Sunday, November 27, 2016
Treasure Hunters
We’ve all been there: gathered around the dinner table during the holidays while our Great Aunt tells us about her trip to the Poconos and the story goes on and on. And on. Everyone is nodding politely…while inside we’re yelling “get to the point!” It takes a true talent to explain a big idea in a bite-size chunk that’s both interesting and easy to understand. Jesus taught many of his lessons just like this: short and to the point, but still memorable and purposeful. Join us for our series, “Short Takes” as we look at a few of his most powerful and meaningful teachings.
"The Kingdom of Heaven is like a treasure that a man discovered hidden in a field. In his excitement, he did it again and sold everything he owned to get enough money to buy the field. Again, the Kingdom of Heaven is like a merchant on the lookout for choice pearls. When he discovered a pearl great value, he sold everything he owned and bought it!"[Matthew 13:44-46 NLT]
Hanging of the Greens is the launch of Advent. It is from 6-7pm in Sanctuary. There will be a celebration with "finger foods" and dessert in Hashinger Hall from 7-8pm. We are asking EVERYONE to please bring something to share (either finger foods or dessert on a disposable tray). If you would like to help decorate you can stick around after either service to help on Sunday in the morning.
There will be a Money Study beginning January 8, 2016. Dave Ramsey and his teaching team will walk you through the basics of budgeting, dumping debt, planning for the future, and much more. Local classes are made up of small groups of people who live in your area and are a great way to share ideas, be encouraged, and stay motivated. Classes meet for nine weeks and are led by a volunteer coordinator. If interested please send an email to or mark it on the connection card on Sunday.
We have 2 services on Sunday mornings. They both share the same message and communicator, but with a varied worship context and expression:
THE SANCTUARY meets at 9:00am and is traditional worship setting that embraces historical hymns and liturgical traditions with an authentic faith.
THE AUDITORIUM meets at 10:30am and is a worship experience where the music is louder, led by a live band, and authentic faith is celebrated.
Kids (birth - 5th grade)
Torrey Kids meet in the Berry Center and the Admin Buidling during both services.
Youth (6th - 12th grade)
Torrey Youth meet at 10:30am in Wyle Chapel.
TPC Choir Rehearsal
Thursdays at 7:00pm
Canyon view Room.
Surf Ministry
Thursdays at 8:00am-1:00pm
17th Street in Del Mar
Saturdays at 7:00am-6:00pm
La Jolla Shores
Email: Bob Bishop
PRAYERS:We care about you and
want you to know that you
are not alone in your situation.
Please email your request
to our prayer team
and they will join you in prayer for
your specific needs and concerns.
Are you interested in joining the First Impressions, Kitchen Crew, or Coffee Team? If so please send and email to:
Click here to give online
© 2016. All Rights Reserved.
EastLake Church
990 Lane Avenue
Chula Vista, California 91914, United States
Sunday, November 20, 2016
We all have secrets. Some of them are harmless and others, well…not so much. One of the worst things about secrets is that when they’re locked up and hidden away, they have a powerful hold on us that grows stronger every day. What if we just acknowledged that not only does everybody have secrets, a lot of us struggle with the same ones? In The Secret Lives of Almost Everyone, we’ll shine a light on the struggles and challenges we all face and discover that not only do we all have struggles, we can all find solutions.
"The Lord God placed the man in the Garden of Eden to tend and watch over it"[Genesis 2:15 (NLT)]
Hanging of the Greens is the launch of Advent. It is from 6-7pm in Sanctuary. There will be a celebration with "finger foods" and dessert in Hashinger Hall from 7-8pm. Please bring something to share. If you would like to help decorate or help with the food, send an e-mail to or fill out your connection card on Sunday morning.
There will be a Money Study beginning January 8, 2016. Dave Ramsey and his teaching team will walk you through the basics of budgeting, dumping debt, planning for the future, and much more. Local classes are made up of small groups of people who live in your area and are a great way to share ideas, be encouraged, and stay motivated. Classes meet for nine weeks and are led by a volunteer coordinator. If interested please send an email to or mark it on the connection card on Sunday.
We have 2 services on Sunday mornings. They both share the same message and communicator, but with a varied worship context and expression:
THE SANCTUARY meets at 9:00am and is traditional worship setting that embraces historical hymns and liturgical traditions with an authentic faith.
THE AUDITORIUM meets at 10:30am and is a worship experience where the music is louder, led by a live band, and authentic faith is celebrated.
Kids (birth - 5th grade)
Torrey Kids meet in the Berry Center and the Admin Buidling during both services.
Youth (6th - 12th grade)
Torrey Youth meet at 10:30am in Wyle Chapel.
TPC Choir Rehearsal
Thursdays at 7:00pm
Canyon view Room.
Surf Ministry
Thursdays at 8:00am-1:00pm
17th Street in Del Mar
Saturdays at 7:00am-6:00pm
La Jolla Shores
Email: Bob Bishop
PRAYERS:We care about you and
want you to know that you
are not alone in your situation.
Please email your request
to our prayer team
and they will join you in prayer for
your specific needs and concerns.
Are you interested in joining the First Impressions, Kitchen Crew, or Coffee Team? If so please send and email to:
Click here to give online
© 2016. All Rights Reserved.
EastLake Church
990 Lane Avenue
Chula Vista, California 91914, United States
Sunday, November 13, 2016
We all have secrets. Some of them are harmless and others, well…not so much. One of the worst things about secrets is that when they’re locked up and hidden away, they have a powerful hold on us that grows stronger every day. What if we just acknowledged that not only does everybody have secrets, a lot of us struggle with the same ones? In The Secret Lives of Almost Everyone, we’ll shine a light on the struggles and challenges we all face and discover that not only do we all have struggles, we can all find solutions.
"Wherever your treasure is, there the desires of your heart will also be."[Matthew 6:21 NLT]
This stress builds over time and transitions into feelings of depression, and more often, high levels of Anxiety. These unpleasant sensations can overpower our felt sense of God’s presence and power to help us, the way fog temporarily blocks out the Sun.
This anxiety shows up in emotional eating or drinking, over-shopping, insomnia, yelling at family members, etc. The excess anxious energy must go somewhere!
We are fearfully and wonderfully made. This workshop will help you better understand your body’s reactions to stress, and offer simple but effective tools to begin evicting the anxiety that negatively impacts our life and families. What you will learn has been shown by research to positively change the brains of the users and increase a sense of relaxation and peace.
Where is it?-Chula Vista campus - West Auditorium.
Will there be food?-We will provide a Chick-Fil-A box lunch or you can bring your own.
Is Childcare provided?- You must be 14 year olds or older to attend. Childcare will not be provided for this event. If you are interested in this workshop send an email to or fill out your connection card on Sunday morning.
Hanging of the Greens is the launch of Advent. It is from 6-7pm in Sanctuary. There will be celebration and snacks in Hashinger Hall from 7-8pm. Our choir has always played a large part with singing Christmas anthems. So, we are asking you to please consider serving in the choir. You’ll be blessed in a wonderful way. Rehearsals are on Thursday evenings at 7:00pm in the Canyonview Room. If you would like to help with the preparation or sing in the choir send an e-mail to or fill out your connection card on Sunday morning.
It's back again... the infamous Turkey Bowl in Hashinger Hall. This year we are adding some new details, which includes a canned food drive and a few other surprises. What better way to give back and be thankful this holiday season than to give some canned food items. We will be collecting these as "admission" to the event and attempting to build a tower of canned food so tall it reaches the ceiling. Let's do it! The event is taking the place of our regular midweek festivities and will still run on Wednesday, November 16th from 7-8:30pm. Open to both high school and middle school!
We have 2 services on Sunday mornings. They both share the same message and communicator, but with a varied worship context and expression:
THE SANCTUARY meets at 9:00am and is traditional worship setting that embraces historical hymns and liturgical traditions with an authentic faith.
THE AUDITORIUM meets at 10:30am and is a worship experience where the music is louder, led by a live band, and authentic faith is celebrated.
Kids (birth - 5th grade)
Torrey Kids meet in the Berry Center and the Admin Buidling during both services.
Youth (6th - 12th grade)
Torrey Youth meet at 10:30am in Wyle Chapel.
TPC Choir Rehearsal
Thursdays at 7:00pm
Canyonview Room
Next rehearsal is Nov.17th.
Surf Ministry
Thursdays at 8:00am-1:00pm
17th Street in Del Mar
Saturdays at 7:00am-6:00pm
La Jolla Shores
Email: Bob Bishop
PRAYERS:We care about you and
want you to know that you
are not alone in your situation.
Please email your request
to our prayer team
and they will join you in prayer for
your specific needs and concerns.
Are you interested in joining the
First Impressions, Kitchen
Crew, or Campus Team?
Please send an email to
Click here to give online
© 2016. All Rights Reserved.
EastLake Church
990 Lane Avenue
Chula Vista, California 91914, United States
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