Deaf Devo from The Deaf Mission in Council Bluffs, Iowa, United States for Friday, 24 February 2017 "Be Ready" Bible Reading: Matthew 25:1-13
Matthew 25:1 “The Kingdom of Heaven at that time will be like ten bridesmaids who took their lamps and went out to meet the groom. 2 Five of them were foolish and five were sensible. 3 The foolish ones took lamps with them but no oil, 4 whereas the others took flasks of oil with their lamps. 5 Now the bridegroom was late, so they all went to sleep. 6 It was the middle of the night when the cry rang out, ‘The bridegroom is here! Go out to meet him!’ 7 The girls all woke up and prepared their lamps for lighting. 8 The foolish ones said to the sensible ones, ‘Give us some of your oil, because our lamps are going out.’ 9 ‘No,’ they replied, ‘there may not be enough for both you and us. Go to the oil dealers and buy some for yourselves.’ 10 But as they were going off to buy, the bridegroom came. Those who were ready went with him to the wedding feast, and the door was shut. 11 Later, the other bridesmaids came. ‘Sir! Sir!’ they cried, ‘Let us in!’ 12 But he answered, ‘Indeed! I tell you, I don’t know you!’ 13 So stay alert, because you know neither the day nor the hour.
The manager of a large business told his assistant, "I am going out of town. I will be gone for about five days. Here is a list of projects I want you to do while I am gone." The manager left town. The assistant looked at the list. He decided that he could do the things later. For three days, the assistant sent text messages to his friends and played games on the computer.
On the fourth day, the assistant decided to start working on the list of things to do. There was a lot of work to do, but he worked as hard as he could. Early on the fifth day the manager returned. He was very disappointed. His assistant had completed only half of the projects on his list.
That assistant is like the five girls in our Bible Reading. Both the assistant and the girls could have been ready. Instead, they chose to not obey.
Jesus wants all of us to be ready when He comes again. Make sure that you are prepared to meet Jesus![Jo Krueger]
"So always be ready. You don't know the day or the time when the Son of Man will come."[Matthew 25:13]
PRAYER: Dear God, help me to be ready for Jesus' return. In His name. Amen.
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Deaf Missions
The manager of a large business told his assistant, "I am going out of town. I will be gone for about five days. Here is a list of projects I want you to do while I am gone." The manager left town. The assistant looked at the list. He decided that he could do the things later. For three days, the assistant sent text messages to his friends and played games on the computer.
On the fourth day, the assistant decided to start working on the list of things to do. There was a lot of work to do, but he worked as hard as he could. Early on the fifth day the manager returned. He was very disappointed. His assistant had completed only half of the projects on his list.
That assistant is like the five girls in our Bible Reading. Both the assistant and the girls could have been ready. Instead, they chose to not obey.
Jesus wants all of us to be ready when He comes again. Make sure that you are prepared to meet Jesus![Jo Krueger]
"So always be ready. You don't know the day or the time when the Son of Man will come."[Matthew 25:13]
PRAYER: Dear God, help me to be ready for Jesus' return. In His name. Amen.
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Deaf Missions
21199 Greenview Road
Council Bluffs, Iowa 51503, United States
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