Sunday, June 10, 2018

The God Pause from The Luther Seminary in Saint Paul, Minnesota, United States for Sunday, 10 June 2018 - "In Christ There Is No East or West," ELW 650, Verse 2 - Saturday, 9 June 2018 - "In Christ There Is No East or West," ELW 650, Verse 2

The God Pause from The Luther Seminary in Saint Paul, Minnesota, United States for Sunday, 10 June 2018 - "In Christ There Is No East or West," ELW 650, Verse 2 - Saturday, 9 June 2018 - "In Christ There Is No East or West," ELW 650, Verse 2
Sunday, 10 June 2018 "In Christ There Is No East or West," ELW 650, Verse 2
In Christ there is no east or west,
in him no south or north,
but one community of love
throughout the whole wide earth.
2. In Christ shall true hearts ev'rywhere
their high communion find;
his service is the golden cord
close binding humankind.
3. Join hands, disciples of the faith,
whate'er your race may be.
All children of the living God
are surely kin to me.
4. In Christ now meet both east and west,
in him meet south and north;
all Christly souls are one in him
throughout the whole wide earth.
Scripture and the Christian confessions consistently remind us that God wants all people to be saved. Yet how quickly we draw lines and put up walls around who qualifies as "all people." Verse 3 of today's hymn reminds us that for God "all people" really does mean all people. If we believe Jesus' words in this week's readings, then we are one family because we are disciples of Jesus and children of God. Let us repent of the ways we taunt each other and cause divisions in God's family, thus making Jesus a liar. Our sins are forgiven. Let us do God's will and discover how big God's family is!
Savior of all people, empower us through the Holy Spirit to do God's will, rejoicing in the scope and diversity of your family. Amen.
Eric L. Bodenstab, '15
Pastor, Zion Lutheran Church, Sandusky, Ohio

Saturday, 9 June 2018 "In Christ There Is No East or West," ELW 650, Verse 2
1. In Christ there is no east or west,
in him no south or north,
but one community of love
throughout the whole wide earth.
2. In Christ shall true hearts ev'rywhere
their high communion find;
his service is the golden cord
close binding humankind.
3. Join hands, disciples of the faith,
whate'er your race may be.
All children of the living God
are surely kin to me.
4. In Christ now meet both east and west,
in him meet south and north;
all Christly souls are one in him
throughout the whole wide earth.
We are Jesus' family as we do God's will. But what is God's will? Verse 2 of this hymn offers an answer: "His service is the golden cord close binding human kind." What is that service? Could this be our regular gathering to hear God's Word and participate in the sacraments? Perhaps the good works we do for our neighbor in need, or our faithfully living up to God's callings in the many places life takes us? Any place where the Holy Spirit quiets the taunts of the devil, the world and our flesh, kills the old person and raises up the new person in us, any place we go to our cross for the sake of the gospel, there is the golden cord of Jesus' service.
Holy Son, give us eyes to see your service and hearts willing to join you in it. Amen.
Eric L. Bodenstab, '15
Pastor, Zion Lutheran Church, Sandusky, Ohio

The Luther Seminary
2481 Como Avenue
Saint Paul, Minnesota, 55108, United State

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