Sunday, June 24, 2018

Daily Devotionals Sermon Theme: "The Next Chapter" Text to read: Luke 1:1-5 from Monday, 18 June 2018 through Sunday, 24 June 2018 of The First United Methodist Church at 2111 Camino del Rio South in San Diego, California 92108, United States for Sunday, 24 June 2018.

Daily Devotionals Sermon Theme: "The Next Chapter" Text to read: Luke 1:1-5 from Monday, 18 June 2018 through Sunday, 24 June 2018 of The First United Methodist Church at 2111 Camino del Rio South in San Diego, California 92108, United States for Sunday, 24 June 2018.
Daily Devotional:

Sunday, June 24, 2018
Sermon Theme: "The Next Chapter"
Text to read: Luke 1:1-5

  • Read Luke 1:1-5
  • Pray for guest preacher Steve Petty

Luke 1:1 Dear Theophilos:
Concerning the matters that have taken place among us, many people have undertaken to draw up accounts 2 based on what was handed down to us by those who from the start were eyewitnesses and proclaimers of the message. 3 Therefore, Your Excellency, since I have carefully investigated all these things from the beginning, it seemed good to me that I too should write you an accurate and ordered narrative, 4 so that you might know how well-founded are the things about which you have been taught.
5 In the days of Herod, King of Y’hudah, there was a cohen named Z’kharyah who belonged to the Aviyah division. His wife was a descendant of Aharon, and her name was Elisheva.
 (Complete Jewish Bible).
Luke 1:1-5
Verses 1-2
[1] Forasmuch as many have taken in hand to set forth in order a declaration of those things which are most surely believed among us, [2] Even as they delivered them unto us, which from the beginning were eyewitnesses, and ministers of the word;
This short, weighty, artless, candid dedication, belongs to the Acts, as well as the Gospel of St. Luke.
Many have undertaken — He does not mean St. Matthew or Mark; and St. John did not write so early. For these were eye witnesses themselves and ministers of the word.
Verse 3
[3] It seemed good to me also, having had perfect understanding of all things from the very first, to write unto thee in order, most excellent Theophilus,
To write in order — St. Luke describes in order of time; first, The Acts of Christ; his conception, birth, childhood, baptism, miracles, preaching, passion, resurrection, ascension: then, The Acts of the Apostles. But in many smaller circumstances he does not observe the order of time.
Most excellent Theophilus — This was the appellation usually given to Roman governors. Theophilus (as the ancients inform us) was a person of eminent quality at Alexandria. In Acts 1:1, St. Luke does not give him that title. He was then probably a private man. After the preface St. Luke gives us the history of Christ, from his coming into the world to his ascension into heaven.
Verse 5
[5] There was in the days of Herod, the king of Judaea, a certain priest named Zacharias, of the course of Abia: and his wife was of the daughters of Aaron, and her name was Elisabeth.
The course of Abia — The priests were divided into twenty - four courses, of which that of Abia was the eighth, 1 Chronicles 24:10. Each course ministered in its turn, for seven days, from Sabbath to Sabbath. And each priest of the course or set in waiting, had his part in the temple service assigned him by lot.
 (John Wesley’s Explanatory Notes).

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