Saturday, May 6, 2017

Jean Vanier - Daily Thought - Saturday, 6 May 2017 "The Gift of Availability" from L'Arche Canada in Toronto, Ontario, Canada

Jean Vanier - Daily Thought - Saturday, 6 May 2017 "The Gift of Availability" from L'Arche Canada in Toronto, Ontario, Canada

Saturday, 6 May 2017 "The Gift of Availability"
Availability for service is one of the most marvelous gifts that we can find in community. People who have this gift trust those in authority and community itself, and take on whatever is asked of them. It is marvelous for a community to have people with this child-like spirit, who are ready to take on anything that is asked of them. The gift of availability can be transmitted from one person to another, like a fire of love. It brings a community to life.[Jean Vanier, Community and Growth, page 261]

Jean Vanier - Daily Thought - 
Friday, 5 May 2017 "The Anti-Gift" from L'Arche Canada in Toronto, Ontario, Canada

Friday, 5 May 2017 "The Anti-Gift"
A community is founded on the trust its members have for each other. This trust is very fragile and very weak. There is a place in all our hearts where doubt lives. People who sow discord have a flair for finding that place and feeding the doubt, which is how they can destroy community. And that is an anti-gift.[Jean Vanier, Community and Growth, page 260]

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