Thursday, February 16, 2017

Cal-Pac Note for Wednesday, 15 February 2017 from The California-Pacific Conference of The United Methodist Church in Pasadena, California, United States "Districts are on a roll with..."

Cal-Pac Note for Wednesday, 15 February 2017 from The California-Pacific Conference of The United Methodist Church in Pasadena, California, United States "Districts are on a roll with..."
Immigrant Welcoming Congregations Gathering and Training 2017 - A day of learning, strategizing, mutual sharing, and spiritual support as we seek to live out the Biblical call to welcome the sojourner.
Immigrant Welcoming Congregations Gathering and Training 2017

March 4, 2017 - 10:00 AM / 03:00 PM
Claremont United Methodist Church
For all churches engaged or interested in ministries with the immigrant community!
Please send a delegation of 3 to 5 persons from your church to join in a day of learning, strategizing, mutual sharing, and spiritual support as we seek to live out the Biblical call to welcome the sojourner and to be the church with and for our immigrant and refugee sisters and brothers.
Workshops include:
  • Church-based welcome centers
  • Cal-Pac Neighborhood Immigration Clinics
  • Legal issues
  • Developing a rapid response network
  • Ways of providing sanctuary
  • The Matthew 25 Movement
  • Legislative Action
  • Building multi-ethnic church partnerships
  • Biblical and theological foundations
Lunch is provided!
Please RSVP via the button below.RSVP ONLINE NOW DOWNLOAD FLYER
Building Blocks for Local Church Vitality (LSM) - Speakers include: Rev. Dr. Jaqui King, Rev. Garth Gilliam, Rev. David Palmer, Rev. Greg Norton, Rev. Dr. George C. Crisp
Building Blocks for Local Church Vitality (LSM)

February 25, 2017 - 08:15 AM / 04:00 PM
Claremont United Methodist Church
Cal Pac Annual Conference Lay Servant Ministries presents Building Blocks for Local Church Vitality.
The event, which is open to all clergy and laity, is designed to promote Lay Servant awareness and encourage Lay Servants and other Laity to explore ways to bring more vitality to their local churches through the use of prayer ministries, small group participation, inspirational music and better ways to deliver a message. Energize the church from within in preparation of taking Christ’s message into the world.
Speakers include:
  • Rev. Dr. Jaqui King, Director of Leadership for Congregational Vitality at Discipleship Ministries
  • Rev. Garth Gilliam
  • Rev. David Palmer
  • Rev. Greg Norton
  • Rev. Dr. George C. Crisp
"Love in Motion" Youth Eco-Justice Retreat 2017 - Experience God's love through action, learning, games, and working at the Community Roots Garden at North Oxnard UMC.
Love in Motion: Youth Eco-Justice Retreat 2017

April 21, 2017 -
North Oxnard UMC
Love in Motion is weekend of connecting with God, neighbor, and soil through service, community building, and Eco-education.
Join us as we’ll explore the theme of God’s love and see that God’s love is manifested in action. The weekend will include getting out hands dirty working at the Community Roots Garden, cultivating our minds with environmental and theological knowledge, playing epic games, participating in passionate worship, making new friends and connections…the list goes on and on. Bring yourself, bring your friends, bring your youth group because this is going to be epic!!
Nominations Sought for Lay Persons of the Year 2017 - A congregation may make more than one nomination and the form may be completed by any lay person in the church.
Laity Council Seeking Nominations for Lay Persons of the Year 2017
In 1961, the Bishop Gerald Kennedy Award was established. It was to be given to a person or persons for distinguished service, selected by a committee appointed by the Bishop. After 1980 it was given to an outstanding Layman and Laywoman each year. In 2004 a third category was added to name an outstanding Lay Young Adult. In 2014 the category of Lay Youth was added. The award is now presented by the Laity Council to each recipient at their local church and acknowledged during the Annual Conference Session and recognized at the Laity Dinner.
Nominee must be an active member of the Congregation, Nominee should currently exemplify strong leadership skills within the congregation such as Bible study, training programs, local participation and should be an example of Christian stewardship. Nominee should be currently active in one or more community, evangelistic or outreach programs and/or be active on a Conference, District, Mission Area or ecumenical level through committee activity, Lay Servant Ministries, training program and/or seminars.
A congregation may make more than one nomination. The form may be completed by any lay person in the church and needs the endorsements of at least one other lay person and the Pastor.
Deadline for submission is March 1, 2017. Electronic submission is encouraged. Send to Roxana Topete , Administrative Assistant to Connectional Ministries, at Please send two copies.
District Events in February and March 2017:
Hawaii Britt Lectures - w/ Dr. Loyd Allen
Britt Lectures 2017

February 17, 2017 - 07:00 PM
First United Methodist Church of Honolulu
Join us for 2017 Britt Lectures with with Dr. Loyd Allen.This lecture series will explore the unity of
Christian spirituality in its diversity of historical and cultural expressions, with special attention to Hawaiian, Pacific Islander, and Asian spirituality.
  • Feb 17 at 7 PM: “Christian Spirituality in the Early Church: Our Common Roots”
  • Feb. 18 at 7 PM: “Wesleyan Spirituality: Its Latin, Western, Protestant, Pietist Roots”
  • Feb. 19 at 7 PM: “Hawaiian, Pacific Is-lander, Asian Spirituality: Wesleyan Spirituality in Fresh Forms”
  • Feb. 20 at 9 AM: “Spiritual Formation in Today’s Congregations: Fresh Expressions of Ancient Disciplines for Tomorrows Church”
Lectures are free and open to the public. Child care and sign language interpretation are available up-on request. For more information, call (808) 522-9555.
North District Leadership Training (San Luis Obispo) 2017
February 25, 2017 - 09:00 AM / 03:00 PM
San Luis Obispo UMC
How-To Workshop San Bernardino 2017 (East District)March 4, 2017 - 08:45 AM / 02:00 PM
Emmanuel United Methodist Church
Register today for Tools for Today ’s Churches: Memory, Mirror, Map & Magnifying Glass.
D.S. Rev. Jan Wiley will be the featured speaker.
This event is for local church leadership team including: Trustees, Staff-Parish, Finance, Lay Leaders. Classes include topics such as: grant writing, single board governance, communication, strategies mission, vision and purpose.
  • $15 Pre-Registration by February 27,2017
  • $20 Late-Registration and Day of Event
Registration includes snacks, lunch and materials. Register early as there are only 100 spaces available.
How-To-Workshop (Hawaii District) 2017
March 11, 2017 - 09:00 AM / 02:30 AM
Aiea Korean United Methodist Church
Register for How-to-Workshop with keynote speaker Bishop Grant Hagiya.
Training topics include: SPRC, Stewardship, Disaster Prevention, Lays Servant Gathering and Youth Ministry.
Registration deadline March 2, 2017.
REMEMBER: All key events and initiatives are always posted at
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Inspiring the world as passionate followers of Jesus Christ so all may experience God's life-giving love...
Copyright © 2017 The California-Pacific Annual Conference of the United Methodist Church, All rights reserved.
Our mailing address is:
The California-Pacific Annual Conference of the United Methodist Church
110 South Euclid Avenue
Pasadena, California 91101, United States
In Memoriam: Rev. Paulino Alfaro for Wednesday, 15 February 2017 from The California-Pacific Conference of The United Methodist Church in Pasadena, California, United States "Reverend Paulino Alfaro was a retired member of the California-Pacific Conference..."

In Memoriam: Rev. Paulino Alfaro
The Episcopal Office and The Board of Pension and Health Benefits
It is with sadness that we inform you of the death of Rev. Paulino Alfaro, a retired member of the California-Pacific Conference, on January 31, 2017.
He is survived by his children: Paul, Abel, Ana María and David.
A memorial service was previously held in Peru.
Condolences may be sent to:
Alfaro Family, c/o Ms. Gisella Alfaro
Av. Alameda de la Paz
268 dpto 201 Urb. El Remanso
La Molina Lima- Perú.
We give God thanks for brother Paulino. Let us keep the Alfaro family in our prayers.
Bishop Grant J. Hagiya
Los Angeles Episcopal Area
The United Methodist Church
Inspiring the world as passionate followers of Jesus Christ so all may experience God's life-giving love...
Copyright © 2017 The California-Pacific Annual Conference of the United Methodist Church, All rights reserved.
Our mailing address is:
The California-Pacific Annual Conference of the United Methodist Church
110 South Euclid Avenue
Pasadena, California 91101, United States

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