Friday, August 4, 2017
Greetings Resurrection Blue Springs,
My enote is coming together slowly this morning as I have a wonderful distraction waiting impatiently on Grandma to play. My daughter's day care providers are taking a vacation day so she came over for an extra pair of hands since it’s my day off. This time with her and the kids always makes me appreciate our young moms. How quickly you forget just how much work raising children can be! I’ve been watching my grandson Max, almost five months old, intently studying his hands this morning, like he just discovered these amazing appendages at the end of his arms and that he can actually control them. Watch out world!
I want to thank everyone who came out yesterday for our Blood Drive. We exceeded our goal of 20 units. This blood comes at a critical time as they are currently experiencing a shortage here in the city.
Next Sunday afternoon we will be hosting our Backyard Block Party. We decided to move our annual picnic to the backyard this year so that we can include our neighbors. We’re planning live music, Big Dawg BBQ’s awesome BBQ sundaes, home made ice cream, a pie baking contest and fun activities for the kids. There will be an inflatable water slide, bounce house and yard games. We’ll also have a dunk tank, so if you’ve ever wanted to take a shot at one of our staff, now’s the time. We’ll be drawing straws next week to see who has to go first! You have to have a jar of peanut butter for our backpack ministry to get a shot. Make sure to bring a lawn chair or blanket for the backyard and parents, don’t forget the swimsuits and towels for the kids.
We’re still needing folks to bring home made cream or pies to share with our guests. Pies to share don’t need to be homemade, unless you plan to enter the pie baking contest. We also need help taking invitation cards to the neighbors this week. We’ll have packets prepared on Sunday with a map of a small area near the church for you to cover in the next day or two (depending on the rain scheduled for Sunday). It won’t take long if everyone chips in and it’s a great way to get your steps in for the day or run off some of your kids energy. Packets will be available on Sunday.
This Sunday Mike Graves, preaching professor from Saint Paul School of Theology will be offering our message. He’ll be preaching and teaching us more about the sacrament of Holy Communion. You don’t want to miss this opportunity. Invite a friend to join you.
In the meantime, be sure to check out the other upcoming opportunities to serve, grow and connect with our community below. . . .
School Supply Drive Don't forget to return your school supplies for Philips at Attucks students this Sunday, August 6. For more information, email
Serve as a Tutor – Give an hour each week as a tutor at our partner school Phillips at Attucks to help a student improve their chances of academic success. Studies have shown that students with tutors have increased self esteem and a broader world view. Email to learn more about volunteering as a tutor or joining our tutoring team on Tuesday's at Phillips at Attucks Elementary. Visit for other opportunities to serve with the Education Ministry.
Summer Volleyball – Did you know that each Sunday evening at 6:30 pm, we have a group of from 12-20 that meet informally to play volleyball on the sand courts at Wilbur Young Park, next to Blue Springs South High School (1100 SE Adams Dairy Parkway). All youth and adults are invited to join the fun. Come join us as you're available!
Willow Creek Global Leadership Summit – August 10-11. It's not too late to take advantage of world-class leadership training at the simulcast event, aimed at helping you become a better leader at home, at work and in your volunteer efforts. Both Leawood and Blue Springs serve as host sites. $119 host site rate for Resurrection members and attendees. Use Priority Code: PHS17TEAM to receive the discounted rate. for more information.
Celebrate with Us at the Backyard Block Party! Join our Resurrection Blue Springs community and neighbors on Sunday, August 13, 5pm, on our church lawn. Enjoy BBQ sundaes, a pie baking contest, homemade ice cream, inflatables, games, fun and fellowship. We’ll have something special for anyone who brings a jar of peanut butter or a canned good for our weekend backpack program. Mark your calendars and invite your friends and neighbors. Sign up at Guest Services to help with the party set-up, serving food, games or clean-up. Plus... We’ll be having a pie contest, so if you’ve got a favorite recipe that you think can take the cake – er, pie – then enter by signing up at Guest Services on Sunday. You can also sign up to provide a freezer (or more) of ice cream!
August FaithWork – Saturday, Aug. 19. Help at the Kansas City Pet Project., a No Kill animal shelter in Kansas City with the goal of having no homeless animals. This organization cares for nearly 10,000 animals per year. The jobs could include cleaning transport kennels, working on the grounds, among other things. We will work from 11 am – 1 pm, starting with a tour of the facility. The address is 4400 Raytown Rd., Kansas City, MO. This work is suitable for everyone school age and up. Register at Guest Services oronline here (available to first 20 who sign up).
rezlife Back-to-School Pool Party – We will kick off the new school year with pool partys and parent meetings: • Grades 6-8 on Aug. 20 from 4-6 pm at the Scott’s pool (1308 NE Hilltop) • Grades 9-12 on Aug. 27 from 4-6 pm at the Gorman’s pool (600 NE Country Club Dr.)• Parents are invited to stay for a short parent meeting on both dates at 4:15 pm to meet our new Director of Student Ministries, Caleb Longest, and get information about the fall schedule • Pizza will provided for the kids; students are asked to bring snacks or dessert. Contact for more information – and invite your friends!
Church Conference to Approve Loan Modification – Church members are invited to vote on a motion to modify our loan covenants in order to increase the borrowing limits for construction projects on Resurrection’s Leawood and Downtown campuses, Tuesday, Aug. 22, 7 pm in the Leawood Campus Sanctuary.
I look forward to seeing you this Sunday in worship.
Grace and peace,
For our Resurrection Blue Springs Campus Calendar: click here
Contact Our Staff
Church Office Phone: (816) 389-8900
Rev. Penny Ellwood, Campus Pastor
Mike Ash, Worship Leader/Director of Community
Caleb Longest, Director of Student Ministries
Diane Enlow, Director of Children's Ministry
Riley Ledford, Technical Producer
Heather Sooley, Operations Coordinating Assistant
Stephanie Weigel, Guest Services Coordinating Assistant
Caitlin Willis, Nursery Coordinator
The United Methodist Church of the Resurrection Blue Springs
601 North East Jefferson Street
Blue Springs, Missouri 64014, United States
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