Friday, February 10, 2017

Do One Thing for School or Work for Friday, 10 February 2017 from The United Methodist Church Prays in Nashville, Tennessee, United States

Do One Thing for School or Work for Friday, 10 February 2017 from The United Methodist Church Prays in Nashville, Tennessee, United States

Do One Thing for Your School or Work
Suggestions from the UMC Prayer Community:

  • Eat lunch with someone who usually eats alone.
  • Say “hi” to three people you’ve never spoken to before.
  • Use some of your own money to buy some school supplies for kids whose families can’t afford them. (Any teacher or principal can make sure they go to someone who needs them.)
  • Pray for the people who keep your school or office or community clean and safe.
  • Continue to pray for the members of the Commission to find a Way Forward.
*Adapted from Pockets, (January-February 2017), page 21. All rights reserved. Use with permission.

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