From Pastor Molly:children in worshipAs we shift into summertime at church, I want to talk with you about something that I think is really important: children at church.
I love having children in worship. I treasure this congregation's welcoming spirit and the graciousness I've seen you show to our kids when they're with us in the sanctuary (even if they're sometimes a little noisier than most adults). I sympathize with parents who find it a struggle to supervise their little ones while trying to get the most out of worship themselves.
I'm grateful for all this because I believe that we need children in worship.
I think it's really important for our kids to grow up with experiences of worshiping in the midst of an intergenerational congregation. I think they gain immeasurable benefit from having all these other members of their extended family, and I think they learn about God by watching everything that happens. Certainly, they're more likely to stay involved in church after they grow up if they have a sense of what it's like to participate in the community, even while they're kids. Children in worship learn to worship (even if it looks like they're just doing a coloring page).
I think it's really important for grown-ups to have children in their lives, too. Their presence re-calibrates our priorities, because they invite us to think about the generations that will come after us. They model care, inspiring us with the earnestness of their prayer concerns. They give us hope, and clarify our purpose.
During the summer, our regular children's Sunday School goes on break. Every week, children are invited to sit with their families in the sanctuary as worship begins. Some weeks, we will invite them to go with our Children's Ministry leaders for a special FunDay school during part of worship. Other weeks, they will be with us for the whole hour.
I encourage you to find ways to welcome the young people who will be with us during worship. If you're a parent, I am grateful for your commitment and dedication in showing up and your patience in parenting during church. For the rest of the church, I give thanks for the welcome you extend to our children--and people of all ages.
grace and peace,
Pastor Molly
In Worship This Week
Sunday, June 10:
"Torn Down"
Rev. Molly Vetter, preaching
2 Corinthians 4:13-5:1
Testimony from Dawn Kirkemo2 Corinthians 4:13 The Tanakh says, “I trusted, therefore I spoke.”[2 Corinthians 4:13 Psalm 116:10] Since we have that same Spirit who enables us to trust, we also trust and therefore speak; 14 because we know that he who raised the Lord Yeshua will also raise us with Yeshua and bring us along with you into his presence. 15 All this is for your sakes, so that as grace flows out to more and more people, it may cause thanksgiving to overflow and bring glory to God.
16 This is why we do not lose courage. Though our outer self is heading for decay, our inner self is being renewed daily. 17 For our light and transient troubles are achieving for us an everlasting glory whose weight is beyond description. 18 We concentrate not on what is seen but on what is not seen, since things seen are temporary, but things not seen are eternal.
5 We know that when the tent which houses us here on earth is torn down, we have a permanent building from God, a building not made by human hands, to house us in heaven. (Complete Jewish Bible).
2 Corinthians 4:13-5:1
Verse 13
[13] We having the same spirit of faith, according as it is written, I believed, and therefore have I spoken; we also believe, and therefore speak;
Having the same spirit of faith — Which animated the saints of old; David, in particular, when he said, I believed, and therefore have I spoken - That is, I trusted in God, and therefore he hath put this song of praise in my mouth.
We also speak — We preach the gospel, even in the midst of affliction and death, because we believe that God will raise us up from the dead, and will present us, ministers, with you, all his members, "faultless before his presence with exceeding joy." Psalms 116:10.
Verse 15
[15] For all things are for your sakes, that the abundant grace might through the thanksgiving of many redound to the glory of God.
For all things — Whether adverse or prosperous.
Are for your sakes — For the profit of all that believe, as well as all that preach.
That the overflowing grace — Which continues you alive both in soul and body. Might abound yet more through the thanksgiving of many - For thanksgiving invites more: abundant grace.
Verse 16
[16] For which cause we faint not; but though our outward man perish, yet the inward man is renewed day by day.
Therefore — Because of this grace, we faint not.
The outward man — The body.
The inward man — The soul.
Verse 17
[17] For our light affliction, which is but for a moment, worketh for us a far more exceeding and eternal weight of glory;
Our light affliction — The beauty and sublimity of St. Paul's expressions here, as descriptive of heavenly glory, opposed to temporal afflictions, surpass all imagination, and cannot be preserved in any translation or paraphrase, which after all must sink infinitely below the astonishing original.
Verse 18
[18] While we look not at the things which are seen, but at the things which are not seen: for the things which are seen are temporal; but the things which are not seen are eternal.
The things that are seen — Men, money, things of earth.
The things that are not seen — God, grace, heaven.
5. Verse 1
[1] For we know that if our earthly house of this tabernacle were dissolved, we have a building of God, an house not made with hands, eternal in the heavens.
Our earthly house — Which is only a tabernacle, or tent, not designed for a lasting habitation. (John Wesley’s Explanatory Notes).
8:30amin Epworth Lounge
10:30am in the Sanctuary
Composer Sunday Special Music: Guest composer and musician, Sean McDermott
Listen to Sermons online
Visit our Website
News From Our Members
Those of us lucky enough to attend last Sunday's youth luncheon heard additional great words from our church staff about these young graduates. They, all ten, plan to be at a College of their choice in the fall and aside from two at El Camino College here in Torrance, they'll all be scattered all across our nation, from the East Coast to here.
The photos we saw, the videos and the spoken word by church staff, parents and others said a lot about our grads, whether raised in our church or just here for a few years, were wonderfully shown and appreciated by the crowd of parents and friends in the audience. They also received bags full of things to remember their years here...

Those of us lucky enough to attend last Sunday's youth luncheon heard additional great words from our church staff about these young graduates. They, all ten, plan to be at a College of their choice in the fall and aside from two at El Camino College here in Torrance, they'll all be scattered all across our nation, from the East Coast to here.
The photos we saw, the videos and the spoken word by church staff, parents and others said a lot about our grads, whether raised in our church or just here for a few years, were wonderfully shown and appreciated by the crowd of parents and friends in the audience. They also received bags full of things to remember their years here.
Youth Ministry Director Stephen Hale, his wife, Mary, Youth Assistant Lisa Welstead and all the staff under Pastor Molly Vetter, as well as their numerous volunteers and fellow students need to be thanked graciously by the entire church congregation, not only for their support and love to the world, but as they show their faith to our local people and our world beyond.
As Senior Todd Potter (headed for U. C. Riverside) concluded in his fine poem, "We, you and I, are now and here with a story to tell with our lives." Other Grads head for Clemson, Purdue, Emery-Riddle, U. of Arizona, U. of Pennsylvania, DePaul U., and U. of Azusa-Pacific. What a wonderful Class. Our prayers goes out with you as you leave the friendly confines of home.
Also last week, Trustee Chair Mark Elenbaas announced a new improvement program of three major repair projects including the patio stairs, now rusted and long gone, modern cost-saving lights, and a needed new floor in the Epworth Lounge. These big projects need special gifts of money from all of us, so keep an eye on the needs of our church and give abundantly when asked. These needs are above and beyond our regular year-long gifts.
Click here for more of the Lay Looker
Why Church? by Liz Gyori
For me, it boils down to this: I am a better person as a part of the church than I would be, and have been, without it.
Some people track the changes in their lives by milestones: before and after marriage or kids, job changes or moves. I do that, too, but I add another marker: before and after I joined my first Methodist congregation at age 25. And while that milestone is significant to me, it doesn't mean that I was all bad before then and consistently good afterwards. It was more like I'd been asleep to the possibilities that a life of faith offered, and then, wonderfully awakened to them. (Click to read more)
Coming at Church
Composer Sunday on June 10:
Sean McDermott
During our 10:30am Sunday Worship on June 10 , composer Sean McDermott will join us to conduct several of his choral works, and help us worship together.
Mr. McDermott is an accomplished pianist, vocalist and composer, having written background music for Warner Bros. as well as cable television in Orange County. His 5-part setting of the Ave Maria was first premiered by the Sistine Choir at St. Peter's Basilica in Rome. (Read more here)
Capital Campaign: Stepping Up
Our Trustees and Church Council invite you to consider a special gift to a summer capital campaign, aimed at funding three critical upgrades on campus: new exterior stairs on our education building, new flooring in Epworth Lounge, and upgraded LED lights in Fellowship Hall and through the campus. We hope you will consider making a one-time gift for these necessary projects--click through for more information or to make a donation!
Pass the Mic: Testimony in Worship
Though June, we are excited to be including testimonies and stories from the people of our congregation in our worship. We already heard from members of our Readiness 360 Team, including Ofa Tuuholaoki, Stuart Everson and Paul Caldwell. (You can find their testimonies on our website!)
In June, our youth who are graduating from high school this year will share reflections. Read the tentative schedule here!
You won't want to miss out on what they have to say.
Help Newly Housed Neighbors
When PATH helps to house (formerly) homeless folks, those people typically needs all sorts of home supplies. Kitchen sponges, shower curtains, sheets, and hand soap are all needed to get a home going again. We can help!
Help to build 5 Welcome Home Kits by taking a paper slip on the bulletin boards near May Day Parlor! Click here for more information!
Wanted: Sound Board Operators
We are looking for 8-10+ people to volunteer to be part of a rotation of sound board operators. There are no requirements other than a desire to help out. Volunteers should either meet me after church or send me (Matt Parker) an email at
Dads & Grads on June 17
We plan to celebrate everyone from our church who's graduated this year during our worship on Father's Day, June 17! If you (or someone in your family) is graduating this year, email Ernie by June 13, so we can include you in our bulletin.(We just need name of graduate, their relationship to you, where they're graduating from and where they may be headed.) Note: Our 2018 class of high school graduates will be speaking during worship services on different Sundays in June, beginning with Youth Sunday on June 3!
Online Video Bible Study Group begins June 19
Join us for an online, interactive video Bible study this summer! We will read through "Consider the Birds: A Provocative Guide to Birds of the Bible," by Debbie Blue. Our small group will meet via online video chat, so you can join in from wherever you are this summer, on your laptop, smart phone or tablet!
We will meet up online on Tuesday evenings, from 8:30-9:30pm, through Google Hangouts. The group will be led by Lillian Naveira, Eileen Raycroft and Pastor Molly Vetter, and will continue for 10 weeks over the summer, beginning with Chapter 1 on Tuesday, June 19.
Click through for more information!
We have special opportunities for kids on Sunday mornings this Summer!
Options for Children at Church in Summer!
We love having children in worship, and through the summer, we encourage families to attend together!
For much of the summer, our children's Sunday School is on break, but two special things are happening:
-We have special children's activity books available to pick up as kids enter the sanctuary, with things they can work on during worship.
-Some weeks, we also have special Summer FunDay School activities planned: the kids will be invited to meet up at the Passing of the Peace to leave the sanctuary and go for a lesson during part of worship--they'll return for Communion.
We have FunDay school this Sunday!
RSVP now for Parent's Night out, June 15th,
Drop off your children at church for three hours of programming, starting at 5pm.
The cost is $20.00 for the first child ($10 for the 2nd, $5 for 3rd+)
and includes dinner. Enjoy an evening out while your kids play games,
make crafts, and enjoy fellowship!
It's a great night for all!
We request all spots be reserved by the Wednesday prior to the event.
Email Children's Ministry to save a spot!
Vacation Bible School: Renew
Volunteers Needed!!!!
You can make a difference! Volunteers needed!Email Children's Ministries!
VBS 2018 is coming: August 13-17Click here for more info and registration!
This year's Renew VBS invites us to:
Grow in faith. Have fun. Change the world.
October 20: Church Golf Tournament
Mark your calendars now, and make plans to join us for our 2018 church golf tournament. We will return to the beautiful Los Verdes Golf Course for the tournament, which benefits the ministries of our church.
Questions? Contact Gary Baughman at church
Acolyte Training June 19th!
All young people entering grades 4-8 are invited to attend a training for acolytes on June 19th at 4:30pm.
Acolytes assist Pastor Molly with candle lighting, baptism, and more during worship!
Please RSVP with Children's Ministry
Youth Sunday/Banquet Videos!
Youth Sunday, and the Youth Banquet, were so good!!!
If you missed it, there are videos online! Here is the Youth Sunday video, and here is the Youth Banquet Video.
Week In the Arts
Don't miss out on our very special arts camp!
Children will spend the week learning songs, dancing, and making original art pieces- all culminating in an art show and recital at the end of the week.
Summer Camp at Lazy W Ranch
Summer Camp is open to all 1st graders-Class of '18 seniors, registration is open now!
The cost is $445 for traditional camps and $475 for adventure camp.
Financial assistance is available, get in touch with Risa for more details!
Click here for more information on Lazy W Camps!
To register for camp or learn more about other Cal-Pac Camps, click here!
Men's Breakfast: Our next breakfast is Monday, June 18, at 7AM. Coco's Restaurant, 18120 Hawthorne Blvd. (Hawthorne and 182nd). All men of the church and their friends are welcome to join us for fellowship.
Prayer Quilt Ministry:Join us for our monthly quilting workshop Friday, June 8, starting at 10am. There's something for everyone to do to help. Even if you haven't tried quilt-making before, this is a great way to begin.Know someone in need of prayer? Anyone can sponsor a free prayer quilt. The Quilt Request Form is online or in the church office.
Meals and More: Did you know that we have a ministry that organizes meals and other assistance for church folks in times of need? In the past, we've helped arrange rides to medical appointments, meals for people recovering from surgery, and more. Leila Grantz coordinates this ministry, using online sign-up tools. If you want to be a part of the group that she emails when there is an opportunity to help, or if you know someone who's in need of a little help, please contact the church office or Leila.
Book Club, June 19 @ 7:00pm: Meet in May Day Parlor. We will discuss “A Town Like Alice,” in the May Day Parlor. Written by Nevil Shute, the book follows the experiences of a young Englishwoman during World War II and afterward, when she begins a new life in Australia. Also, we will select several books to enjoy during our two months’ summer hiatus.For more information, contact Ann Gallagher.
This Week: Children, Youth & Adults
Nursery (6 weeks+): The Nursery is open during both services, for ages 6 weeks to 5 yrs old. Located right off of the parking lot across from Epworth Lounge. Please know that children of any age are always welcome in worship. Any questions email the Nursery Coordinator: Adriana Hwang
Children's Ministry(age 3 - 3rd Grade): Sunday School is in officially Summer mode, this week, we have SUMMER FUN-DAY SCHOOL! We'll start in church, leave during "passing of the peace" and be back in church for communion.
Church R Us (Grades 4 & 5): Church R Us is welcome to join in on FUN-DAY SCHOOL!
Youth Ministry (6th-12th grade):
-Middle School Sunday School (10:30am)? We are ON a BREAK!
-Youth Group(2-4pm on Sunday)? We're on a break! But...remember the Youth Day @ Annual Conference next Saturday!
Young Adults (19-not very specific):
We have a Monday night group for Young Adults and Young families. We meet 5:30-7:00, enjoy a meal together then share in bible study, discussions, and prayer. Child care is available. Stay tuned for more Young Adult events!
Monday Night Dinner Study (Young-ish Adults and Young-ish Families):
We meet in Epworth at 5:30 Monday Nights for a meal and bible study. Children's programming available. Questions? Email Dawn Kirkemo!
Adult Sunday School: Bible Study and Discussion in May Day Parlor. Sunday mornings from 9:30-10:15am. Led by Helen Stockwell. All are welcome.
Thursday Pastor's Bible Study:
We usually meet Thursday mornings from 11:00-noon, in May Day Parlor. All are welcome.
United Methodist News & Events
Our congregation is a part of the El Tordondo Mission Area, in the West District of the California-PacificAnnual Conference of the United Methodist Church.
Free Meal on Wednesday Nights
Offering food and friendship to those in need, every Wednesday night since 1992. More info here.
SHARED BREAD NEEDS DONATIONS OF:NEW UNDERWEAR- men's and women's, all sizes; Sweatpants/sweatshirts-L/XL (hooded, zip up, dark colors); new or used brown paper bags with handles
Men’s jeans waist sizes 32- 34; Men’s new socks, white or grey only- all sizes; Men’s tennis shoes - especially sizes 9.5 to 11.5
Please bring them to church on Sunday, or to the office during the week.
Homemade treats are treasured by our guests – but purchased treats would be wonderful, as well. Please wrap desserts tightly and mark for Shared Bread. Deliver Sunday (when you come for church) through Wednesday to the church kitchen (or the office if kitchen is closed.) Wednesday deliveries
should be here by 4:00pm to help us plan our meal better. THANK YOU!
This week, we'll be enjoying our 2nd Composer Sunday, featuring the music of my good friend Sean McDermott. I met Sean in the Master Chorale – he's a great tenor (in fact, I hired him to join me singing Christmas carols at Pink's house a few years ago) – but I didn't know he composed until someone mentioned it in passing, and I invited him to present his stuff at my choral reading session (I produced a choral reading session every year for 12 years until we lost our venue). I was entranced by his music – it was lush and melodic and very singable. My thought is to make each Composer Sunday contrast, so that the music doesn't always sound the same. Whereas Sharon's music is at times both intimate and flashy, Sean's music is a bit more traditionally based, yet melodically and harmonically innovative and rich. The piece that we will be premiering is particularly interesting (I don't understand why it hasn't become a standard). We'll also hear an organ solo by Eileen for the prelude, a solo for piano and soprano for the prayer song by Audrey and Cris, a mellow ballad played by the band during communion, and a piece for piano and English horn for the postlude, with Cris at the piano and Eileen playing the English horn part.
Click here to read more Music Notes!
Looking for a Way to Volunteer?
The Welcome Team is looking for volunteers who can help about once a month between the two services and/or immediately after the 10:30 service. Go to our "Want to Help" page to learn more about this awesome ministry, as well as several other current ways you can lend a hand in ministry.
Calling All Gardeners!
Do you have a couple hours once or twice a month to help maintain our beautiful church gardens? Tasks would include pruning, planting, weeding and watering. Whatever you can help with, we'd love to have you join our team! Duties could change seasonally. Sign up through the church office, or by talking with Jody Wilkinson.
4th-8th Graders needed to Acolyte!
Acolytes are needed for 10:30 worship each week. If you've been trained, you can sign up via our "sign up genius" (click here!)
If you are interested in being trained, email children's ministries!
Our UMW is back to their regular meeting times.
Circle Meeting Time
United Methodist Women’s Reading Program: There are many titles to choose from with new ones added every year! Books are available in the UMW library located in May Day Parlor. Any one can read the books and our own local UMW unit will get credit! click here for information about the program.
Support missions through recycling!
Bring your plastic bottles, aluminum cans AND CRV glass bottles to church every Sunday. By recycling we can support Corazon, Crop Walk, Habitat for Humanity and some of the United Methodist Committee on Relief (UMCOR) programs: Syrian refugee relief, eradicating hunger, clean water, ending malaria and fighting HIV/AIDS. Please bring your cans and bottles.
We have many spots to fill for liturgists on Sunday mornings. The following link will take you the sign up. Please check it out.
Sunday Worship Liturgist Sign Up
Campus WiFi network is: First UMC Guests; Password is: openhearts
Parking Reminder: If you are able, we encourage you to park at the Wells Fargo bank on Sunday mornings, and walk across the street, reserving the parking lot for those with mobility challenges or for new visitors. We also have a bike rack on the patio. Thanks for your consideration.
Hearing Assistance Devices are available on Sunday mornings. Just ask for one at the audio/video booth in the sanctuary.
I love having children in worship. I treasure this congregation's welcoming spirit and the graciousness I've seen you show to our kids when they're with us in the sanctuary (even if they're sometimes a little noisier than most adults). I sympathize with parents who find it a struggle to supervise their little ones while trying to get the most out of worship themselves.
I'm grateful for all this because I believe that we need children in worship.
I think it's really important for our kids to grow up with experiences of worshiping in the midst of an intergenerational congregation. I think they gain immeasurable benefit from having all these other members of their extended family, and I think they learn about God by watching everything that happens. Certainly, they're more likely to stay involved in church after they grow up if they have a sense of what it's like to participate in the community, even while they're kids. Children in worship learn to worship (even if it looks like they're just doing a coloring page).
I think it's really important for grown-ups to have children in their lives, too. Their presence re-calibrates our priorities, because they invite us to think about the generations that will come after us. They model care, inspiring us with the earnestness of their prayer concerns. They give us hope, and clarify our purpose.
During the summer, our regular children's Sunday School goes on break. Every week, children are invited to sit with their families in the sanctuary as worship begins. Some weeks, we will invite them to go with our Children's Ministry leaders for a special FunDay school during part of worship. Other weeks, they will be with us for the whole hour.
I encourage you to find ways to welcome the young people who will be with us during worship. If you're a parent, I am grateful for your commitment and dedication in showing up and your patience in parenting during church. For the rest of the church, I give thanks for the welcome you extend to our children--and people of all ages.
grace and peace,
Pastor Molly
Sunday, June 10:
"Torn Down"
Rev. Molly Vetter, preaching
2 Corinthians 4:13-5:1
Testimony from Dawn Kirkemo2 Corinthians 4:13 The Tanakh says, “I trusted, therefore I spoke.”[2 Corinthians 4:13 Psalm 116:10] Since we have that same Spirit who enables us to trust, we also trust and therefore speak; 14 because we know that he who raised the Lord Yeshua will also raise us with Yeshua and bring us along with you into his presence. 15 All this is for your sakes, so that as grace flows out to more and more people, it may cause thanksgiving to overflow and bring glory to God.
16 This is why we do not lose courage. Though our outer self is heading for decay, our inner self is being renewed daily. 17 For our light and transient troubles are achieving for us an everlasting glory whose weight is beyond description. 18 We concentrate not on what is seen but on what is not seen, since things seen are temporary, but things not seen are eternal.
5 We know that when the tent which houses us here on earth is torn down, we have a permanent building from God, a building not made by human hands, to house us in heaven. (Complete Jewish Bible).
2 Corinthians 4:13-5:1
Verse 13
[13] We having the same spirit of faith, according as it is written, I believed, and therefore have I spoken; we also believe, and therefore speak;
Having the same spirit of faith — Which animated the saints of old; David, in particular, when he said, I believed, and therefore have I spoken - That is, I trusted in God, and therefore he hath put this song of praise in my mouth.
We also speak — We preach the gospel, even in the midst of affliction and death, because we believe that God will raise us up from the dead, and will present us, ministers, with you, all his members, "faultless before his presence with exceeding joy." Psalms 116:10.
Verse 15
[15] For all things are for your sakes, that the abundant grace might through the thanksgiving of many redound to the glory of God.
For all things — Whether adverse or prosperous.
Are for your sakes — For the profit of all that believe, as well as all that preach.
That the overflowing grace — Which continues you alive both in soul and body. Might abound yet more through the thanksgiving of many - For thanksgiving invites more: abundant grace.
Verse 16
[16] For which cause we faint not; but though our outward man perish, yet the inward man is renewed day by day.
Therefore — Because of this grace, we faint not.
The outward man — The body.
The inward man — The soul.
Verse 17
[17] For our light affliction, which is but for a moment, worketh for us a far more exceeding and eternal weight of glory;
Our light affliction — The beauty and sublimity of St. Paul's expressions here, as descriptive of heavenly glory, opposed to temporal afflictions, surpass all imagination, and cannot be preserved in any translation or paraphrase, which after all must sink infinitely below the astonishing original.
Verse 18
[18] While we look not at the things which are seen, but at the things which are not seen: for the things which are seen are temporal; but the things which are not seen are eternal.
The things that are seen — Men, money, things of earth.
The things that are not seen — God, grace, heaven.
5. Verse 1
[1] For we know that if our earthly house of this tabernacle were dissolved, we have a building of God, an house not made with hands, eternal in the heavens.
Our earthly house — Which is only a tabernacle, or tent, not designed for a lasting habitation. (John Wesley’s Explanatory Notes).
8:30amin Epworth Lounge
10:30am in the Sanctuary
Composer Sunday Special Music: Guest composer and musician, Sean McDermott
Listen to Sermons online
Visit our Website
News From Our Members
Those of us lucky enough to attend last Sunday's youth luncheon heard additional great words from our church staff about these young graduates. They, all ten, plan to be at a College of their choice in the fall and aside from two at El Camino College here in Torrance, they'll all be scattered all across our nation, from the East Coast to here.
The photos we saw, the videos and the spoken word by church staff, parents and others said a lot about our grads, whether raised in our church or just here for a few years, were wonderfully shown and appreciated by the crowd of parents and friends in the audience. They also received bags full of things to remember their years here...
Thursday, June 7, 2018
Bob Peterson
Bob Peterson's popular column for the Mainsail has found new life, online! Read his view from the pews about church life and community news. You'll enjoy keeping up with the many good things happening in our congregation! by Bob PetersonThose of us lucky enough to attend last Sunday's youth luncheon heard additional great words from our church staff about these young graduates. They, all ten, plan to be at a College of their choice in the fall and aside from two at El Camino College here in Torrance, they'll all be scattered all across our nation, from the East Coast to here.
The photos we saw, the videos and the spoken word by church staff, parents and others said a lot about our grads, whether raised in our church or just here for a few years, were wonderfully shown and appreciated by the crowd of parents and friends in the audience. They also received bags full of things to remember their years here.
Youth Ministry Director Stephen Hale, his wife, Mary, Youth Assistant Lisa Welstead and all the staff under Pastor Molly Vetter, as well as their numerous volunteers and fellow students need to be thanked graciously by the entire church congregation, not only for their support and love to the world, but as they show their faith to our local people and our world beyond.
As Senior Todd Potter (headed for U. C. Riverside) concluded in his fine poem, "We, you and I, are now and here with a story to tell with our lives." Other Grads head for Clemson, Purdue, Emery-Riddle, U. of Arizona, U. of Pennsylvania, DePaul U., and U. of Azusa-Pacific. What a wonderful Class. Our prayers goes out with you as you leave the friendly confines of home.
Also last week, Trustee Chair Mark Elenbaas announced a new improvement program of three major repair projects including the patio stairs, now rusted and long gone, modern cost-saving lights, and a needed new floor in the Epworth Lounge. These big projects need special gifts of money from all of us, so keep an eye on the needs of our church and give abundantly when asked. These needs are above and beyond our regular year-long gifts.
Click here for more of the Lay Looker
Why Church? by Liz Gyori
For me, it boils down to this: I am a better person as a part of the church than I would be, and have been, without it.
Some people track the changes in their lives by milestones: before and after marriage or kids, job changes or moves. I do that, too, but I add another marker: before and after I joined my first Methodist congregation at age 25. And while that milestone is significant to me, it doesn't mean that I was all bad before then and consistently good afterwards. It was more like I'd been asleep to the possibilities that a life of faith offered, and then, wonderfully awakened to them. (Click to read more)
Coming at Church
Composer Sunday on June 10:
Sean McDermott
During our 10:30am Sunday Worship on June 10 , composer Sean McDermott will join us to conduct several of his choral works, and help us worship together.
Mr. McDermott is an accomplished pianist, vocalist and composer, having written background music for Warner Bros. as well as cable television in Orange County. His 5-part setting of the Ave Maria was first premiered by the Sistine Choir at St. Peter's Basilica in Rome. (Read more here)
Our Trustees and Church Council invite you to consider a special gift to a summer capital campaign, aimed at funding three critical upgrades on campus: new exterior stairs on our education building, new flooring in Epworth Lounge, and upgraded LED lights in Fellowship Hall and through the campus. We hope you will consider making a one-time gift for these necessary projects--click through for more information or to make a donation!
Pass the Mic: Testimony in Worship
Though June, we are excited to be including testimonies and stories from the people of our congregation in our worship. We already heard from members of our Readiness 360 Team, including Ofa Tuuholaoki, Stuart Everson and Paul Caldwell. (You can find their testimonies on our website!)
In June, our youth who are graduating from high school this year will share reflections. Read the tentative schedule here!
You won't want to miss out on what they have to say.
When PATH helps to house (formerly) homeless folks, those people typically needs all sorts of home supplies. Kitchen sponges, shower curtains, sheets, and hand soap are all needed to get a home going again. We can help!
Help to build 5 Welcome Home Kits by taking a paper slip on the bulletin boards near May Day Parlor! Click here for more information!
Wanted: Sound Board Operators
We are looking for 8-10+ people to volunteer to be part of a rotation of sound board operators. There are no requirements other than a desire to help out. Volunteers should either meet me after church or send me (Matt Parker) an email at
We plan to celebrate everyone from our church who's graduated this year during our worship on Father's Day, June 17! If you (or someone in your family) is graduating this year, email Ernie by June 13, so we can include you in our bulletin.(We just need name of graduate, their relationship to you, where they're graduating from and where they may be headed.) Note: Our 2018 class of high school graduates will be speaking during worship services on different Sundays in June, beginning with Youth Sunday on June 3!
Online Video Bible Study Group begins June 19
Join us for an online, interactive video Bible study this summer! We will read through "Consider the Birds: A Provocative Guide to Birds of the Bible," by Debbie Blue. Our small group will meet via online video chat, so you can join in from wherever you are this summer, on your laptop, smart phone or tablet!
We will meet up online on Tuesday evenings, from 8:30-9:30pm, through Google Hangouts. The group will be led by Lillian Naveira, Eileen Raycroft and Pastor Molly Vetter, and will continue for 10 weeks over the summer, beginning with Chapter 1 on Tuesday, June 19.
Click through for more information!
Options for Children at Church in Summer!
We love having children in worship, and through the summer, we encourage families to attend together!
For much of the summer, our children's Sunday School is on break, but two special things are happening:
-We have special children's activity books available to pick up as kids enter the sanctuary, with things they can work on during worship.
-Some weeks, we also have special Summer FunDay School activities planned: the kids will be invited to meet up at the Passing of the Peace to leave the sanctuary and go for a lesson during part of worship--they'll return for Communion.
We have FunDay school this Sunday!
Drop off your children at church for three hours of programming, starting at 5pm.
The cost is $20.00 for the first child ($10 for the 2nd, $5 for 3rd+)
and includes dinner. Enjoy an evening out while your kids play games,
make crafts, and enjoy fellowship!
It's a great night for all!
We request all spots be reserved by the Wednesday prior to the event.
Email Children's Ministry to save a spot!
Volunteers Needed!!!!
You can make a difference! Volunteers needed!Email Children's Ministries!
VBS 2018 is coming: August 13-17Click here for more info and registration!
This year's Renew VBS invites us to:
Grow in faith. Have fun. Change the world.
October 20: Church Golf Tournament
Mark your calendars now, and make plans to join us for our 2018 church golf tournament. We will return to the beautiful Los Verdes Golf Course for the tournament, which benefits the ministries of our church.
Questions? Contact Gary Baughman at church
All young people entering grades 4-8 are invited to attend a training for acolytes on June 19th at 4:30pm.
Acolytes assist Pastor Molly with candle lighting, baptism, and more during worship!
Please RSVP with Children's Ministry
Youth Sunday/Banquet Videos!
Youth Sunday, and the Youth Banquet, were so good!!!
If you missed it, there are videos online! Here is the Youth Sunday video, and here is the Youth Banquet Video.
Don't miss out on our very special arts camp!
Children will spend the week learning songs, dancing, and making original art pieces- all culminating in an art show and recital at the end of the week.
- Open to all K-6th Graders
- $200.00 per camper
- Scholarships Available
Summer Camp is open to all 1st graders-Class of '18 seniors, registration is open now!
The cost is $445 for traditional camps and $475 for adventure camp.
Financial assistance is available, get in touch with Risa for more details!
Click here for more information on Lazy W Camps!
To register for camp or learn more about other Cal-Pac Camps, click here!
Men's Breakfast: Our next breakfast is Monday, June 18, at 7AM. Coco's Restaurant, 18120 Hawthorne Blvd. (Hawthorne and 182nd). All men of the church and their friends are welcome to join us for fellowship.
Prayer Quilt Ministry:Join us for our monthly quilting workshop Friday, June 8, starting at 10am. There's something for everyone to do to help. Even if you haven't tried quilt-making before, this is a great way to begin.Know someone in need of prayer? Anyone can sponsor a free prayer quilt. The Quilt Request Form is online or in the church office.
Meals and More: Did you know that we have a ministry that organizes meals and other assistance for church folks in times of need? In the past, we've helped arrange rides to medical appointments, meals for people recovering from surgery, and more. Leila Grantz coordinates this ministry, using online sign-up tools. If you want to be a part of the group that she emails when there is an opportunity to help, or if you know someone who's in need of a little help, please contact the church office or Leila.
Book Club, June 19 @ 7:00pm: Meet in May Day Parlor. We will discuss “A Town Like Alice,” in the May Day Parlor. Written by Nevil Shute, the book follows the experiences of a young Englishwoman during World War II and afterward, when she begins a new life in Australia. Also, we will select several books to enjoy during our two months’ summer hiatus.For more information, contact Ann Gallagher.
This Week: Children, Youth & Adults
Nursery (6 weeks+): The Nursery is open during both services, for ages 6 weeks to 5 yrs old. Located right off of the parking lot across from Epworth Lounge. Please know that children of any age are always welcome in worship. Any questions email the Nursery Coordinator: Adriana Hwang
Children's Ministry(age 3 - 3rd Grade): Sunday School is in officially Summer mode, this week, we have SUMMER FUN-DAY SCHOOL! We'll start in church, leave during "passing of the peace" and be back in church for communion.
Church R Us (Grades 4 & 5): Church R Us is welcome to join in on FUN-DAY SCHOOL!
Youth Ministry (6th-12th grade):
-Middle School Sunday School (10:30am)? We are ON a BREAK!
-Youth Group(2-4pm on Sunday)? We're on a break! But...remember the Youth Day @ Annual Conference next Saturday!
Young Adults (19-not very specific):
We have a Monday night group for Young Adults and Young families. We meet 5:30-7:00, enjoy a meal together then share in bible study, discussions, and prayer. Child care is available. Stay tuned for more Young Adult events!
Monday Night Dinner Study (Young-ish Adults and Young-ish Families):
We meet in Epworth at 5:30 Monday Nights for a meal and bible study. Children's programming available. Questions? Email Dawn Kirkemo!
Adult Sunday School: Bible Study and Discussion in May Day Parlor. Sunday mornings from 9:30-10:15am. Led by Helen Stockwell. All are welcome.
Thursday Pastor's Bible Study:
We usually meet Thursday mornings from 11:00-noon, in May Day Parlor. All are welcome.
United Methodist News & Events
Our congregation is a part of the El Tordondo Mission Area, in the West District of the California-PacificAnnual Conference of the United Methodist Church.
First United Methodist Church of Redondo Beach
(310)372-8445 main
(310)372-5696 fax
Ongoing MinistriesOffering food and friendship to those in need, every Wednesday night since 1992. More info here.
SHARED BREAD NEEDS DONATIONS OF:NEW UNDERWEAR- men's and women's, all sizes; Sweatpants/sweatshirts-L/XL (hooded, zip up, dark colors); new or used brown paper bags with handles
Men’s jeans waist sizes 32- 34; Men’s new socks, white or grey only- all sizes; Men’s tennis shoes - especially sizes 9.5 to 11.5
Please bring them to church on Sunday, or to the office during the week.
Homemade treats are treasured by our guests – but purchased treats would be wonderful, as well. Please wrap desserts tightly and mark for Shared Bread. Deliver Sunday (when you come for church) through Wednesday to the church kitchen (or the office if kitchen is closed.) Wednesday deliveries
should be here by 4:00pm to help us plan our meal better. THANK YOU!
Click here to read more Music Notes!
Looking for a Way to Volunteer?
The Welcome Team is looking for volunteers who can help about once a month between the two services and/or immediately after the 10:30 service. Go to our "Want to Help" page to learn more about this awesome ministry, as well as several other current ways you can lend a hand in ministry.
Do you have a couple hours once or twice a month to help maintain our beautiful church gardens? Tasks would include pruning, planting, weeding and watering. Whatever you can help with, we'd love to have you join our team! Duties could change seasonally. Sign up through the church office, or by talking with Jody Wilkinson.
4th-8th Graders needed to Acolyte!
Acolytes are needed for 10:30 worship each week. If you've been trained, you can sign up via our "sign up genius" (click here!)
If you are interested in being trained, email children's ministries!
Circle Meeting Time
- Naomi Circle 2nd Tuesday @ 10:00am
- Hannah Circle 2nd Tuesday @ 7:00pm
- Mary Circle 4th Monday @ 7:00pm
United Methodist Women’s Reading Program: There are many titles to choose from with new ones added every year! Books are available in the UMW library located in May Day Parlor. Any one can read the books and our own local UMW unit will get credit! click here for information about the program.
Support missions through recycling!
Bring your plastic bottles, aluminum cans AND CRV glass bottles to church every Sunday. By recycling we can support Corazon, Crop Walk, Habitat for Humanity and some of the United Methodist Committee on Relief (UMCOR) programs: Syrian refugee relief, eradicating hunger, clean water, ending malaria and fighting HIV/AIDS. Please bring your cans and bottles.
Sunday Worship Liturgist Sign Up
Campus WiFi network is: First UMC Guests; Password is: openhearts
Parking Reminder: If you are able, we encourage you to park at the Wells Fargo bank on Sunday mornings, and walk across the street, reserving the parking lot for those with mobility challenges or for new visitors. We also have a bike rack on the patio. Thanks for your consideration.
Hearing Assistance Devices are available on Sunday mornings. Just ask for one at the audio/video booth in the sanctuary.
Connect with us
First United Methodist Church
243 South Broadway
Redondo Beach, California 90277, United States
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