Come unto Me. (MATTHEW 11:28)
Where the Sin and the Sorrow Cease and the Song and the Saint Commence
Do I want to get there? I can now. The questions that matter in life are remarkably few, and they are all answered by the words — “Come unto Me.” Not — “Do this, or don’t do that”; but — “Come unto Me.” If I will come to Jesus my actual life will be brought into accordance with my real desires; I will actually cease from sin, and actually find the song of the Lord begin.
Have you ever come to Jesus? Watch the stubbornness of your heart, you will do anything rather than the one simple childlike thing — “Come unto Me.” If you want the actual experience of ceasing from sin, you must come to Jesus.
Jesus Christ makes Himself the touchstone. Watch how He used the word “Come.” At the most unexpected moments there is the whisper of the Lord — “Come unto Me,” and you are drawn immediately. Personal contact with Jesus alters everything. Be stupid enough to come and commit yourself to what He says. The attitude of coming is that the will resolutely lets go of everything and deliberately commits all to Him.
“And I will give you rest,” i.e., I will stay you. Not — I will put you to bed and hold your hand and sing you to sleep; but — I will get you out of bed, out of the languor and exhaustion, out of the state of being half dead while you are alive; I will imbue you with the spirit of life, and you will be stayed by the perfection of vital activity. We get pathetic and talk about “suffering the will of the Lord”! Where is the majestic vitality and might of the Son of God about that? (From My Utmost for His Highest Classic Edition)
Bible in One Year: Ezra 1-2; John 19:23-42Ezra 1:1 In the first year of Koresh king of Persia, in order for the word of Adonai prophesied by Yirmeyahu to be fulfilled, Adonai stirred up the spirit of Koresh king of Persia to make a proclamation throughout his whole kingdom, which he also put in writing, as follows:
2 “Here is what Koresh king of Persia says: Adonai, the God of heaven, has given me all the kingdoms on earth; and he has charged me to build him a house in Yerushalayim, in Y’hudah. 3 Whoever there is among you of all his people, may his God be with him! He may go up to Yerushalayim, in Y’hudah, and build the house of Adonai the God of Isra’el, the God who is in Yerushalayim. 4 Let every survivor, no matter where he lives, be helped by his neighbors with silver, gold, goods and animals, in addition to the voluntary offering for the house of God in Yerushalayim.”
5 The heads of fathers’ clans in Y’hudah and Binyamin, along with the cohanim, the L’vi’im, and indeed all whose spirit God had stirred, set out to go up and rebuild the house of Adonai in Yerushalayim. 6 All their neighbors supported them by giving them articles of silver, gold, goods, animals, and valuables, besides all their voluntary offerings.
7 In addition, Koresh the king brought out the vessels from the house of Adonai which N’vukhadnetzar had taken from Yerushalayim and put in the house of his god. 8 Koresh king of Persia had Mitr’dat the treasurer bring them out and make an inventory of them for Sheshbatzar the prince of Y’hudah. 9 The list was as follows:
Gold basins 30
Silver basins 1,000
Knives 29
10 Gold bowls 30
Silver bowls of a different kind 410
Other vessels 1,000
11 In all there were 5,400 articles of gold and silver. Sheshbatzar took all of them along when the exiles were brought up from Bavel to Yerushalayim.
2:1 Here is a list of the people of the province who had been exiled, carried off to Bavel by N’vukhadnetzar king of Bavel, but who later returned from exile and went up to Yerushalayim and Y’hudah, each to his own city; 2 they went with Z’rubavel, Yeshua, Nechemyah, S’rayah, Re‘elyah, Mordekhai, Bilshan, Mispar, Bigvai, Rechum and Ba‘anah.
The number of men from the people of Isra’el:
3 descendants of Par‘osh 2,172
4 descendants of Sh’fatyah 372
5 descendants of Arach 775
6 descendants of Pachat-Mo’av,
from the descendants of Yeshua and Yo’av 2,812
7 descendants of ‘Eilam 1,254
8 descendants of Zatu 945
9 descendants of Zakkai 760
10 descendants of Bani 642
11 descendants of B’vai 623
12 descendants of ‘Azgad 1,222
13 descendants of Adonikam 666
14 descendants of Bigvai 2,056
15 descendants of ‘Adin 454
16 descendants of Ater, of Y’chizkiyah 98
17 descendants of Betzai 323
18 descendants of Yorah 112
19 descendants of Hashum 223
20 descendants of Gibbar 95
21 descendants of Beit-Lechem 123
22 people of N’tofah 56
23 people of ‘Anatot 128
24 descendants of ‘Azmavet 42
25 descendants of Kiryat-‘Arim, K’firah and Be’erot 743
26 descendants of Ramah and Geva 621
27 people of Mikhmas 122
28 people of Beit-El and ‘Ai 223
29 descendants of N’vo 52
30 descendants of Magbish 156
31 descendants of the other ‘Eilam 1,254
32 descendants of Harim 320
33 descendants of Lod, Hadid and Ono 725
34 descendants of Yericho 345
35 descendants of S’na’ah 3,630
36 The cohanim:
descendants of Y’da‘yah, of the house of Yeshua 973
37 descendants of Immer 1,052
38 descendants of Pash’chur 1,247
39 descendants of Harim 1,017
40 The L’vi’im:
descendants of Yeshua and Kadmi’el,
of the descendants of Hodavyah 74
41 The singers:
descendants of Asaf 128
42 The descendants of the gatekeepers:
descendants of Shalum,
descendants of Ater,
descendants of Talmon,
descendants of ‘Akuv,
descendants of Hatita, and
descendants of Shovai —
in all, 139
43 The temple servants:
descendants of Tzicha,
descendants of Hasufa,
descendants of Taba‘ot,
44 descendants of Keros,
descendants of Sia‘ha
descendants of Padon,
45 descendants of L’vanah,
descendants of Hagavah,
descendants of ‘Akuv,
46 descendants of Hagav,
descendants of Salmai,
descendants of Hanan,
47 descendants of Giddel,
descendants of Gachar,
descendants of Re’ayah,
48 descendants of Retzin,
descendants of N’koda,
descendants of Gazam,
49 descendants of ‘Uza,
descendants of Paseach,
descendants of Besai,
50 descendants of Asnah,
descendants of Me‘unim,
descendants of N’fusim,
51 descendants of Bakbuk,
descendants of Hakufa,
descendants of Harhur,
52 descendants of Batzlut,
descendants of M’chida,
descendants of Harsha,
53 descendants of Barkos,
descendants of Sisra,
descendants of Temach,
54 descendants of N’tziach, and
descendants of Hatifa.
55 The descendants of Shlomo’s servants:
descendants of Sotai,
descendants of Hasoferet,
descendants of P’ruda,
56 descendants of Ya‘alah,
descendants of Darkon,
descendants of Giddel,
57 descendants of Sh’fatyah,
descendants of Hatil,
descendants of Pokheret-Hatzvayim, and
descendants of Ami.
58 All the temple servants and the
descendants of Shlomo’s servants numbered 392
59 The following went up from Tel-Melach, Tel-Harsha, K’ruv, Adan and Immer; but they could not state which fathers’ clan they or their children belonged to, [so it was not clear] whether they were from Isra’el:
60 descendants of D’layah,
descendants of Toviyah, and
descendants of N’koda 652
61 and of the descendants of the cohanim:
descendants of Havayah,
descendants of Hakotz, and
descendants of Barzillai, who took a wife from the
daughters of Barzillai the Gil‘adi and was named after them.
62 These tried to locate their genealogical records, but they weren’t found. Therefore they were considered defiled and were not allowed to serve as cohanim. 63 The Tirshata told them not to eat any of the especially holy food until a cohen appeared who could consult the urim and tumim.
64 The entire assembly numbered 42,360 — 65 not including their male and female slaves, of whom there were 7,337. They also had 200 male and female singers.
66 Their horses numbered 736; their mules, 245; 67 their camels, 435; and their donkeys, 6,720.
68 Some of the heads of fathers’ clans, when they came to the house of Adonai in Yerushalayim, made voluntary offerings for rebuilding the house of God on its site. 69 According to their means they gave into the treasury for the work 61,000 gold darkmonim [about two-thirds of a ton], 5,000 manim of silver [just over three tons], and a hundred tunics for the cohanim.
70 So the cohanim, the L’vi’im, some of the people, the singers, the gatekeepers and the temple servants lived in their towns and all Isra’el in their towns.
John 19:23 When the soldiers had nailed Yeshua to the stake, they took his clothes and divided them into four shares, a share for each soldier, with the under-robe left over. Now the under-robe was seamless, woven in one piece from top to bottom; 24 so they said to one another, “We shouldn’t tear it in pieces; let’s draw for it.” This happened in order to fulfill the words from the Tanakh,
“They divided my clothes among themselves
and gambled for my robe.”[John 19:24 Psalm 22:19(18)]
This is why the soldiers did these things.
25 Nearby Yeshua’s execution stake stood his mother, his mother’s sister Miryam the wife of K’lofah, and Miryam from Magdala. 26 When Yeshua saw his mother and the talmid whom he loved standing there, he said to his mother, “Mother, this is your son.” 27 Then he said to the talmid, “This is your mother.” And from that time on, the talmid took her into his own home.
28 After this, knowing that all things had accomplished their purpose, Yeshua, in order to fulfill the words of the Tanakh, said, “I’m thirsty.” 29 A jar full of cheap sour wine was there; so they soaked a sponge in the wine, coated it with oregano leaves and held it up to his mouth. 30 After Yeshua had taken the wine, he said, “It is accomplished!” And, letting his head droop, he delivered up his spirit.
31 It was Preparation Day, and the Judeans did not want the bodies to remain on the stake on Shabbat, since it was an especially important Shabbat. So they asked Pilate to have the legs broken and the bodies removed. 32 The soldiers came and broke the legs of the first man who had been put on a stake beside Yeshua, then the legs of the other one; 33 but when they got to Yeshua and saw that he was already dead, they didn’t break his legs. 34 However, one of the soldiers stabbed his side with a spear, and at once blood and water flowed out. 35 The man who saw it has testified about it, and his testimony is true. And he knows that he tells the truth, so you too can trust. 36 For these things happened in order to fulfill this passage of the Tanakh:
“Not one of his bones will be broken.”[John 19:36 Psalm 34:21(20); Exodus 12:46; Numbers 9:12]
37 And again, another passage says,
“They will look at him whom they have pierced.”[John 19:37 Zechariah 12:10]
38 After this, Yosef of Ramatayim, who was a talmid of Yeshua, but a secret one out of fear of the Judeans, asked Pilate if he could have Yeshua’s body. Pilate gave his consent, so Yosef came and took the body away. 39 Also Nakdimon, who at first had gone to see Yeshua by night, came with some seventy pounds of spices — a mixture of myrrh and aloes. 40 They took Yeshua’s body and wrapped it up in linen sheets with the spices, in keeping with Judean burial practice. 41 In the vicinity of where he had been executed was a garden, and in the garden was a new tomb in which no one had ever been buried. 42 So, because it was Preparation Day for the Judeans, and because the tomb was close by, that is where they buried Yeshua. (Complete Jewish Bible).
Sincerity means that the appearance and the reality are exactly the same. (from Studies in the Sermon on the Mount)
My Utmost for His Highest © 1992 by Oswald Chambers Publications Association, Ltd. Original edition © 1935 by Dodd, Mead & Company, Inc. Copyright renewed 1963 by Oswald Chambers Publications Association, Ltd. All rights reserved. United States publication rights are held by Discovery House, which is affiliated with Our Daily Bread Ministries.
Scripture taken from the New King James Version. Copyright © 1982 by Thomas Nelson, Inc. Used by permission. All rights reserved.
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