Friday, February 10, 2017

Around The Region... from The Asia Pacific Region of The Global Church of the Nazarene in Kaytikling, Taytay, Rizal, Manila 1920 Philippines Transitions Volume 5, Issue 6 for Saturday, February 11, 2017 AP Ministry Team, New Languages for WMC News! Myanmar - Sending Work & Witness!! First-ever Joint Disaster Preparedness Training, New Opportunity to Serve in Malaysia, Praises, Prayer Requests and a WHOLE LOT MORE!!!

Around The Region... from The Asia Pacific Region of The Global Church of the Nazarene in Kaytikling, Taytay, Rizal, Manila 1920 Philippines Transitions Volume 5, Issue 6 for Saturday, February 11, 2017 AP Ministry Team, New Languages for WMC News! Myanmar - Sending Work & Witness!! First-ever Joint Disaster Preparedness Training, New Opportunity to Serve in Malaysia, Praises, Prayer Requests and a WHOLE LOT MORE!!!

Join Us In Prayer For The Asia-Pacific Region
**PRAISE UPDATE!!! Prayer Requested for Asia-Pacific Team Member with Serious Infection
**PRAISE UPDATE!!! Prayer Requested for Asia-Pacific Team Member with Serious Infection

Urgent prayer is requested for Carlos Bauza who is currently hospitalized for a serious toe infection complicated by diabetes. Carlos and Silvia and their daughters are from Argentina and are serving on the Asia-Pacific Region.
Update as of 06-Feb:
Due to the advanced nature of the infection, Carlos is scheduled for surgery on Monday (February 6) for the amputation of his toe.
Pray for God’s divine intervention for the control of the infection.
A good update received late evening of February 6th!
Mrs. Silvia reports:
“Carlos is out of surgery and is doing okay. Praise the Lord!!! Thank you for your prayers!!!”
Please continue to pray for a full recovery for Carlos.
Please Pray for Mother of PNG Missionary ***Update 8 February 2017***
Please Pray for Mother of PNG Missionary***Update 8 February 2017***
Papua New Guinea:
Please pray for Garnet Beam, mother of Kathy Beam Radcliffe who serves with her husband, Jim, in Papua New Guinea. Garnet has a recurrence of cancer and will receive a third round of chemotherapy. Please pray that the treatments could be tolerated and effective and that the Lord will direct the Radcliffes in how to honor and bless their parents at this time.”
***UPDATE 8 February 2017***
We received this update from Kathy Radcliffe:
We thank the Lord that both parents have tolerated the chemotherapy with some side effects but not severe thus far. Garnet Beam will receive another round of chemo on Feb. 22.
Both parents are weak/fatigued from the disease and treatments.
Please pray for:
-effective results from the treatments
-minimal side effects from the treatments
-wisdom for the doctors and caregivers
Thank you for praying!
See Also: Prayer Requested for Father of Missionary Doctor (Jim Radcliffe).
Prayer Requested for Father of Missionary Doctor *** Update 8 February 2017***

Prayer Requested for Father of Missionary Doctor *** 8 February 2017***
Please pray for David S. Radcliffe (age 87) who is a retired Nazarene elder living in Mount Vernon Ohio with his wife, Hellen. David is currently going through tests to evaluate multiple tumor masses in his body and biopsies reveal the tumors to be a type of lymphoma. Please pray for the cancer treatments to be effective, helpful, and able to be tolerated.
David is the father of missionary Jim Radcliffe who is serving in Papua New Guinea with his wife, Kathy, at Kudjip Nazarene Hospital.
***UPDATE 8 February 2017***
We received the following update from Kathy Radcliffe:
We thank the Lord that both parents have tolerated the chemotherapy with some side effects but not severe thus far. David Radcliffe will have surgery on Feb. 22.
Both parents are weak/fatigued from the disease and treatments.
Please pray for:
-effective results from the treatments
-minimal side effects from the treatments
-wisdom for the doctors and caregivers
Thank you for praying!
See Also: Please Pray for Mother of PNG Missionary (Kathy Radcliffe).[Request from NMI Prayer Mobilization Line]
Prayer Request and Update on Dr. John Seaman
Prayer Requested – Today – For John Seaman. Please…Pray…Share…Pray Again!
Michigan District:
Update from Linda Seaman for John and family.
MRI – Thurs., Aug. 25, 2016 8:52 PM
“Last Friday morning, the children and I were gathered around his bed when I told John that he had been diagnosed with a malignant brain tumor. Suddenly, he began quoting an old poem he’d learned years ago:
“We may not know when we’ll go or where we’ll go from this familiar scene, but Christ is here and Christ is there and all the way between; and though we go from all we know to some dim, vast unknown, though late we stay or soon we go,we shall not go alone!”
It was not exactly what we were expecting his reaction to be, but we should have known! He has lived his life with this assurance, and it is clearly unwavering even in these unexpected circumstances.
The world over, the Seamans have touched and impacted the lives of thousands. Here they are with the Bennetts, medical missionaries to Papua New Guinea.
We met with the neuro-oncologist and neurosurgeon today. We are returning at 6 am for another MRI, and surgery is scheduled for Wednesday of next week. Because it appears this tumor originated in the brain, there is no way to determine what this “mass,” as the neuro-surgeon called it, is until they remove it and test it. At the end of our appointment with Dr. Harvey-Jumper, John quoted the poem again, then prayed for the doctor and his nurse-practitioner. Of course, he did.
We ended our morning sensing that we needed to ask you to pray tonight for a miracle.
Our prayer is that the MRI tomorrow will be clear with no sign of any abnormalities. I originally suggested that we should pray that it shows “nothing,” but John didn’t think that sounded right! Thankfully, his sense of humor remains intact! Will you join us tonight in praying for that very specific miracle?
“I have spent more hours than I can remember, flying over waters and jungles with John Seaman in our mission aircraft. I have seen him in this posture so many times. Let’s now prayer with fervency for John and the family!” – Todd Aebischer, Former Nazarene Mission Air Pilot.
We have always said that we want what God wants, and that has not changed. From our viewpoint, though, the world is a better place with John Seaman in it, and it is our deepest desire that God heal and restore him completely…for our sakes and for the sake of the Kingdom for which he has lived his life so joyfully and wholeheartedly.
We are overwhelmed by your love and fervent prayers and know for a certainty that whatever lies ahead, “we shall not go alone!”
-Linda for John and the family”
John was elected superintendent of the Michigan District in 2003. Prior to serving as district superintendent, he and his wife, Linda, served as missionaries to Martinique and Côte d’Ivoire from 1976 to 2003.
Please visit the Michigan District Facebook Page for more updates.
Prayer Requested for Former Thai District Superintendent Sawat Hahom ***Update 1 Feb. 2017**
Prayer requested for Former Thai District Superintendent Sawat Hahom **Update 1 Feb. 2017**
Thailand: An urgent prayer request was received from the daughter of former Thai District Superintendent (DS) Sawat Hahom. Pastor Sawat was hospitalized on January 29th with fluid on the lungs and kidney complications. Later in the evening he suffered a heart attack and is now in the Intensive Care Unit. Please commit to pray for Pastor Sawat and his family.
***Update 1 Feb 2017 8:30am***
The family of former DS Sawat would like to thank everyone for praying, they could see the power of your prayers when his heart stopped beating yesterday and they were able to restart it using the defibrillator.
Praise God his blood pressure and oxygen levels have stabilized!
Please continue to pray for healing and for the family as they witness to others through this difficult time.
***Update 1 Feb 2017 8:30pm***
We received word that former DS Sawat suffered another heart attack this evening. They were not successful in their efforts to restart his heart, and at 6:55 Thailand time, he passed away surrounded by family as well as DS Tanongsask and Pastor Panom.
Please continue to lift the family in prayer.
Prayers Needed for Team Member in Australia

Prayers Needed for Team Member in Australia
Sydney, Australia:
Please pray for Rev. Diler Barazinch of the Australia Southern District, who was taken to Auburn Hospital in Sydney on 1 February 2017, after experiencing a heart attack. It has been reported that they have found previous heart damage and he will be undergoing an angiogram to assess the extent of the damage.
Your prayers are also appreciated for his wife Akeela and their two children, Helena and Zachariah, as they are concerned and doing what they can to support him. Diler is said to be comfortable and confident of God’s care, His providence and grace.
Please pray for peace and wisdom for Diler and Akeela and the children, as well as the Doctors and staff as they assess the damage and work together on a plan to repair the damage.

You read it right: WMC News is not only available in English, we now have a Korean and a Spanish version too! And not just subtitles, but in those languages!
Here are the headlines for this week's videos:
  • Half-a-million books donated
  • New Church 
  • Headline to Human
  • WMC News in Korean and Spanish

We are working on fine tuning the process with the different language formats as well as shortening them some in the next editions!

Yogyakarta, Indonesia: "Compassion is the church in action"- this was the focus of the recently held disaster preparedness conference hosted by the Sealands Field, in conjunction with Asia-Pacific Nazarene Compassionate Ministries (NCM.)
Each day of the conference had its own theme, all anchored to the conference's focus. Over 220 participants attended and were blessed with several speakers sharing their expertise on the subject matter. Inspiring messages were also imparted, and a lively worship service ended each day's activities.
One of the anticipated outcomes of this conference was not only to raise awareness for the need to be prepared, but to also create an opportunity for God to speak into the hearts of the participants.

A-P Region: Here on the Asia-Pacific Region we are continually seeking God's direction and leading for maximum kingdom impact. That leading can sometimes mean a change of ministries and or locations for individuals. The focus and ministry collectively and individually does not stop, it simply changes. Those changes can have significant impacts, but overall we each continue to keep our focus on God's direction and leading.
Keeping this in mind, we would like to make you aware of the following ministry changes that will be coming up in the next few months.
Get to know the new members joining us on the Region and fellow Nazarenes who have followed God's call to other parts of the globe. We continue to pray for them as the Lord leads them in making Christlike disciples!
Moving MinistriesHere on the Asia-Pacific Region we are continually seeking God’s direction and leading for maximum kingdom impact. That leading can sometimes mean a change of ministries and or locations for individuals. The focus and ministry collectively and individually does not stop, it simply changes. Those changes can have significant impacts, but overall we each continue to keep our focus on God’s direction and leading.
Keeping this in mind, we would like to make you aware of the following ministry changes that will be coming up in the next few months.
Luke and Molly Cole have arrived in Singapore! Molly will be serving at the Regional Office, assisting with personnel and mobilization, while Luke will be serving as the Church Plant Facilitator, coaching and training to further the development and expansion of the Church of the Nazarene.
Eun Yup (John) Kim has accepted the position of Regional Discipleship (SDMI) Coordinator for the next quadrennium. Rev. Kim is the Senior Pastor at Tree Planted by the Water Church of the Nazarene in South Korea. We want to thank the Tree Planted by the Water Church for agreeing to share their Senior Pastor with the Region.
We welcome Rev. Kim, Luke and Molly to the A-P Region Leadership Team and encourage you to pray for each of them during these months of transition, and new ministry opportunities.
While we are excited for these new additions to the A-P team, we have additional changes that are taking place on the Region.
Collin and Shireen Elliot have been called back to the Africa Region. Collin has been serving the A-P Region as the New Initiatives Coordinator (Church Planting, Evangelism and Church Growth), and Shireen has embraced the role of Women’s Clergy Coordinator.
Grant and Aisling Zweigle will be transitioning to a position in the USA. Grant has been serving as the Dean of Students at Asia-Pacific Nazarene Theological Seminary (APNTS) and most recently has also been the Regional Discipleship (SDMI) Coordinator. Aisling came to us as a ‘365 M’ student in a Cross Cultural Ministry program with Nazarene Theological Seminary (NTS). This program brought her to the Region to work and study in the area of Holistic Child Development. Aisling has accepted a Children’s Pastor assignment in Nampa, Idaho, which necessitates Grant also leaving.
While we are sad to see these couples leave our Regional team, we know that God was in the process and that they are simply responding in obedience to His leading. It is therefore with our blessings that we release these two wonderful couples into the hands of the Father who knows the plans that He has for them.
They will be concluding their respective assignments for the Region following the close of the General Assembly.
Please be sure to pray for them as they prepare to transition to their new assignments and residences.

Myanmar: Work and Witness doesn't just mean international teams going to international locations... in Myanmar, it means serving right in country!
This time, 12 volunteers are helping to finish a church building in Tongkhwaha and the church parsonage in Minlah. These 12 individuals have sacrificed their time and traveled many miles to assist these two churches right in their own country.
What great privilege it is to serve God by helping your own countrymen! Read the story for ways that you can pray for this ministry.

Malaysia: Dynamic Language Centre is accepting applications for full-time language teachers in their English language center in Penang, Malaysia.
The newly renovated center has been in operation for over 15 years. While they teach many languages, children's and adult English are their main focus.
If you are an experienced children's teacher, enjoy a wide mix of cultures from Asia, the Middle East, and North Africa, and are looking for a rewarding career- we have an opportunity for you!

Global: Nazarene Youth International recently launched the Timothy Award Recipient Database, an online directory of the more than 650 deserving individuals who have received a Timothy Award in the past 22 years.
Established in 1995, the Timothy Award is presented to youth workers, volunteers, pastors, camp directors, Bible Quizzing coaches, district superintendents, professors, and others who demonstrate personal commitment to youth through service and sacrifice.
Learn more about the database and who are on the list! It might be someone you know! Also, find out how you can submit an application!.
Click here for more details!
Links You Might Like! (More coming weekly)

Selected Nazarene Resources

Asia-Pacific Regional Communications
Ortigas Av Ext
Kaytikling, Taytay, Rizal, Manila 1920 Philippines

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