own hearts too! No registration is required. For childcare,
- SWAT Coffee and Conversation – Join us as we meet one week later this month on Thursday, February 18 at 6:30 pm at Quay Coffee, 412 Delaware St., Kansas City, MO. For more information or contact Dan Smith at
- RezMoMs – Connect with other mothers of early childhood and elementary school children on Thursday, February 18, 6:30-8:30 pm as we gather to spend an evening in fellowship and learn ways to care for our families and ourselves. Please bring a light snack to share if you have time, and friends are always welcome! Email Kristen Sayers at for more information. to register for childcare.
- Welcome New Members:
- Barbara Allen, Jerry and Glenda Arganbright, Chris, Melissa, Jason and Grant Ayers, John and Ginna Beckett, Reggie and Shannan Berry, Sandi Chase, Melissa Clark, Paul and Jennifer Clark, Raylene DeSuza, Jordan Elliott, Rayce and Carlene Farthing, Michael Fields, Arthur Friedman, Andrew Galvan, Marty Gough, Wes, Brook, Wesley and Alex Harden, Gene Harpster, Jim and Mary Jane Hawkins, Bill Hodges, P.J. Jaime and Sandy Doolittle, Pam Kimble, Kara Lay, Rachael Meloy, Lloyd Musick, Kojo Owusu, Chris and Deidre Patton, Tasha Pettis, Lonnie, Ronda, Sara and Annie Ruckman, Rick Soetebier, Justin, Stephani, Evelyn and Quinton Stancil, George Walz, Deb Wertin, Wes, Vanessa and Rose Westmoreland, Kendrea White
- Congratulations on Perfect Attendance in 2015:
- 100%:
- Eric Cox, Kent Jackson, Michele Janson, Bob Lagerstrom, Chris Shelar
- 90-99%
- Howard Alfrey, Randy Bennett, Jason Bledsoe, Jim Burcalow, Kyle Carpenter, Don Carrel, Greg Caswell, Chris Curry, Bob Dizmang, Genease Gornowicz, Virgil Gornowicz, David Greenlee, Shirley Greenlee, Judy Hensley, Ken Hensley, Lindsay Howlett, Jim Johnson, Stacy Kussman, Claudia Lagerstrom, Matt Lirley, Rick Marston, Katherine Mick, Todd Mick, Kevin Miller, David Sisney, Brad Staupp, Shawn Stogsdill, Ronda Thomas, Jerry Thompson, Bryan VanOsdale, Scott Waldenville, Ben White, Julie White, Jeanette Williams
- Boomers’ Tour of the Kauffman – Back by Popular Demand! Even if you’ve seen it before at a performance, come to this exclusive tour of the Kauffmann Center for the Performing Arts on Saturday, February 27 at 10:30. The tour is free; parking in the lot is $3, but the street is free. Hear some of the fascinating details about the performance venues, the architecture and the organ. We are blessed to have our own Linda Barth as our tour guide. After the tour, we will gather for lunch at Teocali Mexican Restaurant located at 2512 Holmes, just south of Children’s Mercy Hospital. Spots are limited for the tour. RSVP for the tour and/or lunch to Genease Gornowicz at
- Young Adults at RezDowntown! We know you are out there and would love to have a chance to get together and brainstorm about what those in our community between the ages of 20 – 30 might like to learn or do or both! Join us on Sunday, February 28 at 12:30 pm at 1508 Grand. There will be pizza and salad! Please RSVP at For questions, contact Audrey Thrasher
- Easter Egg Hunt – Easter is right around the corner, and we are planning the 3rd Annual Easter Egg Hunt at Liberty Memorial for Saturday, March 19, 1-3 pm on the southeast side lawn of the Memorial. We hope to catch the warmest part of the day! We’ll have petting zoo animals, cookie decorating, bounce houses, crafts and many more fun family activities including a big egg hunt and special visit by the Easter Bunny! To volunteer or help with planning, contact We have to “HOP” to it to get it all ready in time! Visit
- Low-cost, on-site counseling is available at Rez Downtown with a counseling intern. Evening and Saturday hours will be available. We do not want finances to keep you from seeking counseling, so please speak with Pastor Anne if you’re concerned about affordability. We can also provide a referral to a counseling resource in the community. Complete the form at or contact Pastor Anne Williams at 816-979-1330 or for more information.
Grace and Peace,
Friday, 5 February 2016
Greetings RezDowntowners,I hope you are doing well this Friday. We’ve had a great week in downtown Kansas City, it seems that we were spared any snow and now we’re shaping up for an even better weekend. However, it was a great week in the life of the church this week not simply because of the weather, but because of the fact that we had 55 people join the church at Coffee With the Pastors! How amazing is that?!? One of the things I cherish about this community is that God is stirring and moving through the hearts and lives of so many individuals in ways that will ultimately transform the city. At Resurrection Downtown, we don’t generally push for people to become members. There are no benefits, no special designation and no distinction between member and non-member participation (except for the paper color in the attendance notebooks). People become members only when they feel the need to take that next step of faith in response to God’s grace and leadership in their life. This week 55 people made a commitment to Christ and took a step to grow as members of this church (and God’s Disciples) in the knowledge, love and service of who God is in order to become the best versions of the person God created them to be! How cool is that?! Please be sure to welcome our newest members this weekend in worship.
This weekend will also be our final weekend in our sermon series on Facing the Issues that Divide. We’ll be looking at finding a middle way on gun control! As we officially enter an election year, issues divide us and civility gets lost in the rhetoric. Can we disagree and still find common ground? What does Jesus call us to do? Where can we stand united? Join us this weekend as we take a thoughtful look at gun control, learn from one another and build bridges that unite us as one nation under God. Remember, this weekend is Superbowl Sunday! Join us a bit earlier on Sunday, Feb. 7 for worship. Instead of 5 pm we will start the service at 4 pm.
In the meantime, here are several ways to get connected to the life of this church over the coming weeks:
- SWAT (Single With A Twist) Brunch Club – Super Bowl Party! This Sunday. Join us at 4:30 pm at Atriums West Loft (612 Central Street, KCMO) for great food and fellowship! Plan to bring something to eat or drink. And please consider a suggested donation of $5 to cover the room rental fee. To RSVP, contact Stephanie Meyers at For more information, visit
- Community Group Study with Pastor Scott: What Does It Really Mean to Transform the Heart of the City? Starting Monday, February 8, at 7 pm, join others at 1508 Grand for a 4-week study led by Pastor Scott. He will be discussing not only the transformation of the heart of the city but addressing how we might change our own hearts first! No registration is required. For childcare, contact
- Morning Men’s Group – Join us Wednesday, February 10, at 7 am at 1508 Grand as we hear from Grant Wood, a Licensed Clinical Marriage and Family Therapist from Resonate Relationship Clinic in Overland Park sharing with us How to Keep the Flame Burning: Pursuing our Spouses in 2016. We look forward to seeing you for coffee and hearing advice on women. For more information, visit
- Ash Wednesday Worship – This Wednesday, February 10, 7 pm at 1522 McGee. Join us for Ash Wednesday this coming Wednesday for a special service that includes music, prayers, an inspiring message and the opportunity for personal reflection and confession. Ash Wednesday emphasizes two themes: our sinfulness before God and our human mortality — both triumphed through the death and resurrection of Jesus! KiDS COR will be provided. For more information on opportunities for worship, learning, prayer and celebration during the Lenten Season, see today’s insert or
- Volunteer to Help at a Valentine’s Day Matthew’s Ministry – Do you have a passion for serving with individuals with special needs? Then please help with this event on Sunday, February 14, from 1-4 pm at 1522 McGee, to allow parents and caregivers to have an afternoon for themselves. Sign up to volunteer byFebruary 10 by contacting Hannah Murray at
- Valentine’s Day Matthew’s Ministry – Individuals with special needs and their siblings are invited to a fun-filled day of activities, fellowship and laughter while parents and caregivers take an afternoon for themselves, Sunday, February 14, at 1522 McGee from 1-4 pm. Parents/caregivers are welcome, but not required, to stay the first half hour or the full time to help loved ones get acclimated and comfortable with the environment. Register participants by Wednesday, February 10, so that we may plan for snacks and volunteers. Email to register participants.
- Middle Schoolers Unite! RezLifeDT! “Bring it Back!” Kick-off & Pizza Party Evening on February 13 and 14during the Saturday, 5:10 pm and Sunday, 5 pm worship services. RezLifeDT will be starting Middle School Worship during both of the evening services at 1522 McGee. Come learn, grow and be with other Middle Schoolers, 5th – 7th grades. It is a time to be loud, have your own space and learn a little too! Grab a friend for the kick-off of the “Bring it Back” pizza party night. If you have any questions,
- Women’s Breakfast Series – Please join us for fun, food and fellowship as we meet Saturday, February 13, from 9-10:30 am at 1522 McGee. We will explore the topic of “Love Yourself.” Bring a breakfast dish to share, or just come join us – we always have plenty to eat! For more information, visit
- Low-cost, on-site counseling is available at Rez Downtown with a counseling intern. Evening and Saturday hours will be available. We do not want finances to keep you from seeking counseling, so please speak with Pastor Anne if you’re concerned about affordability. We can also provide a referral to a counseling resource in the community. Complete the form at or contact Pastor Anne Williams at 816-979-1330 or for more information.
Grace and Peace,
As I write you this morning the sun is coming up and the weather report is calling for 60 degrees and sunshine all day! I hope you'll take a second to get out and enjoy God's gift today. After taking some time to visit family in Louisiana last weekend, I am back, thankful, and looking forward to seeing you this weekend in worship. it is going to be a great weekend in worship filled with baptisms, inspiring music and another tough topic facing our nation. This weekend in worship we'll be facing the issue of poverty and healthcare. I hope you'll invite friends and join us as we consider our faith and how it informs our approach to these two issues.
Following our 10:45 worship service we'll be hosting our Coffee With the Pastors at 1:30pm in the sanctuary at 1522 McGee. This is a great opportunity for you to learn about the church, our story and what it means to become a member of RezDowntown. If you are interested in joining or learning more about our church, please join Pastor Anne and I Sunday afternoon!
Lastly, tonight Wendy and I are going to be taking Freddy to The Gathering, Resurrections’s annual vision casting meeting. This is always one of the best night's of the year to reflect over the past year in the life of our church, but it's also a way to look forward at where God is leading us into the future at all of our campuses. Everyone is welcome and invited to attend! The meeting will be taking place at our Leawood Campus with a Chili dinner starting at 5:30 followed by the meeting at 6:30. Register at if you're thinking about coming.
Until then, here are several ways to get connected to the life of this church:
Grace and Peace,
Friday, 29 January 2016
Greetings RezDowntowners,As I write you this morning the sun is coming up and the weather report is calling for 60 degrees and sunshine all day! I hope you'll take a second to get out and enjoy God's gift today. After taking some time to visit family in Louisiana last weekend, I am back, thankful, and looking forward to seeing you this weekend in worship. it is going to be a great weekend in worship filled with baptisms, inspiring music and another tough topic facing our nation. This weekend in worship we'll be facing the issue of poverty and healthcare. I hope you'll invite friends and join us as we consider our faith and how it informs our approach to these two issues.
Following our 10:45 worship service we'll be hosting our Coffee With the Pastors at 1:30pm in the sanctuary at 1522 McGee. This is a great opportunity for you to learn about the church, our story and what it means to become a member of RezDowntown. If you are interested in joining or learning more about our church, please join Pastor Anne and I Sunday afternoon!
Lastly, tonight Wendy and I are going to be taking Freddy to The Gathering, Resurrections’s annual vision casting meeting. This is always one of the best night's of the year to reflect over the past year in the life of our church, but it's also a way to look forward at where God is leading us into the future at all of our campuses. Everyone is welcome and invited to attend! The meeting will be taking place at our Leawood Campus with a Chili dinner starting at 5:30 followed by the meeting at 6:30. Register at if you're thinking about coming.
Until then, here are several ways to get connected to the life of this church:
- Coffee with the Pastors – Join us this Sunday, January 31, at 1:30 pm at 1522 McGee. Are you interested in Membership at Resurrection? Coffee with the Pastors is your first step. At this informational gathering, you’ll learn more about the church, get to know pastors’ Scott Chrostek and Anne Williams and review expectations regarding membership. A brief joining service follows for those who are interested in membership. We hope to see you there! For more information, visit Childcare available, RSVP to
- What Does It Really Mean to Transform the Heart of the City? Come find out! Starting Monday, February 8, at 7 pm, join others at 1508 Grand for a 4-week study led by Pastor Scott. He will be discussing not only the transformation of the heart of the city but addressing how we might be changing our own hearts too! No registration is required. For childcare, contact
- Middle Schoolers Unite! RezLifeDT! “Bring it Back!” Kick-off & Pizza Party Evening on February 13 and 14 during the Saturday, 5:10 pm and Sunday, 5 pm worship services. RezLifeDT will be starting Middle School Worship during both of the evening services at 1522 McGee. Come learn, grow and be with other Middle Schoolers, 5th – 7th grades. It is a time to be loud, have your own space and learn a little too! Grab a friend for the kick-off of the “Bring it Back” pizza party night. If you have any questions, email
- Inspired for Life Women’s Conference 2016 – Gratitude! Join other women from downtown February 5-6, at the Leawood Campus Sanctuary (Friday, 7-10 pm, and Saturday, 9 am – 1 pm), as we grow gratitude and get ready for applause and “thank you” to be part of our day, every day! Students in middle/high school and college receive a $10 discount off $75 registration fee. To register, visit
- Superbowl Sunday Switch! Next weekend is Super Bowl Sunday! As a way of accomodating this event, we want to invite you to join us a bit earlier on Sunday evening. Instead of joining us at 5 pm we will start the service at 4 pm and we'll be out by 5:00pm in time for you to catch the SuperBowl!
- SWAT (Single With A Twist) Brunch Club – Super Bowl Party! Sunday, February 7, 4:30 pm at Atriums West Loft (612 Central Street, KCMO). Join the group for great food and fellowship! Plan to bring something to eat or drink. And please consider a suggested donation of $5 to cover the room rental fee. To RSVP, contact Stephanie Meyers at For more information, visit
- Valentine’s Day Matthew’s Ministry – Individuals with special needs and their siblings are invited to a fun-filled day of activities, fellowship and laughter while parents and caregivers take an afternoon for themselves, Sunday, February 14, at 1522 McGee from 1-4 pm. Parents/caregivers are welcome, but not required, to stay the first half hour or the full time to help loved ones get acclimated and comfortable with the environment. Register participants by Wednesday, February 10, so that we may plan for snacks and volunteers. Email to register participants.
- Save-The-Date: Saturday, Feb. 27 Boomers at the Kauffman! For questions, contact Genease Gornowicz at
- Low-cost, on-site counseling is available at Rez Downtown with a Counseling Intern. Evening and Saturday hours will be available. Contact Pastor Anne Williams at 816-979-1330or for more information.
Grace and Peace,
Friday, 22 January 2016
I hope this message finds you doing well! I am writing later than normal as I am with Wendy and Freddy in Lousiana visiting with family. It is fun to be able to introduce Freddy to the Lyons side of the family! That said, it seems that the cold weather has followed us down from KC. This weekend we're going to be continuing our sermon series Facing Issues That Divide | Building Bridges and Tearing Down Walls. This weekend we will focus on another issue that seems to divide us, namely Islamic Extremism. I hope you'll invite friends and join us this weekend as we take a thoughtful look at this critical issue facing our country, while learning from one another and from Scripture as we build bridges that unite us as one nation under God.
- Help Us Sack Hunger! Get ready for the Souper Bowl Food Drive, starting this weekend. As you leave worship, grab a list with items needed to help those who go hungry in Kansas City. Invite your friends and neighbors to help! Return your donated items in the sack of your choice: paper or plastic, by Sunday, February 7. If you would prefer, donations by cash or check (payable to Church of the Resurrection) would also be wonderful! Just mark Souper Bowl in the description line. The city’s food pantries rely on your generous donations each year — let’s make this the best Souper Bowl Food Drive ever! Visit for more information.
- Volunteer to Help at a Valentine’s Day Matthew’s Ministry – Do you have a passion for serving with individuals with special needs? Then please help with this event on Sunday, February 14, from 1-4 pm at 1522 McGee, to allow parents and caregivers to have an afternoon for themselves. Sign up to volunteer by February 10 by contacting Hannah Murray at
- Foster or Adoption – How About You? To learn more, join us Monday, January 25, from 7-8:30 pm at 1522 McGee. Have you ever thought about fostering or adopting a child? There are 2,000 foster children in Jackson County alone and only 300 foster homes. If you reside in Missouri, learn how you can help at this informational session. Parking is available on the street for free after 6 pm, or you can park in the lot immediately south of the building. For more information, contact Ray Smith at or visit
- Annual Church Conference Business Meeting – Tuesday, January 26, 6:30 pm, 1522 McGee
- At this annual business meeting, all church members will vote to approve the 2016 operating budget, review pastoral compensation, recommend pastoral candidates from the church and elect leaders for our church’s governance committees. Everyone is welcome, however, only members may officially vote. As Resurrection is one church in multiple locations, we are excited to hold this meeting at our Downtown Campus. No registration required. Childcare available. Questions about this meeting can be directed to
- The Gathering, Resurrections’s annual vision casting meeting, will be Friday, January 29, at the Leawood Campus. Chili dinner at 5:30 followed by the meeting at 6:30. Register at
- Coffee with the Pastors – Join us Sunday, January 31, at 1:30 pm at 1522 McGee. Are you interested in Membership at Resurrection? Coffee with the Pastors is your first step. At this informational gathering, you’ll learn more about the church, get to know pastors’ Scott Chrostek and Anne Williams and review expectations regarding membership. A brief joining service follows for those who are interested in membership. We hope to see you there! For more information, visit Childcare available, RSVP to
- Inspired for Life Women’s Conference 2016 – Gratitude! Join other women from downtown February 5-6, at the Leawood Campus Sanctuary (Friday, 7-10 pm, and Saturday,9 am – 1 pm), as we grow gratitude and get ready for applause and “thank you” to be part of our day, every day! Students in middle/high school and college receive a $10 discount off $75 registration fee. To register, visit
- SWAT (Single With A Twist) Brunch Club – Super Bowl Party! Sunday, February 7, 4:30 pm at Atriums West Loft (612 Central Street, KCMO). Join the group for great food and fellowship! Plan to bring something to eat or drink. And please consider a suggested donation of $5 to cover the room rental fee. To RSVP, contact Stephanie Meyers at For more information, visit
- What Does It Really Mean to Transform the Heart of the City? Come find out! Starting Monday, February 8, at 7 pm, join others at 1508 Grand for a 4-week study led by Pastor Scott. He will be discussing not only the transformation of the heart of the city but addressing how we might be changing our own hearts too! No registration is required. For childcare, contact
- Valentine’s Day Matthew’s Ministry – Individuals with special needs and their siblings are invited to a fun-filled day of activities, fellowship and laughter while parents and caregivers take an afternoon for themselves, Sunday, Feb. 14, at 1522 McGee from 1-4 pm. Parents/caregivers are welcome, but not required, to stay the first half hour or the full time to help loved ones get acclimated and comfortable with the environment. Register participants by Wednesday, Feb. 10, so that we may plan for snacks and volunteers. Email to register participants.
- Low-cost, on-site counseling is available at Rez Downtown with a Counseling Intern. Evening and Saturday hours will be available. Contact Pastor Anne Williams at 816-979-1330 or for more information.
- Time for Resurrection Downtown’s New Year’s REZolutions! There are REZolution cards at Connection Point. We hope this sparks some interest and will provide you with some ideas on how to get to know others within the church, grow in your faith and serve in our community. This New Year will be packed with study opportunities and community events. We challenge you to check off each one! If you have questions, contact
Grace and Peace,
Twitter: @scottchrostek
Congregational Care and Support
If you need pastoral care, call 816-979-1330. (After hours emergencies: 816-875-0267.)
To submit a prayer request, contact
For more information, visit our website:


The United Methodist Church of the Resurrection Downtown
1508 Grand Avenue
Congregational Care and Support
If you need pastoral care, call 816-979-1330. (After hours emergencies: 816-875-0267.)
To submit a prayer request, contact
For more information, visit our website:
The United Methodist Church of the Resurrection Downtown
1508 Grand Avenue
Kansas City, Missouri 64108, United States
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