Resurrection West,
Springtime brings an awakening of the senses with the smell of flowers, emergence of color, and the warmth of the sun. This reminds me of Psalm 34:8, which says, “Taste and see that the LORD is good; blessed is the one who takes refuge in him.” May the buds and blooms revive, refresh, and renew us for the beautiful work of mission and ministry as His disciples!
Pastor Adam continues the second chances series this Sunday teaching into God’s restoration and healing through mental illness. This will be a sermon offering hope in what often feels like a losing battle of the mind, the heart, and the soul - but our God is the God of the second, third, and fourth chance. He has the power to heal, overcome, and repurpose our lives so that they would be transformed into wholeness. Invite a friend to join you in worship this Sunday!
Leaving today we have a mission team of 10 adults and kids from Resurrection West going to Highfill United Methodist Church in Northwest Arkansas. This church was one of the original churches in the Partner Church program (visit for more information about this program) in 2011. They are a small rural church who worshipped about 12 when the partnership started and now average over 40 per Sunday today. They receive the sermon and video resources each week along with other resources and coaching as part of the program. On Friday night and Saturday morning our team will be assisting and participating alongside adults and parents in the congregation as they host their own Camp Minecraft. This camp was developed by volunteers and staff from Resurrection West and launched a few months ago. It uses the video game Minecraft to explore and teach about various stories from the Bible. On Saturday afternoon our team will work alongside our partners in Arkansas in mission work around the church and throughout the community. One of the projects will be helping to organize and stock the Highfill UMC food pantry with over 500 pounds of food that was collected by our congregation here at Resurrection West. Sunday morning our team will worship alongside our Partners and hear the sermon preached by Adam via video. Would you join me in praying for our team in mission this weekend: Travis Morgan, Grace Morgan, Brian Slezak, Paul Slezak, James Wear, Kristen Wear, Lillian Wear, Max Wear, Joe Walker, and Zach Eisentrager
This is just one of the ways we live out our faith life as disciples. Join me this summer on a family mission to Omaha or next January to Malawi to serve God by serving others. Details below.
- Use NEW Pushpay app to give!
- VBC and Sports Camp - June 20-26, Register Now!
- 21st Annual Resurrection Golf Classic & Auction
- Monday Morning Women's Bible Study
- MEGA MISSION Save the Date - May 7, 9am
- Rezlife student ministries summer mission to Minneapolis
- Family Mission Trip to Omaha, NE July 21-23
- Holy Land Pilgrimage, November 14-23
- Mission trip to serve in Malawi, January 12-22, 2017
- Last Sunday, we launched a new way to give your tithes, offerings,and capital campaign commitments to the church electronically. Using a simple and secure tool called “Pushpay” you can now give by texting from your mobile device, online from your computer or by using the Pushpay app. This Pushpay option will make it easier for those who want to give electronically. You can create your own account and store your payment methods or you can give as a guest. Pushpay will replace RezAccess and Paypal accounts, which will provide efficiencies and cost savings for our church. To set up Pushpay, you simply text COR to 77977 from your mobile device or go to We’ll have information in worship this Sunday with step-by-step instructions on using Pushapy or you can go to the website to learn more about it.
- Resurrection West Sports Camp and Vacation Bible Camp, “Meet the Royals”! Two great opportunities for kids this summer, one amazing week of fun! Registration is now open for RezWest Sports Camp and RezWest VBC. Both camps will take place June 20-24; Sports camp held in the morning, followed by VBC “Meet the Royals” in the afternoon. Register for one or both of these events. A supervised “sack lunch” time will be held for those who participate in both activities. We hope to help hundreds of kids grow in faith, wisdom and friendship through these programs, so we will need many volunteers - youth and adults! All parents who volunteer for VBC and have children younger than kindergarten will be able to register their little ones in early childhood VBC or nursery. If you are interested in participating in or volunteering for either camp, please go to for more information and registration.
- 21st Annual Resurrection Golf Classic & Auction – Monday, May 9, Country Club of Leawood.Golfers, sponsors and volunteers are needed to help raise funds for seminary student education. More information available at
- The Monday Morning Women’s Bible Study has started a new book study, “When the Game is Over, it All goes Back in the Box” by John Ortberg. The group meets at 9:30 am in the lower level Bible Theatre classroom. For more information, contact Margee Castle at
- MEGA MISSION – SPRING 2016! Save the date: Saturday, May 7, at 9 am. You won’t want to miss this amazing day of serving in our community—fun for all ages! More information coming soon.
- 8th-12th Grade Summer Mission Trip, June 12-18 (Current Grades 8-12) Hennepin Avenue United Methodist Church, Minneapolis, Minnesota. Opportunities for youth to serve through homeless ministries, housing projects and food and shelter non-profits. Go to and click on the Events, Retreats & Missions tab for more info and to register.
- Family mission trip to Omaha, Nebraska, July 21-23. This will be a great way to instill the value of service to God and others into your kid’s lives. Registration will open for this mission experience for parents and kids K-5th grade next week. Save the dates and join us in service. We will cap off the mission experience with a day at the Omaha zoo!
- Registration is still available to walk where Jesus walked this November on our Holy land pilgrimage,November 14-23. If interested, please Debbie Dietz at debbie.dietz@cor.orgto join with us. We will travel along with members from our Blue Springs campus (already over 30 registered), through Bethlehem, Jerusalem, around the sea of Galilee and more!
- Join Pastor Jason on a mission trip to serve in Malawi, January 12-22, 2017. Serve with our Malawian brothers and sisters as we reach out to the community through a variety of projects. This is an exciting way to step out of your comfort zone and affect the lives of so many. Included in the trip is a cultural safari experience you won’t want to miss. Go to to for more information.
Looking forward to worshiping with you on Sunday,
Pastor Jason
Resurrection West Campus
24000 West Valley Parkway
Olathe, Kansas 66061, United States
For an after hours urgent pastoral care need call 913-314-6058
Resurrection West Staff
Travis Morgan - Director of Staffing and Operations
Chris Holliday - Associate Pastor, Care and Missions
David Robertson - Director of Community Life
Lindsay Hefner - Director of Worship Arts
Ryan Rancudo - Assistant Director of Worship Arts
Rick Webb - Director of rezlife Student Ministries
Christie Walker - Director of KiDS COR Children's Ministries
Lynnlea Nelson - Early Childhood Program Director
Sommer Kelling - Nursery Coordinator
Chris Monson - Worship Support and Community Events Program Director
Debbie Dietz - Coordinating Assistant to Pastor Jason
Kevin Euston - Technical Producer Team Lead
James Wear - Technical Producer Media and Graphics

The United Methodist Church of the Resurrection West
24000 West Valley Parkway
For an after hours urgent pastoral care need call 913-314-6058
Resurrection West Staff
Travis Morgan - Director of Staffing and Operations
Chris Holliday - Associate Pastor, Care and Missions
David Robertson - Director of Community Life
Lindsay Hefner - Director of Worship Arts
Ryan Rancudo - Assistant Director of Worship Arts
Rick Webb - Director of rezlife Student Ministries
Christie Walker - Director of KiDS COR Children's Ministries
Lynnlea Nelson - Early Childhood Program Director
Sommer Kelling - Nursery Coordinator
Chris Monson - Worship Support and Community Events Program Director
Debbie Dietz - Coordinating Assistant to Pastor Jason
Kevin Euston - Technical Producer Team Lead
James Wear - Technical Producer Media and Graphics
The United Methodist Church of the Resurrection West
24000 West Valley Parkway
Olathe, Kansas 66061, United States
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