Wednesday, February 8, 2017

March with us for Tuesday, 7 February 2017 from Rev. Dr. William Barber II at Auburn Theological Seminary in New York, New York, United States

March with us for Tuesday, 7 February 2017 from Rev. Dr. William Barber II at Auburn Theological Seminary in New York, New York, United States
I hope you can join me on February 11th for the 11th annual Moral March on Raleigh & HKonJ People's Assembly. This mass mobilization has happened every February since 2007. It is a time when the North Carolina NAACP and over 200 coalition partners come together with people from across the nation to show our unity and reaffirm our intersectional People's Agenda for North Carolina. This march is more important than ever.
We are focusing on our moral duty to stand against the repeal of the life-saving Affordable Care Act, the legislative tyranny of our extremist-led General Assembly, the racist and unconstitutional gerrymandering which undermines the vote of all North Carolinians, the anti-family, anti-worker, and anti-LGBTQ hate bill 2, and the extremism and lies of Trumpism , which undermine our Democracy at the federal and local level. Donald Trump and his administration have undermined our Democracy and democratic institutions by making regressive federal appointments and inviting white nationalists into the White House. They have demonized our immigrant and Muslim sisters and brothers by building a wall on our Mexican border, pushing through an Executive Order that effectively bans many refugees and Muslims from our country, and blaming Latinos for voter fraud that does not exist.
I know that the struggles that we face in our state are not unique. We have seen a rise in extremism across the nation. The Moral Movement here in North Carolina has national implications and we are encouraging people from around the country to join us. We are also seeing a rise in moral resistance. The Women's March showed us that the country is ready for a moral revolution of values. The Moral March on Raleigh on February 11th is essential to deepening this fight across the South.

There are several ways that you can support the Moral March on Raleigh.First and foremost, I hope that you and your leadership will join us on Saturday, February 11th. You can find more information about the time, location, and logistics by clicking here. We hope you will also share information about the Moral March on Raleigh with your members or organizational affiliates, particularly those in North Carolina. If you need more information or resources, you can email
You can also support the Moral March through social media. Click here to view the Moral March Digital Action Guide which provides several tools and describes a video campaign we are using to promote the Moral March across the country.
With deep gratitude,
Rev. Dr. William J. Barber, II
HKonJ Convener, NC NAACP President
Auburn Senior Fellow

475 Riverside Drive, Suite 1800
New York, New York 10115, United States

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