"Cover Me: A True Man of God" was a recent sermon Pastor Winston delivered. I wonder how many of us take our pastor and other leaders in the church for granted? Our leaders cover us in prayer to the Lord, and likewise, we should cover them. They are called by God to serve, and we are blessed to have them. For you bless the righteous, O Lord; you cover him with favor as with a shield. Psalm 5:12. As we give thanks unto the Lord for whom all of our blessings flow, let us remember to lift up our pastor and other leaders in prayer as well. I have truly missed being among you, but will be back soon. It has been a comfort to view videos of Pastor Winston's sermons, and a variety of posts shared on social media and in our Blue Hills newsletter. I pray that every Blue Hills family member will resolve to take advantage of these available resources to stay connected.
Lela Jackson
Table of Contents
Valentine's Day
On this Valentine's Day Sunday we will have a special sermon titled "For Better or Worse" which will be dedicated to married couples, couples, and singles! We are asking everyone to wear their Sunday's best because there is a surprise in store for everyone who attends. Be prepared for a powerful, fun, and loving Valentine's Day while still being in the presence of the Lord!
Invite a Friend
Black History
On February 21st, Beverly Lewis will be bringing the Word as we celebrate Black History month. This event is in relation to Youth Sunday which is on the 21st of this month. There will be poetry, praise dance and presentations as we remember those who have gone before, and as we look forward to placing our mark on the community. For more information please contact Sis Joyce Dixon.
Ministry Highlight: Mentoring
The Evangelism Department has invited principal Kate Hoff from our school partner, Johnson Elementary, to our church during Worship on the 28th of this month. Ms. Hoff will briefly share with us on the importance of mentor-ship. She will give tips, advice, and knowledge on the impact mentoring has in the lives of our young people and in our community. Come out and see how you can be a part of changing lives!
Get Involved
Youth Highlight
On January 10th Dinaya Maltbia preached her first sermon. Her text was very familiar, and she explained it was the first verse she learned in VBS. But as familiar as we are with John 3:16, Dinaya was able to bring the simple truth to life: Jesus loves us. You can watch her sermonhere.
Share Your Testimony
Revelation 12:11 says, "And they have defeated him [the devil] by the blood of the Lamb and by their testimony. And they did not love their lives so much that they were afraid to die." A testimony begins with a problem, and ends with God giving us the victory over that problem. If God has recently worked a miracle in your life, please consider sharing. We are all strengthened in our faith when someone shares how God brought them out.
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Sermon Highlights:
First Fruits
After the disciples asked the Lord to teach them to pray, Jesus said:
“Our Father which art in heaven, hollowed be thy name. Thy kingdom come thy will be done on earth as it is in heaven. Give us this day our daily bread…”
The Lord had taught the disciples not only to pray, but gave them a system of provision in the Heavenly economy. Just as Yahweh rained down manna daily for the Children of Israel while they were in the wilderness, He teaches His sons and daughters today how to access the promises of daily supply. But the cruel reality is that we live in a world with its own economy were the gap between the haves and the have-not’s has leaves growing resentment. Terms like “Middle-Class” and Working Class” are becoming more and more things of the past, and in our American Economy, more than 90% of the nation’s wealth is controlled by the top 10% of the country. The bottom 90% of all people carry over 73.4% of all debt in this country.
Yet God says in His word:
"Trust in the LORD with all your heart and lean not on your own understanding; in all your ways submit to him, and he will make your paths straight. Do not be wise in your own eyes; fear the LORD and shun evil. This will bring health to your body and nourishment to your bones. Honor the LORD with your wealth, with the first fruits of all your crops; then your barns will be filled to overflowing, and your vats will brim over with new wine."
Proverbs 3:5-10
Here, God tells us that the key to prosperity is to trust Him above our own plans and feelings, and to honor Him with our first fruits. When we do this, we are safe from the fluctuations of the economy. So what exactly are the ‘first fruits’?
‘First fruits’ refer to the first portion of the harvest that is given to God. They are the first produce of the year, and are specially dedicated to God as a pledge of faith in God’s promise to supply. The First Fruits Ceremony is described in detail in Deuteronomy 26:1-11.
By giving God the first fruits, Israel acknowledged that all good things come from God and that everything belongs to God. Giving the first fruits was also a way of expressing trust in God's provision; just as He provided the first fruits, so He would provide the rest of the crops that were needed. The Feast of First fruit was instituted when the nation of Israel was still wandering, without land or crops. It was first observed in faith that God would lead the people to the land He had promised. Later, it was observed both in faith for future provision, and gratefulness for past provision.
Blue Hills Members and Friends, our economy is much different from those of the Old Testament and New. Therefore, here in the 21st century, our commerce would come from industry, businesses and work such as service and repair, security, teaching and litigation. Some might be business owners or technical or programmers and administrators. So we, as cheerful givers, are compelled to give back to God in a spirit of thanks; just “one weeks” salary as our first, a holy sacrifice.
When I seek God First with this First Fruit Offering, I am trusting God as Provider for the Year’s harvest. When I give God one week’s salary, I acknowledge that He blesses not only this First Fruit, but also the entire harvest.
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Sunday Services
Worship Service
10 AM - Noon
Children's Church (3rd & 4th Sundays only)
11 AM - Noon
Wednesday Evening Services
Bible Study
7 PM - 8 PM
Junior Fellowship (Children)
6 PM - 8 PM
NYI (Youth)
6 PM - 8 PM
Our mailing address is:
Blue Hills Community Church Church of the Nazarene
10306 Blue Ridge Boulevard
Kansas City, Missouri 64134, United States
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