Wednesday, February 8, 2017

The Deaf Devo from The Deaf Missions in Council Bluffs, Iowa, United States "Books of Poetry " Bible Reading: Ecclesiastes 12:9-14 for Thursday, 9 February 2017

The Deaf Devo from The Deaf Missions in Council Bluffs, Iowa, United States "Books of Poetry Bible Reading: Ecclesiastes 12:9-14 for Thursday, 9 February 2017
Ecclesiastes 12:9 Not only was Kohelet wise, he also taught the people what he knew; also he weighed, researched and corrected many ethical sayings. 10 Kohelet worked to develop an attractive writing style, in which he expressed the truth straightforwardly. 11 The sayings of the wise are as sharp as goads, and those given by leaders of assemblies are like well-fixed nails; [in this case,] they are presented by a single shepherd. 12 In addition, my son, take heed: one can write many books — there’s no end to it; and one can study so much that it wearies the flesh.
13 Here is the final conclusion, now that you have heard everything: fear God, and keep his mitzvot; this is what being human is all about. 14 For God will bring to judgment everything we do, including every secret, whether good or bad.
[Here is the final conclusion, now that you have heard everything: fear God, and keep his mitzvot; this is what being human is all about.]
The Old Testament books of Job through Song of Solomon are called books of poetry. Many parts of these books were written as Hebrew poetry. We do not know who wrote the book of Job, but it may have been written many years after Job lived. King David wrote many of the psalms in the book of Psalms. And David's son, King Solomon, wrote Proverbs, Ecclesiastes and Song of Solomon. 
Some people call these five books the "books of wisdom" because they contain some lessons that King David and King Solomon learned. One of these lessons is our Bible Reading for today. God blessed Solomon with many possessions. But Solomon learned that these things were not really important. In our Bible verses, Solomon said that the only important thing in life is to respect God and obey His commands. 
Solomon's lesson is good for us today. The most important thing we do should be to respect God and obey His commands.[Jo Krueger]
"The most important thing a 
person can do is to respect God 
and obey his commands."[Ecclesiastes 12:14a]

PRAYER: Dear God, I love and respect You. Help me to obey You. In Jesus' name. Amen. 
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Deaf Missions
21199 Greenview Road
Council Bluffs, Iowa 51503, United States

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