Wednesday, February 8, 2017

Perfected in Christ for Wednesday, 8 February 2017 from The United Methodist Church Prays in Nashville, Tennessee, United States

Perfected in Christ for Wednesday, 8 February 2017 from The United Methodist Church Prays in Nashville, Tennessee, United States

A Word from John Wesley
“[Christians] are not perfect in knowledge. They are not free from ignorance; no nor from mistake. We are no more to expect any living man to be infallible, than to be omniscient. They are not free from infirmities, such as weakness or slowness of understanding, irregular quickness or heaviness of imagination. Such, in another kind, are, impropriety of language, ungracefulness of pronunciation; to which one might add a thousand nameless defects, either in conversation or behavior. From such infirmities as these none are perfectly freed till their spirits return to God.”[John Wesley, The Character of a Methodist, ¶ 12.1]
A Hymn from Charles Wesley

1. Ah, Lord, with trembling I confess,
A gracious soul may fall from grace!
The salt may lose its seas’ning power,
And never, never find it more!
2. Lest that my fearful case should be,
Each moment knit my soul to thee,
And lead me to the mount above
Through the low vale of humble love.
(Collection-1781, #308)
Questions for Reflection:
  1. In John Wesley’s description of the character of a Methodist above, is there anything in the description that challenges or offends you?
  2. The John Wesley quote is to clarify that maturity or perfection in the love of God and neighbor is not an absolute perfection of a human being. The point of this week is related to the reading last week which said, “[A Methodist] cannot utter any unkind word of anyone; for love keeps the door of his lips. He cannot speak idle words; no corrupt conversation ever comes out of his mouth; as is all that is not good to the use of edifying, not fit to minister grace to the hearers.” Christian perfection in God is not human perfection. Do you know others who who desire to be perfected in Christ? Do you?
  3. What do you think Charles Wesley means when he writes:
“And lead me to the mount above
Through the low vale of humble love.”?
4. Can you think of someone who is, for you, an example of humble love?
O God of light, your searching Spirit reveals and illumines your presence in creation. Shine your radiant holiness into our lives, that we may offer our hands and hearts to your work; to heal and shelter, to feed and clothe, to break every yoke and silence evil tongues. Amen.

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