Thursday, November 9, 2017

"LAST CHANCE Doctoral November Scholarship, Deadline Is Friday" Grand Canyon University with Megan Byrnes in Phoenix, Arizona, United States for Thursday, 9 November 2017

"LAST CHANCE Doctoral November Scholarship, Deadline Is Friday" Grand Canyon University with Megan Byrnes in Phoenix, Arizona, United States for Thursday, 9 November 2017
New Doctoral Learner Scholarship Offer
Congratulations on taking a monumental step forward in your educational career by considering a doctoral degree from Grand Canyon University! In support of your effort, we are happy to offer you a $500 scholarship to help defray the cost of your studies.
In order to receive this scholarship, you must submit a complete application, meet all application requirements and begin your program in November 2017. Move one step closer toward the incredible sense of accomplishment and pride that comes with earning a doctorate degree.
"I completed my EdD in organizational leadership while working as a senior business analyst. After earning my degree, I began to explore options to transition into the business aspect of IT where I could better serve students. I landed a job as a project manager and was quickly promoted to system director for Student Success Technologies at Minnesota State. I had found my passion for providing educational innovations and implementing technology that directly affects student learning and success. I give credit to GCU's EdD program and the caring and encouraging faculty and administration for helping me find my purpose that allows me to impact more than 400,000 current Minnesota State students." (Timothy Anderson, Doctor of Education in Organizational Leadership with an Emphasis in Organizational Development, Alumni)
Grand Canyon University

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