Sunday, February 19, 2017

Around The Region from The Asia Pacific Region of The Global Church of the Nazarene Kaytikling, Taytay, Rizal, Manila 1920 Philippines... Short-Term Mission Opportunities in PNG, New Churches in Myanmar and Highlands, Strategic Project in Creative Access Area - Partners Needed, Compassionate Ministries Summit - This Week! Prayer Requests, Praises and MUCH MORE!!! Volume 5, Issue 7 for Saturday, February 18, 2017

Around The Region from The Asia Pacific Region of The Global Church of the Nazarene Kaytikling, Taytay, Rizal, Manila 1920 Philippines... Short-Term Mission Opportunities in PNG, New Churches in Myanmar and Highlands, Strategic Project in Creative Access Area - Partners Needed, Compassionate Ministries Summit - This Week! Prayer Requests, Praises and MUCH MORE!!! Volume 5, Issue 7 for Saturday, February 18, 2017

Join Us In Prayer For The Asia-Pacific Region
**PRAYER REQUEST UPDATE for the parents of Dr. Jim and Kathy Radcliffe

Update on the Radcliffes’ Prayer Requests – Please Continue to Pray!
Papua New Guinea: A few weeks ago, we received prayer requests from Jim & Kathy Radcliffe.
Jim’s father, David, and Kathy’s mother, Garnet Beam, are both undergoing chemotherapy.Read: Prayer Requested for Father of Missionary Doctor Also : Please Pray for Mother of PNG Missionary
We received this most recent update from Jim:
“We are leaving Feb. 14 to go back to see our folks.
Kathy’s mom, Garnet, is recovering from her first chemo treatment side effects. Her next treatment date is Feb. 22. She remains in good spirits and hopes to attend church this Sunday.
Rev. David Radcliffe has needed to be hospitalized with possible pneumonia and other complications of his cancer and treatments and for his weakened condition. He is still being evaluated there in Mount Vernon.
Thanks for continued prayers.”
Your prayers mean so much to the Beams and Radcliffes. May God’s healing hand touch Garnet & Rev. David, and may the families recognize the peace and comfort from the Lord during these challenging times.
Regional Prayer Requests Page
Prayer Request and Update on Dr. John Seaman

Partnerships Transform Dental Health in Highlands of Papua New Guinea - Now New Opportunities await for Short-term Dentist Volunteer! Is God Calling You or Someone You Know?

Kudjip Nazarene Hospital, Papua New Guinea: "Though one may be overpowered, two can defend themselves. A cord of three strands is not quickly broken!" (Ecclesiastes 4:12 - NIV).
This is the story of partnerships! Working together, we can accomplish so much more than working alone. Samaritan's Purse World Medical Mission (SP/WMM) has been one of these incredible partners that has made immeasurable impact in cooperation with Kudjip Nazarene Hospital!

Dr. Lia and her Team Emelda and
Clara Samaritan's Purse - World Medical Mission has been the main source of volunteer doctors who have come and served in the Highlands at Kudjip. To-Date, they have supplied two family practice doctors, one surgeon and one dentist through their Post Residency Program, with another surgeon and Family Practice doctor coming in 2017.
Thanks to the help of Samaritan's Purse, Kudjip Nazarene Hospital now has a State-of-the-Art Dental facility. Our dentist, Dr. Sheena Lia has been working for two years and the reputation of the dental care offered at Nazarene Hospital is truly sweeping the Highlands!
Learn more about this incredible ministry and the need now for short-term volunteer dentists to cover for Dr. Lia while she takes a much-deserved home assignment!

Partnerships Transform Dental Care in Highlands…And Partner Short-term Dentists are Now Needed!
Kudjip Hospital, Papua New Guinea: “Though one may be overpowered, two can defend themselves. A cord of three strands is not quickly broken!” (Ecclesiastes 4:12 – NIV).
This is the story of partnerships! Working together, we can accomplish so much more than working alone. Samaritan’s Purse World Medical Mission (SP/WMM) has been one of these incredible partners that has made immeasurable impact in cooperation with Kudjip Nazarene Hospital!
Samaritan’s Purse – World Medical Mission has been the main source of volunteer doctors who have come and served in the Highlands at Kudjip. To-Date, they have supplied two family practice doctors, one surgeon and one dentist through their Post Residency Program, with another surgeon and Family Practice doctor coming in 2017.
But, beyond supplying doctors, SP/WMM have been big supporters through providing equipment to Kudjip Nazarene Hospital, allowing the ministry to operate more effectively. Not only have they supplied surgery equipment, to include better anesthesia machines, lights, instruments and more, but they have also been a huge help in establishing the dental clinic.
Two years ago the dental clinic opened with a mismatch of equipment that worked, but not without much effort on the part of our dentist, Dr. Sheena Li. Instruments and equipment broke regularly, supplies were hard to find and despite all of that, Dr. Li has still been able to care for 100s of patients over the past two years.
Now, thanks again to the generosity of SP/WMM we have a new state-of-the-art dental clinic. Dr. Li has been able to transform dental care in the Highlands of Papua New Guinea just by being here and caring for the patients, in a Christ-honoring way. Patients from all over the Highlands and beyond come to Kudjip to get dental care, the word has gotten out and they are coming.
As the ministry has developed, the work has truly become too much for Dr. Li alone. Over the past two years she has been training two dental assistants, Emelda and Clara, in the areas of cleaning, dental assisting, fabricating dentures, x-ray technology and more. It has been great to watch these women grow in their dental skills and work together to serve the patients who come.
More Help Though is Needed!
Dr. Li will soon be heading out on Home Assignment in June of 2017. There is an urgent need for someone to help fill her void. Nazarene Health Ministries is seeking PNG dentists for Dr. Li to start training, but there is also a need for some experienced dentists to come and help oversee the dental clinic while she is gone.
Perhaps you are a dentist and looking to pursue a short-term volunteer missions assignment, using your gifts and passions for God’s purpose? Or maybe you have a friend or family member who is a dentist? Please pray for this need and share the word!
For more information, please complete the below form and one of our volunteer personnel coordinators will be getting in touch with you!
Dentists Are Needed - Is God Calling You?
Follow the link for more details!

Three Years and Growing Fast!
Preaching Point in Jimi Valley - Papua New Guinea: Rev. Steven and his wife Kakil have been working really hard on the development of the Jimi Kome Preaching Point. Although it is still a relatively young mission church, God has been answering the prayers of many and they are getting ready to construct a permanent church structure this year with 72 members.
3 Years Old and Growing Fast!

Pastor Steven and his wife with church members digging out the area where the permanent church building will be.
Highlands, Papua New Guinea: Rev. Steven and his wife Kakil have been working really hard on the development of the Jimi Kome Preaching Point. Although it is still a relatively young mission church, God has been answering the prayers of many and they are getting ready to construct a permanent church structure this year with 72 members.

Working on the pastor’s house
Not only are the members excited, but the whole community has seen what God is doing in and through this preaching point and they are excited as well.
Members worked on the house for the pastor and his wife and as you can see, they have completed that project. God receives all the praise for what He is doing in and through this pastor and preaching point, bringing the gospel to more people and changing lives!

  • Please continue to pray for Pastor Steven and his wife Kakil and the work they have been called to. Pray for safety and also for the spread of the gospel in this area of the highlands.

[Photos and story submitted by DS Kamda Kanzpena]
Click here to be encouraged at how God is growing the Church in the Highlands!

Going Beyond Borders & Bariers - Urgent Need for Partners in Strategic Land Acquisition!
Asia-Pacific Region:
An urgent need has arisen in a restricted access area for partners to help with the continuation of a very strategic project.
Funds are being raised to secure a 20-year land lease allowing us to keep an established work alive in a poor rural area. Security reasons don't allow a description of how this land is to be used other than to say full-time activities are occurring there now by a dedicated man and wife who have a tremendous vision to connect with and train young people. If sufficient funds are not immediately raised, all the improvements placed on this location through a short-term temporary lease will be lost.
Please visit the below link to see how you, your Church, or small group could join in the Kingdom impact in this Restricted Access Area.
Click here to make a difference today!

Church Family Growing - New Church Organized in Myanmar!
Tahan Zone, Myanmar:
A great celebration was held on Sunday, February 12th, as another church was organized in Myanmar.
The Gosen Church of the Nazarene, is located 9 miles outside of Kalaymyo in a location considered to be the gateway to Chin state and India.
The church is a house church, located in the residence of a Burmese widow, and is being led by pastor Pi. Lalkhumi. Pastor Lalkhumi is currently enrolled in the course of study leading to ordination, as administered by Southeast Asia Nazarene Bible College (SEANBC).
"We are hoping to reach our neighbors who have not yet received the good news of Jesus," said Pastor Lalkhumi.
Church Family Growing – New Church in Myanmar!
Tahan Zone, Myanmar: A great celebration was held on Sunday, February 12th, as another church was organized in Myanmar. The Gosen Church of the Nazarene, is located 9 miles outside of Kalaymyo in a location considered to be the gateway to Chin state and India.
Rev. Ro Ding Liana, the Tahan Zone Coordinator, officiated the ceremony for the Burmese-speaking church of ten adults and children. The church is a house church, located in the residence of a Burmese widow, and is being led by pastor Pi. Lalkhumi. Pastor Lalkhumi is currently enrolled in the course of study leading to ordination, as administered by Southeast Asia Nazarene Bible College (SEANBC).
“We discussed about more church planting programs and making disciples more and more,” shared Rev. Liana. “Today we sensed the power of the Holy Spirit touching every one of us as we sang and prayed together.”
“We are hoping to reach our neighbors who have not yet received the good news of Jesus,” said Pastor Lalkhumi.
Rev. Ro Ding Liana
Please commit to pray for the ongoing work in Myanmar; for the protection of the church leaders; and for the continued movement of the Holy Spirit! God is truly at work in this southeast Asia nation![Submitted: Rev. Ro Ding Liana]
Follow this link for more information on this new church!

Discipling the Broken: A compassionate Ministries Summit!

Philippines: You are invited to the upcoming Nazarene Compassionate Ministries (NCM) Summits.
The summits will focus on children at risk, disaster management and anti-human trafficking. There will be plenaries, workshops, worship services, small group discussions and action planning.
The summits aim to achieve a two-fold goal:

  • To provide an opportunity for church leaders, workers, higher educational institution leaders, and students to interact, discuss and find ways to collaborate in reaching out and discipling those who are impacted by injustices and disaster.
  • To equip and mobilize the church for strategic action regarding works of justice and compassionate ministries.
  • Don't miss the opportunity for fellowship and learning! Only 100 slots per venue are available, so register now!
Click on the links below for more questions and how to register:
Follow this Link for more information and for Registration!

Hiring English Teachers for Malaysia- INQUIRE NOW!
Dynamic Language Centre is accepting applications for full-time language teachers in their English language center in Penang, Malaysia.
The newly renovated center has been in operation for over 15 years. While they teach many languages, children's and adult English are their main focus.
If you are an experienced children's teacher, enjoy a wide mix of cultures from Asia, the Middle East, and North Africa, and are looking for a rewarding career- we have an opportunity for you!
Follow the link and see the qualifications, and how you can submit your application!

Nazarene World Week of Prayer Coming February 26th Thru March 4th!
Imagine the impact of thousands of Christians around the world praying for specific needs and praising God for answers!
Nazarene World Week of Prayer
Each day will be focused on specific Regions with specific prayer requests and praises from the countries on that Region.

The specific Region requests and praises are available here in English, Korean, Spanish, Portuguese, and French.
You will also see many other links to helpful resources and ideas of how to involve your church in this significant prayer week.
Please plan now to be involved in what God is doing across the globe in and through this week of prayer.

World Mission Communications News Videos -
Now in 3 Language Versions!

You read it right: WMC News is not only available in English, we now have a Korean and a Spanish version too! And not just subtitles, but in those languages!
Here are the headlines for this week's videos:
  • Half-a-million books donated
  • New Church 
  • Headline to Human
  • WMC News in Korean and Spanish

WMC News 127:나사렛 사람들의 50만권 책의 기부, 새로운 교회 개척, 난민사역, 그리고 한국어와 스페인어 WMC뉴스 런칭

WMC News 127: Books donated, New Church, Headline to Human, News in Korean and Spanish!

WMC News 127: Medio millón de libros donados, Nuevas Iglesias, de Noticias a la Acción, News en Coreano y Español We are working on fine tuning the process with the different language formats as well as shortening them some in the next editions!
Don't forget to share the links with friends and family! Enjoy and be blessed with these inspirational stories!
Links You Might Like! (More coming weekly)

Selected Nazarene Resources

Asia-Pacific Regional Communications, Ortigas Av Ext

Kaytikling, Taytay, Rizal, Manila 1920 Philippines

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