This Week in Caregiving from the National Alliance for Caregiving
Here are the highlights from this week's news in family caregiving:
Workplace flexibility for family caregivers new state law
PR Newswire | August 22, 2016
"Governor Rauner has singed into law a bill permitting employees to use up to six month of earned sick leave benefits for caregiving responsibilities. AARP Illinois stands behind the Governor's action to provide countless Illinois family caregivers with much needed relief and peace of mind as they struggle to balance the pressures of providing unpaid care for a loved one while meeting the demands of their jobs."
Are aging and the economic slowdown linked?
The Washington Post | August 21, 2016
"We've known for decades, of course, that the retirement of the huge baby-boomer generation, coupled with low birthrates, would make the United States an older society. Similarly, we've known that this would squeeze the federal budget. Social Security and Medicare programs would grow rapidly, intensifying pressures to cut other programs, raise taxes or accept large budget deficits. All this has come to pass. But the study goes a giant step further, claiming that the very fact that the United States is an aging society wakens economic growth."
Western diet increases Alzheimer's risk
Science Daily | August 25, 2016
"Globally, about 42 million people now have dementia, with Alzheimer's disease as the most common type of dementia. Rates of Alzheimer's disease are rising worldwide. The most important risk factors seem to be linked to dies, especially the consumption of meat, sweets, and high-fat dairy products that characterize a Western diet. The evidence of these risk factors, which come from ecological and observational studies, also shows that fruits, vegetables, grains, low-fat dairy products, legumes, and fish are associated with reduced risk."
The dementia dilemma: NY's Chinese caregivers find support in each other
New America Media | August 23, 2016
"As a family caregiver for my mother, who has dementia, I recently participated in six monthly meetings of a Chinese support group in New York. Although the participants did not know each other before, they found light among hopelessness in each other's stories, and I felt the group's tremendous power in these meetings. The members shared the strength of love through human sufferings. Some said they faced similar challenges with family members facing the end of their lives."
Cool Link of the Week:12-year-old develops Alzheimer's app
Next Avenue
Get Involved in Caregiving Research!
PCOR findings for AHRQ's dissemination and implementation initiative
Agency for Health and Research Quality
"AHRQ is seeking nominations for evidence-based research findings that have the potential to improve patient care and health outcomes. As mandated in the Affordable Care Act, AHRQ's role regarding patient-centered outcomes research (PCOR) is to disseminate clinical effectiveness research. To this end we invite you to nominate promising PCOR findings for an AHRQ dissemination and implementation initiative."
Are you a cargiver of someone with heart failure?
Together in HF
We understand the burden that managing HF can place on everyone - physically, emotionally
and socially.We would like to invite you to become a founding member of Together in HF, a one-stop social network, custom built for people with HF, their loved ones and the patient advocacy groups that support them. If you are interested in joining Together in HF and becoming a founding member (as an individual), please send your full name to
Caregivers of individuals with Alzheimer's Disease
We are pleased to announce that MyHealios is launching a study utilizing our service for caregivers of individuals with Alzheimer's Disease. We currently have an opportunity for 30 participants to receive our services for free. If you or someone that you know is caring for an individual with AD and meet the criteria below, please contact us at or 1.855.313.8152.
Caregiver Criteria: 19 years or older. Resides in the United States. Loved one with diagnosis of Alzheimer's Disease in early stages. Available for eight, 45 minute online sessions to be completed within three months.
Do you have family caregiving news to share? Send to Parys at
National Alliance for Caregiving

National Alliance for Caregiving
National Alliance for Caregiving
4720 Montgomery Lane, Suite 205
Bethesda, Maryland 20814, United States
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