Thursday, May 4, 2017

Cal-Pac Note - California-Pacific Conference of The United Methodist Church in Pasadena, California, United States for Wednesday, 3 May 2017 "Video trailer just released for Spanglish 2017..."

Cal-Pac Note - California-Pacific Conference of The United Methodist Church in Pasadena, California, United States for Wednesday, 3 May 2017 "Video trailer just released for Spanglish 2017..."
Spanglish 2017 - VIDEO TRAILER JUST RELEASED! People ages 14-25 should not miss this event dedicated to the exploration and celebration of Hispanic/ Latin Culture in the United States.
Spanglish 2017
es, aprendemos a través de seminarios, competimos en actividades, y alabamos en un ambiente inter-cultural. Spanglish es patrocinado por Cal-Pac Oficina de Ministerios Hispano/ Latinos, Camp & Retreats y LAMAG.

Para asegurar que todos tengan la oportunidad de participar en este evento increíble, el Equipo de Diseño de Spanglish aprobó las siguientes cuotas:
Reg. Temprano $95.00 (Marzo 1-31)
Reg. Regular $110.00 (Abril 1– Mayo 12)
Reg. Tarde $155.00 (Mayo 13-18)
Sujeto A Disponibilidad
¡Eso significa que aún hay tiempo para inscribirse por el gran precio de $95! Para más información sobre inscripción y pagos, contacte la Oficina de Ministerios Hispano/ Latinos a Roxana Topete ( o con el Pastor Joel (
Si usted participó en Spanglish 2016, por favor utilice su mismo email y contraseña para iniciar su sesión y registrarse. Para hacer cambios a su perfil haga clic en ” Manage People and Household Information” en la página principal de tu perfil.
Spanglish is an event for young people age 14-25 dedicated to the exploration and celebration of Hispanic/ Latin Culture in the United States. This year Spanglish will be at Camp Wrightwood on May 19-21. At camp, we fellowship through meals and gatherings, learn through leadership workshops, compete in activities, and worship in a cross-cultural setting. Spanglish is sponsored by Cal-Pac Office of Hispanic/ Latino Ministries, Camp & Retreats and LAMAG.
To ensure everyone gets a chance to participate in this amazing event, the Spanglish Design Team approved the following fees:
Early Reg. $95.00 ( March 1-31)
Regular Reg. $110.00 (April 1– May 12)
Late Reg. $155.00 (May 13-18)
Pending on Availability
For more information about registration and fees, please contact the office of Hispanic/ Latino Ministries, Roxana Topete ( or Pastor Joel (
If you participated in Spanglish 2016, please use your same email and password to log in and register. make any changes to your profile please click on “Manage People and Household Information” on the home page of your profile.
Camp Service Day 2017 - After a long wet spring, we need your help to get ready for our summer season. Come be blessed as you sow time and effort into this holy place.
Limitless 2017
April 29, 2017 - 09:30 AM / 02:30 PM
Church of the Good Shepherd Arcadia

Register for Limitless 2017, “A Time Like This.”
Registration begins at 8:00 AM. Come expecting to learn new things, meet new friends, and connect with young women across our conference!
The event will feature guest speaker, Mele Faiva Blagojevich and special highlight, Jennifer Alcalde.
Registration details coming soon.
Neighborhood Immigration Clinics - Citizenship and Immigration Assistance in April and May 2017
North Hills (May 20)

Citizenship and Immigration Assistance 2017, North Hills (NIC)
May 20, 2017 - 10:00 AM / 01:00 PM
North Hills United Methodist Church

Cal-Pac Neighborhood Immigration Clinic (NIC) is a committee within the California-Pacific Immigration Task Force of the United Methodist Church, an organization dedicated to provide access to reliable and free immigration services such as the following:
Seminar on the rights of undocumented immigrants, detention, arrest issues.
Immigration consultations with qualified immigration attorneys
Referrals to free or low-cost immigration legal services providers.
Free legal assistance on Form N-400 (applications for naturalization)
Information on free resources to refugee unaccompanied children and their families fleeing violence in Central America.
These services are provided through our monthly clinics in various underserved areas of the Los Angeles County. Cal-Pac NIC works in conjunctions with different United Methodist Churches who provide the space for our upcoming events.
Registration is required.
UMCOR Kits & Volunteers - The Cal-Pac Disaster Response Task Force will be collecting kits at AC2017 and calling for volunteers for UMCOR West in Utah. Learn more!
UMCOR Seeking Kits to be Collected at AC2017 and Volunteers for UMCOR West
The Cal-Pac Disaster Response Task Force will be collecting relief-supply kits at Annual Conference 2017.
Relief-supply kits help provide care for the most vulnerable people during times of crisis. The United Methodist Committee on Relief (UMCOR) collects 6 types of kits for global distribution and cleaning buckets for US distribution after storms.
Read instructions on making kits here.
UMCOR is also seeking volunteers at its UMCOR West center in Utah in 2017 for the dates of:
May 29-June 2
July 3-7
Aug 7-11
For more information, contact Cal-Pac Disaster Response Coordinator Judy Lewis (

Candidacy Summits 2017 – Is God calling you to licensed/ordained ministry? The Board of Ordained Ministry invites you to a day of vocational discernment. We want to help you discern God’s call on your life.
Hawaii Candidacy Summit 2017

May 17, 2017 - 10:00 AM / 03:00 PM
Christ United Methodist Church
Is God calling you to licensed/ordained ministry?
The Board of Ordained Ministry invites you to a day of vocational discernment. We want to help you discern God’s call on your life. If the Holy Spirit is leading you to pursue licensed or ordained ministry, your life is about to change! We believe that God calls people from many walks of life to lead the church in making disciples of Jesus Christ for the transformation of the world. The United Methodist Church needs Elders, Deacons, and Local Pastors for a wide variety of ministry settings. We can’t wait to meet you and discover your gifts for ministry!
At the Candidacy Summit, we will review the different educational and professional journeys into ministry, taking time at the event to look at your personal situation and the best path forward.
The Candidacy Summit is a full-day, required event for people who are already in the candidacy process. If you aren’t in the process yet, but want more information and inspiration, you are welcome to come for the morning session and lunch.

California Candidacy Summit 2017
California Candidacy Summit 2017
August 19, 2017 - 10:00 AM / 03:00 PM
University United Methodist Church

Is God calling you to licensed/ordained ministry?
The Board of Ordained Ministry invites you to a day of vocational discernment. We want to help you discern God’s call on your life. If the Holy Spirit is leading you to pursue licensed or ordained ministry, your life is about to change! We believe that God calls people from many walks of life to lead the church in making disciples of Jesus Christ for the transformation of the world. The United Methodist Church needs Elders, Deacons, and Local Pastors for a wide variety of ministry settings. We can’t wait to meet you and discover your gifts for ministry!
At the Candidacy Summit, we will review the different educational and professional journeys into ministry, taking time at the event to look at your personal situation and the best path forward.
The Candidacy Summit is a full-day, required event for people who are already in the candidacy process. If you aren’t in the process yet, but want more information and inspiration, you are welcome to come for the morning session and lunch.
District Events in May 2017:
Hawaii District Conference

Hawaii District Conference 2017
May 6, 2017 - 09:00 AM / 01:00 PM
Christ United Methodist Church
The Hawaii district will have district Conference on May 6, 2017!

For more information, contact the Hawaii District Office:
West District Conference 2017
May 6, 2017 - 10:00 AM / 01:00 PM
Rolling Hills UMC

I invite you to join us at the annual West District Conference for a time of worship, celebration, recognition and feasting – to uplift the ministries of the West District congregations, recognize important milestones, and simply enjoy the presence of one another!
Please RSVP and encourage your congregations to attend likewise.
I thank you so very much, and invite you and your congregations to celebrate and be present with us on this very important day!
Rev. Mark Nakagawa
West District Superintendent
California-Pacific Conference
North District Conference
East District Conference
East District Conference 2017
May 6, 2017 - 08:30 AM
United Methodist Church of Cucamonga
Everyone is invited to attend.
Pre-Conference Briefing will not be held on this date. Registration will start at 8:30 a.m. followed by a gathering and short worship service at 9:00 a.m.
East District Conference will include:
  • District Committee reports (possibly oral presentations as well)
  • Nominations and voting for new district officers and committee members
  • Nominations and voting for Equalization members for Annual Conference
  • Table Discussions
  • 2016 Book of Discipline – important updates
  • Recognition of Retiring Clergy, Newly Certified Candidates for Ministry and Lay Ministers
  • Recognition of churches with 100% Apportionment Giving for 2016
Refreshments will be offered prior to the worship service. Event will conclude by 12:30 
South District Conference 2017
May 6, 2017 - 09:00 AM / 12:00 PM
Escondido UMC

Join us for South District Conference on May 6, 2017. Registration will start at 8:30 a.m.
Conference will include:
  • Short worship service
  • Nominations and voting for new district officers and committee members
  • Nominations and voting for Equalization members for Annual Conference
  • Recognition of Retiring Clergy, Newly Certified Candidates for Ministry and Lay Ministers
  • Recognition of churches with 100% apportionment giving for 2016
  • Table Discussions: Strategic Planning
  • (Pre-Conference Briefing will not be held on this date.)
Refreshments will be offered prior to the worship service. Event will conclude by noon.
North District Spring Lay Servant School 2017 (LSM)
North District Spring 2017 Advanced Lay Servant Class (LSM)
Estero Bay UMC
The North District Lay Servant Ministries (LSM) is presenting Advanced Lay Servant Class on Saturday nights.
This course will explore the special gifts of theology, witness and organization that The UMC brings to
the church universal, how we got where we are today and how our distinctive emphasis are still need in the 21st century church.SEE FLYER

REMEMBER: All key events and initiatives are always posted at
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Copyright © 2017 The California-Pacific Annual Conference of the United Methodist Church, All rights reserved.
Our mailing address is:
The California-Pacific Annual Conference of the United Methodist Church
110 South Euclid Avenue
Pasadena, California 91101, United States

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