The L'Arche Canada Foundation of Richmond Hill, Ontario, Canada Daily Thought by Jean Vanier for Wednesday, 27 May 2015 "Contradictions"
We human beings are made up of contradictions. Part of us is attracted by the light and by God, and wants to care for our brothers and sisters. Another part of us wants frivolity, possessions, domination or success; it wants to be surrounded by approving friends, who will ward off sadness, depression or aggression. We are so deeply divided that we will reflect equally an environment which tends towards the light and concern for others, and one which scorns these values and encourages the desires for power and pleasure. As long as our deepest motivation is not clear to us and as long as we have not chosen the people and the place of our growth in its light, we will remain weak and inconsistent, as changeable as weathercocks.[Jean Vanier, Community and Growth, page 165]
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