Friday, May 5, 2017

The Lutheran Hour Ministry Daily Devotion - Saturday, May 6, 2017 by Pastor Ken Klaus, Speaker Emeritus of The Lutheran Hour "Truth or Not" for Saturday, May 6, 2017 from The Lutheran Hour Ministries in Saint Louis, Missouri, United States

The Lutheran Hour Ministry Daily Devotion - Saturday, May 6, 2017 by Pastor Ken Klaus, Speaker Emeritus of The Lutheran Hour "Truth or Not" for Saturday, May 6, 2017 from The Lutheran Hour Ministries in Saint Louis, Missouri, United States

Daily Devotions from Lutheran Hour Ministries by Pastor Ken Klaus, Speaker Emeritus of The Lutheran Hour "Truth or Not" for Saturday, May 6, 2017
John 8:44b - (The devil) was a murderer from the beginning, and does not stand in the truth, because there is no truth in him. When he lies, he speaks out of his own character, for he is a liar and the father of lies.
I wonder if you have heard the incredible story about the husband and wife who found they were unable to have children without assistance. Not wishing to give up on having children, they went to a fertility clinic, provided their necessary genetic material, and waited for the verdict.
The verdict was a shock. The couple was told they actually were fraternal twins.
This is the rest of their story: their biological parents died in an auto accident when they were young. The twins were split up and adopted into different families. Unfortunately, those adopting families were never told there was a twin somewhere out there. In ignorance the twins grew up, and attended college where they met, dated, and married.
How is that for a remarkable story?
Do you know what is really remarkable about the tale? Can you guess? No, you'll never manage it. The most remarkable part of that story is this: it is a story. Not a jot or tittle is true; the story is a hoax, made up by the Mississippi Herald.
It is a hoax that was accepted by all the news services, and all the newspapers, and all the radio and TV stations with all of their crackerjack news people, and all of their lawyers and personnel specifically dedicated to vetting the veracity of these strange stories, from beginning to end.
Now if you're wondering why I have spent so much time telling a tall tale, I can give you an answer: it was to show that Adam and Eve were not the only people put on earth to swallow a good lie -- hook, line and sinker.
And if there is one thing the devil, aka, the "father of lies" does well it is this: he makes his fibs seem like 24-carat-truth. .If you listen with a discerning ear, you will be able to pick up some of those lies that people find to be so very palatable:
• All religions are the same and they all lead to the same god.
• It doesn't matter what you believe as long as you are sincere.
• It doesn't make a difference if you go to church; the place is filled with hypocrites.
I could go on. I won't. Instead, I will point out that in contrast to the devil we have the Savior. In one of His "I am" passages in John, the Christ said, "I am the Way, and the Truth, and the Life. No one comes to the Father except through Me" (John 14:6b).
Yes, Jesus is the one and only Truth who can grant us salvation.
This He does because from start to finish He was obedient to His Father's will and stayed faithful to the plan of salvation, which demanded He die so we might live. And because this is true, the Savior could assure us that "you will know the truth, and the truth will set you free" (John 8:32).
THE PRAYER: Dear Lord, grant me a discerning mind and heart so I might distinguish between Your truth and Satan's lies. Keep me safe from the devil's deceptions and always safe in Your great grace. This I ask in the Name of Him who is the Way, and the Truth, and the Life. Amen.
Today's Daily Devotion is based on an article written on April 16, 2017 on Fox News. The website where the parent article can be found is:
In Christ I remain His servant and yours,

Pastor Ken Klaus
Speaker Emeritus of The Lutheran Hour
Lutheran Hour Ministries
Today's Bible in a Year Reading: 1 Samuel 28-29; Luke 23:26-56
1 Samuel 28:In due time the P’lishtim assembled their armies for war against Isra’el. Akhish told David, “You know, of course, that you and your men will join me and the army in battle.” 2 David answered Akhish, “I see that you already know what your servant will do.” Akhish said to David, “For that answer, I am making you my personal bodyguard for life.”
3 Now Sh’mu’el was dead; all Isra’el had mourned him and buried him in his city, Ramah. Also Sha’ul had expelled from the land those who tell the future by communicating with the dead or with a demonic spirit.
4 The P’lishtim assembled; then they went and pitched camp at Shunem; while Sha’ul gathered all Isra’el together and pitched camp at Gilboa. 5 When Sha’ul saw the army of the P’lishtim, he became afraid — it struck terror in his heart. 6 But when he consulted Adonai, Adonai didn’t answer him — not by dreams, not by urim and not by prophets.
7 Then Sha’ul said to his servants, “Try to find a woman who tells the future by communicating with the dead; I want to go and consult with her.” His servants answered him, “Yes, there’s a woman in ‘Ein-Dor who tells the future by communicating with the dead.” 8 So Sha’ul disguised himself by wearing different clothing, went with two men, came to the woman by night and said, “Tell me the future, please. Bring up from the dead the person I name to you.” 9 The woman answered, “Here, you know what Sha’ul did, how he expelled from the land those who tell the future by communicating with the dead or with a demonic spirit. Why are you trying to entrap me into causing my own death?” 10 But Sha’ul swore to her by Adonai, “As Adonai lives, you will not be punished for doing this.” 11 Then the woman asked, “Whom should I bring up for you?” He said, “Bring up for me Sh’mu’el.” 12 When the woman saw Sh’mu’el, she let out a shriek. Then the woman said to Sha’ul, “Why have you deceived me? You yourself are Sha’ul!” 13 The king replied, “Don’t be afraid. Just tell me what you see.” The woman said to Sha’ul, “I see a god-like being coming up out of the earth.” 14 He asked her, “What does he look like?” She said, “An old man is coming up; he’s wearing a cloak.” Sha’ul realized it was Sh’mu’el, so he bowed with his face to the ground and prostrated himself.
15 Sh’mu’el asked Sha’ul, “Why have you disturbed me and brought me up?” Sha’ul answered, “I’m very upset; because the P’lishtim are making war against me; and God has left me and doesn’t answer me any more, neither by prophets nor by dreams. This is why I’ve called you, so that you can let me know what to do.” 16 Sh’mu’el said, “Why ask me, if Adonai has left you and become your enemy? 17 Adonai has done for himself what he foretold through me — Adonai has torn the kingdom out of your hands and given it to your fellow countryman David, 18 because you didn’t obey what Adonai said and execute his furious anger toward ‘Amalek. That’s why Adonai is doing this to you today. 19 Adonai is giving Isra’el as well as yourself over into the power of the P’lishtim, and tomorrow you and your sons will be with me. Adonai will hand over Isra’el’s army to the power of the P’lishtim.”
20 Sha’ul immediately fell full length on the ground and became terribly frightened because of what Sh’mu’el had said. He had no strength left in him, for he had eaten nothing all that day and night. 21 The woman approached Sha’ul, saw that he was panic-stricken and said to him, “Here, your servant listened to what you said; I put my life in my hands and did what you requested me to do. 22 Now therefore, please, you listen to what your servant says: let me put a little food in front of you; then eat, so you will have some strength when you go on your way.” 23 But he refused and said, “I won’t eat.” Then his servants, together with the woman, urged him; and he heeded what they said. He got up off the ground and sat on the bed. 24 The woman had a fattened calf in the house; she hurried to slaughter it; then she took flour, kneaded it and baked matzah with it. 25 She served it to Sha’ul and his servants, and they ate. Afterwards, they got up; and they went away that night.
29:1 The P’lishtim gathered all their army together at Afek, while Isra’el’s army pitched camp by the spring in Yizre‘el. 2 The leaders of the P’lishtim were passing by with their hundreds and thousands; David and his men were bringing up the rear with Akhish. 3 The chiefs of the P’lishtim asked, “What are these Hebrews doing here?” Akhish answered the chiefs of the P’lishtim, “This is David, who was a servant of Sha’ul, king of Isra’el. He’s been with me now for well over a year, and I haven’t found anything wrong with him between the time he deserted to me and now.” 4 But the chiefs of the P’lishtim became angry and said to him, “Have the man return and go back to the place you set aside for him. Don’t let him go into battle with us, because on the battlefield he might become our enemy. What better way could there be for him to get reconciled with his lord than by [cutting off] the heads of our men? 5 This is David! They used to dance and sing about him,
‘Sha’ul has killed his thousands,
but David his tens of thousands’!”
6 So Akhish summoned David and said to him, “As Adonai lives, you have been upright; and I myself would be more than pleased to have you go on campaign with me; because I haven’t found anything wrong with you between the day you arrived and now. However, the chiefs don’t trust you. 7 Therefore, now, go on back; and go in peace, so as not to do what appears bad to the chiefs of the P’lishtim. 8 David said to Akhish, “But what have I done? What have you found in your servant during the time I’ve been with you that disqualifies me from going and fighting against the enemies of my lord the king?” 9 Akhish answered David, “I know that you are as good, from my point of view, as an angel of God. Nevertheless, the chiefs of the P’lishtim have said, ‘He is not to go up with us to the battlefield.’ 10 So get up early in the morning with the servants of your lord who came with you; and as soon as you are up and it gets light, leave.” 11 David got up early in the morning, he and his men, to leave and go back into the land of the P’lishtim; while the P’lishtim continued up to Yizre‘el.
Luke 23:26 As the Roman soldiers led Yeshua away, they grabbed hold of a man from Cyrene named Shim‘on, who was on his way in from the country. They put the execution-stake on his back and made him carry it behind Yeshua. 27 Large numbers of people followed, including women crying and wailing over him. 28 Yeshua turned to them and said, “Daughters of Yerushalayim, don’t cry for me; cry for yourselves and your children! 29 For the time is coming when people will say, ‘The childless women are the lucky ones — those whose wombs have never borne a child, whose breasts have never nursed a baby! 30 Then
They will begin to say to the mountains, ‘Fall on us!’
and to the hills, ‘Cover us!’[
Luke 23:30 Hosea 10:8]
31 For if they do these things when the wood is green, what is going to happen when it’s dry?”
32 Two other men, both criminals, were led out to be executed with him. 33 When they came to the place called The Skull, they nailed him to a stake; and they nailed the criminals to stakes, one on the right and one on the left. 34 Yeshua said, “Father, forgive them; they don’t understand what they are doing.”
They divided up his clothes by throwing dice.[
Luke 23:34 Psalm 22:19(18)] 35 The people stood watching, and the rulers sneered at him.[Luke 23:35 Psalm 22:8(7)] “He saved others,” they said, “so if he really is the Messiah, the one chosen by God, let him save himself!” 36 The soldiers too ridiculed him; they came up, offered him vinegar[Luke 23:36 Psalm 69:22(21)] 37 and said, “If you are the king of the Jews, save yourself!” 38 And there was a notice over him which read,
39 One of the criminals hanging there hurled insults at him. “Aren’t you the Messiah? Save yourself and us!” 40 But the other one spoke up and rebuked the first, saying, “Have you no fear of God? You’re getting the same punishment as he is. 41 Ours is only fair; we’re getting what we deserve for what we did. But this man did nothing wrong.” 42 Then he said, “Yeshua, remember me when you come as King.” 43 Yeshua said to him, “Yes! I promise that you will be with me today in Gan-‘Eden.”
44 It was now about noon, and darkness covered the whole Land until three o’clock in the afternoon; 45 the sun did not shine. Also the parokhet in the Temple was split down the middle. 46 Crying out with a loud voice, Yeshua said, “Father! Into your hands I commit my spirit.”[
Luke 23:46 Psalm 31:6(5)] With these words he gave up his spirit.
47 When the Roman officer saw what had happened, he began to praise God and said, “Surely this man was innocent!” 48 And when all the crowds that had gathered to watch the spectacle saw the things that had occurred, they returned home beating their breasts. 49 All his friends, including the women who had accompanied him from the Galil, had been standing at a distance; they saw it all.
50 There was a man named Yosef, a member of the Sanhedrin. He was a good man, a tzaddik; 51 and he had not been in agreement with either the Sanhedrin’s motivation or their action. He came from the town of Ramatayim, a town of the Judeans; and he looked forward to the Kingdom of God. 52 This man approached Pilate and asked for Yeshua’s body. 53 He took it down, wrapped it in a linen sheet, and placed it in a tomb cut into the rock, that had never been used.
54 It was Preparation Day, and a Shabbat was about to begin. 55 The women who had come with Yeshua from the Galil followed; they saw the tomb and how his body was placed in it. 56 Then they went back home to prepare spices and ointments.
On Shabbat the women rested, in obedience to the commandment;
Use these devotions in your newsletter and bulletin! Used by permission; all rights reserved by the Int'l LLL (LHM).

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