Friday, May 5, 2017

TODAY IN JUDAISM: Shabbat, May 6, 2017 - in New York, New York, United States - Today in Judaism - Today is: Shabbat, Iyar 10, 5777 · May 6, 2017 - Omer: Day 25 - Netzach sheb'Netzach

TODAY IN JUDAISM: Shabbat, May 6, 2017 - in New York, New York, United States - Today in Judaism - Today is: Shabbat, Iyar 10, 5777 · May 6, 2017 - Omer: Day 25 - Netzach sheb'Netzach
Torah Reading
Acharei-Kedoshim: Leviticus 16:1 - 20:27
Amos 9:7-15
Leviticus 16:Adonai spoke with Moshe after the death of Aharon’s two sons, when they tried to sacrifice before Adonai and died; 2 Adonai said to Moshe, “Tell your brother Aharon not to come at just any time into the Holy Place beyond the curtain, in front of the ark-cover which is on the ark, so that he will not die; because I appear in the cloud over the ark-cover.
3 “Here is how Aharon is to enter the Holy Place: with a young bull as a sin offering and a ram as a burnt offering. 4 He is to put on the holy linen tunic, have the linen shorts next to his bare flesh, have the linen sash wrapped around him, and be wearing the linen turban — they are the holy garments. He is to bathe his body in water and put them on.
5 “He is to take from the community of the people of Isra’el two male goats for a sin offering and one ram for a burnt offering. 6 Aharon is to present the bull for the sin offering which is for himself and make atonement for himself and his household. 7 He is to take the two goats and place them before Adonai at the entrance to the tent of meeting. 8 Then Aharon is to cast lots for the two goats, one lot for Adonai and the other for ‘Az’azel. 9 Aharon is to present the goat whose lot fell to Adonai and offer it as a sin offering. 10 But the goat whose lot fell to ‘Az’azel is to be presented alive to Adonai to be used for making atonement over it by sending it away into the desert for ‘Az’azel.
11 “Aharon is to present the bull of the sin offering for himself; he will make atonement for himself and his household; he is to slaughter the bull of the sin offering which is for himself. 12 He is to take a censer full of burning coals from the altar before Adonai and, with his hands full of ground, fragrant incense, bring it inside the curtain. 13 He is to put the incense on the fire before Adonai, so that the cloud from the incense will cover the ark-cover which is over the testimony, in order that he not die. 14 He is to take some of the bull’s blood and sprinkle it with his finger on the ark-cover toward the east; and in front of the ark-cover he is to sprinkle some of the blood with his finger seven times.
15 “Next, he is to slaughter the goat of the sin offering which is for the people, bring its blood inside the curtain and do with its blood as he did with the bull’s blood, sprinkling it on the ark-cover and in front of the ark-cover. 16 He will make atonement for the Holy Place because of the uncleannesses of the people of Isra’el and because of their transgressions — all their sins; and he is to do the same for the tent of meeting which is there with them right in the middle of their uncleannesses. 17 No one is to be present in the tent of meeting from the time he enters the Holy Place to make atonement until the time he comes out, having made atonement for himself, for his household and for the entire community of Isra’el. (LY: ii) 18 Then he is to go out to the altar that is before Adonai and make atonement for it; he is to take some of the bull’s blood and some of the goat’s blood and put it on all the horns of the altar. 19 He is to sprinkle some of the blood on it with his finger seven times, thus purifying it and setting it apart from the uncleannesses of the people of Isra’el.
20 “When he has finished atoning for the Holy Place, the tent of meeting and the altar, he is to present the live goat. 21 Aharon is to lay both his hands on the head of the live goat and confess over it all the transgressions, crimes and sins of the people of Isra’el; he is to put them on the head of the goat and then send it away into the desert with a man appointed for the purpose. 22 The goat will bear all their transgressions away to some isolated place, and he is to let the goat go in the desert.
23 “Aharon is to go back into the tent of meeting, where he is to remove the linen garments he put on when he entered the Holy Place, and he is to leave them there. 24 Then he is to bathe his body in water in a holy place, put on his other clothes, come out and offer his burnt offering and the burnt offering of the people, thus making atonement for himself and for the people. (RY: ii, LY: iii)25 He is to make the fat of the sin offering go up in smoke on the altar.
26 “The man who let go the goat for ‘Az’azel is to wash his clothes and bathe his body in water; afterwards, he may return to the camp.
27 “The bull for the sin offering and the goat for the sin offering, whose blood was brought in to make atonement in the Holy Place, is to be carried outside the camp; there they are to burn up completely their hides, meat and dung. 28 The person burning them is to wash his clothes and bathe his body in water; afterwards, he may return to the camp.
29 “It is to be a permanent regulation for you that on the tenth day of the seventh month you are to deny yourselves and not do any kind of work, both the citizen and the foreigner living with you. 30 For on this day, atonement will be made for you to purify you; you will be clean before Adonai from all your sins. 31 It is a Shabbat of complete rest for you, and you are to deny yourselves.
“This is a permanent regulation. 32 The cohen anointed and consecrated to be cohen in his father’s place will make the atonement; he will put on the linen garments, the holy garments; 33 he will make atonement for the Especially Holy Place; he will make atonement for the tent of meeting and the altar; and he will make atonement for the cohanim and for all the people of the community. 34 This is a permanent regulation for you, to make atonement for the people of Isra’el because of all their sins once a year.” Moshe did as Adonai had ordered him.
17:1 (LY: iv) Adonai said to Moshe, 2 “Speak to Aharon and his sons and to all the people of Isra’el. Tell them that this is what Adonai has ordered: 3 ‘When someone from the community of Isra’el slaughters an ox, lamb or goat inside or outside the camp 4 without bringing it to the entrance of the tent of meeting to present it as an offering to Adonai before the tabernacle of Adonai, he is to be charged with blood — he has shed blood, and that person is to be cut off from his people. 5 The reason for this is so that the people of Isra’el will bring their sacrifices that they sacrifice out in the field — so that they will bring them to Adonai, to the entrance of the tent of meeting, to the cohen, and sacrifice them as peace offerings to Adonai. 6 The cohen will splash the blood against the altar of Adonai at the entrance to the tent of meeting and make the fat go up in smoke as a pleasing aroma for Adonai. 7 No longer will they offer sacrifices to the goat-demons, before whom they prostitute themselves! This is a permanent regulation for them through all their generations.’
(RY: iii, LY: v) 8 “Also tell them, ‘When someone from the community of Isra’el or one of the foreigners living with you offers a burnt offering or sacrifice 9 without bringing it to the entrance of the tent of meeting to sacrifice it to Adonai, that person is to be cut off from his people. 10 When someone from the community of Isra’el or one of the foreigners living with you eats any kind of blood, I will set myself against that person who eats blood and cut him off from his people. 11 For the life of a creature is in the blood, and I have given it to you on the altar to make atonement for yourselves; for it is the blood that makes atonement because of the life.’ 12 This is why I told the people of Isra’el, ‘None of you is to eat blood, nor is any foreigner living with you to eat blood.’
13 “When someone from the community of Isra’el or one of the foreigners living with you hunts and catches game, whether animal or bird that may be eaten, he is to pour out its blood and cover it with earth. 14 For the life of every creature — its blood is its life. Therefore I said to the people of Isra’el, ‘You are not to eat the blood of any creature, because the life of every creature is its blood. Whoever eats it will be cut off.’
15 “Anyone eating an animal that dies naturally or is torn to death by wild animals, whether he is a citizen or a foreigner, is to wash his clothes and bathe himself in water; he will be unclean until evening; then he will be clean. 16 But if he doesn’t wash them or bathe his body, he will bear the consequences of his wrongdoing.”
18:1 Adonai said to Moshe, 2 “Speak to the people of Isra’el; tell them, ‘I am Adonai your God. 3 You are not to engage in the activities found in the land of Egypt, where you used to live; and you are not to engage in the activities found in the land of Kena‘an, where I am bringing you; nor are you to live by their laws. 4 You are to obey my rulings and laws and live accordingly; I am Adonai your God. 5 You are to observe my laws and rulings; if a person does them, he will have life through them; I am Adonai.
(LY: vi) 6 “‘None of you is to approach anyone who is a close relative in order to have sexual relations; I am Adonai. 7 You are not to have sexual relations with your father, and you are not to have sexual relations with your mother. She is your mother — do not have sexual relations with her. 8 You are not to have sexual relations with your father’s wife; that is your father’s prerogative. 9 You are not to have sexual relations with your sister, the daughter of your father or the daughter of your mother, whether born at home or elsewhere. Do not have sexual relations with them. 10 You are not to have sexual relations with your son’s daughter or with your daughter’s daughter. Do not have sexual relations with them, because their sexual disgrace will be your own. 11 You are not to have sexual relations with your father’s wife’s daughter, born to your father, because she is your sister; do not have sexual relations with her. 12 You are not to have sexual relations with your father’s sister, because she is your father’s close relative. 13 You are not to have sexual relations with your mother’s sister, because she is your mother’s close relative. 14 You are not to disgrace your father’s brother by having sexual relations with his wife, because she is your aunt. 15 You are not to have sexual relations with your daughter-in-law; because she is your son’s wife. Do not have sexual relations with her. 16 You are not to have sexual relations with your brother’s wife, because this is your brother’s prerogative.
17 “‘You are not to have sexual relations with both a woman and her daughter, nor are you to have sexual relations with her son’s daughter or her daughter’s daughter; they are close relatives of hers, and it would be shameful. 18 You are not to take a woman to be a rival with her sister and have sexual relations with her while her sister is still alive. 19 You are not to approach a woman in order to have sexual relations with her when she is unclean from her time of niddah. 20 You are not to go to bed with your neighbor’s wife and thus become unclean with her.
21 “‘You are not to let any of your children be sacrificed to Molekh, thereby profaning the name of your God; I am Adonai.
(RY: iv, LY: vii) 22 “‘You are not to go to bed with a man as with a woman; it is an abomination.
23 “‘You are not to have sexual relations with any kind of animal and thus become unclean with it; nor is any woman to present herself to an animal to have sexual relations with it; it is perversion.
24 “‘Do not make yourselves unclean by any of these things, because all the nations which I am expelling ahead of you are defiled with them. 25 The land has become unclean, and this is why I am punishing it — the land itself will vomit out its inhabitants. 26 But you are to keep my laws and rulings and not engage in any of these disgusting practices, neither the citizen nor the foreigner living with you; (LY: Maftir) 27 for the people of the land have committed all these abominations, and the land is now defiled. 28 If you make the land unclean, it will vomit you out too, just as it is vomiting out the nation that was there before you. 29 For those who engage in any of these disgusting practices, whoever they may be, will be cut off from their people. 30 So keep my charge not to follow any of these abominable customs that others before you have followed and thus defile yourselves by doing them. I am Adonai your God.’”
19:1 Adonai said to Moshe, 2 “Speak to the entire community of Isra’el; tell them, ‘You people are to be holy because I, Adonai your God, am holy.
3 “‘Every one of you is to revere his father and mother, and you are to keep my Shabbats; I am Adonai your God.
4 “‘Do not turn to idols, and do not cast metal gods for yourselves; I am Adonai your God.
5 “‘When you offer a sacrifice of peace offerings to Adonai, offer it in a way that will make you accepted. 6 It is to be eaten the same day you offer it and the following day; but if any of it remains until the third day, it is to be burned up completely. 7 If any of it is eaten on the third day, it will have become a disgusting thing and will not be accepted; 8 moreover, everyone who eats it will bear the consequences of profaning something holy meant for Adonai — that person will be cut off from his people.
9 “‘When you harvest the ripe crops produced in your land, don’t harvest all the way to corners of your field, and don’t gather the ears of grain left by the harvesters. 10 Likewise, don’t gather the grapes left on the vine or fallen on the ground after harvest; leave them for the poor and the foreigner; I am Adonai your God.
11 “‘Do not steal from, defraud or lie to each other. 12 Do not swear by my name falsely, which would be profaning the name of your God; I am Adonai. 13 Do not oppress or rob your neighbor; specifically, you are not to keep back the wages of a hired worker all night until morning.
14 “‘Do not speak a curse against a deaf person or place an obstacle in the way of a blind person; rather, fear your God; I am Adonai.
(RY: v, LY: ii) 15 “‘Do not be unjust in judging — show neither partiality to the poor nor deference to the mighty, but with justice judge your neighbor.
16 “‘Do not go around spreading slander among your people, but also don’t stand idly by when your neighbor’s life is at stake; I am Adonai.
17 “‘Do not hate your brother in your heart, but rebuke your neighbor frankly, so that you won’t carry sin because of him. 18 Don’t take vengeance on or bear a grudge against any of your people; rather, love your neighbor as yourself; I am Adonai.
19 “‘Observe my regulations.
“‘Don’t let your livestock mate with those of another kind, don’t sow your field with two different kinds of grain, and don’t wear a garment of cloth made with two different kinds of thread.
20 “‘If a man has sexual relations with a woman who is a slave intended for another man, and she has neither been redeemed nor given her freedom, there is to be an investigation. They are not to be put to death, because she was not free. 21 In reparation he is to bring a ram as a guilt offering for himself to the entrance of the tent of meeting. 22 The cohen will make atonement for him with the ram of the guilt offering before Adonai for the sin he committed, and he will be forgiven for the sin he committed.
(LY: iii) 23 “‘When you enter the land and plant various kinds of fruit trees, you are to regard its fruit as forbidden — for three years it will be forbidden to you and not eaten. 24 In the fourth year all its fruit will be holy, for praising Adonai. 25 But in the fifth year you may eat its fruit, so that it will produce even more for you; I am Adonai your God.
26 “‘Do not eat anything with blood. Do not practice divination or fortune-telling. 27 Don’t round your hair at the temples or mar the edges of your beard. 28 Don’t cut gashes in your flesh when someone dies or tattoo yourselves; I am Adonai.
29 “‘Do not debase your daughter by making her a prostitute, so that the land will not fall into prostitution and become full of shame.
30 “‘Keep my Shabbats, and revere my sanctuary; I am Adonai.
31 “‘Do not turn to spirit-mediums or sorcerers; don’t seek them out, to be defiled by them; I am Adonai your God.
32 “‘Stand up in the presence of a person with gray hair, show respect for the old; you are to fear your God; I am Adonai.
(RY: vi, LY: iv) 33 “‘If a foreigner stays with you in your land, do not do him wrong. 34 Rather, treat the foreigner staying with you like the native-born among you — you are to love him as yourself, for you were foreigners in the land of Egypt; I am Adonai your God.
35 “‘Don’t be dishonest when measuring length, weight or capacity. 36 Rather, use an honest balance-scale, honest weights, an honest bushel dry-measure and an honest gallon liquid-measure; I am Adonai your God, who brought you out of the land of Egypt. 37 Observe all my regulations and rulings, and do them; I am Adonai.’”
20:1 (LY: v) Adonai said to Moshe, 2 “Say to the people of Isra’el, ‘If someone from the people of Isra’el or one of the foreigners living in Isra’el sacrifices one of his children to Molekh, he must be put to death; the people of the land are to stone him to death. 3 I too will set myself against him and cut him off from his people, because he has sacrificed his child to Molekh, defiling my sanctuary and profaning my holy name. 4 If the people of the land look the other way when that man sacrifices his child to Molekh and fail to put him to death, 5 then I will set myself against him, his family and everyone who follows him to go fornicating after Molekh, and cut them off from their people.
6 “‘The person who turns to spirit-mediums and sorcerers to go fornicating after them — I will set myself against him and cut him off from his people. 7 Therefore consecrate yourselves — you people must be holy, because I am Adonai your God. (RY: vii, LY: vi) 8 Observe my regulations, and obey them; I am Adonai, who sets you apart to be holy.
9 “‘A person who curses his father or mother must be put to death; having cursed his father or his mother, his blood is on him.
10 “‘If a man commits adultery with another man’s wife, that is, with the wife of a fellow countryman, both the adulterer and the adulteress must be put to death. 11 The man who goes to bed with his father’s wife has disgraced his father sexually, and both of them must be put to death; their blood is on them. 12 If a man goes to bed with his daughter-in-law, both of them must be put to death; they have committed a perversion, and their blood is on them. 13 If a man goes to bed with a man as with a woman, both of them have committed an abomination; they must be put to death; their blood is on them. 14 If a man marries a woman and her mother, it is depravity; they are to be put to death by fire, both he and they, so that there will not be depravity among you. 15 If a man has sexual relations with an animal, he must be put to death, and you are to kill the animal. 16 If a woman approaches an animal and has sexual relations with it, you are to kill the woman and the animal; their blood will be on them. 17 If a man takes his sister, his father’s daughter or his mother’s daughter, and has sexual relations with her, and she consents, it is a shameful thing; they are to be cut off publicly — he has had sexual relations with his sister, and he will bear the consequences of their wrongdoing. 18 If a man goes to bed with a woman in her menstrual period and has sexual relations with her, he has exposed the source of her blood, and she has exposed the source of her blood; both of them are to be cut off from their people. 19 You are not to have sexual relations with your mother’s sister or your father’s sister; a person who does this has had sexual relations with his close relative; they will bear the consequences of their wrongdoing. 20 If a man goes to bed with his uncle’s wife, he has disgraced his uncle sexually; they will bear the consequences of their sin and die childless. 21 If a man takes his brother’s wife, it is uncleanness; he has disgraced his brother sexually; they will be childless.
22 “‘You are to observe all my regulations and rulings and act on them, so that the land to which I am bringing you will not vomit you out. (LY: vii) 23 Do not live by the regulations of the nation which I am expelling ahead of you; because they did all these things, which is why I detested them. 24 But to you I have said, “You will inherit their land; I will give it to you as a possession, a land flowing with milk and honey.” I am Adonai your God, who has set you apart from other peoples. (Maftir) 25 Therefore you are to distinguish between clean and unclean animals and between clean and unclean birds; do not make yourselves detestable with an animal, bird or reptile that I have set apart for you to regard as unclean. 26 Rather, you people are to be holy for me; because I, Adonai, am holy; and I have set you apart from the other peoples, so that you can belong to me.
27 “‘A man or woman who is a spirit-medium or sorcerer must be put to death; they are to stone them to death; their blood will be on them.’”
Amos 9:7 “People of Isra’el, are you any different
from the Ethiopians to me?” asks Adonai.
“True, I brought Isra’el up from Egypt,
but I also brought the P’lishtim from Kaftor,
and Aram from Kir.
8 Look, the eyes of Adonai Elohim
are on the sinful kingdom.
I will wipe it off the face of the earth,
yet I will not completely destroy
the house of Ya‘akov,” says Adonai.
9 “For when I give the order,
I will shake the house of Isra’el,
there among all the Goyim,
as one shakes with a sieve,
letting no grain fall to the ground.
10 All the sinners among my people
who say, ‘Disaster will never overtake us
or confront us,’ will die by the sword.
11 “When that day comes, I will raise up
the fallen sukkah of David.
I will close up its gaps, raise up its ruins
and rebuild it as it used to be,
12 so that Isra’el can possess
what is left of Edom
and of all the nations bearing my name,”
says Adonai, who is doing this.
13 “The days will come,” says Adonai,
“when the plowman will overtake the reaper
and the one treading grapes the one sowing seed.
Sweet wine will drip down the mountains,
and all the hills will flow with it.
14 I will restore the fortunes of my people Isra’el;
they will rebuild and inhabit the ruined cities;
they will plant vineyards and drink their wine,
cultivate gardens and eat their fruit.
15 I will plant them on their own soil,
no more to be uprooted
from their land, which I gave them,”
says Adonai your God.
Today's Laws & Customs
• Ethics of the Fathers: Chapter 3
In preparation for the festival of Shavuot, we study one of the six chapters of the Talmud'sEthics of the Fathers ("Avot") on the afternoon of each of the six Shabbatot between Passover and Shavuot; this week we study Chapter Three. (In many communities -- and such is the Chabad custom -- the study cycle is repeated through the summer, until the Shabbat before Rosh Hashanah.)
Link: Ethics of the Fathers, Chapter 3
• Count "Twenty-Six Days to the Omer" Tonight
Tomorrow is the twenty-sixth day of the Omer Count. Since, on the Jewish calendar, the day begins at nightfall of the previous evening, we count the omer for tomorrow's date tonight, after nightfall: "Today is twenty-six days, which are three weeks and five days, to the Omer." (If you miss the count tonight, you can count the omer all day tomorrow, but without the preceding blessing).
The 49-day "Counting of the Omer" retraces our ancestors' seven-week spiritual journey from the Exodus to Sinai. Each evening we recite a special blessing and count the days and weeks that have passed since the Omer; the 50th day is Shavuot, the festival celebrating the Giving of the Torah at Sinai.
Tonight's Sefirah: Hod sheb'Netzach -- "Humility in Ambition"
The teachings of Kabbalah explain that there are seven "Divine Attributes" -- Sefirot -- that G-d assumes through which to relate to our existence: Chessed, Gevurah, Tifferet, Netzach, Hod, Yesod and Malchut ("Love", "Strength", "Beauty", "Victory", "Splendor", "Foundation" and "Sovereignty"). In the human being, created in the "image of G-d," the seven sefirot are mirrored in the seven "emotional attributes" of the human soul: Kindness, Restraint, Harmony, Ambition, Humility, Connection and Receptiveness. Each of the seven attributes contain elements of all seven--i.e., "Kindness in Kindness", "Restraint in Kindness", "Harmony in Kindness", etc.--making for a total of forty-nine traits. The 49-day Omer Count is thus a 49-step process of self-refinement, with each day devoted to the "rectification" and perfection of one the forty-nine "sefirot."
How to count the Omer
The deeper significance of the Omer Count
Today in Jewish History
• Passing of Eli (891 BCE)
Eli the High Priest died upon learning that the Holy Ark containing the Tablets was captured by the Philistines, and that his two sons were killed in battle. Eli was the 13th in the line of the "Shoftim" ("judges") who led the People of Israel during the four centuries between the passing of Joshua in 1245 BCE and the crowning of King Saul in 879 BCE.
Link: The High Priest Eli
• Passing of Rif (1103)
Rabbi Isaac Al-Fasi (1013-1103), known by the acronym "Rif," was one of the earliest codifiers of the Talmud. In 1088 he was forced to flee his hometown of Fez, Morocco, to Spain, where he assumed the position of rabbi in Alusina (Lucene).
Daily Study
Chitas and Rambam for today:
Chumash: Acharei-Kedoshim, 7th Portion Leviticus 20:8-20:27 with Rashi
English / Hebrew Linear Translation | Video Class
Leviticus Chapter 208And you shall observe My statutes and fulfill them. I am the Lord, Who sanctifies you. ח וּשְׁמַרְתֶּם֙ אֶת־חֻקֹּתַ֔י וַֽעֲשִׂיתֶ֖ם אֹתָ֑ם אֲנִ֥י יְהוָֹ֖ה מְקַדִּשְׁכֶֽם:
9For any man who curses his father or his mother shall be put to death; he has cursed his father or his mother; his blood is upon himself. טכִּי־אִ֣ישׁ אִ֗ישׁ אֲשֶׁ֨ר יְקַלֵּ֧ל אֶת־אָבִ֛יו וְאֶת־אִמּ֖וֹ מ֣וֹת יוּמָ֑ת אָבִ֧יו וְאִמּ֛וֹ קִלֵּ֖ל דָּמָ֥יו בּֽוֹ:
he has cursed his father or his mother: [This phrase] comes to include [in this prohibition and its penalty], cursing one’s father or mother even] after [their] death. — [Sanh. 85b] אביו ואמו קלל: לרבות לאחר מיתה:
his blood is upon himself: This refers to [the death penalty by] stoning. And likewise, wherever it is stated, “his blood is upon himself,” or “their blood is upon themselves” (see verse 27 below) [it refers to death by stoning]. And we learn [this principle] from [those who practice the sorcery of] Ov or Yid’oni, for regarding them, Scripture says (verse 27), “they shall pelt them with stones; their blood is upon themselves.” - [Torath Kohanim 20:103; Sanh. 66a] [According to] the simple meaning of the verse, however, it is like “his blood is upon his [own] head” (Josh. 2:19), i.e., no one is punished for his death but he himself, because he brought it upon himself to be killed. דמיו בו: זו סקילה, וכן כל מקום שנאמר דמיהם בם, ולמדנו מאוב וידעוני שנאמר בהם באבן ירגמו אותם דמיהם בם (פסוק כז). ופשוטו של מקרא, כמו דמו בראשו (יהושע ב יט), אין נענש על מיתתו אלא הוא, שהוא גרם לעצמו שיהרג:
10And a man who commits adultery with [another] man's wife, committing adultery with the wife of his fellow the adulterer and the adulteress shall surely be put to death. יוְאִ֗ישׁ אֲשֶׁ֤ר יִנְאַף֙ אֶת־אֵ֣שֶׁת אִ֔ישׁ אֲשֶׁ֥ר יִנְאַ֖ף אֶת־אֵ֣שֶׁת רֵעֵ֑הוּ מֽוֹת־יוּמַ֥ת הַנֹּאֵ֖ף וְהַנֹּאָֽפֶת:
And a man [who commits adultery]: [The term “man”] comes to exclude a minor [from the death penalty]. — [Torath Kohanim 20:105; Sanh. 52b] ואיש: פרט לקטן:
who commits adultery with [another] man’s wife: [The term “man’s wife” comes] to exclude the wife of a minor. [From here,] we learn that a minor cannot hold [the legal status of Jewish] marriage. And for which “man’s wife” have I held you liable ? אשר ינאף את אשת איש: פרט לאשת קטן, למדנו שאין לקטן קידושין. ועל איזו אשת איש חייבתי לך:
committing adultery with the wife of his fellow: [Thus] excluding the wife of a non-Jew. [From here,] we learn that [the legal status of Jewish] marriage cannot be held by a non-Jew. — [Torath Kohanim 20:105; Sanh. 52b] אשר ינאף את אשת רעהו: פרט לאשת גוי, למדנו שאין קידושין לגוי:
The adulterer and the adulteress shall be put to death: Wherever a death penalty is mentioned in the Torah without specification [as to the mode of death, it exclusively refers to strangulation. — [Torath Kohanim 20:106, Sanh. 52b] מות יומת הנאף והנאפת: כל מיתה האמורה בתורה סתם אינה אלא חנק:
11And a man who lies with his father's wife has uncovered his father's nakedness: both of them shall surely be put to death; their blood is upon themselves. יאוְאִ֗ישׁ אֲשֶׁ֤ר יִשְׁכַּב֙ אֶת־אֵ֣שֶׁת אָבִ֔יו עֶרְוַ֥ת אָבִ֖יו גִּלָּ֑ה מֽוֹת־יֽוּמְת֥וּ שְׁנֵיהֶ֖ם דְּמֵיהֶ֥ם בָּֽם:
12And a man who lies with his daughter in law both of them shall surely be put to death; they have committed a depravity; their blood is upon themselves. יבוְאִ֗ישׁ אֲשֶׁ֤ר יִשְׁכַּב֙ אֶת־כַּלָּת֔וֹ מ֥וֹת יֽוּמְת֖וּ שְׁנֵיהֶ֑ם תֶּ֥בֶל עָשׂ֖וּ דְּמֵיהֶ֥ם בָּֽם:
they have committed a depravity: Heb. תֶּבֶל, a shameful act. Another meaning: They mingle (בּלל) the seed of the father with the seed of the son. — [see Torath Kohanim 20:108] תבל עשו: גנאי. לשון אחר מבלבלין זרע האב בזרע הבן:
13And a man who lies with a male as one would with a woman both of them have committed an abomination; they shall surely be put to death; their blood is upon themselves. יגוְאִ֗ישׁ אֲשֶׁ֨ר יִשְׁכַּ֤ב אֶת־זָכָר֙ מִשְׁכְּבֵ֣י אִשָּׁ֔ה תּֽוֹעֵבָ֥ה עָשׂ֖וּ שְׁנֵיהֶ֑ם מ֥וֹת יוּמָ֖תוּ דְּמֵיהֶ֥ם בָּֽם:
as one would with a woman: [I.e.,] if he inserts [his membrum] as an applicator [is inserted] into a tube [of eye shadow]. — [B.M. 91a] משכבי אשה: מכניס כמכחול בשפופרת:
14And a man who takes a woman and her mother it is evil counsel. They shall burn him and them in fire, and there shall be no evil counsel in your midst. ידוְאִ֗ישׁ אֲשֶׁ֨ר יִקַּ֧ח אֶת־אִשָּׁ֛ה וְאֶת־אִמָּ֖הּ זִמָּ֣ה הִ֑וא בָּאֵ֞שׁ יִשְׂרְפ֤וּ אֹתוֹ֙ וְאֶתְהֶ֔ן וְלֹא־תִֽהְיֶ֥ה זִמָּ֖ה בְּתֽוֹכְכֶֽם:
They must burn him and them: You cannot say that they should burn his first wife, because he married her permissibly, and she did not become forbidden to him. Rather, [the case of a man marrying] “a woman and her mother” written here, is [one, in which] both were forbidden to him, [namely,] that he married his mother-in-law and then her mother [in which case both women are burned along with him]. There are some of our Rabbis who say: [This case] means that only his mother-in-law [is to be burnt]. [If so,] what is the expression אֶתְהֶן, them ? It means “one of them,” being derived from the Greek term hen, meaning “one.” - [Sanh. 76b] ישרפו אתו ואתהן: אי אתה יכול לומר אשתו הראשונה ישרפו, שהרי נשאה בהיתר ולא נאסרה עליו, אלא אשה ואמה הכתובין כאן, שתיהן לאיסור, שנשא את חמותו ואמה. ויש מרבותינו שאומרים, אין כאן אלא חמותו. ומהו אתהן, את אחת מהן, ולשון יוני הוא הן אחת:
15And a man who lies with an animal, shall surely be put to death, and you shall kill the animal. טווְאִ֗ישׁ אֲשֶׁ֨ר יִתֵּ֧ן שְׁכָבְתּ֛וֹ בִּבְהֵמָ֖ה מ֣וֹת יוּמָ֑ת וְאֶת־הַבְּהֵמָ֖ה תַּֽהֲרֹֽגוּ:
And you shall kill the animal: If the man sinned, in what way did the animal sin? However, since a failing came [upon a person] through [the animal], therefore, Scripture says: It must be stoned [to death]! How much more so [is this relevant] to a human being, who knows how to distinguish between good and evil, and yet brings evil upon his fellow [by causing him] to commit a transgression. Similar to this matter, it says, “You shall utterly destroy from all the places [where the nations…worshipped-their gods]” (Deut. 12:2). It is surely [possible here to draw] an inference from minor to major: If [in the case of] trees, which do not see and do not hear, when a failing comes [upon a man] through them, the Torah says, Destroy them! Burn them! Annihilate them!- how much more culpable is a human who leads his fellow astray from the path of life to the paths of death! - [Torath Kohanim 20:115] ואת הבהמה תהרגו: אם אדם חטא בהמה מה חטאה, אלא מפני שבאה לאדם תקלה על ידה, לפיכך אמר הכתוב תסקל. קל וחומר לאדם שיודע להבחין בין טוב לרע וגורם רעה לחבירו לעבור עבירה. כיוצא בדבר אתה אומר (דברים יב ב) אבד תאבדון את כל המקומות, הרי דברים קל וחומר, מה אילנות שאינן רואין ואינן שומעין על שבאת תקלה על ידם אמרה תורה השחת שרוף וכלה, המטה את חבירו מדרך חיים לדרכי מיתה על אחת כמה וכמה:
16And a woman who comes close to any animal so that it will mate with her you shall kill the woman and the animal; they shall surely be put to death; their blood is upon themselves. טזוְאִשָּׁ֗ה אֲשֶׁ֨ר תִּקְרַ֤ב אֶל־כָּל־בְּהֵמָה֙ לְרִבְעָ֣ה אֹתָ֔הּ וְהָֽרַגְתָּ֥ אֶת־הָֽאִשָּׁ֖ה וְאֶת־הַבְּהֵמָ֑ה מ֥וֹת יוּמָ֖תוּ דְּמֵיהֶ֥ם בָּֽם:
17And a man who takes his sister, whether his father's daughter or his mother's daughter, and he sees her nakedness, and she sees his nakedness it is a disgraceful act, and they shall be cut off before the eyes of the members of their people; he uncovered his sister's nakedness; he shall bear his sin. יזוְאִ֣ישׁ אֲשֶׁר־יִקַּ֣ח אֶת־אֲחֹת֡וֹ בַּת־אָבִ֣יו אֽוֹ־בַת־אִ֠מּ֠וֹ וְרָאָ֨ה אֶת־עֶרְוָתָ֜הּ וְהִֽיא־תִרְאֶ֤ה אֶת־עֶרְוָתוֹ֙ חֶ֣סֶד ה֔וּא וְנִ֨כְרְת֔וּ לְעֵינֵ֖י בְּנֵ֣י עַמָּ֑ם עֶרְוַ֧ת אֲחֹת֛וֹ גִּלָּ֖ה עֲו‍ֹנ֥וֹ יִשָּֽׂא:
it is a disgraceful act: The Aramaic term for “disgrace” is חִסוּדָא. - [see Onkelos on Gen. 34:14] Its Midrashic interpretation, however, is: If you [object and] say, “But Cain married his sister!” [the answer is:] the Omnipresent [in permitting this marriage,] performed an act of kindness (חֶסֶד), to build His world through him, as it is said: “the world is built on kindness (חֶסֶד) ” (Ps. 89:3). - [Torath Kohanim 20:116] חסד הוא: לשון ארמי חרפה (בראשית לד יד) חסודא. ומדרשו אם תאמר קין נשא אחותו, חסד עשה המקום לבנות עולמו ממנו, שנאמר (תהלים פט ג) עולם חסד יבנה:
18And a man who lies with a woman who has a flow, and he uncovers her nakedness he has bared her fountain, and she has uncovered the fountain of her blood. Both of them shall be cut off from the midst of their people. יחוְאִ֠ישׁ אֲשֶׁר־יִשְׁכַּ֨ב אֶת־אִשָּׁ֜ה דָּוָ֗ה וְגִלָּ֤ה אֶת־עֶרְוָתָהּ֙ אֶת־מְקֹרָ֣הּ הֶֽעֱרָ֔ה וְהִ֕וא גִּלְּתָ֖ה אֶת־מְק֣וֹר דָּמֶ֑יהָ וְנִכְרְת֥וּ שְׁנֵיהֶ֖ם מִקֶּ֥רֶב עַמָּֽם:
he has bared: Heb. הֶעֱרָה, he has uncovered. And likewise, every instance of the term עֶרְוָה [in Scripture], denotes “uncovering,” and the “vav” is inserted into the word [root ערה] for the noun form. Similarly, [the noun] זַעֲוָה, “trembling,” stems from the root [זָע, “tremble,” as in the verse], “and he did not rise, nor did he tremble (זָע) ” (Esther 5:9). Likewise, the noun אַחֲוָה, “brotherhood,” stems from the root אָח, “brother.” Now, regarding this הַעֲרָאָה, “uncovering” [in the context of illicit relations], our Rabbis differed [with respect to what constitutes “uncovering”]. Some say that it is the [mere] contact ofthe membrum, while others say that it is the insertion of the tip of the membrum. — [Yev. 55b] הערה: גלה. וכן כל לשון ערוה גלוי הוא, והוי"ו יורדת בתיבה לשם דבר, כמו זעוה, מגזרת (אסתר ה ט) ולא קם ולא זע, וכן אחוה מגזרת אח. והעראה זו נחלקו בה רבותינו, יש אומרים זו נשיקת שמש, ויש אומרים זו הכנסת עטרה:
19And you shall not uncover the nakedness of your mother's sister or your father's sister, for he would be baring his close relative; they shall bear their sin. יטוְעֶרְוַ֨ת אֲח֧וֹת אִמְּךָ֛ וַֽאֲח֥וֹת אָבִ֖יךָ לֹ֣א תְגַלֵּ֑ה כִּ֧י אֶת־שְׁאֵר֛וֹ הֶֽעֱרָ֖ה עֲו‍ֹנָ֥ם יִשָּֽׂאוּ:
the nakedness of your mother’s sister [or your father’s sister]: Scripture repeats the warning [already given in 18:12,13], to tell us that one is warned against [cohabiting with] these [specific relatives], whether it is with one’s father’s or mother’s sister from one father or whether it is their sisters from one mother. However, [concerning] the nakedness of the wife of his father’s brother, he is warned only if she is the wife of his father’s brother from one father. — [Torath Kohanim 20:118] וערות אחות אמך וגו': שנה הכתוב באזהרתן, לומר שהוזהר עליהן בין על אחות אביו ואמו מן האב בין על אחיותיהן מן האם, אבל ערות אשת אחי אביו לא הוזהר אלא על אשת אחי אביו מן האב:
20And a man who lies with his aunt he has uncovered his uncle's nakedness; they shall bear their transgression; they shall die childless. כוְאִ֗ישׁ אֲשֶׁ֤ר יִשְׁכַּב֙ אֶת־דֹּ֣דָת֔וֹ עֶרְוַ֥ת דֹּד֖וֹ גִּלָּ֑ה חֶטְאָ֥ם יִשָּׂ֖אוּ עֲרִירִ֥ים יָמֻֽתוּ:
who lies with his aunt […they shall die childless]: This verse comes to teach us concerning the punishment of excision stated above, [“anyone who does any of these abominations… shall be cut off” (Lev. 18:29)] that it constitutes the punishment of going childless. אשר ישכב את דדתו: המקרא הזה בא ללמד על כרת האמור למעלה, שהוא בעונש הליכת ערירי:
childless: Heb. עֲרִירִי, as the Targum renders: בְּלָא וְלָד, without child. Similar to this [is the verse], “for I am going childless (עֲרִירִי) ” (Gen. 15:2). If he has children, he will bury them [i.e., they will die during his lifetime]. And if he has no children [when he commits this sin], he will die childless. This is why Scripture varied the expression in these two verses: (a) they shall die without children (our verse), and (b) they shall be childless (next verse)-“they shall die childless” [means that] if he has children at the time of the sin, he will not have any when he dies, because he will bury them in his lifetime; and “they will be childless” [means that] if he has no children at the time of the sin, he will remain all his life as he is now. — [See Torath Kohanim 20:120; Yev. 55a] ערירים: כתרגומו בלא ולד, ודומה לו (בראשית טו ב) ואנכי הולך ערירי, יש לו בנים קוברן, אין לו בנים מת בלא בנים, לכך שנה בשני מקראות אלו ערירים ימותו ערירים יהיו. ערירים ימותו, אם יהיו לו בשעת עבירה, לא יהיו לו כשימות לפי שקוברן בחייו. ערירים יהיו, שאם אין לו בשעת עבירה, יהיה כל ימיו כמו שהוא עכשיו:
21And a man who takes his brother's wife it is a repulsive act; he has uncovered his brother's nakedness; they shall be childless. כאוְאִ֗ישׁ אֲשֶׁ֥ר יִקַּ֛ח אֶת־אֵ֥שֶׁת אָחִ֖יו נִדָּ֣ה הִ֑וא עֶרְוַ֥ת אָחִ֛יו גִּלָּ֖ה עֲרִירִ֥ים יִֽהְיֽוּ:
it is a repulsive act: Heb. נִדָּה הִוא. This cohabitation is [an act from which one should] separate himself (מְנוּדָה) and is disgusting. Our Rabbis, however, expounded [this verse, as follows] (Yev. 54b): Scripture comes to prohibit uncovering her [nakedness] just like [the prohibition of uncovering the nakedness of] a menstruant woman (נִדָּה), concerning whom “baring” is explicitly stated (verse 18 above),“he has bared (הֶערָה) her fountain.” [I.e., one is liable for sexual contact, as is defined in the commentary on verse 18.] נדה הוא: השכיבה הזאת מנודה היא ומאוסה. ורבותינו דרשו לאסור העראה בה כנדה, שהעראה מפורשת בה (פסוק יח) את מקורה הערה (לעיל יח):
22And you shall observe all My statutes and all My ordinances, and fulfill them, then the Land, to which I am bringing you to dwell therein, will not vomit you out. כבוּשְׁמַרְתֶּ֤ם אֶת־כָּל־חֻקֹּתַי֙ וְאֶת־כָּל־מִשְׁפָּטַ֔י וַֽעֲשִׂיתֶ֖ם אֹתָ֑ם וְלֹֽא־תָקִ֤יא אֶתְכֶם֙ הָאָ֔רֶץ אֲשֶׁ֨ר אֲנִ֜י מֵבִ֥יא אֶתְכֶ֛ם שָׁ֖מָּה לָשֶׁ֥בֶת בָּֽהּ:
23You shall not follow the practices of the nation that I am sending away from before you, for they committed all these [sins], and I was disgusted with them. כגוְלֹ֤א תֵֽלְכוּ֙ בְּחֻקֹּ֣ת הַגּ֔וֹי אֲשֶׁר־אֲנִ֥י מְשַׁלֵּ֖חַ מִפְּנֵיכֶ֑ם כִּ֤י אֶת־כָּל־אֵ֨לֶּה֙ עָשׂ֔וּ וָֽאָקֻ֖ץ בָּֽם:
and so I was disgusted with them: Denotes “disgust,” just as [in the verse], “I am disgusted (קַצְתִּי) with my life” (Gen. 27:46), like a man who loathes (קָץ) his food [so God loathed those nations]. — [Torath Kohanim 20:125] ואקץ: לשון מיאוס, כמו (בראשית כז מו) קצתי בחיי, כאדם שהוא קץ במזונו:
24So I said to you, You shall possess their land, and I shall give it to you to possess it a land flowing with milk and honey. I am the Lord your God, Who has distinguished you from the peoples. כדוָֽאֹמַ֣ר לָכֶ֗ם אַתֶּם֘ תִּֽירְשׁ֣וּ אֶת־אַדְמָתָם֒ וַֽאֲנִ֞י אֶתְּנֶ֤נָּה לָכֶם֙ לָרֶ֣שֶׁת אֹתָ֔הּ אֶ֛רֶץ זָבַ֥ת חָלָ֖ב וּדְבָ֑שׁ אֲנִי֙ יְהוָֹ֣ה אֱלֹֽהֵיכֶ֔ם אֲשֶׁר־הִבְדַּ֥לְתִּי אֶתְכֶ֖ם מִן־הָֽעַמִּֽים:
25And you shall distinguish between clean animals and unclean ones, and between unclean birds and clean ones; thus you shall not make yourselves disgusting through [unclean] animals and birds and any [creature] which crawls on the earth, that I have distinguished for you to render unclean. כהוְהִבְדַּלְתֶּ֞ם בֵּֽין־הַבְּהֵמָ֤ה הַטְּהֹרָה֙ לַטְּמֵאָ֔ה וּבֵֽין־הָע֥וֹף הַטָּמֵ֖א לַטָּהֹ֑ר וְלֹֽא־תְשַׁקְּצ֨וּ אֶת־נַפְשֹֽׁתֵיכֶ֜ם בַּבְּהֵמָ֣ה וּבָע֗וֹף וּבְכֹל֙ אֲשֶׁ֣ר תִּרְמֹ֣שׂ הָֽאֲדָמָ֔ה אֲשֶׁר־הִבְדַּ֥לְתִּי לָכֶ֖ם לְטַמֵּֽא:
And you shall distinguish between clean animals and unclean ones: It is not necessary for Scripture to say [that we must distinguish] between a cow and a donkey, since they are easily distinguishable and identifiable. Rather, [the Torah means that we must distinguish] between [an animal that] is clean because of you [i.e., permissible for you to eat because of your slaughtering], and [one that is] unclean because of you [i.e., forbidden for you to eat because of your slaughtering. [When an animal is slaughtered, both “signs,” i.e., organs, must be severed, namely, the esophagus, (gullet) and the trachea (windpipe), or at least, the majority of each. Thus, our verse here is referring to the following: The distinction] between an animal of which [one organ was severed completely and] the majority of the [other] organ was severed, [thus rendering the animal kosher], and [an animal of which one organ was completely severed] whereas only half the [other] organ was severed [thus rendering that animal nonkosher]. And what is the difference between its majority and half of it [that would mean the difference between kosher and nonkosher]? A hairbreadth [and consequently, Scripture commands us to make a careful distinction]. — [Torath Kohanim 20:116] והבדלתם בין הבהמה הטהרה לטמאה: אין צריך לומר בין פרה לחמור, שהרי מובדלין ונכרין הם, אלא בין טהורה לך לטמאה לך, בין שנשחט רובו של סימן לנשחט חציו. וכמה בין רובו לחציו, מלא שערה:
that I have distinguished for you to render unclean: [I.e.,] to render] forbidden [to eat, as above]. — [Torath Kohanim 20:116] אשר הבדלתי לכם לטמא: לאסור:
26And you shall be holy to Me, for I, the Lord, am holy, and I have distinguished you from the peoples, to be Mine. כווִֽהְיִ֤יתֶם לִי֙ קְדשִׁ֔ים כִּ֥י קָד֖וֹשׁ אֲנִ֣י יְהוָֹ֑ה וָֽאַבְדִּ֥ל אֶתְכֶ֛ם מִן־הָֽעַמִּ֖ים לִֽהְי֥וֹת לִֽי:
And I have distinguished you from the peoples, to be Mine: If you are separated from them [through your observance of Torah], you will be Mine, but if not, you will belong to Nebuchadnezzar and his ilk. Rabbi Eleazar ben Azariah says: How do we know that a person should not say, “I find pork disgusting,” or “It is impossible for me to wear a mixture [of wool and linen],” but rather, one should say, “I indeed wish to, but what can I do-my Father in heaven has imposed these decrees upon me?” Because Scripture says here, “And I have distinguished you from the peoples, to be Mine”-your very distinction from the other peoples must be for My Name, separating yourself from transgression and accepting upon yourself the yoke of the Kingdom of Heaven. — [Torath Kohanim 20:128] ואבדל אתכם מן העמים להיות לי: אם אתם מובדלים מהם הרי אתם שלי, ואם לאו הרי אתם של נבוכדנצר וחביריו. רבי אלעזר בן עזריה אומר מנין שלא יאמר אדם נפשי קצה בבשר חזיר, אי אפשי ללבוש כלאים, אבל יאמר אפשי, ומה אעשה ואבי שבשמים גזר עלי, תלמוד לומר ואבדיל אתכם מן העמים להיות לי, שתהא הבדלתכם מהם לשמי, פורש מן העבירה ומקבל עליו עול מלכות שמים:
27And a man or a woman who has [the sorcery of] Ov or Yid'oni, shall surely be put to death; they shall pelt them with stones; their blood is upon themselves. כזוְאִ֣ישׁ אֽוֹ־אִשָּׁ֗ה כִּי־יִֽהְיֶ֨ה בָהֶ֥ם א֛וֹב א֥וֹ יִדְּעֹנִ֖י מ֣וֹת יוּמָ֑תוּ בָּאֶ֛בֶן יִרְגְּמ֥וּ אֹתָ֖ם דְּמֵיהֶ֥ם בָּֽם:
[And a man or a woman] who has [the sorcery of] Ov or Yid’oni: Here, regarding those [who practice the sorcery of Ov or Yid’oni,] Scripture states death, while above (verse 6), Scripture states excision. [With] witnesses and warning [not to commit the sin], they incur [death by] stoning, but if [the perpetrators transgress] willfully but without warning, they incur excision; and if they transgress unintentionally, [they must bring] a sin-offering. And this [general principle regarding death, excision or sin-offering,] applies to all who are subject to the death penalty, about whom excision is also stated. כי יהיה בהם אוב וגו': כאן נאמר בהם מיתה ולמעלה כרת. עדים והתראה בסקילה, מזיד בלא התראה בהכרת ושגגתם חטאת, וכן בכל חייבי מיתות שנאמר בהם כרת:
Tehillim: Psalms Chapters 55 - 59
Hebrew text
English text
Chapter 55
David composed this psalm upon escaping from Jerusalem in the face of the slanderers, Doeg and Achitofel, who had declared him deserving of death. David had considered Achitofel a friend and accorded him the utmost honor, but Achitofel betrayed him and breached their covenant. David curses all his enemies, so that all generations should "know, and sin no more."
1. For the Conductor, with instrumental music, a maskil by David.
2. Listen to my prayer, O God, do not hide from my pleas.
3. Pay heed to me and answer me, as I lament in my distress and moan -
4. because of the shout of the enemy and the oppression of the wicked; for they accuse me of evil and hate me passionately.
5. My heart shudders within me, and the terrors of death have descended upon me.
6. Fear and trembling penetrate me, and I am enveloped with horror.
7. And I said, "If only I had wings like the dove! I would fly off and find rest.
8. Behold, I would wander afar, and lodge in the wilderness forever.
9. I would hurry to find shelter for myself from the stormy wind, from the tempest.”
10. Consume, O Lord, confuse their tongue; for I have seen violence and strife in the city.1
11. Day and night they encircle her upon her walls, and iniquity and vice are in her midst.
12. Treachery is within her; fraud and deceit never depart from her square.
13. For it is not the enemy who taunts me-that I could bear; nor my foe who raises himself against me, that I could hide from him.
14. But it is you, a man of my equal, my guide and my intimate.
15. Together we took sweet counsel; we walked with the throng to the house of God.
16. May He incite death upon them, let them descend to the pit alive; for there is evil in their dwelling, within them.
17. As for me, I call to God, and the Lord will save me.
18. Evening, morning and noon, I lament and moan-and He hears my voice.
19. He redeemed my soul in peace from battles against me, because of the many who were with me.
20. May God-He who is enthroned from the days of old, Selah-hear and humble those in whom there is no change, and who do not fear God.
21. He extended his hands against his allies, he profaned his covenant.
22. Smoother than butter are the words of his mouth, but war is in his heart; his words are softer than oil, yet they are curses.
23. Cast your burden upon the Lord, and He will sustain you; He will never let the righteous man falter.
24. And You, O God, will bring them down to the nethermost pit; bloodthirsty and treacherous men shall not live out half their days; but I will trust in You.
Chapter 56
David composed this psalm while in mortal danger at the palace of Achish, brother of Goliath. In his distress David accepts vows upon himself.
1. For the Conductor, of the mute dove1 far away. By David, a michtam, 2 when the Philistines seized him in Gath.
2. Favor me, O God, for man longs to swallow me; the warrior oppresses me every day.
3. My watchful enemies long to swallow me every day, for many battle me, O Most High!
4. On the day I am afraid, I trust in You.
5. [I trust] in God and praise His word; in God I trust, I do not fear-what can [man of] flesh do to me?
6. Every day they make my words sorrowful; all their thoughts about me are for evil.
7. They gather and hide, they watch my steps, when they hope [to capture] my soul.
8. Should escape be theirs in reward for their iniquity? Cast down the nations in anger, O God!
9. You have counted my wanderings; place my tears in Your flask-are they not in Your record?
10. When my enemies will retreat on the day I cry out, with this I will know that God is with me.
11. When God deals strictly, I praise His word; when the Lord deals mercifully, I praise His word.
12. In God I trust, I do not fear-what can man do to me?
13. My vows to You are upon me, O God; I will repay with thanksgiving offerings to You.
14. For You saved my soul from death-even my feet from stumbling-to walk before God in the light of life.
1.David having fled from Jerusalem, is silenced by fear (Rashi/Metzudot).
2.A psalm that was especially precious to David
Chapter 57
David composed this psalm while hiding from Saul in a cave, facing grave danger. Like Jacob did when confronted with Esau, David prayed that he neither be killed nor be forced to kill. In the merit of his trust in God, God wrought wonders to save him.
1. For the Conductor, a plea to be spared destruction. By David, a michtam, when he fled from Saul in the cave.
2. Favor me, O God, favor me, for in You my soul took refuge, and in the shadow of Your wings I will take refuge until the disaster passes.
3. I will call to God the Most High; to the Almighty Who fulfills [His promise] to me.
4. He will send from heaven, and save me from the humiliation of those who long to swallow me, Selah; God will send forth His kindness and truth.
5. My soul is in the midst of lions, I lie among fiery men; their teeth are spears and arrows, their tongue a sharp sword.
6. Be exalted above the heavens, O God; let Your glory be upon all the earth.
7. They laid a trap for my steps, they bent down my soul; they dug a pit before me, [but] they themselves fell into it, Selah.
8. My heart is steadfast, O God, my heart is steadfast; I will sing and chant praise.
9. Awake, my soul! Awake, O harp and lyre! I shall awaken the dawn.
10. I will thank You among the nations, my Lord; I will praise You among the peoples.
11. For Your kindness reaches till the heavens, Your truth till the skies.
12. Be exalted above the heavens, O God; let Your glory be over all the earth.
Chapter 58
David expresses the anguish caused him by Avner and his other enemies, who justified Saul's pursuit of him.
1. For the Conductor, a plea to be spared destruction; by David, a michtam.
2. Is it true that you are mute [instead of] speaking justice? [Instead of] judging men with fairness?
3. Even with your heart you wreak injustice upon the land; you justify the violence of your hands.
4. The wicked are estranged from the womb; from birth do the speakers of falsehood stray.
5. Their venom is like the venom of a snake; like the deaf viper that closes its ear
6. so as not to hear the voice of charmers, [even] the most skillful caster of spells.
7. O God, smash their teeth in their mouth; shatter the fangs of the young lions, O Lord.
8. Let them melt like water and disappear; when He aims His arrows, may they crumble.
9. Like the snail that melts as it goes along, like the stillbirth of a woman-they never see the sun.
10. Before your tender shoots know [to become] hardened thorns, He will blast them away, as one [uprooting] with vigor and wrath.
11. The righteous one will rejoice when he sees revenge; he will bathe his feet in the blood of the wicked.
12. And man will say, "There is indeed reward for the righteous; indeed there is a God Who judges in the land."
Chapter 59
This psalm speaks of the great miracle David experienced when he eluded danger by escaping through a window, unnoticed by the guards at the door. The prayers, supplications, and entreaties he offered then are recorded here.
1. For the Conductor, a plea to be spared destruction, By David, a michtam, when Saul dispatched [men], and they guarded the house in order to kill him.
2. Rescue me from my enemies, my God; raise me above those who rise against me.
3. Rescue me from evildoers, save me from men of bloodshed.
4. For behold they lie in ambush for my soul, mighty ones gather against me-not because of my sin nor my transgression, O Lord.
5. Without iniquity [on my part,] they run and prepare-awaken towards me and see!
6. And You, Lord, God of Hosts, God of Israel, wake up to remember all the nations; do not grant favor to any of the iniquitous traitors, Selah.
7. They return toward evening, they howl like the dog and circle the city.
8. Behold, they spew with their mouths, swords are in their lips, for [they say], "Who hears?”
9. But You, Lord, You laugh at them; You mock all nations.
10. [Because of] his might, I wait for You, for God is my stronghold.
11. The God of my kindness will anticipate my [need]; God will show me [the downfall] of my watchful foes.
12. Do not kill them, lest my nation forget; drive them about with Your might and impoverish them, O our Shield, my Master,
13. [for] the sin of their mouth, the word of their lips; let them be trapped by their arrogance. At the sight of their accursed state and deterioration, [people] will recount.
14. Consume them in wrath, consume them and they will be no more; and they will know that God rules in Jacob, to the ends of the earth, Selah.
15. And they will return toward evening, they will howl like the dog and circle the city.
16. They will wander about to eat; when they will not be sated they will groan.
17. As for me, I shall sing of Your might, and sing joyously of Your kindness toward morning, for You have been a stronghold to me, a refuge on the day of my distress.
18. [You are] my strength, to You I will sing, for God is my stronghold, the God of my kindness.
Tanya: Likutei Amarim, middle of Chapter 46
English Text: Lessons in Tanya
Hebrew Text
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Shabbat, Iyar 10, 5777 · May 6, 2017
Today's Tanya Lesson
Likutei Amarim, middle of Chapter 46
והנה ככל הדברים האלה, וככל החזיון הזה, וגדול יתר מאד בכפלי כפליים לאין קץ, עשה לנו אלקינו
In a manner corresponding in every detail to the said figure and image of the love shown by the mighty king to this most lowly individual, but to a much greater degree, doubled and redoubled infinitely more than in the parable, has our G‑d dealt with us.
כי לגדולתו אין חקר
For His greatness is beyond comprehension,
Just as G‑d is infinitely greater than any physical king, so too does his kingdom extend over an infinitely greater territory, so to speak.
ואיהו ממלא כל עלמין וסובב כל עלמין
and He pervades all worlds and encompasses i.e., transcends all worlds;
ונודע מזהר הקדוש והאר״י ז״ל ריבוי ההיכלות והעולמות עד אין מספר, ובכל עולם והיכל, ריבוא רבבות מלאכים לאין קץ ותכלית
and from the holy Zohar, as also from our Master, Rabbi Isaac Luria of blessed memory, it is known of the multitude of Heichalot — these being the specific levels within each spiritual world — and worlds which are infinite, and of the myriads of myriads of angels found in each world and Heichal, countless and without end.
וכמו שכתוב בגמרא: כתיב, היש מספר לגדודיו, וכתיב, אלף אלפין ישמשוניה, וריבו רבבן קדמוהי גו׳
So does the Gemara note:1 “It is written:2 ‘Is there any numbering His regiments of angels?’ Yet it is also written:3 ‘A thousand thousands minister unto Him, and ten thousand times ten thousand stand before Him....’”
The second verse indicates that there is indeed a finite number of angels, albeit a very great number, while the rhetorical question in the first verse implies that the number is truly infinite.
ומשני: אלף אלפין וכו׳ מספר גדוד אחד, אבל לגדודיו אין מספר
The Gemara answers: “‘A thousand thousands...’ is the quota of one regiment, but His regiments are innumerable.” The second verse, then, speaks of the number of angels within one regiment, while the first verse alludes to the number of regiments, which is truly infinite.
וכולם קמיה כלא ממש חשיבי, ובטלים במציאות ממש, כביטול דבור אחד ממש לגבי מהות הנפש המדברת ועצמותה, בעוד שהיה דיבורה עדיין במחשבתה, או ברצון וחמדת הלב, כנ״ל באריכות
Yet, before Him, all of them are accounted as nothing at all and are nullified in their very existence, just as one word is truly nullified in relation to the essence and being of the articulate soul, the soul possessing the power of speech, while the speech of the soul was still present in [the soul’s] faculty of thought, or in the will and desire of the heart, as has been explained above at length.
In chs. 20 and 21 the Alter Rebbe explained at length how a single utterance is as absolutely nothing when compared to the infinite capacity of the articulate soul. This is so even when the word has already been uttered and has thereby become a distinct entity. Even more so, in the case when the person’s speech is in potentia in the person’s thought or heart’s desire (which are the sources of speech, since a person thinks before he speaks, and speaks about things that he desires). In such an instance, the single word is totally nullified in its source and is not at all perceptible as an entity separate from it.
So too with Divine speech that creates and animates angels, the various worlds, and all creatures. Divine speech is always absolutely united with its source, and is therefore always in a state of total nullification to it.
וכולם שואלים: איה מקום כבודו, ועונים: מלא כל הארץ כבודו, הם ישראל עמו
All these [angels] ask: “Where is the place of His glory?” And they answer:4 “The whole physical earth is full of His glory”; that is — i.e., How is this world “full of His glory?” — because of His people, Israel.
כי הניח הקב״ה את העליונים ואת התחתונים
For the Holy One, blessed be He, forsook the higher and lower creatures that are not the ultimate purpose of His creation,
ולא בחר בכולם, כי אם בישראל עמו, והוציאם ממצרים, ערות הארץ, מקום הזוהמא והטומאה
choosing none of them but Israel His people, whom He brought out of Egypt5 — “the obscenity of the earth,” the place of filth and impurity —
Like the lowly and disgraceful individual who was raised from the dunghill by the king in person, the Children of Israel were brought forth out of Egypt by the King Himself:
ולא על ידי מלאך ולא על ידי כו׳, אלא הקב״ה בכבודו ובעצמו ירד לשם
“not6 through an angel which is a created being whose abode is in the World of Beriah, Yetzirah or Asiyah, nor through a messenger from the level of the World of Atzilut, but the Holy One, blessed be He, Himself in His glory” descended there.
כמו שכתוב: וארד להצילו וגו׳
as it is written:7 “And I descended to save him from the hand of the Egyptians,”
Just as the king in the parable, after raising the individual from the dungheap, takes him into his palace and shares with him the closest companionship, in a like manner did G‑d treat His people.
כדי לקרבם אליו בקירוב ויחוד אמיתי, בהתקשרות הנפש ממש
in order to bring them near to Him in true closeness and unity, with a real attachment of soul — so that the Jew’s soul will be truly bound up with the Almighty,
This is also so regarding the Torah, concerning which G‑d says: “I have written and given My ’soul‘*” to the Jewish people, by giving them the Torah. Thus, not only is the Jew’s soul truly bound up with G‑d, but G‑d’s “soul”, too, is united with the Jew.
בבחינת נשיקין פה לפה, לדבר דבר ה׳, זו הלכה
on the level of “kisses” of mouth to mouth, so that the Jew’s mouth be united with the “mouth” and speech of G‑d, by uttering “the word of G‑d, namely, the Halachah,”
When a Jew speaks and studies the words of the Torah his speech is united with Supernal speech in a manner of “kisses” of mouth to mouth. This unity, however, is external in comparison with the deeper and more inward “union of spirit and spirit,” as explained in the previous chapter. This deeper level of unity is also attained through Torah study:
ואתדבקות רוחא ברוחא, היא השגת התורה, וידיעת רצונו וחכמתו
and the fusion of “spirit” of man with “spirit” of G‑d, namely, the comprehension of the Torah and the knowledge of His Will and wisdom,
When Torah is studied with comprehension, the person knows both G‑d’s Will and wisdom. Knowing the halachah, the law that determines that an object is (say) either kosher or non-kosher, constitutes the knowledge of G‑d’s Will, while comprehending the reason for the halachah relates to G‑d’s wisdom.
דכולא חד ממש
which are truly one; G‑d’s Will and wisdom are truly one with Him. Hence, through Torah study, Jews become united with G‑d in a manner of “union of spirit and spirit”;
וגם בבחינת חיבוק
also with a form of “embrace”, for Torah and mitzvot also effect the unity of an “embrace”, similar to a person embracing his friend with his body and arms,
הוא קיום המצות מעשיות ברמ״ח אברים
namely, the fulfillment of the positive precepts with the 248 organs which the human being possesses. Performance of the 248 positive commandments brings about a state of “embrace” wherein G‑d’s 248 “organs” embrace man’s,
דרמ״ח פיקודין הן רמ״ח אברין דמלכא, כנזכר לעיל
for the 248 ordinances are the 248 “organs” of the King, as mentioned earlier, in ch. 23.
Each organ of the body is an appropriate vessel for the particular faculty of the soul that resides therein, such as the eye for the faculty of sight, the ear for the faculty of hearing, and so on. So too, each mitzvah is an appropriate vessel for the specific emanation of the Divine Will that desires the Jew to perform the particular commandment.
ודרך כלל נחלקין לשלש בחינות: ימין ושמאל ואמצע, שהן חסד דין ורחמים
In a general manner, these 248 positive mitzvot are divided into three categories — right, left, and center — namely, Chesed (“kindness”), Din (“stern justice”), and Rachamim (“mercy”).
There are mitzvot which are in the category of the “right side” — Chesed; others in the category of the “left side” — Din; still others, in the category of the “center” — Rachamim. These are:
תרין דרועין וגופא וכו׳
the two arms and the body.
Chesed is the right arm; Gevurah, or Din, is the left; and Rachamim represents the body (the center). Just as when a person embraces another he does so with both arms and his body, so too, do the “two arms” and “body” of the mitzvot embrace the Jew who performs them.
1.Chagigah 13b.
2.Iyov 25:3.
3.Daniel 7:10.
4.Yeshayahu 6:3.
5.Bereishit 42:9.
6.Haggadah of Passover.
7.Shmot 3:8.
• Sefer Hamitzvos:
English Text | Hebrew Text | Audio: Listen | Download | Video Class
Shabbat, Iyar 10, 5777 · May 6, 2017
Today's Mitzvah
A daily digest of Maimonides’ classic work "Sefer Hamitzvot"
Important Message Regarding This Lesson
The Daily Mitzvah schedule runs parallel to the daily study of 3 chapters of Maimonides' 14-volume code. There are instances when the Mitzvah is repeated a few days consecutively while the exploration of the same Mitzvah continues in the in-depth track.
Positive Commandment 107
Ritual Impurity Contracted through Contact with a Corpse
We are commanded regarding the ritual impurity contracted through contact with a human corpse. [I.e., if contracted, one must follow all the laws associated with this impurity.]
Full text of this Mitzvah »

Ritual Impurity Contracted through Contact with a Corpse
Positive Commandment 107
Translated by Berel Bell
The 107th mitzvah1 is that we are commanded regarding the tumah conveyed by a dead body.2 This mitzvah includes all the laws relating to tumas meis.3
1.In the order given here, following the order of Mishneh Torah, P107 is the first of the commandments dealing with tumah and taharah (ritual purity and impurity). In the order of Sefer HaMitzvos, however, P96 is the first of these mitzvos, and there the Rambam gives a general introduction to all these mitzvos.
2.Num. 19:11ff.
3.Such as which parts of the body convey tumah, how it is conveyed, etc. See Hilchos Tumas Meis
.• 1 Chapter: Sechirut Sechirut - Chapter 13
Sechirut - Chapter 13
An animal should be given the opportunity to eat whenever it works with produce, whether the produce is still attached to the ground or has been harvested. Similarly, it may partake of produce from the burden it is carrying until it has been unloaded, provided that the person caring for the animal does not take the produce in his hand and feed it.
הבהמה אוכלת כל זמן שהיא עושה בגידולי קרקע בין במחובר בין בתלוש ואוכלת ממשאוי שעל גבה עד שתהיה פורקת ובלבד שלא יטול בידו ויאכילנה:
Whoever prevents an animal from eating while it is working should be punished by lashes, as Deuteronomy 25:4 states: "Do not muzzle an ox while threshing."
The prohibition applies to an ox and to all other species of animals and beasts, whether a kosher animal or a non-kosher animal. Similarly, it applies with regard to threshing and all other types of work with produce. The Torah speaks about an ox threshing only to mention the most common instance.
An employer is not liable if he muzzles a worker. He is, however, liable for muzzling an animal. This applies whether he muzzles the animal while he is working with it or muzzles it beforehand and works with it while muzzled. He is liable even if he "muzzles it" with his mouth.
When a person rents an animal, muzzles it and then threshes with it, he receives lashes and must pay the owners the value of four kabbin of grain for a cow, and three kabbin for a donkey. Although generally a person does not receive both lashes and a financial penalty for the same transgression, an exception is made in this instance, because the renter was obligated to provide the animal with its sustenance from the time he pulled it after him, and he is not liable for lashes until he threshes with the animal while muzzled.
כל המונע הבהמה מלאכול בשעת מלאכתה לוקה שנאמר לא תחסום שור בדישו אחד שור ואחד כל מיני בהמה וחיה בין טמאין בין טהורין ואחד הדישה ואחד כל שאר המלאכות של גידולי קרקע ולא נאמר שור בדישו אלא בהווה והחוסם את הפועל פטור אחד החוסם אותה בשעת מלאכה ואחד החוסם אותה מקודם ועשה בה מלאכה והיא חסומה אפילו חסמה בקול לוקה שכר בהמה וחסמה ודש בה לוקה ומשלם לבעלים ארבעת קבין לפרה ושלשת קבין לחמור שמשעת משיכה נתחייב במזונותיה ואינו חייב מלקות עד שידוש בה חסומה:
When a Jew threshes with a cow belonging to a gentile, he is subject to violating the prohibition against muzzling. When, by contrast, a gentile threshes with an ox belonging to Jew, he is not subject to violating this prohibition.
If a Jew tells a gentile: "Muzzle my ox and thresh with it," a thorn becomes lodged in the ox's mouth and he threshes with it so it does not eat, he places a lion outside the threshing floor, he places the animal's son outside the threshing floor, he does not provide the animal with drink when it is thirsty, or spreads a hide over the grain so that it will not eat - all of these and similar acts are forbidden, but the person does not receive lashes.
When the produce with which the animal is working is bad for its digestion and will damage the animal's health or when the animal is sick and eating will cause it to become diarrheic, it is permitted to prevent the animal from eating. The rationale is that the Torah enacted this prohibition so that the animal would benefit, and in such an instance it does not benefit.
ישראל הדש בפרתו של עכו"ם עובר משום בל תחסום והעכו"ם הדש בפרתו של ישראל אינו עובר משום בל תחסום אמר לעכו"ם חסום פרתי ודוש בה ישב לה קוץ בפיה ודש בה והרי אינה אוכלת הרביץ לה ארי מבחוץ או שהרביץ בנה מבחוץ הרי שצמאה ואינו משקה אותה פרס עור ע"ג הדייש כדי שלא תאכל כל זה וכיוצא בו אסור ואינו לוקה היה הדבר שהיא עושה בו רע לבני מעיה ומזיקה או שהיתה חולה ואם תאכל מזה מתרזת מותר למנעה שלא הקפידה תורה אלא על הנאתה והרי אינה נהנית:
When a priest is threshing grain that is terumah or grain that is definitely terumat ma'aser with a cow that belongs to an Israelite, he is not subject to violating the prohibition against muzzling them.
This law also applies when cows thresh grain that is ma'aser sheni and when cows veer from the path. Nevertheless, because of the impression that might be created, when the cows are threshing grain that is terumah or ma'aser sheni the worker should bring that type of grain and place it in the food sack hanging below their mouths.
פרה של ישראל שהיה כהן דש בה בתרומה ובתרומת מעשר של ודאי וכן פרות הדשות במעשר שני ופרות המהלכות על התבואה לפי שירט להן הדרך אינו עובר עליהן משום בל תחסום אבל מפני מראית העין אם היו דשות בתרומה ומעשר שני מביא מעט מאותו המין ותולה להן בקרסטלין שבפיהן:
When a person muzzles a cow that is threshing produce that is ma'aser sheni which is demai terumat ma'aser which is demai or produce that grew from terumah he violates the prohibition against muzzling the animal.
הדש במעשר שני של דמאי ובתרומת מעשר של דמאי ובגידולי תרומה עובר משום בל תחסום:
The owner of an ox is permitted to make his animal hungry and aggrieve it so that it will eat a large quantity of the grain that it is threshing. Conversely, the renter of the ox may feed it hay so that it will not eat a large quantity of the grain that it is threshing.
Similarly, an employer may provide his workers with wine so that they will not eat many grapes. Conversely, the workers may dip their bread in brine so they will eat many grapes.
A worker may not, however, perform work at night and then hire himself out during the day, or work with his ox in the evening and then rent it out in the morning. Similarly, he should not starve and aggrieve himself and give his food to his sons, because this leads to stealing from the work due his employer, for his energy will be sapped and his thinking unclear, and he will not be able to perform his work robustly.
רשאי בעל הפרה להרעיב פרתו ולסגפה כדי שתאכל הרבה מן הדייש ורשאי השוכר להאכילה פקיעי עמיר כדי שלא תאכל הרבה מן הדייש כיוצא בו רשאי בעה"ב להשקות פועלים יין כדי שלא יאכלו ענבים הרבה ורשאין פועלין לטבול פתן בציר כדי שיאכלו ענבים הרבה אבל אין הפועל רשאי לעשות מלאכתו בלילה ולהשכיר עצמו ביום או לדוש בפרתו ערבית ולהשכירה שחרית ולא יהיה מרעיב ומסגף עצמו ומאכיל מזונותיו לבניו מפני גזל מלאכתו של בעה"ב שהרי תשש כחו ותחלש דעתו ולא יעשה מלאכה בכח:
Just as the employer is warned not to steal the wage of the poor person or to withhold it from him, the poor person is forewarned not to steal from the work due his employer and neglect his work slightly here and there, spending the entire day in deceit.
Instead, he is obligated to be precise with regard to his time. The importance of such preciseness is indicated by our Sages' ruling that workers should not recite the fourth blessing of grace, so as not to neglect their work.
Similarly, a worker is obligated to work with all his strength, for Jacob the righteous man said Genesis 31:7: "I served your father with all my strength." Therefore, he will be granted a reward even in this world, as indicated by ibid. 30:43: "And the man became prodigiously wealthy."
Blessed be God who grants assistance.
כדרך שמוזהר בעה"ב שלא יגזול שכר עני ולא יעכבנו כך העני מוזהר שלא יגזול מלאכת בעה"ב ויבטל מעט בכאן ומעט בכאן ומוציא כל היום במרמה אלא חייב לדקדק על עצמו בזמן שהרי הקפידו על ברכה רביעית של ברכת המזון שלא יברך אותה וכן חייב לעבוד בכל כחו שהרי יעקב הצדיק אמר כי בכל כחי עבדתי את אביכן לפיכך נטל שכר זאת אף בעולם הזה שנאמר ויפרץ האיש מאד מאד:
• 3 Chapters: Tum'at Met Tum'at Met - Chapter 6, Tum'at Met Tum'at Met - Chapter 7, Tum'at Met Tum'at Met - Chapter 8
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Tum'at Met - Chapter 6
When one makes keilim out of the bones of a fish or its skin, they are not susceptible to ritual impurity, neither according to Scriptural Law, nor according to Rabbinic Law. Similar concepts apply with regard to the green moss that appears at the surface of the water and the like. For all entities that come from the sea are pure, as will be explained in Hilchot Keilim. Accordingly, when one makes a tent from the skin of a fish or from moss growing in the sea, the tent itself is not susceptible to impurity although it conveys impurity to everything under it like other tents.
עצמות הדג ועורו העושה מהן כלים אינן מקבלין טומאה כלל לא מדברי תורה ולא מדברי סופרים וכן ירוקה שעל פני המים וכיוצא בה שכל מה שבים טהור כמו שיתבאר בהלכות כלים לפיכך העושה אהל מעור הדג או מצמר שגדל בים אין עצמו של אהל זה מקבל טומאה אע"פ שמביא את הטומאה לכל אשר יהיה תחתיו כשאר אהלים:
Keilim made from animal turds, stone implements, or implements made from earth, are not susceptible to ritual impurity, neither according to Scriptural Law, nor according to Rabbinic Law. This applies to the impurity stemming from a human corpse and to other types of impurity.
Similarly, containers that are made to be left in place semi-permanently, e.g., a chest, a cabinet, a container shaped like a beehive which can contain 40 se'ah of a liquid and have a base are not susceptible to ritual impurity, neither according to Scriptural Law, nor according to Rabbinic Law. They are called: oversized wooden containers.
כלי גללים וכלי אבנים וכלי אדמה אינן מקבלין טומאה לא מדברי תורה ולא מדברי סופרים בין טומאת מת בין שאר הטומאות וכן כלי עץ העשוי לנחת כגון התיבה והמגדל והכוורת שהן מחזיקין ארבעים סאה בלח ויהיה להם שולים אינן מקבלין טומאה כלל לא מדברי תורה ולא מד"ס ואלו הן הנקראין כלי עץ הבא במדה:
When implements are made from wood, those which are flat are pure, while those that can serve as a container are susceptible to impurity. Similarly, with regard to earthenware implements: those which are flat are pure, while those that can serve as a container are susceptible to impurity. The latter are susceptible to impurity only from their inner space or when moved by a zav. Even when a corpse touches the outer surface of an earthenware container, the container does not contract impurity. If any of the sources of impurity enter the inner space of such a container, they impart impurity even though they do not touch the container.
If an earthenware container was in the same tent as a corpse, it contracts impurity, because the impurity enters its inner space. If it had a cover fastened to it, it and everything in it is pure, as stated in the Torah, for impurity enters it only through its opening and when it is moved by a zav. In the latter instance, it is impure, because he is considered to have touched it in its entirety.
כלי עץ פשוטיהם טהורים מקבליהם טמאים כלי חרש פשוטיהן טהורין ומקבליהן טמאין ואינן טמאין אלא מאוירן או בהיסט הזב אפילו נגע כלי חרש במת מגבו אינו מתטמא ואם נכנסה טומאה מן הטומאות באוירו ואף על פי שלא נגעה בו נטמא היה כלי חרש עם המת באהל נטמא שהרי הטומאה נכנסה באוירו ואם היה מוקף צמיד פתיל הוא ומה שבתוכו טהור כמו שנתפרש בתורה שאין טומאה נכנסה לו אלא מפתחו ובהיסט הזב שהרי הוא כמי שנגע בכולו:
When one makes a gollel from an object that is not susceptible to impurity, e.g., he placed a stone, a vessel made from earth, an oversized wooden container, an earthenware container that was fastened closed, or a fish skin or its bone, on a grave, one who touches these articles contracts the impurity that lasts seven days, because he has touched a gollel. If they ceased serving as a gollel, or the corpse was removed from beneath them, they are pure,
Similarly, when an animal is tied down and made a gollel, anyone who touches it contracts the impurity that lasts seven days as long as it serves as a gollel. If the animal is released, it is pure, like all other animals. Similarly, if a barrel filled with liquids that was fastened closed was made into a gollel for a corpse, one who touches it contracts the impurity that lasts seven days. The barrel and the liquids are pure.
העושה גולל מדבר שאינו מקבל טומאה כגון שהניח על גבי הקבר אבן או כלי אדמה או כלי עץ הבא במדה או כלי חרש המוקף צמיד פתיל או עור הדג ועצמו וכיוצא באלו הנוגע בהן טמא טומאת שבעה משום נוגע בגולל ואם פרשו מלהיות גולל או שהסיר את המת מתחתיהן הרי הן טהורין וכן בהמה שכפתה ועשה אותה גולל הנוגע בה טמא טומאת שבעה כל זמן שהיא גולל התיר הבהמה הרי היא טהורה כשאר הבהמות וכן חבית שהיא מלאה משקין מוקפת צמיד פתיל ועשה אותה גולל למת הנוגע בה טמא טומאת שבעה והחבית והמשקין טהורין:
When a beam is used as a gollel for a grave, whether it is standing upright or lying on its side, only the portion that is above the opening of the grave becomes impure. One who touches the end of it which is lying outside the grave is pure.
If one made its head a gollel for a grave and it is standing over the grave like a tree, anyone who touches it within the four handbreadths that are immediately above the grave is impure because of the laws of gollel. If he touches it above four handbreadths, he is pure.
When does the above apply? When he will cut off the upper portions of the beam in the future. If he is not planning to cut them off, the beam is considered as a gollel in its entirety.
קורה שעשאה גולל לקבר בין עומדת בין מוטה על צדה אין טמא אלא כנגד פתח הקבר בלבד והנוגע בקצה המונח חוץ לקבר טהור עשה ראשה גולל לקבר והרי היא עומדת על הקבר כמו אילן הנוגע ממנה בד' טפחים סמוך לקבר טמא משום גולל ומד' ולמעלה טהור במה דברים אמורים בזמן שהוא עתיד לקוץ אותה אבל אם אינו עתיד לקוץ אותה כולה גולל:
If two large stones, four handbreadths by four handbreadths, were used as a gollel, when one stands over either of them, he is impure. If one of them was removed, one who stands over the other is pure. The rationale is that the impurity has a path through which to depart.
שתי אבנים גדולות של ד' ד' טפחים שעשאן גולל המאהיל על גבי שתיהן טמא נטלה אחת מהן המאהיל על גבי שנייה טהור מפני שיש לטומאה דרך שתצא בו:
When one uses a mound of small stones as a gollel for a grave, only the inner layer which covers the grave per se imparts impurity. One who touches the remainder of the stones is pure.
גל של צרורות שעשאהו גולל לקבר אין טמא אלא סדר הפנימי שהוא צרכו של קבר אבל הנוגע בשאר האבנים טהור:
When a burial vault was hewed out of a large stone, the corpse was placed inside and then one covered it with a gollel, one who touches any portion of the stone is pure. One who touches the gollel is impure. To what can this be compared? To a large pit filled with corpses with a large stone covering its opening. Only the portion above the open space imparts impurity. If one builds a structure over it, it is considered as a closed grave which imparts impurity from all sides.
If a burial vault hewn into the stone was wide at its bottom and narrow at its top, and a corpse was placed within, one who touches it from below is pure, but one who touches it from above is impure. The rationale is that the side portions above are resting over the corpse and are considered like a gollel.
If a burial vault hewn into the stone was wide at its top and narrow at its bottom, one who touches any place on it is impure. If its sides are straight, one who touches it from the handbreadth next to the bottom of the grave and upwards, is impure. If he touches from that handbreadth and lower, he is pure. If one hollowed out a burial vault in a stone and inserted the corpse in it like a nail, one who touches anywhere on the stone's surface is pure, except for the opening through which the corpse was inserted.
ארון שהוא חקוק בסלע והניחו בו המת וכסוהו בגולל הנוגע בסלע בכ"מ טהור והנוגע בגולל טמא למה זה דומה לבור גדול מלא מתים ואבן גדולה על פיה שאין טמא אלא כנגד חללה ואם בנה נפש על גבה הרי זו כקבר סתום ומטמא מכל סביביו היתה הארון החקוקה בסלע רחבה מלמטה וצרה מלמעלה והמת בתוכה הנוגע בה מלמטן טהור ומלמעלן טמא שהרי הצדדין מלמעלה סמכו על גבי המת ונעשו כגולל היתה הארון רחבה מלמעלה וצרה מלמטה הנוגע בה מ"מ טמא היתה שוה הנוגע בה מטפח הסמוך לקרקעיתה ולמעלה טמא מטפח ולמטה טהור ניקב ארון בסלע והכניס המת בתוכה כמו נגר הנוגע בה מ"מ טהור חוץ ממקום פתחה:
The following laws apply to a cave in which a grave is located and to the courtyard in front of the cave. When the courtyard is open, one standing in it is pure as long as he does not touch the lintel of the cave. Different laws apply when the courtyard is covered. If there is an area four handbreadths by four handbreadths or more that is open at the side of the cave, anyone who enters the courtyard is pure. If the open space was less than four handbreadths by four handbreadths, one who enters the courtyard is impure, even though he did not touch the entrance to the cave.
מערה שהקבר בתוכה וחצר לפני המערה בזמן שהחצר לאויר העומד לתוכה טהור ובלבד שלא יגע במשקוף המערה ובזמן שהחצר מקורה אם היה בה [מגולה בצד המערה] ד' טפחים על ד' טפחים או יתר הנכנס לשם טהור היתה פחותה מד' על ד' הנכנס לשם טמא ואע"פ שלא נגע בפתח המערה:

Tum'at Met - Chapter 7

When a corpse is located in a closed structure or in one which had an opening, but its doorframe was destroyed and it was closed up, it imparts impurity to all its surroundings. Anyone who touches the back or the roof of the structure contracts the impurity that lasts seven days, because it is like a closed grave.
If an entrance had been opened in it, even if it was closed up, as long as the doorframe was not destroyed, one who touches the back of the structure or its roof, is pure. Only the area in front of the door is impure.
How large is the measure of a doorway? If an entire corpse is in the building, the entrance must be four handbreadths. If there is only an olive-sized portion of a corpse, the entrance must be a handbreadth. Any portion larger than an olive-sized portion is considered as an entire corpse and requires an entrance of four handbreadths
בית סתום שהמת בתוכו או שהיה לו פתח [ופרץ את פצימיו] וסתמו מטמא מכל סביביו והנוגע בו מאחוריו או מגגו טמא שבעה מפני שהוא כקבר סתום נפתח בו פתח אפילו סתמו אם לא פרץ פצימיו הנוגע בו מאחוריו ומגגו טהור ואין טמא אלא כנגד הפתח וכמה יהיה שיעור הפתח שלם המת פתחו בארבעה טפחים וכזית מן המת פתחו בטפח וגדול מכזית הרי הוא כמת ופתחו בארבעה:
The following rules apply when there is a corpse in a building that has many entrances. When they are all closed, they all impart ritual impurity. One who sits near any of the entrances under the roof that protrudes over the entrance becomes impure.
If one of them was opened or one intended to remove the corpse through one of them even though he had this thought after the person died and even if he intended to remove it through a window that is four handbreadths by four handbreadths, this saves all the other entrances. Only the entrance that is open or about which he thought imparts impurity. The others are pure, because they are closed and the building is not considered as a closed grave. Similarly, if one began hollowing out an opening through which to remove the corpse, when he has hollowed out an area four handbreadths by four handbreadths, this saves all the other entrances.
If there was a closed entrance and he intended to remove the corpse through it and began to open it, once he opens it, it saves all the other entrances. If the building had many windows, but they were all closed, they are all pure. If they are open, they all impart impurity, but they do not save the entrances.
When there is a small entrance inside a large entrance, anything that covers either of them imparts impurity. If one intended to remove the corpse through the smaller entrance, the smaller entrance purifies the larger one. If they are both of equal size, anything that covers either of them imparts impurity. If one intended to remove the corpse through either of them, it purifies the other.
If the building had one entrance in the north and one entrance in the south and one intended to remove the corpse through the northern entrance, that entrance imparts impurity. If, afterwards, the brother or the relatives of the deceased came and said: "We will remove it only from the southern entrance," the southern entrance replaces and purifies the northern entrance provided one does not say so as a ruse. If he says so as a ruse, they both impart impurity.
המת בתוך הבית ובו פתחים הרבה בזמן שכולם נעולים כולם טמאים והיושב בצד כל פתח מהן תחת התקרה היוצא על הפתח נטמא נפתח אחד מהן או שחשב להוציאו באחד מהן ואף על פי שחשב אחר שמת המת אפילו חשב להוציאו בחלון שהיא ארבעה על ארבעה הציל על הפתחים כולן ואין טמא אלא כנגד הפתח שנפתח או שחשב עליו והשאר טהורין מפני שהן נעולין והרי אין הבית כקבר סתום וכן אם התחיל לחתור פתח להוציאו בו משיחתור ארבעה על ארבעה הציל על הפתחים כולן היה שם פתח סתום וחשב להוציאו והתחיל לפותחו משיתחיל לפתוח הציל על הפתחים כולן היו בו חלונות הרבה וכולן מוגפות כולן טהורות נפתחו כולן טמאות ולא הצילו על הפתחים פתח קטן בתוך פתח גדול המאהיל על גבי שניהם טמא חשב להוציאו בקטן טיהר קטן את הגדול היו שניהן מתאימין המאהיל ע"ג שניהם טמא חשב להוציאו באחד מהן טיהר את חבירו היה לבית פתח אחד לצפון ופתח לדרום וחשב להוציאו בצפוני ואחר כך באו אחיו או קרוביו ואמרו אין מוציאין אותו אלא בדרומי טיהר דרומי את הצפוני ובלבד שלא יערים ואם הערים שניהן טמאים:
The following rules apply when several houses open to an exedra and a corpse is located in one of the houses. If the usual practice was to remove the corpse through the exedra, the gateway and the houses become impure. If not, the gateway is impure and the houses are pure.
If there is a closed room in a house and a corpse was brought into the room through an open window, the outer portion of the house is pure. The rationale is that the impurity goes back and departs through the same window that it entered.
בתים הפתוחין לאכסדרה והמת באחד מהן אם היה דרכו של מת לצאת באכסדרה הרי הבית שער והבתים טמאים ואם לאו בית שער טמא והבית טהור החדר שלפנים מן הבית מוגף ונכנסה טומאה לפנים דרך חלון הבית החיצון טהור מפני שהטומאה חוזרת ויוצאת דרך החלון שנכנסה בו:
A grave does not impart impurity to the area around it unless there is empty space a handbreadth long, a handbreadth wide and a handbreadth high above the corpse. Should that condition be met, even if one built a structure over the space of one cubic handbreadth until the heavens, it imparts impurity in its entirety, because the entire structure is considered as a grave.
If the impurity was flush against the covering and there was not an empty space of a cubic handbreadth, the impurity pierces through and ascends and pierces through and descends. The only ones who are impure are those who touch the space above the impurity, stand over it from above, touch the space below it, or stand below it. If, however, one touches the side of the building, he is pure.
אין הקבר מטמא מכל סביביו עד שיהיה שם חלל טפח על טפח על רום טפח אפילו הגביה הבנין על גבי חלל טפח עד לרקיע הכל טמא לפי שהכל כקבר היתה טומאה רצוצה ולא היה שם חלל טפח טומאה בוקעת ועולה בוקעת ויורדת ואין טמא אלא הנוגע כנגד הטומאה מלמעלה או המאהיל עליה מלמעלה או הנוגע כנגדה מלמטה או מה שהאהיל עליו מלמטה אבל הנוגע בצדי הבנין טהור:
This is a great general principle with regard to the impurity stemming from a corpse: If the impurity is flush with its covering, the impurity pierces through and ascends until the heavens and pierces through and descends until the depths, but does not impart impurity to those on the sides.
What is implied? There is a heap of grain or a pile of stones with an olive-sized portion of a corpse in its midst. There are keilim next to the source of impurity, but they are not touching it. Those keilim are pure, but any k'li in the pile that is directly above or below the impurity is impure, because the impurity pierces through and ascends and pierces through and descends. If there was empty space, a handbreadth long, a handbreadth wide and a handbreadth high above the corpse, it is considered as a closed grave and it imparts impurity from all sides.
זה כלל גדול בטומאת מת שכל דבר המטמא באהל מן המת אם היה רצוץ שאין לו חלל טפח הרי הטומאה בוקעת ועולה עד לרקיע בוקעת ויורדת עד התהום ואינה מטמאה מן הצדדין כיצד כרי של תבואה או גל של אבנים וכזית מן המת בתוכו וכלים בצד הטומאה ואינן נוגעין בה כלים טהורין וכל כלי שבתוך הגל מכוון כנגד הטומאה מלמעלה או מלמטה טמא שהטומאה בוקעת ועולה ובוקעת ויורדת ואם היה מקום הטומאה חלול טפח על טפח על רום טפח הוא כקבר סתום ומטמאה מכל סביביו:
When a building was filled with earth or pebbles, it is as if the house no longer exists. It is like a pile of earth or pebbles. If there was a source of impurity in the midst of the earth, the impurity pierces through and ascends and pierces through and descends, but the keilim in the earth at its sides are pure.
בית שמלאו עפר או צרורות הרי זה ביטל הבית והרי הוא כגל של עפר או צרורות ואם היתה טומאה בתוך העפר בוקעת ועולה בוקעת ויורדת וכלים שבצידיה בתוך העפר טהורים:
When impurity that was flush against its covering was in a wall and one rested a sukkah against the wall, the sukkah is impure. The rationale is that the wall became one of the sides of a structure containing a corpse. Although the sides of the structure would be pure when touched by a person if it did not have a roof, once a roof was placed over them, everything in the structure is impure, because the impurity is contained in the structure.
טומאה שהיא רצוצה בכותל וסמך סוכה לכותל הסוכה טמאה שהרי נעשה הכותל צד מצידי האהל ואע"פ שהצדדין טהורים לנוגע אילו לא היה עליהן אהל אבל משנעשה עליהן אהל האהל כולו טמא שהרי הטומאה בתוכו:

Tum'at Met - Chapter 8

When a grave became lost in a field, its earth imparts ritual impurity when one touches or carries it like the earth of a beit hap'ras, for perhaps the grave that was there was crushed and there are bones the size of a barley-corn in its earth. Similarly, one who stands over any portion of the field contracts ritual impurity. If one builds a structure there, everything inside the structure contracts impurity, for perhaps the structure he constructed in that field is constructed over the grave.
שדה שאבד קבר בתוכה עפרה מטמא במגע ובמשא כבית הפרס שמא נדוש הקבר בה ויהיו עצמות כשעורה בתוך עפרה וכל השדה כולה המאהיל עליה נטמא ואם העמיד בתוכה אהל נטמא כל מה שיש באהל שמא האהל שהעמיד באותה שדה על הקבר הוא מאהיל:
The following laws apply when a person built a house and a loft on top of it in such a field. If the entrance to the loft was directly above the entrance to the house, the loft is pure. Even if the grave was under the lintel of the house, the loft is pure, for there is one structure on top of another structure, as will be explained. If they were not directly above each other, the loft is also impure, for perhaps the entrance to the loft is above the grave and thus the loft is projecting over the grave.
בנה בית ועליה על גביו אם היה פתחה של עליה כנגד פתחה של בית העליה טהורה שאפי' [היה] הקבר תחת משקוף הבית העליה טהורה שהרי הוא אהל ע"ג אהל כמי שיתבאר ואם לא היה מכוון אף העליה טמאה שמא אסקופת עליה על הקבר והרי העליה מאהילה על הקבר:
It is permitted to sow any type of seeds in this field, because the roots of the plants growing from the seeds do not reach the grave. One should not, however, plant any fruit trees inside of it, because their roots will reach the corpse.
We operate under the presumption that low hills that are close to a town and near to a cemetery or to the road leading to the cemetery, whether ancient or new, are impure, because women bury fetuses that they miscarry there and lepers bury their limbs there. Different rules apply to those hills which are distant from a town. The new ones are pure, but the ancient ones are impure. The rationale is that perhaps they were close to a town that was destroyed or a road that was lost.
What is meant by a hill close to a town? Any hill that does not have another one closer than it. What is meant by an ancient one? One that no one remembers whether there was a cemetery there or not.
ושדה זו מותר לזרוע בתוכה כל זרע לפי שאין שרשי זרעים מגיעים עד לקבר אבל אין נוטעין בתוכה אילני מאכל מפני שהשרשים מגיעין עד למת התלוליות הקרובות לעיר הסמוכה לבית הקברות או לדרך בית הקברות אחד חדשות ואחד ישנות הרי אלו בחזקת טומאה מפני שהנשים קוברות שם את הנפלים ומוכי שחין קוברין שם איבריהן אבל הרחוקות החדשות טהורות והישנות טמאות שמא היו קרובות מעיר שחרבה או מדרך שאבדה ואי זהו תל קרוב כל שאין שם תל אחר קרוב יותר ממנו וישן שאין אדם זוכרו:
The following laws apply to a field for weeping, i.e., a place near a cemetery where women sit and weep over the departed: Even though its earth is pure, because it has not been established that a corpse is buried there, trees should not be planted there, nor should crops be sown there, so as not to have people frequent it, for perhaps a corpse was buried there. Our Sages had this suspicion, because its owner will have despaired of its use, because it is close to the cemetery. Therefore it is possible that a person will come and bury a corpse there.
One may use the earth of such a place to make ovens to cook sacrificial meat, because it has not been established that impurity was there.
שדה בוכים והוא המקום הקרוב לבית הקברות שהנשים יושבות שם ובוכות אעפ"י שעפרה טהור שהרי לא הוחזקה שם טומאה אין נוטעין אותו ואין זורעין אותו שלא להרגיל רגל אדם לשם שמא יש שם טומאה מפני שהוא קרוב לבית הקברות כבר נתייאשו בעליו ממנו לפיכך אפשר שיבא אדם ויקבור בו מפני זה חששו לו ועושין מעפר מקום זה תנורים לקדש שהרי לא הוחזקה שם טומאה:
When a grave is discovered on one's property, it is permitted to disinter the corpse and rebury it elsewhere. If it was reburied, the place around the first grave is impure and it is forbidden to benefit from it until it is checked, as will be explained. When it is known that a grave is located in a field, it is forbidden to disinter the corpse and rebury it elsewhere. If it was reburied, the place around the first grave is pure and it is permitted to benefit from it.
קבר הנמצא מותר לפנותו ואם פנהו מקומו טמא ואסור בהנייה עד שיבדק כמו שיתבאר וקבר הידוע אסור לפנותו ואם פנהו מקומו טהור ומותר בהנייה:
When a grave causes harm to people at large, the corpse should be disinterred. Its place is impure and it is forbidden to benefit from it.
קבר שהוא מזיק את הרבים מפנין אותו ומקומו טמא ואסור בהנייה:
The following laws apply when a person encounter a meit mitzvah. If he finds it within the city's Sabbath limits, he should bring it to the cemetery. If he found it outside the Sabbath limits, even in a field of saffron, it acquires its place and should be buried where it is found.
If he found it in the public thoroughfare, he should move it to the side. If an uncultivated field was on one side and a plowed field was on the other side, he should bury it in the uncultivated field. If there was a plowed field on one side and a field that had been sown on the other side, he should bury it in the plowed field. If a field that had been sown was on one side and a vineyard on the other side, it should be buried in the field that had been sown. If there was an orchard on one side and a vineyard on the other, he should bury it in the vineyard, because of the impurity of ohel. If both fields were of equal value, he may bury it wherever he chooses.
הפוגע במת מצוה אם מצאו בתוך התחום מביאו לבית הקברות מצאו חוץ לתחום אפילו בתוך שדה כרכום קנה מקומו ויקבר במקום שנמצא מצאו על המצר מסלקו לצדדין שדה בור מצד זה ושדה ניר מצד זה קוברו בשדה בור שדה ניר ושדה זרע קוברו בשדה ניר שדה זרע ושדה כרם קוברו בשדה זרע שדה אילן ושדה כרם קוברו בשדה כרם מפני אהל הטומאה היו שניהן שוין קוברו לאי זה צד שירצה:
When a grave is discovered, it imparts impurity retroactively. If someone comes and says: "it is definitely clear to me that there was not a grave here," even if he is speaking about a period twenty years earlier, the grave does not impart impurity except from the time of its discovery onward.
קבר הנמצא מטמא למפרע ואם בא אחר ואמר ברי לי שלא היה כאן קבר אפילו קודם לעשרים שנה אינו מטמא אלא משעת מציאה ואילך:
Whenever a person discovers a grave, a corpse, or a portion of a corpse that would impart impurity through ohel, he should designate it, so that it will not create an obstacle for others.
During Chol HaMoed, agents of the court go out to designate the graves. A designation is not made over a portion of a corpse that is exactly the size of an olive, because ultimately, its size will be reduced in the earth.
With what is the designation made? With lime. It should be mixed and poured over the place of the impurity. The designation should not be placed on the exact perimeters of the impurity, but instead, should extend somewhat on either side so as not to ruin pure articles. The designation should not be extended much beyond the place of the impurity so as not to spoil Eretz Yisrael. A designation is not made on places that are definitely known to be used for burial, for their identity is universally known, only on the places that are doubtful, e.g., a field in which a grave was lost, the low-hanging branches of trees, or rocks jutting out from a wall.
כל המוצא קבר או מת או דבר שמטמא באהל מן המת חייב לציין עליו כדי שלא יהיה תקלה לאחרים ובחולו של מועד היו יוצאין מב"ד לציין על הקברות אין מציינין על כזית מצומצם מן המת לפי שסופו יחסר בארץ ובמה מציינין בסיד ממחה ושופך על מקום הטומאה אין מעמידין את הציון על גבי הטומאה אלא יהי עודף מכאן ומכאן בצידי הטומאה שלא להפסיד את הטהרות ואין מרחיקין את הציון ממקום הטומאה שלא להפסיד את ארץ ישראל ואין מציינין על הוודאות שהרי הן ידועין לכל אלא על הספיקות כגון שדה שאבד בה קבר והסככות והפרעות:
When a person discovers a field that has been designated and does not know what the nature of the problem is, he should follow these guidelines. If it does not have trees, he should assume that a grave was lost in it. If it has trees in it, he should assume that a grave was plowed over in it, as will be explained.
מצא שדה מצויינת ואין ידוע מה טיבה אם אין בה אילנות בידוע שאבד בה קבר יש בה אילנות בידוע שנחרש בה קבר כמו שיתבאר:
When a person finds a stone that is designated, the area under it is impure. Should there be two such stones, if there is lime between them, the area between them is impure. If there is no lime between them, only on top of them, the following laws apply: If there is a shard between them, they are pure, because they are the remnants of a building. If there is no shard between them, and a light layer of lime was smoothed out over their heads on either side, we assume that this is a designation and they are impure.
If one boundary line of a field is designated, it is impure and the remainder of the field is pure. This applies also if a second or a third boundary line is designated. If all four boundary lines are designated, they are pure and the entire field is impure, for the sign should not be placed far from the place of the impurity.
מצא אבן מצויינת תחתיה טמא היו שתים אם יש סיד ביניהם ביניהם טמא ואם אין סיד ביניהן אלא על ראשיהן אם יש חרש ביניהן טהור שאין זה אלא בניין ואם אין חרש ביניהן והיה הסיד מרודד על ראשיהן מכאן ומכאן ה"ז ציון וטמא מצא מצר אחד מצויין הוא טמא וכל השדה טהורה וכן שניה וכן שלישי' מצא ד' מצריה מצויינין הן טהורין וכל השדה כולה טמאה שאין מרחיקין הציון ממקום הטומאה:
Hayom Yom:
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Shabbat, Iyar 10, 5777 · 06 May 2017
Iyar 10, 25th day of the omer
Shabbat Iyar 10, 25th day of the omer 5703
Torah lessons: Chumash: Emor, Shevi'i with Rashi.
Tehillim: 55-59.
Tanya: Ch. 47. "In every (p. 247)...been explained earlier. (p.249).
It is our custom to dip the piece of bread (for hamotzi) into salt three times, not to sprinkle the salt on the bread.
At the festive meal on the second day of Shavuot 5621 (1861), the Tzemach Tzedek related as follows: At the festive meal on the second day of Shavuot 5555 (1795) my grandfather (the Alter Rebbe) said:
At the festive meal on the second day of Shavuot 5528 (1768) my saintly master and teacher (the Maggid of Mezritch) said:
"You shall count for yourselves," us'fartem lachem.1 The word us'fartem, - you shall count - has the root of sapirut, - brilliance and brightness. Us'fartem lachem, your lachem, selves, must be bright.
The Tzemach Tzedek continued his narrative: My grandfather (the Alter Rebbe) then leaned his head on his hands and sang the Niggun (melody) Of Four Stanzas with profound d'veikut.2 Afterward he raised his head and said in a questioning tone, "And with what does one brighten the lachem?" - and without a pause he continued in a tone of response, "with the seven complete weeks (more literally, ""), that is, through refining one's seven emotion-traits, each trait in turn to be sub-incorporated with all seven.3 The seven attributes themselves are to become 'seven Sabbaths,' Shabbat needing no refinement."4
1. Vayikra 23:15. This is the Torah command to count the days of the omer. The verse concludes "seven complete weeks shall they be." Instead of the common word for weeks, shavuot, the verse uses the word Shabbatot, - Sabbaths. The seven weeks correspond to the seven human emotion powers. See note on Iyar 2.
2. Devotion, communion; see Sh'vat 23 and footnotes.
3. See note on Iyar 2.
4. The effort or avoda of self-refinement and refinement of Creation is primarily appropriate to the weekdays when man is occupied with worldly affairs, "your labors." Shabbat, the day of rest, not of labor, is not a time for "refinement." Shabbat is on a higher plane.
Daily Thought
Natural Response
There is an easy path to fulfill the Torah. Not by forcing yourself, not by convincing yourself, but by achieving awareness:
A constant awareness that all you see and hear—the wind that strokes your face, the pulse of the heart within your bosom, the stars in the heavens and the earth beneath your feet, all things of this cosmos and beyond—all are but the outer garments of an Inner Consciousness, a projection of His will and thoughts. Nothing more than His words to us, within which He is concealed.
And the Master of that consciousness speaks to you and asks you to join Him in the mystic union of deed and study.
In such a state of mind, could you possibly choose otherwise?[Tanya, part 1, chapters 21 and 41.]
TODAY IN JUDAISM: Friday, May 5, 2017 - in New York, New York, United States - Today in Judaism - Today is: Friday, Iyar 9, 5777 · May 5, 2017 - Omer: Day 24 - Tifferet sheb'Netzach - Candle Lighting - Light Candles before sunset ––:––
Today's Laws & Customs
• Count "Twenty-Five Days to the Omer" Tonight
Tomorrow is the twenty-fifth day of the Omer Count. Since, on the Jewish calendar, the day begins at nightfall of the previous evening, we count the omer for tomorrow's date tonight, after nightfall: "Today is twenty-five days, which are three weeks and four days, to the Omer." (If you miss the count tonight, you can count the omer all day tomorrow, but without the preceding blessing).
The 49-day "Counting of the Omer" retraces our ancestors' seven-week spiritual journey from the Exodus to Sinai. Each evening we recite a special blessing and count the days and weeks that have passed since the Omer; the 50th day is Shavuot, the festival celebrating the Giving of the Torah at Sinai.
Tonight's Sefirah: Netzach sheb'Netzach -- "Ambition in Ambition"
The teachings of Kabbalah explain that there are seven "Divine Attributes" -- Sefirot -- that G-d assumes through which to relate to our existence: Chessed, Gevurah, Tifferet, Netzach, Hod, Yesod and Malchut ("Love", "Strength", "Beauty", "Victory", "Splendor", "Foundation" and "Sovereignty"). In the human being, created in the "image of G-d," the seven sefirot are mirrored in the seven "emotional attributes" of the human soul: Kindness, Restraint, Harmony, Ambition, Humility, Connection and Receptiveness. Each of the seven attributes contain elements of all seven--i.e., "Kindness in Kindness", "Restraint in Kindness", "Harmony in Kindness", etc.--making for a total of forty-nine traits. The 49-day Omer Count is thus a 49-step process of self-refinement, with each day devoted to the "rectification" and perfection of one the forty-nine "sefirot."
How to count the Omer
The deeper significance of the Omer Count
Daily Quote:
Even if a sharp sword is placed across a person's throat, he should not despair of prayer[Talmud, Berachot 10a]
Daily Study
Chitas and Rambam for today:
Chumash: Acharei-Kedoshim, 6th Portion Leviticus 19:33-20:7 with Rashi
English / Hebrew Linear Translation | Video Class
Leviticus Chapter 19
33When a stranger sojourns with you in your land, you shall not taunt him. לגוְכִֽי־יָג֧וּר אִתְּךָ֛ גֵּ֖ר בְּאַרְצְכֶ֑ם לֹ֥א תוֹנ֖וּ אֹתֽוֹ:
you shall not taunt him: Heb. לֹא תוֹנוּ. [This refers to] tormenting with words [as opposed to torment through other means, e.g., financially (see Rashi Lev. 25:14)]. [For instance,] do not say to him, “Only yesterday you were an idol worshipper, and now you come to learn Torah, which was given over by the Almighty God Himself! ”. — [Torath Kohanim 19:82] לא תונו: אונאת דברים. לא תאמר לו אמש היית עובד עבודה זרה ועכשיו אתה בא ללמוד תורה שנתנה מפי הגבורה:
34The stranger who sojourns with you shall be as a native from among you, and you shall love him as yourself; for you were strangers in the land of Egypt. I am the Lord, your God. לדכְּאֶזְרָ֣ח מִכֶּם֩ יִֽהְיֶ֨ה לָכֶ֜ם הַגֵּ֣ר | הַגָּ֣ר אִתְּכֶ֗ם וְאָֽהַבְתָּ֥ לוֹ֙ כָּמ֔וֹךָ כִּֽי־גֵרִ֥ים הֱיִיתֶ֖ם בְּאֶ֣רֶץ מִצְרָ֑יִם אֲנִ֖י יְהוָֹ֥ה אֱלֹֽהֵיכֶֽם:
for you were strangers: Do not accuse your fellow man with your own defect. - [B.M. 59b] כי גרים הייתם: מום שבך אל תאמר לחברך:
I am the Lord, your God: [Here, the word for “your,” אלֹהֵיכֶם, is in the plural; thus, regarding the stranger, Scripture reminds you:] I am Your God and his God! אני ה' אלהיכם: אלהיך ואלהיו אני:
35You shall not commit a perversion of justice with measures, weights, or liquid measures. להלֹא־תַֽעֲשׂ֥וּ עָ֖וֶל בַּמִּשְׁפָּ֑ט בַּמִּדָּ֕ה בַּמִּשְׁקָ֖ל וּבַמְּשׂוּרָֽה:
You shall not commit a perversion of justice: If we are dealing [here] with litigation, Scripture has already stated (verse above), “You shall commit no injustice in judgment.” So what is the “judgment” that is taught here? It refers to [“just” behavior regarding one’s dealing with] measures, weights or liquid measures: this teaches us that one who measures [out something in business,] is called a “judge,” for if he falsifies the measure, he is considered to be as one who perverts justice. He is [accordingly] called perverse, hated, disgusting, fit for destruction, and an abomination (see Rashi on verse 15 above). [Moreover,] he brings about the five things stated regarding a [corrupt] judge, namely, that he (a) defiles the Land, (b) desecrates the Name of God, (c) drives away the Divine Presence, (d) causes Israel to fall by the sword, and (e) exiles Israel from their Land. — [Torath Kohanim 19:84] לא תעשו עול במשפט: אם לדין, הרי כבר נאמר לא תעשו עול במשפט (פסוק טו), ומהו משפט השנוי כאן, הוא המדה והמשקל והמשורה. מלמד שהמודד נקרא דיין, שאם שיקר במדה הרי הוא כמקלקל את הדין וקרוי עול, שנאוי, ומשוקץ, חרם ותועבה. וגורם לחמשה דברים האמורים בדיין מטמא את הארץ, ומחלל את השם, ומסלק את השכינה, ומפיל את ישראל בחרב, ומגלה אותם מארצם:
with measures: This refers to a land measure [i.e., measures of length or area of land]. — [Torath Kohanim 19:85; B.M. 61b]; במדה: זו מדת הארץ:
weights: [This is to be understood] according to its apparent meaning. במשקל: כמשמעו:
liquid measures: Heb. וּבַמְּשׂוּרָה. This refers to liquid measures. — [see Torath Kohanim 19:85 and B.M. 61b] ובמשורה: היא מדת הלח:
36You shall have true scales, true weights, a true ephah, and a true hin. I am the Lord, your God, Who brought you out of the land of Egypt. לומֹ֧אזְנֵי צֶ֣דֶק אַבְנֵי־צֶ֗דֶק אֵ֥יפַת צֶ֛דֶק וְהִ֥ין צֶ֖דֶק יִֽהְיֶ֣ה לָכֶ֑ם אֲנִי֙ יְהוָֹ֣ה אֱלֹֽהֵיכֶ֔ם אֲשֶׁר־הוֹצֵ֥אתִי אֶתְכֶ֖ם מֵאֶ֥רֶץ מִצְרָֽיִם:
true weights: Heb. אַבְנֵי צֶדֶק, lit. stones of righteousness. These are the weights [people use] to weigh against [i.e., as a standard weight on the scales]. אבני צדק: הם המשקולות ששוקלין כנגדן:
a true ephah: This is a [unit of] dry measure. איפת: היא מדת היבש:
and a true hin: This is a [unit of] liquid measure. הין: זו היא מדת הלח:
Who brought you out: on this condition [i.e., to observe these commandments]. — [Torath Kohanim 19:87] Another explanation: God says,] In Egypt, I discerned between the drop [of sperm that led to the conception] of a firstborn and the drop [of sperm that did] not [lead to the conception] of a firstborn. [Likewise,] I am the One faithful to exact punishment upon someone who secretly stores his weights in salt [thus altering their weight] in order to defraud people who do not recognize them [as weights that have been tampered with]. — [B.M. 61b] אשר הוצאתי אתכם: על מנת כן. דבר אחר אני הבחנתי במצרים בין טפה של בכור לטפה שאינה של בכור, ואני הנאמן להפרע ממי שטומן משקלותיו במלח להונות את הבריות שאין מכירים בהם:
37You shall observe all My statutes and all My ordinances, and fulfill them. I am the Lord. לזוּשְׁמַרְתֶּ֤ם אֶת־כָּל־חֻקֹּתַי֙ וְאֶת־כָּל־מִשְׁפָּטַ֔י וַֽעֲשִׂיתֶ֖ם אֹתָ֑ם אֲנִ֖י יְהוָֹֽה:
Leviticus Chapter 20
1And the Lord spoke to Moses, saying, אוַיְדַבֵּ֥ר יְהוָֹ֖ה אֶל־משֶׁ֥ה לֵּאמֹֽר:
2And to the children of Israel, you shall say: Any man of the children of Israel or of the strangers who sojourn among Israel, who gives any of his offspring to Molech, shall surely be put to death; the people of the land shall pelt him with stones. בוְאֶל־בְּנֵ֣י יִשְׂרָאֵל֘ תֹּאמַר֒ אִ֣ישׁ אִישׁ֩ מִבְּנֵ֨י יִשְׂרָאֵ֜ל וּמִן־הַגֵּ֣ר | הַגָּ֣ר בְּיִשְׂרָאֵ֗ל אֲשֶׁ֨ר יִתֵּ֧ן מִזַּרְע֛וֹ לַמֹּ֖לֶךְ מ֣וֹת יוּמָ֑ת עַ֥ם הָאָ֖רֶץ יִרְגְּמֻ֥הוּ בָאָֽבֶן:
And to the children of Israel, you shall say: [i.e., enumerate the following] punishments for the warnings [that were given in chapter 18.]. ואל בני ישראל תאמר: עונשין על האזהרות:
shall surely be put to death: By the court. And if the court is not [physically] powerful [enough to kill him by themselves], “the people of the land” must assist them. — [Torath Kohanim 20:91] מות יומת: בבית דין, ואם אין כח לבית דין עם הארץ מסייעין אותן:
the people of the land: עַם הָאָרֶץ. [This may be rendered either: “the people of the earth” or “ the people of the land,” as follows:] The people for whose sake the earth was created, the people who are destined to possess the Land [of Israel], through [the observance of] these commandments. — [Torath Kohanim 20:91] עם הארץ: עם שבגינו נבראת הארץ. דבר אחר עם שעתידין לירש את הארץ ע"י מצות הללו:
3And I will set My attention upon that man, and I will cut him off from amidst his people, because he gave of his offspring to Molech in order to defile My holy ones and to profane My holy Name. גוַֽאֲנִ֞י אֶתֵּ֤ן אֶת־פָּנַי֙ בָּאִ֣ישׁ הַה֔וּא וְהִכְרַתִּ֥י אֹת֖וֹ מִקֶּ֣רֶב עַמּ֑וֹ כִּ֤י מִזַּרְעוֹ֙ נָתַ֣ן לַמֹּ֔לֶךְ לְמַ֗עַן טַמֵּא֙ אֶת־מִקְדָּשִׁ֔י וּלְחַלֵּ֖ל אֶת־שֵׁ֥ם קָדְשִֽׁי:
And I will set my attention: Heb., פָּנַי, i.e., My leisure (פְּנַאי). I will turn aside (פּוֹנֶה) from all My affairs and occupy Myself with him. — [Torath Kohanim 20:92] אתן את פני: פנאי שלי, פונה אני מכל עסקי ועוסק בו:
[that] man: But not the [whole] community. — [Torath Kohanim 20:92] [I.e., if the entire community give their offspring over to Molech, they are not punished with excision,] because the entire community are not to be cut off. באיש: ולא בצבור, שאין כל הצבור נכרתין:
because he gave of his offspring to Molech: [Are not this phrase here, and the phrase in the next verse, “when he gives of his offspring to Molech” superfluous? However,] since Scripture says, “[There shall not be found among you] anyone who passes his son or daughter through fire” (Deut. 18:10), how do we know [that the law applies as well to] his son’s son or his daughter’s son? Scripture, therefore, says, “because he gave of his offspring to Molech.” And how do we know that the law applies even to one’s illegitimate offspring [i.e., one produced from a halachically illegitimate union]? Scripture. therefore says (in the next verse),“when he gives of his offspring to Molech” [to include even his illegitimate offspring]. — [Torath Kohanim 20:93; Sanh. 64b] כי מזרעו נתן למלך: לפי שנאמר מעביר בנו ובתו באש (דברים יח י), בן בנו ובן בתו מנין, תלמוד לומר כי מזרעו נתן למולך. זרע פסול מנין, תלמוד לומר בתתו מזרעו למולך:
In order to defile My holy ones: Heb. מִקְדָּשִׁי. [This is] the congregation of Israel, which is sanctified to Me. [This reference to Israel as מִקְדָּשִׁי, what is sanctified to Me, is] reminiscent of the expression [referring to the holy sacrifices], “he shall not desecrate My holy things (מִקְדָּשַׁי) ” (Lev. 21:23). למען טמא את מקדשי: את כנסת ישראל, שהיא מקודשת לי, כלשון (ויקרא כא כג) ולא יחלל את מקדשי:
4But if the people of the land ignore that man when he gives of his offspring to Molech, not putting him to death דוְאִ֡ם הַעְלֵ֣ם יַעְלִ֩ימוּ֩ עַ֨ם הָאָ֜רֶץ אֶת־עֵֽינֵיהֶם֙ מִן־הָאִ֣ישׁ הַה֔וּא בְּתִתּ֥וֹ מִזַּרְע֖וֹ לַמֹּ֑לֶךְ לְבִלְתִּ֖י הָמִ֥ית אֹתֽוֹ:
But if [the people of the land] ignore [that man]: Heb. הַעְלֵם יַעְלִימוּ. [The double expression intimates that] if they ignore one matter [i.e., even one sin], they will eventually ignore many matters, and if the Small Sanhedrin [of twenty-three judges] ignores the matter, eventually the Great Sanhedrin [of seventy-one judges, in Jerusalem,] will ignore the matter. — [Torath Kohanim 20:94] ואם העלם יעלימו: אם העלימו בדבר אחד, סוף שיעלימו בדברים הרבה. אם העלימו סנהדרי קטנה, סוף שיעלימו סנהדרי גדולה:
5I will set My attention upon that man, and upon his family, and I will cut him off, and all who stray after him to stray after Molech, from amidst their people. הוְשַׂמְתִּ֨י אֲנִ֧י אֶת־פָּנַ֛י בָּאִ֥ישׁ הַה֖וּא וּבְמִשְׁפַּחְתּ֑וֹ וְהִכְרַתִּ֨י אֹת֜וֹ וְאֵ֣ת | כָּל־הַזֹּנִ֣ים אַֽחֲרָ֗יו לִזְנ֛וֹת אַֽחֲרֵ֥י הַמֹּ֖לֶךְ מִקֶּ֥רֶב עַמָּֽם:
and upon his family: Rabbi Shimon says: [In] what [way] did the family sin [that they are punished]? However, this teaches you that there is no family in which there is an [unfair] tax collector which may not [be regarded as consisting] entirely of tax collectors, for they all cover up for him. — [Torath Kohanim 20:95; Shev. 39a] ובמשפחתו: אמר ר' שמעון וכי משפחה מה חטאה, אלא ללמדך שאין לך משפחה שיש בה מוכס שאין כולם מוכסין, שכולם מחפין עליו:
and I will cut him off: Why is this stated? Because since Scripture says, “[I will set My attention upon that man] and upon his family,” one might think that his entire family is included in [the punishment of] excision. Scripture, therefore, says, “[I will cut] him [off]”-that man is to be excised [from the people of Israel], but the entire family is not included in excision, but with suffering. — [Torath Kohanim 20:96] והכרתי אתו: למה נאמר, לפי שנאמר ובמשפחתו, יכול יהיו כל המשפחה בהכרת, תלמוד לומר אותו. אותו בהכרת ולא כל המשפחה בהכרת, אלא ביסורין:
to stray after Molech: [This phrase comes to] include [in this penalty] any other pagan deity that one worshipped in this manner, even though it is not its mode of worship. — [Sanh. 64b] לזנות אחרי המלך: לרבות שאר עבודה זרה שעבדה בכך, ואפילו אין זו עבודתה:
6And the person who turns to Ov or Yid'oni, to stray after them I will set My attention upon that person, and I will cut him off from amidst his people. ווְהַנֶּ֗פֶשׁ אֲשֶׁ֨ר תִּפְנֶ֤ה אֶל־הָֽאֹבֹת֙ וְאֶל־הַיִּדְּעֹנִ֔ים לִזְנֹ֖ת אַֽחֲרֵיהֶ֑ם וְנָֽתַתִּ֤י אֶת־פָּנַי֙ בַּנֶּ֣פֶשׁ הַהִ֔וא וְהִכְרַתִּ֥י אֹת֖וֹ מִקֶּ֥רֶב עַמּֽוֹ:
7You shall sanctify yourselves and be holy, for I am the Lord, your God. זוְהִ֨תְקַדִּשְׁתֶּ֔ם וִֽהְיִיתֶ֖ם קְדשִׁ֑ים כִּ֛י אֲנִ֥י יְהוָֹ֖ה אֱלֹֽהֵיכֶֽם:
You shall sanctify yourselves: This [refers to] separation from idolatry. — [Torath Kohanim 20:100] והתקדשתם: זו פרישות עבודה זרה:
Tehillim: Chapters 49 - 54
Hebrew text
English text
Chapter 49
This psalm is a strong message and inspiration for all, rich and poor alike, rebuking man for transgressions which, owing to habit, he no longer considers sinful; yet, these sins incriminate man on the Day of Judgement. The psalm speaks specifically to the wealthy, who rely not on God but on their wealth.
1. For the Conductor, by the sons of Korach, a psalm.
2. Hear this, all you peoples; listen, all you inhabitants of the world;
3. sons of common folk and sons of nobility, rich and poor alike.
4. My mouth speaks wisdom, and the thoughts of my heart are understanding.
5. I incline my ear to the parable; I will unravel my riddle upon the harp.
6. Why am I afraid in times of trouble? [Because] the sins I trod upon surround me.
7. There are those who rely on their wealth, who boast of their great riches.
8. Yet a man cannot redeem his brother, nor pay his ransom to God.
9. The redemption of their soul is too costly, and forever unattainable.
10. Can one live forever, never to see the grave?
11. Though he sees that wise men die, that the fool and the senseless both perish, leaving their wealth to others-
12. [nevertheless,] in their inner thoughts their houses will last forever, their dwellings for generation after generation; they have proclaimed their names throughout the lands.
13. But man will not repose in glory; he is likened to the silenced animals.
14. This is their way-their folly remains with them, and their descendants approve of their talk, Selah.
15. Like sheep, they are destined for the grave; death shall be their shepherd, and the upright will dominate them at morning; their form will rot in the grave, away from its abode.
16. But God will redeem my soul from the hands of the grave, for He will take me, Selah.
17. Do not fear when a man grows rich, when the glory of his house is increased;
18. for when he dies he will take nothing, his glory will not descend after him.
19. For he [alone] praises himself in his lifetime; but [all] will praise you if you better yourself.
20. He will come to the generation of his forefathers; they shall not see light for all eternity.
21. Man [can live] in glory but does not understand; he is likened to the silenced animals.
Chapter 50
This psalm speaks of many ethics and morals. The psalmist rebukes those who fail to repent humbly and modestly. He also admonishes those who do not practice that which they study, and merely appear to be righteous; they sin and cause others to sin.
1. A psalm by Asaph. Almighty God, the Lord, spoke and called to the earth, from the rising of the sun to its setting.
2. Out of Zion, the place of perfect beauty, God appeared.
3. Our God will come and not be silent; a fire will consume before Him, His surroundings are furiously turbulent.
4. He will call to the heavens above, and to the earth, to avenge His people:
5. "Gather to Me My pious ones, those who made a covenant with me over a sacrifice.”
6. Then the heavens declared His righteousness, for God is Judge forever.
7. Listen, my people, and I will speak; O Israel, and I will testify against you-I am God your God.
8. Not for [the lack of] your sacrifices will I rebuke you, nor for [the lack of] your burnt offerings which ought to be continually before Me.
9. I do not take oxen from your house, nor goats from your pens;
10. for every beast of the forest is Mine, the cattle of a thousand mountains.
11. I know every bird of the mountains, and the crawling creatures of the field are in My possession.
12. Were I hungry, I would not tell you, for the world and everything in it is mine.
13. Do I eat the flesh of bulls, or drink the blood of goats?
14. Offer confession as a sacrifice to God, and fulfill your vows to the Most High,
15. and call to Me on the day of distress; I will free you, and you will honor Me.
16. But to the wicked, God said, "What does it help you to discuss My laws, and bear My covenant upon your lips?
17. For you hate discipline, and throw My words behind you.
18. When you see a thief you run with him, and your lot is with adulterers.
19. You sent forth your mouth for evil, and attach your tongue to deceit.
20. You sit down to talk against your brother; your mother's son you defame.
21. You have done these things and I kept silent, so you imagine that I am like you-[but] I will rebuke you and lay it clearly before your eyes.
22. Understand this now, you who forget God, lest I tear you apart and there be none to save you.
23. He who offers a sacrifice of confession honors Me; and to him who sets right his way, I will show the deliverance of God."
Chapter 51
This psalm speaks of when Nathan the prophet went to David's palace, and rebuked him for his sin with Bathsheba. David then secluded himself with God, offering awe-inspiring prayers and begging forgiveness. Every person should recite this psalm for his sins and transgressions.
1. For the Conductor, a psalm by David,
2. when Nathan the prophet came to him after he had gone to Bathsheba.
3. Be gracious to me, O God, in keeping with Your kindness; in accordance with Your abounding compassion, erase my transgressions.
4. Cleanse me thoroughly of my wrongdoing, and purify me of my sin.
5. For I acknowledge my transgressions, and my sin is always before me.
6. Against You alone have I sinned, and done that which is evil in Your eyes; [forgive me] so that You will be justified in Your verdict, vindicated in Your judgment.
7. Indeed, I was begotten in iniquity, and in sin did my mother conceive me.
8. Indeed, You desire truth in the innermost parts; teach me the wisdom of concealed things.
9. Purge me with hyssop and I shall be pure; cleanse me and I shall be whiter than snow.
10. Let me hear [tidings of] joy and gladness; then the bones which You have shattered will rejoice.
11. Hide Your face from my sins, and erase all my trespasses.
12. Create in me a pure heart, O God, and renew within me an upright spirit.
13. Do not cast me out of Your presence, and do not take Your Spirit of Holiness away from me.
14. Restore to me the joy of Your deliverance, and uphold me with a spirit of magnanimity.
15. I will teach transgressors Your ways, and sinners will return to You.
16. Save me from bloodguilt, O God, God of my deliverance; my tongue will sing Your righteousness.
17. My Lord, open my lips, and my mouth shall declare Your praise.
18. For You do not desire that I bring sacrifices, nor do You wish burnt offerings.
19. The offering [desirable] to God is a contrite spirit; a contrite and broken heart, God, You do not disdain.
20. In Your goodwill, bestow goodness upon Zion; rebuild the walls of Jerusalem.
21. Then will You desire sacrifices [offered in] righteousness, olah and other burnt offerings; then they will offer bullocks upon Your altar.
Chapter 52
David laments his suffering at the hands of Doeg, and speaks of Doeg's boasts about the evil he committed. David asks, "What does he think? Does he consider the doing of evil a mark of strength?" David also curses Doeg and those like him.
1. For the Conductor, a maskil by David,
2. when Doeg the Edomite came and informed Saul, saying to him, "David has come to the house of Achimelech.”
3. Why do you boast with evil, O mighty one? God's kindness is all day long.
4. Your tongue devises treachery; like a sharpened razor it works deceit.
5. You love evil more than good, falsehood more than speaking righteousness, Selah.
6. You love all devouring words, a deceitful tongue.
7. God will likewise shatter you forever; He will excise and pluck you from the tent, and uproot you from the land of the living forever.
8. The righteous will see it and be awed, and they will laugh at him:
9. "Here is the man who did not make God his stronghold, but trusted in his great wealth, and drew strength from his treachery.”
10. But I am like a fresh olive tree in the house of God; I trust in God's kindness forever and ever.
11. I will thank you forever for what You have done; I will hope in Your Name, for You are good to Your pious ones.
Chapter 53
This psalm speaks of when Titus pierced the curtain of the Holy of Holies with his sword, and thought he had killed "himself" (a euphemism for God).
1. For the Conductor, on the machalat,1 a mas-kil2 by David.
2. The fool says in his heart, "There is no God!" They have acted corruptly and committed abominable deeds; not one does good.
3. God looked down from heaven upon mankind, to see if there was any man of intelligence who searches for God.
4. But they all regressed together; they have become corrupt; there is none who does good, not even one.
5. Indeed, the evildoers who devour My people as they devour bread, who do not call upon God, will come to realize.
6. There they will be seized with fright, a fright such as never was; for God scatters the bones of those encamped against you. You shamed them, for God rejected them.
7. O that out of Zion would come Israel's deliverance! When God returns the captivity of His people, Jacob will exult, Israel will rejoice.
1.A musical instrument (Rashi).
2.A psalm intended to enlighten and impart knowledge(Metzudot).
Chapter 54
A prayer to God asking that in His might He save all who hope for His kindness. Read, and you will discover an awe-inspiring and wondrous prayer that should be said by all in the appropriate time.
1. For the Conductor, with instrumental music, a maskil by David,
2. when the Ziphites came and said to Saul, "Behold, David is hiding among us!”
3. O God, deliver me by Your Name, and vindicate me by Your might.
4. God, hear my prayer, listen to the words of my mouth.
5. For strangers have risen against me, and ruthless men have sought my soul; they are not mindful of God, Selah.
6. Behold, God is my helper; my Lord is with those who support my soul.
7. He will repay the evil of my watchful enemies; destroy them by Your truth.
8. With a free-will offering I will sacrifice to You; I will offer thanks to Your Name, O Lord, for it is good.
9. For He has saved me from every trouble, and my eye has seen [the downfall of] my enemy.
Tanya: Likutei Amarim, beginning of Chapter 46
English Text: Lessons in Tanya
Hebrew Text
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Friday, Iyar 9, 5777 · May 5, 2017
Today's Tanya Lesson
Likutei Amarim, beginning of Chapter 46
In the previous chapter the Alter Rebbe described yet another manner in which a person can perform Torah and mitzvot “with his heart” — with the love and fear of G‑d — and that is, by utilizing the attribute of Jacob, which is the quality of mercy. In this case the individual arouses compassion within himself upon his exiled soul and upon its source, the Ein Sof, and in this frame of mind he studies Torah and performs mitzvot. This endeavor extricates his soul from its spiritual exile (whither it has been banished by his own inappropriate thoughts, words and deeds), and restores it to its source in the blessed Ein Sof.
In this chapter the Alter Rebbe goes on to explain how very, very close it is for every Jew to reveal his hidden love of G‑d. The approach explained in this chapter is novel (as the Rebbe clarifies), inasmuch as it utilizes the Jew’s very nature, thereby obviating the need for a specific manner of contemplation; a relatively general and tangible manner of contemplation will do, as will soon be explained. Indeed, the lower the spiritual level of the individual, the easier it is for him to awaken this hidden love — a paradox that will also be explained presently.
This manner of contemplation enables a Jew to serve G‑d with fiery, passionate love, leading him to excel in his study of Torah and performance of mitzvot. It also enables him to overcome all obstacles, whether from within or from without, that seek to hinder his service of G‑d.
Let a man think along these lines: It is in the nature of a human being that when he feels a strong emanation of love from his fellow he will respond in kind. And if the manifestation of love is showered by an exalted personage upon a very lowly individual, the responsive chord of the lowly person’s love will be all the more vibrant.
In a like manner, but infinitely more so, should this obtain when a human being is enveloped by G‑d’s boundless love for him. Such is the case with the Jewish people. G‑d showed His boundless love for His people by choosing them from all created beings, from the highest level to the lowest. This love manifested itself by His taking them out of Egypt and bestowing the Torah and its mitzvot upon them alone. And so too does G‑d show this love to every individual Jew at all times and in all places.
Such boundless love should surely awaken within a Jew an ardent reciprocal love for G‑d. Moreover, just as G‑d, because of His love for the Jewish people, “overcame all obstacles” which stood in the way of creating this world (as will be explained in ch. 49), so too should each Jew strive to overcome all obstacles that hinder his service of G‑d.
ויש דרך ישר לפני איש, שוה לכל נפש, וקרוב הדבר מאד מאד
There is yet another straight way i.e., simple and straightforward, that is equally applicable and suitable to every man, and this matter is very, very nigh, inasmuch as the technique involved is uncomplicated,
לעורר ולהאיר אור האהבה התקועה ומסותרת בלבו
to arouse and kindle the light of the love that is implanted and concealed in his heart,
This love is already found in the heart of every Jew in a concealed state; utilizing the approach about to be described, makes it very simple for every Jew to reveal and actualize it.
להיות מאירה בתוקף אורה, כאש בוערה, בהתגלות לבו ומוחו
that it may shine forth with its intense light, like a flaming fire, in the consciousness of the heart and mind,
למסור נפשו לה׳ וגופו ומאודו
ultimately enabling the person to surrender his soul to G‑d together with his body and [material] possessions,
בכל לב ובכל נפש ומאד
this being done with all his heart, and all his soul and all his “might” — with the boundless devotion of his soul’s essence,
מעומקא דלבא באמת לאמיתו
from the depth of the heart, in absolute truth,
ובפרט בשעת קריאת שמע וברכותיה, כמו שיתבאר
and especially, i.e., a most propitious time for the person to kindle this love in such a manner is, at the time of the recital of the Shema and its blessings, as will be explained later, on the particular connection of the Shema and its blessings to the arousal of this love.
And this technique for revealing this love is,
כאשר ישים אל לבו מה שאומר הכתוב: כמים הפנים לפנים, כן לב האדם לאדם
to take to heart the meaning of the verse:1 “As water mirrors the face to the face, so does the heart of man to man.”
פירוש: כמו שכדמות וצורת הפנים שהאדם מראה במים, כן נראה לו שם במים אותה צורה עצמה
This means2 that as [in the case of] the likeness and features of the face which a man presents to the water, the identical face is reflected back to him from the water,
That image mirrors not only the person’s external features, but also the nuances of facial expression that signify joy, sorrow, and so on, thus revealing not only his physical state but his mental state as well.
ככה ממש לב האדם הנאמן באהבתו לאיש אחר
so indeed is also the heart of a man who is loyal in his affection for another person,
הרי האהבה זו מעוררת אהבה בלב חבירו אליו גם כן, להיות אוהבים נאמנים זה לזה
for this love which he has for the other awakens a loving response for him in the heart of his friend also, so that they come to love each other loyally,
Even the love harbored in one’s heart arouses a reflected love in another.
בפרט כשרואה אהבת חבירו אליו
especially when he sees his friend’s love for him, freely revealed.
והנה זהו טבע הנהוג במדת כל אדם, אף אם שניהם שוים במעלה
Such is the common nature in the character of every man, even when they are equal in status.
ועל אחת כמה וכמה, אם מלך גדול ורב מראה אהבתו הגדולה והעצומה לאיש הדיוט ונבזה ושפל אנשים, ומנוול ומוטל באשפה
How much more so is this the case if a great and mighty king who rules over many lands displays his great and intense love for a commoner who is despised and lowly among men, a disgraceful creature cast on the dunghill,
The king depicted here rules not over one land but over many; his love for the person is not only harbored in the heart but is manifest; the manner of love is not ordinary but “great and intense”; and the love is shown not to an ordinary person but to a truly despicable character. The Alter Rebbe goes on to state how his love is displayed:
ויורד אליו ממקום כבודו עם כל שריו יחדיו
yet he the king comes down to him from the place of his glory, together with all his retinue,
ומקימו ומרימו מאשפתו, ומכניסו להיכלו, היכל המלך, חדר לפנים מחדר, מקום שאין כל עבד ושר נכנס לשם
and raises him and exalts him from his dunghill and brings him into his palace — the royal palace, and within the palace itself he leads him in the innermost chamber, a place such as no servant nor lord ever enters,
ומתייחד עמו שם ביחוד וקירוב אמיתי, וחיבוק ונישוק, ואתדבקות רוחא ברוחא בכל לב ונפש
and there shares with him the closest companionship with mutual embraces and kisses and attachment of “spirit to spirit,” with their whole heart and soul, —
When a mighty king shows such great affection and companionship to such a lowly person, then,
על אחת כמה וכמה שתתעורר ממילא האהבה כפולה ומכופלת בלב ההדיוט ושפל האנשים הזה אל נפש המלך, בהתקשרות הנפש ממש, מלב ונפש, מעומקא דלבא לאין קץ
how much more so will there be aroused, of itself, a doubled and redoubled love in the heart of this most common and humble individual for the person of the king,3 with a true attachment of spirit, from heart and soul, from the infinite depths of his heart.
ואף אם לבו כלב האבן, המס ימס והיה למים, ותשתפך נפשו כמים בכלות הנפש ממש, לאהבת המלך
Even if his heart be like a heart of stone, and not easily roused to tender feelings of love for another, yet, in such a situation, it will surely melt and become [like] water, and his soul will pour itself out like water, with soulful longing for the love of the king.
The Alter Rebbe goes on to explain that all the details mentioned in the parable of the king are infinitely more applicable with regard to the object of the parable — the relationship of G‑d with each and every Jew. For G‑d, the King of kings, showed his unending love of the Jewish people by taking them out of their nethermost level, in Egypt, and exalting them to the highest of levels by giving them the Torah. Through study of Torah and performance of mitzvot, Jews are united with G‑d to the utmost possible degree.
This was so not only at the time the Torah was given. But at all times, as shall soon be explained, contemplating this matter will arouse within every Jew — “as water mirrors the face to the face” — a parallel love of G‑d.
1.Mishlei 27:19.
2.The Rebbe explains that by going on to say “This means...” after having quoted from Mishlei, the Alter Rebbe is expounding the verse in a manner other than its supposed simple meaning.
As stated at the opening of Mishlei, the purpose of the book is to teach “wisdom and ethics” — proper moral behavior. This verse, then, teaches us that “as water mirrors the face...,” so, too, should one person’s heart respond to the other; one should not repay kindness with evil, and so on.
It goes without saying that some of the ethical exhortations of Proverbs are easier to fulfill than others. Accordingly, this verse cannot serve to buttress that which is being taught here in Tanya — that G‑d’s love of Jews should arouse a similar response within each and every Jew. The Alter Rebbe therefore does not interpret the verse to mean that “so should be the heart of man to man,” but that “so is the heart of man to man.” King Solomon is not exhorting: he is merely stating an established fact; just as the nature of water is to reflect an image, so, too, is it in man’s nature to mirror the emotion of another. To accomplish this, one need not labor at all; one has but to recognize and consider the fact that his friend is showing him love. He will then immediately be filled with love in return.
However, according to the interpretation of the Alter Rebbe, what is the verse teaching us? And teach us it must, for as mentioned above the purpose of Mishlei is to instruct the reader in proper conduct, and not merely to state truisms.
The lesson may be, proposes the Rebbe, as follows: Since it is indeed a fact that “love reflects love,” one should make an effort to love his fellow abundantly, thereby ensuring that he, in turn, will reflect this love towards himself. Even if the other person may hate him for the moment, still, by being shown love, he will eventually become aware of it; his hatred will wither, and be replaced by love.
In the episle to his chassidim upon his release from Peterburg (entitled Katonti, and appearing in Iggeret HaKodesh as Epistle 2), the Alter Rebbe exhorts them likewise "not to become haughty-minded in relation to their brethren nor to speak defiantly against them. Rather they are to subdue their spirit and heart before everyone.... And, perhaps, through all that, G-d will put it into the heart of their brethren that as water [reflects] the face...."
3.The Rebbe notes that according to the explanation provided in the previous note it becomes abundantly clear how the arousal of love in this manner is not only suitable to all, but is also “very nigh indeed.”
Inasmuch as it is within the nature of man to mirror love, the arousal of such love is an approach “suitable for all.” This is true even when both parties are on the same level. Furthermore, it is “very nigh,” for in the analogue of G‑d’s love for the Jewish people, the two are on entirely different levels. His love for them is similar to the love that a great king showers upon a most coarse commoner. This provides all the more reason for the king’s love to evoke a similar response in the heart of the commoner. Additionally, not only is it “very nigh,” but it is “very nigh indeed.” For this love is unique in that the lower the level of the person upon whom the love is showered, the more it evokes a reciprocal love. Thus, G‑d’s love for insignificant man should arouse within him an intense love for G‑d in return.
This is alluded to by the Alter Rebbe when he enumerates the various levels in his analogy. For even when two people are on the same plane, love will mirror love. How much more so when the love is shown by (a) “a king”; moreover, (b) “a great king”; furthermore, (c) “a great and mighty king.” Surely, then, the recipient will reciprocate this love.
The person to whom the love is shown is also described in a number of ways. Not only is he unlike the king: he is also (a) “a commoner”; moreover, (b) he is “despised”; furthermore, (c) he is “lowly among men,” and so on.
At any rate, the lower the person’s spiritual level and the feebler his comprehension, the greater should be his impetus to arouse this form of love within himself. It is therefore “very nigh indeed” for people to arouse their love of G‑d when they become cognizant of His love for them.
This, then, is what is novel in this chapter of Tanya. The previous chapters informed us that even a person of lowly spiritual stature may nevertheless attain a love for G-d. In this chapter the Alter Rebbe explains that quite the opposite is the case: the very lowliness of the individual serves as an impetus to his attainment of a love for G-d; the lower he is, the greater his ability to arouse it within himself. Moreover, this love may be achieved by all for it requires only awarness, not contemplation.
• Sefer Hamitzvos:
English Text | Hebrew Text | Audio: Listen | Download | Video Class
Friday, Iyar 9, 5777 · May 5, 2017
Today's Mitzvah
A daily digest of Maimonides’ classic work "Sefer Hamitzvot"
Important Message Regarding This Lesson
The Daily Mitzvah schedule runs parallel to the daily study of 3 chapters of Maimonides' 14-volume code. There are instances when the Mitzvah is repeated a few days consecutively while the exploration of the same Mitzvah continues in the in-depth track.
Positive Commandment 107
Ritual Impurity Contracted through Contact with a Corpse
We are commanded regarding the ritual impurity contracted through contact with a human corpse. [I.e., if contracted, one must follow all the laws associated with this impurity.]
Full text of this Mitzvah »

Ritual Impurity Contracted through Contact with a Corpse
Positive Commandment 107
Translated by Berel Bell
The 107th mitzvah1 is that we are commanded regarding the tumah conveyed by a dead body.2 This mitzvah includes all the laws relating to tumas meis.3
1.In the order given here, following the order of Mishneh Torah, P107 is the first of the commandments dealing with tumah and taharah (ritual purity and impurity). In the order of Sefer HaMitzvos, however, P96 is the first of these mitzvos, and there the Rambam gives a general introduction to all these mitzvos.
2.Num. 19:11ff.
3.Such as which parts of the body convey tumah, how it is conveyed, etc. See Hilchos Tumas Meis
• 1 Chapter: Sechirut Sechirut - Chapter 12
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Sechirut - Chapter 12
When workers are performing activities with produce that grows from the
earth,' but the work required for it has not been completed, and their actions bring the work to its completion, the employer is commanded to allow them to eat from the produce with which they are working. This applies whether they are working with produce that has been harvested or produce that is still attached to the ground.
This is derived from Deuteronomy 23:25, which states: "When you enter the vineyard of your colleague, you may eat grapes as you desire," and ibid.:26, which states: "When you enter the standing grain belonging to your colleague, you may break off stalks by hand." According to the Oral Tradition, we learned that these verses are speaking solely about a paid worker. For if the owner of the produce did not hire him, what right does the person have to enter his colleague's vineyard or standing grain without his permission? Instead, the interpretation of the verse is that when you enter the domain of your employer for work, you may eat.
הפועלים שהן עושין בדבר שגדולו מן הארץ ועדיין לא נגמרה מלאכתו בין בתלוש בין במחובר ויהיו מעשיהן גמירת המלאכה הרי על בעה"ב מצוה שיניח אותן לאכול ממה שהן עושין בו שנאמר כי תבא בכרם רעך וגו' וכתוב כי תבא בקמת רעך מפי השמועה למדו שאין הכתוב מדבר אלא בשכיר וכי אילו לא שכרו מי התיר לו שיבא בכרם רעהו בקמה שלו שלא מדעתו אלא כך הוא אומר כי תבא לרשות בעלים לעבודה תאכל:
What are the differences in the application of this mitzvah between a person who performs work with produce that has been reaped and one who works with produce that is still attached to the ground? A person who performs work with produce that has been reaped may partake of the produce as long as the work necessary for it has not been completed. Once the work necessary for it has been completed, he may not eat. By contrast, a person who performs work with produce that is still attached to the ground - e.g., a harvester of grapes or a reaper of grain - may not partake of the produce until he has completed his work.
For example, a person harvests grapes and puts them into a large basket. When the basket is filled, it is taken away and emptied in another place. According to Scriptural Law, the worker may eat only when the basket has been filled. Nevertheless, in order to prevent the owner from suffering a loss, the Sages ruled that the workers may eat while they are walking from one row to another and while they are returning from the vat, so that they will not neglect their work to sit down and eat. Instead, they were granted permission to eat while they are performing their work, so that they will not neglect it.
מה בין העושה בתלוש לעושה במחובר שהעושה בתלוש אוכל בדבר עד שלא נגמר מלאכתו ומשתגמר מלאכתו אסור לו לאכול והעושה במחובר כגון בוצר וקוצר אינו אוכל אלא כשיגמור עבודתו כגון שיבצור ויתן בסל עד שימלאנו וינפץ הסל למקום אחר ויחזור ויבצור וימלאנו ואינו אוכל אלא עד אחר שימלא הסל אבל מפני השב אבידה לבעלים אמרו חכמים שיהיו הפועלין אוכלין בהליכתן מאומן לאומן ובחזירתן מן הגת כדי שלא יבטלו ממלאכתן וישבו לאכול אלא אוכלין בתוך המלאכה כשהן מהלכין ואינן מבטלין:
When a person neglects his work and eats or eats when he has not completed his work, he transgresses a negative commandment, as Deuteronomy 23:26 states: "You shall not lift a sickle against your colleague's standing grain."
According to the Oral Tradition, it is explained that as long as the worker is involved in reaping, he should not lift a sickle in order to partake of the produce himself. Similar laws apply in all analogous situations.
Similarly, a worker who carries home produce with which he had worked or who takes more than he can eat himself and gives to others transgresses a negative commandment, as ibid.:28 states: "You may not place in your containers." The violation of these two prohibitions is not punishable by lashes, because a person who ate when one should not have or took produce home is liable to make financial restitution.
המבטל ממלאכתו ואכל או שאכל שלא בשעת גמר מלאכה הרי זה עובר בל"ת שנאמר וחרמש לא תניף וגו' מפי השמועה למדו שכל זמן שהוא עוסק בקצירה לא יניף חרמש לאכילתו וכן כל כיוצא בזה וכן פועל שהוליך בידו ממה שעשה או שלקח יתר על אכילתו ונותן לאחרים עובר בלא תעשה שנאמר ואל כליך לא תתן ואין לוקין על שני לאוין אלו שאם אכל או הוליך חייב לשלם:
A person who milks an animal, one who makes butter, and one who makes cheese may not partake of that food, for it is not a product of the earth.
When a person hoes around onion heads and garlic heads, even though he removes small ones from the larger ones, or the like, he may not partake of them, because this activity does not constitute the completion of the task.
Needless to say, watchmen over gardens, orchards and fields where any crops are grown - e.g., cucumber gardens and gourd gardens - may not partake of the produce growing there at all.
החולב והמחבץ והמגבן אינו אוכל מפני שאינן גידולי קרקע המנכש בבצלים ובשומין אף על פי שתולשין קטנים מבין הגדולים וכל כיוצא בזה אינו אוכל מפני שאין מעשיהם גמר מלאכה ואין צ"ל שומרי גנות ופרדסים וכל דבר המחובר כמקשאות והמדלעות שאן אוכלין כלל:
A person who separates dates and figs at have already been harvested and are stuck together] may not partake of them, for the work that obligates the performance of the mitzvah of tithing has been completed.
A person who works with wheat and the like after they have been tithed - e.g., a person was hired to remove pebbles from grain, to sift the kernels or to grind them - may partake of them, for the work that obligates the performance of the mitzvah of challah has not been completed. When, however, a person kneads dough, bastes loaves or bakes, he may not partake of the food, because the work that obligates the performance of the mitzvah of challah has become completed. And a worker may not partake of produce except when the work that obligates the performance of the mitzvah of tithing or challah has not been completed.
הבודל בתמרים ובגרוגרות אינו אוכל מפני שנגמרה מלאכתן למעשר העושה בחטים וכיוצא בהן אחר שעשו כגון ששכרן לבור צרורות או לנפח אותן או לטחון הרי אלו אוכלין שעדיין לא נגמרה מלאכתן לחלה אבל הלש והמקטף והאופה אינו אוכל מפני שנגמרה מלאכתן לחלה ואין הפועל אוכל אלא מדבר שעדיין לא נגמרה מלאכתו לחלה ולמעשר
If the cakes of figs belonging to a person become broken up, his barrels of wine become open, or his gourds become cut, and he hires workers to tend to the produce, they may not partake of it, for the work necessary for them has been completed and they have become obligated to be tithed. Indeed, they are tevel. If, however, the owner did not notify the workers, he must tithe the produce and allow them to partake of it.
Workers may not partake of the crops in a field that was consecrated to the Temple treasury. This is derived from Deuteronomy 23:25, which speaks of "your colleague's vineyard."
נתפרסו עגוליו ונתפתחו חביותיו [ונחתכו דלועיו] ושכרן לעשות בהן הרי אלו לא יאכלו שהרי נגמרו מלאכתן ונקבעו למעשר והרי הן טבל ואם לא הודיען מעשר ומאכילן אין הפועלים אוכלין בשל הקדש שנאמר בכרם רעך:
When a person hires workers to work with produce that is neta reva'i, they may not partake of it. If he did not inform them that it was neta reva'i, he must redeem it, and allow them to partake of it.
שכר פועלין לעשות בנטע רבעי שלו הרי אלו לא יאכלו ואם לא הודיעם פודה ומאכילן:
Workers who reap, thresh, winnow, separate unwanted matter from food, harvest olives or grapes, tread grapes, or perform any other tasks of this nature are granted the right to partake of the produce with which they working by Scriptural Law.
הקוצר והדש והזורה והבורר והמוסק והבוצר והדורך וכל כיוצא במלאכות אלו הרי הם אוכלין מן התורה:
Watchmen for vats, grain heaps and any produce that has been separated from the ground, for which the work that obligates tithing has not been completed may partake of the produce because of local convention. They are not granted this privilege according to Scriptural Law, because a watchman is not considered to be one who performs an action.
If, however, a person works with his limbs whether with his hands, his feet or even with his shoulders, he is entitled to partake of produce according to the Torah.
שומרי גתות וערמות וכל דבר התלוש מן הקרקע שעדיין לא נגמרה מלאכתן למעשר אוכלין מהלכות מדינה שהשומר אינו כעושה מעשה אבל אם עשה באיבריו בין בידיו בין ברגליו אפילו בכתפיו הרי זה אוכל מן התורה:
A worker who is working with figs may not partake of grapes. One who is working with grapes may not partake of figs. These laws are derived from Deuteronomy 23:25, which states: "When you enter the vineyard of your colleague, you may eat grapes."
When a person is working with one vine, he may not eat from another vine. Nor may he partake of grapes together with other food; he should not partake of them together with bread or salt. If, however, the worker set a limit concerning the quantity that he may eat, he may eat the produce with salt, with bread or with any other food that he desires.
It is forbidden for a worker to suck the juice from grapes, for the verse states: "And you shall eat grapes." Neither the worker's sons nor his wife
may roast the kernels of grain in a fire for him. This is implied by the above verse, which states: "You may eat grapes as you desire." The implication is that you must desire the grapes as they are. Similar laws apply in all analogous situations.
היה עושה בתאנים לא יאכל בענבים בענבים לא יאכל בתאנים שנאמר בכרם ואכלת ענבים והעושה בגפן זו אינו אוכל בגפן אחרת ולא יאכל ענבים ודבר אחר ולא יאכל בפת ולא במלח ואם קצץ על בעל הבית על שיעור מה שיאכל אוכל אותו בין במלח בין בפת בין בכל דבר שירצה אסור לפועל למוץ בענבים שנאמר ואכלת ענבים ולא יהיו בניו או אשתו מהבהבין לו השבלין באור שנאמר ואכלת ענבים כנפשך ענבים כמות שהן וכן כל כיוצא בזה:
It is forbidden for a worker to eat an inordinate amount of the produce with which he is working. This is implied by the above verse, which states: "You may eat... as you desire, to your satisfaction." It is permitted, however, for him to delay eating until he reaches the place of higher quality grapes and eat there.
A worker may eat even a dinar's worth of cucumbers or dates even though he was hired to work only for a silver me'ah. Nevertheless, we teach a person not to be a glutton, so that he will not close the doors in his own face. if a person is guarding four or five grain heaps, he should not eat his fill from only one of them. Instead, he should eat an equal amount from each one.
אסור לפועל לאכול ממה שהוא אוכל אכילה גסה שנאמר כנפשך שבעך ומותר לו למנוע את עצמו עד מקום היפות ואוכל ויש לו לאכול קישות אפילו בדינר וכותבת אפילו בדינר אע"פ ששכרו במעה כסף שנאמר כנפשך שבעך אבל מלמדין את האדם שלא יהיה רעבתן ויהיה סותם את הפתח בפניו היה משמר ד' או ה' ערמות לא ימלא כרסו מאחת מהן אלא אוכל מכל אחת ואחת לפי חשבון:
Workers who have not walked both lengthwise and laterally in a vat may eat grapes but may not drink wine, for at that time they are still working solely with grapes. When they have treaded in the vat and walked both lengthwise and laterally, they may eat grapes and drink the grape juice, for they are working with both the grapes and the wine.
הפועלים שלא הלכו שתי וערב בגת אוכלין ענבים ואין שותין יין שעדיין אינן עושין אלא בענבים בלבד ומשידרכו בגת ויהלכו בה שתי וערב יש להן לאכול מן הענבים ולשתות מן התירוש שהרי הן עושין בענבים וביין:
When a worker says: "Give my wife and my children what I would eat," or "I will give a small amount of what I have taken to eat to my wife and my children," he is not given this prerogative. For the Torah has granted this right only to a worker himself. Even when a nazarite who is working with grapes says, "Give some to my wife and children," his words are of no consequence.
פועל שאמר תנו לאשתי ובני מה שאני אוכל או שאמר הריני נותן מעט מזה שנטלתי לאכול לאשתי ובני אין שומעין לו שלא זכתה תורה אלא לפועל עצמו אפילו נזיר שהיה עושה בענבים ואמר תנו לאשתי ובני אין שומעין לו:
When a worker - and his wife, his children and his slaves - were all employed to work with produce, and the worker stipulated that they - neither he nor the members of his household - should not partake of the produce, they may not partake of it.
When does the above apply? When they are past majority, because they are intellectually mature, responsible for their decisions, and willingly gave up the right the Torah granted them. If, however, the children are minors, their father cannot pledge that they will not eat, for they are not eating from his property or from what the employer grants them, but rather from what they were granted by God.
פועל שהיה עושה הוא ואשתו ובניו ועבדיו והתנה עם הבעה"ב שלא יאכלו ממה שהן עושין לא הוא ולא הם הרי אלו אינן אוכלין בד"א בגדולים מפני שיש בהם דעת והרי מחלו אבל קטנים אינו יכול לפסוק עליהם שלא יאכלו שאינן אוכלין משל אביהן או משל אדוניהם אלא משל שמים:
• 3 Chapters: Tum'at Met Tum'at Met - Chapter 3, Tum'at Met Tum'at Met - Chapter 4, Tum'at Met Tum'at Met - Chapter 5
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Tum'at Met - Chapter 3
The following entities impart ritual impurity when they are touched, carried, or one is under the same structure: a) a corpse, even a stillborn fetus whose limbs have not become attached to its body with sinews, b) an olive-sized portion of flesh from a corpse, c) an olive-sized portion of netzal, d) a limb from a living person that has the required amount of flesh, e) a limb from a corpse that has the required amount of flesh, f) the backbone of a corpse, g) its skull, h) the majority of its structure, i) the majority of the number of its bones, j) a fourth of a kab of bones in any instance, even if they do not comprise the majority of the structure of the number of the bones of the corpse, k) a revi'it of blood, and l) a revi'it of blood of "weltering blood"; twelve entities in total.
אלו מטמאין במגע ובמשא ובאהל: המת אפילו נפל שלא נתקשרו איבריו בגידין וכזית מבשר המת וכזית נצל ואבר מן החי ואבר מן המת שיש עליהם בשר כראוי והשדרה והגולגול' ורוב בניינו ורוב מניינו ורובע עצמות מכ"מ אף על פי שאין בהן לא רוב בנין ולא רוב מנין ורביעית דם תבוסה הכל שתים עשרה:
The following entities impart ritual impurity when they are touched or carried, but not when one is under the same structure: a) a limb from a living person that is lacking enough flesh to regenerate itself, b) a limb from a corpse that is lacking either flesh or bone and does not have enough flesh to regenerate itself or the bone is lacking, even if has enough flesh to regenerate itself, c) a backbone that is lacking and does not possess a fourth of a kab of bones, d) a skull that is lacking and does not possess a fourth of a kab of bones, e) a bone, even if it is the size of a barley corn, f) the earth of the nations, and g) a beit hapras; seven entities in total.
ואלו מטמאין במגע ובמשא ואין מטמאין באהל: אבר מן החי שחסר בשרו ואין בו להעלות ארוכה ואבר מן המת שחסר בשרו או עצמו ולא נשאר בשר כדי להעלות ארוכה או שחסר העצם אע"פ שיש עליו בשר כדי להעלות ארוכה והשדרה שחסרה ואין בה רובע עצמות והגולגולת שחסרה ואין בה רובע עצמות ועצם אפילו כשעורה וארץ העכו"ם ובית הפרס הכל שבע:
gollel and a dofek impart ritual impurity when they are touched or when one is under the same shelter, like a grave. They do not impart ritual impurity when carried. The decomposed mass of a corpse imparts ritual impurity when it is carried or when one is under the same shelter. It does not impart ritual impurity when touched.
It appears to me that the ritual impurity imparted by a fourth of a kab of bones when one is under the same structure, a revi'it of blood, a limb that does not have the sufficient amount of flesh, whether from a corpse or from a living person is not of Scriptural origin, as evidenced by the fact that a nazirite need not shave his hair because of them, as we explained in Hilchot Nizirut. Nor is one liable for entering the Temple after having contracted such impurity and when a person is impure due to an impurity of Scriptural origin, he is liable for entering the Temple. Therefore I maintain that all sources of impurity from a corpse that do not require a nazirite to shave are not of Scriptural origin.
הגולל ודופק מטמאין במגע ובאהל כקבר ואינן מטמאין במשא הרקב מטמא במשא ובאהל ואינו מטמא במגע טומאת רובע עצמות באהל וטומאת רביעית דם וטומאת אבר שאין עליו בשר כראוי בין מן המת בין מן החי יראה לי שכולן טומאתן אינן דין תורה שהרי אין הנזיר מגלח עליהן כמו שביארנו בנזירות ואין חייבין עליהן על ביאת המקדש ועל טמא בטומאה של תורה חייב על ביאת המקדש לפיכך אני אומר שכל טומאה מן המת שאין הנזיר מגלח עליה אינה דין תורה:
The decomposed mass of a corpse does not impart ritual impurity unless it is buried naked in a coffin of marble, glass, or the like, and it was totally intact at the time of burial. If it was lacking a limb, it was buried in its garments, or it was buried in a coffin of wood or metal, the decomposed mass does not impart ritual impurity. The rationale is that the rot of the garment or the wood and the rust of the metal will become mixed with the decomposed mass of the corpse.
When any amount of earth becomes mixed with the decomposed mass of a corpse, it remains impure. These laws of rekev applies only to the corpse of one who died naturally. They do not apply to one who was slain.
אין רקב המת מטמא עד שיקבר ערום בארון של שיש או של זכוכית וכיוצא בהן ויהיה כולו שלם חסר ממנו אבר או שנקבר בכסותו או בארון של עץ או של מתכת אין רקבו טמא מפני שרקב הכסות או רקב העץ או חלודת המתכת תתערב ברקב גוייתו ורקב המטמא שנתערב בו עפר כל שהוא הרי הוא בטומאתו ולא אמרו רקב אלא למת בלבד אבל הרוג אין לו רקב:
When two corpses are buried together, a deceased's hair or nails were trimmed and then buried with him, or a pregnant woman was buried with the fetus she was carrying, the laws of rekev do not apply.
קברו שני מתים כאחד או שגזזו שערו או צפרניו וקברום עמו או שקברו אשה מעוברת ועוברה במעיה אין להם רקב:
If one ground a corpse until it became a decomposed mass, it does not convey the impurity of rekev. Those laws do not apply unless it decomposes as part of a natural process.
טחן המת עד שנעשה רקב אינו מטמא עד שירקיב מאליו:
If one ground a corpse and then left its remains until they decomposed naturally or a portion of the body decomposed while the person was alive, he died, and then the entire body decomposed, there is an unresolved doubt concerning the ruling. Hence, if a person becomes impure because of two handfuls of this rekev, he must consider himself impure, because of this unresolved doubt.
טחנו כולו והניחו עד שירקיב או שהרקיב מקצתו כשהוא חי ומת והרקיב כולו הרי זה ספק ואם נטמא למלוא חפנים מרקב זה ה"ז טמא בספק:
The following laws applies when there are two handfuls and more of earth that was found under a corpse or in a grave and it is not known what it comprises: whether it is rekev that imparts impurity when under the same shelter or it is merely earth that has become soiled with the netzal and the blood of the corpse. It imparts impurity when carried and when one is under the same shelter, because this mass that is more than two handfuls contains two full handfuls of rekev. It appears to me that also this impurity is a Rabbinic decree.
מלא חפנים ועוד מעפר הנמצא תחת המת או מעפר הנמצא בקבר ואין ידוע מה טיבו אם הוא רקב שמטמא באהל או אינו אלא עפר שנתלכלך בנצל המת ודמו ה"ז מטמא במשא ובאהל שהרי יש במלוא חפנים ועוד מלא חפנים רקב ויראה לי שאף זו טומאה מדברי סופרים:
When a corpse was burned and its skeleton - i.e., the backbone and the ribs - is intact, it conveys impurity like an entire corpse. Needless to say, this applies if the flesh is merely charred. If, however, it is burnt to the extent that its form is destroyed, it is ritually pure.
Similarly, if a miscarried embryo which had already begun to have its limbs take form was mixed with water, it is pure, because its form was destroyed.
המת שנשרף ושלדו קיימת והוא השדרה והצלעות ה"ז מטמא כמת שלם ואצ"ל אם נחרך אבל אם נשרף עד שנתבלבלה צורת תבניתו טהור וכן שפיר מרוקם שטרפו במים טהור שהרי נתבלבלה צורתו:
When the flesh of a corpse has become powdery and flourlike, it is ritually pure. Similarly, the ashes of corpses that were burnt are ritually pure. Similarly, worms which come into existence from the flesh of a corpse, whether they are alive or dead, are ritually pure.
We have already explained that bone marrow is considered as flesh in all instances, whether with regard to a human corpse or with regard to the carcass of an animal or crawling animal.
בשר המת שנפרך ונעשה כקמח טהור וכן אפר השרופין טהור וכן התולעים הנהוין מבשר המת בין חיים בין מתים טהורין וכבר ביארנו שהמוח כבשר בכל מקום בין במת בין בנבלה ושרץ:
A person's skin is considered as his flesh. If it was processed entirely or trodden upon as is necessary for processing, it is considered as pure according to Scriptural Law. According to Rabbinic Law, however, an olive-sized portion imparts impurity like the flesh of a corpse. This is a decree, enacted so that people do not become accustomed to processing human skin and using it.
עור האדם כבשרו ואם עבדו כל צרכו או הילך בו כדי עבודה הרי זה טהור מן התורה אבל מדבריהם מטמא בכזית כבשר המת גזירה שלא להרגיל בני אדם לעבוד עורות האדם וישתמשו בהן:
The skin that appears opposite the face of a infant when he is born, whether both he and his mother survive the birth or he and his mother die in the process of the birth, is considered as ritually pure. The rationale is that it is like a waste produce, like filth, vomit, or the like.
עור הבא כנגד פניו של אדם כשיולד בין שהיה חי ואמו חיה בין שנולד מת ואמו מתה ה"ז טהור מפני שהוא כמו פרש או צואה וקיא וכיוצא בהן:
Every element of a corpse is impure with the exception of the teeth, the hair, and the nails, for they are replaced. While they are attached to the body, they are all impure.
What is implied? When a corpse is outside a house and his hair which is attached to his body is inside, everything in the house becomes impure. Similarly, one who touches hair, teeth, or nails while they are attached to a corpse becomes impure. When the hair of the deceased was ready to be cut or his nails were ready to be trimmed, their halachic status is in doubt because they are prepared to be cut off. Therefore, one who touches them is considered as ritually impure because of the doubt.
Any liquid that flows out from a corpse is pure except for its blood. Any liquid with the color of blood that flows from a corpse is impure, as we explained. Why wasn't a decree made with regard to liquids that flow from a corpse as was made with regard to liquids flowing from other impure individuals? Since everyone withdraws from a corpse, they did not feel the need to enact a decree regarding liquids that flow from it.
כל שבמת טמא חוץ מן השינים והשיער והצפורן הואיל וגזען מחליף ובשעת חבורן הכל טמא כיצד המת בחוץ ושערו בתוך הבית נטמא כל אשר בבית וכן הנוגע בשערו או בשיניו או בצפרניו כשהן מחוברין נטמא שערו העומד להגזז וצפרניו העומדים להנטל הואיל והן עומדין להנטל יש בהן ספק לפיכך הנוגע בהן הרי הוא ספק טמא כל משקה היוצא מן המתים טהור חוץ מדמו וכל מראה דמים מן המת טמא כמו שביארנו ומפני מה לא גזרו על משקה המת כדרך שגזרו על משקין היוצאין מכל הטמאין מפני שהמת הכל בדלין ממנו לא גזרו על משקיו:
When a liver has decomposed, a revi'it of it imparts impurity, because it is considered like blood that has coagulated.
If all the blood of an infant flows out, but it does not amount to a revi'it, it is pure even though it comprises all the blood in his body.
כבד שנמוחה מטמאה ברביעית מפני שהיא כדם נקפה דם קטן שיצא כולו אם אין בו רביעית טהור אף על פי שהוא כל דם שבו:
If even the slightest amount of these measures are lacking, the substances are pure: a) a revi'it of blood, b) a piece of bone the size of a barley-corn, c) an olive-sized portion of flesh, d) an olive-sized portion of netzal, e) two handfuls of rekev, and f) a limb from a living person from which the slightest portion of the bone was lacking.
ואלו אם חסרו כל שהוא טהורים: רביעית דם ועצם כשעורה וכזית בשר וכזית נצל ומלא חפנים רקב ואבר מן החי שחסר מעצמו כל שהוא:

Tum'at Met - Chapter 4

When a revi'it of blood comes from two corpses, it is pure. To impart impurity, the entire revi'it must come from one corpse. When a backbone was put together from two corpses, e.g., some of the vertebrae came from one corpse and others, from another, when a skull was put together from two corpses, or a fourth of a kab of bones came from two corpses or a limb came from two corpses: in all these instances, impurity is not imparted when one is under the same structure, only through touching and carrying, as is true with regard to other bones.
רביעית דם הבאה משני מתים טהורה עד שתהיה כל הרביעית ממת אחד שדרה שנגמרה משני מתים כגון שהיו מקצת החליות מאחד ותשלומן ממת אחר וכן הגלגולת של שני מתים ורובע עצמות מב' מתים ואבר מן המת מב' מתים כל אלו אינן מטמאין באהל אלא במגע ובמשא כשאר כל עצמות:
When a limb from a living person comes from two people, it is pure. Even if it comes from one person, it is pure if it was cut into two.
אבר מן החי מב' אנשים טהור אפילו מאיש אחד אם נחלק לשנים טהור:
An olive-sized portion of flesh that comes from two corpses, an olive-sized portion of netzal that comes from two corpses, and two handfuls of rekev that come from two corpses when the laws of rekev apply to each one of them, can be combined. Similarly, a half of an olive-sized portion of flesh and a half an olive-sized portion of netzal can be combined with each other. All of the other sources of impurity stemming from a corpse are not combined with each other, because they are not of equal measures.
כזית בשר משני מתים וכזית נצל משני מתים ומלוא חפנים רקב משני מתים שכל אחד מהן יש לו רקב הרי אלו מצטרפין זה עם זה וכן כחצי זית בשר וכחצי זית נצל מצטרפין זה עם זה ושאר כל הטומאות שבמת אין מצטרפין זה עם זה מפני שלא שוו בשיעוריהן:
When a bone the size of a barley-corn is divided into two, it imparts impurity when carried. Similarly, when a quarter of a kab of bones were crushed, although none of them are the size of a barley-corn, they impart impurity when one is under the same shelter as if they were not crushed.
עצם כשעורה שנחלק לשנים מטמא במשא וכן רובע עצמות מת אחד שנדקדקו ואין בכל אחד מהם עצם כשעורה מטמאין באהל כאילו לא נדקדקו:
When an olive-sized portion from a corpse was cut into small pieces, flattened, and pressed together, it imparts impurity when under the same shelter and when carried, but it does not impart impurity when one touches a portion of it, even when the pieces are joined together, because anything joined together by man is not considered as joined.
כזית מן המת שחתכו לחלקים ורדדו ודבקו מטמא באהל ובמשא ואינו מטמא במגע קצתו אע"פ שחברו שאין חבורי אדם חבור:
When an olive-sized portion of fat that was intact was liquefied, it is impure. If it was separated and it was liquefied, it is pure.
כזית חלב שלם שהתיכו טמא היה מפורד והתיכו טהור:
When the majority of the vertebrae were taken from a backbone, it does not impart impurity when under the same shelter, even through its form remains. If it is in the grave, even if it is broken and even if it is crushed, it imparts impurity when under the same shelter. The rationale is that the grave joins it together.
שדרה שנגררו ממנו רוב חליות שלה אף על פי ששלדה קיימת אינה מטמאה באהל ובזמן שהיא בתוך הקבר אפילו משוברת אפילו מכותתת מטמאה באהל מפני שהקבר מצרפה:
Whenever a substance that imparts impurity when under the same shelter was divided and then both portions are brought into a house, it is considered as joined together by the shelter and impurity is imparted by them because of it.
כל המטמאין באהל שנחלקו והכניסן בתוך הבית האהל מצרפן ומטמאין באהל:
When there is an olive-sized portion of flesh that grew on a bone through the influence of heaven, and a portion of that bone was brought inside a house, the house contracts ritual impurity. If the flesh had been pushed into the bones by humans, the house is pure. The rationale is that anything joined by man is not considered as joined.
עצם שיש עליו כזית בשר בידי שמים והכניס מקצתו לפנים מן הבית נטמא הבית שני עצמות ועליהם כשני חציי זיתים בשר והכניס מקצתן לפנים הבית טמא ואם היה הבשר תחוב בעצמות בידי אדם הבית טהור שאין חבורי אדם חבור:
When two handfuls of rekev are spread out throughout a house, the house is impure.
מלא חפנים רקב שנתפזר בתוך הבית הבית טמא:
When a revi'it Anything that was in the house at the time the blood was absorbed in the earth, is impure.
רביעית דם שנבלעה בתוך הבית הבית טהור להבא וכל שהיה בו בעת שנבלעה הרביעית בארץ טמא:
When an olive-sized portion of a corpse was lost inside a house and it was searched for and not found, the house is assumed to be pure. If it is discovered afterwards, the house is deemed impure retroactively from the time it was lost until the time it was discovered.
כזית מן המת שאבד בתוך הבית וביקש ולא נמצא הבית טהור ולכשימצא הבית טמא למפרע מעת שאבד עד שנמצא:
The following laws apply when a revi'it of blood was poured in an open space. If it coagulated or it was in a place where it could collect, i.e., a low place like a pit and an entity projects over even a portion of it, that entity is impure. If it was spilled on the doorstep which was on an incline, whether to the inside or outside, the house is pure. The rationale is that the blood did not come to rest on the doorstep. If the doorstep was a place where the blood could collect or it coagulated there, the house is impure.
The following laws apply when a revi'it of blood is absorbed in a garment. If it could be washed and a revi'it of blood would be discharged from it, the garment imparts impurity when touched, carried, or when one is under the same shelter. If not, it does not impart impurity when one is under the same shelter and it is considered as a garment that came into contact with a corpse. The rationale is that whenever something absorbed cannot be discharged, it is considered as pure.
How is the quantity of blood measured? The garment should be washed in water. Then an equal quantity of water should be brought and a revi'it of blood placed in it. If their appearance was the same or the water in which the garment was washed was of a redder hue than the mixture, it is apparent that a revi'it was discharged.
רביעית דם שנשפך באויר אם קרש או שהיה במקום אשבורן והוא המקום הנמוך כמו גומא והאהיל המאהיל על מקצתו נטמא נשפך על האסקופה במורד בין לפנים בין לחוץ הבית טהור שהרי לא נח הדם על האסקופה ואם היתה האסקופה אשבורן או שקרש הדם עליה הבית טמא רביעית דם שנבלעה בכסות אם מתכבסת ויוצאה ממנו רביעית דם הרי זה הכסות מתטמאה במגע ובמשא ובאהל ואם לאו אינה מתטמאה באהל והרי היא ככסות שנגעה במת שכל הבלועה שאינו יכול לצאת טהור כיצד משערין אותה מכבסין אותה במים ומביא מים כמדתן ונותן לתוכן רביעית דם אם היה מראיהן שוה או שהיה מי הכבוס אדום יותר ממי המזג בידוע שיצא ממנה רביעית:
Carrying, touching, and being under the same structure are three different categories. Whenever activities come from one category, they can be combined and impart impurity. If they are from two categories, they are not combined and are pure.
What is implied? A person becomes impure in all of the following situations, for the activities that are combined are from the same category:
a) He touches two portions of a corpse that are half the size of an olive at the same time or carries two portions of a corpse that are half the size of an olive at the same time.
b) He stands over two portions of a corpse that are half the size of an olive.
c) He stands over a portion of a corpse that is half the size of an olive and has a similar portion hang over his body.
d) He and a portion of a corpse half the size of an olive were under one shelter and a portion of his body stood over another similar portion, or a similar portion was suspended over his body.
One is, by contrast, pure in all of the following situations. He touches a portion of a corpse half the size of an olive or carries such a portion and:
a) another entity covers both him and another such portion from a corpse;
b) another such portion was suspended over a portion of his body; c) he stood over such a portion, or
d) he touched such a portion and carried such a portion. The rationale is that a quantity that is touched is not combined with one that is carried, neither with regard to a corpse, nor with regard to other forms of impurity. Similarly, a quantity that is touched is not combined with one that is governed by the laws of ohel, nor is one governed by the laws of ohel combined with one that is carried, because they are not from the same category.
המשא והמגע והאהל שלשה שמות הם וכל שהוא משם אחד מצטרף ומטמא ומשני שמות אינו מצטרף וטהור כיצד הנוגע בכשני חצאי זיתים או שנשא שני חצאי זיתים בבת אחת או שהאהיל על כשני חצאי זיתים או שהאהיל על חצי זית וחצי זית אחר מאהיל עליו או שהיה הוא וחצי זית תחת האהל והאהיל במקצת גופו על חצי זית אחר או האהיל חצי זית על מקצתו הכל טמאים מפני שהוא שם אחד אבל הנוגע בחצי זית או הנושא חצי זית ודבר אחר מאהיל עליו ועל כחצי זית או שהאהיל עליו חצי זית אחר או שהאהיל הוא על חצי זית אחר וכן הנושא כחצי זית ונגע בחצי זית אחר הכל טהורים שאין המגע מצטרף עם המשא לא במת ולא בשאר טומאות ולא המגע מצטרף עם האהל ולא האהל מצטרף עם המשא [לפי שאינו שם אחד]:

Tum'at Met - Chapter 5

All entities - whether humans or keilim - that become impure because of contact with a human corpse contract impurity that lasts seven days.
What is implied? When a person or a k'li touch an entity that imparts the impurity associated with a corpse when touched or contract impurity through ohel from one of the entities that impart impurity through ohel, or carry an entity that imparts the impurity associated with a corpse when carried, he or it contract impurity that lasts seven days, as Numbers 19:14 states: "Anyone who enters the tent and anything that is inside the tent will be impure for seven days."
כל המתטמאין מחמת המת בין אדם בין כלים טמאים טומאת שבעה כיצד אדם או כלי שנגע בדברים שמטמאין מן המת במגע או שנטמא באהל בא' מדברים שמטמאין באהל וכן אדם שנשא דברים שמטמאין מן המת במשא הכל טמאים טומאת שבעה שנאמר כל הבא אל האהל וכל אשר באהל יטמא שבעת ימים:
A person who becomes impure because of a corpse and keilim which such a person touches contract impurity that lasts seven days, as Numbers 31:24 states: "And you shall wash your garments on the seventh day and become pure."
If, by contrast, a person touches a person who contracted impurity because of a corpse - whether he touched him after he disengaged himself from the corpse that imparted impurity to him or whether he is still touching the corpse - the second person is impure only until the evening, as ibid. 19:22 states: "And the soul that touches it will be impure until the evening."
This is the Scriptural Law. According to Rabbinic Law, if one touches a corpse and touches another person while he is still touching the corpse, they both contract impurity that lasts seven days, as if the second person touched the corpse itself.
In what context does this apply? With regard to partaking of terumah and sacrificial food. By contrast, a nazirite or one who brings a Paschal sacrifice who are touched by a person who touched a corpse only becomes impure until the evening as is Scriptural Law, whether the first person is still touching the corpse or whether he is not.
אדם שנטמא במת וכלים שיגע בהן אדם זה טמאין טומאת שבעה שנאמר וכבסתם בגדיכם ביום השביעי וטהרתם אבל אדם שנגע באדם שנטמא במת בין שנגע בו אחר שפירש מטמאין בין שנגע בו כשהוא עדיין נוגע במת הרי זה השני טמא טומאת ערב שנאמר והנפש הנוגעת תטמא עד הערב זהו דין תורה אבל מדברי סופרים הנוגע במת ונגע באדם אחר ועדיין הוא מחובר במת שניהן טמאין טומאת שבעה וכאילו נגע זה השני במת עצמו במה דברים אמורים לענין תרומה וקדשים אבל לנזיר ולעושה פסח בין בשעת חבור בין אחר שפירש אינו טמא אלא טומאת ערב כדין תורה:
When keilim become impure due to contact with a corpse, whether because they were touched or because they were under the same shelter, one who touches them is considered like one who touches a corpse itself. Just as a corpse imparts impurity that lasts seven days to whatever touches it, whether a person or a k'li, so too, when a k'li became impure due to contact with a corpse, it and other keilim, or a person who touches it contract impurity that lasts seven days, as implied by Numbers 19:16: "one slain by the sword or a corpse." According to the Oral Tradition, it was taught that a sword is like a corpse. This also applies to other keilim, whether they are metal utensils, keilim that can be purified by immersion, or garments.
These concepts can also be inferred from ibid. 31:19 which states: "Everyone who killed a person and everyone who touched a corpse must purify himself." Would one think that a person who shot an arrow or threw a stone and killed another person would become impure for seven days? Instead, this is speaking about a person who kills with a sword or the like who becomes impure because he touched the k'li with which he killed, for that k'li touched a corpse.
What is the source from which we learn that keilim that touch a person who touched keilim that became impure because of contact with a corpse become impure? It is written: "And you shall wash your garments on the seventh day and become pure." This teaches that any person who contracts impurity that lasts seven days imparts impurity that lasts seven days to his garments.
כלים שנטמאו במת בין במגע בין באהל הרי הן לנוגע בהן כנוגע במת עצמו מה המת מטמא הנוגע בו בין אדם בין כלים טומאת שבעה אף כלים שנטמאו במת הם והכלים או האדם שיגע בהן טמאין טומאת שבעה שנאמר בחלל חרב או במת מפי השמועה למדו שהחרב כמת והוא הדין לשאר כלים בין כלי מתכות בין כלי שטף ובגדים הרי הוא אומר כל הורג נפש וכל נוגע בחלל וכי תעלה על דעתך שזה ירה חץ והרג או זרק אבן והרג נטמא שבעת ימים אלא הורג נפש בחרב וכיוצא בה שנטמא בנגיעתו בכלי שהרג בו שהרי נגע הכלי במת ומנין שאף הכלים הנוגעין באדם שנגע שטמאים טומאת שבעה שהרי הוא אומר וכבסתם בגדיכם ביום השביעי וטהרתם הא למדת שכל אדם הטמא טומאת שבעה מטמא בגדים טומאת שבעה:
Thus in summary: When a person touches a corpse and then touches another person, the first contracts impurity that lasts seven days and the second, impurity that lasts until the evening. When keilim touch a corpse and then other keilim touch them, they both contract impurity that lasts seven days. An entity whose connection is of the third degree, whether a person or a k'li, contracts only the impurity that lasts until the evening.
When keilim are touching a corpse and a person touches those keilim and other keilim, all three contract the impurity that lasts seven days. An entity whose connection is of the fourth degree contracts only the impurity that lasts until the evening.
נמצאת אומר אדם שנגע במת ואדם באדם אחר הראשון טמא טומאת שבעה והשני טומאת ערב כלים הנוגעין במת וכלים בכלים שניהם טמאים טומאת שבעה אבל השלישי בין אדם בין כלים טמא טומאת ערב כלים הנוגעין במת ואדם בכלים וכלים באדם שלשתן טמאין טומאת שבעה והרביעי בין אדם בין כלים טמא טומאת ערב:
When does the above apply? With regard to terumah and sacrificial food. With regard to liability for karet for entering the Temple or partaking of sacrificial foods, by contrast, only the first two are liable - the first person who touched the corpse and the second person who touched him - as mandated by Scriptural Law, as Numbers 19:22 states: "Everything which is touched by the impure person becomes impure."
When, by contrast, one touches keilim that were touched by an impure person or one touches a person who touches keilim that touched a corpse, he is exempt, as we explained in Hilchot Bi'at HaMikdash. For these matters, although part of the Oral Tradition, are not considered as Scriptural Law. The rationale is that it was only explicitly stated in the Torah that one who became impure because of contact with a corpse becomes a primary source of impurity and secondly, that an entity, whether a person or a k'li,that touches him becomes impure, becoming a first degree derivative of impurity.
בד"א לענין תרומה וקדשים אבל לחייב כרת על ביאת מקדש או על אכילת קדשים אינו חייב אלא השנים בלבד הראשון שנגע במת והשני שנגע בו כדין תורה שנאמר וכל אשר יגע בו הטמא יטמא אבל הנוגע בכלים שנגעו באדם או הנוגע באדם שנגע בכלים שנגעו במת פטור כמו שביארנו בהלכות ביאת מקדש שהדברים האלו אף על פי שהן דברי קבלה אינן דין תורה שהרי לא נתפרשו בתורה אלא זה שנטמא במת שהוא אב והשני הנוגע בו שהוא ראשון בין אדם בין כלים:
When an earthenware container touched a corpse or was in the same structure as it, it contracts ritual impurity. It does not impart ritual impurity, neither to a person, nor to another earthenware container, nor to any other k'li. For an earthenware container never becomes a primary source of ritual impurity, neither with regard to impurity stemming from a corpse or other sources of impurity. This is Scriptural Law, even though it is part of Oral Tradition.
כלי חרש שנגע במת או שהיה עמו באהל טמא ואינו מטמא [לא לאדם] ולא כלי חרש אחר ולא שאר כלים שאין כלי חרש נעשה אב הטומאה לעולם לא במת ולא בשאר טומאות וזה דין תורה אף ע"פ שהוא קבלה:
This is a great general principle with regard to ritual impurity. Any primary source of ritual impurity imparts ritual impurity to humans, garments, and utensils, whether metal implements, utensils that can be purified by immersion, or earthenware containers. Any entity that imparts impurity to a person or keilim when touched is called a primary source of ritual impurity. Any derivative of ritual impurity imparts ritual impurity to food and drink, but it does not impart impurity to a person or keilim, neither to earthenware containers, nor to other keilim and garments.
זה כלל גדול בטומאות כל אב הטומאה מטמא אדם ומטמא בגדים וכלים בין כלי מתכות בין כלי שטף בין כלי חרש וכל המטמא אדם וכלים בנגיעה הרי זה אב הטומאה וכל ולד הטומאות מטמא אוכלין ומשקין ואינו מטמא לא אדם וכלים לא כלי חרש ולא שאר כלים ובגדים:
Any entity that touches a primary source of impurity is referred to as a derivative of the first degree. Anything that touches a derivative of the first degree is referred to as a derivative of the second degree. Anything that touches a derivative of the second degree is referred to as a derivative of the third degree. And anything that touches a derivative of the third degree is referred to as a derivative of the fourth degree. A derivative of the first degree and those on a lesser level are called "the offspring of impurity."
כל הנוגע באב הוא הנקרא ראשון והנוגע בראשון נקרא שני והנוגע בשני נקרא שלישי והנוגע בשלישי נקרא רביעי והראשון ושלמטה ממנו כולן נקראין ולד הטומאה:
Any entity, whether a person or a k'li, which contracts impurity that lasts seven days as a result of contact with a corpse is referred to as tamei meit. The person or the k'li is a primary source of impurity with regard to imparting impurity to terumah and sacrificial food, as we explained. From it, are counted a first degree derivative and a second degree derivative to impart impurity to people and keilim when it is touched, like other primary sources of impurity. It does not impart impurity when carried.
כל המתטמא מחמת המת טומאת שבעה בין אדם בין כלים הוא הנקרא טמא מת והוא אב מאבות הטומאות לענין טומאת תרומה וטומאת קדשים כמו שביארנו למנות ממנו ראשון ושני כדי לטמא אדם וכלים במגע כשאר אבות הטומאות ואינו מטמא במשא:
Any entity that contracts impurity that lasts until the evening as a result of contact with an entity that contracted impurity from a corpse is considered as the offspring of impurity. It is a derivative of impurity of the first degree. It is possible that a fourth degree contact with a corpse can be a first derivative of impurity, as we explained with regard to terumah and sacrificial foods.
כל המתטמא מחמת המת טומאת ערב הוא ולד הטומאה והוא הראשון לטומאה ואפשר שיהיה הרביעי מן המת ראשון לטומאה כמו שביארנו לענין תרומה וקדשים:
When a person or keilim contract impurity because of contact with the lands of the nations or a beit hapras or because he carried such earth or he touched weltering blood, a gollel or a dofek, or entered a shelter where they were located or carried weltering blood, in all instances, these individuals or keilim and the like are all primary sources of impurity by Rabbinic decree. Similarly, garments that contract impurity that lasts seven days because of these entities are all primary sources of impurity by Rabbinic decree.
אדם או כלים שנטמאו במגע ארץ העכו"ם ובית הפרס או במשאן או במגע דם תבוסה וגולל ודופק או באהלן וכן אדם שנטמא במשא דם תבוסה הרי אלו כולן וכל כיוצא בהן אבות טומאות של דברי סופרים וכן בגדים המתטמאין מחמת אלו טומאת שבעה כולן אבות הטומאות של דברי סופרים:
A tent itself which encompasses a source of impurity contracts impurity that lasts seven days according to Scriptural Law even though the impurity did not touch it. It is like garments that were touched by a corpse, as implied by Numbers 19:18: "And he shall sprinkle on the tent."
When does the above apply? When the tent was made from cloth, sackcloth, or a wooden k'li, or a hide, either a hide from an animal or beast that is permitted to be eaten or one which is forbidden to be eaten. These concepts are derived from Exodus 40:19: "And he spread the tent over the Sanctuary." The term "tent" applies only to an entity that is woven or made from hides, as in the Sanctuary. If, by contrast, the structure was made from slats of wood, like a roof, a mat, or the like, or it was bone, or made of metal, it is pure. Needless to say, if it was made from building materials, it is pure.
Whenever the Torah uses the expression, "the house is impure," the intent is the person and the keilim in the house. There is no product of wood that becomes impure as a tent except flax.
האהל עצמו המאהיל על הטומאה אעפ"י שלא נגעה בו טומאה הרי הוא טמא טומאת שבעה מן התורה והרי הוא כבגדים שנגעו במת שנאמר והזה על האהל במה דברים אמורים בשהיה האהל בגד או שק או כלי עץ או עור אחד עור בהמה וחיה בין המותרין לאכילה בין האסורין לאכילה שנאמר ויפרוש את האהל על המשכן אין קרוי אהל אלא ארוג ועור כמשכן אבל אם היה האהל נסרין של עץ כגון התקרה והמחצלת וכיוצא בהן או שהיה עצם או של מתכות ה"ז טהור ואין צ"ל שאם היה בניין שהוא טהור וכ"מ שנאמר הבית טמא אינו אלא אדם וכלים שבכל הבית ואין לך יוצא מן העץ שהוא מתטמא טומאת אוהלים אלא הפשתן בלבד:
When garments touch a corpse, even though they are considered as a corpse with regard to imparting impurity that lasts seven days to other entities that touch them, they are not considered as a corpse with regard to imparting impurity when one is under their shelter or when one carries them. The rationale is that the impurity stemming from carrying a corpse itself is not explicitly stated in the Torah, as we explained. And with regard to the impurity imparted by a tent, Numbers 19:14 states: "A man when he will die in a tent." Therefore if one carried garments that touched a corpse without touching the garments, or if one stands over them, they are held over him, or they were in a structure with him, he is pure.
Similarly, when a person contracted impurity from a corpse and stood over keilim, they are pure. For one who contracts impurity from a corpse imparts impurity through touch alone.
בגדים הנוגעין במת אף על פי שהן כמת לטמא אחרים שנגעו בו טומאת שבעה אינן כמת לטמא באהל ובמשא שהמשא למת עצמו אינו מפורש כמו שביארנו ובטומאת אהל הוא אומר אדם כי ימות באהל לפיכך הנושא בגדים שנגעו במת ולא נגע בהן וכל המאהיל עליהן או שהאהילו עליו או שהיו עמו באהל הרי זה טהור וכן האדם שנטמא במת והאהיל על הכלים הרי הן טהורין שאין טמא מת טמא אלא במגע בלבד:
A corpse does not impart impurity to a seat or a couch that is below him, nor to articles that are placed upon him, only to a k'li that touches a corpse whether it was at its side or it was below the corpse or on top of it.
What is implied? There were ten garments one on top of the other and the corpse was on top of them and then there were ten garments on top of him. The garment that is touching him and the second garment which is touching the garment touching him both contract the impurity that lasts seven days. The third garment, whether on top or below, contracts the impurity which lasts until the evening.
When does the above - that all the garments or keilim above him and below him are pure - apply? When the impurity was not retzutzah, the laws of ohel do not apply, or there was a stone intervening between them, as will be explained in the appropriate place.
המת אינו מטמא משכב ומושב מתחתיו ולא מדף מעל גביו אלא אחד כלי שיגע במת מצדו או שהיה תחתיו או על גביו כיצד עשרה בגדים זה ע"ג זה והמת למעלה ועשרה בגדים אחרים על גבו מלמעלה בגד הנוגע בו והבגד השני שנגע בבגד שנגע בו שניהן טמאים טומאת שבעה והשלישי טמא טומאת ערב בין של מעלה בין של מטה והרביעי ומן הרביעי ולמטה ומן הרביעי ולמעלה כולן טהורין מה שאין כן בטמאי משכב ומושב כמו שיתבאר במקומו בד"א שכל הבגדים או הכלים שתחתיו ושל מעלה ממנו טהורין בשלא היתה שם טומאה רצוצה ולא טומאת אהל או שהיה מבדיל בינו ובין הכלים אבן כמו שיתבאר במקומו:
Hayom Yom:
English Text | Video Class
Friday, Iyar 9, 5777 · 05 May 2017
Iyar 9, 24th day of the omer
Friday Iyar 9, 24th day of the omer 5703
Torah lessons: Chumash: Emor, Shishi with Rashi.
Tehillim: 49-54.
Tanya: This is also (p. 245)...preceding Atzilut.) (p. 247).
Our teacher the Baal Shem Tov said: Every single thing one sees or hears is an instruction for his conduct in the service of G-d. This is the idea of avoda, service, to comprehend and discern in all things a way in which to serve G-d.
Daily Thought
Natural Response
There is an easy path to fulfill the Torah. Not by forcing yourself, not by convincing yourself, but by achieving awareness:
A constant awareness that all you see and hear—the wind that strokes your face, the pulse of the heart within your bosom, the stars in the heavens and the earth beneath your feet, all things of this cosmos and beyond—all are but the outer garments of an Inner Consciousness, a projection of His will and thoughts. Nothing more than His words to us, within which He is concealed.
And the Master of that consciousness speaks to you and asks you to join Him in the mystic union of deed and study.
In such a state of mind, could you possibly choose otherwise?[Tanya, part 1, chapters 21 and 41.]
TODAY IN JUDAISM: Thursday, May 4, 2017 - in New York, New York, United States - Today in Judaism - Today is: Thursday, Iyar 8, 5777 · May 4, 2017 - Omer: Day 23 - Gevurah sheb'Netzach
Torah Reading
Acharei: Leviticus 16:1-17
Leviticus 16:1 Adonai spoke with Moshe after the death of Aharon’s two sons, when they tried to sacrifice before Adonai and died; 2 Adonai said to Moshe, “Tell your brother Aharon not to come at just any time into the Holy Place beyond the curtain, in front of the ark-cover which is on the ark, so that he will not die; because I appear in the cloud over the ark-cover.
3 “Here is how Aharon is to enter the Holy Place: with a young bull as a sin offering and a ram as a burnt offering. 4 He is to put on the holy linen tunic, have the linen shorts next to his bare flesh, have the linen sash wrapped around him, and be wearing the linen turban — they are the holy garments. He is to bathe his body in water and put them on.
5 “He is to take from the community of the people of Isra’el two male goats for a sin offering and one ram for a burnt offering. 6 Aharon is to present the bull for the sin offering which is for himself and make atonement for himself and his household. 7 He is to take the two goats and place them before Adonai at the entrance to the tent of meeting. 8 Then Aharon is to cast lots for the two goats, one lot for Adonai and the other for ‘Az’azel. 9 Aharon is to present the goat whose lot fell to Adonai and offer it as a sin offering. 10 But the goat whose lot fell to ‘Az’azel is to be presented alive to Adonai to be used for making atonement over it by sending it away into the desert for ‘Az’azel.
11 “Aharon is to present the bull of the sin offering for himself; he will make atonement for himself and his household; he is to slaughter the bull of the sin offering which is for himself. 12 He is to take a censer full of burning coals from the altar before Adonai and, with his hands full of ground, fragrant incense, bring it inside the curtain. 13 He is to put the incense on the fire before Adonai, so that the cloud from the incense will cover the ark-cover which is over the testimony, in order that he not die. 14 He is to take some of the bull’s blood and sprinkle it with his finger on the ark-cover toward the east; and in front of the ark-cover he is to sprinkle some of the blood with his finger seven times.
15 “Next, he is to slaughter the goat of the sin offering which is for the people, bring its blood inside the curtain and do with its blood as he did with the bull’s blood, sprinkling it on the ark-cover and in front of the ark-cover. 16 He will make atonement for the Holy Place because of the uncleannesses of the people of Isra’el and because of their transgressions — all their sins; and he is to do the same for the tent of meeting which is there with them right in the middle of their uncleannesses. 17 No one is to be present in the tent of meeting from the time he enters the Holy Place to make atonement until the time he comes out, having made atonement for himself, for his household and for the entire community of Isra’el.

Today's Laws & Customs
• Count "Twenty-Four Days to the Omer" Tonight
Tomorrow is the twenty-fourth day of the Omer Count. Since, on the Jewish calendar, the day begins at nightfall of the previous evening, we count the omer for tomorrow's date tonight, after nightfall: "Today is twenty-four days, which are three weeks and three days, to the Omer." (If you miss the count tonight, you can count the omer all day tomorrow, but without the preceding blessing).
The 49-day "Counting of the Omer" retraces our ancestors' seven-week spiritual journey from the Exodus to Sinai. Each evening we recite a special blessing and count the days and weeks that have passed since the Omer; the 50th day is Shavuot, the festival celebrating the Giving of the Torah at Sinai.
Tonight's Sefirah: Tifferet sheb'Netzach -- "Harmony in Ambition"
The teachings of Kabbalah explain that there are seven "Divine Attributes" -- Sefirot -- that G-d assumes through which to relate to our existence: Chessed, Gevurah, Tifferet, Netzach, Hod, Yesod and Malchut ("Love", "Strength", "Beauty", "Victory", "Splendor", "Foundation" and "Sovereignty"). In the human being, created in the "image of G-d," the seven sefirot are mirrored in the seven "emotional attributes" of the human soul: Kindness, Restraint, Harmony, Ambition, Humility, Connection and Receptiveness. Each of the seven attributes contain elements of all seven--i.e., "Kindness in Kindness", "Restraint in Kindness", "Harmony in Kindness", etc.--making for a total of forty-nine traits. The 49-day Omer Count is thus a 49-step process of self-refinement, with each day devoted to the "rectification" and perfection of one the forty-nine "sefirot."
How to count the Omer
The deeper significance of the Omer Count
Today in Jewish History
• First Crusade Massacres Begin (1096)
In the early 1070s, the Muslim Turks commenced an offensive against the Christian pilgrims in Jerusalem. Pope Gregory VII offered his help to defend the Greek Christians, but the army he promised never materialized.
In 1095, his successor, Urban II, began to call for a holy war to liberate the Christians in Jerusalem. By the next year, more than 100,000 men had rallied to his call, forming the First Crusade. Urban and the local clergymen in Europe felt that the Crusade had another purpose as well--to annihilate all non-Christians in Europe who refused to convert to Christianity.
On their way to the Holy Land, the mobs of crusaders attacked many Jewish communities. On Shabbat, the 8th of Iyar, the Jews of Speyer (Rhineland-Palatinate), Germany were massacred. Many of the Jews of Worms, Germany were also massacred on this day; some of them took refuge in a local castle for a week before being slaughtered as they recited their morning prayers (see "Today in Jewish History" for Sivan 1).
Link: The First Crusade
Daily Quote
Hear O Israel, the L-rd our G-d, the L-rd is one[Deuteronomy 6:4]
Daily Study
Chitas and Rambam for today:
Chumash: Acharei-Kedoshim, 5th Portion Leviticus 19:15-19:32 with Rashi
English / Hebrew Linear Translation | Video Class
Leviticus Chapter 19
15You shall commit no injustice in judgment; you shall not favor a poor person or respect a great man; you shall judge your fellow with righteousness. טו לֹא־תַֽעֲשׂ֥וּ עָ֨וֶל֙ בַּמִּשְׁפָּ֔ט לֹֽא־תִשָּׂ֣א פְנֵי־דָ֔ל וְלֹ֥א תֶהְדַּ֖ר פְּנֵ֣י גָד֑וֹל בְּצֶ֖דֶק תִּשְׁפֹּ֥ט עֲמִיתֶֽךָ:
You shall commit no injustice in judgment: This verse teaches us that a judge who corrupts the law is called unjust, hated and disgusting, fit to be destroyed, and an abomination. For an unjust person is called an abomination, as the verse says, “For whoever does these things, whoever perpetrates such injustice, is an abomination to the Lord…” (Deut. 25: 16); and an abomination, is called a חֵרֶם, [something doomed to destruction], and a disgusting thing, as the verse says (Deut. 7:26), “Nor should you bring an abomination into your house, lest you be destroyed (חֵרֶם) like it, but you shall utterly detest it (שַׁקֵּץ תְּשַׁקְּצֶנּוּ) ” [and an abomination is called hated, as it is said, “for every abomination to the Lord which He hates”] (Deut. 12:31). לא תעשו עול במשפט: מלמד שהדיין המקלקל את הדין קרוי עול, שנאוי ומשוקץ, חרם ותועבה. שהעול קרוי תועבה, שנאמר (דברים כה טז) כי תועבת ה' וגו' כל עושה עול, והתועבה קרויה שקץ וחרם, שנאמר (שם ז כו) ולא תביא תועבה אל ביתך והיית חרם כמוהו שקץ תשקצנו וגו':
You shall not favor a poor person: [This means] that you shall not say, “This man is poor, and the rich man is obligated to provide him with sustenance; therefore, I will acquit him in judgment, and he will thus be sustained respectably.”- [Torath Kohanim 19:37] לא תשא פני דל: שלא תאמר עני הוא זה והעשיר חייב לפרנסו, אזכנו בדין, ונמצא מתפרנס בנקיות:
or show respect to the great: [This means] that you shall not say, “This man is rich, the son of prominent people; how can I embarrass him and behold his shame? That would surely be a punishable act!” Therefore, Scripture says here, “or respect a great man.” - [Torath Kohanim 19:38] ולא תהדר פני גדול: שלא תאמר עשיר הוא זה בן גדולים הוא זה, היאך אביישנו ואראה בבושתו, עונש יש בדבר, לכך נאמר ולא תהדר פני גדול:
Judge your fellow with righteousness: [This is to be understood] according to its apparent meaning. Another explanation is: Judge your fellow favorably [i.e., give him the benefit of the doubt]. בצדק תשפט עמיתך: כמשמעו. דבר אחר הוי דן את חברך לכף זכות:
16You shall not go around as a gossipmonger amidst your people. You shall not stand by [the shedding of] your fellow's blood. I am the Lord. טזלֹֽא־תֵלֵ֤ךְ רָכִיל֙ בְּעַמֶּ֔יךָ לֹ֥א תַֽעֲמֹ֖ד עַל־דַּ֣ם רֵעֶ֑ךָ אֲנִ֖י יְהוָֹֽה:
You shall not go around as a gossipmonger: Heb. לֹא תֵלֵךְ רָכִיל. I say that, since all those who instigate quarrels and speak evil talk go (הוֹלְכִים) into their friends’ houses in order to spy out (לְרַגֵּל) what evil they can see there, or what evil they can hear, to tell in the market-place, they are called הוֹלְכֵי רָכִיל, [which is the same as] הוֹלְכֵי רְגִילָה, - “those who go about spying” ; espiement in Old French, spying. A proof for my words is that we do not find [anywhere in Scripture] where the term רְכִילוּת is used without expressing it in terms of הֲלִיכָה, “going”; [for instance here,] לֹא תֵלֵךְ רָכִיל, “You shall not go around as a gossipmonger,” and, “going tale bearing (הוֹלְכֵי רָכִיל) (Jer. 6:28); [like] copper and iron.” With any other expression for evil talk, however, Scripture does not mention the term הֲלִיכָה, “going”; [for instance,], “He who slanders his fellow in secret” (Ps. 101: 5), and, “you deceitful tongue” (Ps. 120:3), and, “the tongue that speaks great things” (Ps. 12:4). Therefore, I say that the expression רָכִיל is an expression of “going around and spying מְרַגֵּל,” whereby [the letter] כ [of the word רָכִיל] is interchanged with [the letter] ג [so that the word רָכִיל is equivalent to רָגִיל]. For all letters which stem from the same source are interchangeable with one another [i.e., letters by the same speech organs, namely, the lips, tongue, teeth, palate, or throat]. [For example], [the letter] ב [is interchangeable] with פ or ו [as they are all labials; the letter] ג [is interchangeable] with כ as is [the letter] ק [since they are all palatals; the letter] נ [is interchangeable] with ל [because they are both linguals, and [the letters] ר and ז [are interchangeable] with צ [as they are all dentals]. Similarly, [the following verses illustrate how רָגַל is employed in connection with slander, just as is רָכִיל in our verse:], “And he slandered (וַיְרַגֵּל) your servant” (II Sam. 19:28), [lit.,] he spied deceitfully to say evil about me, and [likewise], “He did not slander (רָגַל) with his tongue” (Ps. 15:3). And likewise, [the term] רוֹכֵל means a merchant who goes around spying out (מְרַגֵּל) merchandise; [similarly,] one who sells perfumes with which women beautify themselves, since he constantly goes around in the towns, he is called a רוֹכֵל, equivalent to the term רוֹגֵל -one who spies. And the Targum renders [the phrase in our verse, לֹא תֵלֵךְ רָכִיל, as]: לָא תֵיכוּל קוּרְצִין, [lit., “You shall not eat the food of winking,” a figurative expression for slandering], as, וַאֲכַלוּ קַרְצֵיהוֹן דִּי יְהוּדָיֵא [lit., “and they ate their food of winking concerning the Jews” (Dan. 3:8), i.e., they informed against the Jews], and, אֲכַל בֵּהּ קֻרְצָא בֵּי מַלְכָּא [lit., “he ate the food of winking, concerning him, to the king’s palace” (Ber. 58a), i.e., he informed against him to the king. And why is the expression “eating the food of winking” used to signify slander?] It appears to me that it was the practice of these [informers and slanderers] to eat some sort of small snack at the house of those who listened to their words, for this [eating] acted as a [gesture of] final reinforcement, that the slanderer’s words were indeed well-founded and that he maintained them as the truth. This snack, then, is referred to as אֲכִילַת קוּרְצִין, [where the term קוּרְצִין is] denoted by [Scripture’s description of a faithless man], “He winks (קוֹרֵץ) with his eyes” (Prov. 6:13), for so is the way of all those who go around speaking evil talk, to wink with their eyes, thereby alluding to their slanderous words by innuendo, so that any other people listening will not understand. לא תלך רכיל: אני אומר על שם שכל משלחי מדנים ומספרי לשון הרע הולכים בבתי רעיהם לרגל מה יראו רע או מה ישמעו רע לספר בשוק, נקראים הולכי רכיל, הולכי רגילה אשפיימנ"ט בלע"ז [ריגול]. וראיה לדברי, שלא מצינו רכילות שאין כתוב בלשון הליכה לא תלך רכיל, הולכי רכיל נחשת וברזל (ירמיה ו כח), ושאר לשון הרע אין כתוב בו הליכה מלשני בסתר רעהו (תהלים קא ה), לשון רמיה (שם קכ ב), לשון מדברת גדולות (שם יב ד), לכך אני אומר שלשון רכיל לשון הולך ומרגל, שהכ"ף נחלפת בגימ"ל, שכל האותיות שמוצאיהם ממקום אחד מתחלפות זו בזו, בי"ת בפ"א ובוי"ו, גימ"ל בכ"ף וקו"ף, נו"ן בלמ"ד, ורי"ש וזי"ן בצד"י וכן (ש"ב יט כח) וירגל בעבדך, רגל ותרמה לומר עלי רעה, וכן (תהלים טו ג) לא רגל על לשונו, וכן רוכל הסוחר ומרגל אחר כל סחורה, וכל המוכר בשמים להתקשט בהם הנשים, על שם שמחזר תמיד בעיירות נקרא רוכל, לשון רוגל. ותרגומו לא תיכול קורצין, כמו (דניאל ג ח) ואכלו קרציהון די יהודיא, אכל ביה קורצא בי מלכא (ברכות נח א). נראה בעיני שהיה משפטם לאכול בבית המקבל דבריהם שום הלעטה, והוא גמר חזוק, שדבריו מקויימים ויעמידם על האמת, ואותה הלעטה נקראת אכילת קורצין, לשון קורץ בעיניו (משלי ו יג), שכן דרך כל הולכי רכיל לקרוץ בעיניהם ולרמוז דברי רכילותן, שלא יבינו שאר השומעים:
You shall not stand by [the shedding of] your fellow’s blood: [I.e., do not stand by,] watching your fellow’s death, when you are able to save him; for example, if he is drowning in the river or if a wild beast or robbers come upon him. — [Torath Kohanim 19:41; Sanh. 73a] לא תעמד על דם רעך: לראות במיתתו ואתה יכול להצילו, כגון טובע בנהר, וחיה או לסטים באים עליו:
I am the Lord: faithful to pay reward [to those who heed the above warnings], and faithful to exact punishment [upon those who transgress them]. אני ה': נאמן לשלם שכר, ונאמן להפרע:
17You shall not hate your brother in your heart. You shall surely rebuke your fellow, but you shall not bear a sin on his account. יזלֹֽא־תִשְׂנָ֥א אֶת־אָחִ֖יךָ בִּלְבָבֶ֑ךָ הוֹכֵ֤חַ תּוֹכִ֨יחַ֙ אֶת־עֲמִיתֶ֔ךָ וְלֹֽא־תִשָּׂ֥א עָלָ֖יו חֵֽטְא:
but You shall not bear a sin on his account: I.e., [in the course of your rebuking your fellow,] do not embarrass him in public. — [Torath Kohanim 19:43; Arachin 16b] ולא תשא עליו חטא: לא תלבין את פניו ברבים:
18You shall neither take revenge from nor bear a grudge against the members of your people; you shall love your neighbor as yourself. I am the Lord. יחלֹֽא־תִקֹּ֤ם וְלֹֽא־תִטֹּר֙ אֶת־בְּנֵ֣י עַמֶּ֔ךָ וְאָֽהַבְתָּ֥ לְרֵֽעֲךָ֖ כָּמ֑וֹךָ אֲנִ֖י יְהוָֹֽה:
You shall neither take revenge: [For example:] He says to him, “Lend me your sickle,” and he [the latter] replies, “No!” The next day, he [the latter] says to him, “Lend me your ax.” [If] he says to him, “I will not lend it to you, just as you did not lend to me!” this constitutes revenge. And what constitutes “bearing a grudge?” [For example:] he says to him, “Lend me your ax,” and he [the latter] replies, “No!” Then the next day, he [the latter] says to him, “Lend me your sickle.” [Now, if] he says to him, “Here it is for you; I am not like you, who did not lend me!” this constitutes “bearing a grudge,” for he keeps the hatred in his heart, even though he does not take revenge. — [Torath Kohanim 19:44; Yoma 23a] לא תקם: אמר לו השאילני מגלך. אמר לו לאו. למחר אמר לו השאילני קרדומך. אמר לו איני משאילך כדרך שלא השאלתני, זו היא נקימה. ואיזו היא נטירה, אמר לו השאילני קרדומך. אמר לו לאו. למחר אמר לו השאילני מגלך. אמר לו הא לך ואיני כמותך, שלא השאלתני. זו היא נטירה, שנוטר האיבה בלבו אף על פי שאינו נוקם:
You shall love your neighbor as yourself: Rabbi Akiva says: “This is a fundamental [all-inclusive] principle of the Torah.” - [Torath Kohanim 19:45] ואהבת לרעך כמוך: אמר רבי עקיבא זה כלל גדול בתורה:
19You shall observe My statutes: You shall not crossbreed your livestock with different species. You shall not sow your field with a mixture of seeds, and a garment which has a mixture of shaatnez shall not come upon you. יטאֶת־חֻקֹּתַי֘ תִּשְׁמֹ֒רוּ֒ בְּהֶמְתְּךָ֙ לֹֽא־תַרְבִּ֣יעַ כִּלְאַ֔יִם שָֽׂדְךָ֖ לֹֽא־תִזְרַ֣ע כִּלְאָ֑יִם וּבֶ֤גֶד כִּלְאַ֨יִם֙ שַֽׁעַטְנֵ֔ז לֹ֥א יַֽעֲלֶ֖ה עָלֶֽיךָ:
You shall observe My statutes: They are the following: “You shall not crossbreed your livestock with different species, etc.” [The term] חֻקִּים, “statutes,” refers to the decrees of the Divine King, which have no rationale. את חקתי תשמרו: ואלו הן בהמתך לא תרביע כלאים וגו', חקים אלו גזרות מלך שאין טעם לדבר:
and a garment which has a mixture: Why is this stated? Since Scripture says, “ You shall not wear a mixture of wool and linen together” (Deut. 22:11), I might think that one may not wear [even] shearings of wool [beaten together with] stalks of linen. Therefore, Scripture says, “a garment” [thus excluding pieces of wool and linen combined together, which do not form a “garment”]. And how do we know that included [in this prohibition is also] felt [although it is not a garment, but only a belt]? Because Scripture employs the term שַׁעַטְנֵז, [an acronym of the terms] שׁוּעַ, combed, טָווּי, spun, and נוּז, woven. And נוּז, twisted. [i.e., even if the material in question is] “combed,” “spun” and “twined together” [although it does not form a garment]. And I say that [the term] נוּז denotes a material [made from fibers which have been] stretched and twined together in order to join it together; mestier in Old French, and similar to [the term employed by the Talmud], “…fit for use because of the hard [dry] seeds נַאֲזֵי that they have” (Moed Katan 12a), a term which we explain as meaning “hardened” [just as the fibers of the נוּז cloth become hardened when they are intertwined together]; flestre in Old French, wilted. And with regards to the actual term שַׁעַטְנֵז, Menahem [Ben Saruk] explains it to mean: “A combination of wool and linen.” ובגד כלאים: למה נאמר, לפי שנאמר לא תלבש שעטנז צמר ופשתים יחדו (דברים כב יא), יכול לא ילבש גיזי צמר ואניצי פשתן, תלמוד לומר בגד. מנין לרבות הלבדים, תלמוד לומר שעטנז, דבר שהוא שוע טווי ונוז. ואומר אני נוז לשון דבר הנמלל ושזור זה עם זה לחברו, מישטי"ר בלע"ז [לערבב], כמו (מועד קטן יב ב) חזיין לנאזי דאית בהון, שאנו מפרשין לשון כמוש פלישטר"א [כמוש]. ולשון שעטנז פירש מנחם מחברת צמר ופשתים:
20If a man lies carnally with a woman, and she is a handmaid designated for a man, and she had not been [fully] redeemed nor had her document of emancipation been granted her, there shall be an investigation; they shall not be put to death, because she had not been [completely] freed. כוְאִ֠ישׁ כִּֽי־יִשְׁכַּ֨ב אֶת־אִשָּׁ֜ה שִׁכְבַת־זֶ֗רַע וְהִ֤וא שִׁפְחָה֙ נֶֽחֱרֶ֣פֶת לְאִ֔ישׁ וְהָפְדֵּה֙ לֹ֣א נִפְדָּ֔תָה א֥וֹ חֻפְשָׁ֖ה לֹ֣א נִתַּן־לָ֑הּ בִּקֹּ֧רֶת תִּֽהְיֶ֛ה לֹ֥א יֽוּמְת֖וּ כִּי־לֹ֥א חֻפָּֽשָׁה:
designated for a man: נֶחֱרֶפֶת, designated and specified for a [particular] man. And [regarding this term נֶחֱרֶפֶת,] I do not know of [a term] resembling it anywhere in Scripture, but the Scripture is speaking of a Canaanite handmaid, partly a handmaid and partly a free woman [i.e., she belonged to two partners and one freed his part of her], who is betrothed to a Hebrew slave, who is permitted to [marry] a handmaid. — [Torath Kohanim 19:52; Kereithoth 11a] נחרפת לאיש: מיועדת ומיוחדת לאיש, ואיני יודע לו דמיון במקרא. ובשפחה כנענית שחציה שפחה וחציה בת חורין המאורסת לעבד עברי שמותר בשפחה, הכתוב מדבר:
and she had not been [fully] redeemed: Heb. וְהָפְדֵּה לֹא נִפְדְּתָה, she is redeemed, but not redeemed. And when the unqualified term פִּדְיוֹן, “redemption” is employed, it means [redeeming with money. — [Torath Kohanim 19:53] והפדה לא נפדתה: פדויה ואינה פדויה וסתם פדיון בכסף:
nor had her document of emancipation been granted her: [the unqualified term חוֹפשׁ, “freeing,” refers to doing so] with a document [of release]. — [Torath Kohanim 19:53] או חפשה: בשטר:
there shall be an investigation: Heb. בִּקֹרֶת תִּהְיֶה [which will result in] the woman being given lashes but not the man (Torath Kohanim 19:54) The court is obligated to investigate the matter in order not to sentence him [her] to death, since “she had not been [completely] freed” [and therefore,] her marriage is not completely binding. Our Rabbis, however, learned from [this verse], that whoever is sentenced to lashes [as this woman, those lashes] shall be accompanied by a “recitation” [בִּקֹרֶת בִּקְרִיאָה, derived from the בִּקֹרֶת, so that the phrase בִּקֹרֶת תִּהְיֶה is expounded to mean “she is to be given lashes with a קֹּרֶת, a recitation.” And what is the recitation referred to here? It is] that the judges who mete out the lashes, shall recite to the one receiving them (Deut. 28:58-59),“If you will not observe to fulfill [all the words of this Torah]…the Lord will bring upon you…uniquely [horrible] plagues!”- [Kereithoth 11a] בקרת תהיה: היא לוקה ולא הוא, יש על בית דין לבקר את הדבר שלא לחייבו מיתה, כי לא חפשה, ואין קידושיה קידושין גמורין. ורבותינו למדו מכאן שמי שהוא במלקות יהא בקריאה, שהדיינים המלקין קורין על הלוקה (דברים כח נח - נט) אם לא תשמור לעשות וגו' והפלא ה' את מכותך וגו':
because she had not been [completely] freed: And therefore, the man is not liable to the death penalty because of [his intimacy with] her, since her marriage is not binding. It follows then, that if she had been freed, her marriage would be binding, and he would be liable to the death penalty. — [Torath Kohanim 19:55; Gittin 43b] כי לא חפשה: לפיכך אין חייב עליה מיתה, שאין קידושיה קידושין, הא אם חופשה, קידושיה קידושין וחייב מיתה:
21He shall bring his guilt offering to the Lord, to the entrance of the Tent of Meeting, a guilt offering ram. כאוְהֵבִ֤יא אֶת־אֲשָׁמוֹ֙ לַֽיהֹוָ֔ה אֶל־פֶּ֖תַח אֹ֣הֶל מוֹעֵ֑ד אֵ֖יל אָשָֽׁם:
22And the kohen shall effect atonement for him with the guilt offering ram, before the Lord, for the sin that he had committed; and he shall be forgiven for the sin that he had committed. כבוְכִפֶּר֩ עָלָ֨יו הַכֹּהֵ֜ן בְּאֵ֤יל הָֽאָשָׁם֙ לִפְנֵ֣י יְהֹוָ֔ה עַל־חַטָּאת֖וֹ אֲשֶׁ֣ר חָטָ֑א וְנִסְלַ֣ח ל֔וֹ מֵֽחַטָּאת֖וֹ אֲשֶׁ֥ר חָטָֽא:
And he shall be forgiven for the sin that he had committed: [The apparently superfluous phrase, “for the sin that he had committed,” is written] to include the intentional sinner like the unintentional sinner [insofar as atonement is effected by bringing a guilt-offering]. — [Torath Kohanim 19:57; Kereithoth 9a] ונסלח לו מחטאתו אשר חטא: לרבות את המזיד כשוגג:
23When you come to the Land and you plant any food tree, you shall surely block its fruit [from use]; it shall be blocked from you [from use] for three years, not to be eaten. כגוְכִֽי־תָבֹ֣אוּ אֶל־הָאָ֗רֶץ וּנְטַעְתֶּם֙ כָּל־עֵ֣ץ מַֽאֲכָ֔ל וַֽעֲרַלְתֶּ֥ם עָרְלָת֖וֹ אֶת־פִּרְי֑וֹ שָׁל֣שׁ שָׁנִ֗ים יִֽהְיֶ֥ה לָכֶ֛ם עֲרֵלִ֖ים לֹ֥א יֵֽאָכֵֽל:
you shall surely block…[from use]: Heb. וַעִרַלְתֶּם עָרְלָתוֹ, [lit.:] “And you shall block up its blockage,” i.e., [its fruit] shall be blocked and closed up from deriving benefit from it. וערלתם ערלתו: ואטמתם אטימתו, יהא אטום ונסתם מליהנות ממנו:
it shall be blocked for you [from use] for three years: From when does one start counting [this three-year period]? From the time of its planting. — [Torath Kohanim 19:60] One might think that if one stores away the fruit [produced in the first three years], after the first three years have elapsed, [the fruit] will become permissible. Therefore, Scripture, says, “it shall be” -the fruit shall remain in its [forbidden] status [forever]. — [Torath Kohanim 19:62] שלש שנים יהיה לכם ערלים: מאימתי מונה לו, משעת נטיעתו. יכול אם הצניעו, לאחר שלש שנים יהא מותר, תלמוד לומר יהיה, בהוייתו יהא:
24And in the fourth year, all its fruit shall be holy, a praise to the Lord. כדוּבַשָּׁנָה֙ הָֽרְבִיעִ֔ת יִֽהְיֶ֖ה כָּל־פִּרְי֑וֹ קֹ֥דֶשׁ הִלּוּלִ֖ים לַֽיהוָֹֽה:
all its fruit shall be holy: Just like the second tithe, concerning which it is [also] written, “And every tithe of the Land…is holy to the Lord” (Lev. 27:30); just as the tithe may not be eaten outside the wall of Jerusalem, except after having been redeemed, so is this. — [see Torath Kohanim 19:66], and this thing is “a praise to the Lord,” for he carries it there [to Jerusalem,] to laud and give praise to Heaven. יהיה כל פריו קדש: כמעשר שני שכתוב בו (ויקרא כז ל) וכל מעשר הארץ וגו' קדש לה'. מה מעשר שני אינו נאכל חוץ לחומת ירושלים אלא בפדיון, אף זה כן. ודבר זה הלולים לה' הוא, שנושאו שם לשבח ולהלל לשמים:
25And in the fifth year, you may eat its fruit; [do this, in order] to increase its produce for you. I am the Lord, your God. כהוּבַשָּׁנָ֣ה הַֽחֲמִישִׁ֗ת תֹּֽאכְלוּ֙ אֶת־פִּרְי֔וֹ לְהוֹסִ֥יף לָכֶ֖ם תְּבֽוּאָת֑וֹ אֲנִ֖י יְהוָֹ֥ה אֱלֹֽהֵיכֶֽם:
to increase its produce for you: This commandment which you will observe, will be “[in order] to increase its produce for you,” because as its reward, I will bless for you the fruits of [your] plantings. Rabbi Akiva used to say, “The Torah stated this to counter man’s evil inclination: so that a person should not say, ”For four years I suffer with this tree for nothing!“ Scripture therefore says here, ” [in order] to increase its produce for you." - [Torath Kohanim 19: 68] להוסיף לכם תבואתו: המצוה הזאת שתשמרו תהיה להוסיף לכם תבואתו, שבשכרה אני מברך לכם פירות הנטיעות. היה רבי עקיבא אומר דברה תורה כנגד יצר הרע, שלא יאמר אדם הרי ארבע שנים אני מצטער בו חנם, לפיכך נאמר להוסיף לכם תבואתו:
I am the Lord: I am the Lord Who promises regarding this and Who is faithful to keep My promise. אני ה': אני ה' המבטיח על כך ונאמן לשמור הבטחתי:
26You shall not eat over the blood. You shall not act on the basis of omens or lucky hours. כולֹ֥א תֹֽאכְל֖וּ עַל־הַדָּ֑ם לֹ֥א תְנַֽחֲשׁ֖וּ וְלֹ֥א תְעוֹנֵֽנוּ:
You shall not eat over the blood: [This verse is] expounded in many different ways in Sanhedrin (63a) [as follows]: (a) It is a warning that one must not eat from the flesh of holy sacrifices before the dashing of the blood; (b) It is a warning against [anyone] who eats from an ordinary animal before its soul [contained in its blood] has [fully] departed; and in many more [ways this verse is expounded there]. לא תאכלו על הדם: להרבה פנים נדרש בסנהדרין (סג א) אזהרה שלא יאכל מבשר קדשים לפני זריקת דמים, ואזהרה לאוכל מבהמת חולין טרם שתצא נפשה, ועוד הרבה:
You shall not act on the basis of omens: like those who interpret [the sounds or actions of] a weasel or birds as omens [for good or bad], - [Torath Kohanim 19:71; Sanh. 66a], or [like those who interpret] bread falling from his mouth or a deer crossing his path [as signs for certain things]. — [Sanh. 65b] לא תנחשו: כגון אלו המנחשין בחולדה ובעופות, פתו נפלה מפיו, צבי הפסיקו בדרך:
You shall not act on the basis of… lucky hours: [The expression תְעוֹנְנוּ] denotes times (עוֹנוֹת) and hours, that one would say, “Such and such a day is auspicious to begin your work,” or, “Such and such an hour is unlucky to embark [on a journey].” - [Sanh. 65b] ולא תעוננו: לשון עונות ושעות, שאומר יום פלוני יפה להתחיל מלאכה, שעה פלונית קשה לצאת:
27You shall not round off the corner of your head, and you shall not destroy the edge of your beard. כזלֹ֣א תַקִּ֔פוּ פְּאַ֖ת רֹֽאשְׁכֶ֑ם וְלֹ֣א תַשְׁחִ֔ית אֵ֖ת פְּאַ֥ת זְקָנֶֽךָ:
You shall not round off the corner of your head: This refers to someone who [cuts his hair in such a way that he] makes [the hair on] his temples even with that behind his ear and on his forehead [i.e., the front hairline], thereby causing [the hairline] surrounding his head to become a circle, since the main hairline behind the ears is at a much higher level than [the hair on] his temples. — [Mak. 20b] לא תקפו פאת ראשכם: זה המשוה צדעיו לאחורי אזנו ולפדחתו, ונמצא הקף ראשו עגול סביב, שעל אחורי אזניו עקרי שערו למעלה מצדעיו הרבה:
the edge of your beard: [meaning:] The end of the beard and its borders. And these are five: two on each cheek at the top [edge of the cheek] near the head, where [the cheek] is broad and has two “corners” [i.e., extremities, one near the temple and the other at the end of the cheek bone towards the center of the face]-and one below, on the chin, at the point where the two cheeks join together. - [Torath Kohanim 19: 74; Mak. 20b] פאת זקנך: סוף הזקן וגבוליו. והן חמש שתים בכל לחי ולחי למעלה אצל הראש שהוא רחב ויש בו שתי פאות, ואחת למטה בסנטרו מקום חבור שני הלחיים יחד:
28You shall not make cuts in your flesh for a person [who died]. You shall not etch a tattoo on yourselves. I am the Lord. כחוְשֶׂ֣רֶט לָנֶ֗פֶשׁ לֹ֤א תִתְּנוּ֙ בִּבְשַׂרְכֶ֔ם וּכְתֹ֣בֶת קַֽעֲקַ֔ע לֹ֥א תִתְּנ֖וּ בָּכֶ֑ם אֲנִ֖י יְהוָֹֽה:
You shall not make] cuts [in your flesh] for a person [who died]: This was the practice of the Amorites: to make cuts in their flesh when a person [related] to them died. ושרט לנפש: כן דרכן של אמוריים להיות משרטין בשרם כשמת להם מת:
etch a tattoo: Heb. וּכְתֹבֶת קַעֲקַע, an inscription etched (מְחֻקֶּה) and sunken (שָׁקוּע), never to be erased, for one etches it with a needle, and it remains permanently black. וכתבת קעקע: כתב המחוקה ושקוע שאינו נמחק לעולם שמקעקעו במחט והוא משחיר לעולם:
etched: Heb. קַעְקַע. Similar to the expression [found in the verses], “and hang (וְהוֹקַע) them” [lit., “and sink them”] (Num. 25:4), and, “and we will hang them (וְהוֹקַעְנוּם) ” [lit., “and we will sink them”] (II Sam. 21:6). They would thrust a pole into the ground, and hang the [guilty people] on it; in this way, [the ones hanged would appear as if] inserted and thrust into the ground [and thus the word קַעְקַע denoting “etched in and sunken” into the skin]; porpoynt in Old French [according to Greenberg, porpoint according to Gukovitzki]. קעקע: לשון (במדבר כה ד) והוקע אותם, (שמואל ב כא ו) והוקענום. תוחבין עץ בארץ ותולין אותם עליהם ונמצאו מחוקין ותחובין בקרקע, פורפויינ"ט בלע"ז [נעוץ]:
29You shall not defile your daughter by making her a harlot, lest the Land fall into harlotry and the land be filled with immorality. כטאַל־תְּחַלֵּ֥ל אֶת־בִּתְּךָ֖ לְהַזְנוֹתָ֑הּ וְלֹֽא־תִזְנֶ֣ה הָאָ֔רֶץ וּמָֽלְאָ֥ה הָאָ֖רֶץ זִמָּֽה:
You shall not defile your daughter by making her a harlot: [This is speaking of] a person who hands over his unmarried daughter to have relations that are not for the purpose of marriage.[Torath Kohanim 19:77; Sanh. 76a] אל תחלל את בתך להזנותה: במוסר בתו פנויה לביאה שלא לשם קידושין:
lest the Land fall into harlotry: Heb. וְלֹאתִזְנֶה, for if you do so, the Land itself will cause its fruits to go astray (מְזַנֶּה), producing them elsewhere and not in your Land. And thus the verse says (Jer. 3:2-3), “[and you defiled the Land with your harlotries (בִּזְנוּתַיִ) …] Therefore, the rains were withheld.” - [Torath Kohanim 19:77] ולא תזנה הארץ: אם אתה עושה כן הארץ מזנה את פירותיה לעשותן במקום אחר ולא בארצכם. וכן הוא אומר (ירמיה ג ג) וימנעו רביבים וגו':
30You shall observe My Sabbaths and revere My Sanctuary. I am the Lord. לאֶת־שַׁבְּתֹתַ֣י תִּשְׁמֹ֔רוּ וּמִקְדָּשִׁ֖י תִּירָ֑אוּ אֲנִ֖י יְהוָֹֽה:
And revere My Sanctuary: One may not enter [the Temple Mount] with his [walking] staff, his shoes, with his money belt, or with the dust on his feet.[Yev. 6b] And although I warn you regarding the [holiness of the] Sanctuary, [says God,] nevertheless-“You shall observe My Sabbaths”-the construction of the Sanctuary does not supersede [the laws of the] Sabbath. — [Yev. 6a]. ומקדשי תיראו: לא יכנס בהר הבית לא במקלו ולא במנעלו ובאפונדתו ובאבק שעל רגליו. ואף על פי שאני מזהירכם על המקדש, את שבתותי תשמורו אין בנין בית המקדש דוחה שבת:
31You shall not turn to [the sorcery of] Ov or Yid'oni; you shall not seek [these and thereby] defile yourselves through them. I am the Lord, your God. לאאַל־תִּפְנ֤וּ אֶל־הָֽאֹבֹת֙ וְאֶל־הַיִּדְּעֹנִ֔ים אַל־תְּבַקְשׁ֖וּ לְטָמְאָ֣ה בָהֶ֑ם אֲנִ֖י יְהוָֹ֥ה אֱלֹֽהֵיכֶֽם:
You shall not turn to [the sorcery of]: Ov or Yid’oni. This is a warning against one who practices the sorcery of Ov or Yid’oni. [And what are these forms of sorcery?] One who practices the sorcery of Ov is “Pithom the sorcerer” (see Rashi Deut. 18:11); [he communes with the dead, as it were, by raising the spirit of the dead, which then] speaks from his armpit. [And one who practices the sorcery of] Yid’oni inserts the bone of a creature called Yido’a (see Bartenura, Mishnah Kilayim 8:5) into his mouth, and the bone speaks [from there].-[Torath Kohanim 19:79; Sanh. 65b] אל תפנו אל האבת: אזהרה לבעל אוב וידעוני. בעל אוב זה פיתום המדבר משחיו. וידעוני מכניס עצם חיה ששמה ידוע לתוך פיו והעצם מדבר:
you shall not seek: to occupy yourselves with these [types of sorcery], for if you do occupy yourselves with them, you will become defiled before Me [says God], and I will deem you abominable. אל תבקשו: להיות עסוקים בם, שאם תעסקו בם אתם מיטמאין לפני ואני מתעב אתכם:
I am the Lord, your God: Know Whom you are exchanging for whom [i.e., you would be exchanging “the Lord, your God” for these futile sorceries]. — [Torath Kohanim 19:79] אני ה' אלהיכם: דעו את מי אתם מחליפין במי:
32You shall rise before a venerable person and you shall respect the elderly, and you shall fear your God. I am the Lord. לבמִפְּנֵ֤י שֵׂיבָה֙ תָּק֔וּם וְהָֽדַרְתָּ֖ פְּנֵ֣י זָקֵ֑ן וְיָרֵ֥אתָ מֵּֽאֱלֹהֶ֖יךָ אֲנִ֥י יְהוָֹֽה:
You shall rise before a venerable person: One might think [that the commandment refers to rising before] an old person, [even though he may be] guilty [of transgression]. Scripture, therefore, says, זָקֵן the term זָקֵן exclusively refers to one who has acquired wisdom [see Num. 11:16, where the same term refers to great, wise men, and therefore not guilty of transgression]. — [Torath Kohanim 19:80; Kid. 32b] מפני שיבה תקום: יכול זקן אשמאי, תלמוד לומר זקן, אין זקן אלא שקנה חכמה:
and you shall respect the elderly: What is meant by “respecting” [the elderly]? One may not sit in his place, speak in his stead [when it is the elder’s turn to speak], or contradict him. [Since one is obligated to rise before the elderly only when the latter enters within one’s four cubits,] one might think that he may close his eyes [when the elder approaches], as if he did not see him [and thus evade the obligation to rise before him]! Therefore Scripture adds here, “and you shall fear your God,” for this matter is privately known to the one who commits it, and no one knows about it except the person himself, and, concerning any matter known only in the heart [of one person,], Scripture says, “and you shall fear your God,” [for God knows man’s thoughts]. — [Torath Kohanim 19:80; Kid. 31b, 32b] והדרת פני זקן: איזהו הדור, לא ישב במקומו ולא ידבר במקומו ולא יסתור את דבריו. יכול יעצים עיניו כמי שלא ראהו, לכך נאמר ויראת מאלהיך, שהרי דבר זה מסור ללבו של עושהו, שאין מכיר בו אלא הוא, וכל דבר המסור ללב נאמר בו ויראת מאלהיך:
Tehillim: Psalms Chapters 44 - 48
Hebrew text
English text
Chapter 44
The psalmist cries and laments painfully over this bitter exile, where we and our Torah are shamed daily, when the nations say that God has exchanged us for another nation, and where we are considered as sheep for the slaughter, as a byword and taunt. It is therefore fitting that God redeem us, for the sake of His great Name that abides with us in exile.
1. For the Conductor, by the sons of Korach, a maskil.1
2. God, with our ears we have heard, our fathers have told us, of the deeds You wrought in their days, in the days of old.
3. You drove out nations with Your hand, and planted [Israel in their place]; You afflicted peoples and banished them.
4. For not by their sword did they inherit the land, and their own arm did not save them, but by Your right hand, Your arm and the light of Your countenance-for You favored them.
5. You are my king, O God; decree the salvation of Jacob.
6. Through You will we gore our adversaries; with Your Name we will trample our opponents.
7. For I do not trust in my bow, and my sword cannot save me.
8. For You have delivered us from our foes, and You shamed those who hate us.
9. In God we glory all day, and forever thank Your Name, Selah.
10. Though You abandon and disgrace us, and do not go forth with our armies;
11. You cause us to retreat from the oppressor, and those who hate us plunder for themselves;
12. You deliver us like sheep to be devoured, and scatter us among the nations;
13. You sell Your nation without gain, and do not set a high price upon them;
14. You make us a disgrace to our neighbors, the scorn and derision of those around us;
15. You make us a byword among the nations, [a cause for] nodding the head among the peoples;
16. all day long my humiliation is before me, and the shame of my face covers me
17. at the voice of the reviler and blasphemer, because of the foe and avenger-
18. all this has come upon us, yet we have not forgotten You, nor have we been false to Your covenant.
19. Our hearts have not retracted, nor have our steps strayed from Your path.
20. Even when You crushed us in the place of serpents, and shrouded us in the shadow of death-
21. did we forget the Name of our God, and extend our hands to a foreign god?
22. Is it not so that God can examine this, for He knows the secrets of the heart.
23. For it is for Your sake that we are killed all the time; we are regarded as sheep for the slaughter.
24. Arise! Why do You sleep, my Lord? Wake up! Do not abandon [us] forever!
25. Why do You conceal Your countenance and forget our affliction and distress?
26. For our souls are bowed to the dust, our bellies cleave to the earth.
27. Arise! Be our help, and redeem us for the sake of Your kindness.
1.A psalm intended to enlighten and impart knowledge(Metzudot).
Chapter 45
The psalmist composed this psalm referring to Moshiach. He describes his greatness, his attributes, his glory, his wealth, and his reign; and states that Israel anticipates him, remembering and saying in every generation, "When will King Moshiach come?"
1. For the Conductor, upon the shoshanim,1 By the sons of Korach; a maskil,2 a song of love.
2. My heart is astir with a noble theme; I say, "My composition is for the king;3my tongue is the pen of a skillful scribe.”
3. You are the most handsome of men, charm is poured upon your lips; therefore has God blessed you forever.
4. Gird your sword upon your thigh, O mighty one-it is your majesty and splendor.
5. And with your splendor, succeed and ride on for the sake of truth and righteous humility; and your right hand will guide you to awesome deeds.
6. Your arrows are sharpened-nations fall beneath you-[the arrows fall] into the hearts of the king's enemies.
7. Your throne, O ruler, is forever and ever, [for] the scepter of justice is the scepter of your kingdom.
8. You love righteousness and hate wickedness; therefore has God, your God, anointed you with oil of joy above your peers.
9. Myrrh, aloes and cassia are [the fragrance] of all your garments, which are from ivory palaces that bring you joy.
10. Daughters of kings visit you, and the queen stands erect at your right hand, adorned in the fine gold of Ophir.
11. Hear, O daughter, and observe, incline your ear; forget your people and your father's house.
12. Then the king will desire your beauty. He is your master-bow to him.
13. The daughter of Tyre, the wealthiest of nations, will seek your favor with a gift.
14. All the glory of the princess is within; her clothing surpasses settings of gold.
15. In embroidered garments she will be brought to the king; the maidens in her train, her companions, will be led to you.
16. They will be brought with gladness and joy, they will enter the palace of the king.
17. Your sons will succeed your fathers; you will appoint them ministers throughout the land.
18. I will cause Your Name to be remembered throughout the generations; therefore will the nations praise You forever and ever.
1.A musical instrument shaped like a shoshana, a rose (Metzudot).
2.A psalm intended to enlighten and impart knowledge(Metzudot).
3.Reffering to the Messiah. (Metzudot).
Chapter 46
This psalm tells of the Gog and Magog era (the Messianic age), when man will cast aside his weapons, and warfare will be no more.
1. For the Conductor, by the sons of Korach, on the alamot,1 a song.
2. God is our refuge and strength, a help in distress, He is most accessible.
3. Therefore, we will not be afraid when the earth is transformed, when mountains collapse in the heart of the seas;
4. when its waters roar and are muddied, and mountains quake before His grandeur, Selah.
5. The river2-its streams will bring joy to the city of God, the sacred dwelling of the Most High.
6. God is in her midst, she will not falter; God will help her at the approach of morning.
7. Nations clamor, kingdoms stumble; He raises His voice and the earth dissolves.
8. The Lord of Hosts is with us; the God of Jacob is our stronghold forever.
9. Go and see the works of the Lord, Who has wrought devastation in the land.
10. To the end of the earth He causes wars to cease; He breaks the bow, snaps the spear, and burns the wagons in fire.
11. Stop [waging war]! And know that I am God; I will be exalted among the nations, exalted upon the earth.
12. The Lord of Hosts is with us; the God of Jacob is our stronghold forever.
1.A musical instrument (Rashi)
2.Flowing from Eden (Rashi)
Chapter 47
Following the battle of Gog and Magog (in the Messianic era), war will be no more. God will grant us salvation, and we will merit to go up to the Holy Temple for the festivals, Amen.
1. For the Conductor, a psalm by the sons of Korach.
2. All you nations, clap hands; sound [the shofar] to God with a sound of jubilation.
3. For the Lord is most high, awesome; a great King over all the earth.
4. He subdues peoples under us, nations beneath our feet.
5. He chooses our heritage for us, the glory of Jacob whom He loves eternally.
6. God ascends through teruah, the Lord-through the sound of the shofar.
7. Sing, O sing to God; sing, O sing to our King.
8. For God is King over all the earth; sing, O man of understanding.
9. God reigns over the nations; God is seated on His holy throne.
10. The most noble of the nations are gathered, the nation of the God of Abraham; for the protectors of the earth belong to God; He is greatly exalted.
Chapter 48
The psalmist prophesies about the Messianic era, singing the praises of a rebuilt Jerusalem and the sacrifices brought there. At that time Israel will say, "As we heard from the mouths of the prophets, so have we merited to see!"
1. A song, a psalm by the sons of Korach.
2. The Lord is great and exceedingly acclaimed in the city of God, His holy mountain.
3. Beautiful in landscape, the joy of the whole earth is Mount Zion, on the northern slopes, the city of the great King.
4. In her citadels, God became known as a tower of strength.
5. For behold, the kings assembled, they advanced in concert [to invade her].
6. They saw [the wonders of the Almighty] and were astounded; they were terror-stricken, they hastened to flee.
7. Trembling seized them there, pangs as of a woman in the throes of labor;
8. [they were crushed as] by an east wind that shatters the ships of Tarshish.
9. As we have heard, so have we seen, in the city of the Lord of Hosts, in the city of our God; may God establish it for all eternity.
10. God, we have been hoping for Your kindness [to be revealed] within Your Sanctuary.
11. As Your Name, O God, [is great,] so is Your praise to the ends of the earth; Your right hand is filled with righteousness.
12. Let Mount Zion rejoice, let the towns of Judah exult, because of Your judgments.
13. Walk around Zion, encircle her, count her towers.
14. Consider well her ramparts, behold her lofty citadels, that you may recount it to a later generation.
15. For this God is our God forever and ever; He will lead us eternally.
Tanya: Likutei Amarim, end of Chapter 45
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Thursday, Iyar 8, 5777 · May 4, 2017
Today's Tanya Lesson
Likutei Amarim, end of Chapter 45
The Alter Rebbe goes on to explain that it was our forefather Jacob whose entreaties secured an abundance of divine compassion for all Jews, throughout the generations. Even when their misdeeds cast them into exile, they are able through their study of Torah and performance of mitzvot to be raised from this state and become reunited with the Ein Sof.
וזה שאמר הכתוב: וישק יעקב לרחל וישא את קולו ויבך, כי רחל היא כנסת ישראל, מקור כל הנשמות
This is the meaning of the verse:1 “And Jacob kissed Rachel and lifted up his voice and wept.” For Rachel is Knesset Israel, the community of Israel, the fount of all souls; Rachel represents the supernal attribute of Malchut of Atzilut, the source of all Jewish souls.
ויעקב, במדתו העליונה שהיא מדת הרחמים שבאצילות, הוא המעורר רחמים רבים עליה
And Jacob — with his supernal attribute, the attribute of Mercy of Atzilut — is the one who arouses great compassion for her, for Rachel, the source of all Jewish souls.
וישא את קולו: למעלה, למקור הרחמים העליונים
“And he lifted up his voice” — upwards, to the fount of the Higher Mercies, to the source of the Thirteen Divine Attributes of Mercy.
The Thirteen Divine Attributes of Mercy are far loftier than the supernal attribute of Mercy of Atzilut. For the latter is but an attribute of a spiritual world, and is hence bounded, while the Thirteen Divine Attributes of Mercy, transcending all worlds, are boundless. They are the fount of all mercies, including the level called the Mercy of Atzilut.
הנקרא אב הרחמים ומקורם
Indeed, they are called the “Father of Mercies,” and their source;
The supernal attribute of Mercy of Atzilut is known as Av Harachaman (“the Merciful Father”), while the Thirteen Divine Attributes of Mercy are called Av Harachamim (“the Father and source of Mercy”).2 (It is for this reason that on especially propitious occasions, the term Av Harachamim is used in the prayers, rather than Av Harachaman.)
This, then, is the meaning of “And Jacob lifted up...”: Jacob elevates his supernal attribute, the Mercy of Atzilut, to the level of the Mercies of the Thirteen Divine Attributes of Mercy. The verse goes on to say:
ויבך: לעורר ולהמשיך משם רחמים רבים על כל הנשמות, ועל מקור כנסת ישראל
“and he wept” — in order to awaken and draw from there, from the boundless Divine Mercies, abundant compassion upon all the souls and upon the fount of the community of Israel,
להעלותן מגלותן, ולייחדן ביחוד העליון, אור אין סוף ברוך הוא, בבחינת נשיקין
to raise them from their exile3 and to unite them in the Yichud Elyon (Higher Unity) of the light of the blessed Ein Sof, at the level of “kisses”,
שהיא אתדבקות רוחא ברוחא, כמו שכתוב: ישקני מנשיקות פיהו
which is “the attachment of spirit with spirit,” as it is written,4 “Let Him kiss me with the kisses of His mouth,”
The community of Israel begs of the Almighty that He unite with them in a manner of “kisses”. In the case of “kisses of the mouth” there is not only an external union of mouth and mouth, but also a more internal union, that of “spirit” (breath) and “spirit” (breath). And so it is regarding this manner of unity of Jews with G‑d, which is brought about by Torah and mitzvot.
דהיינו: התקשרות דבור האדם בדבר ה׳, זו הלכה, וכן מחשבה במחשבה
which means the union of the word of man who studies Torah with5 “the word of G‑d, namely, the Halachah,” which is G‑d’s speech. This union resembles the “kisses of the mouth.” So too, through thinking Torah thoughts, mortal thought is united with divine thought,
ומעשה במעשה, שהוא מעשה המצות
and so too, mortal action is united with Divine action, through active observance of the commandments,
ובפרט: מעשה הצדקה והחסד
and, in particular, the practice of charity and lovingkindness.
דחסד: דרועא ימינא
For6 “Chesed (‘kindness’) is the [Divine] right arm,” and man’s kindness is a fitting vessel for G‑d’s kindness,7
והוא בחינת חיבוק ממש
and this is, as it were, an actual embrace,
Just as in physical terms an embrace manifests one’s love of the beloved, so too, so to speak, G‑d’s kindness embraces the Jew who performs acts of charity and lovingkindness.8
כמו שכתוב: וימינו תחבקני
as it is written:9 “And His right arm — Divine kindness — embraces me,”
ועסק התורה בדבור ומחשבת העיון הן בחינת נשיקין ממש
while one’s occupation in the Torah by word of mouth and concentrated thought constitutes the level of actual “kisses”.10
The unity of Jew and G‑d accomplished through speech and thought of Torah — “actual kisses” — is twofold: the external level of kisses, mouth to mouth, is attained through the words of Torah, while the internal level of kisses, spirit to spirit, is attained through concentrated thinking on one’s Torah studies.
והנה על ידי זה
In this way, through arousal of deep compassion for his soul, which brings about the study of Torah and the performance ofmitzvot,
יכול לבוא לבחינת אהבה רבה בהתגלות לבו
one is able to attain the level of Ahavah Rabbah (“great love”) in the consciousness of his heart — his intense love of G‑d will be palpable,
כדכתיב: ליעקב אשר פדה את אברהם
as it is written,11 “Of Jacob, who redeemed Abraham,”
In the context of man’s spiritual service Abraham denotes man’s love of G‑d, while Jacob symbolizes the attribute of compassion. When “Abraham” — the individual’s love for G‑d — is hidden and must be “redeemed” and revealed, it is “Jacob” — the attribute of compassion — that brings about this redemption. The arousal of profound compassion for one’s soul enables his latent love of G‑d to become manifest,
כמו שכתוב במקום אחר
as is explained elsewhere.
1.Bereishit 29:11.
2.Likkutei Torah, Devarim 62d. (— Note of the Rebbe).
3.The Rebbe notes that in the glosses of the Tzemach Tzedek to Eichah (p. 23), he cites this text as stating “to raise them from their descent” (rather than “from their exile”). That is to say, through Torah and mitzvot Jewish souls are raised up from their descent.
4.Shir HaShirim 1:2.
5.Shabbat 138b.
6.Tikkunei Zohar, Introduction, p. 17a.
7.The Rebbe quotes Iggeret HaKodesh, Epistle 32, wherein the Alter Rebbe says: “and the whole body is included in the right side.” This serves as an explanation, says the Rebbe, as to why the Alter Rebbe says “in particular, the practice of charity and lovingkindness.” They are singled out because “the whole body is included in the right side.”
8.The Rebbe explains that by using the term “actual embrace” the Alter Rebbe forestalls the following question: It was taught in ch. 4 that Torah study is also likened to an embrace from G‑d; what, then, is the distinctive merit of tzedakah? The Alter Rebbe therefore writes that tzedakah is not merely likened to an embrace: it is an “actual embrace.”
9.Shir HaShirim 2:6.
10.The Rebbe explains that by using the term “actual kisses” the Alter Rebbe anticipates the following question: The performance of mitzvot, too, is often likened to a kiss, as previously mentioned. He therefore writes “actual kisses”: Torah study is not merely likened to kisses, but constitutes “actual kisses.”
11.Yeshayahu 29:22.
• Sefer Hamitzvos:
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Thursday, Iyar 8, 5777 · May 4, 2017
Today's Mitzvah
A daily digest of Maimonides’ classic work "Sefer Hamitzvot"
Negative Commandment 107
Switching the Sacrificial Designation of an Animal
"No one shall sanctify it"—Leviticus 27:26.
It is forbidden to switch the sacrificial designation of an animal; e.g., to take an animal designated as a Peace Offering and render it a Guilt Offering, or to take a Guilt Offering and switch it to a Sin Offering.
Full text of this Mitzvah »
Switching the Sacrificial Designation of an Animal
Negative Commandment 107
Translated by Berel Bell
The 107th prohibition is that we are forbidden from changing an animal designated as one category of sacrifice into another category — such as changing a peace-offering into a burnt-offering or a guilt-offering into a sin-offering. To do this or anything like it is a prohibition.
The source of this prohibition is G‑d's statement1 (exalted be He) regarding a firstborn animal, "A person may not sanctify it." The Oral Tradition explains:2"The verse 'A person may not sanctify it' — as [another type of] a sacrifice."
The Sifra says: "[From this verse] I only know that a firstborn animal may not be changed from one level of sanctity to another. What is the source that this law applies to other sanctified animals? From the phrase 'from the animals — a person may not consecrate it.' "
This statement alludes to the verse,3 "A firstling animal that must be sacrificed as a firstborn offering to G‑d from the animals — a person may not sanctify it." [The superfluous phrase "from the animals" makes it] as if the verse says, "any type of animal which is an offering to G‑d may not be sanctified with another type of sanctity. Rather, it must be left as is."
The details of this mitzvah are explained in the 5th chapter of tractate Temurah.
1.Ibid., 27:26.
2.Erachin 29a.
3.Lev., ibid.

Positive Commandment 107
Ritual Impurity Contracted through Contact with a Corpse
We are commanded regarding the ritual impurity contracted through contact with a human corpse. [I.e., if contracted, one must follow all the laws associated with this impurity.]
Full text of this Mitzvah »
Ritual Impurity Contracted through Contact with a Corpse
Positive Commandment 107
Translated by Berel Bell
The 107th mitzvah1 is that we are commanded regarding the tumah conveyed by a dead body.2 This mitzvah includes all the laws relating to tumas meis.3
1.In the order given here, following the order of Mishneh Torah, P107 is the first of the commandments dealing with tumah and taharah (ritual purity and impurity). In the order of Sefer HaMitzvos, however, P96 is the first of these mitzvos, and there the Rambam gives a general introduction to all these mitzvos.
2.Num. 19:11ff.
3.Such as which parts of the body convey tumah, how it is conveyed, etc. See Hilchos Tumas Meis.
• 1 Chapter: Sechirut Sechirut - Chapter 11 
Sechirut - Chapter 11
It is a positive commandment to pay a worker his wage on time, as Deuteronomy 24:15 states: "On the day it is due, pay him his wage." If an employer delays payment, he violates a negative commandment, as that verse continues: "Do not let the sun set without him receiving it." Lashes are not given for the violation of this prohibition, for he is liable to pay.
This principle applies to the wage of a person or the fee for hiring an animal or a utensil. In all these instances, one is obligated to make payment when due, and if one delays payment, one violates a negative commandment.
The obligation to pay a wage when due applies to a resident alien, but one does not transgress a negative commandment if one delays paying him.
מצות עשה ליתן שכר השכיר בזמנו שנאמר ביומו תתן שכרו וגו' ואם איחרו לאחר זמנו עובר בל"ת שנאמר ולא תבוא עליו השמש ואין לוקין עליו שהרי הוא חייב לשלם אחד שכר האדם ואחד שכר הבהמה ואחד שכר הכלים חייב ליתן בזמנו ואם איחר לאחר זמן עובר בל"ת וגר תושב יש בו משום ביומו תתן שכרו ואם איחרו אינו עובר בל"ת:
Whenever a person withholds the payment of a worker's wage, it is as if he takes his soul from him, as Deuteronomy 24:16 continues: "Because of it, he puts his life in his hand." He violates four admonitions and a positive commandment: He transgresses the commandments not to oppress a colleague, not to steal, not to hold overnight the wage of a worker and not to allow the sun to set before having paid him, and the positive commandment to pay him on time.
When are a worker's wages due? A person who is hired to work during the day should collect his wages at any time throughout the following night. With regard to him, Leviticus 19:13 states: "Do not hold the wage of a worker in your possession overnight until the morning."
A person who is hired to work during the night should collect his wages at any time throughout the following day. Concerning him, it is written: "On the day it is due, pay him his wage."
A person who is hired to work several hours during the day should collect his wage during the remainder of the day. A person who is hired to work several hours during the night, should collect his wage during the remainder of the night.
The following principles apply with regard to a person hired for a week, for a month, for a year or for a seven-year period. If he leaves his work during the day, he should collect his wage during the remainder of the day. If he leaves his work during the night, he should collect his wage during the remainder of the night.
כל הכובש שכר שכיר כאילו נטל נפשו ממנו שנאמר ואליו הוא נושא את נפשו ועובר בארבע אזהרות ועשה עובר משום בל תעשוק ומשום בל תגזול ומשום לא תלין פעולת שכיר ומשום לא תבא עליו השמש ומשום ביומו תתן שכרו אי זהו זמנו שכיר יום גובה כל הלילה ועליו נאמר לא תלין פעולת שכיר אתך עד בקר ושכיר לילה גובה כל היום ועליו נאמר ביומו תתן שכרו ושכיר שעות של יום גובה כל היום ושכיר שעות של לילה גובה כל הלילה שכיר שבת שכיר חדש שכיר שנה שכיר שבוע יצא ביום גובה כל היום יצא בלילה גובה כל (אותו) הלילה:
If a person gives his garment to a tailor, and the tailor completes it and notifies him, the owner does not transgress this commandment as long as the garment is in the possession of the tailor. This applies even if he delays paying him for ten days.
If the tailor returned it in the middle of the day, once the sun sets, the employer transgresses the commandment for holding the worker' s wage past its due date. For contracting work is governed by the same laws as hired labor, and the craftsman must be paid when his wage is
נתן טליתו לאומן וגמרה והודיעו אפילו איחרו עשרה ימים כל זמן שהכלי ביד האומן אינו עובר נתנה בחצי היום כיון ששקעה עליו חמה עובר משום בל תלין שהקבלנות כשכירות היא וחייב ליתן לו בזמנו:
The following rules apply when a person tells his agent: "Go out and hire workers for me," and the agent tells them: "The employer is responsible for your wages." They both do not transgress the prohibition against delaying payment of the worker's wages. The owner is not culpable, because he did not hire them, and the agent is not culpable, because he does not benefit from the workers' activity. If, however, the agent did not tell them: "The employer is responsible for your wages," the agent is considered to be transgressing the prohibition.
The employer does not transgress this prohibition unless the worker demanded payment and he did not give it to him. If, however, the worker did not demand payment or he demanded payment and the employer did not have the money to pay him, or he directed the worker to another person who accepted the responsibility of paying him, the employer is not culpable.
האומר לשלוחו צא ושכור לי פועלים אמר להם שכרכם על בעה"ב שניהם אינן עוברין משום בל תלין זה לפי שלא שכרן וזה לפי שאין פעולתן אצלו ואם לא אמר להם שכרכם על בעל הבית השליח עובר אין השוכר עובר אלא בזמן שתבעו השכיר ולא נתן לו אבל אם לא תבעו או שתבעו ולא היה לו מה יתן לו או שהמחהו אצל אחר וקבל ה"ז פטור:
When a person delays payment of a worker's wages until after they are due, he is liable to pay him immediately, although he has already violated the positive and the negative commandment mentioned above. Throughout the time he delays payment, he transgresses a Rabbinic commandment, as alluded to by Proverbs 3:28: "Do not tell your colleague, 'Go and return for tomorrow I will pay.'
המשהה שכר שכיר עד אחר זמנו אע"פ שכבר עבר בעשה ול"ת ה"ז חייב ליתן מיד וכל עת שישהה עובר על לאו של דבריהם שנאמר אל תאמר לרעך לך ושוב:
The following rules apply whenever a worker who was hired in the presence of witnesses demands payment from his employer at the appointed time, the owner claims to have paid the wage, and the worker claims not to have received it. Our Sages ordained that, while holding a sacred object, the worker should take an oath that he did not receive his wage. He may then collect it according to the laws governing all those who take oaths and then collect their due.
The rationale for this ruling is that the employer is busy managing his workers and the worker is pinning his soul on his wage. Even if the worker is a minor, the worker may take an oath and collect his wage.
Different rules apply when the employer hired the worker without witnesses observing. Since the employer could say: "Such a thing never happened; I never hired you," we accept his claim when he says: "I hired you, and I paid you." Hence, the employer must take a sh'vuat hesset if he denies owing anything to the worker or a Scriptural oath if he admits a portion of his claim, as applies in all other suits. If there is one witness who testifies that the worker was hired, it is of no consequence.
Similarly, if the worker demands payment after the day on which his wage is due, we follow the principle: "A person who wishes to expropriate money from a colleague must prove his claim." This applies even if there are witnesses that the employer hired him. If he does not prove his claim, the employer may support his claim with a sh'vuat hesset and be freed of liability. If the worker proves that he has been continually demanding payment, he may take an oath and collect his wage on the day on which he demands payment.
What is implied? The worker performed labor for the employer on Monday until the evening. The time he should be paid is Monday night. On Tuesday, he can no longer take an oath and collect his wage. If he brings witnesses who testify that he demanded his wage throughout Monday night, he may take an oath and collect his wage throughout the day on Tuesday, but from Tuesday night onward, we follow the principle: "A person who wishes to expropriate money from a colleague must prove his claim."
Similarly, if he has witnesses who testify that he had demanded his wage until Thursday, he may take an oath and collect his wage throughout the day on Thursday.
כל שכיר ששכרו בעדים ותבעו בזמנו ואמר בעל הבית נתתי לך שכרך והשכיר אומר לא נטלתי כלום תקנו חכמים שישבע השכיר בנקיטת חפץ ויטול כדין כל נשבע ונוטל מפני שבעל הבית טרוד בפועליו וזה השכיר נושא נפשו לזה אפילו היה השכיר קטן השכיר נשבע ונוטל שכרו שלא בעדים מתוך שיכול לומר לא היו דברים מעולם ולא שכרתיך נאמן לומר שכרתיך ונתתי לך שכרך וישבע בעל הבית היסת שנתן או שבועת התורה אם הודה במקצת כשאר הטענות היה לו עד אחד ששכרו אינו מועיל לו כלום וכן אם תבעו אחר זמנו אף על פי ששכרו בעדים המוציא מחבירו עליו הראייה ואם לא הביא ראייה ישבע בעל הבית היסת הביא ראייה שתבעו כל זמנו ה"ז נשבע ונוטל כל אותו היום של תביעה כיצד היה עושה עמו ביום שני עד הערב זמנו כל ליל שלישי וביום השלישי אינו נשבע ונוטל ואם הביא עדים שהיה תובעו כל ליל שלישי ה"ז נשבע ונוטל כל יום שלישי אבל מליל רביעי והלאה המוציא מחבירו עליו הראייה וכן אם הביא עדים שהיה תובעו והולך עד יום ה' ה"ז נשבע ונוטל כל יום ה':
The following rules apply when there is a difference between the employer and the worker with regard to the wage promised - e.g., the employer states "I promised you two zuz" and the worker states: "You promised me three."
In this instance, our Sages did not entitle the worker to support his claim with an oath. Instead, they applied the principle: "A person who wishes to expropriate money from a colleague must prove his claim," If the worker did not prove his claim, even though the employer already gave him the two zuz he admits owing him or says: "Here is your money," the employer must take an oath holding a sacred object. This oath was ordained by the Sages so that the worker will not depart with an unsatisfied soul.
When does the above apply? When the employer hired the worker in the presence of witnesses who did not know the wage they agreed on, and also when the worker demanded his wage on time. If, however, the employer hired the worker without this being observed by witnesses or the worker demanded payment after the time for payment passed, the employer is required to take only a sh'vuat hesset that he agreed to pay him no more than he already gave him or no more than he admits to owe him and told him that he was willing to pay, as is true with regard to all other claims.
בעה"ב אומר שתים קצצתי לך והשכיר אומר שלש קצצת לי לא תקנו חכמים שישבע השכיר כאן אלא המוציא מחבירו עליו הראייה ואם לא הביא ראיה אע"פ שכבר נתן לו שתים או שאמר לו הילך הרי בעל הבית נשבע בנקיטת חפץ ודבר זה תקנת חכמים הוא כדי שלא ילך השכיר בפחי נפש במה דברים אמורים בששכרו בעדים ולא ידעו כמה פסק לו ותבעו בזמנו אבל אם שכרו שלא בעדים או שתבעו אחר זמנו ישבע בעה"ב היסת שלא קצץ לו אלא מה שכבר נתן לו או שלא נשאר לו אצלו אלא זה שאמר לו הילך כדין כל הטענות:
The following rules apply when a person gives a garment to a tailor to mend, and a difference of opinion arises concerning the payment due the tailor. The tailor says: "You promised me two zuz," and the owner says: "I promised to pay only one."
As long as the garment is in the possession of the tailor, and he would be able to claim that he purchased it, the tailor is given the opportunity of taking an oath while holding a sacred object and collecting the amount he claims. He may claim up to the amount of the article's worth as his wage. Once the garment has departed from his possession, or in a situation when we would not presume that he is the owner and he cannot claim that he purchased the garment, we follow the principle: "A person who wishes to expropriate money from a colleague must prove his claim." If he does not bring proof of his claim, the owner of the garment is required to take a sh'vuat hesset if he denies owing the tailor anything more than he paid him or a Scriptural oath if he admits a portion of the tailor's claim, as is the law with regard to other claims. Such a situation is not governed by the special leniencies granted with regard to the laws applying to a worker.
הנותן טליתו לאומן אומן אומר ב' קצצת לי והלה אומר לא קצצתי אלא אחד כל זמן שהטלית ביד האומן אם יכול לטעון שהיא לקוחה בידו הרי האומן נשבע בנקיטת חפץ ונוטל ויכול לטעון שהיא בשכרו עד כדי דמיה ואם יצאת טלית מתחת ידו או שאין לו בה חזקה ואינו יכול לטעון שהיא לקוחה בידו המוציא מחבירו עליו הראייה ואם לא הביא ראייה ישבע בעל הטלית היסת או שבועת התורה אם הודה במקצת כדין כל הטענות שאין זה כדין השכיר:
When a worker comes to take an oath, we do not deal severely with him, nor is he required to take an oath with regard to other claims based on the principle of gilgul sh'vuah. Instead, he takes an oath that he did not receive payment and collects his due.
We are not lenient with any other people who come to take oaths, with the exception of a worker. In his case, we are lenient and invite him to take the oath, saying: "Do not cause yourself exasperation. Take the oath and collect your due."
Even when his wage is only a p'rutah, if the owner claims to have paid him already, he should collect it only after taking an oath. Similarly, whenever a person takes an oath and collects his due, even if the claim is only one p'rutah, he may not collect it unless he takes an oath resembling one required by Scriptural Law.
שכיר הבא להשבע אין מחמירין עליו ואין מגלגלין עליו כלל אלא נשבע שלא נטל ויטול ולכל הנשבעין אין מקילין חוץ מן השכיר שמקילין עליו ופותחין לו תחלה ואומרים לו אל תצער עצמך השבע וטול אפילו היה שכרו פרוטה אחת ובעה"ב אומר נתתיה לא יטול אלא בשבועה וכן כל הנשבע ונוטל אפילו לא יטעון אלא פרוטה אחת לא יטול אותה אלא בשבועה כעין של תורה:
• 3 Chapters: Temurah Temurah - Perek 4, Tum'at Met Tum'at Met - Chapter 1, Tum'at Met Tum'at Met - Chapter 2
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Temurah - Perek 4
What are the laws pertaining to the offspring of consecrated animals? The offspring of an animal consecrated as a peace-offering and the offspring of an animal to which the holiness of a peace-offering was transferred are like peace-offerings and they should be treated like peace-offerings in all respects. Similarly, the offspring of an animal consecrated as a thanksgiving-offering and the offspring of an animal to which the holiness of a thanksgiving-offering was transferred should be sacrificed like a thanksgiving-offering, except that they do not require bread. For bread is brought only for a thanksgiving-offering itself. This is derived from Leviticus 7:12 which states: "He shall offer on the slaughtering of the thanksgiving-offering...." Implied is on its slaughtering, and not on the slaughtering of its offspring or on that of an animal to which its holiness was transferred, as we explained.
To what does the above apply? To the offspring themselves. But the offspring of the offspring should not be sacrificed. From his conduct, it is obvious that he is delaying their offering to raise herds from them. Hence, he is penalized and should not offer them.
כיצד דין ולדות הקדשים ולד שלמים ולד תמורת שלמים הרי אלו כשלמים והן עצמן כשלמים לכל דבר וכן ולד התודה ולד תמורה הרי אלו יקרבו כתודה אלא שאינן טעונין לחם שאין מביאין לחם אלא עם התודה עצמה שנאמר על זבח התודה עליו ולא על ולדה ולא על תמורתה כמו שביארנו במה דברים אמורים בולדות עצמן אבל ולדי ולדות אינן קריבין שמתוך מעשיו ניכר שהוא משהה אותן לגדל מהן עדרים עדרים ולפיכך קונסין אותו ולא יקריבם:
The offspring of a sin-offering, and, needless to say, the offspring of an animal to which the holiness of a sin offering was transferred, should be consigned to death.
ולד החטאת ימות ואין צריך לומר ולד תמורתה:
If a person slaughters an animal offered as a sin-offering and discovers that it was carrying a four-month old fetus that was alive, it may be eaten like the meat of the sin-offering. For the offspring of consecrated animals while they are in their mother's womb are like the consecrated animals themselves.
השוחט את החטאת ומצא בה בן ארבעה חי הרי זו נאכלת כבשר החטאת שולדי הקדשים במעי אמן הם קדושים:
The offspring of an animal to which the holiness of a guilt-offering was transferred, the offspring of its offspring, and so too until the end of time should be allowed to pasture until they contract a disqualifying blemish. Then they should be sold and the proceeds used to purchase freewill offerings. If the animal to which the holiness of the guilt-offering was transferred gave birth to a male after the guilt-offering is sacrificed, the offspring itself should be sacrificed as a burnt-offering.If one set aside a female animal as a guilt-offering and it gave birth, it and its offspring should be allowed to pasture until they become blemished. Then they should be sold and the person's guilt-offering purchased with the proceeds of the sale. If he already sacrificed his guilt-offering, the proceeds of their sale should be used to purchase freewill offerings.
ולד תמורת האשם וולד ולדה עד סוף העולם ירעו עד שיפול בהם מום וימכרו ויפלו דמיהן לנדבה ואם ילדה זכר אחר שהקריב אשמו הולד עצמו יקרב עולה הפריש נקבה לאשמו וילדה תרעה היא ובנה עד שיפול בהן מום וימכרו ויביא בדמי שניהם אשמו ואם כבר הקריב אשמו יפלו דמיהן לנדבה:
The male offspring of an animal to which the holiness of a burnt-offering was transferred, the offspring of its offspring, and so too until the end of time are considered as burnt-offerings and should themselves be offered as burnt-offerings.
If one set aside a female as a burnt-offering and it gave birth, even though it gave birth to a male, the offspring should be allowed to pasture until it contracts a disqualifying blemish and then the proceeds of the sale should be used to bring a burnt-offering.
We already explained in Hilchot Ma'aseh HaKorbanot that whenever we use the expression "the proceeds of the sale should be used to purchase freewill offerings" the intent is that the money should be placed in the chests that existed in the Temple whose number we explained in Hilchot Shekalim. The court sacrifices freewill burnt-offerings with that money. The accompanying offeringsare brought from communal funds and they do not require semichah. Whenever, by contrast, we use the expression "it itself should be offered as a burnt-offering" or "he should bring a burnt-offering with the proceeds," the sacrifice requires semichah and the owner must bring the accompanying offerings.
ולד תמורת העולה וולד ולדה עד סוף העולם הרי אלו כעולה והן עצמן יקרבו עולה הפריש נקבה לעולתו וילדה אע"פ שילדה זכר ירעה עד שיפול בו מום ויביא בדמיו עולה כבר ביארנו במעשה הקרבנות שכל מקום שאנו אומרין יפלו לנדבה הוא שיתן המעות בשופרות שהיו במקדש שביארנו בשקלים כמה הם ובית דין מקריבין באותן המעות עולות נדבה ונסכיהם משל צבור ואינן טעונות סמיכה אבל מקום שנאמר הוא עצמו יקרב עולה או יביא בדמיו עולה הרי זו טעונה סמיכה ונסכיה משלו:
The offspring born to an animal selected as a tithe offering, the offspring of an animal to which the holiness of a tithe offering was transferred, and the offspring of an animal to which the holiness of a firstborn animal was transferred, and the offspring of their offspring until the end of time should not be offered. Instead, they should be allowed to pasture until they contract a disqualifying blemish and then they should be eaten according to the laws applying to a blemished firstborn animal and tithe offering.
The offspring of an animal to which the holiness of a firstborn animal was transferred belongs to the priest. The offspring of an animal selected as a tithe offering and the offspring of an animal to which the holiness of a animal designated as a tithe offering was transferred belong to the owner.
ולד המעשר [וולד] תמורת המעשר ולד תמורת הבכור וולדי ולדותיהן עד סוף העולם הרי אלו לא יקרבו אלא ירעו עד שיפול בהן מום ויאכלו כבכור וכמעשר שנפל בהן מום ולדות תמורת הבכור לכהן ולדות מעשר ותמורתו לבעליו:
The laws that apply to the offspring of an animal to which the holiness of a Paschal sacrifice was transferred are the same as those applying to an animal to which the holiness of a Paschal sacrifice was transferred itself. If its mother should be sacrificed as a peace-offering, its offspring should be offered as a peace-offering. If the law was that the mother should be allowed to pasture until it contracts a blemish and then be sold and the proceeds used to purchase a peace-offering, this same law applies to its offspring.
If one designated a female for one's Paschal sacrifice and it gave birth or he designated it for that sacrifice while pregnant, it and its offspring should be allowed to pasture until they contract a disqualifying blemish and a Paschal sacrifice should be brought with the proceeds of their sale. If this female remained unblemished until after Pesach or it gave birth after Pesach, it and its offspring should be allowed to pasture until they contract a disqualifying blemish and a peace-offering should be brought with the proceeds of their sale.
ולד תמורת הפסח כתמורת הפסח אם היתה אמו קריבה שלמים ולדה יקרב שלמים ואם היה דינה שתמכר ויביא בדמיה שלמים אף ולדה נמכר ויביא בדמיו שלמים הפריש נקבה לפסחו וילדה או שהפרישה מעוברת היא וולדה ירעו עד שיפול בהן מום ויביא בדמיהן פסח ואם נשארה נקבה זו עד אחר הפסח או שילדה אחר הפסח תרעה היא וולדה עד שיפול בהן מום ויביא בדמיהן שלמים:
When the offspring of sacrificial animals were born through Caesarian section, as a tumtum, an androgynus, a hybrid, or a tereifah, they should be redeemed and a sacrificial animal that is fit to be brought with the money from the sale of these offspring should be brought.
ולדות הקדשים שיצאו דרך דופן או שילדו טומטום ואנדרוגינוס וכלאים וטריפה הרי אלו יפדו ויביא בדמיהן קרבן הראוי להביא בדמי ולד של זו:
The offspring of a blemished consecrated animal is like the offspring of an unblemished consecrated animal in all respects and it should be offered in the appropriate manner.
ולד בעלת מום הרי הוא כולד התמימה לכל דבר ויקרב כראוי לו:
When a consecrated animal discharges a stillborn animal or a placenta, it should be buried and it is forbidden to benefit from it.
קדשים שהפילו נפל או שלייא יקברו והרי הם אסורים בהנאה:
A person who changes the purpose for which an article was consecrated from one holy purpose to another violates a prohibition. This is derived from Leviticus 27:26 which states with regard to a firstborn animal: "A person may not consecrate it," i.e., he may not designate it as a burnt-offering or a peace-offering. The same applies to other consecrated animals. They may not be changed to a purpose other than that for which they were originally consecrated. This applies both to animals consecrated for the altar and animals consecrated for the improvement of the Temple.
What is implied? If an article was consecrated for the improvement of the Temple Sanctuary, it should not be changed and the money used for the improvement of the altar. Similar laws apply in all analogous situations. One is not liable for lashes for the violation of this prohibition.
המשנה את הקדשים מקדושה לקדושה עובר בלא תעשה שנאמר בבכור לא יקדיש איש אותו שלא יעשנו עולה או שלמים והוא הדין לשאר הקדשים שאין משנין אותן מקדושה לקדושה אחד קדשי מזבח ואחד קדשי בדק הבית כיצד אם הקדיש לבדק ההיכל לא ישנה לבדק המזבח וכן כל כיוצא בזה ואין לוקין על לאו זה:
What clever technique can be used with regard to a firstborn to consecrate it to the altar for another sacrifice? One may consecrate it in its mother's womb, before it is born. This is derived from Leviticus 27:26: "which will become a firstborn for God among the livestock - a man shall not consecrate it." Implied is that when it is born, one may not consecrate it, but one may consecrate it in its mother's womb.
Therefore one may say: "If the fetus in the womb of this cow that has not given birth previously is male, it is consecrated as a burnt-offering." He may not, however, designate it as a peace-offering, for he cannot remove it from the holiness of the firstborn in order to benefit from it. If one said: "It should be a burnt-offering when the majority of its head emerges," it is a firstborn and not a burnt-offering.
כיצד מערימין על הבכור להקדישו למזבח הקדש אחר מקדישו בבטן קודם שיולד שנאמר אשר יבוכר לה' לא יקדיש איש אותו משיבוכר אי אתה מקדישו אבל אתה מקדישו בבטן לפיכך יש לו לומר מה שבמעיה של מבכרת זו אם הוא זכר הרי זו עולה אבל אינו יכול לומר זבחי שלמים שאינו יכול להפקיע אותו מקדושתו כדי ליהנות בו ואם אמר עם יציאת רוב ראשו יהיה עולה הרי זה בכור ואינו עולה:
One may not use a clever technique to change the fetus of a consecrated animal to another purpose. Instead, it is consecrated with the holiness of its mother. The rationale is that the offspring of a consecrated animal become consecrated in the womb, as we explained. Thus every fetus is consecrated with the holiness of its mother and its holiness cannot be changed in the womb as one may with regard to a firstborn animal. The rationale is that a firstborn animal becomes consecrated only when it emerges from the womb.
Although all of the statutes of the Torah are decrees, as we explained in the conclusion of Hilchot Me'ilah, it is fit to meditate upon them and wherever it is possible to provide a reason, one should provide a reason. The Sages of the early generations said that King Solomon understood most of the rationales for all the statutes of the Torah.
It appears to me that the verse Leviticus 27:10: "It and the animal to which its holiness will be transferred shall be consecrated" shares a similar motivating rationale as the verse ibid.:15: "If the one who consecrates it shall redeem his house, he shall add a fifth of the money of the redemption valuation to it." The principle behind these laws is that the Torah descended to the bottom of a person's thoughts and the scope of his evil inclination. For human nature tends to increase his property and attach importance to his money. Even though he made a vow or consecrated something, it is possible that he will reconsider, change his mind, and redeem it for less than its worth. Hence the Torah states: "If he redeems it for himself, he must add a fifth." Similarly, if he consecrated an animal in a manner that its physical person becomes consecrated, he might reconsider. In this instance, since he cannot redeem it, he will exchange it for a lesser one. If he was given permission to exchange a superior animal for an inferior one, he will exchange an inferior one for a superior one and claim that it was superior. Therefore, the Torah removed that option, forbidding all exchanges and penalized him that if he made an exchange, "It and the animal to which its holiness will be transferred shall be consecrated."
All of these ordinances are to subjugate one's evil inclination and improve one's character. Similarly, most of the Torah's laws are nothing other than "counsels given from distance" from "He Who is of great counsel" to improve one's character and make one's conduct upright. And so it is written Proverbs 22:20-21: "Behold, I have written for you in the Torah prominent matters, to inform you of the veracity of the words of truth, so that you will respond truthfully to those who send to you."
ואין מערימין על בהמת הקדש להקדיש עוברה קדושה אחרת אלא הרי הוא כקדושת אמו שולדות הקדשים ממעי אמם הם קדושים כמו שביארנו והרי כל עובר מהן כקדושת אמו ואינו יכול לשנותו בבטן כדרך שעשה בבכור שהבכור ביציאתו הוא שמתקדש אף על פי שכל חוקי התורה גזירות הם כמו שביארנו בסוף מעילה ראוי להתבונן בהן וכל מה שאתה יכול ליתן לו טעם תן לו טעם הרי אמרו חכמים הראשונים שהמלך שלמה הבין רוב הטעמים של כל חוקי התורה יראה לי שזה שאמר הכתוב והיה הוא ותמורתו יהיה קדש כענין שאמר ואם המקדיש יגאל את ביתו ויסף חמישית כסף ערכך עליו ירדה תורה לסוף מחשבת האדם וקצת יצרו הרע שטבע של אדם נוטה להרבות קניינו ולחוס על ממונו ואע"פ שנדר והקדיש אפשר שחזר בו וניחם ויפדה בפחות משוויו אמרה תורה אם פדה לעצמו יוסיף חומש וכן אם הקדיש בהמה קדושת הגוף שמא יחזור בו וכיון שאינו יכול לפדותה יחליפנה בפחותה ממנה ואם תתן לו רשות להחליף הרע ביפה יחליף היפה ברע ויאמר טוב הוא לפיכך סתם הכתוב בפניו שלא יחליף וקנסו אם החליף ואמר והיה הוא ותמורתו יהיה קדש וכל אלו הדברים כדי לכוף את יצרו ולתקן דעותיו ורוב דיני התורה אינן אלא עצות מרחוק מגדול העצה לתקן הדעות וליישר כל המעשים וכן הוא אומר הלא כתבתי לך שלישים במועצות ודעת להודיעך קושט אמרי אמת להשיב אמרים אמת לשולחך:
Blessed be the Merciful One Who grants assistance.
סליקו להו הלכות תמורה בס"ד:
With the help of the Almighty, this concludes the eighth book which is the Book of Sacrifices.
נגמר ספר תשיעי והוא ספר הקרבנות:

Tum'at Met - Chapter 1

"God, create for me a pure heart and renew within me an upright spirit" (Psalms 51:12).
The Tenth Book
It includes eight halachot. They are:
Hilchot Tum'at Meit - The Laws of the Impurity Imparted by a Human Corpse
Hilchot Parah Adumah - The Laws of the Red Heifer
Hilchot Tum'at Tzara'at - The Laws of the Impurity Imparted by Tzara'at
Hilchot Metamei Mishkav UMoshav - The Laws of the Sources of Impurity
that Impart Impurity to the Places Where One Lies and Sits
Hilchot Sha'ar Avot HaTum'ah - The Laws of Other Primary Categories of Impurity
Hilchot Tum'at Ochalin - The Laws of the Impurity Contracted by Foods
Hilchot Keilim - The Laws of the Impurity Contracted by Keilim
Hilchot Mikveot - The Laws Governing Mikveot
Introduction to Hilchos Tum'as Mes
Included in this text is one positive commandment: the laws governing the impurity imparted by a human corpse.
This mitzvah is explained in the ensuing chapters.
הלכות טומאת מת - הקדמה
הלכות טומאת מת מצות עשה אחת והוא דין טומאת מת וביאור מצוה זאת בפרקים אלו:
A human corpse imparts ritual impurity that persists for a minimum of seven days when it is touched or carried or when one is under the same structure (ohel). The impurity imparted by touching a corpse or being under the same structure is explicitly mentioned in the Torah, as Numbers 19:11 states: "One who touches a corpse of any human being will be impure for seven days" and ibid.:14 states: "Anyone who enters the tent and anything in the tent will be impure for seven days.
המת מטמא במגע ובמשא ובאהל טומאת שבעה וטומאת מגע ואהל מפורשין בתורה שנאמר הנוגע במת לכל נפש אדם וטמא שבעת ימים ונאמר כל הבא אל האהל וכל אשר באהל יטמא שבעת ימים:
The impurity stemming from carrying a human corpse is derived from the Oral Tradition. It is based on an inference from a lesser matter to a more severe one. If the carcass of animal makes a person impure only until the evening, but does not cause a person to incur ritual impurity when under the same shelter, and yet causes him to incur impurity when carrying it, as Leviticus 11:40 states: "One who carries their carcasses," how much more so should this apply with regard to a human corpse. And the process of reasoning continues: if touching an animal carcass causes one to become impure until the evening and carrying it causes a person to be impure until the evening, so too, since touching a corpse causes a person to be impure for seven days, it should cause him to be impure for seven days if he carries it. The impurity resulting from carrying a corpse is not considered of Rabbinic origin, but is instead, a Scriptural Law. It appears to me that Scripture remained silent concerning this type of impurity in the same way that it remained silent concerning the prohibition against relations with one's daughter, because it explicitly forbade relations with the daughter of one's daughter. And it remained silent concerning the prohibition against partaking of meat cooked with milk, because it explicitly forbade cooking it. Similarly, Scripture did not mention the impurity incurred by carrying a human corpse because it explicitly mentioned that one who was under the same shelter as a corpse incurs impurity. Thus one can infer that this certainly applies to one who carries it.
טומאת משא מפי השמועה וקל וחומר הדברים אם נבלה שהיא טומאת ערב ואינה מטמאה באהל מטמאה במשא שנאמר והנושא את נבלתם המת לא כ"ש ומה נבלה שמגעה טומאת ערב משאה טומאת ערב אף המת שמגעו טומאת שבעה משאו טומאת שבעה אין טומאת משא במת מדברי סופרים אלא דין תורה ויראה לי ששתק ממנה הכתוב כדרך ששתק מאיסור הבת לפי שאסר בפירוש אפילו בת הבת ושתק מאיסור אכילת בשר בחלב לפי שאסר בפירוש אפילו בישולו כך שתק מטומאת משא במת לפי שטימא בפירוש אפילו טומאת אהלו כל שכן משאו:
The impurity incurred by touching mentioned in all situations, whether involving a human corpse or another source of impurity, is brought about by a person touching the source of impurity itself. Whether he touches it with his flesh, his hand, his foot, or any other portion of his body, even with his tongue, he becomes impure. Similarly, it appears to me that if a person touches a source of impurity with his nails or with his teeth, he becomes impure. The rationale is since they are connected to the body, they are considered as the body itself. If, however, a person took a source of impurity, skewered it with a weaving needle, and inserted it into the throat of a person who is ritually pure without it touching his tongue or inserted it within the womb of a woman from below without touching her flesh, the person who swallowed the source of impurity does not become impure because his inner organs came in contact with the source of impurity. The rationale is that contact between a source of impurity and one's inner organs is not considered as touch.
טומאת מגע האמורה בכל מקום בין במת בין בשאר המטמאים הוא שנגע האדם בבשרו בטומאה עצמה בין בידו בין ברגלו בין בשאר בשרו ואפילו בלשונו ה"ז נטמא וכן נראה לי שאם נגע בצפרניו או בשיניו נטמא כיון שהם מחוברים לגוף הרי הם כגוף אבל אם תחב אדם טומאה בכוש והכניסה לתוך גרונו של אדם טהור ולא נגעה בלשונו או שהכניסה לתוך מעי של אשה מלמטה ולא נגעה בבשרה לא נטמא הבולע משום מגע זה שהרי לא נגעה בבשרו שנגיעת פנים אינה נגיעה:
A scab over a bruise is considered as skin with regard to touching sources of impurity. The underdeveloped body hair of a child, by contrast, is not considered as skin.
What is implied? If a source of impurity touches a person on the scab over a bruise, he is impure; it is as if it touched his flesh. Conversely, if it touched the thin hair on the body of a child, he does not become impure.
Similarly, if an impure person has a bruise and a pure person touched the scab on the bruise, he becomes ritually impure. If a minor was impure and a pure person touched the underdeveloped hair on his body, he does not become impure. This applies both with regard to impurity stemming from a human corpse or other types of impurity.
Similarly, blotches of filth, mud, or similar things that are not considered as intervening substances or dried pieces of filth and things that are considered as intervening substances are not considered as flesh, neither to impart ritual impurity to others, nor to contract ritual impurity.
קרום שעל המכה הרי הוא כעור הבשר לענין מגע טומאות וכשות שעל הקטן אינה כעור הבשר כיצד מי שנגעה טומאה בקרום מכתו נטמא כאילו נגעה בעורו נגעה בשער הדק שעל בשר הקטן לא נטמא וכן אדם טמא שהיתה בו מכה ונגע הטהור בקרום מכת הטמא נטמא אם היה קטן טמא ונגע הטהור בכשות שלו לא נטמא בין בטומאת מת בין בשאר טומאות וכן לכלוכי צואה או טיט וכיוצא בהם מדברים שאין חוצצין על הגוף וכן גלדי צואה מן הדברים שחוצצין על הגוף אינם כעור הבשר לא לטמא ולא להתטמא:
Just as a person becomes impure when he comes into contact with a source of impurity, so too, keilim become impure when a source of impurity touches them with the exception of an earthenware utensil that incurs ritual impurity only when a source of impurity enters its inner space, as will be explained in Hilchot Keilim.
This is an inclusive general principle that applies with regard to ritual impurity: Whatever causes a person to contract ritual impurity when touching him, causes keilim to contract ritual impurity. Whatever does not cause a person to contract ritual impurity when touching him, does not cause keilim to contract ritual impurity. A person and keilim contract ritual impurity only from a primary source of ritual impurity.
כשם שאדם מתטמא בנגיעתו בטומאה כך הכלים מתטמאים בנגיעת הטומאה בהן חוץ מכלי חרס שאינו מתטמא אלא מאוירו כמו שיתבאר בהלכות כלים [וזהו כלל גדול בטומאה כל המטמא אדם במגע מטמא כלים וכל שאינו מטמא אדם במגע אינו מטמא כלים ואין אדם וכלים מקבלין טומאה אלא מאב הטומאה]:
The impurity incurred by carrying mentioned in all situations - whether involving a human corpse or another object that conveys impurity by carrying - is brought about by a person carrying a source of impurity even though he did not touch it. Even if there is a stone between the person and the source of impurity, since he carried it, he becomes impure.
The above applies whether he carries it on his head, his hand, or another portion of his body. And it applies whether the person lifted up the source of impurity himself or another person lifted it up and put it on him; since he carried it on his person in any way, he becomes impure. Even if the source of impurity was hanging on a string or a hair and he hung the string from his hand and lifted the source of impurity to the slightest degree, he is considered to have carried it and he becomes impure.
טומאת משא האמורה בכ"מ בין במת בין בשאר כל המטמאים במשא הוא שישא האדם הטומאה אף על פי שלא נגע בה אפילו היה בינו לבינה אבן הואיל ונשא נטמא ואחד הנושא על ראשו או על ידו או על שאר גופו ואחד הנושא הוא בעצמו או שנשאה אחר והניחה למעלה מזה הואיל ונשאת עליו מ"מ נטמא ואפילו היתה הטומאה תלויה בחוט או בשערו ותלה החוט בידו והגביה הטומאה כל שהוא הרי זה נושא ונטמא:
Moving an article is considered as carrying it. Any article that imparts impurity when it is carried imparts impurity when moved.
What is implied? There was a beam resting on a wall and on its side was a human corpse, an animal carcass, or the like. A pure person came to the other end of the beam and moved it. Since he moved the impurity at the other end of the beam, he becomes impure for carrying the source of impurity. Needless to say, this applies if he pulled the other end of the beam toward the earth until the source of impurity was lifted up or he dragged it on the ground, for this is certainly considered as carrying. The above situation and anything similar refers to the activity of moving that imparts ritual impurity, as mentioned in all instances.
מסיט בכלל נושא הוא וכל דבר שמטמא במשא מטמא בהיסט כיצד קורה שהיא מונחת על הכותל ועל צדה מת או נבלה וכיוצא בהן ובא הטהור לקצה הקורה השני והנידו כיון שהניד את הטומאה שבקצה השני טמא משום נושא ואין צ"ל אם משך את הקצה השני כנגד הארץ עד שהגביה הטומאה או שגרר הטומאה על הארץ שזה נושא ודאי וזה וכל כיוצא בה היא טומאת היסט האמורה בכל מקום:
When a person carries a source of impurity in a hidden part of his body, he becomes impure. Even though touching such portions of the body is not considered as touch, carrying an article there is considered as carrying unless the source of impurity is swallowed up in the person's digestive system. Once a source of impurity reaches a person's stomach, it is not considered as if he touched or carried it. If such a person immerses in a mikveh he regains purity, even though the source of impurity is in his digestive system.
הנושא בתוך בית הסתרים נטמא שאע"פ שאין הנגיעה שם נגיעה הנושא שם נושא הוא אא"כ נבלע הטומאה בתוך מעיו שמאחר שהגיעה לתוך בטנו אינו לא נוגע ולא נושא ואם טבל טהור ואף ע"פ שהטומאה בתוך מעיו:
Only a human being becomes impure for carrying a source of impurity, not keilim.
What is implied? Ten containers were placed on a person's hand, one on top of the other, and the carcass of an animal or another source of impurity was placed in the uppermost container. The person is considered impure, because he carried the carcass of an animal. The containers on his hand, by contrast, are all pure except for the uppermost one which was touched by the source of impurity. Similar laws apply in all analogous situations.
אין מתטמא במשא אלא האדם בלבד לא הכלים כיצד הרי שהיה מונח על ידו עשרה כלים זה ע"ג זה והנבלה וכיוצא בה בכלי העליון האדם טמא משום נושא נבילה והכלים שעל ידו כולן טהורים חוץ מכלי העליון שנגעה בו הטומאה וכן כיוצא בזה:
The ritual impurity of ohel does not apply with regard to other sources of impurity, only with regard to a human corpse. Whether a person and/or an k'li, even a needle, was extended over a corpse, a corpse was extended over a person and/or an k'li, or a corpse and a person and/or an k'li were under one shelter, they are impure.
טומאת אהל אינה בשאר טומאות אלא במת בלבד ובין שהאהיל האדם או הכלי אפי' מחט שהאהילה על המת או שהאהיל המת על האדם או על הכלים או שהיה המת עם האדם או עם הכלים תחת אהל אחד הרי אלו טמאים:
The impurity of ohel mentioned in all places refers to impurity imparted by a source of impurity to a person or keilim in one of these three ways.
Whether a person enters entirely to the shelter where a corpse is located or part of his body enters, he becomes impure because of the ohel. Even if he inserted merely his hand, his fingertips, or his nose into the shelter where a corpse is located, his entire person becomes impure. If he joined his hand to the lintel of the doorway of such a shelter, he becomes impure as if part of his body entered. If he touched the doorframe from a handbreadth and below above the ground, he is pure. From a handbreadth and above, he is impure. It appears to me that this impurity is of Rabbinic origin.
וטומאת אהל האמורה בכ"מ הוא שתטמא אותה טומאה האדם או הכלים באחת משלש דרכים אלו: אחד הבא כולו לאהל המת או הבא מקצתו ה"ז נטמא באהל אפילו הכניס ידו או ראשי אצבעותיו או חוטמו לאהל המת ה"ז נטמא כולו נגע במשקוף וצירף ידו עם המשקוף נטמא כאילו בא מקצתו נגע באסקופה מטפח ולמטה קרוב לארץ טהור ומטפח ולמעלה טמא ויראה לי שדבר זה מדבריהם:
Corpses of both Jews and gentiles impart impurity through touch or through carrying.
אחד המת מישראל או מן העכו"ם מטמא במגע ובמשא:
The corpse of a gentile does not impart ritual impurity through ohel. This matter was conveyed by the Oral Tradition. With regard to the war with Midian, Numbers 31:19 states: "All who touch a corpse...", but does not mention an ohel.
Similarly, a gentile does not contract the impurity connected with a corpse. Instead, if a gentile touches a corpse, carries it, or stands over it, it is as if he did not touch it. To what can the matter be compared? To an animal that touched a corpse or stood over a corpse.
Not only the impurity imparted by a human corpse, but all types of impurity do not cause gentiles and animals to become impure.
ואין העכו"ם מטמא באהל ודבר זה קבלה הוא והרי הוא אומר במלחמת מדין כל נוגע בחלל ולא הזכיר שם אהל וכן העכו"ם אינו נעשה טמא מת אלא עכו"ם שנגע במת או נשאו או האהיל עליו הרי הוא כמי שלא נגע הא למה זה דומה לבהמה שנגעה במת או האהילה על המת ולא בטומאת המת בלבד אלא בכל הטומאות כולן אין העכו"ם ולא הבהמה מתטמאין בהן:
According to Rabbinic Law, gentiles are considered as zavim, According to Scriptural Law, there is no type of living being that contracts ritual impurity while alive or imparts ritual impurity while alive, except a human, and even then, only when he is Jewish.
Both a Jewish adult and a minor can contract all forms of ritual impurity, even the impurity stemming from a corpse, concerning which Numbers 19:20 states: "A man who shall become impure." Nevertheless, both an adult and a minor can contract this impurity, for ibid.:18 states: "for all the souls that were there." Even a newborn infant that touched, carried, or extended a limb over a corpse becomes impure and he is considered impure because of contact with a human corpse.
The above applies provided the baby was born after a nine month pregnancy. If he is born after an eight month pregnancy, he is considered as a stone and he does not contract ritual impurity.
ומדברי סופרים שיהו העכו"ם כזבין לכל דבריהן ואין לך בכל מיני נפש מה שמתטמא והוא חי או מטמא והוא חי חוץ מן האדם בלבד והוא שיהיה מישראל אחד גדול ואחד קטן מתטמאין בכל הטומאות אפילו בטומאת המת שנאמר בה איש אשר יטמא אחד האיש ואחד הקטן שהרי הוא אומר שם ועל כל הנפשות אשר היו שם אפילו קטן בן יומו שנגע או נשא או האהיל על המת נטמא והרי הוא טמא מת והוא שנולד לתשעה אבל בן שמונה הרי הוא כאבן ואינו מקבל טומאה:
A corpse does not impart ritual impurity until the person actually dies. Even if one's veins have been cut, or he is in his death-throes, even if his two vital signs have been slit, he does not impart ritual impurity until his soul expires, as ibid.:13 states: "The soul of a man who dies...."
If his backbone is broken together with most of the surrounding flesh, he was torn apart like a fish from his back, he was decapitated, or he was cut in half from his stomach, he imparts impurity, even though some of his limbs are still making convulsive movements.
המת אינו מטמא עד שתצא נפשו אפילו מגוייד או גוסס אפילו נשחטו בו שני הסימנים אינו מטמא עד שתצא נפשו שנאמר בנפש האדם אשר ימות נשברה מפרקתו ורוב בשרה עמה או שנקרע כדג מגבו או שהותז ראשו או שנחלק לשני חלקים בבטנו הרי זה מטמא אף על פי שעדיין הוא מרפרף באחד מאיבריו:

Tum'at Met - Chapter 2

A stillborn fetus, even though it is underdeveloped and its limbs have not been firmly connected with their sinews, imparts ritual impurity when it is touched, carried, or when one is under the same structure as it, like the corpse of an adult that has died, as implied by Numbers 19:11: "One who touches a corpse of the soul of any man."
Similarly, an olive-sized measure from the flesh of a corpse imparts impurity like an entire corpse, whether it still retains its moisture or it has become dry like a shard. Netzal is like flesh and imparts impurity when an olive-sized portion is present.
What is meant by the term netzal? Flesh that has decomposed and turned into a putrid liquid mass, provided that the liquid mass that resulted from the corpse coagulates. For if it coagulates, it is apparent that it comes from the flesh of the corpse. If it does not coagulate, it does not impart impurity, for perhaps it is from the deceased's phlegm or other body fluids.
הנפל אף ע"פ שעדיין לא נתקשרו איבריו בגידין מטמא במגע ובמשא ובאהל כאדם גדול שמת שנאמר הנוגע במת לכל נפש אדם וכן כזית מבשר המת בין לח בין יבש כחרש מטמא כמת שלם והנצל בבשר מטמא בכזית איזהו נצל זה הבשר שנמוח ונעשה ליחה סרוחה והוא שתקרוש אותה הליחה הנמצאת מן המת שאם קרשה בידוע שהוא מבשרו ואם לא קרשה אינה מטמאה שמא כיחו וניעו הוא:
Even though these measures were all conveyed as halachot to Moses at Sinai, our Sages said: At the onset of his conception, man's body is the size of an olive. Therefore the measure for which his flesh imparts ritual impurity is the size of an olive.
אע"פ שהשיעורין כולם הלכה למשה מסיני הן אמרו חכמים תחלת ברייתו של אדם כזית ולפיכך שיעור טומאת בשרו כזית:
A limb that was cut off from a living person is considered as an entire corpse and imparts impurity when it is touched, carried, or one is under the same structure. This applies even to a limb of a newborn infant, for there is no minimum measure that applies with regard to complete limbs. This is derived from Numbers 19:16 which states: "Anyone who touches a corpse slain by the sword... on the open field." It is a known matter that the laws applying to one slain by the sword are the same as one slain by a stone or through other means. According to the Oral Tradition, we learned that the verse comes only to deem a limb severed by a sword as impure.
When does the above apply? When the limb was intact as it was when it came into being with flesh, sinews, and bones, as the abovementioned verse states: "Or the bone of a man." Implied is that the bone must be like a man, i.e., a human corpse. Just as a human corpse has flesh, sinews, and bones, so too, a limb from a living person must be intact as it was when it came into being and have flesh, sinews, and bones. In contrast, a kidney and a tongue, and the like, even though they are considered as complete organs, since they do not contain bones, they are considered as the remainder of a person's flesh.
If even the slightest amount of bone was missing from a limb severed from a living person, the entire limb is pure. The following rules apply if some of its flesh was missing: If there remained enough flesh on it that, were the person to be alive, his flesh would regenerate, be healed, and return to a state of wholeness, the limb imparts impurity when it is touched, carried, or when one is under the same structure. If not, it imparts impurity when it is touched, carried, but not when one is under the same structure.
Flesh that is separated from a living person is ritually pure. Similarly, a bone without flesh that is separated from a living person is ritually pure.
אבר שנחתך מן האדם החי הרי הוא כמת שלם מטמא במגע ובמשא ובאהל אפילו אבר קטן של בן יומו שהאיברים אין להם שיעור שנאמר כל אשר יגע על פני השדה בחלל חרב והדבר ידוע שדין חלל חרב כדין חלל אבן או חלל שאר דברים מפי השמועה למדו שלא בא זה אלא לטמא נוגע באבר שפלטתו החרב בד"א כשהיה האבר שלם כברייתו בשר וגידים ועצמות שנאמר או בעצם אדם עצם שהוא כאדם מה אדם בשר וגידים ועצמות אף אבר מן החי עד שיהיה כברייתו בשר וגידים ועצמות אבל הכוליא והלשון וכיוצא בהן אף על פי שהן אבר בפני עצמן הואיל ואין בהן עצם הרי הן כשאר הבשר חסר מן העצם של אבר כל שהוא הרי האבר כולו טהור חסר מבשרו אם נשאר עליו בשר שראוי לעלות בו ארוכה בחי ויתרפא וישלם הרי זה מטמא במגע ובמשא ובאהל ואם לאו מטמא במגע ובמשא ואינו מטמא באהל ובשר הפורש מן החי טהור וכן עצם בלא בשר הפורש מן החי טהור:
When a limb is separated from a corpse, it imparts impurity as a corpse does when it is touched, carried, or when one is under the same structure, provided it is intact as it was when it came into being with flesh, sinews, and bones.
If a portion of the bone was lacking, when there is at least an olive-seized portion of flesh on it, it imparts impurity like an entire corpse. The following rules apply if some of the flesh was lacking, but none of the bone. If there remained enough flesh on it that, were the person to be alive, his flesh would regenerate, it imparts impurity like an entire corpse. If not, it is like other bones of a corpse on which there is no flesh.
אבר הפורש מן המת מטמא במגע ובמשא ובאהל כמת והוא שיהיה שלם כברייתו בשר וגידים ועצמות חסר עצמו אם נשאר עליו בשר כזית מטמא כמת שלם חסר הבשר ולא חסר העצם אם נשאר עליו כדי לעלות ארוכה בחי מטמא כמת שלם ואם לאו הרי הוא כשאר עצמות המתים שאין עליהן הבשר:
The marrow of a bone causes flesh to regenerate on the bone's surface. Therefore if the hipbone of a corpse, a bone that is closed on both of its sides, has sufficient marrow to cause the flesh to regenerate, it is considered as an entire corpse.
The following laws apply if a bone has marrow that has dried out and rattles within. If there is an olive-sized portion of marrow, the bone imparts impurity when one is under the same shelter. Even though the bone is closed on all sides, the impurity breaks through and ascends and breaks through and descends, as will be explained. For the marrow is considered like flesh in all contexts.
מוח שבתוך העצם הרי הוא מעלה ארוכה מבחוץ לפיכך קולית המת והוא עצם הסתום משני קצותיו אם יש בתוכה מוח כדי לעלות ארוכה הרי זה כמת שלם היה בה מוח המתנדנד אם יש בו כזית ה"ז מטמא באהל אף על פי שהעצם סתום מכל צדדיו טומאה בוקעת ועולה בוקעת ויורדת כמו שיתבאר שהמוח כבשר לכל דבר:
The following laws apply when there is a limb and/or flesh limply hanging from a person. Even though they cannot be restored to their natural state and vitality, they are pure. If the person dies, the flesh is pure and the limb imparts ritual impurity according to the laws pertaining to a limb severed from a living body and not according to the laws pertaining to a limb severed from a corpse.
What are the differences between the laws pertaining to a limb severed from a living body and the laws pertaining to a limb severed from a corpse? Flesh and bones that become separated from a limb severed from a living person are pure. Flesh and bones that become separated from a limb severed from a corpse are considered as if they were separate from an entire corpse and impart impurity according to the appropriate measures.
האבר והבשר המדולדלים באדם ואע"פ שאין יכולין לחזור ולחיות טהורים מת האדם הרי הבשר טהור והאבר מטמא משום אבר מן החי ואינו מטמא משום אבר מן המת מה בין אבר מן החי לאבר מן המת אבר מן החי בשר הפורש ממנו ועצם הפורש ממנו טהורים ואבר מן המת בשר הפורש ממנו ועצם הפורש ממנו כמפורשים מן המת השלם ומטמאין בשיעורן:
There is no minimum measure for either a limb severed from a living body or a limb severed from a corpse.
A man has 248 limbs, every one of them comprising flesh, sinews, and bones. The teeth are not included in this number. There are 251 in a woman.
Any limb that became separated while intact as it was when it came into being, whether it was separated while the person was alive or after his death imparts impurity when it is touched, carried, or one is under the same structure with the exception of the three extra limbs possessed by a woman. The latter do not convey impurity when one is under the same structure.
Similarly, an extra finger that has a bone, but does not have a nail, can be counted as part of the sum of the majority of a person's limbs if it is counted on his hand together with his other fingers. If it is not counted on his hand together with his other fingers, it can, nevertheless, impart impurity when it is touched or carried. It does not, however, impart impurity when one is under the same shelter. The impurity it imparts is of Rabbinic origin. If it has a nail, it is considered as other limbs.
Why did the Sages rule that a finger that is not counted should impart impurity? This decree was a safeguard lest the impurity that could be imparted by one that is counted would be ignored. Why did they rule that it does not impart impurity when under the same shelter? They established a point of distinction to make it known that the impurity it imparts originates in a Rabbinic decree so that terumah and sacrificial meat will not be burnt because of this type of impurity.
ובין אבר מן החי בין אבר מן המת אין להן שיעור אמרו חכמים מאתים שמונה וארבעים איברים יש באיש כל אחד ואחד מהן בשר וגידים ועצם ואין השינים מן המניין ובאשה מאתים ואחד וחמשים כל אבר מהן שפירש כברייתו בין מן החי בין מן המת מטמא במגע ובמשא ובאהל חוץ משלשה איברים יתירות שבאשה שאינן מטמאין באהל וכן אצבע יתירה שיש בה עצם ואין בה צפורן אם נספרת ע"ג היד עולה למניין רוב האיברים ואם אינה נספרת ע"ג היד מטמא במגע ובמשא ואינה מטמאה באהל וטומאתה מדברי סופרים ואם היה בה צפורן הרי היא כשאר האיברים ומפני מה גזרו טומאה על אצבע שאינה נספרת גזירה משום הנספרת ולמה לא טמאוה באהל עשו לה היכר כדי להודיע שטומאתה מדבריהם משום גזירה כדי שלא ישרפו על טומאתה תרומה וקדשים:
If there is no flesh on the bones of a corpse, they impart impurity like an entire corpse when they are touched or carried or when one is under the same structure, provided it is apparent that they have the form of bones, for one can still refer to them as "the bones of a man." These are the bones that impart the ritual impurity of a corpse: the backbone, the skull, the majority of the body's structure, and the majority of the number of bones in the body.
What is meant by the backbone causing impurity? When the backbone is intact, it is considered as an entire corpse. If even one of the eighteen vertebrae is missing, they are considered as other bones.
What is meant by the skull causing impurity? When the skull is intact, it is considered as an entire corpse. If it is missing a portion as large as a sela, it is considered as other bones. If it has small holes, their area is added together to see if it compromises that of a sela.
The entire structure of a man is: the two shins, the hips, the ribs, and the backbone. The majority of the structure of a corpse is considered as an entire corpse. What is implied? For example, if his two shins and one hip are present, it is as if the entire corpse was present. If even the slightest amount is missing from "the majority of the structure," the bones are considered as other bones.
What is meant by the majority of the number of the bones? The majority of the number of bones, e.g., 125 bones. If there are 124, they are considered as other bones. Even though this particular person had extra limbs or fewer limbs, this figure is calculated according to the number of bones of the majority of people unless the extra limb is a finger that has a nail or which is counted on his hand together with his other fingers. Such a finger is counted in the sum of a person's bones, as stated.
עצמות המת שאין עליהם בשר אם נכרת בהן צורת עצמות הרי אלו מטמאין במגע ובמשא ובאהל כמת שלם שאני קורא בהם עצם אדם ואלו הן העצמות שהן מטמאין כמת: השדרה והגלגולת ורוב בניינו ורוב מניינו השדרה כיצד שדרה שהיא שלימה הרי היא כמת שלם ואם חסרה אפי' חוליא אחת מי"ח חליות הרי היא כשאר העצמות הגלגולת כיצד גלגולת שהיא שלימה הרי היא כמת ואם חסרה כסלע הרי היא כשאר העצמות היו בה נקבים קטנים כולם מצטרפין לכסלע כל בניינו של אדם הוא שתי השוקים והירכים והצלעות והשדרה ורוב בניינו של מת הרי הוא כמת שלם כיצד כגון שתי שוקיו וירך אחת אם חסר רוב בניינו כל שהוא הרי הן כשאר העצמות רוב מניינו כיצד רוב מניין עצמות כגון שהיו קכ"ה עצם הרי אלו כמת שלם היו קכ"ד הרי הן כשאר העצמות אף ע"פ שהיה אדם זה יתר באיבריו או חסר באיבריו אין משגיחין בו אלא על מניין רוב כל אדם אלא אם כן היתה אצבע שיש בה צפורן או שהיתה נספרת ע"ג היד שהיא עולה למניין כמו שביארנו:
The following laws apply to the remaining bones of a corpse when among them, there is not the majority of the number, nor the majority of the structure of the corpse, and not an intact backbone, nor an intact skull. If there are a fourth of a kab of bones, they impart impurity like an entire corpse when they are touched or carried or one is under the same structure. If there are less than a fourth of a kab - this applies even to a bone merely the size of a barley-corn - they impart impurity when they are touched or carried. They do not, however, impart impurity through being under the same structure.
שאר עצמות המת שאין בהן רוב מניין ולא רוב בניין ולא שדרה שלימה ולא גלגולת שלימה אם היה בהן רובע הקב הרי אלו מטמאים כמת במגע ובמשא ובאהל היו פחות מרובע אפילו עצם כשעורה מטמא במגע ובמשא ואינו מטמא באהל:
If there is one bone, even if it is a fourth of a kab in size, it imparts impurity when it is touched or carried. It does not, however, impart impurity through being under the same structure.
The impurity imparted by one bone is a halachah conveyed by the Oral Tradition. Numbers 19:18 states: "And all who touch the bone." The Oral Tradition teaches that even a bone the size of a barley-corn imparts impurity when it is touched or carried. Since this impurity is taught as halachah by the Oral Tradition, it is considered as Scriptural Law and not as a Rabbinic decree.
היה עצם אחד אפילו יש בו רובע הרי זה מטמא במגע ובמשא ואינו מטמא באהל טומאת עצם אחד הלכה מפי השמועה לפי שנאמר כל הנוגע בעצם למדו מפי השמועה אפילו עצם כשעורה מטמא במגע ובמשא ולפי שטומאתו הלכה הרי הוא דין תורה ולא מדברי סופרים:
When the bones of a corpse decompose in the grave and become a rekev, two handfuls of that rekev impart impurity when that quantity is carried or it is located under the same structure as a person or object. It does not, however, impart impurity when it is touched, because it is impossible to touch it in its entirety, because it is not a whole entity. Even if it was mixed with water, the different portions are not considered as joined together.
מת שהרקיבו עצמותיו בקבר ונעשו רקב מלא חפנים מאותו רקב מטמא במשא ובאהל כמת ואינו מטמא במגע לפי שאי איפשר ליגע בכולו שהרי אינו גוף אחד ואפילו גבלו במים אינו חבור:
The blood of a corpse imparts impurity like the corpse itself when it is touched, carried, or one is under the same structure, for Numbers 19:13 speaks of: "the soul of man" and Deuteronomy 12:23 states: "the blood is the soul."
What is the measure of blood that imparts impurity? A revi'it. Even the liquid left after blood coagulates imparts impurity when one is under the same structure, as a corpse does, as long as it is red in color.
דם המת מטמא כמת במגע ובמשא ובאהל שנאמר בנפש האדם ונאמר כי הדם הוא הנפש וכמה שיעורו רביעית אפילו תמצית הדם כל זמן שיש בו אדמומית מטמא באהל המת:
Blood from a living person, even if it is the blood that flows out when the person is stabbed in the throat, is pure as long as the person is alive. If the blood which flows from his body at the end, i.e., before his death, becomes mixed with the blood which flows from his body after he died and the entire mixture is a revi'it, and it is not known how much flowed out while he was alive and how much flowed out after his death, even if half a revi'it flowed out while he was alive and half after his death, this is referred to as "weltering blood." It imparts impurity when it is touched, carried, or when one is under the same structure. This impurity is, however, of Rabbinic origin.
דם החי אפילו דם נחירה הרי זה טהור כל זמן שהוא חי נתערב הדם שיצא ממנו באחרונה סמוך למיתה עם הדם שיצא ממנו אחר שמת וכל התערובות רביעית ואין ידוע כמה יצא מחיים וכמה יצא אחר מיתה אפילו חצי רביעית מחיים וחצייה אחר מיתה הרי זה נקרא דם תבוסה ומטמא במשא ובמגע ובאהל אלא שטומאתו מדברי סופרים:
The following laws apply when the corpse of a person who was slain was lying on a bed. His blood had been dripping from his body while he was alive and descending into a hole. At one point, he died. After he died, the blood continued dripping and descending into that hole. All of the blood is pure. For the drops of blood are nullified one by one, as they become mixed with the blood that flowed from his body during his lifetime.
If only a revi'it of blood flowed out from the person's body and there is a doubt whether it all flowed out during the person's life or afterwards, this is a questionable situation of ritual impurity like other questionable situations. One who touches it in a private domain is impure. In a public domain, he is pure, as will be explained in the appropriate place.
הרוג שהיה מוטל על המטה ודמו מנטף כשהוא חי ויורד לגומא ומת והרי הדם מנטף אחר מותו ויורד לאותה גומא הרי כל הדם שבה טהור שטיפה טיפה ראשונה ראשונה בטלה כדם שיצא מחיים יצא ממנו רביעית דם בלבד וספק כולה מחיים ספק כולה לאחר מיתה הרי זו ספק טומאה כשאר הספקות והנוגע בה ברשות היחיד טמא ברה"ר טהור כמו שיתבאר במקומו:
According to Scriptural Law, as long as the source of impurity is in a grave, the grave imparts impurity when it is touched or when one is under the same structure, as a corpse does, for Numbers 19:16 mentions touching "a corpse, the bone of a man, or a grave." A person is impure whether he touches the covering of a grave or its sides, provided it is built and totally enclosed. Afterwards, in such a situation, the grave imparts impurity in its entirety when it is touched or when one is under the same structure.
If, however, one places keilim, stones, or the like at the side of a corpse and covers the corpse with keilim, stones, or the like, the covering that shelters the corpse from above is called a gollel. And the objects at the side that support the gollel and upon which it rests are called a dofek. Both of them, the gollel and the dofek impart impurity when they are touched or when one is under the same structure, as is true with regard to a grave. The impurity they impart is of Rabbinic origin. They do not impart impurity when carried. Accordingly, if one drags a gollel with ropes until it covers a corpse or drags it or pulls it away from being above a corpse, or one dragged a dofek until he positioned the gollel above it or pulled it by ropes from under the dofek, the person is pure.
Entities that support the dofek are called dofek dofekkim and they are pure.
הקבר כל זמן שהטומאה בתוכו מטמא במגע ובאהל כמת דין תורה שנאמר או במת או בעצם אדם או בקבר ואחד הנוגע בגגו של קבר או הנוגע בכותליו והוא שיהיה בנוי וסתום ואח"כ יהיה כולו מטמא במגע ובאהל אבל המעמיד כלים או אבנים וכיוצא בהן בצדי המת וכסה עליו מלמעלה בכלים או באבנים וכיוצא בהן זה הכסוי המוטל מלמעלה נקרא גולל ואלו הצדדין המעמידין את הגולל שהוא נשען עליהן נקראין דופק ושניהם הגולל או הדופק מטמאין במגע ובאהל כקבר וטומאתן מדברי סופרים ואינן מטמאין במשא לפיכך אם גרר הגולל בחבלים עד שכסה בו את המת או גררו או שמטו מעל המת או שגרר הדופק עד שהעמיד עליו הגולל או שמטו בחבלים מתחת הגולל ה"ז טהור ודברים שסומכין את הדופק והם הנקראין דופק דופקין הרי הן טהורין:
When a field containing a grave was plowed and the bones of the corpse were lost in its earth, this is called a beit hapras. Its earth imparts impurity when it is touched or carried, for perhaps it contains a bone the size of a barley corn, but it does not impart impurity when one is under the same structure.
Similarly, the earth in the entire Diaspora imparts impurity when it is touched or carried, because of the possibility of the presence of bones, for they are not careful about burying them. The impurity of a beit hapras and the earth of the Diaspora is of Rabbinic origin, as will be explained.
שדה שנחרש בה קבר ואבדו עצמות המת בעפרה היא הנקראת בית הפרס ועפרה מטמא במגע ובמשא שמא יש בה עצם כשעורה ואינה מטמאה באהל וכן כל ארצות העכו"ם עפרן מטמא במגע ובמשא מפני העצמות שאין נזהרין בהן וטומאת בית הפרס וארץ העכו"ם מדברי סופרים כמו שיתבאר:
Hayom Yom:
English Text | Video Class
Thursday, Iyar 8, 5777 · 04 May 2017
Iyar 8 23rd day of the omer
Thursday Iyar 8, 23rd day of the omer 5703
Torah lessons: Chumash: Emor, Chamishi with Rashi.
Tehillim: 44-48.
Tanya: Therefore did Shlomon (p. 245)...during their lifetime." (p. 245)
An emissary is one with his sender. This concept is similar to that of an angel acting as a Divine emissary, when he is actually called by G-d's name. If this is so with an angel it is certainly true1 of the soul; in fact with the soul the quality of this oneness is of a higher order, as explained elsewhere.2
Now chassidim are emissaries of the Rebbe, the Alter Rebbe. So if the chassid actively discharges his mission, he is bound up with his Rebbe, bound up in his entire being - there walks a chassid, there eats a chassid, there sleeps a chassid.
1. See Iyar 6.
2. See Tamuz 10.
Daily Thought
He could have made a world that was self-explanatory. It would look at itself and explain itself according to its own design.
But He made a world with such parameters, that according to its own rules it cannot exist.
He wanted a world held together by wonder.[Acharon Shel Pesach 5717:21.]

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