Monday, February 13, 2017

The Deaf Devo from The Deaf Missions in Council Bluffs, Iowa, United States "Being Brave" Bible Reading: Psalm 31:19-24 for Monday, 13 February 2017

The Deaf Devo from The Deaf Missions in Council Bluffs, Iowa, United States "Being BraveBible Reading: Psalm 31:19-24 for Monday, 13 February 2017
Psalm 31:19 (18) May lying lips be struck dumb,
that speak insolently against the righteous
with such pride and contempt.
20 (19) But oh, how great is your goodness,
which you have stored up for those who fear you,
which you do for those who take refuge in you,
before people’s very eyes!
21 (20) In the shelter of your presence
you hide them from human plots,
you conceal them in your shelter,
safe from contentious tongues.
22 (21) Blessed be Adonai!
For he has shown me his amazing grace
when I was in a city under siege.
23 (22) As for me, in my alarm I said,
“I have been cut off from your sight!”
Nevertheless, you heard my pleas
when I cried out to you.
24 (23) Love Adonai, you faithful of his.
Adonai preserves the loyal,
but the proud he repays in full.
My daughter was hoping to work in an emergency room. So she took the opportunity to follow an emergency nurse as she worked one day. 
A person who had a serious eye injury came to the emergency room. The staff asked my daughter to help treat the patient. It was a bad injury, and my daughter did not want to look at it. The nurse told her, "None of us here want to look at this bad injury. But if you want to work in an emergency room, you must be brave." 
Being brave is when something frightens you, but you do it anyway. God wants us to be brave and follow Him. Psalm 31:24 says, "Be strong and brave, all of you who are waiting for the Lord's help." We need to be brave as we stand up for God and face people who hate God and His Word. 
Be brave for God today. He will be with you. "The Lord protects those who are loyal to him" (verse 23b).[Barbara Rusiecki]
"I was afraid and said, 'I am in a place where he cannot see me.' But I prayed to you, and you heard my loud cries for help."[Psalm 31:22]

PRAYER: Father, please help me be brave as I share Your message with the world. In Jesus' name. Amen. 
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Deaf Missions
21199 Greenview Road
Council Bluffs, Iowa 51503, United States

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