The Great Plains Annual Conference of The United Methodist Church in Wichita, Kansas, United States Daily Devotional for Sunday, 31 January 2016
Sandy DesPlas
Wichita West Side Wichita West District |
Michelle Reed
Wichita Woodland Wichita West District |
This Week's Lectionary
4th Sunday after the Epiphany – Green
Sunday, 31 January 2015
Jeremiah 1:4-10
Psalm 71:1-6
1 Corinthians 13:1-13
Luke 4:21-30
This Week's Lectionary
4th Sunday after the Epiphany – Green
Sunday, 31 January 2015
Jeremiah 1:4-10
Psalm 71:1-6
1 Corinthians 13:1-13
Luke 4:21-30
Lectionary Readings
Sunday, 31 January 2016
(Courtesy of Vanderbilt Divinity Library)
Jeremiah 1:4-10
Psalm 71:1-6
1 Corinthians 13:1-13
Luke 4:21-30
Sunday, 31 January 2016
(Courtesy of Vanderbilt Divinity Library)
Jeremiah 1:4-10
Psalm 71:1-6
1 Corinthians 13:1-13
Luke 4:21-30
Lectionary Texts:
Jeremiah 1:4 Here is the word of Adonai that came to me:
5 “Before I formed you in the womb, I knew you;
before you were born, I separated you for myself.
I have appointed you to be a prophet to the nations.”
6 I said, “Oh, Adonai Elohim, I don’t even know how to speak! I’m just a child!” 7 But Adonai said to me, “Don’t say, ‘I’m just a child.’
“For you will go to whomever I send you,
and you will speak whatever I order you.
8 Do not be afraid of them,
for I am with you, says Adonai,
to rescue you.”
9 Then Adonai put out his hand and touched my mouth, and Adonai said to me,
“There! I have put my words in your mouth.
10 Today I have placed you over nations and kingdoms
to uproot and to tear down,
to destroy and to demolish,
to build and to plant.”
Psalm 71:1 In you, Adonai, I have taken refuge;
let me never be put to shame.
2 In your righteousness, rescue me;
and help me to escape.
Turn your ear toward me,
and deliver me.
3 Be for me a sheltering rock,
where I can always come.
You have determined to save me,
because you are my bedrock and stronghold.
4 My God, help me escape from the power of the wicked,
from the grasp of the unjust and ruthless.
5 For you are my hope, Adonai Elohim,
in whom I have trusted since I was young.
6 From birth I have relied on you;
it was you who took me from my mother’s womb.
1 Corinthians 13:1 I may speak in the tongues of men, even angels;
but if I lack love, I have become merely
blaring brass or a cymbal clanging.
2 I may have the gift of prophecy,
I may fathom all mysteries, know all things,
have all faith — enough to move mountains;
but if I lack love, I am nothing.
3 I may give away everything that I own,
I may even hand over my body to be burned;
but if I lack love, I gain nothing.
4 Love is patient and kind, not jealous, not boastful,
5 not proud, rude or selfish, not easily angered,
and it keeps no record of wrongs.
6 Love does not gloat over other people’s sins
but takes its delight in the truth.
7 Love always bears up, always trusts,
always hopes, always endures.
8 Love never ends; but prophecies will pass,
tongues will cease, knowledge will pass.
9 For our knowledge is partial, and our prophecy partial;
10 but when the perfect comes, the partial will pass.
11 When I was a child, I spoke like a child,
thought like a child, argued like a child;
now that I have become a man,
I have finished with childish ways.
12 For now we see obscurely in a mirror,
but then it will be face to face.
Now I know partly; then I will know fully,
just as God has fully known me.
13 But for now, three things last —
trust, hope, love;
and the greatest of these is love.
Luke 4:21 He started to speak to them: “Today, as you heard it read, this passage of the Tanakh was fulfilled!” 22 Everyone was speaking well of him and marvelling that such appealing words were coming from his mouth. They were even asking, “Can this be Yosef’s son?”
23 Then Yeshua said to them, “No doubt you will quote to me this proverb — ‘“Doctor, cure yourself!” We’ve heard about all the things that have been going on over in K’far-Nachum; now do them here in your home town!’ 24 Yes!” he said, “I tell you that no prophet is accepted in his home town. 25 It’s true, I’m telling you — when Eliyahu was in Isra’el, and the sky was sealed off for three-and-a-half years, so that all the Land suffered a severe famine, there were many widows; 26 but Eliyahu was sent to none of them, only to a widow in Tzarfat in the land of Tzidon. 27 Also there were many people with tzara‘at in Isra’el during the time of the prophet Elisha; but not one of them was healed, only Na‘aman the Syrian.”
28 On hearing this, everyone in the synagogue was filled with fury. 29 They rose up, drove him out of town and dragged him to the edge of the cliff on which their town was built, intending to throw him off. 30 But he walked right through the middle of the crowd and went away.
John Wesley's Notes-Commentary for Jeremiah 1:4-10
Verse 4
[4] Then the word of the LORD came unto me, saying,
Then — When he was first called to his office.
Verse 5
[4] Then the word of the LORD came unto me, saying,
[5] Before I formed thee in the belly I knew thee; and before thou camest forth out of the womb I sanctified thee, and I ordained thee a prophet unto the nations.
I sanctified — I ordained thee for this public service. He speaks thus to Jeremiah, not to the other prophets, because he stood in need of greater encouragement than they, both in respect of the tenderness of his years, and the difficulties which he was to encounter with.
The nations — To other nations besides the Jews.
Verse 7
[7] But the LORD said unto me, Say not, I am a child: for thou shalt go to all that I shall send thee, and whatsoever I command thee thou shalt speak.
Thou shalt speak — Fear not, I will make thee eloquent and courageous.
Verse 9
[9] Then the LORD put forth his hand, and touched my mouth. And the LORD said unto me, Behold, I have put my words in thy mouth.
Then — God having excited the prophet by command and promise, now in a vision confirms him, either by the hand of an angel, or by himself in some visible shape.
Verse 10
[10] See, I have this day set thee over the nations and over the kingdoms, to root out, and to pull down, and to destroy, and to throw down, to build, and to plant.
The kingdoms — Having now received his commission, he is directed to whom he is to go; to the greatest, not only single persons, but whole nations, as the Babylonians, Persians, and Egyptians.
To pull down — That is, to prophecy that I will pull down; which I will as certainly effect, as if thou hadst done it thyself: for, according to scripture-usage, the prophets are said to do that which they foretell shall come to pass.
To plant — Metaphors taken from architects and gardeners: either the former words relate to the enemies of God, and the latter to his friends; or rather to both conditionally: if they repent, he will build them up, he will increase their families, and settle them in the land; if they do not, he will root them up, and pull them down.
Psalm 71:1-6
1 Corinthians 13:1-13
Verse 2
[2] And though I have the gift of prophecy, and understand all mysteries, and all knowledge; and though I have all faith, so that I could remove mountains, and have not charity, I am nothing.
And though I have the gift of prophecy — Of foretelling future events.
And understand all the mysteries — Both of God's word and providence.
[2] And though I have the gift of prophecy, and understand all mysteries, and all knowledge; and though I have all faith, so that I could remove mountains, and have not charity, I am nothing.
And all knowledge — Of things divine and human, that ever any mortal attained to. And though I have the highest degree of miracle working faith, and have not this love, I am nothing.
Verse 3
[3] And though I bestow all my goods to feed the poor, and though I give my body to be burned, and have not charity, it profiteth me nothing.
And though I — Deliberately, piece by piece. Give all my goods to feed the poor, yea, though I deliver up my body to be burned - Rather than I would renounce my religion.
And have not the love — Hereafter described.
It profiteth me nothing — Without this, whatever I speak, whatever I have, whatever I know, whatever I do, whatever I suffer, is nothing.
Verse 4
[4] Charity suffereth long, and is kind; charity envieth not; charity vaunteth not itself, is not puffed up,
The love of God, and of our neighbour for God's sake, is patient toward, all men. It, suffers all the weakness, ignorance, errors, and infirmities of the children of God; all the malice and wickedness of the children of the world: and all this, not only for a time, but to the end. And in every step toward overcoming evil with good, it is kind, soft, mild, benign. It inspires the sufferer at once with the most amiable sweetness, and the most fervent and tender affection.
Love acteth not rashly — Does not hastily condemn any one; never passes a severe sentence on a slight or sudden view of things. Nor does it ever act or behave in a violent, headstrong, or precipitate manner.
Is not puffed up — Yea, humbles the soul to the dust.
Verse 5
[5] Doth not behave itself unseemly, seeketh not her own, is not easily provoked, thinketh no evil;
It doth not behave indecently — Is not rude, or willingly offensive, to any. It renders to all their due - Suitable to time, person, and all other circumstances.
Seeketh not her own — Ease, pleasure, honour, or temporal advantage. Nay, sometimes the lover of mankind seeketh not, in some sense, even his own spiritual advantage; does not think of himself, so long as a zeal for the glory of God and the souls of men swallows him up. But, though he is all on fire for these ends, yet he is not provoked to sharpness or unkindness toward any one. Outward provocations indeed will frequently occur; but he triumphs over all. Love thinketh no evil - Indeed it cannot but see and hear evil things, and know that they are so; but it does not willingly think evil of any; neither infer evil where it does not appear. It tears up, root and branch, all imagining of what we have not proof. It casts out all jealousies, all evil surmises, all readiness to believe evil.
Verse 6
[6] Rejoiceth not in iniquity, but rejoiceth in the truth;
Rejoiceth not in iniquity — Yea, weeps at either the sin or folly of even an enemy; takes no pleasure in hearing or in repeating it, but desires it may be forgotten for ever.
But rejoiceth in the truth — Bringing forth its proper fruit, holiness of heart and life. Good in general is its glory and joy, wherever diffused in all the world.
Verse 7
[7] Beareth all things, believeth all things, hopeth all things, endureth all things.
Love covereth all things - Whatever evil the lover of mankind sees, hears, or knows of any one, he mentions it to none; it never goes out of his lips, unless where absolute duty constrains to speak.
Believeth all things — Puts the most favourable construction on everything, and is ever ready to believe whatever may tend to the advantage of any one character. And when it can no longer believe well, it hopes whatever may excuse or extenuate the fault which cannot be denied. Where it cannot even excuse, it hopes God will at length give repentance unto life.
Meantime it endureth all things — Whatever the injustice, the malice, the cruelty of men can inflict. He can not only do, but likewise suffer, all things, through Christ who strengtheneth him.
Verse 8
[8] Charity never faileth: but whether there be prophecies, they shall fail; whether there be tongues, they shall cease; whether there be knowledge, it shall vanish away.
Love never faileth — It accompanies to, and adorns us in, eternity; it prepares us for, and constitutes, heaven.
But whether there be prophecies, they shall fail — When all things are fulfilled, and God is all in all.
Whether there be tongues, they shall cease — One language shall prevail among all the inhabitants of heaven, and the low and imperfect languages of earth be forgotten. The knowledge likewise which we now so eagerly pursue, shall then vanish away - As starlight is lost in that of the midday sun, so our present knowledge in the light of eternity.
Verse 9
[9] For we know in part, and we prophesy in part.
For we know in part, and we prophesy in part — The wisest of men have here but short, narrow, imperfect conceptions, even of the things round about them, and much more of the deep things of God. And even the prophecies which men deliver from God are far from taking in the whole of future events, or of that wisdom and knowledge of God which is treasured up in the scripture revelation.
Verse 10
[10] But when that which is perfect is come, then that which is in part shall be done away.
But when that which is perfect is come — At death and in the last day.
That which is in part shall vanish away — Both that poor, low, imperfect, glimmering light, which is all the knowledge we now can attain to; and these slow and unsatisfactory methods of attaining, as well as of imparting it to others.
Verse 11
[11] When I was a child, I spake as a child, I understood as a child, I thought as a child: but when I became a man, I put away childish things.
In our present state we are mere infants in point of knowledge, compared to what we shall be hereafter.
I put away childish things — Of my own accord, willingly, without trouble.
Verse 12
[12] For now we see through a glass, darkly; but then face to face: now I know in part; but then shall I know even as also I am known.
Now we see — Even the things that surround us. But by means of a glass - Or mirror, which reflects only their imperfect forms, in a dim, faint, obscure manner; so that our thoughts about them are puzzling and intricate, and everything is a kind of riddle to us.
But then — We shall see, not a faint reflection, but the objects themselves.
Face to face — Distinctly.
Now I know in part — Even when God himself reveals things to me, great part of them is still kept under the veil.
But then I shall know even as also I am known — In a clear, full, comprehensive manner; in some measure like God, who penetrates the centre of every object, and sees at one glance through my soul and all things.
Verse 13
[13] And now abideth faith, hope, charity, these three; but the greatest of these is charity.
Faith, hope, love — Are the sum of perfection on earth; love alone is the sum of perfection in heaven.
Luke 4:21-30
Verse 21
[21] And he began to say unto them, This day is this scripture fulfilled in your ears.
To-day is this scripture fulfilled in your ears — By what you hear me speak.
Verse 22
The Upper Room Ministries
To-day is this scripture fulfilled in your ears — By what you hear me speak.
Verse 22
[22] And all bare him witness, and wondered at the gracious words which proceeded out of his mouth. And they said, Is not this Joseph's son?
The gracious words which proceeded out of his mouth — A person of spiritual discernment may find in all the discourses of our Lord a peculiar sweetness, gravity, and becomingness, such as is not to be found in the same degree, not even in those of the apostles.
Verse 23
[23] And he said unto them, Ye will surely say unto me this proverb, Physician, heal thyself: whatsoever we have heard done in Capernaum, do also here in thy country.
Ye will surely say — That is, your approbation now outweighs your prejudices. But it will not be so long. You will soon ask, why my love does not begin at home? Why I do not work miracles here, rather than at Capernaum? It is because of your unbelief. Nor is it any new thing for me to be despised in my own country. So were both Elijah and Elisha, and thereby driven to work miracles among heathens, rather than in Israel.
Verse 24
[24] And he said, Verily I say unto you, No prophet is accepted in his own country.
No prophet is acceptable in his own country — That is, in his own neighbourhood. It generally holds, that a teacher sent from God is not so acceptable to his neighbours as he is to strangers. The meanness of his family, or lowness of his circumstances, bring his office into contempt: nor can they suffer that he, who was before equal with, or below themselves, should now bear a superior character.
Verse 25
[25] But I tell you of a truth, many widows were in Israel in the days of Elias, when the heaven was shut up three years and six months, when great famine was throughout all the land;
When the heaven was shut up three years and six months — Such a proof had they that God had sent him. In 1 Kings 18:1, it is said, The word of the Lord came to Elijah in the third year: namely, reckoning not from the beginning of the drought, but from the time when he began to sojourn with the widow of Sarepta. A year of drought had preceded this, while he dwelt at the brook Cherith. So that the whole time of the drought was (as St. James likewise observes) three years and six months. 1 Kings 17:19; 18:44.
Verse 27
[27] And many lepers were in Israel in the time of Eliseus the prophet; and none of them was cleansed, saving Naaman the Syrian.
2 Kings 5:14.
Verse 28
[28] And all they in the synagogue, when they heard these things, were filled with wrath,
And all in the synagogue were filled with fury — Perceiving the purport of his discourse, namely, that the blessing which they despised, would be offered to, and accepted by, the Gentiles. So changeable are the hearts of wicked men! So little are their starts of love to be depended on! So unable are they to bear the close application, even of a discourse which they most admire!
Verse 30
[30] But he passing through the midst of them went his way,
Passing through the midst of them — Perhaps invisibly; or perhaps they were overawed; so that though they saw, they could not touch him.
---------------------The Upper Room Ministries
PO Box 340004
Nashville, Tennessee 37203-0004, United States
Sermon Story "God's Hesed" by Gary Lee Parker for Sunday, 31 January 2016 with Scripture: Jeremiah 1:4 Here is the word of Adonai that came to me:
5 “Before I formed you in the womb, I knew you;
before you were born, I separated you for myself.
I have appointed you to be a prophet to the nations.”
6 I said, “Oh, Adonai Elohim, I don’t even know how to speak! I’m just a child!” 7 But Adonai said to me, “Don’t say, ‘I’m just a child.’
“For you will go to whomever I send you,
and you will speak whatever I order you.
8 Do not be afraid of them,
for I am with you, says Adonai,
to rescue you.”
9 Then Adonai put out his hand and touched my mouth, and Adonai said to me,
“There! I have put my words in your mouth.
10 Today I have placed you over nations and kingdoms
to uproot and to tear down,
to destroy and to demolish,
to build and to plant.”
The word Hesed in the title is defined as: [Lovingkindness (02617)(Hesed/Chesed/Heced) is the idea of faithful love in action and often in the OT refers to God's lovingkindness expressed in His covenant relationship with Israel (His "loyal love" to His "Wife" Israel [cp Hos 2:18, 19, 20-see note, Is 54:5, Je 31:32] = His "loyalty to covenant"). God's hesed His denotes persistent and unconditional tenderness, kindness, and mercy, a relationship in which He seeks after man with love and mercy (cp God immediately seeking man Ge 3:9, who was immediately hiding Ge 3:8 trying to cover their shame Ge 3:7 - contrast God's lovingkindness manifest by spilling blood to provide skins to cover their shame! Ge 3:21). Hesed expresses both God’s loyalty to His covenant and His love for His people along with a faithfulness to keep His promises.]
The four passages of Scripture we have this week are all sharing of God's Love to His people while I may concentrate on the Jeremiah passage with God sharing with Jeremiah that He knew him while he was being knitted together in his mother's uterus or womb. God was calling him from this point to be an instrument of God's to His people about God's love for them. We too often look at this passage and others similar to it and say that this is a one time experience for this person that Scripture is talking about, but in reality this occurence is for each person who has been conceived in the womb of a woman. Even the babies that have been miscarried or aborted are known by God and have been given a purpose to build His kingdom while the knowledge of this may not come but later on in a person's life as they become more open to God's Spirit and Love for them as people chosen by God. Have you ever known a woman or even a man long after the occurence to go into a depressive state of mind and dwell on what could have been? Could this be God's Holy Spirit speaking to them that they are truly loved and maybe even forgiven that their child is all right in the presence of Him. We look at the immigrant, refugee, people of different races, people who have different sexual orentation, or people who are differently abled and need to realize that God knitted them in their mother's womb to call them for His purpose to build the KIngdom of God on earth as it is in Heaven. Father Henri J. M. Nouwen learned this when he first began living in a L'Arche community in Toronto, Ontario, Canada called Daybreak. He realized that all he had accomplished meant nothing to the people who were differently abled, but how he reacts and acts towards each of them at the moment. How do you understand this? How will you react and act towards others who are different from you? How will you live out the Unconditional Love that God gives each of us to pass on to all other people? Too often, we have rejected people who are different from us from being a part of our churches, but God is telling us through His Holy Spirit and these people that we are sinning against God with our excludiionary tactics. God says include all with the same Unconditional Love that He gives each of us and more as we grow in our relationship with Him and all other people. How have you been living? We come to receive more of God's Unconditional Love as we take and eat the Body of Jesus and take and drink His Blood through the Holy Sacrament of the Holy Eurcharist. As we come, we sing the Hymn "A Father's Love" by Ken Bible
1. Hear a child demand his freedom,
Grasping for life,
Careless with his greatest treasure:
All his Father's love.
2. Through the years of waste and wandering
So far from home,
Still a waiting heart is watching
With a Father's love.
3. How the Father runs to meet him!
See their embrace!
Sin is turned to joy and promise
By a Father's love.
4. Still a waiting heart is calling
All far from home.
Come and know this sweet forgiveness.
Find your Father's love.
Go out into the world in peace;
Be of good courage;
Hold fast to that which is good;
Render to no one evil for evil;
Strengthen the faint hearted;
Support the weak; help the afflicted;
Honor all God’s children;
Love and serve the Lord, rejoicing in the power of the Holy Spirit. Amen
The word Hesed in the title is defined as: [Lovingkindness (02617)(Hesed/Chesed/Heced) is the idea of faithful love in action and often in the OT refers to God's lovingkindness expressed in His covenant relationship with Israel (His "loyal love" to His "Wife" Israel [cp Hos 2:18, 19, 20-see note, Is 54:5, Je 31:32] = His "loyalty to covenant"). God's hesed His denotes persistent and unconditional tenderness, kindness, and mercy, a relationship in which He seeks after man with love and mercy (cp God immediately seeking man Ge 3:9, who was immediately hiding Ge 3:8 trying to cover their shame Ge 3:7 - contrast God's lovingkindness manifest by spilling blood to provide skins to cover their shame! Ge 3:21). Hesed expresses both God’s loyalty to His covenant and His love for His people along with a faithfulness to keep His promises.]
The four passages of Scripture we have this week are all sharing of God's Love to His people while I may concentrate on the Jeremiah passage with God sharing with Jeremiah that He knew him while he was being knitted together in his mother's uterus or womb. God was calling him from this point to be an instrument of God's to His people about God's love for them. We too often look at this passage and others similar to it and say that this is a one time experience for this person that Scripture is talking about, but in reality this occurence is for each person who has been conceived in the womb of a woman. Even the babies that have been miscarried or aborted are known by God and have been given a purpose to build His kingdom while the knowledge of this may not come but later on in a person's life as they become more open to God's Spirit and Love for them as people chosen by God. Have you ever known a woman or even a man long after the occurence to go into a depressive state of mind and dwell on what could have been? Could this be God's Holy Spirit speaking to them that they are truly loved and maybe even forgiven that their child is all right in the presence of Him. We look at the immigrant, refugee, people of different races, people who have different sexual orentation, or people who are differently abled and need to realize that God knitted them in their mother's womb to call them for His purpose to build the KIngdom of God on earth as it is in Heaven. Father Henri J. M. Nouwen learned this when he first began living in a L'Arche community in Toronto, Ontario, Canada called Daybreak. He realized that all he had accomplished meant nothing to the people who were differently abled, but how he reacts and acts towards each of them at the moment. How do you understand this? How will you react and act towards others who are different from you? How will you live out the Unconditional Love that God gives each of us to pass on to all other people? Too often, we have rejected people who are different from us from being a part of our churches, but God is telling us through His Holy Spirit and these people that we are sinning against God with our excludiionary tactics. God says include all with the same Unconditional Love that He gives each of us and more as we grow in our relationship with Him and all other people. How have you been living? We come to receive more of God's Unconditional Love as we take and eat the Body of Jesus and take and drink His Blood through the Holy Sacrament of the Holy Eurcharist. As we come, we sing the Hymn "A Father's Love" by Ken Bible
1. Hear a child demand his freedom,
Grasping for life,
Careless with his greatest treasure:
All his Father's love.
2. Through the years of waste and wandering
So far from home,
Still a waiting heart is watching
With a Father's love.
3. How the Father runs to meet him!
See their embrace!
Sin is turned to joy and promise
By a Father's love.
4. Still a waiting heart is calling
All far from home.
Come and know this sweet forgiveness.
Find your Father's love.
Go out into the world in peace;
Be of good courage;
Hold fast to that which is good;
Render to no one evil for evil;
Strengthen the faint hearted;
Support the weak; help the afflicted;
Honor all God’s children;
Love and serve the Lord, rejoicing in the power of the Holy Spirit. Amen
Gary Lee Parker
4147 Idaho Street, Apt. 1
San Diego, California 92104-1844
The Upper Room Daily Devotion in Nashville, Tennessee, United States "Hearing Aids" for Sunday, 31 January 2016 - Scripture: Matthew 13:9 Those who have ears, let them hear!”
10 Then the talmidim came and asked Yeshua, “Why are you speaking to them in parables?” 11 He answered, “Because it has been given to you to know the secrets of the Kingdom of Heaven, but it has not been given to them. 12 For anyone who has something will be given more, so that he will have plenty; but from anyone who has nothing, even what he does have will be taken away. 13 Here is why I speak to them in parables: they look without seeing and listen without hearing or understanding. 14 That is, in them is fulfilled the prophecy of Yesha‘yahu which says,
‘You will keep on hearing but never understand,
and keep on seeing but never perceive,
15 because the heart of this people has become dull —
with their ears they barely hear,
and their eyes they have closed,
so as not to see with their eyes,
hear with their ears,
understand with their heart,
and do t’shuvah,
so that I could heal them.’
16 But you, how blessed are your eyes, because they see, and your ears, because they hear! 17 Yes indeed! I tell you that many a prophet and many a tzaddik longed to see the things you are seeing but did not see them, and to hear the things you are hearing but did not hear them.
Let anyone with ears listen![Matthew 13:9 (NRSV)]
I began to lose my hearing in my thirties. I ignored it as long as I could. But when it began to interfere with my conversations with family and friends and at work, I knew I needed to do something. I have a degenerative condition called otosclerosis and have had six ear surgeries over four years. I have limited hearing in my right ear and minimal hearing in my left ear and now rely on hearing aids.
I discovered I had been missing out on so much when I was unable to hear fully. I was often frustrated and impatient, and I lacked calm and peace. The same results can occur in my relationship with God. When I don’t spend time listening to and hearing God, I lose the fruit of the Spirit and my life lacks calm and peace. It is wonderful that God communicates in many different ways: through nature, through other people, and through the Bible.
I am so grateful that my hearing impairment does not interfere with my ability to connect with God.
The Author: Tara Otis (Nebraska, USA)
Thought for the Day: How can I hear God speaking to me today?
Prayer: Giver of all things, thank you that we don’t need perfect hearing to hear you speak to us. Open our lives to the different ways we can know you. In Jesus’ name. Amen.
Contact Information:
Great Plains Episcopal Office
9440 E Boston, Suite 160
Wichita Kansas 67207, United States
The Upper Room Daily Devotion in Nashville, Tennessee, United States "Hearing Aids" for Sunday, 31 January 2016 - Scripture: Matthew 13:9 Those who have ears, let them hear!”
10 Then the talmidim came and asked Yeshua, “Why are you speaking to them in parables?” 11 He answered, “Because it has been given to you to know the secrets of the Kingdom of Heaven, but it has not been given to them. 12 For anyone who has something will be given more, so that he will have plenty; but from anyone who has nothing, even what he does have will be taken away. 13 Here is why I speak to them in parables: they look without seeing and listen without hearing or understanding. 14 That is, in them is fulfilled the prophecy of Yesha‘yahu which says,
‘You will keep on hearing but never understand,
and keep on seeing but never perceive,
15 because the heart of this people has become dull —
with their ears they barely hear,
and their eyes they have closed,
so as not to see with their eyes,
hear with their ears,
understand with their heart,
and do t’shuvah,
so that I could heal them.’
16 But you, how blessed are your eyes, because they see, and your ears, because they hear! 17 Yes indeed! I tell you that many a prophet and many a tzaddik longed to see the things you are seeing but did not see them, and to hear the things you are hearing but did not hear them.
Let anyone with ears listen![Matthew 13:9 (NRSV)]
I began to lose my hearing in my thirties. I ignored it as long as I could. But when it began to interfere with my conversations with family and friends and at work, I knew I needed to do something. I have a degenerative condition called otosclerosis and have had six ear surgeries over four years. I have limited hearing in my right ear and minimal hearing in my left ear and now rely on hearing aids.
I discovered I had been missing out on so much when I was unable to hear fully. I was often frustrated and impatient, and I lacked calm and peace. The same results can occur in my relationship with God. When I don’t spend time listening to and hearing God, I lose the fruit of the Spirit and my life lacks calm and peace. It is wonderful that God communicates in many different ways: through nature, through other people, and through the Bible.
I am so grateful that my hearing impairment does not interfere with my ability to connect with God.
The Author: Tara Otis (Nebraska, USA)
Thought for the Day: How can I hear God speaking to me today?
Prayer: Giver of all things, thank you that we don’t need perfect hearing to hear you speak to us. Open our lives to the different ways we can know you. In Jesus’ name. Amen.
Contact Information:
Great Plains Episcopal Office
9440 E Boston, Suite 160
Wichita Kansas 67207, United States
The Great Plains Annual Conference of The United Methodist Church in Wichita, Kansas, United States Daily Devotional for Saturday, 30 January 2016
Brenda Kostner
Wichita West Heights Wichita West District |
Cindy Watson
Wichita West Heights Wichita West District |
This Week's Lectionary:
Sunday, 24 January 2016
3rd Sunday after the Epiphany – Green
Nehemiah 8:1-3, 5-6, 8-10
Psalm 19
1 Corinthians 12:12-31a
Luke 4:14-21
This Week's Lectionary:
Sunday, 24 January 2016
3rd Sunday after the Epiphany – Green
Nehemiah 8:1-3, 5-6, 8-10
Psalm 19
1 Corinthians 12:12-31a
Luke 4:14-21
Lectionary Readings:
Sunday, 25 January 2016
(Courtesy of Vanderbilt Divinity Library)
Nehemiah 8:1-3, 5-6, 8-10
Psalm 19
1 Corinthians 12:12-31a
Luke 4:14-21
Lectionary Scriptures:
Nehemiah 8:1 all the people gathered with one accord in the open space in front of the Water Gate and asked ‘Ezra the Torah-teacher to bring the scroll of the Torah of Moshe, which Adonai had commanded Isra’el. 2 ‘Ezra the cohen brought the Torah before the assembly, which consisted of men, women and all children old enough to understand. It was the first day of the seventh month. 3 Facing the open space in front of the Water Gate, he read from it to the men, the women and the children who could understand from early morning until noon; and all the people listened attentively to the scroll of the Torah.
5 ‘Ezra opened the scroll where all the people could see him, because he was higher than all the people; when he opened it, all the people rose to their feet. 6 ‘Ezra blessed Adonai, the great God; and all the people answered, “Amen! Amen!” as they lifted up their hands, bowed their heads and fell prostrate before Adonai with their faces to the ground.
8 They read clearly from the scroll, in the Torah of God, translated it, and enabled them to understand the sense of what was being read.
9 Nechemyah the Tirshata, ‘Ezra the cohen and Torah-teacher and the L’vi’im who taught the people said to all the people, “Today is consecrated to Adonai your God; don’t be mournful, don’t weep.” For all the people had been weeping when they heard the words of the Torah. 10 Then he said to them, “Go, eat rich food, drink sweet drinks, and send portions to those who can’t provide for themselves; for today is consecrated to our Lord. Don’t be sad, because the joy of Adonai is your strength.”
Psalm 19:1 (0) For the leader. A psalm of David:
2 (1) The heavens declare the glory of God,
the dome of the sky speaks the work of his hands.
3 (2) Every day it utters speech,
every night it reveals knowledge.
4 (3) Without speech, without a word,
without their voices being heard,
5 (4) their line goes out through all the earth
and their words to the end of the world.
In them he places a tent for the sun,
6 (5) which comes out like a bridegroom from the bridal chamber,
with delight like an athlete to run his race.
7 (6) It rises at one side of the sky,
circles around to the other side,
and nothing escapes its heat.
8 (7) The Torah of Adonai is perfect,
restoring the inner person.
The instruction of Adonai is sure,
making wise the thoughtless.
9 (8) The precepts of Adonai are right,
rejoicing the heart.
The mitzvah of Adonai is pure,
enlightening the eyes.
10 (9) The fear of Adonai is clean,
enduring forever.
The rulings of Adonai are true,
they are righteous altogether,
11 (10) more desirable than gold,
than much fine gold,
also sweeter than honey
or drippings from the honeycomb.
12 (11) Through them your servant is warned;
in obeying them there is great reward.
13 (12) Who can discern unintentional sins?
Cleanse me from hidden faults.
14 (13) Also keep your servant from presumptuous sins,
so that they won’t control me.
Then I will be blameless
and free of great offense.
15 (14) May the words of my mouth
and the thoughts of my heart
be acceptable in your presence,
Adonai, my Rock and Redeemer.
1 Corinthians 12:12 For just as the body is one but has many parts; and all the parts of the body, though many, constitute one body; so it is with the Messiah. 13 For it was by one Spirit that we were all immersed into one body, whether Jews or Gentiles, slaves or free; and we were all given the one Spirit to drink.
14 For indeed the body is not one part but many. 15 If the foot says, “I’m not a hand, so I’m not part of the body,” that doesn’t make it stop being part of the body. 16 And if the ear says, “I’m not an eye, so I’m not part of the body,” that doesn’t make it stop being part of the body. 17 If the whole body were an eye, how could it hear? If it were all hearing, how could it smell? 18 But as it is, God arranged each of the parts in the body exactly as he wanted them. 19 Now if they were all just one part, where would the body be? 20 But as it is, there are indeed many parts, yet just one body. 21 So the eye cannot say to the hand, “I don’t need you”; or the head to the feet, “I don’t need you.” 22 On the contrary, the parts of the body that seem to be less important turn out to be all the more necessary; 23 and upon body parts which we consider less dignified we bestow greater dignity; and the parts that aren’t attractive are the ones we make as attractive as we can, 24 while our attractive parts have no need for such treatment. Indeed, God has put the body together in such a way that he gives greater dignity to the parts that lack it, 25 So that there will be no disagreements within the body, but rather all the parts will be equally concerned for all the others. 26 Thus if one part suffers, all the parts suffer with it; and if one part is honored, all the parts share its happiness.
27 Now you together constitute the body of the Messiah, and individually you are parts of it. 28 And God has placed in the Messianic Community first, emissaries; second, prophets; third, teachers; then those who work miracles; then those with gifts of healing; those with ability to help; those skilled in administration; and those who speak in various tongues. 29 Not all are emissaries, are they? Not all are prophets, are they? or teachers? or miracle-workers? 30 Not all have gifts of healing, not all speak in tongues, not all interpret, do they? 31 Eagerly seek the better gifts.
But now I will show you the best way of all.
Luke 4:14 Yeshua returned to the Galil in the power of the Spirit, and reports about him spread throughout the countryside. 15 He taught in their synagogues, and everyone respected him.
16 Now when he went to Natzeret, where he had been brought up, on Shabbat he went to the synagogue as usual. He stood up to read, 17 and he was given the scroll of the prophet Yesha‘yahu. Unrolling the scroll, he found the place where it was written,
18 “The Spirit of Adonai is upon me;
therefore he has anointed me
to announce Good News to the poor;
he has sent me to proclaim freedom for the imprisoned
and renewed sight for the blind,
to release those who have been crushed,
19 to proclaim a year of the favor of Adonai.”[Luke 4:19 Isaiah 61:1–2; 58:6]
20 After closing the scroll and returning it to the shammash, he sat down; and the eyes of everyone in the synagogue were fixed on him. 21 He started to speak to them: “Today, as you heard it read, this passage of the Tanakh was fulfilled!”
John Wesley's Notes-Commentary for Nehemiah 8:1-3, 5-6, 8-10
Verse 2
[2] And Ezra the priest brought the law before the congregation both of men and women, and all that could hear with understanding, upon the first day of the seventh month.
First day — This was the feast of trumpets, which is called a sabbath, and on which they were to have an holy convocation, Leviticus 23:24. And it was on this day, the altar was set up, after their return from captivity; in remembrance of which they had probably kept it ever since, with more than ordinary solemnity.
Verse 8
[8] So they read in the book in the law of God distinctly, and gave the sense, and caused them to understand the reading.
They — Ezra and his companions successively.
Sense — The meaning of the Hebrew words, which they expounded in the common language.
Thy gave — So they gave them both a translation of the Hebrew words into the Chaldee, and an exposition of the things contained in them.
Verse 9
[9] And Nehemiah, which is the Tirshatha, and Ezra the priest the scribe, and the Levites that taught the people, said unto all the people, This day is holy unto the LORD your God; mourn not, nor weep. For all the people wept, when they heard the words of the law.
Wept — Out of a sense of their guilt and danger by reason of it.
Verse 10
[10] Then he said unto them, Go your way, eat the fat, and drink the sweet, and send portions unto them for whom nothing is prepared: for this day is holy unto our Lord: neither be ye sorry; for the joy of the LORD is your strength.
Eat — Feast before the Lord.
Send — For the relief of your poor brethren.
Holy — Being the feast of trumpets, and the beginning of this joyful month, wherein so many days of thanksgiving were to be observed.
Strength — Rejoicing in God in serving him with chearfulness, and thankfulness, which is your duty always, but now especially, will give you that strength both of mind and body, which you greatly need, both to perform all the duties required of you, and to oppose all the designs of your enemies.
Psalm 19
Verse 1
[1] The heavens declare the glory of God; and the firmament sheweth his handywork.
The heavens — They are as a legible book, wherein he that runs may read it.
The glory — His eternal power and Godhead, his infinite wisdom and goodness.
Firmament — Or, the expansion, all the vast space extended from the earth to the highest heavens, with all its goodly furniture.
Verse 2
[2] Day unto day uttereth speech, and night unto night sheweth knowledge.
Day — Every day and night repeats these demonstrations of God's glory.
Uttereth — Or, poureth forth, constantly and abundantly, as a fountain doth water; So this Hebrew word signifies.
Knowledge — Gives us a clear knowledge or discovery of God their author.
Verse 3
[3] There is no speech nor language, where their voice is not heard.
Heard — Or, understood; there are divers nations in the world, which have several languages, so that one cannot discourse with, or be understood by another, but the heavens are such an universal teacher, that they can speak to all people, and be clearly understood by all.
Verse 4
[4] Their line is gone out through all the earth, and their words to the end of the world. In them hath he set a tabernacle for the sun,
Line — Their lines, the singular number being put for the plural. And this expression is very proper, because the heavens do not teach men audibly, or by speaking to their ears, but visibly by propounding things to their eyes, which is done in lines or writings.
Gone — Is spread abroad.
Earth — So as to be seen and read, by all the inhabitants of the earth.
Words — Their magnificent structure, their exquisite order, and most regular course, by which they declare their author, no less than men discover their minds by their words.
Sun — Which being the most illustrious and useful of all the heavenly bodies, is here particularly mentioned.
Verse 5
[5] Which is as a bridegroom coming out of his chamber, and rejoiceth as a strong man to run a race.
Bridegroom — Gloriously adorned with light as with a beautiful garment, and smiling upon the world with a pleasant countenance.
Chamber — In which he is poetically supposed to have rested all night, and thence to break forth as it were on a sudden.
Strong man — Conscious and confident of his own strength.
Verse 6
[6] His going forth is from the end of the heaven, and his circuit unto the ends of it: and there is nothing hid from the heat thereof.
The ends — His course is constant from east to west, and thence to the east again. So that there is no part of the earth which doth not one time or other feel the benefit of his light and heat.
Verse 7
[7] The law of the LORD is perfect, converting the soul: the testimony of the LORD is sure, making wise the simple.
The law — The doctrine delivered to his church, whether by Moses, or by other prophets. Having discoursed hitherto of the glory of God shining forth in, the visible heavens, he now proceeds to another demonstration of God's glory, which he compares with and prefers before the former.
Perfect — Completely discovering both the nature and will of God, and the whole duty of man, what he is to believe and practice, and whatsoever is necessary to his present and eternal happiness. Whereas the creation, although it did declare so much of God, as left all men without excuse, yet did not fully manifest the will of God, nor bring men to eternal salvation.
Converting — From sin to God, from whom all men are naturally revolted.
Testimony — His law, so called because it is a witness between God and man, what God requires of man, and what upon the performance of that condition, he will do for man.
Sure — Heb. faithful or true, which is most necessary in a witness: it will not mislead any man, but will infallibly bring him to happiness.
Simple — Even persons of the lowest capacities.
Verse 8
[8] The statutes of the LORD are right, rejoicing the heart: the commandment of the LORD is pure, enlightening the eyes.
Right — Both in themselves, and in their effect, as guiding men in the ready way to eternal happiness.
Rejoicing — By the discoveries of God's love to sinful men, in offers and promises of mercy.
Commandment — All his commands.
Pure — Without the least mixture of error.
The eyes — Of the mind, with a compleat manifestation of God's will and man's duty: both which, the works of nature, and all the writings of men discover but darkly and imperfectly.
Verse 9
[9] The fear of the LORD is clean, enduring for ever: the judgments of the LORD are true and righteous altogether.
The fear — The law and word of God, because it is both the object and the rule, and the cause of holy fear.
Clean — Sincere, not adulterated with any mixture. Constant and unchangeable, the same for substance in all ages.
Judgments — God's laws are frequently called his judgments, because they are the declarations of his righteous will, and as it were his judicial sentence by which he expects that men should govern themselves, and by which he will judge them at the last day.
Verse 12
[12] Who can understand his errors? cleanse thou me from secret faults.
Who — Thy law, O Lord, is holy and just and good. But I fall infinitely short of it.
Cleanse — Both by justification, through the blood of thy son; and by sanctification thro' thy holy spirit. Though the first may seem to be principally intended, because he speaks of his past sins.
Secret — From the guilt of such sins as were secret either, from others; such as none knows but God and my own conscience: or, from myself; such as I never observed, or did not discern the evil of. Pardon my unknown sins, of which I never repented particularly, as I should have done.
Verse 13
[13] Keep back thy servant also from presumptuous sins; let them not have dominion over me: then shall I be upright, and I shall be innocent from the great transgression.
Presumptuous — From known and evident sins, such as are committed against knowledge, against the checks of conscience, and the motions of God's spirit.
Dominion — If I be at any time tempted to such sins, Lord let them not prevail over me, and if I do fall into them, let me speedily rise again.
Verse 14
[14] Let the words of my mouth, and the meditation of my heart, be acceptable in thy sight, O LORD, my strength, and my redeemer.
Let — Having prayed that God would keep him from sinful actions, he now prays that God would govern, and sanctify his words and thoughts: and this was necessary to preserve him from presumptuous sins, which have their first rise in the thoughts.
Redeemer — This expression seems to be added emphatically, and with special respect to Christ, to whom alone this word Goel can properly belong.
1 Corinthians 12:12-31a
Verse 12
[12] For as the body is one, and hath many members, and all the members of that one body, being many, are one body: so also is Christ.
So is Christ — That is, the body of Christ, the church.
Verse 13
[13] For by one Spirit are we all baptized into one body, whether we be Jews or Gentiles, whether we be bond or free; and have been all made to drink into one Spirit.
For by that one Spirit, which we received in baptism, we are all united in one body.
Whether Jews or gentiles — Who are at the greatest distance from each other by nature.
Whether slaves or freemen — Who are at the greatest distance by law and custom.
We have all drank of one Spirit — In that cup, received by faith, we all imbibed one Spirit, who first inspired, and still preserves, the life of God in our souls.
Verse 15
[15] If the foot shall say, Because I am not the hand, I am not of the body; is it therefore not of the body?
The foot is elegantly introduced as speaking of the hand; the ear, of the eye; each, of a part that has some resemblance to it. So among men each is apt to compare himself with those whose gifts some way resemble his own, rather than with those who are at a distance, either above or beneath him.
Is it therefore not of the body — Is the inference good? Perhaps the foot may represent private Christians; the hand, officers in the church; the eye, teachers; the ear, hearers.
Verse 16
[16] And if the ear shall say, Because I am not the eye, I am not of the body; is it therefore not of the body?
The ear — A less noble part.
The eye — The most noble.
Verse 18
[18] But now hath God set the members every one of them in the body, as it hath pleased him.
As it hath pleased him — With the most exquisite wisdom and goodness.
Verse 20
[20] But now are they many members, yet but one body.
But one body — And it is a necessary consequence of this unity, that the several members need one another.
Verse 21
[21] And the eye cannot say unto the hand, I have no need of thee: nor again the head to the feet, I have no need of you.
Nor the head — The highest part of all.
To the foot — The very lowest.
Verse 22
[22] Nay, much more those members of the body, which seem to be more feeble, are necessary:
The members which appear to be weaker — Being of a more delicate and tender structure; perhaps the brains and bowels, or the veins, arteries, and other minute channels in the body.
Verse 23
[23] And those members of the body, which we think to be less honourable, upon these we bestow more abundant honour; and our uncomely parts have more abundant comeliness.
We surround with more abundant honour — By so carefully covering them.
More abundant comeliness — By the help of dress.
Verse 24
[24] For our comely parts have no need: but God hath tempered the body together, having given more abundant honour to that part which lacked:
Giving more abundant honour to that which lacked — As being cared for and served by the noblest parts.
Verse 27
[27] Now ye are the body of Christ, and members in particular.
Now ye — Corinthians.
Are the body and members of Christ — part of them, I mean, not the whole body.
Verse 28
[28] And God hath set some in the church, first apostles, secondarily prophets, thirdly teachers, after that miracles, then gifts of healings, helps, governments, diversities of tongues.
First apostles — Who plant the gospel in the heathen nations.
Secondly prophets — Who either foretel things to come, or speak by extra-ordinary inspiration, for the edification of the church.
Thirdly teachers — Who precede even those that work miracles. Under prophets and teachers are comprised evangelists and pastors, Ephesians 4:11.
Helps, governments — It does not appear that these mean distinct offices: rather, any persons might be called helps, from a peculiar dexterity in helping the distressed; and governments, from a peculiar talent for governing or presiding in assemblies.
Verse 31
[31] But covet earnestly the best gifts: and yet shew I unto you a more excellent way.
Ye covet earnestly the best gifts — And they are worth your pursuit, though but few of you can attain them. But there is a far more excellent gift than all these; and one which all may, yea, must attain or perish.
Luke 4:14-21
Verse 14
[14] And Jesus returned in the power of the Spirit into Galilee: and there went out a fame of him through all the region round about.
Jesus returned in the power of the Spirit — Being more abundantly strengthened after his conflict.
Verse 15
[15] And he taught in their synagogues, being glorified of all.
Being glorified of all — So God usually gives strong cordials after strong temptations. But neither their approbation continued long, nor the outward calm which he now enjoyed.
Verse 16
[16] And he came to Nazareth, where he had been brought up: and, as his custom was, he went into the synagogue on the sabbath day, and stood up for to read.
He stood up — Showing thereby that he had a desire to read the Scripture to the congregation: on which the book was given to him. It was the Jewish custom to read standing, but to preach sitting. Matthew 13:54; Mark 6:1.
Verse 17
[17] And there was delivered unto him the book of the prophet Esaias. And when he had opened the book, he found the place where it was written,
He found — It seems, opening upon it, by the particular providence of God.
Verse 18
[18] The Spirit of the Lord is upon me, because he hath anointed me to preach the gospel to the poor; he hath sent me to heal the brokenhearted, to preach deliverance to the captives, and recovering of sight to the blind, to set at liberty them that are bruised,
He hath anointed me — With the Spirit. He hath by the power of his Spirit which dwelleth in me, set me apart for these offices.
To preach the Gospel to the poor — Literally and spiritually. How is the doctrine of the ever-blessed trinity interwoven, even in those scriptures where one would least expect it? How clear a declaration of the great Three-One is there in those very words, The Spirit - of the Lord is upon me! To proclaim deliverance to the captives, and recovery of sight to the blind, to set at liberty them that are bruised - Here is a beautiful gradation, in comparing the spiritual state of men to the miserable state of those captives, who are not only cast into prison, but, like Zedekiah, had their eyes put out, and were laden and bruised with chains of iron. Isaiah 61:1.
Verse 19
[19] To preach the acceptable year of the Lord.
The acceptable year — Plainly alluding to the year of jubilee, when all, both debtors and servants, were set free.
Verse 21
[21] And he began to say unto them, This day is this scripture fulfilled in your ears.
To-day is this scripture fulfilled in your ears — By what you hear me speak.
The Upper Room Ministries
PO Box 340004
Nashville, Tennessee 37203-0004, United States
Sermon Story "Remembering the Purpose of God's Law" by Gary Lee Parker for Sunday, 24 January 2016 with Scripture: Nehemiah 8:1 all the people gathered with one accord in the open space in front of the Water Gate and asked ‘Ezra the Torah-teacher to bring the scroll of the Torah of Moshe, which Adonai had commanded Isra’el. 2 ‘Ezra the cohen brought the Torah before the assembly, which consisted of men, women and all children old enough to understand. It was the first day of the seventh month. 3 Facing the open space in front of the Water Gate, he read from it to the men, the women and the children who could understand from early morning until noon; and all the people listened attentively to the scroll of the Torah.
5 ‘Ezra opened the scroll where all the people could see him, because he was higher than all the people; when he opened it, all the people rose to their feet. 6 ‘Ezra blessed Adonai, the great God; and all the people answered, “Amen! Amen!” as they lifted up their hands, bowed their heads and fell prostrate before Adonai with their faces to the ground.
8 They read clearly from the scroll, in the Torah of God, translated it, and enabled them to understand the sense of what was being read.
9 Nechemyah the Tirshata, ‘Ezra the cohen and Torah-teacher and the L’vi’im who taught the people said to all the people, “Today is consecrated to Adonai your God; don’t be mournful, don’t weep.” For all the people had been weeping when they heard the words of the Torah. 10 Then he said to them, “Go, eat rich food, drink sweet drinks, and send portions to those who can’t provide for themselves; for today is consecrated to our Lord. Don’t be sad, because the joy of Adonai is your strength.”
Nehemiah and Ezra have gathered the returning people of Israel after their exilfe, at least the ones who have made it back on a holy day to worship God. The people cried out for Ezra to get the Holy Book of Moses to read to them of God's Law for them to live by. We do not know if people with disabilities were present because it only said that the ones who were able to understand and listen were present, but the people began to weep at the fact that they and their ancestors have sinned against God. We again do not know which sins affected them worshipping idols or not taking care of their aged parents or not taking care of their family members who had some kind of disaility or were poor or whatever reason they wept for their sins. The leaders of the Israelites said that they should not weep because this is a Holy day and they are to go home a feast and be happy and joyous while giving food to those around them who are not able to feast. We often attempt tp convince ourselves that the Law of Moses is no longer in effect, but we learn from the passage of Scripure in Luke 4 when Jesus went into the synagogue to worship that he stood up and was given the Book of Isaiah to read where he read from the Scripture passages that we know in Isaiah 61. Jesus read this passage with authority then sitting down and simply saying that today this passage has been fulfilled. We know that the passage reads that He who comes in God's name is to give the Good News of God to the poor, the disabled, the imprisoned, and other people who have been marginilzed by society and the religious commnities. From here we learn that God has given the gifts to all people as He has seen fit no matter whether they are rich or poor or abled body or disabled or immigrant or refugee or different sexual orientation for the benefit and edification of His church and His people to be loving witnesses to the rest of the world aout the Good News of God's Love, Grace, Mercy, and Redemption. We look at these passages and wonder how we are doing at being God's witnesses to all people in including them into the life of the church or our lives as well? Where do you fit into this plan of God's? How are you using the gifts and talents God has given you for His benefit to all other people? Are there times that you hve failed God and need to repent? We come to this time as we take the body of Jesus and eat then take the blood of Jesus and drink to receive and remember His redemption for us through our partaking of the Holy Sacrament of the Holy Eucharist. As we come to receive from God to go out into the world with His Good News, we sing the Hymn "Holiness
Forevermore" by Haldor Lillenas, 1910
1. There’s a blessed and triumphant song:
Holiness forevermore!
It is sung by the mighty blood-washed throng:
Holiness forevermore!
Holiness forevermore! Holiness forevermore!
We will sing it, shout it, preach it, and live it:
Holiness forevermore!
2. We will praise the Lord for victory;
Holiness forevermore!
From the carnel mind we now are free;
Holiness forevermore!
Holiness forevermore! Holiness forevermore!
We will sing it, shout it, preach it, and live it:
Holiness forevermore!
3. From this standard we will not depart;
Holiness Forevermore!
'Tis the song of the purified in heart;
Holiness Forevermore!
Holiness forevermore! Holiness forevermore!
We will sing it, shout it, preach it, and live it:
Holiness forevermore!
4. We will shout our glorious liberty;
Holiness Forevermore!
We shall sing it by the crystal sea;
Holiness Forevermore!
Holiness forevermore! Holiness forevermore!
We will sing it, shout it, preach it, and live it:
Holiness forevermore!
The Benediction is given:
Go out into the world in peace;
Be of good courage;
Hold fast to that which is good;
Render to no one evil for evil;
Strengthen the faint hearted;
Support the weak; help the afflicted;
Honor all God’s children;
Love and serve the Lord, rejoicing in the power of the Holy Spirit. Amen
As we go today, may we say this paraphrase of I Corinthians 12:12F together to take in our lives to live out this week and always:
We Need Each Other
A Paraphrase of 1 Corinthians 12:12-26
For just as the body is one and has many kinds of members and all the members of the body, thought many, are one one body, so it is with Christ. For by one Spirit we were all baptized into one body - healthy, wise, disabled, slow learners, and all were made to drink of one Spirt.
For the church does not consist of one kind of member, but of many. If the person in a wheelchair said, "Becuae I am not able to walk, I cannot belong to the church with no ramps," that would not make him/her any less a part of the body. And a person with Down Syndrome felt that, because she/he could not fit into the church's education program, she/he did not belong to the church, that would not make her/him any less a part of the body.
If the whole church were teachers, where would the learners be? If the whole church were well off, where would the needy be? As it is, God arranged the kinds of people in a church, each one of them, as He chose. If all were a single kind, where would the church be?
As it is, many kinds of people are needed, yet there is one church. People who are able to read the creeds cannot say to the nonreaders, "we really don't need you." Nor can folks who are emotionally stable say that they don't need those who are emotionally ill. On the contrary, the people of the church who seem weaker are indispensable. Those people who are handicapped in some way, we invest greater honor. And those who are disfigured are treated with the modesty which those who are handsom do not require. This is how God has composed the church, giving greater honor to those who have disabilities, so that there may be no discord in the membership, and that members may have the same care for one another.
If one member suffers, all suffer together, if one member is honored all rejoice together.[Author Unknown].
Gary Lee Parker
4147 Idaho Street, Apt. 1
San Diego, California 92104-1844, United States
Lectionary Readings:
Sunday, 25 January 2016
(Courtesy of Vanderbilt Divinity Library)
Nehemiah 8:1-3, 5-6, 8-10
Psalm 19
1 Corinthians 12:12-31a
Luke 4:14-21
Lectionary Scriptures:
Nehemiah 8:1 all the people gathered with one accord in the open space in front of the Water Gate and asked ‘Ezra the Torah-teacher to bring the scroll of the Torah of Moshe, which Adonai had commanded Isra’el. 2 ‘Ezra the cohen brought the Torah before the assembly, which consisted of men, women and all children old enough to understand. It was the first day of the seventh month. 3 Facing the open space in front of the Water Gate, he read from it to the men, the women and the children who could understand from early morning until noon; and all the people listened attentively to the scroll of the Torah.
5 ‘Ezra opened the scroll where all the people could see him, because he was higher than all the people; when he opened it, all the people rose to their feet. 6 ‘Ezra blessed Adonai, the great God; and all the people answered, “Amen! Amen!” as they lifted up their hands, bowed their heads and fell prostrate before Adonai with their faces to the ground.
8 They read clearly from the scroll, in the Torah of God, translated it, and enabled them to understand the sense of what was being read.
9 Nechemyah the Tirshata, ‘Ezra the cohen and Torah-teacher and the L’vi’im who taught the people said to all the people, “Today is consecrated to Adonai your God; don’t be mournful, don’t weep.” For all the people had been weeping when they heard the words of the Torah. 10 Then he said to them, “Go, eat rich food, drink sweet drinks, and send portions to those who can’t provide for themselves; for today is consecrated to our Lord. Don’t be sad, because the joy of Adonai is your strength.”
Psalm 19:1 (0) For the leader. A psalm of David:
2 (1) The heavens declare the glory of God,
the dome of the sky speaks the work of his hands.
3 (2) Every day it utters speech,
every night it reveals knowledge.
4 (3) Without speech, without a word,
without their voices being heard,
5 (4) their line goes out through all the earth
and their words to the end of the world.
In them he places a tent for the sun,
6 (5) which comes out like a bridegroom from the bridal chamber,
with delight like an athlete to run his race.
7 (6) It rises at one side of the sky,
circles around to the other side,
and nothing escapes its heat.
8 (7) The Torah of Adonai is perfect,
restoring the inner person.
The instruction of Adonai is sure,
making wise the thoughtless.
9 (8) The precepts of Adonai are right,
rejoicing the heart.
The mitzvah of Adonai is pure,
enlightening the eyes.
10 (9) The fear of Adonai is clean,
enduring forever.
The rulings of Adonai are true,
they are righteous altogether,
11 (10) more desirable than gold,
than much fine gold,
also sweeter than honey
or drippings from the honeycomb.
12 (11) Through them your servant is warned;
in obeying them there is great reward.
13 (12) Who can discern unintentional sins?
Cleanse me from hidden faults.
14 (13) Also keep your servant from presumptuous sins,
so that they won’t control me.
Then I will be blameless
and free of great offense.
15 (14) May the words of my mouth
and the thoughts of my heart
be acceptable in your presence,
Adonai, my Rock and Redeemer.
1 Corinthians 12:12 For just as the body is one but has many parts; and all the parts of the body, though many, constitute one body; so it is with the Messiah. 13 For it was by one Spirit that we were all immersed into one body, whether Jews or Gentiles, slaves or free; and we were all given the one Spirit to drink.
14 For indeed the body is not one part but many. 15 If the foot says, “I’m not a hand, so I’m not part of the body,” that doesn’t make it stop being part of the body. 16 And if the ear says, “I’m not an eye, so I’m not part of the body,” that doesn’t make it stop being part of the body. 17 If the whole body were an eye, how could it hear? If it were all hearing, how could it smell? 18 But as it is, God arranged each of the parts in the body exactly as he wanted them. 19 Now if they were all just one part, where would the body be? 20 But as it is, there are indeed many parts, yet just one body. 21 So the eye cannot say to the hand, “I don’t need you”; or the head to the feet, “I don’t need you.” 22 On the contrary, the parts of the body that seem to be less important turn out to be all the more necessary; 23 and upon body parts which we consider less dignified we bestow greater dignity; and the parts that aren’t attractive are the ones we make as attractive as we can, 24 while our attractive parts have no need for such treatment. Indeed, God has put the body together in such a way that he gives greater dignity to the parts that lack it, 25 So that there will be no disagreements within the body, but rather all the parts will be equally concerned for all the others. 26 Thus if one part suffers, all the parts suffer with it; and if one part is honored, all the parts share its happiness.
27 Now you together constitute the body of the Messiah, and individually you are parts of it. 28 And God has placed in the Messianic Community first, emissaries; second, prophets; third, teachers; then those who work miracles; then those with gifts of healing; those with ability to help; those skilled in administration; and those who speak in various tongues. 29 Not all are emissaries, are they? Not all are prophets, are they? or teachers? or miracle-workers? 30 Not all have gifts of healing, not all speak in tongues, not all interpret, do they? 31 Eagerly seek the better gifts.
But now I will show you the best way of all.
Luke 4:14 Yeshua returned to the Galil in the power of the Spirit, and reports about him spread throughout the countryside. 15 He taught in their synagogues, and everyone respected him.
16 Now when he went to Natzeret, where he had been brought up, on Shabbat he went to the synagogue as usual. He stood up to read, 17 and he was given the scroll of the prophet Yesha‘yahu. Unrolling the scroll, he found the place where it was written,
18 “The Spirit of Adonai is upon me;
therefore he has anointed me
to announce Good News to the poor;
he has sent me to proclaim freedom for the imprisoned
and renewed sight for the blind,
to release those who have been crushed,
19 to proclaim a year of the favor of Adonai.”[Luke 4:19 Isaiah 61:1–2; 58:6]
20 After closing the scroll and returning it to the shammash, he sat down; and the eyes of everyone in the synagogue were fixed on him. 21 He started to speak to them: “Today, as you heard it read, this passage of the Tanakh was fulfilled!”
John Wesley's Notes-Commentary for Nehemiah 8:1-3, 5-6, 8-10
Verse 2
[2] And Ezra the priest brought the law before the congregation both of men and women, and all that could hear with understanding, upon the first day of the seventh month.
First day — This was the feast of trumpets, which is called a sabbath, and on which they were to have an holy convocation, Leviticus 23:24. And it was on this day, the altar was set up, after their return from captivity; in remembrance of which they had probably kept it ever since, with more than ordinary solemnity.
Verse 8
[8] So they read in the book in the law of God distinctly, and gave the sense, and caused them to understand the reading.
They — Ezra and his companions successively.
Sense — The meaning of the Hebrew words, which they expounded in the common language.
Thy gave — So they gave them both a translation of the Hebrew words into the Chaldee, and an exposition of the things contained in them.
Verse 9
[9] And Nehemiah, which is the Tirshatha, and Ezra the priest the scribe, and the Levites that taught the people, said unto all the people, This day is holy unto the LORD your God; mourn not, nor weep. For all the people wept, when they heard the words of the law.
Wept — Out of a sense of their guilt and danger by reason of it.
Verse 10
[10] Then he said unto them, Go your way, eat the fat, and drink the sweet, and send portions unto them for whom nothing is prepared: for this day is holy unto our Lord: neither be ye sorry; for the joy of the LORD is your strength.
Eat — Feast before the Lord.
Send — For the relief of your poor brethren.
Holy — Being the feast of trumpets, and the beginning of this joyful month, wherein so many days of thanksgiving were to be observed.
Strength — Rejoicing in God in serving him with chearfulness, and thankfulness, which is your duty always, but now especially, will give you that strength both of mind and body, which you greatly need, both to perform all the duties required of you, and to oppose all the designs of your enemies.
Psalm 19
Verse 1
[1] The heavens declare the glory of God; and the firmament sheweth his handywork.
The heavens — They are as a legible book, wherein he that runs may read it.
The glory — His eternal power and Godhead, his infinite wisdom and goodness.
Firmament — Or, the expansion, all the vast space extended from the earth to the highest heavens, with all its goodly furniture.
Verse 2
[2] Day unto day uttereth speech, and night unto night sheweth knowledge.
Day — Every day and night repeats these demonstrations of God's glory.
Uttereth — Or, poureth forth, constantly and abundantly, as a fountain doth water; So this Hebrew word signifies.
Knowledge — Gives us a clear knowledge or discovery of God their author.
Verse 3
[3] There is no speech nor language, where their voice is not heard.
Heard — Or, understood; there are divers nations in the world, which have several languages, so that one cannot discourse with, or be understood by another, but the heavens are such an universal teacher, that they can speak to all people, and be clearly understood by all.
Verse 4
[4] Their line is gone out through all the earth, and their words to the end of the world. In them hath he set a tabernacle for the sun,
Line — Their lines, the singular number being put for the plural. And this expression is very proper, because the heavens do not teach men audibly, or by speaking to their ears, but visibly by propounding things to their eyes, which is done in lines or writings.
Gone — Is spread abroad.
Earth — So as to be seen and read, by all the inhabitants of the earth.
Words — Their magnificent structure, their exquisite order, and most regular course, by which they declare their author, no less than men discover their minds by their words.
Sun — Which being the most illustrious and useful of all the heavenly bodies, is here particularly mentioned.
Verse 5
[5] Which is as a bridegroom coming out of his chamber, and rejoiceth as a strong man to run a race.
Bridegroom — Gloriously adorned with light as with a beautiful garment, and smiling upon the world with a pleasant countenance.
Chamber — In which he is poetically supposed to have rested all night, and thence to break forth as it were on a sudden.
Strong man — Conscious and confident of his own strength.
Verse 6
[6] His going forth is from the end of the heaven, and his circuit unto the ends of it: and there is nothing hid from the heat thereof.
The ends — His course is constant from east to west, and thence to the east again. So that there is no part of the earth which doth not one time or other feel the benefit of his light and heat.
Verse 7
[7] The law of the LORD is perfect, converting the soul: the testimony of the LORD is sure, making wise the simple.
The law — The doctrine delivered to his church, whether by Moses, or by other prophets. Having discoursed hitherto of the glory of God shining forth in, the visible heavens, he now proceeds to another demonstration of God's glory, which he compares with and prefers before the former.
Perfect — Completely discovering both the nature and will of God, and the whole duty of man, what he is to believe and practice, and whatsoever is necessary to his present and eternal happiness. Whereas the creation, although it did declare so much of God, as left all men without excuse, yet did not fully manifest the will of God, nor bring men to eternal salvation.
Converting — From sin to God, from whom all men are naturally revolted.
Testimony — His law, so called because it is a witness between God and man, what God requires of man, and what upon the performance of that condition, he will do for man.
Sure — Heb. faithful or true, which is most necessary in a witness: it will not mislead any man, but will infallibly bring him to happiness.
Simple — Even persons of the lowest capacities.
Verse 8
[8] The statutes of the LORD are right, rejoicing the heart: the commandment of the LORD is pure, enlightening the eyes.
Right — Both in themselves, and in their effect, as guiding men in the ready way to eternal happiness.
Rejoicing — By the discoveries of God's love to sinful men, in offers and promises of mercy.
Commandment — All his commands.
Pure — Without the least mixture of error.
The eyes — Of the mind, with a compleat manifestation of God's will and man's duty: both which, the works of nature, and all the writings of men discover but darkly and imperfectly.
Verse 9
[9] The fear of the LORD is clean, enduring for ever: the judgments of the LORD are true and righteous altogether.
The fear — The law and word of God, because it is both the object and the rule, and the cause of holy fear.
Clean — Sincere, not adulterated with any mixture. Constant and unchangeable, the same for substance in all ages.
Judgments — God's laws are frequently called his judgments, because they are the declarations of his righteous will, and as it were his judicial sentence by which he expects that men should govern themselves, and by which he will judge them at the last day.
Verse 12
[12] Who can understand his errors? cleanse thou me from secret faults.
Who — Thy law, O Lord, is holy and just and good. But I fall infinitely short of it.
Cleanse — Both by justification, through the blood of thy son; and by sanctification thro' thy holy spirit. Though the first may seem to be principally intended, because he speaks of his past sins.
Secret — From the guilt of such sins as were secret either, from others; such as none knows but God and my own conscience: or, from myself; such as I never observed, or did not discern the evil of. Pardon my unknown sins, of which I never repented particularly, as I should have done.
Verse 13
[13] Keep back thy servant also from presumptuous sins; let them not have dominion over me: then shall I be upright, and I shall be innocent from the great transgression.
Presumptuous — From known and evident sins, such as are committed against knowledge, against the checks of conscience, and the motions of God's spirit.
Dominion — If I be at any time tempted to such sins, Lord let them not prevail over me, and if I do fall into them, let me speedily rise again.
Verse 14
[14] Let the words of my mouth, and the meditation of my heart, be acceptable in thy sight, O LORD, my strength, and my redeemer.
Let — Having prayed that God would keep him from sinful actions, he now prays that God would govern, and sanctify his words and thoughts: and this was necessary to preserve him from presumptuous sins, which have their first rise in the thoughts.
Redeemer — This expression seems to be added emphatically, and with special respect to Christ, to whom alone this word Goel can properly belong.
1 Corinthians 12:12-31a
Verse 12
[12] For as the body is one, and hath many members, and all the members of that one body, being many, are one body: so also is Christ.
So is Christ — That is, the body of Christ, the church.
Verse 13
[13] For by one Spirit are we all baptized into one body, whether we be Jews or Gentiles, whether we be bond or free; and have been all made to drink into one Spirit.
For by that one Spirit, which we received in baptism, we are all united in one body.
Whether Jews or gentiles — Who are at the greatest distance from each other by nature.
Whether slaves or freemen — Who are at the greatest distance by law and custom.
We have all drank of one Spirit — In that cup, received by faith, we all imbibed one Spirit, who first inspired, and still preserves, the life of God in our souls.
Verse 15
[15] If the foot shall say, Because I am not the hand, I am not of the body; is it therefore not of the body?
The foot is elegantly introduced as speaking of the hand; the ear, of the eye; each, of a part that has some resemblance to it. So among men each is apt to compare himself with those whose gifts some way resemble his own, rather than with those who are at a distance, either above or beneath him.
Is it therefore not of the body — Is the inference good? Perhaps the foot may represent private Christians; the hand, officers in the church; the eye, teachers; the ear, hearers.
Verse 16
[16] And if the ear shall say, Because I am not the eye, I am not of the body; is it therefore not of the body?
The ear — A less noble part.
The eye — The most noble.
Verse 18
[18] But now hath God set the members every one of them in the body, as it hath pleased him.
As it hath pleased him — With the most exquisite wisdom and goodness.
Verse 20
[20] But now are they many members, yet but one body.
But one body — And it is a necessary consequence of this unity, that the several members need one another.
Verse 21
[21] And the eye cannot say unto the hand, I have no need of thee: nor again the head to the feet, I have no need of you.
Nor the head — The highest part of all.
To the foot — The very lowest.
Verse 22
[22] Nay, much more those members of the body, which seem to be more feeble, are necessary:
The members which appear to be weaker — Being of a more delicate and tender structure; perhaps the brains and bowels, or the veins, arteries, and other minute channels in the body.
Verse 23
[23] And those members of the body, which we think to be less honourable, upon these we bestow more abundant honour; and our uncomely parts have more abundant comeliness.
We surround with more abundant honour — By so carefully covering them.
More abundant comeliness — By the help of dress.
Verse 24
[24] For our comely parts have no need: but God hath tempered the body together, having given more abundant honour to that part which lacked:
Giving more abundant honour to that which lacked — As being cared for and served by the noblest parts.
Verse 27
[27] Now ye are the body of Christ, and members in particular.
Now ye — Corinthians.
Are the body and members of Christ — part of them, I mean, not the whole body.
Verse 28
[28] And God hath set some in the church, first apostles, secondarily prophets, thirdly teachers, after that miracles, then gifts of healings, helps, governments, diversities of tongues.
First apostles — Who plant the gospel in the heathen nations.
Secondly prophets — Who either foretel things to come, or speak by extra-ordinary inspiration, for the edification of the church.
Thirdly teachers — Who precede even those that work miracles. Under prophets and teachers are comprised evangelists and pastors, Ephesians 4:11.
Helps, governments — It does not appear that these mean distinct offices: rather, any persons might be called helps, from a peculiar dexterity in helping the distressed; and governments, from a peculiar talent for governing or presiding in assemblies.
Verse 31
[31] But covet earnestly the best gifts: and yet shew I unto you a more excellent way.
Ye covet earnestly the best gifts — And they are worth your pursuit, though but few of you can attain them. But there is a far more excellent gift than all these; and one which all may, yea, must attain or perish.
Luke 4:14-21
Verse 14
[14] And Jesus returned in the power of the Spirit into Galilee: and there went out a fame of him through all the region round about.
Jesus returned in the power of the Spirit — Being more abundantly strengthened after his conflict.
Verse 15
[15] And he taught in their synagogues, being glorified of all.
Being glorified of all — So God usually gives strong cordials after strong temptations. But neither their approbation continued long, nor the outward calm which he now enjoyed.
Verse 16
[16] And he came to Nazareth, where he had been brought up: and, as his custom was, he went into the synagogue on the sabbath day, and stood up for to read.
He stood up — Showing thereby that he had a desire to read the Scripture to the congregation: on which the book was given to him. It was the Jewish custom to read standing, but to preach sitting. Matthew 13:54; Mark 6:1.
Verse 17
[17] And there was delivered unto him the book of the prophet Esaias. And when he had opened the book, he found the place where it was written,
He found — It seems, opening upon it, by the particular providence of God.
Verse 18
[18] The Spirit of the Lord is upon me, because he hath anointed me to preach the gospel to the poor; he hath sent me to heal the brokenhearted, to preach deliverance to the captives, and recovering of sight to the blind, to set at liberty them that are bruised,
He hath anointed me — With the Spirit. He hath by the power of his Spirit which dwelleth in me, set me apart for these offices.
To preach the Gospel to the poor — Literally and spiritually. How is the doctrine of the ever-blessed trinity interwoven, even in those scriptures where one would least expect it? How clear a declaration of the great Three-One is there in those very words, The Spirit - of the Lord is upon me! To proclaim deliverance to the captives, and recovery of sight to the blind, to set at liberty them that are bruised - Here is a beautiful gradation, in comparing the spiritual state of men to the miserable state of those captives, who are not only cast into prison, but, like Zedekiah, had their eyes put out, and were laden and bruised with chains of iron. Isaiah 61:1.
Verse 19
[19] To preach the acceptable year of the Lord.
The acceptable year — Plainly alluding to the year of jubilee, when all, both debtors and servants, were set free.
Verse 21
[21] And he began to say unto them, This day is this scripture fulfilled in your ears.
To-day is this scripture fulfilled in your ears — By what you hear me speak.
The Upper Room Ministries
PO Box 340004
Nashville, Tennessee 37203-0004, United States
Sermon Story "Remembering the Purpose of God's Law" by Gary Lee Parker for Sunday, 24 January 2016 with Scripture: Nehemiah 8:1 all the people gathered with one accord in the open space in front of the Water Gate and asked ‘Ezra the Torah-teacher to bring the scroll of the Torah of Moshe, which Adonai had commanded Isra’el. 2 ‘Ezra the cohen brought the Torah before the assembly, which consisted of men, women and all children old enough to understand. It was the first day of the seventh month. 3 Facing the open space in front of the Water Gate, he read from it to the men, the women and the children who could understand from early morning until noon; and all the people listened attentively to the scroll of the Torah.
5 ‘Ezra opened the scroll where all the people could see him, because he was higher than all the people; when he opened it, all the people rose to their feet. 6 ‘Ezra blessed Adonai, the great God; and all the people answered, “Amen! Amen!” as they lifted up their hands, bowed their heads and fell prostrate before Adonai with their faces to the ground.
8 They read clearly from the scroll, in the Torah of God, translated it, and enabled them to understand the sense of what was being read.
9 Nechemyah the Tirshata, ‘Ezra the cohen and Torah-teacher and the L’vi’im who taught the people said to all the people, “Today is consecrated to Adonai your God; don’t be mournful, don’t weep.” For all the people had been weeping when they heard the words of the Torah. 10 Then he said to them, “Go, eat rich food, drink sweet drinks, and send portions to those who can’t provide for themselves; for today is consecrated to our Lord. Don’t be sad, because the joy of Adonai is your strength.”
Nehemiah and Ezra have gathered the returning people of Israel after their exilfe, at least the ones who have made it back on a holy day to worship God. The people cried out for Ezra to get the Holy Book of Moses to read to them of God's Law for them to live by. We do not know if people with disabilities were present because it only said that the ones who were able to understand and listen were present, but the people began to weep at the fact that they and their ancestors have sinned against God. We again do not know which sins affected them worshipping idols or not taking care of their aged parents or not taking care of their family members who had some kind of disaility or were poor or whatever reason they wept for their sins. The leaders of the Israelites said that they should not weep because this is a Holy day and they are to go home a feast and be happy and joyous while giving food to those around them who are not able to feast. We often attempt tp convince ourselves that the Law of Moses is no longer in effect, but we learn from the passage of Scripure in Luke 4 when Jesus went into the synagogue to worship that he stood up and was given the Book of Isaiah to read where he read from the Scripture passages that we know in Isaiah 61. Jesus read this passage with authority then sitting down and simply saying that today this passage has been fulfilled. We know that the passage reads that He who comes in God's name is to give the Good News of God to the poor, the disabled, the imprisoned, and other people who have been marginilzed by society and the religious commnities. From here we learn that God has given the gifts to all people as He has seen fit no matter whether they are rich or poor or abled body or disabled or immigrant or refugee or different sexual orientation for the benefit and edification of His church and His people to be loving witnesses to the rest of the world aout the Good News of God's Love, Grace, Mercy, and Redemption. We look at these passages and wonder how we are doing at being God's witnesses to all people in including them into the life of the church or our lives as well? Where do you fit into this plan of God's? How are you using the gifts and talents God has given you for His benefit to all other people? Are there times that you hve failed God and need to repent? We come to this time as we take the body of Jesus and eat then take the blood of Jesus and drink to receive and remember His redemption for us through our partaking of the Holy Sacrament of the Holy Eucharist. As we come to receive from God to go out into the world with His Good News, we sing the Hymn "Holiness
Forevermore" by Haldor Lillenas, 1910
1. There’s a blessed and triumphant song:
Holiness forevermore!
It is sung by the mighty blood-washed throng:
Holiness forevermore!
Holiness forevermore! Holiness forevermore!
We will sing it, shout it, preach it, and live it:
Holiness forevermore!
2. We will praise the Lord for victory;
Holiness forevermore!
From the carnel mind we now are free;
Holiness forevermore!
Holiness forevermore! Holiness forevermore!
We will sing it, shout it, preach it, and live it:
Holiness forevermore!
3. From this standard we will not depart;
Holiness Forevermore!
'Tis the song of the purified in heart;
Holiness Forevermore!
Holiness forevermore! Holiness forevermore!
We will sing it, shout it, preach it, and live it:
Holiness forevermore!
4. We will shout our glorious liberty;
Holiness Forevermore!
We shall sing it by the crystal sea;
Holiness Forevermore!
Holiness forevermore! Holiness forevermore!
We will sing it, shout it, preach it, and live it:
Holiness forevermore!
The Benediction is given:
Go out into the world in peace;
Be of good courage;
Hold fast to that which is good;
Render to no one evil for evil;
Strengthen the faint hearted;
Support the weak; help the afflicted;
Honor all God’s children;
Love and serve the Lord, rejoicing in the power of the Holy Spirit. Amen
As we go today, may we say this paraphrase of I Corinthians 12:12F together to take in our lives to live out this week and always:
We Need Each Other
A Paraphrase of 1 Corinthians 12:12-26
For just as the body is one and has many kinds of members and all the members of the body, thought many, are one one body, so it is with Christ. For by one Spirit we were all baptized into one body - healthy, wise, disabled, slow learners, and all were made to drink of one Spirt.
For the church does not consist of one kind of member, but of many. If the person in a wheelchair said, "Becuae I am not able to walk, I cannot belong to the church with no ramps," that would not make him/her any less a part of the body. And a person with Down Syndrome felt that, because she/he could not fit into the church's education program, she/he did not belong to the church, that would not make her/him any less a part of the body.
If the whole church were teachers, where would the learners be? If the whole church were well off, where would the needy be? As it is, God arranged the kinds of people in a church, each one of them, as He chose. If all were a single kind, where would the church be?
As it is, many kinds of people are needed, yet there is one church. People who are able to read the creeds cannot say to the nonreaders, "we really don't need you." Nor can folks who are emotionally stable say that they don't need those who are emotionally ill. On the contrary, the people of the church who seem weaker are indispensable. Those people who are handicapped in some way, we invest greater honor. And those who are disfigured are treated with the modesty which those who are handsom do not require. This is how God has composed the church, giving greater honor to those who have disabilities, so that there may be no discord in the membership, and that members may have the same care for one another.
If one member suffers, all suffer together, if one member is honored all rejoice together.[Author Unknown].
Gary Lee Parker
4147 Idaho Street, Apt. 1
San Diego, California 92104-1844, United States
23 But I do it all because of the rewards promised by the Good News, so that I may share in them along with the others who come to trust.
Rejoice with those who rejoice, weep with those who weep.[Romans 12:15 (NRSV)]
Last year, one of my friends experienced a devastating sorrow. All I could offer was empathy and prayer. While praying, I felt my heart filling with grief. I believe that when we are capable of crying with other people over their sorrows, we share in their suffering.
That same day, I needed to offer birthday wishes to another person. I wanted my words to be joyful and sincere. But for me this was inconceivable. I felt as if the dank weather of fall was prevailing in one courtyard and the full heat of summer in another.
I decided to pray before calling with my birthday greetings. To my surprise, I was able to share my friend’s joy sincerely.
The power of God is revealed in surprising ways. God enables us to feel in our hearts that which we cannot even imagine in our minds.
The Author: Fedor Kim (Moscow, Russia)
Thought for the Day: God enables us to both weep and rejoice with others.
Prayer: Dear Lord, help us be empty vessels for those whose sorrow is overflowing, and fill us with compassion for those who are thirsting, as we pray, “Our Father which art in heaven, Hallowed be thy name. Thy kingdom come. Thy will be done, as in heaven, so in earth. Give us day by day our daily bread. And forgive us our sins; for we also forgive every one that is indebted to us. And lead us not into temptation; but deliver us from evil” (Luke 11:2-4, KJV). Amen.
Contact Information:
Great Plains Episcopal Office
9440 E Boston, Suite 160
Wichita Kansas 67207, United States
Great Plains Episcopal Office
9440 E Boston, Suite 160
Wichita Kansas 67207, United States
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