Friday, May 29, 2015

Pastor Jason Gant eNote from Pastor Jason - of The United Methodist Church of the Resurrection West of Olathe, Kansas, United States for Friday, 29 May 2015

Pastor Jason Gant  eNote from Pastor Jason - of The United Methodist Church of the Resurrection West of Olathe, Kansas, United States for Friday, 29 May 2015
Resurrection West,
It’s good to be back with you after a long weekend in St. Louis with my family. We visited the zoo, science center, and enjoyed an incredible downtown view from the top of the restaurant at the Hilton. My daughters were excited about seeing the St. Louis Arch from the top of a "skyscraper" and I was excited to see the Cardinals stadium while the Royals were taking the series back here in KC!
This Sunday we begin a new series called “Take Me Out To The Ballgame”. We will be looking at one of the key principles in the game of baseball; keeping your eye on the ball, and how this translates into our walk as a disciple of Christ. I am still finalizing my message today and would love to hear your feedback to a question I posted on my facebook page here. I want to encourage you to think of some friends, family members, and co-workers to invite to worship this Sunday with a personal invitation and sharing this fun promo video on your social media. You will see a group of rezlife west middle schoolers singing a part in the video too!
Welcome Alec Fox, our new summer intern, to Resurrection West. Alec joins a summer class of interns totaling 18 across all four campuses. He will be focusing his ministry work in rezlife west student ministries, alongside Rick Webb including weekly programming, missions trips, and more. Alec grew up right here at RezWest and is a student at Baker. We are excited to welcome him as he continues exploring his call into vocational ministry.
At the close of each worship service on Sunday, we will take a moment to celebrate Vicki Holdman’s ministry here as she retires. We will have a reception following each service. Here is a heartfelt message from Vicki to all of us.
  • Thanks be to God who has led me and walked beside me through an amazing journey in my 12 years serving on staff at Resurrection. My deepest appreciation to all of you that I have been honored and privileged to serve alongside. Thanks to my wonderful Children’s Ministry leadership team, the amazing volunteers in KiDS COR, our supportive small group and the parents and their loving children in KiDS COR. Love, thanks and gratitude to my supportive staff team—being a part of a dedicated, gifted, fun and loving staff has truly blessed my life. My ministry has been a family affair: Lynnlea, Steve, Chris, Kara, Patrick,
 Amy and their nine wonderful children have loved and supported me in prayer, time and ministry. My biggest supporter has been my loving husband, Dick, who has walked with me every step of the way. We face the next season of our lives with excitement, joyful spirits and happy expectations. In Christ’s love,Vicki
Join me in thanking Vicki for her years of service to God here at Resurrection West!
Take a look at the many different upcoming missions and ministry opportunities. 
  • Summer at RezWest
  • First up this summer - movie night with The Sandlot!
  • Summer begins for rezlife west student ministries
  • NEW Summer Study for women!
  • Building Better Moms at RezWest
  • Church Conference June 2
  • NEW Hearing God summer study
  • NEW Christian History Class - July 12 & 19
  • Serve at our partner school this summer!
  • Join United Methodist Women in reading and fellowship
  • Men's Fly-Fishing Retreat
  • Vacation Bible Camp 2015
  • Pre-Baptism class - June 2
  • UPWARD soccer and basketball coming to West!
  • Pastor Jason leading Holy Land trip in November 2016!
Summer at Resurrection West! We have many great events and activities this summer to connect and fellowship with one another; movies, concerts, Mega Missions, and more. Check out for a complete list.
Summer Movie night on June 7th - The Sandlot - All ages are welcome for a summer movie night beginning at 6:30pm with hot dogs, popcorn, and beverages. Come to the 5pm worship service and then join us for one of the most endearing baseball films of all time! 
rezlife west student ministries (rising 6th graders - recent graduates) has awesome fun and connectional events like laser tag, royals games, and more this summer - plus summer camp and mission trips to Nashville and downtown KC. Find out more by clicking here.
New Summer Study for Women! The Gifts of Imperfection by Brene Brown, facilitated by Diane Robertson - 
July 9, 16, 23 and 30, 9:30-11 am
. Each day we face a barrage of images and messages from society and the
media telling us who, what and how we should be. We are led to believe
that if we could only look perfect and lead perfect lives, we’d no longer feel inadequate. So most of us perform, please and perfect, all the while thinking, “What if I can’t keep all of these balls in the air? Why isn’t everyone else working harder and living up to my expectations? What will people think if I fail or give
up? When can I stop proving myself? In The Gifts of Imperfection, Brené Brown, a leading expert on shame, authenticity and belonging, shares ten guideposts on the power of wholehearted living—a way of engaging with the world from a place of worthiness. Can’t come for all the dates? No problem, this study is geared for those who may need to miss a class. Child care is available for 6 weeks – 5th grade. Register by clicking here. 
Learn, Grow & Serve with Building Better Moms at Rez West! Enjoy fellowship and fun with moms who can relate to your daily joys and challenges. Relevant discussion will meet you where you’re at as a mom, a woman and a friend. Groups are forming for moms with children newborn through
high school, including daytime and evening options. Register today! For more information, click here.
A Church Conference has been called for Tuesday, 6/2/15, at 6 p.m. in Room B-200 (Leawood Campus.) All church members are invited to vote upon recommendations from our Staff Parish Relations Committee, including a motion to approve our Senior Pastor’s 2015-2016 compensation package, housing allowances for our pastors, and the recommendation of two candidates for pastoral ministry, Darryl Burton and Mark Maschger.
Hearing God Summer Study will meet Tuesdays from 6:30-8:15 pm for six weeks starting June 30. Does God really speak to people today? How do we hear God’s voice? How can we be sure that what we think we hear is not our own subconscious? Come explore prayer in ways that lead to God’s guidance. Register at
Christian History Class offered July 12 and 19. This class will introduce participants to the history of the Christian church. Led by Dr. Jim Brandt, Professor of Historical Theology at Saint Paul School of Theology, the class will explore the larger periods of church history: the Early Church, the Medieval Church, the Church of the Reformations, the Early Modern Church and the Church in the 19th and 20th Centuries. We will get a sense of this larger flow of the tradition and then look more closely at some developments in the Reformation and the Church in the U.S. Cost of the class is $25 per person. Scholarships are available. for more information and to register. 
Ridgeview Elementary Community Dinners – Since 2006, we have provided food and volunteers for these much-appreciated Thursday evening summer gatherings. We have also served as a catalyst for other community partners to get involved. This summer, Farmers’ Insurance, Olathe Wesleyan Church, Redemption Church and the Olathe Public Library are all joining us in supporting Ridgeview families. We will provide and serve three Community Dinners this year, two of which need a sponsoring group. If you or your small group, family or friends would like to sponsor the June 4 or July 23 dinners, please contact Jennifer Cutler
2015 UMW Reading Program includes a book by one of the greatest coaches in the history of women's basketball. Sum It Up: 1,098 Victories, A Couple of Irrelevant Losses and a Life in Perspective is the story of Pat Summitt. Pat Summitt, a country girl from Henrietta, Tennessee, grew up driving fast and playing hard, learning basketball playing with a homemade backboard against three brothers. She went on to win an Olympic medal and at 22 became head coach of the University of Tennessee Lady Vols. Her autobiography tells the whole story, full of humanity, wit and fierceness, by a giant among coaches who has transcended American sports. The United Methodist Women Rez West Circle will meet Thursday, June 11, at 12:30pm in the corner classroom behind the Bible Theater. We will discuss Reading Program books we have read and recommend. Dessert will be served. Join us in our new location and add to your summer reading list. Contact Donna Dickson at
Men’s Flyfishing Retreat at Rockbridge Rainbow Trout & Game Ranch, Aug. 28-30. Here’s an opportunity for the guys to come together on a retreat through Scriptural study, devotion, worship, fellowship and fly-fishing! No experience? No worries! There will be a casting clinic offered before fishing starts—we’ll teach to all levels of experience. Register at
Vacation Bible Camp 2015 is coming! Join in the fun of “Disciple Me” at Resurrection West VBC June 22-25, and for Family Fun Night on Friday, June 26. Hundreds of kids join us every summer for a fun-filled VBC experience, and we need lots of volunteers to help it all come together! Your gifts and talents are needed for planning, teaching, organizing or leading. Adults who sign up to volunteer for the VBC week may register their children early at a discounted rate. Visit for more information and to sign up to serve.
Pre-Baptism Information Class – Holy Baptism is a covenant between an individual and God. If you are considering baptism, please attend our next pre-baptism class with Pastor Jason on Tuesday, June 2, at 5:45 pm in the Resurrection West sanctuary. Learn more at
Upward Sports Coming to Resurrection West - We are starting a youth sports program with soccer this fall, followed by basketball in the winter. We will also run one-day basketball and soccer clinics this summer, July 8/9. Our goal is to provide a positive, biblically based environment for children to develop mentally, athletically, spiritually and socially. Join us to help our youth discover a love for sports in a healthy competitive atmosphere and develop the skills they need to succeed. Register, volunteer and learn more at rezwest.westsports.
Pastor Jason will be leading a trip to the Holy land in November of 2016. This will be the trip of a lifetime as we walk where Jesus walked. We will retrace His life, teaching's, death, and resurrection on a journey of both historical learning and spiritual power! We will be taking this journey along with Pastor Penny Ellwood, and members from our Blue Springs campus. More details to come soon. For now, please let Debbie Dietz know if you are interested in going. Her email is
Finally, our building committee is hard at work along with our architects and contractors making budget adjustments to the phase II plans to break ground later this fall. I look forward to bringing back next steps to share in the weeks to come. Take a look at the latest staff blog from my assistant, Debbie Dietz, here on the web-site. Debbie is a blast to serve with and you will love her humor and authenticity in this post! 
Looking forward to worshiping with you on Sunday - Play Ball!
Pastor Jason
Resurrection West Campus
24000 West Valley parkway Olathe, Kansas 66061 United States
For an after hours urgent pastoral care need call 913-314-6058
Follow on twitter @rezwest
Connect on facebook at
Pastor Jason Gant
The United Methodist Church of the Resurrection West
24000 West Valley Parkway
Olathe, Kansas 66061 United States

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