Saturday, May 2, 2015

First Church of the Nazarene of Kansas City, Missouri, United States for Friday, 1 May 2015 E-News

First Church of the Nazarene of Kansas City, Missouri, United States for Friday, 1 May 2015 E-News
Upcoming Events
Preparing our hearts for...Sunday, May 3, 2015
9:15am - Sunday School classes for all ages
10:45am - Worship Service
This Sunday, Pastor Estep will be speaking from John 15:9-17. After the offertory, children in grades 1-4 will be invited to a time of Children's Worship with Margie Schwarz, studying the same passage.
6pm - Evening Service (Westside Room)
O sov'reign God, O matchless King:
the saints adore, the angels sing and fall before the throne of grace;
to You belongs the highest praise!
News & Events
First Saturdays
All ladies are invited to First Saturdays at Panera (located at 103rd & State Line) for a time of food, fellowship, and prayer together. The group will meet tomorrow, May 2, at 9am.
Annual Local Church Elections
Historically, our church/fiscal year has ended on June 30. As of this year it will end on May 31. As a result, our annual church elections will be held on Sundays, May 10 and May 17.
There will be a sample ballot displayed in the foyer THIS Sunday, May 3. If you believe your name should appear on the ballot for church board or for our district meetings in July, please check the sample ballot to make sure it is correct. If any changes need to be made, please contact the church office by Monday, May 4 at noon.
Youth "First Sundays"
THIS Sunday, May 3, will be our youth group's monthly "First Sundays" activities. This month, they will meet at Mark & Janelle Parker's home. All teens are invited to join in a night of food and fun. Please bring $3.
Caring for the Caregiver
Are you or someone you know a full-time caregiver? Caring for the Caregiver, "a journey of shared grace with those who give care", will be offered as a 6-week pilot study beginning on Sunday, May 17. The group will meet from 4:30pm-5:45pm in Room 158 and be facilitated by Chaplain Rev. Windy Lovett. If you would be interested in joining this group, please contact Rev. Lovett at
Senior Panel
On Sunday, May 24, our youth group will be hosting a potluck lunch in the youth room for all high school seniors and their families. During the lunch, a panel will discuss what to expect during life after high school. Please bring one main dish per family. RSVP to Pastor Roland ( by May 17.
Ultimate Frisbee Tournament
Our church will be hosting a district-wide ultimate frisbee tournament on
Saturday, May 23, from 10am-3pm. Cost is $40/team (7 players per
team). This tournament is open to all--expect a
high level of competition.
Contact Pastor Roland ( for more information or to sign up.
Are you or someone you know experiencing grief after the death of a loved one? Help is available! Our church offers 2 weekly sessions of GriefShare: a men's only group on Wednesday nights and a session open to all on Saturday mornings.
Sessions are comprised of video seminars, workbook exercises, and small group discussion. This Bible-based, Christ-centered group is open to all KCFC attenders, and the Kansas City community.
Please be prayerful about who you may know who would benefit from this valuable ministry. For more information, contact ministry director, Kathy Cagg at 816.333.6444 or Registration required by contacting the church office (816.942.9022 or
Jesus Film Trip to Africa
Travel with Jesus Film Harvest Partners (JFHP) to see the Jesus Film Ministry in action on the field in Malawi, Africa. Experience evangelism on the field, interact with local Christian leaders, attend viewings of the Jesus Film in various villages, and see firsthand what God is doing through the film. A JFHP team will be making the trip to Malawi in early November to deliver equipment. A two-day safari will be included in the trip. Estimated cost is $3000-$3500 per person. If you would like to be a part of this adventure or would like to learn more, please call Dale or Judy Foster at913.339.8876.
Wednesday Nights
Wednesday Nights
This Wednesday's Schedule (5/6/15):
5:15pm: Friends & Food Meal in the gym
This week's menu: chicken alfredo, broccoli, bread, & dessert
5:30pm: Youth Alpha Film Series
6pm: Men's GriefShare Group
6pm: Children's Programming
6:15pm: Adult Choir Rehearsal
Our Mission: to make Christ-like disciples
11811 State Line Road
Kansas City, Missouri, United States
Kansas City First Church of the Nazarene
11811 State Line Road
Kansas City, Missouri 64114 United States

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