June 2018 eShmooze Letter for Friday, 1 June 2018 from The Word of Messiah in Charlotte, North Carolina, United States
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June 2018
2018 Messianic Women's Retreat!
What do you get when you mix 90 women, the Word of God, and copious amounts of chocolate? Hope of Israel's eighteenth annual Messianic Women's Retreat! (Continue to read more...)
2018 Messianic Women’s Retreat! by Debbie Bateman
What do you get when you mix 90 women, the Word of God, and copious amounts of chocolate? Hope of Israel’s eighteenth annual Messianic Women’s Retreat! Embracing the symbolism of eighteen years representing “life”, the retreat theme was fittingly “L’Chaim B’Yeshua – To Life in Yeshua.” Friday evening kicked off with dinner, Shabbat blessings, worship, and a message about this life abundant that Yeshua offers us in John 10:10. We considered the challenge of the enemy trying to drive us to distraction, doubt, or disconnect; and how we, as His valued sheep, can focus on and embrace our relationship with our Good Shepherd by staying in His Word, so that we can enjoy Him as our perfect provider, protector, healer, and lover of our soul, as outlined in Psalm 23. With 14 small groups, we were able to have intimate, meaningful discussions after our teaching sessions. No night at Sisterhood Retreat is complete without chocolate – so there was a campfire and s’mores for everyone who wished to partake!Saturday morning, staying awake was easy with Laurie Taylor’s “Stayin’ Alive” devotional on Colossians 2:6-7, about being rooted and established in His Word so that we can bloom and be spiritually fruitful, even with the seemingly mundane tasks we women face daily as we care for those around us. After breakfast, and a spectacular rap from Miriam & Laurie, we had enlightening teaching from Miriam in the book of Romans about how to allow Ruach Ha Kodesh, the Holy Spirit, to equip us to live this supernatural life that we have been given in Messiah. We considered the challenge to not grieve or quench the Holy Spirit, and were reminded to not allow the enemy to drag us into the “condemnation zone” but to “keep up the caution tape” and remember that in Messiah there is therefore now no condemnation! A lovely Noah’s ark, created by Elaine deBrocq, helped illustrate the point of being “In Him”, designed with portals for photo ops!
The afternoon was filled with activities, both prayerfully planned ahead and simply Spirit led! Two creative workshops were offered: beginner’s dance upstairs led by HOI dance team members; and an art class downstairs, where Elaine provided everything needed for women to paint tiles, expressing the beauty of life in the Lord. Afterward, we enjoyed free time for whatever made our hearts sing; shopping, hiking, or taking a nap! Following dinner, Havdalah, and a very encouraging testimony from Debbie Holford about God’s perfect timing and faithfulness in her life, we launched into our world famous “Talent Show” (maybe not world famous, but it ought to be!) With a thunder storm clamoring outside, we laughed and cried and cheered each other on as Laurie Taylor rode herd on the diverse offerings of both inspirational and medicinal* song, skit, dance, and life observations. *laughter is good medicine!
Our retreat wrapped up Sunday morning with clear skies, worship, an encouraging testimony from Stacy Corrado about walking out our testimony in the hard situations, giving it all to Him. Our final teaching was a life changing perspective offered by Miriam to remind us that whatever our physical heritage and past circumstances, our true identity and our genetic code according to Romans 8:14-18 is as “Daughters of The King and fellow heirs with Messiah”, so we can be confident in our lives with our hope fixed on Him. Following a group picture, our group descended the mountain of Blowing Rock to go back to our various cities, congregations, and homes, with a renewed sense of His love and power in our lives.
Highlights of the weekend included a contingent of middle school young ladies; celebrating a 30th birthday, (Holly Jensen); golf cart rides for the less mobile with chauffeuring from Ann Thomas; all-request folk and worship dancing till midnight each night; the beauty of multi-generations encouraging each other; new relationships formed and old friends enjoying the retreat as an annual “spiritual family reunion”; and the priceless gift of seeing women nurture and pray for one another. “I have never felt so loved, so welcomed, and so accepted” said one woman. “Everyone made me feel so welcome and included, and I learned a lot“, shared a first time guest from another denomination. “Retreat was such a blessing to me – the teaching was thought-provoking and challenging, small groups were an encouraging environment to apply the lessons, activities were focused and enjoyable and even the hang out time was a blessing to share life on life and to love one another”, expressed a mother with young children.When asked what was significant to them, one of the small group leaders responded, “My mind focuses on a few quotes that I carry with me from sermons, meetings, etc. “Sheep have value. They are worth taking care of.” This reminds me that I have great value to my Heavenly Father. “The Shepherd leads the sheep, He does not drive them. If you see someone driving them, that is the butcher.” My Shepherd goes before me and leads the way. He knows the future, I do not.”
Thank you to all the ladies from HOI who worked behind the scenes to make this retreat possible, from snacks, to registration, to sound systems and more! To every single lady who was there to enjoy it with us, thanks for making it such a blessing! If you couldn’t make it this time, mark your calendars and start saving your shekels! Hope to see you all L’Shanah Haba B’Blowing Rock…
Next Year in Blowing Rock!
Happy Father's Day!
For strong Messianic families, we need spiritually strong Messianic fathers that can reflect the love of our wonderful heavenly Father.
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Happy Father’s Day! by Sam Nadler
In Messianic congregation planting we teach that a congregation, despite its leadership, can be no stronger than the families involved. We need spiritually strong families for a spiritually strong congregation. For strong Messianic families, we need spiritually strong Messianic fathers that can reflect the love of our wonderful heavenly Father.So, dad, your most important ministry from the Lord is to your family, and the scriptures instruct every believing dad on how they can be a positive influence in the home. Concerning children, it is your privilege and responsibility to “train up a child in the way he is to go” (Proverbs 22:6). No one cares more about your child’s spiritual development than the Lord. A section from the V’ahavta, Deuteronomy 6:6-7 instructs us, “These words that I give you today are to be on your heart. You shall teach them diligently to your children, and shall talk of them when you sit in your house, when you walk by the way, when you lie down and when you rise up.”
The Hebrew word for children (b’nai) in Deuteronomy 6:7 is used elsewhere in the Scriptures referring to disciples – sons of the prophets (2 Kings 2:7, 15). This verse not only applies to your personal discipleship issues, but also to raising your children in “the reverence and admonition of the Lord” (Ephesians 6:1). In fact, our own children should be our number one disciples. As they grow, you will spiritually grow with them as you minister to them in grace and in the Word of God.
In order to raise healthy children, there are two primary needs: to love your children unconditionally, and to give them consistent scriptural discipline. Think of a home where there’s a lot of love, but no discipline: what would the child be like? Yes, a prima donna – thinking the world revolves around her or him. Now think of a home where there is heavy discipline but no love, what would that home be like? Like boot camp. What would a child be like who was raised in that environment? Probably stressed out, rigid, constantly seeking approval based on their performance. Now imagine a home with neither love nor discipline. What would the child be like? This is the classic sociopath – unconcerned for others and lacking the self-discipline to restrain their own lusts. But, in a home where there is both unconditional love and consistent discipline, we find children who have the wisdom to be concerned for the needs of others, yet also have the discipline to restrain their own desires in obedience to the Lord.
Notice carefully what the text of Deuteronomy 6:7 instructs each dad on discipling our children:
Do it PERSONALLY: “You shall teach them.”
Sending our kids to Shabbat School (or in some cases, Sunday School) is no substitute for teaching God’s truth to our kids at home. Though your children should be properly taught in Shabbat School, this does not replace your responsibility to train up your child in the way he is to go (Proverbs 22:6). Shabbat School cannot replace, but only reinforce what the kids learn at home.
Along with giving thanks for your meals, start having a family devotion time right away. Teaching our kids at home involves reading the Bible to them, even when they are little. Sometimes a children’s Bible on their level will be quite helpful. As they get older, read stories to them from daily devotionals, or perhaps share a personal insight from your own Bible study with them at meal time. A lengthy, theological discourse isn’t necessary, just consistently share from your heart simple truths from God’s Word. Shabbat School will hopefully compliment and strengthen the values your child is learning at home. You’ll be amazed at how meaningful this time will become, and you will rejoice that through your life the truth of God is passing from generation to generation.
Do it CONSTANTLY: “…and shall talk of them when you sit in your house, when you walk by the way, when you lie down, and when you rise up.”
If His words are upon your hearts (Deuteronomy 6:6), talking about Him becomes an everyday, ordinary occurrence (Deuteronomy 6:7). We demonstrate how God’s Word permeates our lives whether we realize it or not – as we shop, as we are at work, or at play. God’s Word is the key to successful living in this world (Psalm 1:2-3; Joshua 1:7-8). As you discipline yourself to apply God’s Word to your own life, you will be able to teach your children, as well. One additional thought: whether your kids go to public or private school, or are home-schooled, stay involved in their lives. Become acquainted with their adult teachers – and know what they are teaching. You have the responsibility, and the right, to know.
Do it CONVINCINGLY: “teach them diligently.”
“Diligently” in Hebrew is the word shinon, meaning sharp or pierce, as a sharp sword or piercing arrow (Psalm 45:5). The emphasis is on teaching God’s Word in such a way that the truth pierces their hearts and impacts their lives. This occurs only when God’s Word has the pre-eminence in your life – the truth must first be upon your heart. To the degree God’s Word is upon your heart – personally – and permeates your everyday life – practically – is the degree to which it impacts the lives of your kids as well – persuasively.
May Yeshua bless you and your family in and through His Word.
Happy Father’s Day!
Upcoming Events
2018 Messianic Men's Retreat!
Labor Day Weekend,
September 1st-3rd
2018 Messianic Men's Retreat
For More Information
Sam Nadler
Sam's/WMM's Speaking Events:May 20, 10:30 am: Solid Rock Community Church,Sanford, NC
May 27, 10:00 am: Amity Baptist Ch., Denver, NC
June 1-3 Dayton, Ohio
June 24, 10:30 am: Young Memorial Bapt. Ch., Concord, NC
July 3-6, Messianic Jewish Alliance, Mech., PA
On Sale for $8
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Joshua: Be Strong & Courageous!
Success: how would you define it? How does God’s view of success differ from the world’s view? Take a look at the dynamic and vihttp://www.wordofmessiahbookstore.com/Joshua-Be-Strong-and-Courageous-MP3_p_119.htmlctorious life of Joshua, and apply the truths he walked through to your own walk with God.
TODAH! (Thank you!)
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P.O Box 79238
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