Greetings RezDowntowners,
It’s a great Friday morning and I am heading out the door to spend time at St. Paul’s Episcopal Day School at 41st and Main to lead their morning chapel services. I so look forward to seeing those kiddos and spending time out in the community in this way! We have a big weekend ahead of us starting on Saturday morning at 9:00 am. This Saturday is a FaithWork Saturday and I would love for you to come out and serve. Every third Saturday of the month, we go out into the community to serve God by serving others.This Saturday, we’ll gather at 9 am only to go out and serve, both indoors and outdoors through the entire city. Immediately, following our serve, a group of people will be meeting for lunch at La Fonda El Taquito at 800 Southwest Blvd., Kansas City, MO. No need to register, but if you have any questions, visit cor.org/downtown/faithwork.
Then on Sunday we’re going to be hosting another Coffee with the Pastors at 1:30 pm at 1522 McGee.. Coffee with the Pastors is a chance for you to learn more about our church’s story, about my story and about what becoming a member of this church requires. There is no need to register unless you require childcare and for that you can go to cor.org/downtown/cwp. This weekend in worship we are continuing our sermon series on Second Chances as we take a deeper look at more stories of redemption and restoration, however, one of the things that I love about serving this church is that grace always leads the way forward. This past week Channel 41, KSHB aired a little story on our church with that very same theme. Take a look at it here and be sure to share with your friends throughout social media!
In the meantime, here are several ways to get connected to the life of this church:
- RezMoMs - Calling all mothers of early childhood and elementary school aged children! Please join our group of ladies who gather the third Thursday of each month for fellowship, support, and speakers who help us grow in faith and parenting. RezMoMs will meet next on Thursday, April 21, from 6:30-8pm at 1522 McGee, where our guest speaker will be Rev. Lisa Holliday. Rev. Lisa Holliday, Minister of Children and their families at the Leawood campus, has a breadth of knowledge and experience helping families grow in their faith. We are thrilled to have Lisa here to talk on how to integrate faith into our childrens’ everyday life, including prayer life for children of all ages. Please bring a snack to share if you have time! Childcare is available - please register at cor.org/downtown/rezmoms. Any questions, please contact Kristen Sayers atklynsayers@gmail.com. Hope to see you there!
- Say Your Prayers: Developing a Child’s Faith at Home – Join Pastor Anne, Saturday, April 23, 9 -10:30 am at 1508 Grand (childcare provided at Grand with registration) for a discussion about strategies to foster your child’s faith development at home. You’ll be empowered to initiate spiritual conversations, share your own faith, approach complicated religious questions and engage in prayer with your children. You will also hear from KiDSCOR Director Sarah Brischle about our KiDSCOR programming, so that you can use it as a launching pad for your own conversations about faith at home. Space is limited. To reserve your spot and register for childcare, go to cor.org/downtown/sayyourprayers. For questions, contact PastorAnne.Williams@cor.org.
- Serve in Honduras Sept. 10-17 with our partner church in El Obraje – Honduras is a beautiful country with beautiful people. Take a week out of your busy schedule to grow in your faith as you support and encourage our Honduran partners. This team will help build the church both physically (light construction) and humanly (inviting the community to sports and craft events at the church). The deadline for registering is June 10. Don’t miss out on this great opportunity - sign up at cor.org/honduras. For questions, contact Amber Carlson at Amber.Carlson@Glazers.com.
- Pastor Scott’s Class on The Misfit Mission – Hear the inside scoop on Scott’s new book and receive your own personalized, signed copy. Starting Wednesday, May 4, at 7 pm, this 4-week study will examine what it looks like for us to do the right thing in ministry, even when logic or ‘rules’ say it’s the wrong thing. Pastor Scott will show us how we really can do more than we might ask or imagine, when we remember God’s call and the promises of scripture—when we live each day with the expectation of holy surprise. With registration (required) you will receive a signed, personalized copy of The Misfit Mission for $15. Space is limited, go to cor.org/downtown/misfitmission to make sure we have a book and a spot for you! Childcare is available. To receive a signed copy and to register for childcare, register by May 1.
- MVPs Needed for Vacation Bible Camp – Volunteer Now for some great benefits! We are looking for enthusiastic people with a heart to serve the youngest in our church as they learn Bible stories, play awesome games and hang out with us evenings, June 20-23! If you are interested in volunteering to serve during the event or just want more information about VBC, contact Sarah.Brischle@cor.org. Those who sign up to volunteer receive a $5 discount on registration for their children and get the opportunity to purchase Royals tickets for their immediate family before they go on sale for everyone else! Visitcor.org/downtown/vbcvolunteer to sign up to volunteer, then register your children and/or purchase Royals tickets.
- Vacation Bible Camp – June 20–23, 5:30-7 pm – Meet the Royals @ Downtown! Royals of the Bible, that is. We will learn about wise King Solomon, courageous Queen Esther, young King Josiah and the one True King, Jesus! Registration is open for children of volunteers now! Registration for all others begins May 1. VBC is for children in kindergarten – 5th grade (2015-16 school year). Younger children may attend with an adult volunteer. Visit cor.org/downtown/vbc to sign up to volunteer, then register your children.
- Children’s Ministry Internship Opportunity - The Summer Intern will assist with KiDSCOR and special events within the church, and with overseeing, implementing and creating age appropriate interactive activities, crafts and programs for weekend worship and special events for children/families. Other responsibilities may include: shadowing staff and volunteer coaches, leading children’s classes, assisting in writing curriculum, learning how the staff connect and what they do through the week to better get an understanding of how full-time ministry operates. The role of summer internships at Church of the Resurrection is to identify and/or cultivate a call to ministry for the participant through hands-on experiences in a church setting. For more details and for qualifications, please visit cor.org/summerinternships.
- If You Missed Getting a Commitment Card – they will still be available at Connection Point at both locations. It’s not too late to be a part of what we are about to do—something that hasn’t been done in over 80 years! As you discern how God is calling us to Transform the Heart of the City, know that Grand Vision will require a Grand Sacrifice. Please prayerfully consider your financial commitment to this endeavor and how God is calling you to take this extraordinary next step in the life of our church and city. You can place your commitment card in the offering plate, mail it, or complete a commitment card online atcor.org/downtown/commitment.
- Need Some Extra Spending Money? Love Working with Kids and Helping Them Learn and Worship?KiDSCOR, the children’s ministry for Resurrection Downtown, is looking for part-time staff willing to care for and teach the children during worship services and some weekly evening programming. If you would be interested in this position, contact Sarah.Brischle@cor.org.
Have a great Friday.
Grace and Peace,
Twitter: @scottchrostek
Congregational Care and Support
If you need pastoral care, call 816-979-1330. (After hours emergencies: 816-875-0267.)
To submit a prayer request, contact Anne.Williams@rezdowntown.org
For more information, visit our website: cor.org/downtown
The United Methodist Church of the Resurrection Downtown
1508 Grand Avenue
Kansas City, Missouri 64108, United States
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