Saturday, May 6, 2017

The Global Church of the Nazarene News: "U.S. Midwest flooding assistance" from The Global Nazarene Communication News News for Friday, May 5, 2017 Volume 1718"This week in the Church of the Nazarene..."

The Global Church of the Nazarene News: "U.S. Midwest flooding assistance" from
The Global Nazarene Communication News News for Friday, May 5, 2017 Volume 1718"This week in the Church of the Nazarene..."

Nazarenes respond to flooding in US Midwest
A devastating series of storms produced tornadoes throughout areas of the U.S. Midwest and South 29-30 April. The storms affected Missouri, Arkansas, Texas, Oklahoma, Louisiana, Mississippi, Alabama, and Tennessee. In Missouri and Arkansas, the storms also created massive flooding, with more rains expected over the next few days.
At least 20 people have died, and hundreds of homes have been damaged or destroyed by floodwaters. Thousands of more homes are at risk for flooding. Rivers were expected to crest Friday.
Nazarene congregations on the Church of the Nazarene's Joplin District in Missouri have been quick to respond. So far, church-based disaster response teams have gathered dozens of beds, appliances, and furniture, and this weekend they are partnering with other churches in the area to clean up debris. Support from the general church has enabled them to help 10 families who lost everything.
Jay Height, Nazarene Compassionate Ministries coordinator for the USA/Canada Region, said NCM's response has been fast and effective in part because of their experience following a catastrophic tornado that hit Joplin in 2011. Following that event, the district went through disaster response training and formed a team in order to be able to respond well to future disasters.
“It’s not ending; it just keeps coming,” Mark Bane, Joplin district superintendent, said Thursday. “But it looks like we’re going to have a break now. Many of the places that are damaged we can’t even get to because of blocked roads.”
Bane requested prayer on behalf of the churches and communities affected by the flooding.
“Pray that we find all the needs in all the affected areas before they get into real trouble … and pray that we can figure out how to meet all the needs as effectively and efficiently as possible,” he said.
After disasters strike, the ability to respond quickly can make all the difference. Those who would like to help local churches in the USA/Canada Region serve in the wake of disasters like this one can donate to the USA/Canada Nazarene Disaster Response Fund. Support makes it possible for churches to act fast by caring for families and individuals who are victims of disasters.
How to help

Please pray for those affected by the storms and flooding, especially children, senior adults, and others who are most vulnerable. Pray for those who have lost family members and friends. Pray for those who have lost their homes and their livelihoods. Pray for local churches as they provide help and show God’s love through service.
Churches and individuals around the world can support disaster response efforts by giving to the USA/Canada Nazarene Disaster Response Fund. Donations will be used to meet urgent needs for this and other disasters like it.
To send donations by mail:
In the U.S., make checks payable to "General Treasurer" and send them to:
Global Treasury Services
Church of the Nazarene
P.O. Box 843116
Kansas City, Missouri 64184-3116, United States
Be sure to put 127916 in the Memo area.
In Canada, make checks payable to "Church of the Nazarene Canada" and send them to:Church of the Nazarene Canada
20 Regan Road, Unit 9
Brampton, Ontario L7A 1C3. Canada
Be sure to put 127916 in the Memo area.
For additional countries, give through your local church or district, designating your gift to the USA/Canada Nazarene Disaster Response Fund.[Nazarene Compassionate Ministries]

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New Haiti wells provide water for thousandsHaiti,
Nazarene Compassionate Ministry's Haiti Water Project has drilled six wells over the last three months in partnership with Helping Hands, a nongovernmental agency.
Because each well reaches approximately 1,500 people, the Haiti Water Project has been able to provide water for about 9,000 people through the six wells.
Program coordinator Piard Alcegaird said that in one of the locations, people were excited as the water came to the surface when the drilling was in progress. They started to smile and play with the water, especially the children, as they realize they don't need to walk to the river or to another far well anymore.
The Haiti Water Project currently focuses on two areas in the northern part of Haiti, Sarazeen and Orangers. The locations of the six wells were chosen according to water stress levels and walking distance to targeted neighborhoods.
Project leaders are building canals for each of the wells, as well as keeping up with biosand filter distribution, latrine construction, and developing a water committee. This committee — formed by community leaders — will take care of the facilities and will manage the water resources after receiving a seven-session training.[Church of the Nazarene Mesoamerica]

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Daring to dream: UK Nazarenes learn ways to break down barriersPaisley, Scotland

Removing barriers was a recurring theme of Dare 2 Dream, the second conference of its kind for the Church of the Nazarene in the United Kingdom, held in Paisley, Scotland, 17-19 March.
“Breaking down the walls – like Jericho,” said one participant.
The metaphor took on an unusual meaning in this context: tearing down the church walls that often separate believers from their surrounding community.
With speakers ranging from local Nazarene pastors to leaders of evangelical nonprofits, and including keynote speaker and theologian Alan Hirsch, all seemed to echo the same urgent call to Nazarenes across England, Wales, Scotland, and Ireland: Get outside of the church building and serve your community.
For the first time in decades, the British Isles North and the British Isles South districts came together during their district assemblies, which were held across the street from one another and lasted only a few hours on Friday morning. The rest of the weekend was given over to the conference and concluded with ordinations. More than 200 people attended.
“There is no doubt that the church is at a crossroads in Northern Europe,” said Arthur Snijders, director for the Eurasia Region, of which the two districts are a part. “The decision to limit business time in order to have time to reimagine the mission of the church in British society was a healthy example of letting go in order to get a hold of something new.”
Dare 2 Dream was about just that: a call for churches to once again dream big dreams, to embrace a missional, pioneering spirit regarding their own local communities. The conference challenged individuals and local churches alike to imagine creative, fresh ways for sharing God’s love with the people in their spheres of influence.
“It seemed to be more a call to see the direction of travel and to walk with it,” said David Montgomery, district superintendent for the British Isles South. “The world has changed, and the church needs to change in order for its message to be received. This applies to both districts. We need to be in our communities and engaged with people.”
For many, the message came through loud and clear.
Marcia Shields is a family lawyer who primarily works with families in which the children have been removed or threatened to be removed due to allegations of harm, neglect, or substance abuse. The conference title drew her to attend.
“I’ve had a dream for a while which I have put on the backburner and really did not pursue that dream,” she said. “My dream was something God had given me from Jeremiah 33:6-9, a beautiful promise of restoration for families, and peace and security for them, and for the glory to go to God. That had been my dream.”
However, because of busyness and distractions, Shields had put her dream aside.
“The first video I saw this morning encouraged me [that] we can trust God, and He’s given us a reason to trust Him to fulfill the dreams He’s given us, and that encouraged me," she said. "I am daring to pursue that and step out of the security and safety I’m in at the moment. I’m trusting God.”
That message of tearing down walls that sometimes separate churches from their communities seemed to reaffirm what leadership is already discussing at Leeds South Church of the Nazarene, said Nicole Alker. Leeds has a café in the church building, but Alker says they’ve begun talking about taking the café outside the church to some other location in the community.
“There’s a general vibe about getting out there to the community and becoming Christ to people,” Alker said. “Go to them instead of sitting in the building and expecting them to come to you. It’s already along the lines of what we’re trying to do.”
Pastor Carl McCann of the Ashton Church of the Nazarene found the conference encouraging.
“It was really encouraging for me to have many from my congregation gathered together to hear teaching on missional thinking,” he said. “We are having a feedback session for our church delegates towards the end of April and will be working out what will happen as a result of the conference within the Ashton church.”
Hirsch’s teaching on how to conduct discipleship made McCann rethink the way it is done in Ashton.
“I was really struck by the idea of ‘behaving ourselves into a better way of thinking, rather than thinking ourselves into a better way of behaving.’ Gave me a lot of food for thought about how house groups should be run,” McCann said.[Church of the Nazarene Eurasia]

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Meryle Burkhart rememberedNampa, Idaho

Retired missionary Meryle Burkhart passed away 21 April at age 86. Meryle and her husband, Peter, served as missionaries in Guyana and the Philippines in addition to pastoring in Washington and Idaho.
Meryle Ilene Carrier was born 6 October 1930 in Scottsbluff, Nebraska. Her family became members of the Church of the Nazarene when she was in high school, which eventually led her to study at Northwest Nazarene College (now University).
While attending NNC, Meryle met Peter. In January 1962, Meryle and Peter solidified their call to missions and accepted an assignment to Guyana, where they served for 10 years. The Bukharts next pastored a church in Nampa, Idaho, now known as Karcher Church of the Nazarene.
The couple re-entered missionary service in 1976 and were assigned to the Philippines. They stayed in Manila for the first four years and moved to other provinces until their retirement in 1992.
Meryle taught Sunday school classes, played the piano, welcomed people to services, and did everything else that needed to be done.
Philippines-Micronesia Field Strategy Coordinator Stephen Gualberto remembers Peter and Meryle’s ministry during their stay in the Philippines.
“I have several great memories of the Burkharts in the Philippines," Gualberto said. "Peter became our district superintendent at Southern Tagalog District when I was a teenager. Meryle was a great Sunday school teachers’ trainer to us in the district.”
Floyd Cunningham, academic dean of Asia-Pacific Nazarene Theological Seminary, spoke fondly of the Burkharts.
“In the Philippines, they initially served in metro Manila planting churches," he said. "Both the Central Church in Quezon City and the Taytay Church were among the products of their ministry. They lived on and tended to the campus of what was to become APNTS.”
Meryle is survived by her husband, Peter, and their five children. A memorial service will be held 12 May in Nampa.
Prayer is requested for the Burkhart family. [Church of the Nazarene Asia-Pacific]

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Flags of the Nations: Sierra Leone
The Sierra Leone flag is a horizontal tricolour of green, white, and blue. The green is symbolic of the agricultural and natural resources of the country, while the white represents justice and the blue is symbolic of Freetown's harbor.
Since September 1, 2009, the Church of the Nazarene's Global Ministry Center (GMC) proudly flies a flag each week of one of the many nations in which the denomination is present in ministry. Leaders were invited to send a national flag to be flown at the GMC alongside the flag of the United States*. The national flags rotate weekly, and photos of them raised are sent to the church leaders of that country.
This week: Sierra LeoneThe Church of the Nazarene officially entered Sierra Leone in 2004.
Sierra Leone had a population of 6,018,888 in 2016. That same year, Sierra Leone reported 68 Churches of the Nazarene, two of which had been officially organized. Sierra Leone has 1,085 total members.
Located on the Africa Region, Sierra Leone is a Phase 1 district. For more information about the Africa Region, visit
* = The weekly highlighted flag is raised on the middle of three poles in compliance with U.S. government protocols. It flies to the left of the GMC host-nation United States flag, which flies above the host-state flag of Kansas. The Christian flag flies on the third pole.
The Global Ministry Center is the mission and service hub of the Church of the Nazarene.

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Coming back to Skid Row
Los Angeles, California

Located in downtown Los Angeles, California, Skid Row is home to 15,000 people. Ten thousand are part of the low-income sector, and 6,000 are either homeless or in rescue missions (according to City Data). The area is occasionally known as a party center, which brings substance abuse and petty crime. Sidewalks are clogged with the homeless. The lucky ones live in tents rather than cardboard boxes. Entire communities of box and tent homes are common.
It was in this very place that Phineas Bresee, founder of the Church of the Nazarene denomination, opened the first Church of the Nazarene more than 100 years ago. His legacy to the denomination is prioritization of ministry to the poorest and most vulnerable people.
That is the same mission for Central City Community Church of the Nazarene, founded in Skid Row in the late 1980s.
For the rest of the story, click here.
Coming back to Skid Row by Kaitlyn Williams
Located in downtown Los Angeles, California, Skid Row is home to 15,000 people. Ten thousand are part of the low-income sector, and 6,000 are either homeless or in rescue missions (according to City Data). The area is occasionally known as a party center, which brings substance abuse and petty crime. Sidewalks are clogged with the homeless. The lucky ones live in tents rather than cardboard boxes. Entire communities of box and tent homes are common.
It was in this very place that Phineas Bresee, founder of the Church of the Nazarene denomination, opened the first Nazarene church more than 100 years ago. His legacy to the denomination is prioritization of ministry to the most poor and vulnerable people.
That is the same mission for Central City Community Church of the Nazarene, founded in Skid Row in the late 1980s.
“As a church, we felt like it was really important to start a congregation to not only have a voice for our own denomination to reconnect to where we believe Christ would be, and where Jesus would be walking around, but also where our own denomination came from. And what better place to do that than in the most densely populated area of homelessness in the nation? That’s the reason we planted Central City,” said Scott Chamberlain, the executive director of Central City Community Outreach (CCCO), which is a compassionate ministries center connected to the church.
Pastor Anthony Stallworth (right in above photo) says Skid Row, which spans about 30 square blocks, is known as “a place where people come to when they have hit pretty much rock bottom.” Stallworth is the senior pastor of Central City Community Church of the Nazarene, and is passionate about spreading the gospel to the community because of his background within the very same community.
At the age of 18, Stallworth began substance abuse for the temporary happiness and fun that it brought. But it came with a cost. After a couple of years, he became homeless and was enslaved by his addiction. At times it led to much crime and violence.
He was arrested multiple times, but after he served time in prison, he became weary with his life, and while he was not sure if God was even real, he prayed anyway. While Stallworth was asking for forgiveness and confessing his sins to God, it began to rain. In street culture, it is a sign of weakness to cry, but fortunately the rain covered his tears.
Through the help of generous people and programs, Stallworth’s faith was established and his life was rebuilt. The journey was not easy. He connected with Central City Church of the Nazarene, volunteering with his wife to help start the karaoke ministry. Together, Stallworth and Chamberlain strengthened the church and developed CCCO, which builds relationships in the community, collaborates with partner organizations, and gives referrals and encouragement for those who need help getting into intervention and development programs. In 2008, Stallworth became the church’s pastor, while Chamberlain went full-time with CCCO.
“Pastor Scott has been not only a pastor, but a friend to me here for over 21 years now… I love him like a close brother, and he has been there for me to help me with this ministry,” Stallworth said.
With Central City Community Church of the Nazarene and CCCO working together, both ministries have flourished. The church has now expanded times for Bible studies on Mondays, Tuesdays and Thursdays, developed a sidewalk ministry on Friday evenings, continued outreach projects, including the karaoke ministry.
Both Central City Community and the CCCO are requesting prayer for God’s intervention in the deep, systematic issues they face in their community every day: poverty, mental illness, substance abuse and immigration. They are looking for more partners in their work. There have been many faithful donors over the last 28 years of ministry, and the need is still necessary today. They would like the finances to be able to purchase their own building.
“Our goal is to always make sure that there is a relevant, community-based congregation in the heart of Skid Row. If that is going to be the case 50 years from now, we need to have a location that is stable and that we own and are not renting. We want to keep being relevant 50 years from now,” said Chamberlain.
“It was a prophetic voice that reminded us of what was really important. I think Bresee did that… and in some way I pray that Central City does that – that it becomes a prophetic voice of what is really important for our denomination as well as for the gospel,” Chamberlain said.

A Nazarene church's community outreach program is bringing transformation and new hope to Skid Row, an area in Los Angeles, California, with more than 6,000 homeless people. (via Engage magazine)
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Moving Ministers: April 2017
Compiled by the General Secretary's Office from district reports, Moving Ministers is a monthly listing of Nazarene ministers in new assignments on the USA/Canada Region.
Roles included in the latest report are pastor and pastoral service. Entries were received in April 2017.
To view the April report, click here.
For previous reports, see
Moving Ministers As of: Tuesday, 2 May 2017 from Saturday, 1 April 2017 to Sunday 30 April 2017
Name From To 
Rev. Megan C Allen from Pastoral Service Ava Highway Ava MO to Pastoral Service on 1/22/2017 Fort Scott Fort Scott KS 
Rev. Tyler S. Allen from Pastoral Service Ava Highway Ava MO to Pastoral Service on 1/22/2017 Fort Scott Fort Scott KS
Rev. Nohemi S. Alonzo from Unassigned East Tennessee Tullahoma TN to Pastoral Service on 7/14/2016 Chattanooga First Chattanooga TN
Rev. Mario A. Alvarado Alcantar from Pastoral Service Apple Valley Apple Valley CA to Pastor on 4/5/2017 Apple Valley Hispanic
Rev. Daniel P. Ammons from Unassigned East Tennessee Tullahoma TN to Pastor on 10/4/2016 Cleveland New Hope Cleveland TN
Rev. Ashley M Anderson from Pastoral Service Newport Newport OR Student on 4/1/2017 Oregon Pacific Salem OR 
Rev. Jarrod J. Anderson from Pastoral Service Newport Newport OR to Pastoral Service on 4/1/2017 Bend Bend OR 
Rev. Susan M. Badley from Pastoral Service Old Hickory Old Hickory TN to Pastoral Service on 5/30/2016 Nashville First Nashville TN 
Rev. Lisa J. Bailey from Pastoral Service Indianapolis Grace Pointe Indianapolis IN to Pastoral Service on 2/5/2017 Second Chance Indianapolis IN 
Rev. Philip Matthew Barron from Pastoral Service Carlsbad Las Flores Carlsbad CA to Pastor on 10/1/2016 Santa Ana First Santa Ana CA 
Rev. Wayne H Bland Jr. from Pastoral Service Reeds Spring New Hope Reeds Spring MO to Pastor on 7/31/2016 Powell Twin Springs Pineville MO
Rev. D. Michael Bowling Jr. from Student South Central Ohio Grove City OH to Pastoral Service on 11/15/2016 Obetz Obetz OH 
Rev. Lori B. Bradley from Unassigned Prairie Lakes Fergus Falls MN to Pastoral Service on 8/10/2016 Minot First Minot ND 
Rev. W. Preston Brown from Unassigned East Tennessee Tullahoma TN to Pastor on 12/20/2015 Chattanooga Calvary Chattanooga TN 
Rev. Joseph Delman Case from Pastoral Service Marysville Marysville OH to Pastor on 8/28/2016 Springfield Maplewood Springfield OH 
Rev. Henry H. Castillo-Guzman from Unassigned Virginia Midlothian VA to Pastoral Service on 7/23/2016 Woodbridge Woodbridge VA 
Rev. Richard L. Chambers from Unassigned West Virginia North Fairmont WV to Pastoral Service on 2/19/2017 Excel Enoch Johnson Memorial Excel AL 
Rev. Bethany B. Chatman from Pastoral Service Sparta Sparta MI to Pastoral Service on 3/19/2017 Toledo Trinity Toledo OH 
Rev. Jerry L. Clark from Unassigned Southwestern Ohio West Chester OH to Pastoral Service on 4/1/2017 Vandalia Dayton OH 
Rev. Linda S Clark from Student Southwestern Ohio West Chester OH to Pastoral Service on 4/1/2017 Vandalia Dayton OH 
Rev. Chad W. Cook from Pastoral Service Lexington Calvary Lexington KY to Pastor on 2/6/2017 Living Grace Merrillville IN 
Rev. Douglas E. Corwin Jr. from Pastor Midland Bethel Midland MI to Pastor on 3/5/2017 Corunna Corunna MI 
Rev. James E. Davis from Pastoral Service Fortville Fortville IN to Pastor on 1/1/2017 Riverton First Riverton WY 
Rev. Leroy W. Davis from Unassigned East Tennessee Tullahoma TN to Pastoral Service on 7/14/2016 Southview Community Kingsport TN 
Rev. Mark A. Davis from Pastor Warren Hillcrest Warren IN to Pastor on 6/14/2016 Mansfield Mansfield MO 
Rev. Malachi S. Dean from Pastoral Service West Carrollton West Carrollton OH to Pastor on 5/21/2017 Dayton First Dayton OH 
Rev. Jack A. Droste from Unassigned Prairie Lakes Fergus Falls MN to Pastoral Service on 8/10/2016 Spearfish Hillsview Spearfish SD 
Rev. Norman P. Eddy from Pastoral Service Pickford Pickford MI to Pastor on 4/2/2017 Midland Bethel Midland MI 
Rev. Anthony E. Elam from Pastor Dyersburg First Dyersburg TN to Pastor on 11/13/2016 Crossroads Community Munford TN 
Rev. Lorilee L. Everleth from Unassigned South Carolina West Columbia SC to Student on 3/1/2017 MidSouth Nashville TN 
Rev. Kathryn "Katy" E. Fielder from Pastoral Service Lone Pine Lone Pine CA to Pastoral Service on 1/1/2017 Longview Longview WA 
Rev. James D. Flowers from Pastoral Service Kansas City Blue Hills Community Kansas City MO to Pastoral Service on 10/24/2016 Ritzville Ritzville WA 
Rev. Steven W. Gates from Pastor Santa Rita Sahuarita AZ to Pastoral Service on 3/30/2017 The Woodlands Community The Woodlands TX 
Rev. Wallger A. Gonzalez from Pastoral Service Monterey Park Trinity Monterey Park CA to Pastor on 3/1/2016 La Puente Spanish La Puente CA 
Rev. Jeffrey P Goodwin Sr. from Unassigned Prairie Lakes Fergus Falls MN to Pastoral Service on 8/10/2016 Great Hope White Bear Lake MN 
Rev. Tawana G. Grubb from Student North Carolina Charlotte NC to Pastoral Service on 3/1/2017 Louisville Grace Community Louisville KY 
Rev. Jeffrey P. Guiwa from Pastor Ao1 Northridge CA to Pastoral Service on 6/17/2016 New Hope at the Hills Van Nuys CA 
Rev. Bud Hance from Pastor Bethel Community Arenzville IL to Pastoral Service on 1/17/2017 Oasis Community Harrisburg IL 
Rev. Donald G. Harrison Jr. from Unassigned Illinois Alton IL to Pastoral Service on 6/3/2016 Kankakee Wildwood Kankakee IL 
Rev. Gerald W. Hice Jr. from Pastoral Service Estill Springs Estill Springs TN to Pastor on 11/28/2016 Fayetteville Fayetteville TN 
Rev. Paul E. Hilliard from Unassigned East Tennessee Tullahoma TN to Pastoral Service on 7/14/2016 Southview Community Kingsport TN 
Rev. Carlie Hoerth from Student Northwest Spokane WA to Pastoral Service on 6/1/2016 Nampa College Nampa ID 
Rev. Samille A. Jackson from Pastoral Service Sandersville Sandersville GA to Pastor on 1/2/2017 Graham Memorial East Dublin GA 
Rev. Randy Johnson from Pastor Oakridge Oakridge OR to Pastor on 5/17/2017 John Day John Day OR 
Rev. Daniel H. Joubert from Pastoral Service Springfield One Life Springfield MO to Pastoral Service on 2/19/2017 Branson Citizens Branson MO 
Rev. Rachel M. Joubert from Pastoral Service Springfield One Life Springfield MO to Pastoral Service on 2/19/2017 Branson Citizens Branson MO 
Rev. Rachel L. Kunjummen from Unassigned Prairie Lakes Fergus Falls MN to Pastoral Service on 8/10/2016 Bismarck Living Hope Bismarck ND 
Rev. Ashley M. Lawter from Student Mid-Atlantic Glen Burnie MD to Pastoral Service on 4/1/2017 Nashville Trevecca Community Nashville TN 
Rev. Sharon Ann Lucas from Unassigned MidSouth Nashville TN to Pastoral Service on 5/30/2016 Memphis Friendship Memphis TN 
Rev. Ryan A. McDermott from Student East Tennessee Tullahoma TN to Pastoral Service on 7/14/2016 Sparta Sparta TN 
Rev. John D. Meeks from Student MidSouth Nashville TN to Pastoral Service on 5/30/2016 Grenada First Grenada MS 
Rev. Mathew Miles from Pastoral Service Molalla Molalla OR to Pastoral Service on 3/9/2017 Roswell First Roswell NM 
Rev. Mathew Miles from Pastoral Service Roswell First Roswell NM to Pastor on 6/1/2017 Coffeyville Central Coffeyville KS 
Rev. Neeta A. Muktikar from Unassigned Kansas City Overland Park KS to Pastoral Service on 7/14/2016 Cross Style Lebanon TN
Rev. Nathaniel J. Napier from Unassigned East Tennessee Tullahoma TN to Pastoral Service on 7/14/2016 Cleveland First Cleveland TN 
Rev. Gary Neuharth from Student Prairie Lakes Fergus Falls MN to Pastoral Service on 8/10/2016 Oakes Oakes ND 
Rev. Alvin V. Newton from Pastoral Service Amarillo First Amarillo TX to Pastoral Service on 4/16/2017 Fort Worth Crossroads Tabernacle Fort Worth TX 
Rev. Hector Palacios from Student Kansas Wichita KS to Pastoral Service on 7/12/2016 Wichita First Wichita KS 
Rev. David A. Perdomo from Unassigned Sacramento Loomis CA to Pastor on 1/3/2016 Winona Hispanic Winona MN 
Rev. David A. Perdomo from Pastor Winona Hispanic Winona MN to Pastoral Service on 8/10/2016 Church! Kasson MN 
Rev. David A. Perez Gonzalez from Unassigned Virginia Midlothian VA to Pastor on 7/23/2016 Emmanuele Falls Church VA 
Rev. Kenneth P. Pierson from Unassigned West Virginia South Charleston WV to Pastor on 10/23/2016 Craigsville Craigsville WV 
Rev. Drew Raney from Student Arizona Chandler AZ to Pastor on 10/1/2016 Tucson Cactus Community Tucson AZ 
Rev. Ronald E. Ray from Unassigned East Tennessee Tullahoma TN to Pastoral Service on 7/14/2016 Covenant Fellowship Mount Juliet TN 
Rev. Todd Wayne Reynolds from Pastoral Service Greenfield First Greenfield IN to Pastor on 2/8/2017 Morristown Morristown IN 
Rev. Jerry O. Richards from Unassigned Joplin Carthage MO to Pastor on 3/1/2017 Cherryvale Cherryvale KS 
Rev. Rebekah Rogers from Unassigned Northeastern Indiana Marion IN to Pastoral Service on 1/16/2017 Chicago Heights Chicago Heights IL 
Rev. Edgardo Rosado from Pastor Nueva Vida Ponce PR to Pastor on 11/30/2016 Washington Mosaic Washington DC 
Rev. Edgardo Rosado from Pastor Fuente de Vida Arecibo PR to Pastor on 11/30/2016 Washington Mosaic Washington DC 
Rev. Jacob Scott Samuell from Pastor Houlka Houlka MS to Pastor on 1/1/2016 Bent Knee Cowboy Houlka MS 
Rev. Maria Luisa Santiago from Pastoral Service Santa Ana First Hispanic Santa Ana CA to Pastoral Service on 7/31/2016 The Point San Jose CA 
Rev. Victor L. Sarazua Lopez from Pastor Chanute Hispanic Chanute KS to Pastoral Service on 12/26/2016 Independence Kayros Kansas City MO 
Rev. Jeremy A. Schinkle from Pastoral Service Chillicothe Westside Chillicothe OH to Pastoral Service on 2/1/2017 Chillicothe First Chillicothe OH 
Rev. William T. Segur from Pastor Simpsonville Lifespring Community Simpsonville SC to Pastor on 3/19/2017 Ashdown First Ashdown AR 
Rev. Nicholas A. Shaner from Pastoral Service Columbus Whitehall Columbus OH to Student on 1/14/2017 South Central Ohio Grove City OH 
Dr. Richard E. Sickels from Unassigned Prairie Lakes Fergus Falls MN to Pastor on 6/1/2015 Winona Winona MN
Rev. Rachel Smith from Pastoral Service Tulare Wayside Tulare CA to Pastor on 4/9/2017 Lindsay Lindsay CA 
Rev. Warren L. Smith from Student Georgia McDonough GA to Pastoral Service on 4/10/2017 Nashville Trevecca Community Nashville TN 
Rev. Bradley G. Stacy from Pastor Marion Life Link Community Marion OH to Pastor on 2/5/2017 Willard Willard OH 
Rev. Jeremy M Stanley from Student South Central Ohio Grove City OH to Pastoral Service on 3/30/2017 Westerville Westerville OH 
Rev. Shane W. Tarter from Unassigned MidSouth Nashville TN to Pastoral Service on 5/30/2016 Nashville First Nashville TN 
Rev. Jessica M. Thompson from Unassigned MidSouth Nashville TN to Pastoral Service on 5/30/2016 Hermitage Old Hickory TN 
Rev. Ronnie Reed Thompson Jr. from Unassigned MidSouth Nashville TN to Pastoral Service on 5/30/2016 Hermitage Old Hickory TN 
Rev. Michael W. Vallangeon from Unassigned South Central Ohio Grove City OH to Pastoral Service on 3/31/2017 Columbus Northwest Columbus OH 
Rev. Douglas M. Wade from Pastor Huntington Community Fellowship Mineral VA to Pastor on 5/6/2017 Mount Crawford Dayspring Mount Crawford VA 
Rev. Anita Walker from Student South Central Ohio Grove City OH to Pastoral Service on 5/1/2017 New Albany First New Albany OH 
Rev. Justin W. Warren from Pastoral Service Nashville Grace Nashville TN to Pastor on 5/21/2017 Griffin's Chapel Erin TN 
Rev. Ashley M Wetzel from Student Intermountain Nampa ID to Pastoral Service on 3/27/2017 Marysville Marysville WA 
Rev. Sandra White from Pastoral Service Fort Wayne Trinity Fort Wayne IN to Pastor on 8/7/2016 Fort Wayne West Main Fort Wayne IN 
Rev. Jeremy D. Young from Unassigned Florida Lakeland FL to Pastoral Service on 1/8/2017 Battlefield Parkway Fort Oglethorpe GA 
Rev. Selomit Zoller from Pastoral Service Bismarck Living Hope Bismarck ND to Pastoral Service on 8/10/2016 Bismarck Esperanza Viva Iglesia del Nazareno Bismarck ND 
Rev. Selomit Zoller from Pastoral Service Bismarck Living Hope Bismarck ND to Pastoral Service on 8/10/2016 Bismarck Esperanza Viva Iglesia del Nazareno Bismarck ND
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NTS Board of Trustees celebrates upcoming academic programs, faculty transitionsKansas City, Missouri

Dean of Faculty Roger Hahn has provided 15 years of service to NTS, impacting many lives at the seminary and beyond.
The Nazarene Theological Seminary Board of Trustees met 6 April to celebrate the past year and several upcoming changes.
“We are excited about where NTS has come the last four years under the leadership of Dr. Carla Sunberg, our president,” said Jeren Rowell, Board of Trustees chair, in a video greeting. “We are experiencing excitement and vibrancy and anticipation of what the future will hold for us as God continues to lead us into the future.”
NTS will soon roll out new academic programs to help students better pursue their theological education in a fast-changing world.
"Our strong faculty is a valuable resource to students, the denomination, and the Wesleyan-Holiness tradition," Sunberg said. "The NTS Center for Pastoral Leadership is a tremendous resource for all who desire to grow and earn continuing education units throughout the entire arc of their ministry. NTS is serving the community in significant ways, including rehabbing area homes for student housing, leading the RefreshKC neighborhood painting project, and more."
Finally, the meeting celebrated a faculty transition. A dinner was held in Roger Hahn’s honor, as he will soon step aside as dean of faculty but continue teaching at NTS. Hahn has provided 15 years of service, impacting many lives at NTS and beyond.
“Dr. Hahn is a man who loves God and who has given himself in wholehearted service to the Kingdom and the church," Sunberg said. "He is a great scholar who will continue to shape our biblical understanding for years to come. I am personally grateful for the wisdom he has freely shared and for his many years of humble service. His leadership as dean of the faculty will be missed, but I am thankful that he will continue to serve on the NTS faculty, even after he steps down as dean next year.”
Josh Sweeden will become dean of faculty 1 July.[Nazarene Theological Seminary]
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In Memoriam
The following is a weekly listing of Nazarene ministers and leaders who recently went home to be with the Lord. Notices were received 1-5 May 2017.
Vicky (Houck) Connell, 68, of Oakwood, Illinois, passed away 27 April. She was the wife of minister William "Bill" Connell, who serves at Oakwood, Illinois, Church of the Nazarene.
Laurence Cox, 87, of Panama City, Florida, passed away 3 May. He was a retired minister, serving in New Jersey and Florida. He is survived by his wife, Jackie Cox.
John Denby Sr., 79, of Punta Gorda, Florida, passed away 29 April. He was a retired minister, serving in Tennessee and Florida. He is survived by his wife, Caroline Denby.
Danette Hall, 54, of Fishers, Indiana, passed away 27 April. She was a minister, previously serving in Indiana. She is survived by her husband, Tim Hall.
Paul Hegstrom, 75, of Aurora, Colorado, passed away 27 April. He was a minister, serving on the Colorado District. He is survived by his wife, Judy Hegstrom.
Leta (Carlisle) Davis Hillery, 86, of Sun City, California, passed away 23 April. She was the wife of retired minister H. Lee Hillery, who served in Texas, Kansas, Missouri, New Mexico, and Oklahoma. She was preceded in death by her first husband, retired minister Wayman Davis, who served in Texas, Arkansas, and California. Wayman Davis passed away in 2000.
Rebecca (Hege) Hotle, 89, of Indianapolis, Indiana, passed away 23 April. She was the widow of retired minister Eldon Hotle, who served in North Carolina, Alabama, and Georgia. Eldon Hotle passed away in 2013.
Charles Tone, 80, of Columbia, Kentucky, passed away 15 April. He was a retired minister, serving in Indiana, Kentucky, Iowa, Illinois, and Ohio. He is survived by his wife, Jane Tone.
Robert Wade, 72, of Colorado Springs, Colorado, passed away 3 May. He was a retired minister and evangelist, serving in Texas, Arkansas, Missouri, and Colorado. He is survived by his wife, Elaine Wade.
For previous editions of In Memoriam, see the "Passings" section by clicking here.
Note: Please join us in prayer for the families who have lost loved ones. Click on names for full stories, funeral information, local online obituaries, and/or guest books (if available). To submit an entry of a minister or church leader, send to[Compiled by NCN News]
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NBC, GMC employment opportunities
Human Resources

People are our most valued resource. Our committed employees are involved in "Making Christlike Disciples in the Nations" in 162 world areas.
The Global Ministry Center Human Resources Office professionals strive to deliver the highest possible service to our employees, and are responsible for the recruitment, placement and retention of qualified individuals to staff the ministry and administrative positions of the GMC. The many employee services include compensation and benefit administration, payroll, employment, employee relations, training, counseling, organizational communication and events, and workplace programs.
*Volunteer opportunities for GMC ministries are available now. Email for details.
Employment Opportunities
Administrative Assistant (Full time)
Holiness Today

Description: This position will work closely with the managing editor of Holiness Today to monitor and assist with the workflow of tasks related to the creation, layout, printing, and distribution of the print version of the magazine. Responsibilities also include creating a digital version of the magazine, managing the magazine’s website, editing, and keeping information current on the magazine’s social media accounts.
Administrative Assistant (Full time)
Pensions & Benefits USA

Description: This position will lead/manage special and cyclical projects, provide administrative assistance to the administrative director, coordinate education/training of internal staff and plan participants, ensure that appropriate resources and support are provided to complete projects, process customer services inquiries, and assist with monitoring and posting items to P&B USA social media outlets (Facebook/Twitter).
Archives Assistant (Part time, 20 hours per week)
Archives Office

Description: This position responds to information inquiries requiring research, assists onsite researchers by retrieving and refiling materials, helps maintain regular archival procedure systems (accession, new materials inventory, edit/prepare inventories), and assists the General Secretary’s Office upon request.
Benefits Technician (Full time)
Pensions & Benefits USA

Description: This position carries out various customer service tasks, including benefit application processing, benefit verifications, benefit distributions, and processing miscellaneous service requests. Additional duties include assisting in coordinating/completing cyclical and annual focus projects. Requires familiarity with employee benefits and an awareness of how insurance and pension plans work.
Mail Technician (Part time, 30 hours)
Business Center

Description: This position processes incoming and outgoing mail and deliveries and provides customer service to Global Ministry Center employees. Additional duties include upkeep of the Business Center and Business Center work orders as requested, as well as working with vendors and the USPS and completing related paperwork.
Spanish Translation Specialist (Full time)
Nazarene Communications/Global Nazarene Publications

Description: This position is will serve as the in-house Spanish translator for Web pages and digital content for a growing global digital audience. Additionally, this person will provide editorial assistance for Global Nazarene Publications, including both print and digital content, along with other duties as assigned.
To obtain additional information for GMC positions, please call 913-577-0500 and ask for Human Resources.
Nazarene Bible College
The following positions are available at the NBC Administrative Offices located within the Global Ministry Center in Lenexa, Kansas:
  • Academic Advisor
  • Accounts Receivable Specialist
  • Admissions Counselor
  • Controller
  • Executive Assistant to the Vice President for Finance
  • Executive Assistant to the Vice President for Enrollment Management
  • Institutional Research and Financial Aid Assistant
  • Payroll Clerk
For information on NBC positions, visit
Location of Global Ministry Center Positions
The GMC is the administrative hub for the Church of the Nazarene denominational ministries in 162 world areas. The GMC is conveniently located in Lenexa, Kansas, with easy access to I-35 and I-435 and within short driving distance to Kansas City International airport. All GMC positions report to this location.
Our Non-Discrimination PolicyThe Church of the Nazarene Global Ministry Center offers equal employment opportunity to all persons regardless of age, color, national origin, citizenship status, disability, race, religion, creed, sex, or veteran status. The Global Ministry Center is an “at will” employer.
Our Faith-Based OrganizationWe are a faith-based organization. Acceptance of our Christian Code of Conduct is required and membership in the Church of the Nazarene is required for certain positions. The GMC and applicable remote work sites are smoke-, alcohol-, and drug-free Christian workplaces.
Application ProcessingOur Human Resources Office receives and processes many employment applications annually for a limited number of positions. While we regret that we cannot respond to each applicant, we do contact those individuals possessing the skills, education/training, and experience that best match the requirements of the open position for which the application was submitted.
An application must be completed by all applicants and an application must be completed for each position for which one wishes to be considered. Applications are retained for one year. Resumés are not necessary for entry-level positions, but they are preferred for professional level positions.
Applying for Employment with the GMCApplication forms may be requested by calling 913-577-0500, emailing, or obtained in person from Human Resources at the Church of the Nazarene Global Ministry Center, 17001 Prairie Star Parkway, Lenexa, Kansas, 66220, Monday through Friday from 8:00 to 4:30 U.S. Central Time. Completed applications may be mailed or emailed to the attention of the Human Resources Office.

Recursos Humanos
Nuestro recurso más valioso es la gente. Nuestros empleados están comprometidos con involucrarse en “hacer discípulos semejantes a Cristo en todas las naciones” en 159 áreas mundiales.
Los profesionales de la Oficina de Recursos Humanos del Centro de Ministerio Global se esfuerzan para ofrecer el más alto servicio posible a nuestros empleados, y son responsables del reclutamiento, la colocación y la retención de individuos cualificados para servir en posiciones ministeriales o administrativas en el CMG. Le proveemos una variedad de servicios a los empleados incluyendo la administración compensaciones y beneficios, nómina, reclutamiento, relaciones interpersonales, capacitaciones, consejería, eventos y comunicaciones organizacionales y programas para el lugar de empleo.
*Para conocer acerca de oportunidades de trabajo voluntario en el CMG, envíe un correo electrónico a
Oportunidades de empleo
Administrative Assistant (Full time)
General Superintendents’ Office

Description: This person provides editing and proofreading for the BGS Office, coordinates travel logistics and maintains itineraries for the BGS, and provides general administrative support.
Administrative Assistant (Full time)
Pensions & Benefits USA

Description: This person will lead/manage special and cyclical projects, provide administrative assistance to the administrative director, coordinate education/training of internal staff and plan participants, ensure that appropriate resources and support are provided to complete projects, process customer services inquiries, and assist with monitoring and posting items to P&B USA social media outlets (Facebook/Twitter).
Communication Specialist (Full time)
Global Mission Administration

Description: This person provides insight and supports the work of the Global Mission administrative director; helps foster collaborative communication efforts between the regions and Global Mission team; advances the implementation and continuous improvement of the Global Mission communication strategy; collaborates on the improvement of existing and the creation of new initiatives, stories, and projects; and participates in and assist in the development of communication procedures and planning of meaningful gatherings for communicators.
Deputation/Home Assignment Coordinator (Full time)
Global Mission Personnel Office

Description: This person works directly with missionaries, creating and facilitating training to assure maximum effectiveness during home assignment. Other responsibilities include working with local and district church leaders in understanding and engaging missionaries while in their church(es), coordinating scheduling for deputation in churches and district events, and connecting local churches and districts with missionaries to encourage stewardship and relationship.
Project Assistant (Part time, 30 hours per week)
Stewardship Ministries

Description: This person works on a grant-funded project in the area of stewardship, assisting in all areas of development and administration of the project. The position is temporary and is expected to last for three years.
Receptionist (Full time)
Business Center

Description: This position will provide quality service and hospitality to callers, guests, and offices of the Global Ministry Center. A majority of the time will be spent at the front desk communicating with various employees, constituents, and others via phone, email, and in person. The receptionist will be asked to serve in other roles within the Business Center as needed.
Software Developer (Full time)
Information Technology

Description: Members of the software development team are primarily responsible for facilitating the ministry of the Global Ministry Center through the analysis, design, implementation, and support of software solutions.
Technology Specialist (Full time)
Pensions & Benefits USA

Description: This position will assist the technology supervisor in developing and maintaining the technology resources available to the Pensions and Benefits USA office and its constituents. This will include Web content management, development of systems for document storage and retrieval, assistance with upkeep of other business databases, resolution of basic desktop issues, and assistance with technology-related communication and training.
Para obtener más información, favor de llamar al 913-577-0500 y preguntar por Recursos Humanos.
Localización de nuestros puestos
El CMG es la sede administrativa para los ministerios denominacionales de la Iglesia del Nazareno sirviendo en 159 áreas mundiales. El CMG esta convenientemente localizado en Lenexa, Kansas con fácil acceso a las carreteras I-35 y I-435 y a corta distancia del aeropuerto internacional de Kansas City. Todos los puestos dentro de CMG se reportan a esta localización.
Nuestra política no discriminatoria
El Centro de Ministerio Global de la Iglesia del Nazareno ofrece igualdad de oportunidades de empleo a todas las personas sin importar su edad, color, nacionalidad, estatus de ciudadanía, discapacidad, raza, religión, credo, género o estatus de veterano. El Centro de Ministerio Global es un empleador “at will”.
Nuestra organización basada en la fe cristiana
Somos una organización basada en la fe cristiana. La aceptación de nuestro Código de Conducta Cristiana es requerida y la membresía a la Iglesia del Nazareno es requerida para ciertas posiciones. El CMG y los lugares de empleo remotos que apliquen son lugares de empleo cristianos, libres de cigarrillos, alcohol y drogas.
Procesamiento de solicitudes
Nuestra Oficina de Recursos Humanos recibe y procesa muchas solicitudes de empleo anualmente para una cantidad limitada de puestos. Aunque lamentamos no poder responder a todos los solicitantes, sí contactamos a aquellos individuos que poseen las habilidades, educación/entrenamiento y experiencia que más se acerque a los requerimientos para el puesto vacante por el cual la solicitud fue sometida.
Todo solicitante debe llenar una solicitud y una solicitud debe ser completada para cada puesto por el cual uno desea ser considerado. Las solicitudes se retienen por un año. No es necesario un resumé para puestos de entrada, pero si son preferidos para puestos de nivel profesional.
Para solicitar empleo en el CMG:
Puede pedir una solicitud llamando al 913-577-0500, enviando un correo electrónico a o obteniéndola en persona de parte de Recursos Humanos en el Centro de Ministerio Global de la Iglesia del Nazareno, 17001 Prairie Star Parkway, Lenexa, Kansas, 66220, de lunes a viernes desde las 8:00 AM hasta las 4:30 PM (CST). Las solicitudes completadas pueden ser enviadas por correo regular o electrónico dirigido a la Oficina de Recursos Humanos.
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Help Wanted: Call for General Assembly volunteersIndianapolis, Indiana

More than 20,000 Nazarenes will converge on Indianapolis, Indiana, for the Church of the Nazarene's 29th General Assembly and Conventions 21-30 June. It takes an multitude of people to make an event of this magnitude a success, and you can be a part.
No matter your skill set, the General Assembly Arrangements Office would appreciate your help. Volunteers are needed for ushering, welcome centers, greeting at the airport, and registration, just to name a few opportunities. Some volunteer openings require minimal time commitment.
Individuals may sign up to assist at under the "Get Involved" tab.
“It takes a significant amount of people to manage the details at an event this large,” said David Wilson, general secretary for the Church of the Nazarene. “In addition to your prayers, we desire your participation.”
Volunteers are also needed for three separate children’s activities. The Kid Zone Playground will be open 21-25 June, and 12 volunteers are needed for each two-hour shift. On 22 June and 23 June, 20 volunteers are needed to assist with a four-hour Kidz Blitz Live performance. The final opportunity is to work with children attending World Quiz on 24 June.
All children’s volunteers are required to pass a background check and must go through the NazareneSafe training. Note: If you have a NazareneSafe certificate dated July 1, 2015, or after, you will NOT have to do the training again.
For more information about the children’s volunteer opportunities and to sign up, click here.
Learn more about General Assembly and Conventions at[General Assembly Arrangements Office]
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Material created and owned by Nazarene Communication Network News may be used for church newsletters and bulletins.


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