Right now every cent you donate to Partners In Health is MATCHED
for double the impact. Give now >>
This is the harsh reality: 1 in 5 children in Haiti is starving.
You can help. Today is one of our most critical fundraising days of the year, and we have a rare chance to match every gift we receive.
We urgently need your help to combat malnutrition in Haiti—and to deliver health care to the poorest people everywhere we go. Will you make a gift of $15 now? And since it will be doubled, every cent counts.
Haiti is slowly rebuilding after the devastation of Hurricane Matthew. But the storm's long-term consequences are now clear.
Recently, Dr. Paul Farmer warned that a "major hunger problem" is likely to devastate Haiti in the coming months. Indeed, we've already seen cases of malnutrition running high in Haiti's most impoverished communities.
This is a crucial moment. Malnourishment is simple to reverse—if we can intervene quickly.
And with this gift match, your donation today goes twice as far to help us bring lifesaving care to children and families in Haiti and around the world.
Double your impact now >>
In solidarity,
Team PIH
Partners In Health
800 Boylston Street, Suite 1400
Boston, Massachusetts 02199, United States
DOUBLE your gift now >>
Inboxes are filling up with Cyber Monday offers across California as I type this.
But here's the one you've been waiting for: donate to PIH, DOUBLE your gift, and help save the lives at risk in hurricane-hit Haiti and beyond.
YES! I want to DOUBLE my lifesaving gift to PIH!
We don't need to tell you why a gift to PIH is so important. We don't need to tell you about the devastation and heartbreak Hurricane Matthew inflicted on Haiti. We don't need to tell you about how cholera is ripping its way across the country.
And as the tectonic plates of our government shift in uncertain ways, we don't need to tell you that philanthropy has NEVER been more important.
But we do need to say this: Our movement started in the mountains of Haiti—but today, it sits with you.
And with this rare and generous match offer there's never been a better time to make your first tax-deductible gift to PIH and DOUBLE your impact. That means that a $50 gift is worth $100!
Making the positive choice to step up here matters.
After Hurricane Matthew hit Haiti, PIH Chief Medical Officer Dr. Joia Mukherjee said that she was "waiting with a sense of dread that things actually will get much worse here."
That tragic story is playing out right now. Far too many families are facing seemingly unbeatable odds—but you can be their lifeline. Will you help?
Donate now to guarantee that your gift will be DOUBLED and put to work as soon as possible:
Thank you,
Your friends at Partners In Health
Partners In Health
800 Boylston Street, Suite 1400
Boston, Massachusetts 02199, United States
How's this for a Black Friday deal?
Make a donation that literally saves lives in the world's poorest places, AND show pride in the work you make possible!
Today, for the first time ever, we're so excited to unveil four brand-new pieces of PIH gear. Take a look now, choose your favorite, then make your gift! (But don't wait: Supplies are limited!)
Happy holidays!
Team PIH
Partners In Health
800 Boylston Street, Suite 1400
Boston, Massachusetts 02199, United States
Every corner we round, we meet a woman in labor hiking in the opposite direction. You help her deliver safely, in a comfortable maternity bed.
Every door we open, we find children dying from curable diseases like pneumonia. Youhelp treat them.
Together, we're delivering healthier babies in rural Haiti. Fighting complex cancers in the Rwandan countryside. Trekking into some of the poorest, most remote places on Earth and delivering 21st century health care to the people who need it most.
When their hope wavers, Gary, I'm proud to know that yours and mine is working overtime. Together, we're making a difference that real people can feel.
Thank you for standing in solidarity with Partners In Health.
With warm wishes for a happy Thanksgiving,
Dr. Gary Gottlieb
Chief Executive Officer
Partners In Health
Partners In Health
800 Boylston Street, Suite 1400
Boston, Massachusetts 02199, United States
Below you will find a letter addressed to you and all of our #Health4All supporters by Dr. Robert Ross, our President and CEO, with regards to the election and all of our efforts moving forward. Thank you.
I composed this communication just before election Tuesday – so the outcome will be decided by the time you see this. But the key point of this letter reaches above and beyond who is, or is not, President-elect of the United States. It is about California, and Californians in this moment of our nation’s political and civic history.
It is not hyperbole to observe and state that we are indeed a divided nation. This election did not create the division as much as it has revealed it. The fault lines are manifold, but let’s just say that the main crevice is the matter of inclusion versus exclusion. Who belongs, and who doesn’t. The Trump-Clinton battleground has revealed and lifted exclusionary and zero-sum game policy approaches, as a path that too much of America appears willing to choose.
Over the past decade, California has moved decidedly towards a path of inclusion. I am proud of Californians this year, especially our young people who registered to vote and showed up at the polls in record numbers. I hope that young people know how important their vote was and how important their fight to change the criminal justice system, for LGBTQ equality, immigration reform, health for all and more. Their fight may not ultimately prevail in the U.S. Congress but they reveal what California and the nation will look like in ten or twenty years from now.
We’ve witnessed this kind of transformation before.
I relocated from the East Coast to California in the early 1990s. I thought I was moving to a place of possibility, but found California in an “exclusion” moment: it was a post-Prop 13, anti-immigrant, Prop 209/anti-affirmative action policy environment, with a Three Strikes and You’re Out bumper sticker mentality that led to the building of 22 new state prisons at the same time that only one new University of California campus was opened. Racial divisions were laid to bare in the aftermath of the Rodney King police beating and the OJ Simpson trial.
This was anything but the Golden Years for our great state.
Since then, we Californians have evolved (we can argue over whether it is purely a demographic phenomenon, or whether some burning-bush enlightenment moment is responsible), and we now watch the rest of the nation struggle with the adolescent crisis of exclusion and divisiveness that California went through twenty years ago.
We had our Ferguson, we had our “build a wall” moment; California has been there, seen that.
This is not to say California has solved, or is close to solving, the matters of institutional and structural racism and the politics of exclusion. But the demographic, political and civic math tells me we appear to be two decades ahead of the nation. I don’t know if a new President, whomever is elected, can lead our nation through this ugly, divisive mess. I do know that California is singularly and uniquely positioned to, paraphrasing Gandhi, “be the change the nation needs to see.”
I don’t consider myself an over-the-top, frothing cheerleader for California exceptionalism. But the proof points of California sending a powerful and compelling message about the promise of an inclusive America are already in force. The combination of political and civic leadership from Governor Jerry Brown and the state legislature in recent years have set precisely the right tone – and whether they are leading or following voters is debatable, and I’ll leave that argument in the hands of the political scientists.
But the proof points are as follows: on a broad front of policy battles about inclusion and “equity”, we are leading.
In health care, California has led with the most inclusive implementation and execution of the Affordable Care Act in the nation.
In public education, our Governor pushed for the Local Control Funding Formula, which for the first time offered a public education financing approach that prioritized disadvantaged and immigrant children in needy schools.
In criminal justice, the combination of the passage of Prop 47 and policy proposals from the Governor and legislature has delivered a powerful counterpunch to the legacy of Three Strikes and You’re Out – we are swapping out racist, hyper-incarceration policies and moving to emphasize prevention over punishment as the smarter on crime framework.
On immigration, state policy moves have established that whether the issue is driver’s licenses, education, health care, or overtime pay for farmworkers, dignity-humanity-inclusiveness is the preferred choice.
And with a dose of Jerry Brown fiscal pragmatism, California’s economy and budget have not slid into the abyss. Au contraire, our state’s fiscal balance sheet is now better than most states.
Sixteen days after we choose a new president, American will gather around the table for Thanksgiving. More than ever, we need to celebrate the holiday’s tradition of comity, unity and family. The Trump-voting uncle must find common ground with his Clinton-voting niece. Together, we can remember what truly makes our nation great: our shared values of freedom, democracy and justice. Our country needs a break from the politics that have exhausted our nation over this last election and moment for all of us to focus on bringing our nation together and build solidarity with each other.
Together, we can be the change our nation must see.
Robert K. Ross, M.D.
President and CEO, The California Endowment
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