Thursday, November 9, 2017

Veterans Affairs Office of Inspector General (OIG) in Washington, D.C., United States for Thursday, 9 November 2017 "VAOIG - Administrative Summary of Investigation Regarding Wait Times - North Carolina"

Veterans Affairs Office of Inspector General (OIG) in Washington, D.C., United States for Thursday, 9 November 2017 "VAOIG - Administrative Summary of Investigation Regarding Wait Times - North Carolina"
The Department of Veterans Affairs, Office of Inspector General (OIG), conducted extensive work related to allegations of wait time manipulation after the allegations at the Phoenix VA Health Care System in April 2014. Since that event and through fiscal year 2015, we have received numerous allegations related to wait time manipulation at VA facilities nationwide from veterans, VA employees, and Members of Congress that were investigated by OIG criminal investigators. 
At this time, OIG has completed more than 100 criminal investigations related to wait times and provided information to VA’s Office of Accountability Review for appropriate action. It has always been our intention to release information regarding the findings of these investigations at a time when doing so would not impede any planned prosecutive or administrative action. As other administrative summaries of investigation are completed, we intend to post them to our website so that veterans and Congress have a complete picture of the work conducted in their state.
You may view and download these administrative summaries of investigation by clicking on the link to our webpage at and selecting the appropriate state. The individual summary may alsobe accessed by selecting the weblink below.
Please use either Adobe Acrobat Reader version 11 or equivalent PDF reader software to open and view our reports. Adobe Acrobat Reader may be obtained free of charge from Adobe's website. Those with text-only or adaptive browsers may want to review Adobe’s accessibility guide. (Our disclaimer for these software products)
Veterans Affairs Office of Inspector General (OIG)

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