Monday, May 4, 2015

Reflecting God - Embrace Holy Living from The Global Church of the Nazarene of Lenexa, Kansas, United States for Saturday 2 May 2015 - "Lighten Up The Load" Scripture: Matthew 11:25-30

Reflecting God - Embrace Holy Living from The Global Church of the Nazarene of Lenexa, Kansas, United States for Saturday 2 May 2015 - "Lighten Up The Load" Scripture: Matthew 11:25 It was at that time that Yeshua said, “I thank you, Father, Lord of heaven and earth, that you concealed these things from the sophisticated and educated and revealed them to ordinary folks. 26 Yes, Father, I thank you that it pleased you to do this.
27 “My Father has handed over everything to me. Indeed, no one fully knows the Son except the Father, and no one fully knows the Father except the Son and those to whom the Son wishes to reveal him.
28 “Come to me, all of you who are struggling and burdened, and I will give you rest. 29 Take my yoke upon you and learn from me, because I am gentle and humble in heart, and you will find rest for your souls.[a] 30 For my yoke is easy, and my burden is light.”[Footnotes:
Matthew 11:29 Jeremiah 6:16]
RG AUDIO 050215
"Lighten Up The Load" by Author: Stephen M. Long
Anticipation and excitement filled the air; we were going on our first trip to the beach with our five children and our new (used) pop-up camper. With four bicycles attached to a rack on the bumper of the trailer, we loaded down the inside with food, drinks, and gear for a family of seven. Motoring down the highway, the trailer began to occasionally sway. About one hour into the trip we had a flat tire. Another hour or so down the road, we had another flat tire. I was new to this and did not realize that we had to lighten the load. To say the least, our return trip was a breeze.
In the midst of His healing ministry, the religious leaders hounded Christ with the heavy yoke of their scribal teaching on the Law and its demands. Trying to motor down their highway of life was burdensome for believers. In this context, Jesus gave a timeless invitation to lighten up the load; “Take my yoke (His teaching) upon you and learn from me . . . and you will find rest for your souls” (Matt. 11:29, emphasis added). Carrying heavy burdens? It’s time to lighten the load (1 Peter 5:7).
Hymn for Today: "I Love to Sing to Him"
I love to sing to Him - Jesus, my Lord and King;
I love to honor Him, glory and praises bring.
I trust His mighty power and many promises;
I worship Him for all that He is,
Jesus, Savior of my soul.
Wherever I go and whatever I'm doing,
Music's in my heart;
As I travel life's road, Jesus lightens the load,
For when I praise Him my cares depart;
And ev'ry once in a while I really break into smile;
I start to sing "Alleluia."
When my spirit is stirred, there's just no sweeter word;
It says: "My Savior is coming back soon."
I love to sing to Him - Jesus, my Lord and King;
I love to honor Him, glory and praises bring.
I trust His mighty power and many promises;
I worship Him for all that He is,
Jesus, Savior of my soul.
Wherever I go and whatever I'm doing,
Music's on my mind;
Softly tapping my feet, sometimes snapping the beat,
I leave my burdens and blues behind.
But when the joy of the Lord begins to bubble in me,
I start to sing "Alleluia."
Spoken here and above, it's the language of love.
It says: "Thru faith you're forgiven and free."
I love to sing to Him - Jesus, my Lord and King;
I love to honor Him, glory and praises bring.
I trust His mighty power and many promises;
I worship Him for all that He is,
Jesus, Savior of my soul.

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