Tuesday, May 9, 2017

TODAY IN JUDAISM: Tuesday, May 9, 2017 - Chabad.org in New York, New York, United States - Today in Judaism - Today is: Tuesday, Iyar 13, 5777 · May 9, 2017 - Omer: Day 28 - Malchut sheb'Netzach

TODAY IN JUDAISM: Tuesday, May 9, 2017 - Chabad.org in New York, New York, United States - Today in Judaism - Today is: Tuesday, Iyar 13, 5777 · May 9, 2017 - Omer: Day 28 - Malchut sheb'Netzach
Today's Laws & Customs:
• Count "Twenty-Nine Days to the Omer" Tonight
Tomorrow is the twenty-ninth day of the Omer Count. Since, on the Jewish calendar, the day begins at nightfall of the previous evening, we count the omer for tomorrow's date tonight, after nightfall: "Today is twenty-nine days, which are four weeks and one day, to the Omer." (If you miss the count tonight, you can count the omer all day tomorrow, but without the preceding blessing).
The 49-day "Counting of the Omer" retraces our ancestors' seven-week spiritual journey from the Exodus to Sinai. Each evening we recite a special blessing and count the days and weeks that have passed since the Omer; the 50th day is Shavuot, the festival celebrating the Giving of the Torah at Sinai.
Tonight's Sefirah: Chessed sheb'Hod -- "Kindness in Humility"
The teachings of Kabbalah explain that there are seven "Divine Attributes" -- Sefirot -- that G-d assumes through which to relate to our existence: Chessed, Gevurah, Tifferet, Netzach, Hod, Yesod and Malchut ("Love", "Strength", "Beauty", "Victory", "Splendor", "Foundation" and "Sovereignty"). In the human being, created in the "image of G-d," the seven sefirot are mirrored in the seven "emotional attributes" of the human soul: Kindness, Restraint, Harmony, Ambition, Humility, Connection and Receptiveness. Each of the seven attributes contain elements of all seven--i.e., "Kindness in Kindness", "Restraint in Kindness", "Harmony in Kindness", etc.--making for a total of forty-nine traits. The 49-day Omer Count is thus a 49-step process of self-refinement, with each day devoted to the "rectification" and perfection of one the forty-nine "sefirot."
How to count the Omer
The deeper significance of the Omer Count
Today in Jewish History:
• Jews Expelled from Berne (1427)
The Jews of Berne, Switzerland were expelled on this date in 1427. Berne had a long history of expulsions and anti-Jewish riots.
• Passing of Rabbi Yisrael Aryeh Leib (1952) Rabbi Yisrael Aryeh Leib, brother of Rabbi Menachem M. Schneerson, the Lubavitcher Rebbe, was the youngest of Rabbi Levi Yitzchak and Chana Schneerson's three sons.
Born in Nikolayev in 1909, he quickly became renowned as a scholar of exceptional genius. At a young age, Yisrael Aryeh Leib was already teaching Tanya, the mystical foundational work of Chabad Chassidism, to an audience of eager adults.
He eventually immigrated to Israel, and in his later years he moved to Liverpool, England, to study in the local university. It was there that he passed away in 1952.
Rabbi Yisrael Aryeh Leib is interred in Safed, Israel.
Daily Quote:You have selected the L‑rd this day, to be your G‑d, and to walk in His ways, and to observe His statutes, His commandments and His ordinances, and to obey Him . . . And G‑d has selected you this day to be His treasured people, as He has promised you . . [Deuteronomy 26:17–18]
Daily Study
Chitas and Rambam for today:
Chumash: Emor, 3rd Portion Leviticus 22:17-22:33 with Rashi
English / Hebrew Linear Translation | Video Class
Leviticus Chapter 22

17And the Lord spoke to Moses, saying, יזוַיְדַבֵּ֥ר יְהֹוָ֖ה אֶל־משֶׁ֥ה לֵּאמֹֽר:
18Speak to Aaron and to his sons and to all the children of Israel and say to them: Any man whatsoever from the house of Israel or from the strangers among Israel who offers up his sacrifice for any of their vows or for any of their donations that they may offer up to the Lord as a burnt offering יחדַּבֵּ֨ר אֶל־אַֽהֲרֹ֜ן וְאֶל־בָּנָ֗יו וְאֶל֙ כָּל־בְּנֵ֣י יִשְׂרָאֵ֔ל וְאָֽמַרְתָּ֖ אֲלֵהֶ֑ם אִ֣ישׁ אִישׁ֩ מִבֵּ֨ית יִשְׂרָאֵ֜ל וּמִן־הַגֵּ֣ר בְּיִשְׂרָאֵ֗ל אֲשֶׁ֨ר יַקְרִ֤יב קָרְבָּנוֹ֙ לְכָל־נִדְרֵיהֶם֙ וּלְכָל־נִדְבוֹתָ֔ם אֲשֶׁר־יַקְרִ֥יבוּ לַֽיהֹוָ֖ה לְעֹלָֽה:
their vows: [when a person declares:] “It is incumbent upon me” [i.e., a personal commitment to bring a burnt offering," and therefore, if the animal he set aside is lost or blemished, he must fulfill his vow with a replacement animal, whereas]; נדריהם: הרי עלי:
their donations: [when a person declares:] “Behold, [I hereby consecrate] this [animal for a burnt offering,” since the declaration falls on the animal rather than on the person, if the consecrated animal is lost or blemished, the person is not responsible]. — [Meg. 8a] נדבותם: הרי זו:
19to be favorable for you, [it shall be] an unblemished, male, from cattle, from sheep, or from goats. יטלִרְצֹֽנְכֶ֑ם תָּמִ֣ים זָכָ֔ר בַּבָּקָ֕ר בַּכְּשָׂבִ֖ים וּבָֽעִזִּֽים:
to be favorable for you: [God is saying here:] “Bring Me something that is worthy to appease (לִרְצוֹת) for you before Me, that will make you favorable (רָצוֹן) before Me.” [This word לִרְצֹנְכֶם has the meaning of] apaisement in French [like “appeasement” in English]. And what [animal] is worthy of attaining God’s appeasement? לרצנכם: הביאו דבר הראוי לרצות אתכם לפני, שיהא לכם לרצון אפיימני"ט בלע"ז [פיוס]. ואיזהו הראוי לרצון:
an unblemished, male, from cattle, from sheep, or from goats: But with burnt-offerings of birds, no unblemished or male [birds] are required, and it is not rendered invalid if it has a defect unless a limb is missing. — [Torath Kohanim 22:106] תמים זכר בבקר בכשבים ובעזים: אבל בעולת העוף אין צריך תמות וזכרות, ואינו נפסל במום אלא בחסרון אבר:
20Any [animal] that has a blemish, you shall not offer up, for it will not be favorable for you. ככֹּ֛ל אֲשֶׁר־בּ֥וֹ מ֖וּם לֹ֣א תַקְרִ֑יבוּ כִּי־לֹ֥א לְרָצ֖וֹן יִֽהְיֶ֥ה לָכֶֽם:
21And if a man offers up a peace offering to the Lord for declaring a vow or as a donation from cattle or from the flock to be accepted, it shall be unblemished. It shall not have any defect in it. כאוְאִ֗ישׁ כִּֽי־יַקְרִ֤יב זֶֽבַח־שְׁלָמִים֙ לַֽיהֹוָ֔ה לְפַלֵּא־נֶ֨דֶר֙ א֣וֹ לִנְדָבָ֔ה בַּבָּקָ֖ר א֣וֹ בַצֹּ֑אן תָּמִ֤ים יִֽהְיֶה֙ לְרָצ֔וֹן כָּל־מ֖וּם לֹ֥א יִֽהְיֶה־בּֽוֹ:
for declaring a vow: For verbally designating [a particular animal. If he designated it merely in his mind, this does not obligate him as a vow]. — [Sifthei Chachamim] לפלא נדר: להפריש בדיבורו:
22[An animal that has] blindness, or [a] broken [bone], or [a] split [eyelid or lip], or [one that has] warts, or dry lesions or weeping sores you shall not offer up [any of] these to the Lord, nor shall you place [any] of these as a fire offering upon the altar to the Lord. כבעַוֶּ֩רֶת֩ א֨וֹ שָׁב֜וּר אֽוֹ־חָר֣וּץ אֽוֹ־יַבֶּ֗לֶת א֤וֹ גָרָב֙ א֣וֹ יַלֶּ֔פֶת לֹֽא־תַקְרִ֥יבוּ אֵ֖לֶּה לַֽיהֹוָ֑ה וְאִשֶּׁ֗ה לֹֽא־תִתְּנ֥וּ מֵהֶ֛ם עַל־הַמִּזְבֵּ֖חַ לַֽיהֹוָֽה:
[An animal that has] blindness: עַוֶּרֶת. [This is] a noun, the feminine equivalent of עִוָּרוֹן, that the animal shall not have the defect of blindness. עורת: שם דבר של מום עורון בלשון נקבה, שלא יהא בו מום של עורת:
or [a] broken [bone]: [lit., “or broken,” i.e., the animal] shall not be [broken]. או שבור: לא יהיה:
or [a] split [eyelid or lip]: חָרוּץ [lit. cut], an eyelid that was split or notched, and similarly, its lip which was split or notched. — [Torath Kohanim 22:113] חרוץ: ריס של עין שנסדק או שנפגם, וכן שפתו שנסדקה או נפגמה:
or [one that has] warts: Verrue [wart] in French. יבלת: ורוא"ה בלע"ז [יבלת]:
or dry lesions: Heb. גָרָב, a type of lichen, as יַלֶּפֶת (see Rashi on 21:20). The יַלֶּפֶת is similar to “And Samson grasped (וַיִּלְפֹּת)” (Jud. 16:29) for it bonds (מְלַפֶּפֶת) itself to him until the day of [his] death, for it has no cure. — [Bech. 41a] גרב: מין חזזית וכן ילפת. ולשון ילפת, כמו (שופטים טז כט) וילפת שמשון, שאחוזה בו עד יום מיתה, שאין לה רפואה:
you shall not offer up [(any of) these]: [This prohibition is stated] three times [here and in verses 20 and 25], as an admonition against (a) consecrating them, (b) slaughtering them and (c) dashing their blood. — [Temurah 6b] לא תקריבו: שלש פעמים, להזהיר על הקדשן ועל שחיטתן ועל זריקת דמן:
nor shall you place [(any) of these] as a fire-offering: [This is] an admonition against the burning them [on the altar]. — [Temurah 6b; Torath Kohanim 22:116] ואשה לא תתנו: אזהרת הקטרתן:
23As for an ox or sheep that has mismatching limbs or uncloven hooves you may make it into a donation, but as a vow, it will not be accepted. כגוְשׁ֥וֹר וָשֶׂ֖ה שָׂר֣וּעַ וְקָל֑וּט נְדָבָה֙ תַּֽעֲשֶׂ֣ה אֹת֔וֹ וּלְנֵ֖דֶר לֹ֥א יֵֽרָצֶֽה:
mismatching limbs: i.e., one limb bigger than its [normal] counterpart. — [see Rashi on verse 21:18 above and Sifthei Chachamim there; Bech. 40a] שרוע: אבר גדול מחבירו:
uncloven hooves: its hooves are uncloven [i.e., resembling those of a horse or donkey]. — [Bech. 40a] וקלוט: פרסותיו קלוטות:
you may make it into a donation: [i.e., it may be sold and its money donated] to the maintenance of the Holy Temple. נדבה תעשה אתו: לבדק הבית:
but as a vow: for the altar. — [Torath Kohanim 22:118] ולנדר: למזבח:
it will not be accepted: What consecration comes to grant acceptance (לִרְצוֹת) ? I must say the consecration for the altar. - [Torath Kohanim 22:118][See Sifthei Chachamim, Mizrachi, and Nachalath Yaakov] לא ירצה: איזהו הקדש בא לרצות, הוי אומר זה הקדש המזבח:
24[Any animal whose testicles were] squashed, crushed, pulled out, or severed, you shall not offer up to the Lord, and in your land, you shall not do [it]. כדוּמָע֤וּךְ וְכָתוּת֙ וְנָת֣וּק וְכָר֔וּת לֹ֥א תַקְרִ֖יבוּ לַֽיהֹוָ֑ה וּבְאַרְצְכֶ֖ם לֹ֥א תַֽעֲשֽׂוּ:
[Any animal] whose testicles were squashed, crushed, pulled out, or severed: [These terms refer to damage] to the testicles or the membrum. — [Bech. 39b] ומעוך וכתות ונתוק וכרות: בביצים או בגיד:
squashed: Heb. וּמָעוּךְ, its testicles were squashed by hand. מעוך: ביציו מעוכין ביד:
crushed: וְכָתוּת, more severely crushed than מָעוּךְ. כתות: כתושים יותר ממעוך:
pulled out: Heb. נָתוּק, torn off by hand, until the threads upon which they are suspended snapped, but they are still contained within the scrotum, and the scrotum was not torn off. נתוק: תלושין ביד עד שנפסקו חוטים שתלויים בהן, אבל נתונים הם בתוך הכיס, והכיס לא נתלש:
or severed: Heb., וְכָרוּת, severed with an instrument, but still contained within the scrotum. וכרות: כרותין בכלי ועודן בכיס:
squashed: Heb. וּמָעוּךְ [Onkelos] renders this as וְדִימְרִיס, which is its equivalent in Aramaic, an expression of crushing. ומעוך: תרגומו ודימריס, זה לשונו בארמית, לשון כתישה:
crushed: וְכָתוּת, [Onkelos] renders this as וְדִירְסִיס, like, “[and he will smite] the great house into splinters (רְסִיסִים)” (Amos 6:11), little pieces; likewise, קָנֶה הַמְרֻסָּס, meaning “a reed that is broken into pieces” (Shab. 80b). וכתות: תרגומו ודירסיס, כמו (עמוס ו יא) הבית הגדול רסיסים, בקיעות דקות, וכן (שבת פ ב) קנה המרוסס:
and in your land, you shall not do: this thing, to castrate any livestock or wild animal, even of an unclean species. This is why [our verse] says here “in your land” -to include any species found in your land. — [Torath Kohanim 22:121] for it is impossible to say that castration is prohibited only in Eretz Israel [“your land,”] because [the prohibition of] castration is an obligation [associated with] the body [of a person], and every commandment associated with the body [of a person] applies both in the Land [of Israel] and outside the Land [of Israel]. - [Kid. 36b] ובארצכם לא תעשו: דבר זה, לסרס שום בהמה וחיה ואפילו טמאה, לכך נאמר בארצכם, לרבות כל אשר בארצכם, שאי אפשר לומר לא נצטוו על הסרוס אלא בארץ, שהרי סרוס חובת הגוף הוא, וכל חובת הגוף נוהגת בין בארץ בין בחוצה לארץ:
25And from the hand of a gentile you shall not offer up as food for your God any of these [blemished animals], for their injury is upon them, there is a defect on them; they will not be accepted for you. כהוּמִיַּ֣ד בֶּן־נֵכָ֗ר לֹ֥א תַקְרִ֛יבוּ אֶת־לֶ֥חֶם אֱלֹֽהֵיכֶ֖ם מִכָּל־אֵ֑לֶּה כִּ֣י מָשְׁחָתָ֤ם בָּהֶם֙ מ֣וּם בָּ֔ם לֹ֥א יֵֽרָצ֖וּ לָכֶֽם:
from the hand of a gentile: [lit., “and from the hand of a foreigner,” i.e.,] if a non-Jew brought a sacrifice and handed it over to the kohen to offer it up to Heaven, you shall not offer up on his behalf any blemished animal. And even though blemished animals are not deemed invalid as sacrifices from the children of Noah [i.e., by all non-Jews] unless they have a limb missing-that [rule] applies [only] to private altars in the fields. However, on the altar in the Mishkan, you shall not offer them up (Temurah 7b). You shall, however, accept an unblemished animal from them. That is why Scripture states earlier in this passage (verse 18 above), אִישׁ אִישׁ, “Any man whatsoever,” [where this double expression comes] to include non-Jews, who make vows and donations like Israelites. — [Temurah 2b] ומיד בן נכר: נכרי שהביא קרבן ביד כהן להקריבו לשמים לא תקריבו לו בעל מום. ואף על פי שלא נאסרו בעלי מומין לקרבן בני נח אלא אם כן מחוסרי אבר, זאת נוהגת בבמה שבשדות, אבל על המזבח שבמשכן לא תקריבוה, אבל תמימה תקבלו מהם, לכך נאמר למעלה איש איש (לעיל פסוק יח), לרבות את הנכרים שנודרים נדרים ונדבות כישראל:
their injury: Heb. מָשְׁחָתָם, [as Onkelos renders it:] חִבּוּלְהוֹן, “their injury.” משחתם: חבולהון:
they will not be accepted for you: to atone for you. לא ירצו לכם: לכפר עליכם:
26And the Lord spoke to Moses, saying: כווַיְדַבֵּ֥ר יְהֹוָ֖ה אֶל־משֶׁ֥ה לֵּאמֹֽר:
27When an ox or a sheep or a goat is born, it shall remain under its mother for seven days, and from the eighth day onwards, it shall be accepted as a sacrifice for a fire offering to the Lord. כזשׁ֣וֹר אוֹ־כֶ֤שֶׂב אוֹ־עֵז֙ כִּ֣י יִוָּלֵ֔ד וְהָיָ֛ה שִׁבְעַ֥ת יָמִ֖ים תַּ֣חַת אִמּ֑וֹ וּמִיּ֤וֹם הַשְּׁמִינִי֙ וָהָ֔לְאָה יֵֽרָצֶ֕ה לְקָרְבַּ֥ן אִשֶּׁ֖ה לַֽיהֹוָֽה:
When [an ox or a sheep or a goat] is born: [The expression “is born” comes] to exclude [from sacrifice an animal] delivered by Caesarean section. - [Chul. 38b] כי יולד: פרט ליוצא דופן:
28An ox or sheep you shall not slaughter it and its offspring in one day._ כחוְשׁ֖וֹר אוֹ־שֶׂ֑ה אֹת֣וֹ וְאֶת־בְּנ֔וֹ לֹ֥א תִשְׁחֲט֖וּ בְּי֥וֹם אֶחָֽד:
it and its offspring: [This prohibition] applies to the female [i.e., the mother] animal, namely, that it is prohibited to slaughter a mother animal and its male or female offspring [on the same day]. The prohibition does not apply, however, to males [i.e., to the father animals], and it is permissible to slaughter the father animal along with its male or female offspring [on the same day]. — [Chul. 78b] אתו ואת בנו: נוהג בנקבה, שאסור לשחוט האם והבן או הבת, ואינו נוהג בזכרים, ומותר לשחוט האב והבן [או האב והבת]:
[you shall not slaughter] it and its offspring: Also included [in this prohibition is slaughtering] its offspring and [then] it. — [Chul. 82a] אתו ואת בנו: אף בנו ואותו במשמע:
29And when you slaughter a thanksgiving offering to the Lord, you shall slaughter it so that it should be acceptable for you. כטוְכִֽי־תִזְבְּח֥וּ זֶֽבַח־תּוֹדָ֖ה לַֽיהֹוָ֑ה לִרְצֹֽנְכֶ֖ם תִּזְבָּֽחוּ:
you shall slaughter it so that it should be acceptable for you: From the very beginning of your slaughtering, take care that it should be “acceptable for you.” And what makes it acceptable?" לרצנכם תזבחו: תחלת זביחתכם הזהרו שתהא לרצון לכם. ומהו הרצון:
It shall be eaten on that day: [Now, although it has already been stated that thanksgiving-offerings must be eaten on the day of sacrificing (Lev. 7:15), the Torah repeats this here] exclusively to warn us that the slaughtering must be performed on this condition. Do not slaughter it with the intention of eating it on the next day, for if you have this invalidating intention in mind, the sacrifice will not be “acceptable for you” (Torath Kohanim 22:135) [Indeed, it will be rejected (פִּגּוּל; see Rashi Lev. 7:18)]. Another explanation of לִרְצֹנְכֶם is: “knowingly.” From here, [we learn that] if someone slaughtered an animal in an incidental manner [i.e., according to Rashi , without intending to slaughter, just to pick up the knife or to throw it. According to Tosafoth, if he did not intend to slaughter, but only to sever the organs, or if he thought that it was an ordinary animal, and did not realize that it was to be slaughtered as a holy sacrifice], then [even though the animal is fit to be eaten as ordinary non-consecrated meat, nevertheless,] regarding being slaughtered as a holy sacrifice, it is deemed unfit. — [Chul. 13a] Now, although Scripture has already stated [that a sacrifice is “not acceptable” if, while slaughtering, one intended to eat it after its permissible time] in the case of sacrifices that may be eaten for two days (see Lev. 7:18), it specifies it again regarding those sacrifices that must be eaten on the same day (see Rashi Lev. 7:15), namely, that they [too] must be slaughtered with the intention of eating them within their permissible time. ביום ההוא יאכל: לא בא להזהיר אלא שתהא שחיטה על מנת כן, אל תשחטוהו על מנת לאכלו למחר, שאם תחשבו בו מחשבת פסול לא יהא לכם לרצון. דבר אחר לרצונכם, לדעתכם, מכאן למתעסק שפסול בשחיטת קדשים. ואף על פי שפרט בנאכלים לשני ימים, חזר ופרט בנאכלין ליום אחד שתהא זביחתן על מנת לאכלן בזמנן:
30It shall be eaten on that day; do not leave it over until morning. I am the Lord. לבַּיּ֤וֹם הַהוּא֙ יֵֽאָכֵ֔ל לֹֽא־תוֹתִ֥ירוּ מִמֶּ֖נּוּ עַד־בֹּ֑קֶר אֲנִ֖י יְהֹוָֽה:
It shall be eaten on that day: [As explained above (see preceding Rashi)], Scripture states this here only to warn us that the slaughtering must be performed with this intention. For if it meant to fix the time limit for eating it, this has already been stated, “And the flesh of his thanksgiving peace-offering [shall be eaten on the day that it is offered…]” (Lev. 7:15). - [Torath Kohanim 7:113] ביום ההוא יאכל: לא בא להזהיר אלא שתהא שחיטה על מנת כן, שאם לקבוע לו זמן אכילה, כבר כתוב (ויקרא ז טו) ובשר זבח תודת שלמיו וגו':
I am the Lord: Know Who decreed this matter, and do not perceive it as unimportant. אני ה': דע מי גזר על הדבר ואל יקל בעיניך:
31You shall keep My commandments and perform them. I am the Lord. לאוּשְׁמַרְתֶּם֙ מִצְו‍ֹתַ֔י וַֽעֲשִׂיתֶ֖ם אֹתָ֑ם אֲנִ֖י יְהֹוָֽה:
You shall keep [My commandments]: This refers to learning [God’s commandments and “keeping” them organized and memorized in one’s heart] ושמרתם: זו המשנה:
and perform them: meaning [putting them into] action. — [Mizrachi; Torath Kohanim 22:136] ועשיתם: זה המעשה:
32You shall not desecrate My Holy Name. I shall be sanctified amidst the children of Israel. I am the Lord Who sanctifies you, לבוְלֹ֤א תְחַלְּלוּ֙ אֶת־שֵׁ֣ם קָדְשִׁ֔י וְנִ֨קְדַּשְׁתִּ֔י בְּת֖וֹךְ בְּנֵ֣י יִשְׂרָאֵ֑ל אֲנִ֥י יְהֹוָ֖ה מְקַדִּשְׁכֶֽם:
You shall not desecrate [My Holy Name]: By transgressing My commandments intentionally. Now, is it not already implied by the verse “ You shall not desecrate [My Holy Name,” that if you do not transgress, God’s Name will be sanctified? So] what do we learn by Scripture adding “I shall be sanctified [amidst the children of Israel]?” [It teaches us:] Surrender your life [and do not transgress God’s commandments], and [thus] sanctify My Name. Now, one might think [that this commandment applies even] in private [i.e., if he is not in the presence of ten or more Jews]. Scripture, therefore, says here “[I shall be sanctified] amidst the children of Israel” [i.e., one is obliged to sacrifice one’s life to avoid transgressing God’s commandments only in the presence of ten or more Jews]. And when one sacrifices oneself, one shall do so with the willingness to die, anyone who [submits to] sacrifices himself while assuming [that God will surely perform] a miracle [for him and save his life], for this person, God does not perform a miracle, for so we find in [the case of] Hananiah, Mishael and Azariah, that [when the evil Nebuchadnezzar threatened to throw them into a fiery furnace], they did not submit themselves on the condition [that God would perform] a miracle, as Scripture says, “[Behold, there is our God Whom we worship; He can save us from the burning, fiery furnace and from your hands, O king!] But if not, let it be known to you, O king [that we will not worship your god, neither will we prostrate ourselves to the golden image that you have set up]!” (Dan. 3:17-18). [We see here that whatever the outcome,] whether [God would] rescue [them] or not- [they declared, regardless] “Let it be known to you, O king [that we will not prostrate ourselves…]!” - [Torath Kohanim 22:137] ולא תחללו: לעבור על דברי מזידין. ממשמע שנאמר ולא תחללו, מה תלמוד לומר ונקדשתי, מסור עצמך וקדש שמי. יכול ביחיד, תלמוד לומר בתוך בני ישראל, וכשהוא מוסר עצמו, ימסור עצמו על מנת למות, שכל המוסר עצמו על מנת הנס, אין עושין לו נס, שכן מצינו בחנניה מישאל ועזריה שלא מסרו עצמן על מנת הנס, שנאמר (דניאל ג יח) והן לא, ידיע להוא לך מלכא די לאלהך לא איתנא פלחין וגו', מציל ולא מציל, ידיע להוא לך וגו':
33Who took you out of the land of Egypt, to be a God to you. I am the Lord. לגהַמּוֹצִ֤יא אֶתְכֶם֙ מֵאֶ֣רֶץ מִצְרַ֔יִם לִֽהְי֥וֹת לָכֶ֖ם לֵֽאלֹהִ֑ים אֲנִ֖י יְהֹוָֽה:
Who took you out [of the land of Egypt]: on this very condition [i.e., to be willing to sacrifice your lives in sanctification of My Holy Name. — [Torath Kohanim 22:138] [And do not think that since it is an obligation, you will not receive reward for sacrificing yourselves, for] המוציא אתכם: על מנת כן:
I am the Lord: faithful to give reward [to those who fulfill My Torah. — [Torath Kohanim 22:138] אני ה': נאמן לשלם שכר:
Tehillim: Psalms Chapters 69 - 71
Hebrew text
English text
Chapter 69

1. For the Conductor, on the shoshanim,1 by David.
2. Deliver me, O God, for the waters have reached until my soul!
3. I have sunk in muddy depths without foothold; I have come into deep waters, and the current sweeps me away.
4. I am wearied by my crying, my throat is parched; my eyes pined while waiting for my God.
5. More numerous than the hairs on my head are those who hate me without reason. Mighty are those who would cut me off, those who are my enemies without cause. What I have not stolen, I will then have to return.
6. O God, You know my folly, and my wrongs are not hidden from You.
7. Let not those who hope in You be shamed through me, O my Lord, God of Hosts; let not those who seek You be disgraced through me, O God of Israel,
8. because for Your sake I have borne humiliation, disgrace covers my face.
9. I have become a stranger to my brothers, an alien to my mother's sons,
10. for the envy of Your House has consumed me, and the humiliations of those who scorn You have fallen upon me.
11. And I wept while my soul fasted, and it was a humiliation to me.
12. I made sackcloth my garment, and became a byword for them.
13. Those who sit by the gate speak of me, and [of me] are the songs of drunkards.
14. May my prayer to You, Lord, be at a gracious time; God, in Your abounding kindness, answer me with Your true deliverance.
15. Rescue me from the mire, so that I not sink; let me be saved from my enemies and from deep waters.
16. Let not the current of water sweep me away, nor the deep swallow me; and let not the pit close its mouth over me.
17. Answer me, Lord, for Your kindness is good; according to Your abundant mercies, turn to me.
18. Do not hide Your face from Your servant, for I am in distress-hurry to answer me.
19. Draw near to my soul and liberate it; redeem me, so that my enemies [not feel triumphant].
20. You know my humiliation, my shame, and my disgrace; all my tormentors are before You.
21. Humiliation has broken my heart, and I have become ill. I longed for comfort, but there was none; for consolers, but I did not find.
22. They put gall into my food, and for my thirst they gave me vinegar to drink.
23. Let their table become a trap before them, and [their] serenity, a snare.
24. Let their eyes be darkened so that they cannot see, and let their loins continually falter.
25. Pour Your wrath upon them, and let the fierceness of Your anger overtake them.
26. Let their palace be desolate, let there be no dweller in their tents,
27. for they persecute the one whom You struck, and tell of the pain of Your wounded ones.
28. Add iniquity to their iniquity, and let them not enter into Your righteousness.
29. May they be erased from the Book of Life, and let them not be inscribed with the righteous.
30. But I am poor and in pain; let Your deliverance, O God, streng-then me.
31. I will praise the Name of God with song, I will extol Him with thanksgiving!
32. And it will please the Lord more than [the sacrifice of] a mature bull with horns and hooves.
33. The humble will see it and rejoice; you seekers of God, [see] and your hearts will come alive.
34. For the Lord listens to the needy, and He does not despise His prisoners.
35. Let heaven and earth praise Him, the seas and all that moves within them,
36. for God will deliver Zion and build the cities of Judah, and they will settle there and possess it;
37. and the seed of His servants will inherit it, and those who love His Name will dwell in it.
1.A musical instrument shaped like a shoshana, a rose (Metzudot).
Chapter 70
David prays that his enemies be shamed and humiliated for their shaming him and reveling in his troubles. Then the righteous will rejoice, and chant songs and praises always.
1. For the Conductor, by David, to remind.
2. O God, [come] to rescue me; O Lord, hurry to my aid.
3. Let those who seek my life be shamed and disgraced; let those who wish me harm retreat and be humiliated.
4. Let those who say, "Aha! Aha!" be turned back in return for their shaming [me].
5. Let all who seek You rejoice and delight in You, and let those who love Your deliverance say always, "May God be exalted!”
6. But I am poor and needy; hurry to me, O God! You are my help and deliverer; O God, do not delay!

Chapter 71
In this awe-inspiring prayer, David speaks of his enemies' desire to kill him, declaring him deserving of death.
1. I have taken refuge in You, O Lord; I will never be shamed.
2. Rescue me and deliver me in Your righteousness; incline Your ear to me and save me.
3. Be for me a sheltering rock, to enter always. You have ordered my salvation, for You are my rock and my fortress.
4. O my God, rescue me from the hand of the wicked, from the palm of the scheming and violent.
5. For You are my hope, O my Lord, God, my security since my youth.
6. I have relied on You from the womb; You drew me from my mother's innards; my praise is of You always.
7. I became an example to the masses, yet You were my mighty refuge.
8. Let my mouth be filled with Your praise, all day long with Your glory.
9. Do not cast me aside in old age; do not forsake me when my strength fails;
10. for my enemies say of me, and those who watch my soul conspire together,
11. saying, "God has forsaken him. Give chase and catch him, for there is no rescuer.”
12. O God, do not distance Yourself from me; my God, hurry to my aid.
13. Let the adversaries of my soul be shamed and consumed; let those who seek my harm be enwrapped in disgrace and humiliation.
14. But as for me, I will always hope; I will add to all Your praises.
15. My mouth will tell of Your righteousness, all day long of Your deliverance, for I do not know their number.
16. I come with the strength of my Lord, God; I mention Your righteousness, Yours alone.
17. O God, You have taught me since my youth, and to this day I tell of Your wonders.
18. Even into old age and hoariness, O God, do not abandon me, until I tell of Your might to the generations, and of Your strength to all who are to come.
19. Your righteousness, O God, reaches the high heavens, for You do great things; O God, who is like You!
20. You, Who has shown me many and grievous troubles, You will revive me again; You will lift me again from the depths of the earth.
21. You will increase my greatness; You will turn and console me.
22. I too1 will thank You on the lyre for Your faithfulness, My God; I will sing to You on the harp, O Holy One of Israel.
23. My lips will rejoice when I sing to you, as well as my soul which You have redeemed.
24. My tongue will also utter Your righteousness all day, for those who seek my harm are shamed and disgraced.

1.As you increase my greatness, so will I increase your praise (Metzudot).
Tanya: Likutei Amarim, Chapter 47
English Text: Lessons in Tanya
Hebrew Text
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• Tuesday, Iyar 13, 5777 · May 9, 2017
Today's Tanya Lesson

Likutei Amarim, Chapter 47
Ch. 46 began with the Alter Rebbe explaining yet another simple and straightforward means by which every Jew can arrive at a great love of G‑d, thereby enhancing his performance of Torah and mitzvot. This is done by utilizing the love which comes into being “as water mirrors the face to the face.” For just as water reflects the image of a face peering into it, so too, is there reflected the “heart of man to man.” The Alter Rebbe went on to explain that all the particulars mentioned in the parable of the mighty king and the wretched commoner, as enumerated there, are infinitely more applicable with regard to the love showered by G‑d upon each and every Jew. He showed us His great love when He Himself descended to take us out of our nethermost level, in Egypt, and led us into His innermost chambers by giving us the Torah and mitzvot, whereby we are able to attach ourselves to Him with the ultimate level of unity. Accordingly, the Alter Rebbe then expounded the word kidshanu in the text of the benedictions as implying betrothal, the perfect union of man and wife. Kidshanu also implies Supernal Holiness, which alludes to the supreme state of exalted separation which Jews attain through the performance of mitzvot, recalling G‑d’s holiness — His total exalted separation from all worlds.
Ch. 47 will continue this theme, and answer the following question (as the Rebbe, Rabbi Menachem Mendel Schneerson, of righteous memory, notes): How can the love reflected “as water mirrors the face to the face” be expected of us nowadays, when G‑d’s love was shown to us thousands of years ago, at the time of the Exodus? The answer given by the Alter Rebbe is: Not only is it reasonable to expect this love of a Jew when he recalls the initial Exodus (and the giving of the Torah) when G‑d himself descended (thus showing His great love for us), but also, in truth this is a present-day event as well — for the Exodus is a daily occurrence.
והנה בכל דור ודור, ובכל יום ויום, חייב אדם לראות עצמו כאילו הוא יצא היום ממצרים
“In every generation and every day a person is obliged to regard himself as if he had that day come out of Egypt.”
This text is cited from the Mishnah (Pesachim 10:5), except that the Alter Rebbe inserts the words, “and every day.” For the Exodus is not only an event which takes place in every generation: it is also a daily event in the spiritual life of the Jew.
והיא יציאת נפש האלקית ממאסר הגוף, משכא דחויא
This refers to the release of the divine soul from the confinement of the body, the “serpent’s skin,”
The body is a source of confinement for the divine soul, since it derives its life-force from kelipah. It is from this exile that the divine soul escapes,
ליכלל ביחוד אור אין סוף ברוך הוא, על ידי עסק התורה והמצות בכלל
in order to be absorbed into the unity of the light of the blessed Ein Sof, by engaging in the Torah and commandments in general,
ובפרט בקבלת מלכות שמים בקריאת שמע, שבה מקבל וממשיך עליו יחודו יתברך בפירוש, באמרו: ה׳ אלקינו ה׳ אחד
and in particular through accepting the Kingdom of Heaven during the recital of the Shema, wherein the person explicitly accepts and draws upon himself G‑d’s unity, when he says: “The Lord is our G‑d, the Lord is One.”
וכמו שנתבאר לעיל, כי אלקינו הוא כמו: אלקי אברהם וכו׳, לפי שהיה בטל ונכלל ביחוד אור אין סוף ברוך הוא
It has previously been explained — in ch. 46 — that “our G‑d” is understood in the same way as “the G‑d of Abraham,” and so forth, because he became nullified and absorbed into the unity of the light of the blessed Ein Sof,
Abraham’s self-nullification and consequent union with G‑d were so complete that G‑d is called “the G‑d of Abraham.” Through the performance of the mitzvot, the same may be said of every Jew, so that G‑d may rightfully be called “our G‑d,”
רק שאברהם זכה לזה במעשיו, והילוכו בקודש ממדרגה למדרגה
except that Abraham merited this union by reason of his works and his advancing in holiness from degree to degree, until he uplifted himself to this great level of nullity and unification of self with G‑d,
כמו שכתוב: ויסע אברם הלוך ונסוע וגו׳
as it is written:1 “And Abram journeyed, going on and on [to the South].”
Abraham progressed from level to level until he attained the esoteric level of “the South,” which alludes to the highest possible degree of love for G‑d. Abraham, then, achieved this state as a result of his own labors.
אבל אנחנו, ירושה ומתנה היא לנו, שנתן לנו את תורתו, והלביש בה רצונו וחכמתו יתברך, המיוחדים במהותו ועצמותו יתברך בתכלית היחוד
But as for us, the children of Abraham, for us it is a heritage and a gift, in that He has given us His Torah and has clothed in it His Will and wisdom, which are united with His Essence and Being in perfect unity;
והרי זה כאלו נתן לנו את עצמו, כביכול
and surely this is as if He gave us His very self, as it were. Since His wisdom and Will are one with Him, through Torah study and performance of mitzvot we are able to take Him, as it were, and be united with Him.
כמו שכתוב בזהר הקדוש על פסוק: ויקחו לי תרומה דלי, כלומר: אותי
This is as the Zohar2 comments on the verse:3 “that they bring to Me an offering.” (4The word “to Me,”says the Zohar, actually means “to take Me” — to “take” G‑d.
The Zohar5 interprets the word תרומה (“offering”) as referring to the Torah, inasmuch as it is a composite of the word “Torah” and the letter mem, alluding to the Torah that was given after Moses‘ forty-day sojourn on the mountain. (The numerical value of mem is 40.) The Zohar goes on to explain that through terumah, through Torah, Jews are enabled to “take Me” — to “take” G‑d.
והוה לי למימר: ותרומה
The text should hence have read “[Me] and an offering,”
Since “Me” refers to G‑d and “an offering” refers to Torah, it would seem more appropriate for the verse to state, “You shall take Me and an offering (Torah),” since it is by means of the Torah that the Jew takes “Me”.
אלא משום דכולא חד
except that both are one and the same. G‑d and Torah are truly one. Were the verse to state “Me and an offering” we might be led to believe that the two are separate entities, when in truth they are truly one and the same.
עיין שם היטב
Study it well there, and the matter will be clearly understood.
וזה שאומרים: ותתן לנו ה׳ אלקינו באהבה כו׳
This is the meaning of what we recite,6 “And You have given to us, O L‑rd, our G‑d, with love....”
Because of His great love for us He granted us the gift that He be our G‑d, so that we may be united with Him. It is also stated:
כי באור פניך נתת לנו ה׳ אלקינו כו׳
“For by the light of Your countenance have You given us, O L‑rd, our G‑d...,” once again stressing the gift He has given us, viz., that He is our G‑d.
Therefore —
Since this unity with Him and the gift we have received — that He is our G‑d — is not dependent on our spiritual service, it is within the province of every Jew. Were this level achieved only through one’s spiritual service, it would be correct to say that not everyone has yet reached this lofty level of unity whereby G‑d becomes his G‑d. Since, however, we are granted this level as an inheritance and a gift, it applies to all Jews equally. For a bequest and a gift have nothing to do with the status of the recipient. Should a person be a rightful heir he inherits no matter what his standing; should a benefactor decide to shower his benevolence upon an individual, that individual is a valid recipient no matter how undeserving he may be. (Not so wages, which are commensurate with one’s toil.) At any rate, since this unity is equally attainable by all Jews, therefore —
אין מונע לנו מדביקות הנפש ביחודו ואורו יתברך אלא הרצון, שאם אין האדם רוצה כלל, חס ושלום, לדבקה בו כו׳
nothing stands in the way of the soul’s unity with G‑d and His light, except one’s will; for should the person not desire at all, G‑d forbid, to cleave to Him..., then this unity will not be achieved.
אבל מיד שרוצה, ומקבל וממשיך עליו אלוקותו יתברך, ואומר: ה׳ אלקינו ה׳ אחד, הרי ממילא נכללת נפשו ביחודו יתברך, דרוח אייתי רוח ואמשיך רוח
But immediately when he does so desire, and accepts and draws upon himself His blessed G‑dliness and declares:7 “The L‑rd is our G‑d, the L‑rd is One,” then surely is his soul spontaneously absorbed into G‑d’s unity, for the individual’s yearning8 “spirit evokes spirit and awakening from Above, and draws forth and bestowsspirit” — an added measure of spirituality, so that the person is drawn to G‑d and cleaves to Him.
והיא בחינת יציאת מצרים
And this dynamic within the person’s soul is a form of “Exodus from Egypt.”
The spiritual counterpart of the Exodus is the acceptance of the Kingdom of Heaven during the recitation of the Shema, and one’s desire to cleave to G‑d and be united with Him, for by these means the soul frees itself from the exile and confines of the body and becomes one with G‑d.
ולכן תקנו פרשת יציאת מצרים בשעת קריאת שמע דווקא, אף שהיא מצוה בפני עצמה, ולא ממצות קריאת שמע, כדאיתא בגמרא ופוסקים
Therefore it was ordained that the paragraph concerning the Exodus from Egypt be read specifically during the recital of the Shema, as an adjunct to it, even though it (i.e., recalling and verbalizing the Exodus) is a commandment by itself, not pertaining to the commandment to recite the Shema, as stated in the Talmud and Codes,9
Recalling the Exodus and the formal recitation of the Shema were placed together:
אלא מפני שהן דבר אחד ממש
for they are actually the same thing.
Accepting the Kingdom of Heaven during the Shema and the Exodus from Egypt are truly one and the same, since this acceptance is one’s personal, spiritual Exodus, whereby the divine soul escapes the encumbrances of the body.
וכן, בסוף פרשת יציאת מצרים מסיים גם כן: אני ה׳ אלקיכם, והיינו גם כן כמו שנתבאר לעיל
Likewise, the paragraph referring to the Exodus from Egypt also concludes,10 “I am the L‑rd your G‑d.” This also accords with what has been explained earlier — that through the Exodus one ensures that G‑d becomeshis G‑d, by achieving total unification with Him.
From the above we realize that the Exodus from Egypt is a daily event in the life of the Jew. Hence, just as during the first, historical Exodus (as explained earlier) G‑d showed us his boundless love, obligating us to respond in kind, loving him “as water mirrors the face to the face,” so too should the daily, individual, spiritual Exodus affect us, since G‑d constantly shows us his boundless love.
1. Bereishit 12:9.
2. II, 101b.
3. Shmot 25:2.
4. Parentheses are in the original text.
5. III, 179a.
6. Liturgy.
7. Devarim 6:4.
8. Zohar II, 162b.
9. Berachot 21a; Shulchan Aruch, Orach Chayim 67:1-2.
10. Bamidbar 15:41.
• Sefer Hamitzvos:
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Tuesday, Iyar 13, 5777 · May 9, 2017
Today's Mitzvah
A daily digest of Maimonides’ classic work "Sefer Hamitzvot"
Important Message Regarding This Lesson
The Daily Mitzvah schedule runs parallel to the daily study of 3 chapters of Maimonides' 14-volume code. There are instances when the Mitzvah is repeated a few days consecutively while the exploration of the same Mitzvah continues in the in-depth track.
Positive Commandment 107
Ritual Impurity Contracted through Contact with a Corpse
We are commanded regarding the ritual impurity contracted through contact with a human corpse. [I.e., if contracted, one must follow all the laws associated with this impurity.]
Full text of this Mitzvah »

Ritual Impurity Contracted through Contact with a Corpse
Positive Commandment 107
Translated by Berel Bell
The 107th mitzvah1 is that we are commanded regarding the tumah conveyed by a dead body.2 This mitzvah includes all the laws relating to tumas meis.3
1.In the order given here, following the order of Mishneh Torah, P107 is the first of the commandments dealing with tumah and taharah (ritual purity and impurity). In the order of Sefer HaMitzvos, however, P96 is the first of these mitzvos, and there the Rambam gives a general introduction to all these mitzvos.
2.Num. 19:11ff.
3.Such as which parts of the body convey tumah, how it is conveyed, etc. See Hilchos Tumas Meis.
• 1 Chapter: She'elah uFikkadon She'elah uFikkadon - Chapter 3
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She'elah uFikkadon - Chapter 3
When a person borrows a cow from a colleague and the colleague sends it to him with his own son, his agent or his servant, and it dies before it enters the borrower's domain, the borrower is not liable. This law applies even if the owner sends it with the son, the servant or the agent of the borrower.
If the borrower tells the owner: 'Send it to me with my son,' 'with my servant,' or 'with my agent,' or even 'with your Hebrew servant,' or 'with your agent,' the borrower is liable. This law also applies if the owner tells the borrower: 'I am sending it to you with your son,' 'with your servant,' 'with your agent,' 'with my son,' 'with my Hebrew servant,' or 'with my agent,' and the borrower agrees, the borrower is liable if he sends it and it dies on the way.
If the owner sends the cow with his own Canaanite servant, the borrower is not liable if the cow dies on the way after it is sent. This law applies even if the borrower consents. The rationale is that the servant is considered to be an extension of his master's physical person. Thus, the cow has never left its owner's domain.
השואל את הפרה מחבירו ושלחה לו המשאיל ביד בנו או ביד שלוחו או ביד עבדו אפילו שלחה לו ביד בנו או ביד עבדו או ביד שלוחו של שואל ומתה קודם שתכנס לרשות השואל ה"ז פטור ואם אמר לו השואל שלחה לי ביד בני ביד עבדי ביד שלוחי או ביד עבדך העברי או ביד שלוחך או שאמר לו המשאיל הריני משלחה ביד בנך ביד עבדך ביד שלוחך ביד בני ביד עבדי העברי ביד שלוחי ואמר לו השואל שלח ושלחה ומתה בדרך ה"ז חייב שלחה לו המשאיל ביד עבדו הכנעני אע"פ שאמר לו השואל שלח ומתה פטור מפני שידו כיד רבו ועדיין לא יצאה מרשות המשאיל:
The following rules apply when a person borrows a cow from a colleague, the borrower tells the owner: 'Switch it with a stick, and it will come on its own accord,' and the owner follows his instructions. The borrower is not liable until the cow enters his domain. If it dies on the way, he is not liable.
Similar laws apply when the borrower returns the animal to its owner. If he sends it with another person and it dies before it enters the owner's domain, he is not liable, because it is still the borrower's responsibility. If he returned it with another person with the consent of the owner and it died, he is not liable. If he returned it with his own Canaanite servant, and it died on the way, he is liable, even if the owner consented. The rationale is that the servant is considered an extension of his master's physical person. Thus, the cow has never left the borrower's domain.
When does the above apply? When the borrower returned the animal during the time for which it was lent out. If, however, he returns it after the end of the time for which it was lent out, he is not liable if it dies on the way. For once the time for which it was lent out has concluded, the laws of borrowing no longer apply, and the person who had borrowed the animal is considered a paid watchman. Therefore, if the animal is taken captive or dies after the period for which it was lent out has concluded, the person who had borrowed the animal is not liable. Similar laws apply in all analogous situations.
אמר לו השואל הכישה במקל והיא תבא מאליה ועשה המשאיל כך אין השואל חייב בה עד שתכנס לרשותו אבל מתה בדרך פטור וכן בשעה שמחזירה השואל לבעלים אם שלחה ביד אחר ומתה קודם שתגיע לרשות המשאיל ה"ז חייב שעדיין היא באחריות השואל ואם שלחה מדעת המשאיל ע"י אחר ומתה פטור שלחה ביד עבדו הכנעני אף על פי שאמר לו המשאיל שלח אם מתה בדרך חייב שיד העבד כיד רבו ועדיין לא יצאת מיד השואל בד"א בשהחזירה בתוך ימי שאלתה אבל אם החזירה אחר ימי שאלתה הרי זה פטור אם מתה בדרך שאחר ימי שאלתה יצאת מדין שאילה והרי הוא כשומר שכר לפיכך אם נשבית או מתה אחרי ימי שאילתה פטור וכן כל כיוצא בזה:
The following rules apply when a person borrows a cow from a colleague, the animal dies, and a dispute arises between the owner and the borrower concerning the circumstances of its death. For example, he borrowed it for half a day and rented it for half a day, borrowed it for one day and rented it for one day, or he borrowed one animal and rented another and one of the animals dies. The owner says: 'The borrowed animal died,' 'It died on the day it was borrowed,' or 'It died during the time it was borrowed,' and the borrower says: 'I don't know,' we follow the principle: When a person desires to expropriate property from a colleague, the burden of proof is on him. This principle also applies if the borrower says: 'The rented ox died,' 'It died on the day it was rented,' or 'It died during the time it was rented,' and the owner said: 'I don't know,' or they both said: 'I don't know.'
If the owner cannot bring proof that the borrowed ox died, the renter must take an oath that the rented ox died or that he does not know, and he is freed of liability.
If the owner claims that the borrowed ox died, and the the watchman claims that the rented ox died, the watchman must take an oath that the rented ox died in an ordinary manner as he claims. Because of the convention of gilgul sh'vuah, he must also include in his oath that it was the rented ox that died.
השואל פרה מחבירו שאלה חצי היום ושכרה חצי היום שאלה היום ושכרה למחר שאל אחת ושכר אחת ומתה אחת מהן המשאיל אומר שאולה מתה ביום שהיתה שאולה מתה בשעה שהיתה שאולה מתה והשומר אומר איני יודע או שאמר השואל שכורה מתה ביום שהיתה שכורה מתה בשעה שהיתה שכורה מתה והמשאיל אומר איני יודע או שאמר זה איני יודע וזה אומר איני יודע המע"ה לא היתה שם ראיה ישבע השוכר על השכורה שמתה או שאינו יודע ויפטר זה אומר שאולה וזה אומר שכורה ישבע השומר על השכורה שמתה כדרכה כמו שטען ויגלגל עליו שהשכורה היא שמתה:
The following rules apply when a person borrows two cows from a colleague, borrowing them for half the day and renting them for half the day, and the cows die. If the owner claims 'They died during the time that they were borrowed,' and the watchman replies: 'One did die during the time it was borrowed, but I don't know about the other one," since the watchman is not able to take an oath that denies the owner's claim, he must make restitution for the two cows.
Similar rules apply if the owner gave the watchman three cows, two were borrowed and one was rented and two cows died. If the owner claims: 'It was the two borrowed cows that died,' and the watchman replies: 'Certainly, one of the borrowed cows died, but I do not know whether the second cow that died was the borrowed one or the rented one,' since the watchman cannot take an oath that denies the owner's claim - for he says that he does not know which one died - he must make restitution for the two cows.
In Hilchot To'en V'Nit'an, it is explained how and for which reasons a defendant is required to pay in this law and in all similar cases where a defendant is not able to take an oath.
השאילו שתי פרות חצי היום בשאלה וחצי היום בשכירות המשאיל אומר בזמן השאלה מתה והלה אומר אחת מתה בזמן השאלה והאחרת איני יודע מתוך שאינו יכול לישבע ישלם השתים וכן אם מסר לו שלש פרות שתים שאולות ואחת שכורה המשאיל אומר שתים השאולות הן שמתו והשואל אומר אחת השאולה מתה ודאי אבל השניה שמתה איני יודע אם השאולה האחרת או השכורה מתוך שאינו יכול לישבע שהרי אומר איני יודע ישלם השתים ובהלכות טוען ונטען יתבאר דין זה וכיוצא בו מכל הטוענין שאינן יכולים להשבע וכיצד משלמין ומאי זה טעם הם משלמים:
• 3 Chapters: Tum'at Met Tum'at Met - Chapter 15, Tum'at Met Tum'at Met - Chapter 16, Tum'at Met Tum'at Met - Chapter 17
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Tum'at Met - Chapter 15
The following laws apply when a functional window was closed entirely or closed to the extent that less than a handbreadth by a handbreadth remained. If it was closed with an entity that intervenes in the face of ritual impurity it is considered as closed, provided it is an entity that the owner does not intend to move.
Therefore if he closed a window or reduced its size with foods that were not made susceptible to contract ritual impurity, they do not intervene. Even though they are not susceptible to ritual impurity and they are pure, his intent is to move them. If they were rotting, they intervene. Similarly, straw that is rotting intervenes. If it is not rotting, it does not intervene, because we assume that the owner intends to move it.
When grain grew and blocked a window or reduced its size, it does not intervene, because the owner's intent is to remove it, lest it damage the wall. If its roots were distant from the wall, but the heads of the stalks grew on an incline and blocked the window, it intervenes. Similar laws apply in all analogous situations.
חלון תשמיש שסתמה כולה או סתמה עד שנשאר בה פחות מטפח אם בדבר החוצץ בפני הטומאה סתם ה"ז חוצץ והוא שיהיה דבר שאין דעתו לפנותו לפיכך אם סתם החלון או מיעטו באוכלין שאינן מוכשרין אינן חוצצין שאף על פי שאין מקבלין טומאה והרי הן טהורין דעתו לפנותן היו סרוחין הרי אלו חוצצין וכן תבן סרוח חוצץ ושאינו סרוח אינו חוצץ מפני שדעתו לפנותו תבואה שגדלה וסתמה את החלון או מיעטתו אינה חוצצת לפי שדעתו לפנותה שמא תפסיד הכותל היה עיקרה רחוק מן הכותל ונטה ראשו וסתם הרי זו חוצצת וכן כל כיוצא בזה:
The following rules apply when a barrel that is filled with rotting dried figs which were never made susceptible to ritual impurity and are not fit to be eaten were placed in a window and the opening of the window faced a source of impurity. The barrel itself is impure, In such a situation, and similarly, if a container is filled with rotten straw that is not fit to be used as animal fodder, for mortar for building, or for kindling that was placed in the window: when the figs or the straw would be able to remain standing independently were their container to be removed, they would be considered as intervening. If not, they do not intervene.
The following entities all reduce the size of a window:
a) bitter grasses that are not fit for animal fodder,
b) patches that are not three fingerbreadths by three fingerbreadths, that are filthy and firm, so that they are not fit to clean blood off a scratch,
c) a limb or flesh that was hanging limply from an impure animal, provided the animal was lean and unfit to be sold to a gentile and tethered so that it will not flee,
d) an impure fowl resting in a window, provided it is one which scratches, so that it would not be fit for a child to play with,
e) a gentile who is bound, because he is one of the prisoners of the king whom another person may not release,
f) an infant born after an eighth month pregnancy on the Sabbath, because it is forbidden to move him,
g) salt that is mixed with thorns that is not fit to be used for food, nor for leatherworking, provided it is placed on a shard so that it will not damage the wall.
The rationale is that these substances are not susceptible to ritual impurity, nor does the owner intend to move them, because they are not fit for work. Similarly, when a Torah scroll was worn out and placed in a window, if the owner had decided that it would be entombed there, it reduces the size of the window. In contrast, snow, hail, sleet, ice, and water do not reduce the size of a window, for they are susceptible to ritual impurity.
חבית שהיא מלאה גרוגרות סרוחין שאינן מוכשרין ולא ראויין לאכילה ומונחת בחלון ופי החבית כלפי הטומאה שהרי החבית טמאה וכן קופה שהיא מלאה תבן סרוח שאינו ראוי לא למאכל בהמה ולא לטיט ולא להסקה ומונחת בחלון אם יכולין הגרוגרות והתבן לעמוד בפני עצמן כשינטל הכלי שהן בו הרי אלו חוצצין ואם לאו אינן חוצצין עשבים המרים שאינן ראויין לבהמה ומטלניות שאין בהן ג' על ג' שהיו מטונפים וקשים כדי שלא יהיו ראויין אפילו לקנח הדם מן השריטה והאבר והבשר המדולדלים בבהמה טמאה והוא שתהיה כחושה שאינה ראויה להמכר לעכו"ם וקשורה כדי שלא תברח והעוף טמא ששיכן בחלון והוא שיהיה משרט שהרי אינו ראוי אפילו לתינוק לשחק בו ועכו"ם כפות שהוא מאסורי המלך שאין אחר יכול להתירו ובן שמונה ביום השבת שהרי אסור לטלטלו והמלח המעורב בקוצים שאינו ראוי לא לאכילה ולא לעבדה והוא שיהיה מונח על החרש כדי שלא יזיק את הכותל כל אלו ממעטין בחלון שהרי אינן מקבלין טומאה ואין דעתו לפנותן מפני שאינן ראויין למלאכה וכן ס"ת שבלה והיה מונח בחלון אם גמר שתהיה שם גניזתו ה"ז ממעט בחלון אבל השלג והברד והכפור והגליד והמים אינן ממעטין בחלון שהרי הן ראויין ומקבלין טומאה:
If one reduced the size of the handbreadth with less than an olive-sized portion of the flesh of a corpse, less than an olive-sized portion of the meat of a dead animal, a portion of bone from a corpse that is less than the size of a barley-corn, or a portion less than a lentil from a crawling animal, these substances intervene in the presence of ritual impurity. The rationale is that they are all pure and since they are not important to the owner, he does not intend to move them. Similarly, less than an egg-sized portion of food that was not made susceptible to ritual impurity is not important, he does not consider moving it. Hence, all of the above reduce the measure of the handbreadth.
מיעט את הטפח בפחות מכזית מבשר המת בפחות מכזית מבשר נבילה או בעצם פחות מכשעורה מן המת או בפחות מכעדשה מן השרץ הרי אלו חוצצין שכל אלו טהורין ואינן חשובין אצלו לפיכך אין דעתו לפנותן וכן פחות מכביצה אוכלים שאינן מוכשרין אינן חשובין אצלו ואין דעתו לפנותן ולפיכך ממעטין את הטפח:
If one closed a window with an earthenware vessel whose opening faced outward, it intervenes. The rationale is that it does not contract impurity from its outer side and thus it is pure. Therefore this earthenware vessel must be disgusting and perforated so that it is not fit to be used for anything, not even bloodletting, so that the person will not think of moving it.
סתם החלון בכלי חרש והיה פיו לחוץ ה"ז חוצץ לפי שאינו מטמא מגבו והרי הוא טהור וצריך להיות כלי חרש זה מאוס ונקוב עד שלא יהיה ראוי אפילו להקיז בו דם כדי שלא תהיה דעתו לפנותו:
The following laws apply if there was a corpse, a fourth of a kab of bones, or the like from bones that impart impurity through ohel in a house and the owner sought to reduce the size of the window of this house with a bone that is less than a barley-corn. Its size is not reduced, because the bone in the window is considered as part of the bones that generate impurity.
Similarly, if a corpse or an olive-sized portion from the flesh of a corpse was in a home and the ownert sought to reduce the size of the window with a portion of flesh from a corpse, its size is not reduced, because the flesh is combined with the other flesh. Nevertheless, a bone that is less than the size of a barley-corn reduces the size of a window and thus prevents the spread of impurity brought about by an olive-sized portion of flesh. And less than an olive-sized portion of flesh reduces [the size of a window and thus prevents the spread of impurity brought about by] a fourth [of a kab] of bones or the like.
If one sought to reduce the size of a handbreadth with the woof and the warp of cloth that is afflicted with tzara'at or with a clod of earth from a beit hapras, its size is not reduced. The rationale is that an impure object does not intervene in the face of ritual impurity.
If one made a brick from the earth of a beit hapras, it is pure and can reduce the size of a window. Our Sages' decree concerned only a clod of earth in its natural state.
The following rules apply if the handbreadth was closed or reduced in size by a spider web. If its strands were substantial, it is considered as an intervening substance. If not, it does not intervene.
היה בבית מת או רובע עצמות וכיוצא בהן מעצמות המטמאות באהל ומיעט החלון של בית זה בעצם פחות מכשעורה אינו מיעוט שהעצם מצטרף לעצמות וכן אם היה שם מת או כזית מבשר המת ומיעט החלון בפחות מכזית מבשר המת אינו מיעוט לפי שהבשר מצטרף לבשר אבל עצם פחות מכשעורה ממעט על ידי כזית בשר ופחות מכזית בשר ממעט ע"י רובע עצמות וכיוצא בהן מיעט את הטפח בשתי וערב המנוגעין או בגוש מבית הפרס אינו מיעוט שדבר טמא אינו חוצץ עשה לבנה מעפר בית הפרס הרי זו טהורה וממעטת שלא אמרו אלא גוש כברייתו נסתם הטפח או נתמעט בקורי עכביש אם היה בה ממש הרי זו חוצצת ואם אין בה ממש אינה חוצצת:

Tum'at Met - Chapter 16

The following rule applies when there is an aperture - whether it is the size of a handbreadth by a handbreadth or it is less than a handbreadth by a handbreadth - in the midst of the roof of a house and there is a source of impurity under the roof of the house: The space directly below the aperture is pure, because it is open to free space and the remainder of the house is impure. If the impurity was solely under the aperture, the entire house is pure.
The following rules apply when the source of impurity was partially under the roof and partially under the aperture. If the aperture comprised a handbreadth by a handbreadth of open space, the house is impure entirely and the space below the entire aperture is impure. If does not comprise a handbreadth by a handbreadth of open space, different rules apply. If the impurity is large enough so that if it was divided, a minimum measure would be found below the roof and also a minimum measure would be below the aperture, everything is impure. If not, the house is impure, but the space under the aperture is pure.
If the aperture comprised a handbreadth by a handbreadth of open space and a person put his foot on top of the aperture, everything becomes considered as one ohel. Therefore whether there was impurity only under the roof or only under the aperture, everything is impure, the house and the space below the aperture. Moreover, the person who conveyed the impurity to this place is impure, because he became part of an ohel over impurity. If the aperture did not comprise a handbreadth by a handbreadth of open space and the impurity is under the roof, the person who placed his foot over the aperture is not impure, because impurity does not depart through less than a handbreadth of open space.
The following laws apply if the impurity was under the aperture and a person closed it with his foot. If the impurity was there before his foot, he is impure, because he stood over the impurity. If his foot was there before the impurity, he is pure, because his foot is part of the ohel and the impurity does not depart to him.
ארובה שהיא באמצע תקרת הבית בין שיש בה פותח טפח בין שאין בה פותח טפח והיתה טומאה תחת תקרת הבית כנגד ארובה טהור שהרי הוא גלוי לאויר ושאר הבית טמא היתה טומאה כנגד ארובה בלבד כל הבית טהור היתה מקצת הטומאה תחת התקרה ומקצתה תחת ארובה אם היה בארובה פותח טפח הבית כולו טמא וכנגד כל הארובה טמא אין בה פותח טפח אם יש בטומאה כדי שתתחלק וימצא כשיעור תחת התקרה וכשיעור תחת הארובה הכל טמא ואם לאו הבית טמא וכנגד הארובה טהור היה בארובה פותח טפח ונתן אדם רגלו מלמעלה על הארובה נעשה הכל אהל אחד ובין שהיתה הטומאה תחת התקרה בלבד או תחת הארובה בלבד הכל טמא הבית ומה שכנגד ארובה והאדם שעירב את הטומאה טמא מפני שנעשה אהל על הטומאה אין בארובה פותח טפח והיתה הטומאה תחת התקרה זה שנתן רגלו מלמעלה טהור שאין טומאה יוצאת לו בפחות מטפח היתה הטומאה תחת הארובה אם טומאה קדמה את רגלו טמא שהרי האהיל על הטומאה אם רגלו קדמה את הטומאה טהור שהרי רגלו מקצת האהל ואין טומאה יוצאת לו:
If there was an olive-sized portion of a corpse in the mouth of a raven that held it over an aperture in the roof of a house and thus the olive-sized portion was found in the space of the aperture, the house is impure even though the aperture does not comprise a handbreadth by a handbreadth of open space.
היה כזית מן המת בפי העורב והאהיל על גבי ארובה עד שנמצא כזית באויר ארובה אע"פ שאין בה פותח טפח הבית טמא:
The following rules apply when there is a house with an aperture in its roof, a loft built above it with an aperture in its roof, and the two apertures are positioned one on top of the other. Whether the apertures comprise a handbreadth by a handbreadth of open space or not, if there is impurity in the house, the space under the apertures is pure and everything else is impure. If the impurity is under the apertures, the entire house is pure.
If the apertures comprised a handbreadth by a handbreadth of open space, whether the impurity was under the roof of the house or under the apertures, were an entity that is susceptible to impurity to have been placed either above the aperture of the house or above the aperture of the loft, everything is impure. The rationale is that an impure entity does not intervene in the face of ritual impurity.
If one placed an entity that is not susceptible to ritual impurity over the aperture of the house, the house is impure and the loft is pure. If such an article was placed on the aperture of the loft, the house and the loft are impure and the space directly above the aperture until the heavens is pure.
If the apertures did not comprise a handbreadth by a handbreadth of open space, impurity was found under the roof of the house, and one placed an object - whether an object that is susceptible to ritual impurity or one which is not susceptible to ritual impurity - on either the aperture of the house or the aperture of the loft, only the house becomes ritually impure. The rationale is that impurity does not depart to the loft unless there is an open space of a handbreadth by a handbreadth.
If the impurity was beneath the apertures and one placed an entity that was susceptible to ritual impurity over either the lower or the upper aperture, both the house and the loft are impure, because one has extended the impurity. If he placed an entity that is not susceptible to ritual impurity over either the lower or the upper aperture, only the house is impure.
All of these laws apply only when one purposely makes an aperture. If, however, a roof is opened as a matter of course, the measure which conveys ritual impurity is the full size of a rafter, as we explained.
בית וארובה באמצע תקרת הבית ועלייה על גביו וארובה אחרת יש באמצע תקרת העלייה והארובות מכוונות זו למעלה מזו בין שיש בארובות פותח טפח בין שאין בהן פותח טפח וטומאה בבית כנגד הארובות טהור והשאר טמא היתה טומאה כנגד ארובות הרי הבית כולו טהור היו בארובות פותח טפח והטומאה בין תחת תקרת הבית בין כנגד ארובות ונתן דבר שהוא מקבל טומאה בין למעלה מארובת הבית בין למעלה מארובת העלייה הכל טמא שאין דבר טמא חוצץ נתן דבר שאינו מקבל טומאה על ארובת הבית הבית טמא והעלייה טהורה נתנו על ארובת העלייה הבית והעלייה טמאים וכנגדו מלמעלה ולשמים טהור אין בארובות פותח טפח והטומאה תחת תקרת הבית ונתן בין דבר המקבל טומאה ובין דבר שאינו מקבל טומאה בין על ארובת הבית בין על ארובת העלייה אין טמא אלא הבית שאין טומאה יוצאת לעלייה בפחות מטפח היתה הטומאה כנגד ארובות ונתן דבר שהוא מקבל טומאה בין למעלן בין למטן הבית והעלייה טמאין שהרי עירב את הטומאה נתן דבר שאינו מקבל טומאה בין למעלן בין למטן אינו טמא אלא הבית וכל אלו הדינין בעושה ארובה אבל תקרה שנפחתה מאיליה שיעורה מלא אגרוף כמו שביארנו:
The following laws apply when one opens a ceiling to make an aperture in the roof of a house so that the leg of a bed can be inserted into it and the leg of the bed closes the aperture. If the aperture comprises a handbreadth by a handbreadth of open space and there is impurity in the house, the loft is also impure, because an k'li that can contract ritual impurity does not intervene. If it does not comprise a handbreadth by a handbreadth, the loft is pure, and the foot of the bed that extends below is impure, like an k'li that hangs over impurity. If, however, a roof is opened as a matter of course, the measure which conveys ritual impurity is the full size of a rafter, as we explained.
הפוחת את המעזיבה עד שעשה ארובה בתוך תקרת הבית כדי שתכנס בה רגל הערש והיתה רגל הערש סותמת את הארובה אם יש בה פותח טפח וטומאה בבית אף העלייה טמאה שאין כלי המקבל טומאה חוצץ ואם אין בה פותח טפח העלייה טהורה והרגל שלמטה טמאה ככלים המאהילים נפחתה המעזיבה מאיליה שיעורה מלא אגרוף כמו שביארנו:
The following laws apply when there is an aperture in the roof of a house and there is an earthenware pot placed on the earth directly aligned with the aperture so that if it was lifted up, it would be able to be lifted through the aperture without leaving any space at all. If there was impurity beneath the pot, flush between it and the earth, or there was impurity inside the pot, or on its outer surface, the impurity pierces through and ascends and pierces through and descends and only objects that are directly above it or below it are impure. The remainder of the house is pure in its entirety.
If the pot was a handbreadth above the ground and there was impurity under it or under the roof of the house, the house is impure in its entirety and whatever is under the pot is impure, because it serves as a shelter. The inner space of the pot are pure, because an earthenware container cannot become impure from its outer surface and the open space of the pot is under the open space of the world at large. If there is an k'li in it If the impurity is in the pot
If the pot was under the aperture and the aperture was greater than the pot to the extent that if the pot was lifted up there would be an open space of more than a handbreadth by a handbreadth between it and the edge of the aperture, even if the pot is a handbreadth above the ground and there is impurity in it, on its outer surface, or below it, the house is pure.
The following laws apply when the pot was placed next to the doorstep of a house in a way that if lifted up, a handbreadth of the space of its opening will be within the outer border of the lintel. If the impurity was flush under the pot, If the pot was a handbreadth above the ground and the impurity was under it or in the house, the area under it and the house are impure, because it is all considered as one structure and its inner space and outer surface are pure. If there was impurity in it and there was impurity below it, only the area below the pot is impure, the house, by contrast, is pure.
ארובה שבתוך תקרת הבית וקדרה מונחת על הארץ ומכוונת כנגד ארובה שאם תעלה תצא בצמצום מן הארובה והיתה טומאה תחת הקדרה רצוצה בינה ובין הארץ או שהיתה הטומאה בתוך הקדרה או על גבה טומאה בוקעת ועולה בוקעת ויורדת ואין טמא אלא כנגדה והבית כולו טהור היתה הקדרה גבוהה מן הארץ טפח וטומאה תחתיה או תחת תקרת הבית הבית כולו טמא ותחת הקדרה טמא שהרי הוא אהל אבל תוך הקדרה וגבה טהור שאין כלי חרש מטמא מגבו והרי אויר הקדרה גלוי לאוירו אם היה כלי בתוכה או למעלה על גבה טהור היתה טומאה בתוכה או על גבה הבית כולו טהור שהרי הטומאה כנגד ארובה בלבד היתה הקדרה תחת הארובה והארובה גדולה מן הקדרה שאם תעלה הקדרה ותצא מן הארובה נמצא בינה ובין שפתי הארובה פותח טפח אף על פי שהקדרה גבוהה מן הארץ טפח וטומאה בתוכה או על גבה או תחתיה הבית טהור היתה הקדרה מונחת בצד אסקופת הבית שאם תעלה נמצא ממנה פותח טפח לפנים מן המשקוף והיתה טומאה רצוצה תחתיה או בתוכה או על גבה טומאה בוקעת ועולה בוקעת ויורדת היתה גבוהה מן הארץ טפח וטומאה תחתיה או בבית תחתיה והבית טמא שהכל אהל אחד ותוכה וגבה טהור היתה הטומאה בתוכה או על גבה הבית טמא מפני שהיא נוגעת במשקוף טפח וכן תחתיה טמא מפני שהטומאה יוצאה לתחתיה מן הבית שהכל אהל אחד לפיכך אם לא היתה נוגעת במשקוף בפותח טפח או שהיתה בצד המשקוף וטומאה תחתיה אין טמא אלא תחתיה אבל הבית טהור:
The following laws apply when there are beams of a house and loft without a ceiling over them stretching from one side of a structure to another. If the beams of the house and the loft are aligned one beam directly over the other, the empty space between them is aligned one over the other, the width of a beam is a handbreadth, the width of the empty space is a handbreadth and there is impurity beneath one of the beams, only the area beneath it is impure. If the impurity was between the lower beam and the upper beam, only the space between them is impure. If the impurity was on top of an upper beam, the space above it until the heavens is impure.
If the upper beams were aligned above the empty space between the lower beams and there was impurity below one of them, the area beneath all of them is impure. If the impurity was on top of an upper beam, the space above it until the heavens is impure.
If the beams were not a handbreadth wide, whether they were aligned one above the other or whether the upper ones were aligned above the space between the lower ones, were impurity to be beneath them, between them, or on top of them, the impurity pierces through and ascends and pierces through and descends, and it imparts impurity only to entities under it or over it. The rationale is that any impurity that is not under a covering that is a handbreadth wide and a handbreadth high is considered as "flush."
When the roof and the walls of a building are split into halves and there was impurity in the outer portion where the entrance was, the keilim in the inner portion are all pure. Different laws apply when there was impurity in the inner portion. If the split was as wide as a plumb line, the keilim in the outer portion are pure. If the the split was less than this, they are impure.
קורות הבית והעלייה שאין עליהם מעזיבה והן מכוונות קורה כנגד קורה ואויר כנגד אויר ובכל קורה מהן פותח טפח וביניהן אויר פותח טפח וטומאה תחת אחת מהן תחתיה בלבד טמא היתה הטומאה בין התחתונה לעליונה בין שתיהן בלבד טמא היתה הטומאה על גבי העליונה כנגדו עד לרקיע טמא היו הקורות העליונות מכוונות כנגד האויר שבין הקורות התחתונות וטומאה תחת אחת מהן תחת כולם טמאה היתה הטומאה ע"ג קורה העליונה כנגד הטומאה עד לרקיע טמא אין בקורות פותח טפח בין שהיו מכוונות זה ע"ג זו ובין שהיו העליונות כנגד אויר התחתונות והיתה הטומאה תחתיהן או ביניהן או על גביהן טומאה בוקעת ועולה בוקעת ויורדת ואינה מטמאה אלא כנגדה בלבד לפי שכל טומא' שאינה תחת פותח טפח ברום טפח הרי היא כרצוצה בית שנסדק גגו וכתליו ונעשה שני חלקים והיתה הטומאה בחציו החיצון שהפתח בו הכלים שבחציו הפנימי כולם טהורין היתה טומאה בחציו הפנימי אם היה רוחב הסדק כחוט המשקולת כלים שבחציו החיצון טהורין ואם היה פחות מכאן הרי הן טמאין:
When an exedra was split and there was impurity in one side, the keilim on the other side are pure. For it is like two tents next to each other with space in between them, for the split runs across the entire exedra.
If he placed his foot or a reed above, over the crack, he joins the impurity to the other side of the exedra. If one placed a reed, or even a large k'li, on the earth, directly under the crack, it does not join the impurity unless the k'li is under the crack and is a handbreadth high.
If a person was lying on the ground below the crack, he joins the impurity to the other side. The rationale is that a person is hollow and his upper portion can be considered as a tent that is a handbreadth high. Similarly, if there were folded garments placed on the ground, one on top of the other and the upper one was a handbreadth above the ground, it joins the impurity to the other side. All of the garments below it are considered as garments that are under a tent.
אכסדרה שנסדקה וטומאה בצד אחד הכלים שבצד השני טהורין שהרי היא שני אהלים זה בצד זה ואויר ביניהן שהרי הסדק בכל התקרה נתן רגלו או קנה מלמעלה על הסדק עירב את הטומאה נתן את הקנה בארץ כנגד הסדק ואפילו כלי גדול אינו מערב את הטומאה עד שיהיה גבוה טפח תחת הסדק היה אדם מוטל על הארץ תחת הסדק מערב את הטומאה שאדם חלול הוא והצד העליון הרי הוא כאהל שיש בו גובה טפח וכן אם היו תחת הסדק כלים מקופלין מונחין על הארץ זה על גב זה והיה העליון גבוה מעל הארץ טפח עירב את הטומאה וכל הכלים שלמטה ממנו הרי הן ככלים שתחת האהל:

Tum'at Met - Chapter 17

When a projection protrudes from the side of an entrance to a home facing downward and it is twelve handbreadths or less above the earth, it conveys ritual impurity regardless of how small it is. It is clear that such a conveyance of impurity is merely a Rabbinic ordinance. Similarly, any analogous instance where impurity is conveyed by something that is not a sturdy ohel is only a Rabbinic ordinance.
Projections that are more than twelve handbreadths high or which face upward and similarly, the crowns and the ornamental embellishments that project from a structure, do not convey impurity unless they are a handbreadth by a handbreadth in area. This also applies to a projection that extends over an entrance from a lintel. Even if there was a reed at the side of the lintel as wide as the entrance, it does not convey ritual impurity unless it is a handbreadth by a handbreadth in area.
זיז שהוא יוצא מפתח הבית ופניו למטה והיה גבהו מעל הארץ שנים עשר טפח או פחות מכאן הרי זה מביא את הטומאה בכל שהוא ודבר ברור הוא שאינו מביא אלא מדבריהם וכן כל כיוצא בהבאת הטומאה כזו שאינה באהל טפח הבריא אינה אלא מדבריהם היה גבוה יתר משנים עשר טפח או שהיו פניו למעלה וכן העטרות והפיתוחים היוצאות מן הבנין אין מביאין אלא בפותח טפח וכן זיז שעל גבי הפתח היוצא מן המשקוף ואפילו היה קנה בצד המשקוף ברוחב הפתח אינו מביא אלא א"כ היה בו פותח טפח:
When a projection surrounds an entire building and encompasses a handbreadth at the entrance to the house, it conveys ritual impurity. If it encompasses less than a handbreadth at the entrance of the house and there is impurity in the house, keilim under it are impure. If there is impurity under it, it does not convey impurity to the house. Similar laws apply with regard to a courtyard that is surrounded by an exedra.
זיז שהוא סובב את כל הבית ואוכל בפתח טפח מביא את הטומאה היה אוכל בפתח פחות מטפח וטומאה בבית כלים שתחתיו טמאין טומאה תחתיו אינו מביא את הטומאה לבית וכן בחצר שהיא מוקפת אכסדרה:
When a window serves a functional purpose and a projection protrudes across the entire window, even if it was only as wide as a thumbbreadth, it conveys ritual impurity. This applies provided it is two fingerbreadths or less above the window. If it is more than two fingerbreadths higher than the window, it does not convey ritual impurity unless it is a handbreadth wide. When there is a projection over a window that is made for light, it conveys ritual impurity regardless of its size and regardless of its height.
When there is a structure that protrudes in front of a window upon which a person looking out from the window leans while looking, it does not convey ritual impurity. If it has a projection over it, we consider the structure as if it does not exist and the projection above it conveys ritual impurity.
How do all these projections convey ritual impurity? If there was impurity under them or under the house, everything is impure - whether it is in the house or under the projection.
חלון העשויה לתשמיש וזיז יוצא על גבי החלון אפילו היה כרוחב אגודל מביא את הטומאה והוא שיהיה גבוה מעל החלון רום אצבעיים או פחות היה למעלה מאצבעיים אינו מביא את הטומאה אא"כ יש בו רוחב טפח זיז זה שעל גבי החלון העשויה למאור מביא את הטומאה בכל שהוא ואפילו גבוה כל שהוא בנין היוצא לפני החלון שהמשקיף נסמך עליו בשעה שמשקיף אינו מביא את הטומאה היה בו זיז רואין את הבנין כאילו אינו והזיז העליון מביא את הטומאה וכיצד מביאין כל הזיזין האלו טומאה שאם היתה טומאה תחת אחד מהן או בבית הכל טמא בין בבית בין תחת הזיז:
When there are two projections one on top of the other, each one of them is a handbreadth by a handbreadth in area, there is a handbreadth of space between them, and there is impurity below the lower one, only the space below it is impure. If there is impurity between them, only the space between them is impure. If there is impurity above the upper one, the space above it until the heavens is impure.
If the upper one extended beyond the lower one for a handbreadth and there was impurity below the lower one or between them, the space beneath them and between them is impure. If there is impurity above the upper one, the space above it until the heavens is impure.
If the upper one extended beyond the lower one for less than a handbreadth and there was impurity beneath them, the space beneath them and between them is impure. If the impurity was between them or under only the extra portion of the upper projection, the space between them and under the extra portion is impure, but the space below the lower projection is pure.
If each of the projections were a handbreadth by a handbreadth in size, but there was not a handbreadth between them, and there was impurity below the lower one, only the space below it is impure. If there was impurity between them or on top of the upper one, the space directly above it until the heavens is impure.
If the projections were not a handbreadth by a handbreadth in size, whether there was a space of a handbreadth between them or not, whether the impurity was beneath the lower one, between them, or on top of the upper one, the impurity pierces through and ascends and pierces through and descends, because it is flush. Similar laws apply when there are two curtains that are a handbreadth above the ground and placed one on top of the other.
When there are keilim, garments, or wooden tablets placed on top of each other and impurity was flush between them, if the impurity was a handbreadth above the earth, the k'li that is above it is considered as creating an ohel over the space of a handbreadth and it imparts impurity to all the keilim under it. If there were stone tablets, even if they were a thousand cubits above the ground, the impurity pierces through and ascends and pierces through and descends, because they are considered as earth.
שני זיזין זה על גב זה ויש בכל אחד מהן פותח טפח וביניהם פותח טפח וטומאה תחת התחתון תחתיו בלבד טמא היתה טומאה ביניהן ביניהם בלבד טמא היתה על גב העליון כנגדו עד הרקיע טמא היה העליון עודף על התחתון פותח טפח וטומאה תחת התחתון או ביניהן תחתיהן וביניהן טמא היתה על גב העליון כנגדו ועד הרקיע טמא היה העליון עודף על התחתון פחות מטפח וטומאה תחתיהם תחתיהם וביניהן טמא היתה הטומאה ביניהם או תחת המותר ביניהן ותחת המותר טמא אבל תחת התחתון טהור יש בכל אחד מהן פותח טפח ואין ביניהם פותח טפח וטומאה תחת התחתון תחתיו בלבד טמא היתה ביניהן או על גבי העליון כנגד הטומאה עד לרקיע טמא אין בהן פותח טפח בין שיש ביניהם פותח טפח ובין שאין ביניהם פותח טפח בין שהיתה הטומאה תחת התחתון או ביניהן או על גב העליון טומאה בוקעת ועולה בוקעת ויורדת שהרי היא רצוצה וכן שתי יריעות שהן גבוהות מן הארץ פותח טפח זו על גבי זו כלים או בגדים או לוחות של עץ שהן מונחין זה על גבי זה וטומאה רצוצה ביניהן אם היתה הטומאה גבוהה מן הארץ טפח הרי הכלי שעליה מלמעלה מאהיל על חלל הטפח ומביא את הטומאה לכל הכלים שתחתיו היו טבליות של שיש אפילו גבוהות מן הארץ אלף אמה טומאה בוקעת ועולה בוקעת ויורדת מפני שהן כקרקע:
When tablets of wood are touching each other at their corners, they are a handbreadth above the ground, and there is impurity under one of them, the keilim which are under the second are pure, because it is not touching the other one over the space of a handbreadth. A person who touches the second tablet is considered as one who touched keilim that touched a covering over a corpse.
Different rules apply, by contrast, with regard to all those keilim which we said convey ritual impurity and do not intervene in the face of it. If such a k'li was positioned above a corpse, all of the keilim that are above it are impure, as we explained. They are deemed impure as keilim that were held over a corpse. Even the keilim over it that are not directly over the impurity are impure. They are considered keilim that touched keilim that were held over a corpse.
לוחות של עץ שהן נוגעות זה בזה בקרנותיהן והן גבוהות מן הארץ טפח וטומאה תחת אחת מהן כלים שתחת השנייה טהורין לפי שאינה נוגעת בחבירתה בפותח טפח והנוגע בלוח זו השנייה כנוגע בכלים שנגעו באהל המת אבל כל הכלים שאמרנו שמביאין את הטומאה ואינן חוצצין אם האהיל הכלי על המת כל כלים שעל גביו טמאים כמו שביארנו וטומאתן משום כלים המאהילין על המת ואף הכלים שעל גביו שאינן כנגד הטומאה טמאים משום כלים שנגעו מכלים שהאהילו על המת:
When an earthenware jug was standing on its base in open space and there was an olive-sized portion from a corpse inside of it or below it, directly below its inner space, the impurity pierces through and ascends, pierces through and descends. The jug is impure, because the impurity pierces its bottom and its inner space becomes impure.
If the impurity is located under the thickness of its walls, the impurity pierces through and ascends, pierces through and descends, but the jug is pure. Why is the jug pure? Because the impurity does not pierce through into its inner space, but only to its walls and an earthenware container contracts impurity only from its inner space.
If some of the impurity was below the thickness of its walls and some below its inner space, the impurity pierces through and ascends, pierces through and descends. If the walls were a handbreadth in thickness, it is entirely impure but the space aligned with its opening is pure, for the impurity has spread only throughout the walls.
When does the above apply? When the jug was pure. If, however, the jug was impure, it was a handbreadth raised above the earth, it was covered, or it was turned upside down, and the impurity was in it or on top of it, everything is impure and anything that touches it in its entirety is impure. If it had a cover fastened to it and was placed over a corpse, any food and drink inside of it are pure, but the keilim over it are impure.
When jugs are resting on their bases or leaning on their sides in open space, they touch each other over a handbreadth of space, and there is impurity below one of them, the impurity pierces through and ascends, pierces through and descends, because it is flush.
When does the above apply? When the jugs are pure. If, however, they are impure or they are raised a handbreadth above the ground, and there is impurity under one of them, the space below all of them is impure, because they are considered as a single ohel.
חבית שהיא יושבת על שוליה באויר וכזית מן המת נתון בתוכה או תחתיה כנגד אוירה טומאה בוקעת ועולה בוקעת ויורדת והחבית טמא שהרי הטומאה בוקעת מתחתיה ונטמאת אוירה היתה הטומאה תחת עובי דפנה טומאה בוקעת ועולה בוקעת ויורדת והחבית טהורה ולמה החבית טהורה שהרי אין הטומאה בוקעת באוירה אלא בדפנה ואין כלי חרש מטמא אלא מאוירו היתה מקצת הטומאה תחת עובי דפנה ומקצתה תחת אוירה טומאה בוקעת ועולה בוקעת ויורדת היה בדפנות פותח טפח כולה טמאה וכנגד פיה טהור שהרי הטומאה פשטה בדפנות בלבד במה דברים אמורים בחבית טהורה אבל אם היתה טמאה או גבוהה מן הארץ טפח או מכוסה או כפויה על פיה והיתה טומאה תחתיה או בתוכה או על גבה הכל טמא וכל הנוגע בה כולו טמא היתה מוקפת צמיד פתיל ונתונה על גבי המת האוכלים והמשקין שבתוכה טהורין והכלים שעל גבה טמאים חביות שהן יושבות על שוליהן או מוטות על צידיהם באויר והן נוגעות זו בזו בפותח טפח וטומאה תחת אחת מהן טומאה בוקעת ועולה בוקעת ויורדת מפני שהיא רצוצה בד"א בטהורות אבל אם היו טמאות או גבוהות מן הארץ פותח טפח וטומאה תחת אחת מהן תחת כולן טמא שהרי הכל אהל אחד:
Hayom Yom:
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Tuesday, Iyar 13, 5777 · 09 May 2017
Iyar 13, 28th day of the omer

Tuesday Iyar 13,* 28th day of the omer 5703
Torah lessons: Chumash: B'har, Shlishi with Rashi.
Tehillim: 69-71.
Tanya: So, indeed, is (p. 251)...and the limited. (p. 253).
At Mincha, tachanun is said.
The Alter Rebbe once said (during those years that he would say short maamarim): "Know what is above you."1 Know that everything "above" in the supernal sefirot and partzufim (Divine emanations and configurations), all derives "from you"2; it all depends on man's service.3
*. This day marks the yahrzeit, in 5712 (1952) of R. Yisrael Aryeh Leib of blessed memory, brother of the Rebbe of righteous memory.
1. Avot 2:1.
2. Manifestations of the Divine Emanations, whether Chessed (Kindness) or Gevura (Severity), are determined by Man. Man's actions are independent and real, and from Above, G-d reacts to Man, "reflects" Man's actions. Man may be insignificant from one perspective, but his importance is cosmic from another. "I am dust and ashes" expresses one view; "The universe was created on my account" expresses the second.
3. The quotation from Avot may therefore be translated, "Know, that what is Above is from you."
Daily Thought:
The Bigger They Are
Nothing is true that just stays up there. Every word of wisdom reaches its fulfillment only when it gets down to our real world. Lofty truths need a push to crash upon hearts of stone.
Whatever wisdom you learn, open a space in your life for that lesson to flow into and fill.
TODAY IN JUDAISM: Monday, May 8, 2017 - Chabad.org in New York, New York, United States - Today in Judaism - Today is: Monday, Iyar 12, 5777 · May 8, 2017 - Omer: Day 27 - Yesod sheb'Netzach
Torah Reading
Emor: Leviticus 21:1-15
Leviticus 21:
1 Adonai said to Moshe, “Speak to the cohanim, the sons of Aharon; tell them: ‘No cohen is to make himself unclean for any of his people who dies, 2 except for his close relatives — his mother, father, son, daughter and brother; 3 he may also make himself unclean for his virgin sister who has never married and is therefore dependent on him. 4 He may not make himself unclean, because he is a leader among his people; doing so would profane him. 5 Cohanim are not to make bald spots on their heads, mar the edges of their beards or cut gashes in their flesh. 6 Rather, they are to be holy for their God and not profane the name of their God. For they are the ones who present Adonai with offerings made by fire, the bread of their God; therefore they must be holy.
7 “‘A cohen is not to marry a woman who is a prostitute, who has been profaned or who has been divorced; because he is holy for his God. 8 Rather, you are to set him apart as holy, because he offers the bread of your God; he is to be holy for you, because I, Adonai, who makes you holy, am holy. 9 The daughter of a cohen who profanes herself by prostitution profanes her father; she is to be put to death by fire.
10 “‘The cohen who is ranked highest among his brothers, the one on whose head the anointing oil is poured and who is consecrated to put on the garments, is not to stop grooming his hair, tear his clothes, 11 go in to where any dead body is or make himself unclean, even when his father or mother dies. 12 He may not leave the sanctuary then or profane the sanctuary of his God, because the consecration of the anointing oil of his God is on him; I am Adonai.
13 “‘He is to marry a virgin; 14 he may not marry a widow, divorcee, profaned woman or prostitute; but he must marry a virgin from among his own people 15 and not disqualify his descendants among his people; because I am Adonai, who makes him holy.’”

Today's Laws & Customs:
• Count "Twenty-Eight Days to the Omer" Tonight

Tomorrow is the twenty-eighth day of the Omer Count. Since, on the Jewish calendar, the day begins at nightfall of the previous evening, we count the omer for tomorrow's date tonight, after nightfall: "Today is twenty-eight days, which are four weeks, to the Omer." (If you miss the count tonight, you can count the omer all day tomorrow, but without the preceding blessing).
The 49-day "Counting of the Omer" retraces our ancestors' seven-week spiritual journey from the Exodus to Sinai. Each evening we recite a special blessing and count the days and weeks that have passed since the Omer; the 50th day is Shavuot, the festival celebrating the Giving of the Torah at Sinai.
Tonight's Sefirah: Malchut sheb'Netzach -- "Receptiveness in Ambition"
The teachings of Kabbalah explain that there are seven "Divine Attributes" -- Sefirot -- that G-d assumes through which to relate to our existence: Chessed, Gevurah, Tifferet, Netzach, Hod, Yesod and Malchut ("Love", "Strength", "Beauty", "Victory", "Splendor", "Foundation" and "Sovereignty"). In the human being, created in the "image of G-d," the seven sefirot are mirrored in the seven "emotional attributes" of the human soul: Kindness, Restraint, Harmony, Ambition, Humility, Connection and Receptiveness. Each of the seven attributes contain elements of all seven--i.e., "Kindness in Kindness", "Restraint in Kindness", "Harmony in Kindness", etc.--making for a total of forty-nine traits. The 49-day Omer Count is thus a 49-step process of self-refinement, with each day devoted to the "rectification" and perfection of one the forty-nine "sefirot."
How to count the Omer
The deeper significance of the Omer Count
Today in Jewish History:
• Roman Jews Granted Privileges (1402)

On the 12th of Iyar, 1402, the Jews of Rome were granted "privileges" by Pope Boniface IX. They were given legal right to observe their Shabbat, protection from local oppressive officials, their taxes were reduced and orders were given to treat Jews as full-fledged Roman citizens.
Daily Quote:
It would have been fitting that the rebukes (in the Book of Deuteronomy) be pronounced by Balaam, and that the blessings (in the Parshah of Balak) be said by Moses... But G-d said: Let Moses, who loves them, rebuke them; and let Balaam, who hates them, bless them.[Midrash Yalkut Shimoni]
Daily Study
Chitas and Rambam for today:
Chumash: Emor, 2nd Portion Leviticus 21:16-22:16 with Rashi
English / Hebrew Linear Translation | Video Class
Leviticus Chapter 21

16And the Lord spoke to Moses, saying, טזוַיְדַבֵּ֥ר יְהֹוָ֖ה אֶל־משֶׁ֥ה לֵּאמֹֽר:
17Speak to Aaron, saying: Any man among your offspring throughout their generations who has a defect, shall not come near to offer up his God's food. יזדַּבֵּ֥ר אֶל־אַֽהֲרֹ֖ן לֵאמֹ֑ר אִ֣ישׁ מִזַּרְעֲךָ֞ לְדֹֽרֹתָ֗ם אֲשֶׁ֨ר יִֽהְיֶ֥ה בוֹ֙ מ֔וּם לֹ֣א יִקְרַ֔ב לְהַקְרִ֖יב לֶ֥חֶם אֱלֹהָֽיו:
his God’s food: Heb. לֶחֶם אֱלֹהָיו, his God’s food. Any meal is termed לֶחֶם, as in, “…made a great feast (לְחֵם) ” (Dan. 5:1). לחם אלהיו: מאכל אלהיו, כל סעודה קרויה לחם, כמו (דניאל ה א) עבד לחם רב:
18For any man who has a defect should not approach: A blind man or a lame one, or one with a sunken nose or with mismatching limbs; יחכִּ֥י כָל־אִ֛ישׁ אֲשֶׁר־בּ֥וֹ מ֖וּם לֹ֣א יִקְרָ֑ב אִ֤ישׁ עִוֵּר֙ א֣וֹ פִסֵּ֔חַ א֥וֹ חָרֻ֖ם א֥וֹ שָׂרֽוּעַ:
For any man who has a defect should not approach: [But this prohibition has already been stated (preceding verse). The meaning here is that] it is not fitting that he should approach, like “[When you offer up a blind [animal]…a lame or a sick one, is there nothing wrong?] Were you to offer it to your governor, [would he accept you or would he favor you? says the Lord of Hosts” (Malachi 1:8). Thus, just as an animal with a defect is not fitting as an offering, neither is a person with a defect fit for presenting it.] כי כל איש אשר בו מום לא יקרב: אינו דין שיקרב, כמו (מלאכי א ח) הקריבהו נא לפחתך:
with a sunken nose: Heb. חָרֻם. [This term means] that his nose is sunken between his two eyes, such that he applies [eye shadow to] his two eyes with one stroke [i.e., his nose is so sunken that its bridge does not intercede between the two eyes]. — [Torath Kohanim 21:48; Bech. 43b] חרם: שחוטמו שקוע בין שתי העינים, שכוחל שתי עיניו כאחת:
with mismatching limbs: Heb. שָׂרוּעַ [This term means] that one of his limbs is bigger than its counterpart, [e.g.,] one of his eyes is large, and one of his eyes is smaller [normal], or one thigh longer than its [normal] counterpart. — [see Sifthei Chachamim; Bech. 40b] שרוע: שאחד מאיבריו גדול מחברו, עינו אחת גדולה ועינו אחת קטנה, או שוקו אחת ארוכה מחברתה:
19or a man who has a broken leg or a broken arm; יטא֣וֹ אִ֔ישׁ אֲשֶׁר־יִֽהְיֶ֥ה ב֖וֹ שֶׁ֣בֶר רָ֑גֶל א֖וֹ שֶׁ֥בֶר יָֽד:
20or one with long eyebrows, or a cataract, or a commingling in his eye; dry lesions or weeping sores, or one with crushed testicles כאֽוֹ־גִבֵּ֣ן אוֹ־דַ֔ק א֖וֹ תְּבַלֻּ֣ל בְּעֵינ֑וֹ א֤וֹ גָרָב֙ א֣וֹ יַלֶּ֔פֶת א֖וֹ מְר֥וֹחַ אָֽשֶׁךְ:
one who has unusually long eyebrows: Heb. גִּבֵּן, sourcils in French, [meaning] that his eyebrow (גַּבִּין) hairs are [abnormally] long and droop. — [Bech. 43b] או גבן: שורצילו"ש בלע"ז [בעל גבות ארוכות] שגביני עיניו שערן ארוך ושוכב:
cataract: Heb. דַּק. [This means] that over his eyes he has a [thin] membrane (דּוֹק) which is called teile, tele, toyle, or tele in Old French, as in, “He Who stretches out [the heavens] like a curtain (דֹּק) ” (Isa. 40:22). — [Torath Kohanim 21:52; Bech. 38a] או דק: שיש לו בעיניו דוק שקורין טיל"א [קרום], כמו (ישעיה מ כב) הנוטה כדוק:
a commingling in his eyes: Heb. תְּבֻלַּל, something that mixes (מְבַלְבֵּל) the [colors of the] eye, e.g., a white line that extends from the white [of the eye], piercing the “ring” [viz., the iris,] i.e., the [colored] annulus that encompasses the black [center of the eye, viz., the pupil,] called prunelle in French. This line pierces the iris and enters the black [pupil]. The Targum renders תְּבֻלַּל as חִילִיז, derived from חִלָּזוֹן, because this line resembles a worm. And so did the Sages of Israel call it [when they enumerate] the defects of a firstborn animal [in the context of whether it may be slaughtered outside the Temple]: עֵינָב, נָחָשׁ, חִלָּזוֹן, a worm-shaped, snake-shaped [growth], or a berry-shaped [growth]. — [Torath Kohanim 21:52, Bech. 38a, Mishnah Bech. 6:2] או תבלל: דבר המבלבל את העין, כגון חוט לבן הנמשך מן הלבן ופוסק בסירא, שהוא עוגל המקיף את השחור, שקוראים פרוניל"א [אישון], והחוט הזה פוסק את העוגל ונכנס בשחור. ותרגום תבלול חיליז, לשון חלזון, שהוא דומה לתולעת אותו החוט. וכן כינוהו חכמי ישראל במומי הבכור חלזון נחש עינב (בכורות לח א):
or dry lesions or weeping sores: These are various types of boils. גרב וילפת: מיני שחין הם:
dry lesions: Heb. גָרָב. This is [equivalent to] חֶרֶס, a skin disease [whose lesions are] dry [both] underneath and on the surface. גרב: זו החרס, שחין היבש מבפנים ומבחוץ:
weeping sores: Heb. יַלֶּפֶת. This is the Egyptian lichen. And why is it called יַלֶּפֶת ? Because it bonds (מְלַפֶּפֶת) itself more and more [to the stricken person] until the day of [his] death. It is wet on its surface and dry underneath. Now, in another passage, a lesion wet on the surface and dry underneath is called גָרָב, as the verse says (Deut. 28:27), “weeping sores (גָרָב) and with dry lesions (חֶרֶס).” (But how is that so, when here, we have explained גָּרָב not only to be a completely dry lesion but also to be synonymous with חֶרֶס)? The answer is that] when גָּרָב is mentioned alongside חֶרֶס [as in Deut. 28:27], then the term גָרָב means [with wet lesions on the surface, and the term חֶרֶס refers to dry lesions both on the surface and underneath (see Rashi there)]. However, when it is mentioned alongside יַלֶּפֶת, then חֶרֶס [the dry lesion], is called גָרָב. Thus is the matter explained in Bech. (41a). ילפת: היא חזזית המצרית. ולמה נקראת ילפת שמלפפת והולכת עד יום המיתה, והוא לח מבחוץ ויבש מבפנים. ובמקום אחר קורא לגרב שחין הלח מבחוץ ויבש מבפנים, שנאמר (דברים כח כז) ובגרב ובחרס, כשסמוך גרב אצל חרס קורא לילפת גרב, וכשהוא סמוך אצל ילפת קורא לחרס גרב, כך מפורש בבכורות (מא א):
one who has crushed testicles: Heb. מְרוֹחַ אֶשֶׁךְ [This term is to be understood] according to the Targum [Onkelos] as מְרִיס פַּחֲדִין, meaning: his testicles are crushed, like, “the sinews of his testicles (פַּחִדָיו) are knit together” (Job 40:17). מרוח אשך: לפי התרגום מריס פחדין, שפחדיו מרוססים, שביצים שלו כתותין. פחדין כמו (איוב מ יז) גידי פחדיו ישורגו:
21Any man among Aaron the kohen's offspring who has a defect shall not draw near to offer up the Lord's fire offerings. There is a defect in him; he shall not draw near to offer up his God's food. כאכָּל־אִ֞ישׁ אֲשֶׁר־בּ֣וֹ מ֗וּם מִזֶּ֨רַע֙ אַֽהֲרֹ֣ן הַכֹּהֵ֔ן לֹ֣א יִגַּ֔שׁ לְהַקְרִ֖יב אֶת־אִשֵּׁ֣י יְהֹוָ֑ה מ֣וּם בּ֔וֹ אֵ֚ת לֶ֣חֶם אֱלֹהָ֔יו לֹ֥א יִגַּ֖שׁ לְהַקְרִֽיב:
Any man…who has a defect [shall not draw near…]: [But has this prohibition not already been stated in verse 17? This verse, however, comes to] include other types of defects [not specified in our passage]. — [Torath Kohanim 21:54] כל איש אשר בו מום: לרבות שאר מומין:
There is a defect in him: As long as he has the defect, he is unfit [for the Holy Service]. However, if his defect goes away, he is fit [to serve]. — [Torath Kohanim 21:55] מום בו: בעוד מומו בו פסול, הא אם עבר מומו כשר:
his God’s food: Any food is termed לֶחֶם. לחם אלהיו: כל מאכל קרוי לחם:
22His God's food from the most holy and from the holy ones, he may eat. כבלֶ֣חֶם אֱלֹהָ֔יו מִקָּדְשֵׁ֖י הַקֳּדָשִׁ֑ים וּמִן־הַקֳּדָשִׁ֖ים יֹאכֵֽל:
from the most holy: [This phrase] refers to [those sacrifices] with a higher degree of holiness; מקדשי הקדשים: אלו קדשי הקדשים:
and from the holy ones, he may eat: These are the sacrifices with a lesser degree of holiness. Now, if sacrifices with a higher degree of holiness are mentioned [that a kohen with a defect may eat of them], why is it necessary to state [the same of] sacrifices with a lesser degree of holiness? [The answer is that] had they not been stated, I would have concluded [the following]: Indeed [a kohen] with a defect may eat of the sacrifices with a higher degree of holiness, since we find that these were allowed to [be eaten even by] a non- kohen , since Moses [who was not a kohen ,] ate of the flesh of the sacrifices of the investitures. Consequently, perhaps the most holy sacrifices carry with them this leniency]. The breast and thigh of sacrifices with a lesser degree of holiness, however, shall not be eaten [by a kohen with a defect], for we do not find an instance where a non- kohen takes a share of these!“ Therefore, Scripture states here ”or from the holy" [thereby permitting a kohen with a defect to eat from the sacrifices with a lesser degree of holiness as well]. In this way the matter is explained in [Tractate] Zevachim (101b). ומן הקדשים יאכל: אלו קדשים קלים. ואם נאמרו קדשי הקדשים למה נאמרו קדשים קלים, אם לא נאמרו הייתי אומר בקדשי הקדשים יאכל בעל מום, שמצינו שהותרו לזר, שאכל משה בשר המלואים, אבל בחזה ושוק של קדשים קלים לא יאכל, שלא מצינו זר חולק בהן, לכך נאמרו קדשים קלים. כך מפורש בזבחים (קא ב):
23But he shall not come to the dividing curtain, nor shall he draw near to the altar, for he has a defect, and he shall not desecrate My holy things, for I am the Lord Who sanctifies them. כגאַ֣ךְ אֶל־הַפָּרֹ֜כֶת לֹ֣א יָבֹ֗א וְאֶל־הַמִּזְבֵּ֛חַ לֹ֥א יִגַּ֖שׁ כִּי־מ֣וּם בּ֑וֹ וְלֹ֤א יְחַלֵּל֙ אֶת־מִקְדָּשַׁ֔י כִּ֛י אֲנִ֥י יְהֹוָ֖ה מְקַדְּשָֽׁם:
But [he shall not come] to the dividing curtain: to sprinkle the seven sprinklings [of blood] towards the dividing curtain. — [see Lev. 4:6] אך אל הפרכת: להזות שבע הזאות שעל הפרכת:
[Nor shall he draw near] to the altar: [This refers to] the outer altar [(see Exod. 27:18) in the courtyard of the Sanctuary, as opposed to the inner incense altar (see Exod. 30:110) which was situated just outside the dividing curtain, all within the Holy enclosed area of the Sanctuary. Now, had our verse been referring to the inner altar, it would not have been necessary to specify the prohibition of the dividing curtain, for the dividing curtain was even closer in to the holy of holies. However, since it refers to the outer altar,] both [the altar and the curtain] are necessary to be written here; this matter is explained [in full] in Torath Kohanim (21:58). ואל המזבח: החיצון. ושניהם הוצרכו להכתב, ומפורש בתורת כהנים:
And he shall not desecrate My Holy Services: for if [a kohen with a defect] did perform the Holy Service, [his service is considered] desecrated [and] thereby deemed invalid. — [Torath Kohanim 21:60] ולא יחלל את מקדשי: שאם עבד, עבודתו מחוללת להפסל:
24Moses told [this to] Aaron and his sons, and to all of the children of Israel. כדוַיְדַבֵּ֣ר משֶׁ֔ה אֶל־אַֽהֲרֹ֖ן וְאֶל־בָּנָ֑יו וְאֶל־כָּל־בְּנֵ֖י יִשְׂרָאֵֽל:
Moses told: [Literally, our verse would read: “Moses spoke to Aaron and his sons, and to all of the children of Israel.” But what did he speak? He told them] this [entire] commandment [i.e., all the laws of the kehunah delineated in this passage]. וידבר משה: המצוה הזאת:
[to] Aaron and his sons, and to all the children of Israel: [But why command “all the children of Israel” about laws pertaining only to kohanim ?] So that the courts of law [comprising non- kohen judges] should warn kohanim [who have defects, to separate themselves from the Holy Service]. — [Midrash Hagadol, and see Torath Kohanim, Glosses of Gra] אל אהרן ואל בניו ואל כל בני ישראל: להזהיר בית דין על הכהנים:
Leviticus Chapter 22
1The Lord spoke to Moses, saying: אוַיְדַבֵּ֥ר יְהֹוָ֖ה אֶל־משֶׁ֥ה לֵּאמֹֽר:
2Speak to Aaron and to his sons, that they shall separate themselves from the holy [sacrifices] of the children of Israel, which they sanctify to Me, so as not to desecrate My Holy Name. I am the Lord. בדַּבֵּ֨ר אֶל־אַֽהֲרֹ֜ן וְאֶל־בָּנָ֗יו וְיִנָּֽזְרוּ֙ מִקָּדְשֵׁ֣י בְנֵֽי־יִשְׂרָאֵ֔ל וְלֹ֥א יְחַלְּל֖וּ אֶת־שֵׁ֣ם קָדְשִׁ֑י אֲשֶׁ֨ר הֵ֧ם מַקְדִּשִׁ֛ים לִ֖י אֲנִ֥י יְהֹוָֽה:
they shall separate themselves: The term נְזִירָה means only separation [from something]. Likewise, Scripture says, “and draws away (וְיִנָּזֵר) from following Me” (Ezek. 14:7), and, “they drew backwards (נָזֹרוּ)” (Isa. 1:4). [Thus, here, the meaning is that] when kohanim are in a state of uncleanness, they shall separate themselves (וְיִנָּזְרוּ) from the holy things. — [Torath Kohanim 22:62] Another explanation: [The commentators are at a loss to explain this expression, because the following comment easily agrees with the preceding one. See below.] “shall separate themselves from the holy [sacrifices] of the children of Israel which they sanctify to Me, so as not to desecrate My Holy Name.” [Now, the verse, in the order it is written, reads: “Aaron and his sons…shall separate themselves from the holy (sacrifices) of the children of Israel, so as not to desecrate My Holy Name-which they sanctify to Me.”] Transpose the verse and explain it [as follows]: shall separate themselves from the holy [sacrifices] of the children of Israel which they sanctify to Me, so as not to desecrate My Holy Name." [Another explanation] (see Sifthei Chachamim): וינזרו: אין נזירה אלא פרישה, וכן הוא אומר (יחזקאל יד ז) וינזר מאחרי, (ישעיה א ד) נזורו אחור, יפרשו מן הקדשים בימי טומאתן. דבר אחר: וינזרו מקדשי בני ישראל אשר הם מקדישים לי ולא יחללו את שם קדשי, סרס המקרא ודרשהו, אשר הם מקדשים לי ולא יחללו את שם קדשי:
which they sanctify to Me: [This comes] to include offerings that the kohanim themselves sanctified [to the Holy Temple, offerings from which kohanim in the state of uncleanness shall also separate themselves]. [According to this explanation, no transposition is necessary, and the verse is to be explained as follows: When the kohanim are unclean, they must separate themselves from the holy things of the children of Israel, i.e., those consecrated by the children of Israel, and also from those consecrated by the kohanim themselves. Accordingly, the words, “another explanation,” appear at this point, not as they appear in the Mikraoth Gedoloth. According to Mizrachi and others, and according to all manuscripts and incunabula editions, these words do not appear at all. - [Torath Kohanim 22:64] אשר הם מקדשים לי: לרבות קדשי כהנים עצמן:
3Say to them: Throughout your generations, any man among any of your offspring who, while his defilement is still upon him, comes near to the holy sacrifices that the children of Israel consecrate to the Lord that soul shall be cut off from before me. I am the Lord. גאֱמֹ֣ר אֲלֵהֶ֗ם לְדֹרֹ֨תֵיכֶ֜ם כָּל־אִ֣ישׁ | אֲשֶׁר־יִקְרַ֣ב מִכָּל־זַרְעֲכֶ֗ם אֶל־הַקֳּדָשִׁים֙ אֲשֶׁ֨ר יַקְדִּ֤ישׁוּ בְנֵֽי־יִשְׂרָאֵל֙ לַֽיהֹוָ֔ה וְטֻמְאָת֖וֹ עָלָ֑יו וְנִכְרְתָ֞ה הַנֶּ֧פֶשׁ הַהִ֛וא מִלְּפָנַ֖י אֲנִ֥י יְהֹוָֽה:
Any man…who…comes near [to the holy sacrifices]: The phrase “comes near” really means “eating.” And so we find that a warning against eating holy sacrifices while in a state of uncleanness, is expressed as “touching,” [as is written], “she shall not touch anything holy” (Lev. 12:4) [which is] a warning against eating [anything holy, while in a state of uncleanness]. And our Rabbis have learnt [that these terms mean “eating” in this context] by way of a hekesh [a rule of Scriptural exposition, whereby, via Rabbinical transmission, laws from two passages are linked through their appearance in the same verse (Mizrachi).] Now, it is impossible to say that one is liable [to the penalty of excision] if he [merely] touches [holy sacrifices while he is in the state of uncleanness], for we find the penalty of excision for eating [holy sacrifices while one is unclean] stated in the passage “Command Aaron” (Lev. 7:20-21) [and moreover, there, we find] the penalty of excision for eating mentioned twice, one next to the other (see Lev. 7:20-21), and, if one would be liable just for touching, it would be unnecessary for Scripture to mention liability for eating. In a similar vein, [this explanation that our verse here refers to eating and not touching,] is expounded in Torath Kohanim (22:69), [as follows]: “…But is there [a case of] one who touches [holy sacrifices], that he should be liable [to the penalty of excision?!] If so, why does Scripture say, ”comes near“? [Because it teaches us that for eating holy sacrifices, one incurs the penalty of excision] only when they become fit to be ”brought near“ as an offering-for one becomes liable only if one [eats holy sacrifices] while one is unclean, after the parts that makes the sacrifice permissible to be eaten has been offered up [i.e., only when the sacrificial fats have been offered up and the blood has been dashed, or the offering of the fistful of flour in a meal-offering, or the sanctification in a vessel of parts of other offerings (see Hagahoth Uvei-urei HaGra on Torath Kohanim ; Mizrachi), is the holy sacrifice allowed to be eaten by the kohanim, and not before]. Now, one may ask: [Since our verse, as well as the two verses in Lev. 7:20-21, are all referring to eating holy sacrifices when one is unclean,] why is it necessary for Scripture to mention three times the penalty of excision for kohanim [eating holy sacrifices] when they are in an unclean state? These have already been expounded upon in Tractate Shevuoth (7a): ”One of them is [needed] to state the general law; one of them is [needed] to state a particular case [namely, the peace-offering, in order to preclude the eating of certain clean foods that are not sacrificed on the altar which do not have the punishment of excision; and one of them is needed to teach us that…when the verse says, “he incurs guilt” (Lev. 5:2), and may bring a קָרְבָּן עוֹלֶה וְיוֹרֵד, a sliding-scale sacrifice, Scripture is referring to…a person…who, while in an unclean state, enters the Sanctuary or eats of its holy sacrifices]. כל איש אשר יקרב: אין קריבה זו אלא אכילה, וכן מצינו שנאמרה אזהרת אכילת קדשים בטומאה בלשון נגיעה בכל קדש לא תגע (ויקרא יב ד), אזהרה לאוכל. ולמדוה רבותינו מגזירה שוה. ואי אפשר לומר שחייב על הנגיעה, שהרי נאמר כרת על האכילה בצו את אהרן (ויקרא ז כ - כא) שתי כריתות זו אצל זו, ואם על הנגיעה חייב לא הוצרך לחייבו על האכילה, וכן נדרש בתורת כהנים וכי יש נוגע חייב, אם כן מה תלמוד לומר יקרב, משיכשר לקרב, שאין חייבין עליו משום טומאה, אלא אם כן קרבו מתיריו. ואם תאמר שלש כריתות בטומאת כהנים למה, כבר נדרשו במסכת שבועות אחת לכלל ואחת לפרט וכו' (שבועות ז א):
while his defilement is still upon him: [meaning:] While the person is in a state of uncleanness. But I might think that Scripture is referring to the flesh, while the flesh is unclean,“ and the verse is speaking of someone in a clean state who eats unclean flesh [of holy sacrifices]. However, one is forced to learn the meaning of the verse from the literal meaning [of this phrase ”while its/his uncleanness is still upon it/him"]-i.e., the verse is speaking of something from which uncleanness can be removed, and this is a person, because a person can cleanse himself in a mikvah [while meat cannot be purified once it is defiled. — [Torath Kohanim 22:69; Zev. 43b] וטמאתו עליו: וטומאת האדם עליו, יכול בבשר הכתוב מדבר, וטומאתו של בשר עליו, ובטהור שאכל את הטמא הכתוב מדבר, הרי כבר נאמר (ויק' ז יט) והבשר אשר יגע בכל טמא לא יאכל, אלא על כרחך ממשמעו אתה למד, במי שטומאתו פורחת ממנו הכתוב מדבר, וזהו האדם שיש לו טהרה בטבילה:
shall be cut off: One might suggest that [the offender is to be “cut off”] from one place to another, i.e., he shall be cut off from his place [of abode] and exiled (Be’er Basadeh) to settle in another place. Scripture, therefore, continues, “I am the Lord”- [as if to say:] “I am in every place” [and even if someone is sent into exile, I am also in that other place. Hence, the “cutting off” here refers to excision of the soul, that he will die before his time (Be’er Basadeh)]. — [Torath Kohanim 22:69] ונכרתה וגו': יכול מצד זה לצד זה, יכרת ממקומו ויתיישב במקום אחר, תלמוד לומר אני ה', בכל מקום אני:
4Any man whatsoever among Aaron's offspring if he has tzara'ath or has had a discharge, he shall not eat of the holy sacrifices, until he cleanses himself. And one who touches anyone who has become unclean [by contact with a dead] person, or a man from whom semen issued, דאִ֣ישׁ אִ֞ישׁ מִזֶּ֣רַע אַֽהֲרֹ֗ן וְה֤וּא צָר֨וּעַ֙ א֣וֹ זָ֔ב בַּקֳּדָשִׁים֙ לֹ֣א יֹאכַ֔ל עַ֖ד אֲשֶׁ֣ר יִטְהָ֑ר וְהַנֹּגֵ֨עַ֙ בְּכָל־טְמֵא־נֶ֔פֶשׁ א֣וֹ אִ֔ישׁ אֲשֶׁר־תֵּצֵ֥א מִמֶּ֖נּוּ שִׁכְבַת־זָֽרַע:
among Aaron’s offspring: I know only that Aaron’s offspring [are meant]. How do I know that he himself [and every Kohen Gadol (Ramban on verse 17, Rash MiShantz on Torath Kohanim) is also included]? Therefore, Scripture states [the apparently superfluous word “he” in the clause], “if he has tzara’ath ”; for one might think that since he is allowed to offer up holy sacrifices when he is an onen (Rashi Lev. 21:12 above), he would also be allowed to offer them up if he has tzara’ath or if he had a discharge. Scripture, therefore, says, “if he…” [to include Aaron and all other Kohanim Gedolim]. — [Torath Kohanim 22:70] מזרע אהרן: אין לי אלא זרעו, גופו מנין, תלמוד לומר והוא צרוע, שיכול הואיל ומקריב אונן יקריב צרוע וזב, תלמוד לומר והוא:
until he cleanses himself: [This means] sunset [after his immersion]. Or, perhaps, it means only immersion [in a mikvah, and that suffices]? It says here, וְטָהֵר, and it says below (verse 7), וְטָהֵר, “When the sun has set, he becomes clean (וְטָהֵר).” Just as there (in verse 7), [it means] sunset, here too, [it means] sunset [that he may not eat holy things until the sun sets after his immersion]. — [Torath Kohanim 22:72] עד אשר יטהר: ביאת השמש, או אינו אלא טבילה, נאמר כאן וטהר, ונאמר למטה וטהר (פסוק ז) ובא השמש וטהר, מה להלן ביאת שמש, אף כאן ביאת שמש:
anyone who has become unclean [by contact with a dead] person: Heb. טְמֵא נֶפֶשׁ, one who has become unclean by [contact with] a dead person. בכל טמא נפש: במי שנטמא במת:
5or a man who touches any creeping creature through which he becomes unclean or a person through whom he becomes unclean, whatever his uncleanness האוֹ־אִישׁ֙ אֲשֶׁ֣ר יִגַּ֔ע בְּכָל־שֶׁ֖רֶץ אֲשֶׁ֣ר יִטְמָא־ל֑וֹ א֤וֹ בְאָדָם֙ אֲשֶׁ֣ר יִטְמָא־ל֔וֹ לְכֹ֖ל טֻמְאָתֽוֹ:
[A man who touches] any creeping creature through which he becomes unclean: [The seemingly superfluous phrase “through which he becomes unclean” means,] the [minimum] size [of a part of a creeping creature] through which [contact] one is rendered unclean (Torath Kohanim 22:76) -namely, through the volume of a lentil. — [Chag. 11a] בכל שרץ אשר יטמא לו: בשיעור הראוי לטמא, בכעדשה:
or a person: a corpse. - [Torath Kohanim 22:76] [That is to say, cleansing after contact with a dead body takes place only after immersion and sunset on the seventh day. — [Sifthei Chachamim] או באדם: במת:
through whom he becomes unclean: The size through which [contact] one is rendered unclean-namely, the volume of an olive. [Oholoth 2:1] אשר יטמא לו: כשיעורו לטמא, וזהו כזית:
whatever his uncleanness: [This comes] to include one who comes into contact with a man or woman who has had a discharge, or with a menstruating woman or with a woman who has given birth, [or with one who has tzara’ath]. — [Torath Kohanim 22:76] לכל טומאתו: לרבות נוגע בזב וזבה, נדה ויולדת ובמצורע:
6the person who touches it shall remain unclean until evening, and he shall not eat from the holy things unless he has immersed his flesh in water. ונֶ֚פֶשׁ אֲשֶׁ֣ר תִּגַּע־בּ֔וֹ וְטָֽמְאָ֖ה עַד־הָעָ֑רֶב וְלֹ֤א יֹאכַל֙ מִן־הַקֳּדָשִׁ֔ים כִּ֛י אִם־רָחַ֥ץ בְּשָׂר֖וֹ בַּמָּֽיִם:
The person who touches it: i.e., who touches any one of these unclean beings. נפש אשר תגע בו: באחד מן הטמאים הללו:
7When the sun sets, he becomes clean, and afterwards, he may eat of the holy things, for it is his food. זוּבָ֥א הַשֶּׁ֖מֶשׁ וְטָהֵ֑ר וְאַחַר֙ יֹאכַ֣ל מִן־הַקֳּדָשִׁ֔ים כִּ֥י לַחְמ֖וֹ הֽוּא:
and afterwards, he may eat of the holy things: This is expounded on in [Tractate] Yev. (74b) as referring to terumah, that [the purified kohen] may eat it after sunset [of the day of his cleansing]. ואחר יאכל מן הקדשים: נדרש ביבמות בתרומה, שמותר לאכלה בהערב השמש:
he may eat of the holy things: [meaning, some of the holy things,] but not all holy things [thus, our verse refers specifically to terumah, but not sacrificial flesh, which the kohen who was stricken with tzara’ath or had a discharge may not eat until he brings his sacrifices on the morrow]. — [see preceding Rashi] מן הקדשים: ולא כל הקדשים:
8He shall not eat a carcass or anything that was torn, thereby becoming unclean through it. I am the Lord. חנְבֵלָ֧ה וּטְרֵפָ֛ה לֹ֥א יֹאכַ֖ל לְטָמְאָה־בָ֑הּ אֲנִ֖י יְהֹוָֽה:
He shall not eat a carcass or anything that was torn, thereby becoming unclean through it: [Scripture] warned here regarding the [implications of one’s] uncleanness, as follows: If one ate a carcass of a clean bird, which [as explained (Rashi above 17:15),] does not defile through contact or by lifting it but defiles only when it is swallowed into the esophagus-this person is prohibited to eat holy things. Now, [a bird that had been torn (טְרֵפָה) and mortally wounded by a wild animal, if slaughtered properly, does not convey uncleanness. So why is it mentioned here?] We must say that וּטְרֵפָה is [stated only to teach us that the carcass of a bird conveys uncleanness only] of the species that can be prohibited because of טְרֵפָה, thus excluding the carcass of an unclean bird, whose species can never fall under the category of טְרֵפָה [because it is prohibited even if it was perfectly healthy]. — [Torath Kohanim 17:125126; see Rashi Lev . 17:15] נבלה וטרפה לא יאכל לטמאה בה: לענין הטומאה הזהיר כאן, שאם אכל נבלת עוף טהור, שאין לה טומאת מגע ומשא אלא טומאת אכילה בבית הבליעה, אסור לאכול בקדשים. וצריך לומר וטרפה, מי שיש במינו טרפה, יצא נבלת עוף טמא שאין במינו טרפה:
9They shall keep My charge and not bear a sin by [eating] it [while unclean] and thereby die through it since they will have desecrated it. I am the Lord Who sanctifies them. טוְשָֽׁמְר֣וּ אֶת־מִשְׁמַרְתִּ֗י וְלֹֽא־יִשְׂא֤וּ עָלָיו֙ חֵ֔טְא וּמֵ֥תוּ ב֖וֹ כִּ֣י יְחַלְּלֻ֑הוּ אֲנִ֥י יְהֹוָ֖ה מְקַדְּשָֽׁם:
They shall keep My charge: [and refrain] from eating teruman while one’s body is unclean. — [Sanh. 83a] ושמרו את משמרתי: מלאכול תרומה בטומאת הגוף:
and thereby die through it: we learn that it is death by the hands of Heaven [which is meted out “through it,”] meaning that the sin of eating while unclean brings about the death penalty by itself without any other prerequisites, such as witnesses or warning. That could be only death by the hands of Heaven. - [Gur Aryeh ; Sanh. 83a; also see Sifthei Chachamim] ומתו בו: למדנו שהיא מיתה בידי שמים:
10No non kohen may eat holy things; a kohen's resident and his hireling may not eat holy things. יוְכָל־זָ֖ר לֹא־יֹ֣אכַל קֹ֑דֶשׁ תּוֹשַׁ֥ב כֹּהֵ֛ן וְשָׂכִ֖יר לֹא־יֹ֥אכַל קֹֽדֶשׁ:
No [non-kohen may] eat holy things: The text is referring to terumah, for the entire passage speaks of it (see Rashi verse 7). לא יאכל קדש: בתרומה הכתוב מדבר, שכל הענין דבר בה:
a kohen’s resident and his hireling: [could be erroneously read as “a kohen who is a resident or a hireling.” However, the correct meaning here is:] The resident of a kohen or one who is hired by a kohen. [I. e., the word תּוֹשַׁב means “the resident of.”] Therefore, תּוֹשַׁב is vocalized with a patach [under the “shin,”] because it is in the construct state. [Had it been in the absolute state, simply meaning “resident,” the “shin” would have been vocalized with a kamatz .] Now, who is considered a “resident” [in this context]? This is a Hebrew slave whose ear has been bored [i.e., one who elected to remain a slave after six years, and resides with his master (see Exod. 21:16)], thereby becoming acquired [by his master] until the Jubilee year (see Rashi Exod. 21:6). And who is considered a hireling [in this context]? This is someone acquired for a [set] number of years [to be a Hebrew slave] and who is to be released after six years (see Exod. 21:2). The text comes to teach you here that he does not become his master’s physical property [and is, therefore, not permitted] to eat terumah . — [Torath Kohanim 22:86; Yev. . 70a] תושב כהן ושכיר: תושבו של כהן ושכירו, לפיכך תושב זה נקוד פתח, לפי שהוא דבוק. ואיזהו תושב, זה נרצע שהוא קנוי לו עד היובל, ואיזהו שכיר, זה קנוי קנין שנים, שיוצא בשש, בא הכתוב ולמדך כאן שאין גופו קנוי לאדוניו לאכול בתרומתו:
11And if a kohen acquires a person, an acquisition through his money, he may eat of it, and those born in his house they may eat of his food. יאוְכֹהֵ֗ן כִּֽי־יִקְנֶ֥ה נֶ֨פֶשׁ֙ קִנְיַ֣ן כַּסְפּ֔וֹ ה֖וּא יֹ֣אכַל בּ֑וֹ וִילִ֣יד בֵּית֔וֹ הֵ֖ם יֹֽאכְל֥וּ בְלַחְמֽוֹ:
And if a kohen acquires a person: [This refers to] a Canaanite slave, whose body is acquired [by his master and may therefore eat from his master’s terumah]. וכהן כי יקנה נפש: עבד כנעני שקנוי לגופו:
and those born in his house: These are the children of the [non-Jewish] maidservants [who are the property of the master]. We learn also from this verse here that a kohen’s wife may eat terumah, since she too, is considered “an acquisition through his money” [for the Jewish marriage is technically attained through the acquisition of a woman by a man by giving her money or an object worth money, such as a ring] (see Keth. 57b). However, we learn other [cases, namely, about a kohen’s wife who had been acquired through other means, e.g., by contract or cohabitation,] from another verse in Scripture “Anyone who is clean in your household [may eat it]” (Num. 18:11) [the above being expounded] in [Sifrei 18:29; see Levush Haorah also Gur Aryeh.] ויליד ביתו: אלו בני השפחות. ואשת כהן אוכלת בתרומה מן המקרא הזה, שאף היא קנין כספו. ועוד למד ממקרא אחר (במדבר יח יא) כל טהור בביתך וגו' בספרי:
12And if a kohen's daughter is married to a non kohen, she may [no longer] eat of the separated holy things. יבוּבַ֨ת־כֹּהֵ֔ן כִּ֥י תִֽהְיֶ֖ה לְאִ֣ישׁ זָ֑ר הִ֕וא בִּתְרוּמַ֥ת הַקֳּדָשִׁ֖ים לֹ֥א תֹאכֵֽל:
married to a non-kohen: אִישׁ זָר [lit., “an alien man,” here, in the context of kehunah , this means] to a Levite or an Israelite. — [Torath Kohanim 22:92] לאיש זר: ללוי ולישראל:
13But if the kohen's daughter becomes widowed or divorced, and she has no offspring she may return to her father's household as in her youth [and] eat of her father's food, but no non kohen may eat of it. יגוּבַת־כֹּהֵן֩ כִּ֨י תִֽהְיֶ֜ה אַלְמָנָ֣ה וּגְרוּשָׁ֗ה וְזֶ֘רַע֘ אֵ֣ין לָהּ֒ וְשָׁבָ֞ה אֶל־בֵּ֤ית אָבִ֨יהָ֙ כִּנְעוּרֶ֔יהָ מִלֶּ֥חֶם אָבִ֖יהָ תֹּאכֵ֑ל וְכָל־זָ֖ר לֹא־יֹ֥אכַל בּֽוֹ:
[But if the kohen’s daughter] becomes widowed or divorced: from her non- kohen husband. אלמנה וגרושה: מן האיש הזר:
and she has no offspring: from him. וזרע אין לה: ממנו:
she may return [to her father’s household…(and) eat of her father’s food]: But, if she does have offspring from her non- kohen husband, she is prohibited to eat terumah as long as the offspring is alive. — [Yev. 87a-b] ושבה: הא אם יש לה זרע ממנו אסורה בתרומה כל זמן שהזרע קיים:
But no non-kohen may eat of it: [This seemingly superfluous phrase] is stated only to exclude an onen [kohen, i.e., one whose relative has died on that day,] who is permitted [to eat] terumah. [see Rashi 21:12 above] [It is as if Scripture is saying here:] “I said that only a non- kohen(זָר) [is prohibited to eat terumah]-but not an onen .” [Yev. 68b] וכל זר לא יאכל בו: לא בא אלא להוציא את האונן שמותר בתרומה. זרות אמרתי לך, ולא אנינות:
14And if a man unintentionally eats what is holy, he shall add a fifth of it to it and give the kohen the holy thing. ידוְאִ֕ישׁ כִּֽי־יֹאכַ֥ל קֹ֖דֶשׁ בִּשְׁגָגָ֑ה וְיָסַ֤ף חֲמִֽשִׁיתוֹ֙ עָלָ֔יו וְנָתַ֥ן לַכֹּהֵ֖ן אֶת־הַקֹּֽדֶשׁ:
And if [a man] eats that which is holy: [This refers to] terumah . כי יאכל קדש: תרומה:
and give the kohen the holy thing: something that is fit to become holy. He shall not pay him money, but non-consecrated fruits, which in turn become [consecrated as] terumah . — [Pes. 32a] ונתן לכהן את הקדש: דבר הראוי להיות קדש, שאינו פורע לו מעות אלא פירות של חולין, והן נעשין תרומה:
15And they shall not desecrate the holy things of the children of Israel, those that they have set aside for the Lord, טווְלֹ֣א יְחַלְּל֔וּ אֶת־קָדְשֵׁ֖י בְּנֵ֣י יִשְׂרָאֵ֑ל אֵ֥ת אֲשֶׁר־יָרִ֖ימוּ לַֽיהֹוָֽה:
And they shall not desecrate [the holy things of the children of Israel]: By allowing non- kohanim to eat of them. [see next Rashi] ולא יחללו וגו': להאכילם לזרים:
16thereby bringing upon themselves to bear iniquity and guilt, when they eat their holy things, for I am the Lord Who sanctifies them. טזוְהִשִּׂ֤יאוּ אוֹתָם֙ עֲוֹ֣ן אַשְׁמָ֔ה בְּאָכְלָ֖ם אֶת־קָדְשֵׁיהֶ֑ם כִּ֛י אֲנִ֥י יְהֹוָ֖ה מְקַדְּשָֽׁם:
thereby bringing upon themselves to bear-: [lit., “And they will cause them to bear (iniquity and guilt).”] They will cause themselves to bear iniquity when they [the non- kohanim] eat their holy things which were set aside for terumah , and were consecrated and consequently prohibited for them. Onkelos, however, who rendered: when they eat in uncleanness, unnecessarily rendered in this manner [because the verse deals with giving the terumah to non- kohanim, not with eating it in an unclean state]. והשיאו אותם: את עצמם יטענו עון באכלם את קדשיהם, שהובדלו לשם תרומה וקדשו ונאסרו עליהם. ואונקלוס שתרגם במיכלהון בסואבא, שלא לצורך תרגמו כן:
thereby bringing upon themselves to bear: Heb. וְהִשִּׂיאוּ אוֹתָם. This is one of the three instances in Scripture of אֶת [normally referring to a third party “him,” “them” etc.], which are expounded by Rabbi Ishmael to mean that the Torah is speaking of the persons themselves [i.e., the verb is reflexive]. Similarly, [the other two examples are]: יָבִיא אֹתוֹ בְּיוֹם מלֹאת יְמֵי נִזְרוֹ [lit., “On the day when his abstinence is completed, he shall bring him”] (Num. 6:13)- [meaning] that he should bring himself. Likewise, וַיִּקְבֹּר אוֹתוֹ בַגַּי [lit., “And he buried him in the valley” (Deut. 34:6), meaning that] Moses buried himself (see Rashi there). Thus is it expounded in Sifrei (Bamidbar 6:124). והשיאו אותם: זה אחד משלשה אתים שהיה רבי ישמעאל דורש בתורה שמדברים באדם עצמו, וכן (במדבר ו יג) ביום מלאת ימי נזרו יביא אותו, הוא יביא את עצמו. וכן (דברים לד ו) ויקבור אותו בגיא, הוא קבר את עצמו, כך נדרש בספרי:
Tehillim: Psalms Chapters 66 - 68
Hebrew text
English text
Chapter 66

This psalm describes the praises and awe-inspiring prayers that we will offer God upon the ingathering of the exiles.
1. For the Conductor, a song, a psalm. Raise your voices in jubilation to God, all the earth!
2. Sing the glory of His Name; make glorious His praise.
3. Say to God, "How awesome are Your deeds!" Because of Your great strength, Your enemies will [admit] their treachery to You.
4. All the earth will bow to You, and sing to You; they will sing praise to Your Name forever!
5. Go and see the works of God, awesome in His deeds toward mankind.
6. He turned the sea into dry land, and they passed through the river on foot; we rejoiced in Him there.
7. He rules the world with His might, and His eyes watch the nations; let the rebellious not exalt themselves, Selah.
8. Bless our God, O nations, and let the voice of His praise be heard.
9. He has kept us alive, and did not allow our feet to falter.
10. For You tested us, O God; You refined us as one refining silver.
11. You brought us into prison; You placed a chain upon our loins.
12. You mounted men over our head; we went through fire and water, and You brought us out to abundance.
13. I will enter Your House with burnt-offerings, I will pay to You my vows,
14. which my lips uttered and my mouth spoke in my distress.
15. I will offer up to You burnt-offerings of fat animals, with the smoke of rams; I will prepare cattle with he-goats, Selah.
16. Come listen, all you who fear God, and I will relate what He has done for my soul.
17. I called to Him with my mouth, with exaltation beneath my tongue.
18. Had I seen iniquity in my heart, my Lord would not have listened.
19. But in truth, God heard; He gave ear to the voice of my prayer.
20. Blessed is God Who has not turned away my prayer or His kindness from me.

Chapter 67
This psalm is known as an especially revered prayer. It, too, speaks of the era of the ingathering of the exiles, and the wars of Gog and Magog, a time when "the Lord will be One."
1. For the Conductor, a song with instrumental music, a psalm.
2. May God be gracious to us and bless us; may He make His countenance shine upon us forever,
3. that Your way be known on earth, Your salvation among all nations.
4. The nations will extol You, O God; all the nations will extol You.
5. The nations will rejoice and sing for joy, for You will judge the peoples justly and guide the nations on earth forever.
6. The peoples will extol You, O God; all the peoples will extol You,
7. for the earth will have yielded its produce, and God, our God, will bless us.
8. God will bless us; and all, from the farthest corners of the earth, shall fear Him.

Chapter 68
An awe-inspiring and wondrous prayer, David composed this psalm referring to a future event, when Sennacherib would surround Jerusalem on Passover, during the reign of Hezekiah. He also prophesies about the good we will enjoy during the Messianic era.
1. For the Conductor; by David, a psalm, a song.
2. Let God rise, let His enemies be scattered, and let His enemies flee before Him.
3. As smoke is driven away, drive them away; as wax melts before fire, let the wicked perish before God.
4. And the righteous will rejoice, they will exult before God and delight with joy.
5. Sing to God, chant praises to His Name; extol Him Who rides upon the heavens with His Name, Yah, and exult before Him.
6. A father of orphans and judge of widows is God, in the abode of His holiness.
7. God settles the solitary into a home, and frees those bound in shackles; but the rebellious [are left to] dwell in an arid land.
8. O God, when You went out before Your nation, when You marched through the wilderness, Selah,
9. the earth trembled, even the heavens dripped before the presence of God; this mountain of Sinai [trembled] before the presence of God, the God of Israel.
10. You poured generous rain, O God; when Your heritage was weary, You secured it.
11. Your flock settled there; in Your goodness, O God, You prepare for the poor.
12. My Lord will fulfill the word of the heralds to a great legion:
13. Kings of armies will flee, they will flee; and she who inhabits the home will divide the loot.
14. Even if you lie upon the hearth,1 [you will be like] wings of a dove covered with silver, her pinions with brilliant gold.
15. When the Almighty scatters kings in her midst, those in the shadow of darkness will be made snow-white.
16. The mountain of God is a fertile mountain, the mountain of majestic peaks is a fertile mountain.
17. Why do you prance, O mountains of peaks? This is the mountain God has desired as His dwelling; the Lord will even dwell there forever.
18. The chariots of God are twice ten thousand, [with] thousands of angels; my Lord is in their midst, at Sinai, in holiness.
19. You ascended on high and took a captive,2 you seized gifts for man; and [now] even rebels dwell with Yah, God.
20. Blessed is my Lord, Who each day loads us [with beneficence], the God Who is our deliverance forever.
21. The Lord is a God of deliverances for us; and to God, my Lord, are the many avenues of death.
22. God alone crushes the heads of His enemies, the hairy skull of him who goes about in his guilt.
23. My Lord said, "I will bring back from Bashan,3 I will bring back from the depths of the sea,
24. that your foot may wade through [the enemy's] blood; that the tongue of your dogs may have its portion from your enemies.”
25. They saw Your ways, O God, the ways of my God, my King, in holiness.
26. The singers began, then the musicians, in the midst of the maidens playing timbrels.
27. In assemblies bless God; [bless] my Lord, O you who stem from Israel.
28. There Benjamin, the youngest, rules them; the princes of Judah stone them, [as do] the princes of Zebulun, and the princes of Naphtali.
29. Your God has decreed your strength. Show Your strength, O God, Who has wrought this for our sake.
30. Because of [the glory of] Your Sanctuary upon Jerusalem, kings will bring You tribute.
31. Rebuke the wild beast of the reeds, the assembly of mighty bulls among the calves of nations, [until] each submits himself with pieces of silver. Scatter the nations that desire wars.
32. Nobles will come from Egypt; Kush will hasten [to raise] its hands to God.
33. Kingdoms of the earth, sing to God; sing praise to my Lord forever!
34. To the One Who rides upon the loftiest of ancient heavens-behold He gives forth His voice, a voice of might.
35. Ascribe power to God; His majesty is over Israel, and His might is in the skies.
36. God, You are feared from Your Sanctuary; it is the God of Israel Who grants strength and power to His people; blessed is God.
1.And dirty yourself in exile (Metzudot).
2.Israel ascended on high and seized the Torah from the Angels (Metzudot).
3.From amongst the nations who are compared to “bulls of Bashan” (Metzudot).
Tanya: Likutei Amarim, end of Chapter 46
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Monday,Iyar 12, 5777 · May 8, 2017
Today's Tanya Lesson
Likutei Amarim, end of Chapter 46

וזה שאמר אסף ברוח הקדש בעד כל כנסת ישראל שבגולה
This is also the meaning of what Asaf said,1 under Divine inspiration, on behalf of the whole community of Israel who were later to be in exile:2
The barriers that conceal holiness are particularly strong during the time of exile. Concerning that time Asaf said:
ואני בער ולא אדע, בהמות הייתי עמך, ואני תמיד עמך
“And I am foolish and know and feel not; I was as a beast before You. [Yet] I am continually with You.”
כלומר, שאף על פי שאני כבהמה בהיותי עמך
This means3 that even though I am as a “beast” when I am with You,
Even when I perform a mitzvah and am thus united with You, I am still like a beast.
ולא אדע ולא ארגיש בנפשי יחוד זה
my soul being unaware of, and insensitive to, this union achieved between my soul and G‑d through performing amitzvah; for were I to be aware and sensitive, my soul would be affected in a manner
שתפול עליה אימתה ופחד תחלה, ואחר כך אהבה רבה בתענוגים או כרשפי אש
which should bring down upon it fear and awe first, followed by a great love of delights, a love wherein the soul derives great pleasure from G‑dliness, or a love like fiery flames of ardent longing for G‑dliness,
כמדת הצדיקים שנזדכך חומרם
like the quality of the tzaddikim whose corporeality has been refined;
When tzaddikim perform a mitzvah they actually feel how it unifies their soul with G‑d. This, in turn, awakens within their soul a feeling of fear and awe of G‑d, followed by a feeling of intense love of Him. This, of course, is not the case with these who “feel not.”
וכנודע שדעת הוא לשון הרגשה בנפש, והוא כולל חסד וגבורה
for, as is known, the term Daat connotes a sensitivity of the soul, and this is comprised of Chesed and Gevurah.
Chesed gives rise to love and Gevurah to fear. Only when one possesses the attribute of Daat and spiritual sensitivity, will one experience the kinds of love and fear of G‑d described above.
אף על פי כן אני תמיד עמך, כי אין החומר מונע יחוד הנפש באור אין סוף ברוך הוא, הממלא כל עלמין
Nevertheless, “I am continually with You,” for the corporeality of the body does not prevent the union of the soul with the light of the blessed Ein Sof, Who fills all worlds,
Corporeality can only prevent the soul from being conscious of its unity with G‑d, inasmuch as it hinders the revelation and awareness of the unity accomplished during the performance of a mitzvah. It cannot, however, hinder the actual unity objectively effected.
וכמו שכתוב: גם חושך לא יחשיך ממך
and as it is written:4 “Even darkness cannot obscure You.”
Accordingly,5 since (as above) every Jew who performs a mitzvah is granted the unity and sanctity of “Supreme Holiness,” even when he does not perceive it, as does a tzaddik,
יובן חומר עונש איסור מלאכה בשבתות וחמץ בפסח, השוה לכל נפש
one will be able to understand the severity of the punishment for transgressing the prohibition of work on Sabbath or that of leavened bread on Passover, which equally applies to all.
The very same severe punishment applies equally to the loftiest tzaddik and to the coarsest boor, were either of them, heaven forfend, to transgress one of the above-mentioned prohibitions. The reason:
-לפי שאף בנפש בור ועם הארץ גמור מאיר אור קדושת שבת ויום טוב, ונידון בנפשו בכרת וסקילה על חילול קדושה זו
For even in the soul of an uncultured and completely illiterate person shines the light of the sanctity of Sabbath or Festival; hence he faces capital punishment by Karet for eating leavened bread on Passover and stoning for doing a prohibited form of labor on Sabbath, for the profanation of this sanctity which illuminates his soul.
Though a particular individual may not feel this sanctity, still, as explained earlier, this sanctity does indeed illuminate his soul. This being the case, the soul of this individual is tainted by his misdeed in a manner equal to that of a tzaddik in similar circumstances. It is for this reason that the manner of punishment applies equally to all.
וגם משהו חמץ, או טלטול מוקצה, פוגם בקדושה שעל נפשו כמו בקדושת נפש הצדיק
Similarly, the transgression involving the slightest amount of leaven on Passover, or the moving of muktzeh on Sabbath, blemishes the sanctity which rests on his (the uncultured person’s) soul just as it would the sanctity of the soul of a tzaddik,
כי תורה אחת לכולנו
for we all have one Torah: the laws of the Torah apply equally to all Jews.
From all the above it becomes eminently clear that though a person may not feel the sanctity brought about by the performance of a mitzvah, so much so that he is likened to a beast, nevertheless, through his performance of a mitzvah, this “beast” is unified with G‑d to the same degree as the greatest sage. Indeed, this is the implication of the verse, “Beasts I am with You, [yet] I am constantly with You.”
The Alter Rebbe now goes on to say that there is a definite reason why the similarity to a beast is described in the plural (“beasts I am with you”). This tells us that the performance of a mitzvah on the level of a beast — with neither comprehension nor feeling — is related to the spiritual level which transcends comprehension and feeling, this level too being termed “beast” since it is not in the realm of comprehension, rather transcending it. Thus there are two levels of “beasts”, that which is lower than the realm of comprehension and that which is above it. Both are alluded to by the same word, since the two are connected.
ומה שכתוב: בהמות, לשון רבים
(6And as for the use of the plural form “beasts”, which is inconsistent both with the singular form mentioned earlier (“and I am a fool”) and with the singular form mentioned later (“And I am constantly...”),
לרמז כי לפניו יתברך גם בחינת דעת העליון, הכולל חסד וגבורה, נדמה כבהמות ועשייה גופנית לגבי אור אין סוף
this intimates that before Him, even Daat Elyon (“Supernal Knowledge”) — which comprises Chesed and Gevurah — is like “beasts” and a physical creation (i.e., the physical world of Asiyah, not its spiritual counterpart),when compared with the light of the Ein Sof,
כמו שכתוב: כולם בחכמה עשית
as it is written:7 “You made (עשית) them all with wisdom,” thereby comparing the level of Chochmah (“wisdom”) with Asiyah (“physical creation”). From G‑d’s perspective, Chochmah and Asiyah are equally distant.
ונקרא בהמה רבה, כמו שכתוב במקום אחר
And this is called Behemah Rabbah (“a great beast”), denoting that level of “beast” which transcends understanding rather than that which lacks comprehension, as is explained elsewhere.
והוא שם ב״ן, בגימטריא בהמ״ה, שלפני האצילות
And this is the level of the Supernal Name of “Ban” (one of the four variations of the Tetragrammaton, corresponding with the number 52), with the same numerical equivalent of the Hebrew word Behemah (“beast”), which is on a level even preceding Atzilut).
We thus see that even one who performs mitzvot on the level of a “fool” or “beast”, neither comprehending nor sensing the unity and holiness achieved and drawn down through his actions, — even such a person, too, attains a union with the level of “beast” that transcends even that most lofty of levels — Daat of Atzilut.
1. Tehillim 73:22-23.
2.Concerning the statement that “this is also the meaning of what Asaf said, under Divine inspiration...,” the Rebbe remarks that the Alter Rebbe is not in the habit of naming the individual who authored a specific verse, nor is he in the habit of remarking that it was first uttered under Divine inspiration.
An exception was made here, the Rebbe explains, because Asaf is addressing himself to the problem of “a wicked man who prospers” and “a righteous man who suffers.” Asaf is also speaking either about himself, or, at least, about those Jews who lived in his time, for in the same chapter he explicitly says “...until I came to the Holy Temple.” I.e., he is referring to a time when the Temple is standing. Now at that time corporeality did not conceal G‑dliness to the same degree as it does now. This being so, how do Asaf’s words apply to our times?
The Alter Rebbe answers this by saying that in this verse Asaf was not talking about himself and his generation, but about the Jewish community in times of exile. Though he was no prophet (as Rashi states in Megillah 14a), he was nevertheless able to speak of the future, for he spoke under Divine inspiration. Daniel likewise foresaw and foretold many future episodes, even though (as Rashi mentions in his commentary to Daniel) he too was no prophet.
In the next footnote the Rebbe will offer evidence that in the verse, “So foolish was I...,” Asaf speaks of the Jews in time of exile.
3.The Rebbe notes that with the words “This means,” the Alter Rebbe is saying, that unlike the previous verses which speak of Asaf’s own time, this verse refers to the Jewish community in exile. Proof that this is indeed so, lies in the fact that after saying, “And I am foolish and know not,” he goes on to say, “I was as a beast before You.” If Asaf is speaking of himself, his final words are superfluous.
We must therefore say that he is speaking of the time of exile, when the veil of corporeality is so palpable that “even when I am with You” — even in the midst of performing a mitzvah, at which time a Jew is at one with G‑d — still “I am as a beast,” unable to feel this union with G‑d. This also explains why the Alter Rebbe quotes the beginning of the verse (“And I am foolish and know not”), when he mainly addresses himself to the latter part of the verse. He does so because the opening words prove that the phrase, “I was as a beast before You,” speaks of the Jewish people in times of exile.
4. Tehillim 139:12.
5.The Rebbe explains that with the Alter Rebbe’s statement — “Accordingly, one will be able to understand...” — a number of very problematic issues are resolved. Firstly: How is it possible that an illiterate person be subject to the same severe punishment as a tzaddik, for transgressing the prohibition of work on the Sabbath or that of leavened bread on Passover? The punishment results from the individual’s desecration of the sanctity which pervades the Sabbath and festivals. However, this sanctity does not rest upon the illiterate person. Why, then, should he be so severely punished?
Even if we posit that the illiterate person, too, possesses some miniscule measure of the sanctity of the Sabbath and Festivals, we must still understand why the same measure of punishment “equally applies to all.” Reason dictates that the illiterate’s punishment should be much less severe than that of the tzaddik, inasmuch as he harbors but an echo of the sanctity enjoyed by the tzaddik.
According to what the Alter Rebbe has just now explained, the matter becomes entirely understandable. For within the soul of the illiterate person there radiates the light of the sanctity of those holy days in the same measure as within the soul of a tzaddik. The only difference between the two is that the tzaddik feels this sanctity while the illiterate person does not.
The Rebbe adds that this explanation also helps us understand why the Alter Rebbe cited evidence specifically from transgressing the prohibitions of the Sabbath and Festivals. These prohibitions, says the Rebbe, are not intrinsic to the acts themselves, for doing these selfsame things on any other day is not prohibited at all. Rather, these are prohibitions which apply to the individual: he is not permitted to perform such labor on the Sabbath.
This being so, we must surely say that the light of Sabbath illumines the soul of an illiterate person just as it does that of a tzaddik. Were we not to say so, then the question of why the punishment is not for the inherent wrong of the act itself, but for the person's performance of this act on the Shabbath. If the illiterate person's soul is not illumined to the same degree as the tzaddik's, it is unthinkable that the punishment should be the same.
6. Parentheses are in the original text.
7. Tehillim 104:24.
• Sefer Hamitzvos:
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Monday, Iyar 12, 5777 · May 8, 2017
Today's Mitzvah
A daily digest of Maimonides’ classic work "Sefer Hamitzvot"
Important Message Regarding This Lesson
The Daily Mitzvah schedule runs parallel to the daily study of 3 chapters of Maimonides' 14-volume code. There are instances when the Mitzvah is repeated a few days consecutively while the exploration of the same Mitzvah continues in the in-depth track.
Positive Commandment 107

Ritual Impurity Contracted through Contact with a Corpse
We are commanded regarding the ritual impurity contracted through contact with a human corpse. [I.e., if contracted, one must follow all the laws associated with this impurity.]
Full text of this Mitzvah »

Ritual Impurity Contracted through Contact with a Corpse
Positive Commandment 107
Translated by Berel Bell
The 107th mitzvah1 is that we are commanded regarding the tumah conveyed by a dead body.2 This mitzvah includes all the laws relating to tumas meis.3
1.In the order given here, following the order of Mishneh Torah, P107 is the first of the commandments dealing with tumah and taharah (ritual purity and impurity). In the order of Sefer HaMitzvos, however, P96 is the first of these mitzvos, and there the Rambam gives a general introduction to all these mitzvos.
2.Num. 19:11ff.
3.Such as which parts of the body convey tumah, how it is conveyed, etc. See Hilchos Tumas Meis.
• 1 Chapter: She'elah uFikkadon She'elah uFikkadon - Chapter 2
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She'elah uFikkadon - Chapter 2
When a person borrows an article while the owner is working with him, he is not liable, even if the article that he borrowed is stolen or lost through negligence, as Exodus 22:14 states: 'If the owner is with him, he need not make restitution.' This applies, provided he asked the owner to work with him at the time he borrowed the article, as we have explained.
This leniency applies whether the borrower asked the owner to work for him as a favor or hired him, and whether he asked him to perform the same work as he performs with the article, he asked him or hired him to perform another task, or he had him perform any task in the world. Even if he told a colleague, 'Give me a drink of water,' and the person asking for the water asked to borrow his colleague's animal, if the owner gives him a drink and lends him the animal, it is considered as if he lent him the animal while 'with the owner,' and he is not liable.
If the borrower performed meshichah with the animal first, and afterwards the owner gave him to drink, this is not considered to be borrowing an article while the owner is working with the borrower. The same principles apply in all analogous situations.
השואל בבעלים אפילו נגנב או אבד בפשיעה פטור שנאמר אם בעליו עמו לא ישלם ובלבד ששאל הבעלים תחלה עם החפץ כמו שביארנו ואחד השואל את הבעלים או ששכרן ואחד ששואל את הבעלים לאותה המלאכה או ששאלן ושכרן למלאכה אחרת או לשום דבר בעולם אפילו אמר לחבירו השקני מים ושאל ממנו בהמתו והשקהו ונתן לו את הבהמה הרי זו שאלה בבעלים ופטור משך את הבהמה בתחלה ואחר כך השקהו אינה שאלה בבעלים וכן כל כיוצא בזה:
When a person lent or rented out his animal to carry a burden and went out to help the borrower or the renter to help him load his burden on it, this is considered to be borrowing an article while the owner is working with the borrower. If he goes out with him to inspect the burden and to see that he was not overloaded, it is not considered borrowing an article while the owner is working with the borrower.
השאיל בהמתו או השכירה למשוי ויצא עמה לסעדה עם השואל או השוכר ולטעון עמו במשאו ה"ז שמירה בבעלים ואם יצא לבקר המשאוי בלבד ולראות שלא יטענו עליה יתר מן הראוי אינה שמירה בבעלים:
The following rules apply with regard to a teacher of young children, a person who plants trees for a city, a bloodletter for the city and their scribe. On the day any one of these individuals - or a person in a similar position - sits to perform the work of the city's inhabitants, if he lends or rents out an article to any of the people whose work he is performing, it is considered as if the owner is working with the borrower. Even if the watchman was negligent, he is not liable. If, however, one of these individuals borrowed or rented an article from one of the inhabitants of the city, he is liable in the event of damages. For they do not perform work for him.
מלמד תינוקות והנוטע לבני המדינה והמקיז להם את הדם והסופר שלהן כל אחד מאלו וכיוצא בהן ביום שהוא יושב בו לעסוק במלאכתן אם השאיל או השכיר לאחד מאלו שהוא עוסק במלאכתם ה"ז שמירה בבעלים ואפילו פשע בה השומר פטור אבל הוא ששאל או ששכר מהן חייב שאינן שאולין לו:
When a teacher reads to his students at will, at the time he desires, whichever tractate he desires, they are obligated to come to him at all times, and even if he has already started studying one tractate with them, he has the license to switch from tractate to tractate, they are considered to be at his command, and he is not at their command. On the day of public study, when everyone comes to hear about the matters that concern the festival, he is considered to be at their command, and they are not at his command.
הרב שהוא מקריא ברצונו לתלמידים בכל עת שירצה ואיזו מסכתא שירצה והם היו קבועים לבא תמיד ונשמט להן ממסכתא למסכתא הרי הן שאולין אצלו ואין הוא שאול להם וביום הפרק שהכל באין לשמוע ענין אותו מועד הרי הוא שאול להם והם אינן שאולין לו:
When a person tells his agent: 'Go out and work together with my cow,' it is not considered as if the owner is working with the borrower. This is intimated by Exodus 22:14: 'If the owners are with him, he need not make restitution.' The wording implies that verse refers to the owners themselves, and not their agents.
If by contrast a person tells his Canaanite servant: 'Go out and work together with my cow,' it is considered as if the owner is working with the borrower. The rationale is that a Canaanite servant is considered an extension of the physical person of his master.
If the servant goes to work for the borrower without his master's consent, it is not considered as if the owner is working with the borrower.
האומר לשלוחו צא והשאל עם פרתי אינה שאילה בבעלים שנא' אם בעליו עמו לא ישלם הבעלים עצמן לא שליח אמר לעבדו הכנעני צא והשאל עם פרתי ה"ז שאילה בבעלים שיד העבד כיד רבו נשאל העבד עמה שלא מדעת רבו אינה שאילה בבעלים:
When a person borrows an article from a woman, and her husband is performing a task for the borrower, it is not considered as if the owner is working with the borrower. The rationale is that the right to benefit from property is not equivalent to ownership of the property itself. And a woman's husband is entitled only to benefit from her property. He is not the owner.
השואל מן האשה ונשאל לו בעלה אינה שאילה בבעלים שקניין פירות אינו כקניין הגוף ואין לבעל אלא פירות:
When a husband borrows property from his wife or when partners borrow property from each other, it is considered as if the owner is working with the borrower. If one partner says to the other, 'Lend me property today, and I will lend you tomorrow,' it is not considered as if the owner is working with the borrower.
השואל מאשתו או שותפין ששאלו זה מזה ה"ז שאילה בבעלים ואם אמר השותף לחבירו השאילני היום ואשאילך למחר אינה שאלה בבעלים:
When a person borrows property from a partnership and also asks one of the partners to work for him, or if partners borrow property and one of the partners asks the owner to work for him, there is an unresolved doubt whether it is considered as if the owner is working with the borrower or not. Therefore, if the animal dies, the borrower is not required to make restitution. If, however, the owner seizes the value of the article from property belonging to the borrower, it should not be expropriated from his possession. If the borrower was negligent, he is required to make restitution.
שאל מן השותפין ונשאל לו אחד מהן וכן השותפין ששאלו ונשאל לאחד מהן ה"ז ספק אם היא שאלה בבעלים אם אינה לפיכך אם מתה אינו משלם ואם תפסו הבעלים אין מוציאין מידם פשע בה הרי זה משלם:
There is an unresolved doubt whether a person who borrows an animal to sodomize it, or to create an impression, or to perform work that is worth less than a p'rutah, or borrowed two cows to do work that is worth one p'rutah while the owner is working with him is considered as an instance when an object is borrowed while the owner is working with the borrower or not.
השואל את הבהמה בבעלים לרבעה או להראות בה או לעשות בה פחות משוה פרוטה או ששאל שתי פרות לעשות בהן שוה פרוטה הרי כל אלו ספק שאלה בבעלים:
If a person borrowed an animal while the owner was working for him, and before he returned it, rented it for an additional period while the owner was not working for him, he is not liable if the animal is not returned. The rental is dependent on - and considered as an extension of - the borrowing.
There is, by contrast, an unresolved doubt with regard to all of the following situations:
The person rented the animal while the owner was working for him, and before he returned it, borrowed it for an additional period while the owner was not working for him.
He borrowed an animal while the owner was working for him, and before he returned it, rented it for an additional period while the owner was not working for him and then borrowed it again while the owner was not working for him.
Or he rented an animal while the owner was working for him, and before he returned it, borrowed it for an additional period while the owner was not working for him, and then rented it again while the owner was not working for him.
שאלה בבעלים ושכרה שלא בבעלים פטור שהשכירות תלוי בשאלה אבל אם שכרה בבעלים וחזר ושאלה שלא בבעלים או ששאלה בבעלים וחזר ושכרה שלא בבעלים וחזר ושאלה (שלא) בבעלים או ששכרה בבעלים וחזר ושאלה שלא בבעלים וחזר ושכרה (שלא) בבעלים כל אלו ספק שמירה בבעלים הוא:
When a woman borrows an article from one person and then marries another man, her husband is considered a purchaser - not a paid watchman nor a borrower. Accordingly, if the borrowed article was an animal that died, the husband is not liable even though he used it throughout the time that it was borrowed.This ruling applies even if he was negligent. The rationale is that he is considered as a purchaser.
When the woman receives money, she is obligated to make restitution. If she notified her husband that the article is borrowed, he undertakes her responsibility.
In all the situations that we have defined as borrowing while the owner is working for the borrower, if a renter or a paid watchman were involved, it would be considered as a rental while the owner is working for the renter, and he would not be held liable. Conversely, in all the situations that are not defined as borrowing while the owner is working for the borrower, if a renter or a paid watchman were involved, it would not be considered a rental while the owner is working for the renter. And with regard to all the situations for which there are unresolved doubts whether it is considered to be borrowing while the owner is working for the borrower; so, too, there are unresolved doubts with regard to rentals.
אשה ששאלה ואח"כ נשאת הרי הבעל כלוקח ממנה ואינו לא ש"ש ולא שואל לפיכך אם היתה דבר השאלה בהמה ומתה הבעל פטור אף על פי שהוא משתמש בה כל ימי שאלתה אפילו פשע מפני שהוא כלוקח והאשה חייבת לשלם כשיהיה לה ממון ואם הודיעה את בעלה שהיא שאולה ה"ז נכנס תחתיה כל שאמרנו שהיא שאלה בבעלים כך אם היה שוכר או נושא שכר הרי היא שכירות בבעלים ופטור וכל שאינה שאלה בבעלים כך אינה שכירות בבעלים וכל שהוא ספק בשאלה כך הוא ספק בשכירות:
• 3 Chapters: Tum'at Met Tum'at Met - Chapter 12, Tum'at Met Tum'at Met - Chapter 13, Tum'at Met Tum'at Met - Chapter 14
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Tum'at Met - Chapter 12
A covering that is a square, a handbreadth by a handbreadth and a handbreadth high brings ritual impurity and intervenes between ritual impurity according to Scriptural Law. For an ohel is given that distinction only when it is a handbreadth by a handbreadth and a handbreadth high or more.
What is implied? There was an olive-sized portion of a corpse lying with open space above it and implements (keilim), e.g., needles and spits, were at its side, without touching it. If one covered the portion of the corpse and the implements with an ohel that was a handbreadth by a handbreadth and was more than a handbreadth above the ground, the covering conveys impurity to the implements and renders them impure.
If there were other implements on top of this ohel that was a handbreadth by a handbreadth, they are pure, because the ohel intervenes between them and the impurity. Thus we have learnt that just as an ohel imparts impurity to everything that is under it, it preserves the purity of anything outside it, and intervenes between the impurity and the implements that are on top of it. Similarly, if the impurity was above the ohel and the implements were below it, the implements are pure, because the ohel intervenes in the face of impurity.
If the ohel was less than a handbreadth high or less than a handbreadth by a handbreadth, even if it was several handbreadths high, the implements that are next to the impurity are pure. Any of the implements that are above this ohel and are directly above the impurity are impure. The rationale is that they were positioned over the impurity and there was no ohel intervening in the face of the impurity. Similarly, if there was impurity above this ohel and implements beneath it, any implements that are directly beneath the impurity are impure, for the impurity was hanging over them and there is no ohel intervening in the face of the impurity. The rationale is that whenever there is less than a handbreadth of open space, it is considered as touching and the impurity under it is considered as "flush," as we explained.
When does the above apply? When the ohel was not a person or an implement. If, however, a person or an implement serves as an ohel over the impurity, whether they were the covering itself or the support for the covering, even if the implements were such that themselves do not contract impurity, they convey impurity and do not intervene in the face of impurity.
What is implied? If there was a board placed upon four men or on four implements, even stone implements or the like that do not contract impurity or, needless to say, if they were placed on four spits or four reeds that were a handbreadth high, and there was impurity and other implements beneath it, those implements are impure. If the implements were on top of the board, even if they were not directly above the impurity, they are impure. If there was impurity above the board and implements below it, all of the implements below the board are impure. If, however, the board was placed on four stones or on an animal or a beast and there was impurity under it, the implements on top of it are pure.א
טפח על טפח מרובע על רום טפח מביא את הטומאה וחוצץ בפני הטומאה דין תורה שאין קרוי אהל אלא טפח על טפח ברום טפח או יתר על זה כיצד כזית מן המת מונח לאויר ובצדו כלים כגון מחטין וצנורות וכיוצא בהן ואינן נוגעים בטומאה אם האהיל עליהן אהל שיש בו טפח על טפח והיה גבוה מעל הארץ טפח ה"ז מביא את הטומאה לכלים וטמאין היו כלים אחרים על גבי אהל זה שיש בו טפח על טפח הרי הן טהורין מפני שהאהל חוצץ בינם ובין הטומאה הנה למדת שכשם שהאהל מטמא כל שתחתיו מציל כל שחוצה לו וחוצץ בין הטומאה ובין כלים שעל גביו וכן אם היתה הטומאה על גביו וכלים תחתיו הכלים טהורין שהאהל חוצץ בפני הטומאה:
היה האהל פחות מרום טפח או פחות מטפח על טפח אף על פי שהוא גבוה כמה טפחים הכלים שבצד הטומאה טהורים וכלים שלמעלה מאהל זה כל שכנגד הטומאה טמא מפני שהאהילו על הטומאה ואין שם אהל לחוץ בפני הטומאה וכן אם היתה טומאה על גבי אהל זה וכלים תחתיו כל שכנגד הטומאה טמא שהרי האהילה עליהן ואין שם אהל שיחוץ בפני הטומאה שכל פחות מרום טפח כנגיעה הוא חשוב וטומאה שתחתיו טומאה רצוצה היא כמו שביארנו בד"א כשלא היה האהל אדם או כלים אבל אדם או כלים שנעשו אהל על הטומאה בין שהיו הן עצמן אהל בין שהיו עמודי האהל אפילו היו כלים שאין מקבלין טומאה כל עיקר הרי אלו מביאין את הטומאה ואינן חוצצין בפני הטומאה כיצד לוח שהיה מונח ע"ג ארבעה בני אדם או ע"ג ארבעה כלים אפילו כלי אבנים וכיוצא בהן מכלים שאין למינן טומאה ואין צ"ל אם היה מונח על ארבעה שפודין או ארבעה קנים שגבוהין טפח והיתה טומאה וכלים תחתיו הכלים טמאים ואם היו כלים על גביו אפילו שלא כנגד הטומאה טמאים ואם היתה טומאה על גבי לוח וכלים תחתיו כל כלים שתחת הלוח טמאין אבל אם הלוח היה מונח על גבי ארבע אבנים או על גבי בהמה וחיה והיתה טומאה תחתיו הרי הכלים שעל גביו טהורין:
If there was impurity on top of a board, all of the implements under it are pure, because the ohel intervenes in the face of the impurity. Implements made from animal turds, stone implements, or implements made from earth that are oversized are considered as ohalim and not as implements. Therefore, they intervene in the face of impurity.ב
היתה טומאה על גביו הרי כל הכלים שתחתיו טהורין מפני שהאהל חוצץ בפני הטומאה וכלי גללים וכלי אבנים וכלי אדמה הבאים במדה הרי הם כאהלים ואינם ככלים ולפיכך חוצצים בפני הטומאה:
The following laws apply when a board was placed on top of a new oven and it protrudes beyond the oven on either side for more than a handbreadth. If there was impurity below the board, implements that are on top of it are pure. If there was impurity on top of it, the implements below it are pure. The rationale is that a new oven is not considered as a k'li in this context. If the oven was old, everything is impure.ג
נסר שהוא נתון על פי תנור חדש ועודף מכל צדדיו בפותח טפח היתה טומאה תחת הנסר כלים שעל גביו טהורין טומאה על גביו כלים שתחתיו טהורים מפני שתנור חדש אינו ככלים לענין זה ואם היה ישן הכל טמא:
When a board was placed over two ovens, even if they are old, and it protrudes beyond each oven and there is impurity below it, between the two ovens, only the space between them is impure. Keilim that are beneath the two ends that are beyond the ovens are pure, for the area beneath the ends and that beneath the ovens are considered as two tents, one next to the other.
Similarly, if a board was placed over an oven, even an old one, and it protruded a handbreadth at both ends, but not from the sides, should there be impurity under one end, keilim under the other end are not considered as impure.ד
נסר שהוא נתון ע"פ שני תנורים אפילו ישנים ועודף מחוצה לתנור זה ומחוצה לתנור זה והיתה טומאה תחתיו בין שני התנורים ביניהן בלבד טמא אבל כלים שתחת שתי הקצוות שחוצה לתנורים טהורים שהרי הן כשני אהלים זה בצד זה וכן נסר שהוא נתון על פי תנור אפילו ישן ויוצא מזה טפח ומזה טפח אבל לא מן הצדדין וטומאה בצד זה כלים שבצד השני טהורין:
The following laws apply when a person carries a k'li, e.g., a plow or the like, and one side of the k'li hung over impurity. If the circumference of the k'li was a handbreadth, even though its width was only a finger breadth and a third, it imparts impurity to the person carrying it. Impurity is conveyed to him according to Rabbinic Law, for our Sages decreed impurity for a k'li whose circumference is a handbreadth as a safeguard lest one be lenient when there is one whose width is a handbreadth. It does not, however, convey impurity to keilim that are below it or other people over which it hangs unless its width is a handbreadth.ה
אדם שנשא כלי כגון מרדעת וכיוצא בו והאהיל צד הכלי האחד על הטומאה אם היה בהיקפו טפח אף ע"פ שאין ברחבו אלא רוחב אצבעו שליש ה"ז מטמא את הנושא ומביא לו טומאה מדבריהם שגזרו על שיש בהיקפו טפח משום שיש ברחבו טפח אבל אינו מביא את הטומאה לכלים שתחתיו ולשאר אדם שיאהיל עליהן ועל הטומאה עד שיהיה בו רחב טפח:
Wooden coffins in which a corpse is placed are not considered as graves. Instead, if there is a handbreadth of empty space between the covering of the coffin and corpse, the cover is considered as an intervening substance and one who stands on the cover is considered as pure according to Scriptural Law. Nevertheless, although most coffins have an empty space of a handbreadth, since there are some which do not have such space, our Sages degreed that no coffin would be considered as an intervening substance. Thus one who walks on a coffin is considered as if he touched a corpse or a grave.ו
ארונות של עץ שמניחין בהן את המת אינן כקבר (אבל) אם יש בין כסוי הארון והמת גובה טפח חוצץ והעומד על גבי הארון טהור מן התורה ואע"פ שרוב ארונות יש בהן חלל טפח הואיל ויש שאין שם חלל טפח גזרו על כל הארונות שאינן חוצצין ושיהיה המהלך ע"ג הארון כנוגע במת או בקבר:
The following laws apply when a beam extended from one wall to another wall and there was impurity under it. If it was a handbreadth wide, it conveys impurity to everything under its entire span. Any keilim or persons under it are impure. This applies even if its width is not the same along the entire span and some portions are less than a handbreadth wide. The rationale is that these portions are considered as part of an ohel. If it is not a handbreadth wide, the impurity pierces through and ascends and pierces through and descends, as we explained.
How much must the circumference be for the board to have a width of a handbreadth? If it is round, three handbreadths. If it is square, four handbreadths.ז
קורה שהיא נתונה מכותל לכותל והטומאה תחתיה אם יש בה פותח טפח מביאה את הטומאה תחת כולה וכל הכלים או אדם שתחתיה טמאים אף ע"פ שאין כולה שוה וקצתו פחותה מטפח מפני שקצתה מקצת אהל הוא ואם אין בה פותח טפח טומאה בוקעת ועולה בוקעת ויורדת כמו שביארנו כמה יהיה בהיקפה ויהיה בה פותח טפח בזמן שהיא עגולה שלשה טפחים ובזמן שהיא מרובעת ארבעה טפחים:
When a barrel a se'ah in size was on its side in an open area, it does not convey impurity to everything under its entire expanse unless it is approximately four and half handbreadths in circumference. In this way, its upper portion will be a handbreadth and a half above the ground and there will be a portion of it, a handbreadth by a handbreadth a handbreadth above the ground. Accordingly, if it was suspended half a handbreadth above the ground and its circumference was three handbreadths, it conveys impurity.
Similarly, if there is a round pillar lying in an open space and resting on the earth, it does not convey impurity under its side unless it is 24 handbreadths in circumference. If it is not 24 handbreadths in circumference, the impurity pierces through and ascends and pierces through and descends. The reason that 24 handbreadths are required is that whenever there is a circumference of three, there is a width of one. Whenever there is a square, a handbreadth by a handbreadth, its diagonal will be a handbreadth and two fifths. Therefore if the pillar's circumference was 24 handbreadths, there is a little bit more than a handbreadth by a handbreadth that is a handbreadth high under its entire side. All of these calculations are approximations. This is its form.ח
סאה שהיא מוטה על צדה באויר אינה מביאה את הטומאה תחת כולה עד שיהיה בהיקפה ד' טפחים ומחצה בקרוב כדי שיהיה גובה הצד העליון טפח ומחצה ויהיה הטפח על טפח ממנה גבהו מעל הארץ טפח לפיכך אם היתה גבוהה מעל הארץ חצי טפח והיה בהיקפה שלשה מביאה את הטומאה וכן עמוד עגול שהוא מוטל לאויר ומונח על הארץ אינו מביא טומאה תחת דפנו עד שיהיה בו היקף כ"ד טפחים ואם אין בהיקפו עשרים וארבעה טפחים טומאה בוקעת ועולה בוקעת ויורדת זה שהצריכו עשרים וארבעה טפחים על העיקרין שסומכים עליהן חכמים בחשבון כל המשפטים שכל שיש בהיקפו שלשה יש בו רוחב טפח וכל טפח על טפח ברבוע יש באלכסונו טפח ושני חומשין לפיכך אם היה בהיקף העמוד עשרים וארבעה טפחים נמצא תחת כל דפנו טפח על רום טפח מרובע ויתר מעט שחשבונות אלו בקרוב הן:
Tum'at Met - Chapter 13
Whenever there is a covering that is a handbreadth by a handbreadth that is a handbreadth high, it is considered an ohel, as we explained. It intervenes in the face of ritual impurity and conveys ritual impurity whether it was made as a shelter or came into being as a matter of course. Even if it was brought into being without human activity, it conveys ritual impurity and intervenes in the face of it.
What is implied? If there was a cavern that was hollowed out by water or crawling animals or even if the earth itself cratered or one gathered stone and beams and created a covered space of a handbreadth, it is considered as an ohel and it conveys ritual impurity and intervenes in the face of it.א
כל טפח על טפח ברום טפח קרוי אהל כמו שביארנו וחוצץ בפני הטומאה ומביא את הטומאה בין שעשאהו להאהיל בין שנעשה מאיליו אפילו היה שלא בידי אדם ה"ז מביא וחוצץ כיצד אחד חור שחררוהו מים או שרצים או שאכלתו מלחת או שצבר אבנים או קורות ונעשה בהן חלל טפח ה"ז אהל ומביא וחוצץ:
When does the above apply? When the ohel was strong and sturdy. A unstable ohel, by contrast, does not convey ritual impurity, nor does it intervene in the face of ritual impurity according to Scriptural Law. According to Rabbinic Law, by contrast, it conveys ritual impurity, but does not intervene in the face of it.
What is implied? When branches of trees that hang over the earth which are called sichachot and stones which project outward from a wall that hang over the earth and are called peraot are sturdy enough to carry an average ceiling and remain standing, they convey impurity and intervene in the face of it according to Scriptural Law. If they are not sturdy enough to carry an average ceiling and would fall, they convey impurity according to Rabbinic decree and do not intervene in the face of it. Similar laws apply in all analogous situations.ב
במה דברים אמורים בשהיה האהל חזק ובריא אבל אהל רעוע אינו מביא את הטומאה ואינו חוצץ בפני הטומאה מן התורה אבל מד"ס מביא את הטומאה ואינו חוצץ כיצד שריגי האילנות הסוככים על הארץ והן הנקראים סככות ואבנים היוצאות מן הגדר הסוככות על הארץ והן הנקראין פרעות אם יכולין לקבל מעזיבה בינונית והן עומדין הרי אלו מביאין וחוצצין מן התורה ואם אינן ראויין לקבל מעזיבה בינונית אלא הן נופלים הרי אלו מביאין מדבריהם ואינן חוצצין וכן כל כיוצא בהן:
These substances convey ritual impurity and intervene in the face of it: oversized wooden vessels, keilim made from stone, animal turds, or earth that are oversized, simple leather keilim, a curtain, a sheet, or a reed mat that are made like tents, animals or beasts, whether kosher or non-kosher, provided the head of one is placed between the legs of another and they are flush against each other, a bird that rests, one who digs out a place for a child in a grainheap to save him from the sun, and food that was not made ready to be susceptible to ritual impurity so that it would not become impure.
When vegetables continue to grow in the summer and the winter, they are considered like trees and convey ritual impurity and intervene in the face of it. Among those in this category are: mint, bindweed, wild gourd, and Greek squash. Similarly, all of the following - branches of trees that hang over the earth, stones which project outward from a wall, projections, balconies, dovecotes, the clefts of stones, stones that stick out of a wall, the arches of a wall, and stony precipices - convey ritual impurity and intervene in the face of it.ג
אלו מביאין וחוצצין כלי עץ הבא במדה וכן כלי אבנים כלי גללים כלי אדמה הבאין במדה ופשוטי כלי עור ויריעה וסדין ומפץ ומחצלת שהן עשוין אהלים ובהמות או חיות בין טמאות בין טהורות והוא שיהיה ראש זו בין רגלי זו והיו כולן דבוקות והעוף ששכן והחוטט בשבלים מקום לקטן להצילו מן השמש ואוכלין שאינן מוכשרין כדי שלא יטמאו ירקות המתקיימין בימות החמה והגשמים הרי הן כאילנות ומביאין וחוצצין ואלו הן: הארוס והקיסום וירקות חמור ודלעת יונית וכן הסככות והפרעות והזיזין והגזורות והשובכות והשקיפין והסלעים והנחירים והשנינין כל אלו מביאין וחוצצין:
The following convey ritual impurity, but do not intervene in the face of it: a human being, wooden vessels that are not oversized, because they are like all other keilim and convey ritual impurity, simple leather keilim, a curtain, a sheet, or a reed mat that are not made like tents, but merely extended outward, without being on a slant or having walls, an animal or a beast that died, and impure foods or foods that were made susceptible to ritual impurity, for an impure substance does not intervene in the face of ritual impurity, and a hand mill, because it is in the category of stone keilim. All of these convey ritual impurity, but do not intervene in the face of it.ד
ואלו מביאין ולא חוצצין: האדם וכלי עץ שאינן באין במדה מפני שהן ככל הכלים ומתטמאין ופשוטי כלי עור ויריעה וסדין ומפץ ומחצלת שאין עשויין אהלים אלא מתוחין בלבד ואין להן שיפוע ואין שם כותלים ובהמה וחיה שמתו ואוכלין טמאין או מוכשרין שדבר טמא אינו חוצץ ורחיים של יד שהרי היא בכלל כלי אבנים כל אלו מביאין ואינן חוצצין:
The following articles neither convey ritual impurity, nor do they intervene in the face of it: seeds, vegetables that are still connected to the ground with the exception of the four vegetables mentioned, a mound of hail, snow, sleet, ice, or salt, one who skips from place to place, one who runs from place to place, a bird that flies freely, a garment flying in the wind, or a ship that floats on the water. All these neither convey ritual impurity, nor do they intervene in the face of it. Although they create a covering, the covering is not lasting.ה
ואלו לא מביאין ולא חוצצין: הזרעים והירקות המחוברין לקרקע חוץ מן הארבע ירקות שמנינו וכיפת הברד והשלג והכפור והגליד והמלח והדולג ממקום למקום והקופץ ממקום למקום והעוף הפורח וטלית המנפנפת וספינה שהיא שטה על פני המים כל אלו לא מביאין ולא חוצצין שאע"פ שהאהילו אינו אהל המתקיים:
If one tied a ship to something that could anchor it or covered the corner of a garment with a stone, it conveys ritual impurity.ו
קשר את הספינה בדבר שהוא יכול להעמידה כבש כנף הטלית באבן הרי זו מביאה את הטומאה:
When there is a board floating in the water and there is impurity under one of its sides, the keilim under its other side are pure. The rationale is that, as we already explained, a ship that is floating does not convey impurity.ז
נסר שהוא צף על פני המים וטומאה תחת צדו האחד הרי הכלים שתחת צדו השני טהורים שהרי כבר ביארנו שהספינה השטה אינה מביאה הטומאה:
The following entities intervene in the face of ritual impurity, but do not convey impurity]: the threads of the woof on a weaver's loom, the cords of a bed, a net on which fertilizer is held, and lattice shades for windows.
How do they intervene in the face of impurity? If there was a window between two houses, impurity was found in one house, and one of these entities is extended over this window and covers it, it serves as an intervening substance and prevents impurity from entering the second house. This applies even if there is open space within the intervening article, provided there is not a square handbreadth of empty space in this lattice work, net, or cords. If there is a square handbreadth of empty space, impurity will enter as will be explained.ח
אלו חוצצין ולא מביאין מסכת פרוסה וחבילי מטה והמשפלות והסריגות שבחלונות כיצד הן חוצצין שאם היה חלון בין ב' בתים והטומאה בבית אחד והיה אחד מאלו מתוח בחלון זה וסתמו אף ע"פ שיש ביניהן אויר הרי אלו חוצצין ולא תכנס טומאה לבית שני והוא שלא יהיה שם בסריגות אלו או בעיני המשפלות או בין חבל לחבל פותח טפח שאם היה שם פותח טפח תכנס בו הטומאה כמו שיתבאר:
Tum'at Met - Chapter 14
Impurity does not enter a shelter, nor does it depart from it if there is an opening less than a handbreadth by a handbreadth.
What is implied? When there is a window between one house and another or between a house and a loft, if it is a square handbreadth by a handbreadth and there was impurity in one of the structures, the other structure is also impure. If the window does not comprise a handbreadth by a handbreadth, impurity does not depart from it, nor does it enter the second structure.
When does the above apply? With regard to a window made by a person for functional purposes. When, by contrast, a window was made by man for illumination, that light should enter, its measure is the size of pundiyon. Then ritual impurity departs through it.
What is implied? There was impurity in a house. A person came and stood on the outside, near this window for light or placed an k'li there, or there was a covering on the other side of the wall, the person, the k'li, and everything under the covering to which the impurity passes through becomes impure. A window made for light is one that is not covered by a roof, but instead, is open to the sun.א
אין טומאה נכנסת לאהל ולא יוצאה ממנו בפחות מטפח על טפח כיצד חלון שבין בית לבית או שבין בית לעלייה אם יש בו טפח על טפח מרובע והיתה טומאה באחד מהן הבית השני טמא אין בחלון פותח טפח אין הטומאה יוצאה ממנו ולא נכנסת לאהל השני בד"א בחלון שעשה אותו האדם לתשמיש אבל חלון שעשה אותו האדם לאורה כדי שיכנס ממנו האור שיעורו כפונדיון והטומאה יוצאה ממנו כיצד היתה טומאה בבית ובא אדם ונסמך לחלון זה של מאור או שהניח בו כלי או שהאהיל עליו אהל בצד הכותל נטמא כל שבאהל שהטומאה יוצאה לו וחלון העשוי לאורה הוא שאין עליו תקרה אלא גלוי הוא לשמש:
When an aperture was not made through intentional human activity, e.g., it was hollowed out by water or crawling animals, the earth itself cratered, a window had been shuttered close and the shutter was removed, or it had been covered by glass and the glass broke, the minimum measure is the full span of a shingle which is the size of the head of an ordinary man.
The above applies provided that the owner did not think of using that aperture for functional purposes. If, however, he thought of using it, the minimum measure is an opening of a handbreadth by a handbreadth. If he thought to use it for light, its measure is the size of a pundiyon. The rationale is that, in these instances, thought is considered equivalent to deed.ב
חלון הנעשה שלא בידי אדם כגון שחררוהו מים או שרצים או שאכלתו מלחת או שהיה חלון פקוק ונטל הפקק או שהיתה בו זכוכית ונשברה שיעורו מלא אגרוף והוא כראש גדול של אדם והוא שלא חשב עליו לתשמיש אבל אם חשב עליו לתשמיש שיעורו בפותח טפח חשב עליו למאור שיעורו בפונדיון שהמחשבה כאן כמעשה:
The following rules apply when a person began closing a window opened for light and did not complete the task because he did not have sufficient cement or a colleague called him, night fell initiating the Sabbath, and there remained a small amount open. If a portion the height of two fingerbreadths and the width of a thumbbreadth remain, it conveys ritual impurity. If it is less than that, it is as if it was closed.ג
מאור שהתחיל לסותמו ולא הספיק לגומרו מפני שלא היה לו טיט או שקראו חבירו או שחשכה לילי שבת ונשאר ממנו מעט אם נשאר ממנו רום אצבעיים על רוחב הגודל מביא את הטומאה פחות מכאן הרי הוא כסתום:
The following rules apply when there was a large window made for light covered by a lattice or the like. If there was one place where there is a hole as large as a pundiyon, it conveys ritual impurity and allows ritual impurity to depart. If the holes of the lattice are small and not one of them is the size of a pundiyon, it is considered as closed. Similarly, when there was a large window made for functional purposes and it was covered by thatchwork coverings or shades, if there was empty space a handbreadth by a handbreadth square, it conveys ritual impurity and allows ritual impurity to depart. Otherwise, it is considered as closed.ד
חלון גדול העשוי לאורה והיה בה שבכה וכיוצא בה אם יש שם במקום אחד ממנה כפונדיון מביא את הטומאה ומוציא את הטומאה היו נקבי השבכה דקים ואין באחד מהן כפונדיון הרי זו כסתומה וכן חלון העשויה לתשמיש ובה סככות ורפפות אם יש במקום אחד טפח על טפח מרובע מביא ומוציא ואם לאו הרי היא כסתומה:
When a window is exposed to the open air, its minimum measure is the size of a pundiyon, because it is made solely for the purpose of light, as we explained. If one builds a house outside this window and thus the window is now under a roof, it is considered as if it is between two structures and its measure is a handbreadth by a handbreadth of empty space. If the roof was built in the middle of the window, the measure for the lower portion that is below the roof is a handbreadth by a handbreadth of empty space. The measure of the upper portion that is above the roof is the size of a pundiyon, because it is exposed to the open air.ה
חלון שהיא גלויה לאויר שיעורה כפונדיון מפני שאינה עשויה אלא לאורה כמו שאמרנו בנה בית חוצה לה ונעשית חלון זו תחת תקרה והרי היא בין שני בתים שיעורה בפותח טפח נתן את התקרה באמצע החלון התחתון שתחת התקרה שיעורו בפותח טפח והעליון שלמעלה מן התקרה שיעורו כפונדיון מפני שהוא גלוי לאויר:
The following rules apply in the situations to be described: There is a hole in a door, a carpenter left an empty place above or below or hung two swinging doors and did not complete adjusting them and thus there was empty space between the two doors, or he closed the door and it was blown open by the wind. In all these situations, if the opening was the size of a shingle, the impurity leaves through this opening and enters through it. If the opening is less than the size of a shingle, it is considered as closed.ו
החור שבדלת או ששייר בה החרש מקום פתוח מלמעלה או מלמטה או שהגיף את הדלת ולא גמר להדקה ונשאר אויר בין שתי הדלתות או שסגר הדלת ופתחו הרוח בכל אלו אם היה הפותח כאגרוף הטומאה יוצאה ממנו ונכנסת לה במקום פתוח זה ואם היה פחות מכאגרוף הרי הוא כסתום:
When a person makes a hole in a wall in order to place a rod or a large nail there, to see those who pass by, or to speak to his colleague, it is considered as a window made for functional purposes and its minimum measure is a space a handbreadth by a handbreadth.ז
העושה חור בכותל כדי להניח בו קנה או מסמר גדול או לראות ממנו העוברים והשבים או לדבר עם חבירו הרי זה כחלון העשויה לתשמיש ושיעורה בפותח טפח:
Hayom Yom:
English Text | Video Class
Monday, Iyar 12, 5777 · 08 May 2017

Iyar 12, 27th day of the omer
Monday Iyar 12, 27th day of the omer 5703
Torah lessons: Chumash: B'har, Sheini with Rashi.
Tehillim: 66-68.
Tanya: Now as for (p. 251)...accounted as nothing. (p. 251).
The following are the correct readings in the siddur:
Menu ma'amar with a kamatz vowel. K'yom...ne'emar, with a patach. ("to our supplication...and there it is said:" Page 62).
Zachur (ki afar znachnu) with a m'lupam vowel. ("He is mindful that we are but dust...". Page 68).
Un'tal'tani with the vowels patach, sh'va, patach. ("And a wind lifted me..."; Page 72).
Ve'ahavatecha lo tassur, not al tassir. ("May Your love never depart..."; Page 107).
Daily Thought
Vertical Orientations

Any true wisdom, as ethereal as it may be, sits above your head as a massive reservoir of living waters. Provide it only a small opening, and it will burst into your reality and pour down into your life.
Whatever wisdom you learn, whatever you know, do something with it. Make it real.
That is the purpose of meditation and prayer—to be that bridge from wisdom to action.[Sefer HaSichot 5704, p. 122; Igrot Kodesh, vol. 4, p. 269.]

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