Greetings RezDowntowners,
As always it is great to write you this Friday and I trust that things are going well with you! As I write, I am so thankful to have my parents staying with me in town! They are here in KC on the heels of celebrating their 42nd Anniversary and are planning on spending some quality time with Freddy. Wendy and I are so thankful. This weekend is going to be a huge weekend at church, not only will we be welcoming 24 new members from last weekend’s Coffee With the Pastors. In addition, on Saturday morning we’ll be hosting over 115 women at our 2nd Annual RezDowntown Women’s Retreat! I can still remember when we started the church and we longed to have over 100 people show up for a weekend in worship. To think that we’ll have 115 women gathering together on a Saturday morning to grow in the knowledge and love of God…I just get so excited about what God is doing!
This weekend we’ll be continuing our look at the story of Moses by retracing his footsteps. We’ll be spending at least some of our time focusing on the biblical accounts of the plagues associated with the Exodus. I hope you’ll invite friends and join us on this great scriptural journey in worship. It is going to be a great weekend, but please be sure to take a look at the rest of this eNote and see if there are ways that God is calling you to get connected in study and in community. We have several groups forming in the coming week(s) and I would love for you to plug in where you see fit!
RezDT Women’s Retreat – This Saturday, August 27th! Join other women from 9 am – 2 pm at 1522 McGee for some “Trash Talk,” as we learn simple yet powerful tools to embrace compassion for ourselves and truly activate Jesus' teaching of "love thy neighbor." Don't miss this opportunity to transform your life and impact our world. Pastor Anne and Diane Breneman will be leading this class. An attorney for over 25 years, Diane devoted her law career to supporting those who suffered catastrophic burn injuries. Through her law practice, Diane worked with talented neuroscientists, neurologists and psychiatrists across the country to support her injured clients. It was through these experts that she first learned of science’s advancements regarding how to rewire the brain to optimize the experience of life through contemplative practice. She will lead us to use our faith and our minds to help us lead a God-filled life where we rid ourselves of the trash we talk each day! For questions, contact Light breakfast, Lunch, Giveaway and Mission project included. This class is $25; scholarships are available. For more information and to register for this class, visit
RezDT 20/30 Community Dinner - Join us this Sunday, August 28 at 6:30 pm for food, fun and conversation. Immediately following the 5 pm service, the group will walk over to Bar Louie in the Power and Light District. Contact Jordan Elliott at with any questions or
Half Truths Study – Join others starting Tuesday, August 30 at 7pm at 1522 McGee for a 6-week video-study based on Pastor Adam's book about the simple phrases we hear so much. They sound Christian – like something you might find in the Bible. We’ve all heard these words. Maybe we’ve said them. They capture some element of truth, yet they miss the point in important ways. Join others as we look at phrases like “hate the sinner, love the sin” or “God helps those who help themselves.” The book, Half Truths, will be available for purchase ($10) at the first class, scholarships available. For more information and to register, contact Bob Edwards at or visit
What’s The Purpose? Finding Fulfillment at Work. Beginning Wednesday, August 31st at 7pm, share the evening with Pastor Anne and licensed psychologist Charlotte McCloskey. Work through and discuss why sometimes the daily grind of working for a paycheck feels unfulfilling and exhausting and yet the God who created each of us with our unique passions and gifts calls us to work that is life-giving. Be a part of this conversation about how finding purpose at work intersects with our faith. For questions Class size is limited, to register go to
SAVE THE DATE: September 24 – 2nd Annual Blessing of the Animals. Feeling Blessed? Your Pet Should Too! Bring your pet and join us Saturday at 9 am at Washington Square Park - Don’t miss out on the 2nd Annual RezDT Blessing of the Animals at Washington Square Park (Pershing & Grand – across the street from Crown Center). We all love our pets - they are our friends, our family and they love us no matter what! Bring your pet for a Blessing or bring your memories of a special pet. We’ll have a small gift and a blessing for both! For more information, contact or visit
Special Volunteer Teams Forming– We Need You. We are currently building some new volunteer teams and would love for you to join in! These teams would serve within the church, but outside of services. The three teams being formed are the Large Event Volunteer Team, the Administrative Volunteer Team and the Hospitality Volunteer Team. For more information or to sign-up, please visit or contact
School Prayer Partners Needed – Pray for the Teachers at Wendell Phillips @ Attucks all year long. We’ll initiate the partnership by giving you a staff member’s name and instructions in early September. We ask that you pray for that staff member daily and send them a note or card once a month for the nine school months. Principal Brown reminded us recently that the staff loves having prayer partners and our notes created a wonderful buzz at their staff meetings all year long! If you, your family, or your small group want to be blessed through offering this blessing to their staff, please email Jan Burchett at for how to be in prayer.
Wednesday Morning Men’s Group – Each Wednesday at 6:45 am, join other men in the community to discuss current events and the current sermon series. These meetings take place at 1508 Grand. For more information, email or visit
Upcoming: SWAT Game Night - RezDowntown’s SWAT (35-and-older Singles With A Twist) group will mix it up this month and have fun and games on Thursday, September 8 at 7pm! You are welcome to bring a treat to share, drink of your choice, and any games you would like to play! Where: Julie’s house. Please contact one of the hosts, Stephanie Tatley at or Julie Skalla for the address. We hope to see you there! Contact Stephanie Meyers for any questions about the SWAT group or to be included on the SWAT Facebook page.
Upcoming: Women’s Breakfast Series Returns Saturday, September 10th! You won’t want to miss this breakfast on September 10 at 9am, as we hear from Kelly Sisney, Director of Operations for Resurrection Downtown, as she addresses Love, Laughter and the Lord! Bring a breakfast item to share … bring a friend … come and get to know other women! If you don’t have time to make or pick up a breakfast item, come on anyway—there’s always plenty! For questions, contact Michele Janson at or
Upcoming: Rezdt 20/30 Young Adults Trivia Tuesday, September 13 at 7 pm at Cinder Block Brewery. Do you have a lot of knowledge that is going unused? Do you know a bit of trivia? If you said "yes" to any of these, then you are perfect for the RezDT 20/30 Trivia Tuesday! If you are in your early 20s to mid-30s, no matter your relationship status, head over to the Cinder Block Brewery, 110 E. 18th Ave, North Kansas City, MO. The questions begin at 7 pm. For more information visit or contact Emily Krause at or Shannon Sinn at
Welcome New Members:Katie Abendroth, Kit Boje and Erin Penney, Victoria Bynum, Mark Chonko (Lauren), Michael and Julie Doane (Morgan and Sophia), Eric Farrow, Kathy and Melissa Genson (Erin and Chase Stewart), Erinn Gragg, Kelly Hamerle, Ann Hyde, Krista McFerren, Kelly Richardson, Donald and Sally Smith, Eve Soo (Evelyn Kung).
It is such a privilege to be a part of this community...Have a great Friday and I'll look forward to another amazing weekend of ministry in downtown Kansas City!
Congregational Care and Support
If you need pastoral care, call 816-979-1330. (After hours emergencies: 816-875-0267.)
To submit a prayer request, contact
For more information, visit our website:
The United Methodist Church of the Resurrection Downtown
1508 Grand Boulevard
Kansas City, Missouri 64108, United States
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